
Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#13605 new defect

Guest OS Window Disappears after Sleep in MacOS X Yosemite

Reported by: Kriston Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 4.3.18
Keywords: sleep crash hang Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Mac OS X


The guest OS Window Disappears on Sleep in MacOS X Yosemite. The sleeping behavior of the new Yosemite release may be causing this problem.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open a Windows 7 guest OS. 2) Put the window on a second monitor. 3) Close the Macbook lid to cause the MacOS to sleep. 4) Open the Macbook lid. 5) For a moment you will see no windows from any application, then most of them will pop back up. 6) VirtualBox Guest OS Window never reappears. 7) Clicking "Show" button in VirtualBox Manager does nothing.

Workaround: Use Remote Desktop to shutdown the OS and restart.

Please note that the length of time in sleep should be a long time. Merely closing and opening the MacBook lid for a few seconds will probably not trigger this behavior.

Guest OS is Windows 7 with all patches applied to the date of this writing.

Thank you.

Attachments (1) (39.8 KB ) - added by Kriston 10 years ago.

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Change History (5)

by Kriston, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by Kriston, 10 years ago

Reprinting steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a Windows 7 guest OS.
  2. Put the window on a second monitor.
  3. Close the Macbook lid to cause the MacOS to sleep.
  4. Open the Macbook lid.
  5. For a moment you will see no windows from any application, then most of them will pop back up.
  6. VirtualBox Guest OS Window never reappears.
  7. Clicking "Show" button in VirtualBox Manager does nothing.

comment:2 by Kriston, 10 years ago

I have just experienced this again but it was caused this time by unplugging the external monitor of a two-monitor system. The VirtualBox VM window was on the external monitor. Unplugging the monitor caused the VirtualBox VM window to disappear and never return.

comment:3 by Kriston, 10 years ago

The windows are terminated when the MacOS Finder crashes. Other applications, like Microsoft Outlook and Adium, will restore themselves automatically when this happens, but VirtualBox does not.

So, VirtualBox needs to take the appropriate steps to elegantly recover from a MacOS Finder abnormal termination and then correctly restore access to an already-running virtual machines.

Version 0, edited 10 years ago by Kriston (next)

comment:4 by Kriston, 10 years ago

This same behavior continues to happen on the new VirtualBox 4.3.20 release.

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