
Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#13580 reopened defect

The Instruction at 0x... referenced memory at 0x... The memory could not be read

Reported by: Frank Breitling Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 4.3.18
Keywords: Cc: frank.breitling@…
Guest type: Linux Host type: Windows


As of version 4.3.16 and 4.3.18 I cannot start my Ubuntu guest on Windows 7 64 Bit.

Instead I receive the Error message:

"Die Anweisung in 0x... verweist auf Speicher 0x.... Der Vorgan read konnte nicht im Speicher durchgeführt werden."

The English version according to Google should be:

"The Instruction at 0x... referenced memory at 0x... The memory could not be read."

Attachments (13)

VBox.log (2.5 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 10 years ago.
VBoxStartup.log (391.8 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 10 years ago.
VBox.2.log (2.5 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 9 years ago.
VBox.log of version 4.3.20
vbox_LOG.txt (57.7 KB ) - added by techzer 9 years ago.
VirtualBox5.0.0.dmp.7z (268.2 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 9 years ago.
VBoxSVC.log (8.6 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 9 years ago.
VBox.3.log (3.2 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 9 years ago.
VBoxStartup.2.log (346.4 KB ) - added by Frank Breitling 9 years ago.
Error.jpg (31.4 KB ) - added by Josef Murcek 8 years ago.
Error2.jpg (41.4 KB ) - added by Josef Murcek 8 years ago.
logs.7z (55.7 KB ) - added by Josef Murcek 8 years ago.
VirtualBox.7z (419.6 KB ) - added by Josef Murcek 8 years ago. (42.1 KB ) - added by Rishabhs13 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (47)

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

Without a VBox.log file we cannot help you.

comment:2 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

priority: blockermajor

by Frank Breitling, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added

comment:3 by Frank Breitling, 10 years ago

I have attached the VBox.log file, now. Does it help and can you help me now or do you need something else?

comment:4 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

Thanks. Could you also attach the VBoxStartup.log file? It should be located in the same folder.

by Frank Breitling, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBoxStartup.log added

comment:5 by Frank Breitling, 10 years ago

I have attached the VBoxStartup.log file, now. Does it help and can you help me now or do you need something else?

comment:6 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

I cannot spot any obvious problem in VBoxStartup.log. I think we need an application dump to debug your problem. Could you generate such a dump and send it to me at frank _dot_ mehnert _at_ oracle _dot_ com?

comment:7 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

Oh, of course, please try VBox 4.3.20 first. Just to make sure your problem wasn't fixed in the meantime.

comment:8 by Frank Breitling, 10 years ago

Ok, but how can I create an application dump?

comment:9 by Frank Breitling, 10 years ago

At least VirtualBox 4.3.20 is working again and doesn't show this error!

comment:10 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Then let's assume that this problem was fixed in the meantime :) Closing this ticket, please reopen if necessary.

comment:11 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Oh no, as of today the error is back again also in VirtualBox 4.3.20. So I can't start it anymore and it stopped working. A reboot didn't help. Unfortunately I can't say what exactly changed, since I haven't used Virtualbox for a few days. I remember there have been a few windows updates, but not much else.

comment:12 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBox.2.log added

VBox.log of version 4.3.20

comment:13 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

I have attached the VBox.log of 4.3.20. The VBoxStartup.log didn't change. Can you please help me?

comment:14 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

We need an application dump. See here, scroll down to the usermode crash dumps.

comment:15 by Mihai Hanor, 9 years ago

The wiki page needs updating or VirtualBox needs to do something differently, because WerFault exits with E_FAIL, without creating an application dump of the crashed (hardened) process.

comment:16 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

The description of the usermode crash dumps is very poor. I get the impression that I can only change the dump type and the default settings already create a crash dump.

But I can't find it. Where should I look for it?

The instructions are not very useful. Can you give me information what exactly should be done to obtain a crash dump?

comment:17 by pentagonik, 9 years ago

This link should explain how to create the required user-mode dumps: The "DumpFolder" value (needs to be created eventually) tells Windows in which folder it should put the created dumps.

by techzer, 9 years ago

Attachment: vbox_LOG.txt added


comment:18 by techzer, 9 years ago

I'm having the same error, and the virtual machine is closed.

my log attached

comment:19 by techzer, 9 years ago

the host is a windows 2008 R2 x64

the guest is a Fedora 20, 32bits

comment:20 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

The problem is still there in VirtualBox 4.3.18 and likely all later versions up to VirtualBox 5.0 which I just tested today. Too bad! So I have to continue using VirtualBox 4.3.14.

comment:21 by Mihai Hanor, 9 years ago

Using VirtualBox 5.0, trigger the crash without closing the crash message. Start Process Explorer as Administrator, right click the crashed VirtualBox process (the lowest in the VirtualBox process tree), select Create Dump -> Create Minidump and save it. Compress it, then attach it here, together with a Vbox.log file (if it has created one).

by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox5.0.0.dmp.7z added

by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBoxSVC.log added

by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBox.3.log added

by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBoxStartup.2.log added

comment:22 by Mihai Hanor, 9 years ago

fkbreitl, you're using very old ATI/AMD video drivers. The crash occurs in the AMD OpenGL driver. You need to update the video driver.

Last edited 9 years ago by Mihai Hanor (previous) (diff)

comment:23 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

Thank you mhanor for this hint. But why do you say its old? When I click on update drivers for my graphics card in the device manager Windows 7 says my drivers for my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 are up to date. So which drivers should I install?

comment:24 by Frank Breitling, 9 years ago

In fact after downloading the Catalyst Software Suite 13.9 from Oct 15 2013 from and installing / replacing my previous drivers from 2010 the error disappeared and I can now run VirtualBox 5.0.0 without this problem! Thank you very much for your help!

Let me conclude that at least this VirtualBox error message needs to be improved!

comment:25 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Actually the error message is generated by Windows, not the application. The crash happened most likely in the graphics driver function which is called by VirtualBox.

by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

Attachment: Error.jpg added

by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

Attachment: Error2.jpg added

comment:26 by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

I think that it's not completely fixed. I'm using VirtualBox 5.0.16 and I'm still getting this error all the time. VirtualBox let me create a new virtual machine, but when I tried to mount an ISO file, it will immediately crash with read memory access (see error.jpg). After clickin' on OK button, you will get another one (Error2.jpg). My colleague have the same problem, we are using Dell Precision laptops with integrated NVIDIA Quadro graphic cards (for example, I have a K3100M type). But my drivers are up-to-date (according to Dell update software) and 3D acceleration is turned off. Can you please look on this once more or tell me, what should I do for fixing it?

comment:27 by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:28 by Mihai Hanor, 8 years ago

Attach a VM log of a crashed session and a memory minidump of the crashed process (before closing the crash dialog, use Process Explorer to save it).

by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

Attachment: logs.7z added

by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox.7z added

comment:29 by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago


comment:30 by Mihai Hanor, 8 years ago

I have looked at the files. You should open a new issue, a dev will take a look. Your issue is completely different, not related to the issue that was investigated here. Don't forget to attach the minidump and the VM logs.

Last edited 8 years ago by Mihai Hanor (previous) (diff)

comment:31 by Josef Murcek, 8 years ago

Ok, I have created a new issue (

comment:32 by BenjaHex, 8 years ago

Wrote a comment at #14363 that also relate to your problem.

Version 0, edited 8 years ago by BenjaHex (next)

by Rishabhs13, 7 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:33 by Rishabhs13, 7 years ago


I am facing the sme issue with VirtualBox 4.3.2. I have attached log files (VBoxlog). Can someone please check and help?

Thanks, Rishabh

comment:34 by Mihai Hanor, 7 years ago

VirtualBox 4.3.20 is too old. Please try again with a supported version of VirtualBox, a current release such as 5.1.10 or 5.0.30. You will need to open a new ticket, it you still encounter the problem.

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