
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#13361 closed defect (obsolete)

Cant create OSX machine on MacBook Air

Reported by: Charles B. Mc Kennie Owned by:
Component: VMM Version: VirtualBox 4.3.14
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


Copied running OSX Mavericks 110.9.4 virtual machine from Apple iMac to A;pple MacBook Air, as advised by Started on the MBA the vm, went away, came back; the verbose virtual console has last text "hfs: mounted Mac-HD on device root_device". After approx. 5 minutes, powered of the vm. Troubleshooting reveals that on MBA cant even create an OSX vm.

Attached are logs from MBA and iMac of creating OSX vm; iMac powered off after Language Specify. Have Video Capture of the MBA creation attempt and iMac creation.


Attachments (9) (20.0 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
VBox.log for failure (20.0 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
current VBoxSVC.log
OSX-Tester.vbox (18.0 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
the .vbox file (20.4 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
the iMac's VBox.log for creation of OSX vm (483.1 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
Video Capture ScreenShots
VBoxSVC.log (1.9 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
VBoxSVC.log while VBox open
VBoxSVC clsd.log (3.8 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
VBoxSVC.log after VBox closed
VBox.log (98.4 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.
VBoxSVC.2.log (4.4 KB ) - added by Charles B. Mc Kennie 10 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (19)

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

VBox.log for failure

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

current VBoxSVC.log

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: OSX-Tester.vbox added

the .vbox file

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

the iMac's VBox.log for creation of OSX vm

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

Please could you stop compressing your log files? It's additional work to uncompress them.

Regarding the forum article: This is a suggestion from the forum moderators. It might work but there is no guarantee that it works. The official method to move a VM from one computer to another is to re-install VBox on the other computer and export+import the VM as I already mentioned in the other ticket.

Now regarding your actual problem: As your VM sees to at least come up on the new computer I would like to see a screenshot from the actual problem. The VBox.log (Air_VBox.log) file does not show any problem.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Replying to frank:

Now regarding your actual problem: As your VM sees to at least come up on the new computer I would like to see a screenshot from the actual problem. The VBox.log (Air_VBox.log) file does not show any problem.

How do I upload the Video Capture (.webm) file ?

Took ScreenShots while playing back the Video Capture:

Last edited 10 years ago by Charles B. Mc Kennie (previous) (diff)

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

Video Capture ScreenShots

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBoxSVC.log added

VBoxSVC.log while VBox open

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBoxSVC clsd.log added

VBoxSVC.log after VBox closed

comment:3 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Also fails under 4.3.16

Last line of virtual console: hfs: mounted OS X Base System on device root_device

comment:4 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Now 4.3.18 and still can not create an OS X VM on my MBA.

To Attach

  1. VBox.log
  2. VBoxSVC.log

by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added


by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBoxSVC.2.log added


comment:5 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

Also fails under Yosemite, OS X 10.10.0; same message is the stop-point

Last edited 10 years ago by Charles B. Mc Kennie (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 10 years ago

now 10.10.01 and VB v4.3.20 and no change

Still can NOT boot up an OS X image for installing on MacBook Air, while can on iMac

Last edited 10 years ago by Charles B. Mc Kennie (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 9 years ago

Now 10.10.2 Yosemite and VBox V4.3.22

Still can not create an OS X virtual machine on MBA

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by Charles B. Mc Kennie (next)

comment:8 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 9 years ago

Now 10.10.2 Yosemite and VBox V4.3.26-98988-

Still can not create an OS X virtual machine on MBA

comment:9 by Charles B. Mc Kennie, 9 years ago

Now 10.10.3 Yosemite and VBox V4.3.28

Still can not create an OS X virtual machine on MBA

comment:10 by aeichner, 4 years ago

Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed

macOS guest support has much improved in 6.1 and no activity for over 5 years, closing.

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