
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#11483 closed defect (fixed)

cannot start a VM with a lot of CPUs and RAM

Reported by: rogozin Owned by:
Component: VMM Version: VirtualBox 4.2.6
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Linux


All the details are in here:

Repeating the essentials: VM fails to start with this message: 00:00:02.048555 VMSetError: /home/vbox/vbox-4.2.6/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/VM.cpp(373) int VMR3Create(uint32_t, PCVMM2USERMETHODS, PFNVMATERROR, void*, PFNCFGMCONSTRUCTOR, void*, VM); rc=VERR_NO_MEMORY 00:00:02.048563 VMSetError: Memory allocation failed. 00:00:02.051779 ERROR [COM]: aRC=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) aIID={db7ab4ca-2a3f-4183-9243-c1208da92392} aComponent={Console} aText={Memory allocation failed. (VERR_NO_MEMORY)}, preserve=false

It seems to happen if the number of CPUs and the RAM combination hit some kind of limit (not the general RAM limit). In the above thread I have two logs: one with 18 CPUs which work and same with 20 CPUs which does not.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Klaus Espenlaub, 11 years ago

The free memory reported in VBox.log is just for sanity checking purposes, it's not an authoritative limit. Just FYI.

Your observed failure with 20 virtual CPUs appears to be a bug, that much is clear.

However I don't agree at all with your perception of "cannot fully utilize my hardware", at least not in the sense that a VM with 20 virtual cores would make sense on a host system which has 16 cores (don't mix this up with the number of threads due to HT). VirtualBox does not support reporting HT to the VM, and that means the absolutely maximum sane number of VCPUs is 16 in your case, and even that's stretching things since in the extreme case (all VCPUs executing guest code) the other activities of VirtualBox would be competing for resources.

comment:2 by rogozin, 11 years ago

Hi Klaus,

Thanks for the feedback! I do agree with you and will take the CPU number down. It does allow me to go much higher on the memory.

Interesting point about not reporting HT. Do I have any benefits from HT? Remember, I do have about 8 different VMs on that host.

Thanks, D.

comment:3 by Frank Mehnert, 11 years ago

Hyperthreads provide a benefit up to a certain point. Not for guests but for host processes and lightweight processes. Just treat a guest as very heavyweight process (the context switch between host and guest takes quite long). So HT might help to speed up all host processes including the VMM itself but never assign more CPUs to all your guests then the number of real CPU cores.

comment:4 by nik.markovic, 11 years ago

We get the same exact error with VBox 4.1.24 on our system. It is an AMD Opeteron 6176 (48 cores) with 256 GB of RAM, of which over 200GB are free and not cached.

Here's the output of top (added spaces for clarity) Mem: 264 532 288k total, 25 882 364k used, 238 649 924k free, 216 464k buffers

If we launch a machine with 8 cores and 32 GB RAM, it fails If we launch a machine with 4 cores and 32 GB RAM, it succeeds If we launch a machine with 8 cores and 24 GB RAM, it succeeds Note: 8 * 32 = 256. Could that be the bug? It's trying to calculate free RAM based on allocating requested RAM to each CPU?

Version 0, edited 11 years ago by nik.markovic (next)

comment:5 by Frank Mehnert, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.12.

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