Test VM - t-dos20 - PC-DOS 2.0 on a harddisk ============================================ Setup: - Create a default DOS VM 't-dos20', but restrict the disk size to 31MB. - Partition the disk with a single partition. - format C: /s - Install (copy?) the DOS files to C:\DOS - Copy DosSleep.exe and DosVmOff.com onto the disk. - Create config.sys if needed. - autoexec.bat (cannot test from test.bat, so all in one file): PATH C:\DOS;C:\ ECHO ON ECHO TESTING chkdsk C: >COM1 dossleep 1 C:\DOS\CHKDSK C: ECHO PASSED>COM1 ECHO Powering off VM in 5 seconds... DosSleep 1 DosSleep 1 DosSleep 1 DosSleep 1 DosSleep 1 - More tests can be added, if desired. If test failure can be detected, end with echoing 'FAILED' to COM1 instead of 'PASSED'.