VirtualBox Main API
IInternalMachineControl Member List

This is the complete list of members for IInternalMachineControl, including all inherited members.

authenticateExternal(in wstring[] authParams, out wstring result)IInternalMachineControl
beginPoweringDown(out IProgress progress)IInternalMachineControl
beginPowerUp(in IProgress progress)IInternalMachineControl
captureUSBDevice(in wstringUUID id, in wstring captureFilename)IInternalMachineControl
detachAllUSBDevices(in boolean done)IInternalMachineControl
detachUSBDevice(in wstringUUID id, in boolean done)IInternalMachineControl
ejectMedium(in IMediumAttachment attachment, [retval] out IMediumAttachment newAttachment)IInternalMachineControl
endPoweringDown(in long result, in wstring errMsg)IInternalMachineControl
endPowerUp(in long result)IInternalMachineControl
onSessionEnd(in ISession session, [retval] out IProgress progress)IInternalMachineControl
pullGuestProperties(out wstring[] names, out wstring[] values, out long long[] timestamps, out wstring[] flags)IInternalMachineControl
pushGuestProperty(in wstring name, in wstring value, in long long timestamp, in wstring flags, in boolean fWasDeleted)IInternalMachineControl
reportVmStatistics(in unsigned long validStats, in unsigned long cpuUser, in unsigned long cpuKernel, in unsigned long cpuIdle, in unsigned long memTotal, in unsigned long memFree, in unsigned long memBalloon, in unsigned long memShared, in unsigned long memCache, in unsigned long pagedTotal, in unsigned long memAllocTotal, in unsigned long memFreeTotal, in unsigned long memBalloonTotal, in unsigned long memSharedTotal, in unsigned long vmNetRx, in unsigned long vmNetTx)IInternalMachineControl
runUSBDeviceFilters(in IUSBDevice device, out boolean matched, out unsigned long maskedInterfaces)IInternalMachineControl
updateState(in MachineState state)IInternalMachineControl