[vbox-dev] Typos (?) in online user manual

Klaus Jantzen k.d.jantzen at mailbox.org
Fri Apr 24 14:12:12 GMT 2020


I would like to draw your attention to a section in the online user 
manual which seems to contain

several typos. I marked the differences in spelling by (<<<<).


      4.3.1. Manual Mounting

You can mount the shared folder from inside a VM, in the same way as you 
would mount an ordinary network share:


    In a Windows guest, shared folders are browseable and therefore
    visible in Windows Explorer. To attach the host's shared folder to
    your Windows guest, open Windows Explorer and look for the folder in
    *My Networking Place*s, *Entire Network*, *Oracle VM VirtualBox
    Shared Folders*. By right-clicking on a shared folder and selecting
    *Map Network Drive* from the menu that pops up, you can assign a
    drive letter to that shared folder.

    Alternatively, on the Windows command line, use the following command:

    net use x: \\vboxsvr\sharename

    While |vboxsvr| (<<<<) is a fixed name, note that |vboxsrv| (<<<<)
    would also work, replace /|x:|/ with the drive letter that you want
    to use for the share, and /|sharename|/ with the share name
    specified with *VBoxManage*.


    In a Linux guest, use the following command:

    mount -t vboxsf (<<<<) [-o OPTIONS] sharename mountpoint

    To mount a shared folder during boot, add the following entry to

    sharename   mountpoint   vboxsf (<<<<)  defaults  0   0


    In a Oracle Solaris guest, use the following command:

    mount -F vboxfs (<<<<) [-o OPTIONS] sharename mountpoint




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