[vbox-dev] Virtualbox 5.1.26 problem with kernel 4.4.76/79 and x86_64

James Moe jimoe at sohnen-moe.com
Sun Aug 13 23:37:41 GMT 2017

On 08/11/2017 08:52 AM, Larry Finger wrote:
> Just for my info, is there some reason you are not using the Leap 42.3 
> VirtualBox RPM's?
  If you mean the ones available through Yast::Software Management...
  Yes. Here is the error message when I tried to run "VirtualBox &" as a
normal user (not root).

----[ error message ]----
Effective UID is not root (euid=1000 egid=100 uid=1000 gid=100) (rc=-10)
Please try reinstalling VirtualBox.
where: SUPR3HardenedMain what: 2 VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED (-10) -
Permission denied.

VirtualBox: Tip! It may help to reinstall VirtualBox.
----[ end ]----

Running as root VBox does start. But without any of the guests
available; the guest data is in the user home.

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