[vbox-dev] [FIXED] for minor install error: Cannot create device /dev/vboxdrv with major 10 and minor 57u 58

Dâniel Fraga fragabr at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 18:10:55 GMT 2015

	I opened this ticket:


	And there's a simple fix.

	The solution is to change the following line
in /etc/init.d/vboxdrv:

MINOR=`sed -n 's;\([0-9]\+\) vboxdrv;\1;p' /proc/misc`

	and add a "$" at the end of "vboxdrv", so it doesn't get
confused by vboxdrvu returning 2 numbers:

MINOR=`sed -n 's;\([0-9]\+\) vboxdrv$;\1;p' /proc/misc`

	Can you implement this fix?


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