[vbox-dev] Updated French translation

Michael Thayer michael.thayer at oracle.com
Mon Feb 24 08:05:05 GMT 2014

Hello Jean-Philippe,

On 24/02/14 01:11, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
> I've not given any news for a while. But I go on following the workflow
> and here's a patch to update the French manual.
> http://manager.accelibreinfo.eu/patchvb.txt

Thank you, applied!

I am attaching a current difference between the trunk and the 4.3 
manual, and additionally a difference between current 4.3 and the last 
time you updated it.  If you would like the difference in some other 
form just tell me.


ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG   Michael Thayer
Werkstrasse 24                     VirtualBox engineering
71384 Weinstadt, Germany           mailto:michael.thayer at oracle.com

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher
-------------- next part --------------
diff -dur doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml	2014-01-29 10:32:20.130784654 +0100
+++ ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml	2014-02-13 12:11:40.592113480 +0100
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@
-      <title>Linux and Solaris hosts</title>
+      <title>Linux hosts</title>
       <para>When the webcam is detached from the host the emulated webcam device is
       automatically detached from the guest only if the webcam is streaming video.
@@ -2138,355 +2138,6 @@
       the default behavior, use</para>
       <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeMenus</screen>
-      <para>You can also disable (i.e. blacklist) certain menu actions of certain
-        menus. Use the following command to disable certain actions of the
-        <emphasis>Application</emphasis> menu (only available on Mac OS X hosts):</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeApplicationMenuActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen>
-      <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
-        following keywords:</para><glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>All</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show any menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>About</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>About</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>This is a per-VM setting. Any combination of the above is allowed. To restore
-      the default behavior, use</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeMenus</screen>
-      <para>Use the following command to disable certain actions of the <emphasis>Machine</emphasis>
-        menu:</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeApplicationMenuActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen>
-      <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
-        following keywords:</para><glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>All</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show any menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>SettingsDialog</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Settings</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>TakeSnapshot</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Take Snapshot</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>TakeScreenshot</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Take Screenshot</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>InformationDialog</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Session Information</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>MouseIntegration</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Disable Mouse Integration</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>TypeCAD</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Insert Ctrl+Alt+Del</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>TypeCABS</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Insert Ctrl+Alt+Backspace</emphasis> menu item in
-              this menu (available on X11 hosts only).</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Pause</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Pause</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Reset</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Reset</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>SaveState</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Save the machine state</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Shutdown</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>ACPI Shutdown</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>PowerOff</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Power Off the machine</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>This is a per-VM setting. Any combination of the above is allowed. To restore
-      the default behavior, use</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeApplicationMenuActions</screen>
-      <para>Use the following command to disable certain actions of the <emphasis>View</emphasis>
-        menu:</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeViewMenuActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen>
-      <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
-        following keywords:</para><glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>All</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show any menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Fullscreen</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Switch to Fullscreen</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Seamless</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Switch to Seamless Mode</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Scale</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Switch to Scaled Mode</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>GuestAutoresize</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Auto-resize Guest Display</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>AdjustWindow</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Adjust Window Size</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Multiscreen</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Multiscreen</emphasis> menu item in this menu (only visible in fullscreen/seamless mode).</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>This is a per-VM setting. Any combination of the above is allowed. To restore
-      the default behavior, use</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeViewMenuActions</screen>
-      <para>Use the following command to disable certain actions of the <emphasis>View</emphasis>
-        menu:</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeDevicesMenuActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen>
-      <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
-        following keywords to disable actions in the <emphasis>Devices</emphasis> menu:</para><glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>All</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show any menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>OpticalDevices</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>CD/DVD Devices</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>FloppyDevices</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>FLoppy Devices</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>USBDevices</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>USB Devices</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>SharedClipboard</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Shared Clipboard</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>DragAndDrop</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Drag'n'Drop</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>NetworkSettings</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Network Settings...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>SharedFoldersSettings</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Shared Folders Settings...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>VRDEServer</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Remove Display</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>InstallGuestTools</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Insert Guest Additions CD imnage...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>This is a per-VM setting. Any combination of the above is allowed. To restore
-      the default behavior, use</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeDevicesMenuActions</screen>
-      <para>Use the following command to disable certain actions of the <emphasis>View</emphasis>
-        menu:</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeDebuggerMenuActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen>
-      <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
-        following keywords to disable actions in the <emphasis>Debug</emphasis> menu (normally completely disabled):</para><glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>All</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show any menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Statistics</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Statistics...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>CommandLine</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Command Line...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Logging</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Logging...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>LogDialog</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Show Log...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>This is a per-VM setting. Any combination of the above is allowed. To restore
-      the default behavior, use</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeDebuggerMenuActions</screen>
-      <para>Use the following command to disable certain actions of the <emphasis>View</emphasis>
-        menu:</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeHelpMenuActions OPTION[,OPTION...]</screen>
-      <para>where <computeroutput>OPTION</computeroutput> is one of the
-        following keywords to disable actions in the <emphasis>Help</emphasis> menu (normally completely disabled):</para><glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>All</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show any menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Contents</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Contents...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>WebSite</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>VirtualBox Web Site...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>ResetWarnings</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Reset All Warnings</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>NetworkAccessManager</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Network Operations Manager</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>About</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>About</emphasis> menu item in this menu (only on non Mac OS X hosts).</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Contents</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Contents...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>Contents</computeroutput></glossterm>
-          <glossdef>
-            <para>Don't show the <emphasis>Contents...</emphasis> menu item in this menu.</para>
-          </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-      </glosslist>
-      <para>This is a per-VM setting. Any combination of the above is allowed. To restore
-      the default behavior, use</para>
-      <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/RestrictedRuntimeHelpMenuActions</screen>
@@ -3435,4 +3086,36 @@
+   <sect1 id="sse412passthrough">
+     <title>Experimental support for passing through SSE4.1 / SSE4.2 instructions</title>
+     <para>
+       To provide SSE 4.1 / SSE 4.2 support to guests, the host CPU has to
+       implement these instruction sets. Starting with VirtualBox 4.3.8 it is
+       possible to enable these instructions for certain guests using the
+       following commands:</para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/CPUM/SSE4.1 1
+VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/CPUM/SSE4.2 1</screen>
+     <para>
+       These are a per-VM settings and they are turned off by default.
+     </para>
+   </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="hidledssync">
+    <title>Support for keyboard indicators synchronization</title>
+    <para>
+      This feature makes the host keyboard lights match those of the virtual machine's virtual
+      keyboard when the machine window is selected. It is currently implemented for Mac OS X and
+      Windows hosts and available as of releases 4.2.24 and 4.3.8. The feature can be enabled using
+      the following command:
+    </para>
+    <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/HidLedsSync "1"</screen>
+    <para>
+      In order to disable it, use the same command but change "1" to "0", or use the VBoxManage
+      command to remove the extra data. This is a per-VM setting and it is disabled by default.
+    </para>
+  </sect1>
diff -dur doc/manual/en_US/user_GuestAdditions.xml ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_GuestAdditions.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_GuestAdditions.xml	2014-01-07 12:07:50.564808472 +0100
+++ ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_GuestAdditions.xml	2013-11-04 13:18:04.702823462 +0100
@@ -1079,14 +1079,6 @@
           <para>Currently only Linux and Solaris Guest Additions support
-        <listitem>
-          <para>For security reasons the guest OS is not allowed to create
-          symlinks by default. If you trust the guest OS to not abuse the
-          functionality, you can enable creation of symlinks for "sharename"
-          with:
-          <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/sharename 1</screen></para>
-        </listitem>
     <sect2 id="sf_mount_manual">
diff -dur doc/manual/en_US/user_Installation.xml ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_Installation.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_Installation.xml	2013-12-12 12:10:24.371210371 +0100
+++ ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_Installation.xml	2013-10-16 10:44:59.299988346 +0200
@@ -825,6 +825,11 @@
     <sect2 id="solaris-zones">
       <title>Configuring a zone for running VirtualBox</title>
+      <para>Starting with VirtualBox 1.6 it is possible to run VirtualBox from
+      within Solaris zones. For an introduction of Solaris zones, please refer
+      to <ulink
+      url="http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/features/articles/solaris_zones.jsp">http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/features/articles/solaris_zones.jsp</ulink>.</para>
       <para>Assuming that VirtualBox has already been installed into your
       zone, you need to give the zone access to VirtualBox's device node. This
       is done by performing the following steps. Start a root terminal and
@@ -832,9 +837,6 @@
       <screen>zonecfg -z vboxzone</screen>
-      <para>Replace "vboxzone" with the name of the zone in which you intend
-      to run VirtualBox.</para>
       <para>Inside the <computeroutput>zonecfg</computeroutput> prompt add the
       <computeroutput>device</computeroutput> resource and
       <computeroutput>match</computeroutput> properties to the zone. Here's
@@ -843,18 +845,19 @@
       <screen>zonecfg:vboxzone>add device
 zonecfg:vboxzone:device>set match=/dev/vboxdrv
-zonecfg:vboxzone>add device
-zonecfg:vboxzone:device>set match=/dev/vboxdrvu
-      <para>If you are running VirtualBox 2.2.0 or above on Solaris 11 or 
-      above, you may add a device for <computeroutput>/dev/vboxusbmon</computeroutput>
-      too, similar to what was shown above. This does not apply to Solaris 10
-      hosts due to lack of USB support.</para>
-      <para>Next reboot the zone using <computeroutput>zoneadm</computeroutput>
-      and you should be able to run VirtualBox from within the configured zone.</para>
+      <para>If you are running VirtualBox 2.2.0 or above on Solaris 11 or
+      Nevada hosts, you should add a device for
+      <computeroutput>/dev/vboxusbmon</computeroutput> too, similar to what
+      was shown above. This does not apply to Solaris 10 hosts due to lack of
+      USB support.</para>
+      <para>Replace "vboxzone" with the name of the zone in which you intend
+      to run VirtualBox. Next reboot the zone using
+      <computeroutput>zoneadm</computeroutput> and you should be able to run
+      VirtualBox from within the configured zone.</para>
diff -dur doc/manual/en_US/user_KnownIssues.xml ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_KnownIssues.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_KnownIssues.xml	2013-12-09 15:57:57.356519634 +0100
+++ ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_KnownIssues.xml	2013-10-16 10:44:59.291988347 +0200
@@ -247,12 +247,6 @@
                 snv_124 or higher. Webcams and other isochronous devices are known
                 to have poor performance.</para>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>Host Webcam passthrough is restricted to 640x480 frames at
-                20 frames per second due to limitations in the Solaris V4L2 API.
-                This may be addressed in a future Solaris release.</para>
-              </listitem>
                 <para>No ACPI information (battery status, power source) is
Only in doc/manual/en_US/: UserManual.asciidoc
Only in doc/manual/en_US/: user_Networking.xml~
diff -dur doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml	2014-02-12 09:41:42.498391647 +0100
+++ ../branches/VBox-4.3/doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml	2014-02-13 12:11:40.588113479 +0100
@@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@
                             [--add <ide/sata/scsi/floppy>]
                             [--controller <LsiLogic|LSILogicSAS|BusLogic|
-                            [--sataportcount <1-30>]
+                            [--portcount <1-30>]
                             [--hostiocache on|off]
                             [--bootable on|off]
@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@
-          <glossterm><computeroutput>--sataportcount</computeroutput></glossterm>
+          <glossterm><computeroutput>--portcount</computeroutput></glossterm>
             <para>This determines how many ports the SATA controller should
-------------- next part --------------
Index: doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml	(revision 90995)
+++ doc/manual/en_US/user_VBoxManage.xml	(working copy)
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
            when the network type is NAT
            (<computeroutput>keepnatmacs</computeroutput>). If you add
            <computeroutput>keepdisknames</computeroutput> all new disk images
-           are called like the original once, otherwise they are
+           are called like the original ones, otherwise they are
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@
            Automatically register the new clone in this VirtualBox
-           installation. If you manually want register the new VM later, see
+           installation. If you manually want to register the new VM later, see
            <xref linkend="vboxmanage-registervm" /> for instructions how to do
Index: doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml	(revision 90995)
+++ doc/manual/en_US/user_AdvancedTopics.xml	(working copy)
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
         Ubuntu, or simply restart the guest.</para></note>
         <note><para>vbox-greeter is independent of the graphical session chosen
-        by the user (like Gnome, KDE, Unity etc). However it requires FLTK 1.3
+        by the user (like Gnome, KDE, Unity etc). However, it requires FLTK 1.3
         for representing its own user interface.</para></note>
         <para>There are numerous guest properties which can be used to further
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@
                 <computeroutput>MaxPayloadTransferSize</computeroutput> How many bytes the emulated
                 webcam can send to the guest at a time. Default value is 3060 bytes, which is used by
                 some webcams. Higher values can slightly reduce CPU load, if the guest is able to use
-                larger buffers. However a high <computeroutput>MaxPayloadTransferSize</computeroutput>
+                larger buffers. However, a high <computeroutput>MaxPayloadTransferSize</computeroutput>
                 might be not supported by some guests.
@@ -3021,4 +3021,101 @@
     <para>Storage attachments can be reconfigured while the VM is paused afterwards using:</para>
     <screen>VBoxManage storageattach ...</screen>
+  <sect1 id="hostpowertweaks">
+    <title>Handling of host power management events</title>
+    <para>Some host power management events are handled by VirtualBox. The
+    actual behavior depends on the platform:</para>
+    <para>
+      <glosslist>
+        <glossentry>
+          <glossterm>Host Suspends</glossterm>
+           <glossdef>
+             <para>
+               This event is generated when the host is about to suspend, that is,
+               the host saves the state to some non-volatile storage and powers off.
+             </para>
+             <para>
+               This event is currently only handled on Windows hosts and Mac OS X hosts.
+               When this event is generated, VirtualBox will pause all running VMs.
+             </para>
+           </glossdef>
+         </glossentry>
+         <glossentry>
+           <glossterm>Host Resumes</glossterm>
+           <glossdef>
+             <para>
+               This event is generated when the host woke up from the suspended
+               state.
+             </para>
+             <para>
+               This event is currently only handled on Windows hosts and Mac OS X hosts.
+               When this event is generated, VirtualBox will resume all VMs which
+               are where paused before.
+             </para>
+           </glossdef>
+         </glossentry>
+         <glossentry>
+           <glossterm>Battery Low</glossterm>
+           <glossdef>
+             <para>
+               The battery level reached a critical level (usually less than 5
+               percent charged).
+             </para>
+             <para>
+               This event is currently only handled on Windows hosts and Mac OS X hosts.
+               When this event is generated, VirtualBox will save the state and
+               terminate all VMs in preperation of a potential host powerdown.
+             </para>
+             <para>The behavior can be configured. By executing the following command,
+             no VM is saved:</para>
+             <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global "VBoxInternal2/SavestateOnBatteryLow" 0</screen>
+             <para>This is a global setting as well as a per-VM setting. The per-VM
+               value has higher precedence than the global value. The following command
+               will save the state of all VMs but will not save the state of VM "foo":</para>
+             <screen>VBoxManage setextradata global "VBoxInternal2/SavestateOnBatteryLow" 1
+VBoxManage setextradata "foo" "VBoxInternal2/SavestateOnBatteryLow" 0</screen>
+             <para>The first line is actually not required as by default the savestate
+             action is performed.</para>
+           </glossdef>
+         </glossentry>
+       </glosslist>
+     </para>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="sse412passthrough">
+     <title>Experimental support for passing through SSE4.1 / SSE4.2 instructions</title>
+     <para>
+       To provide SSE 4.1 / SSE 4.2 support to guests, the host CPU has to
+       implement these instruction sets. Starting with VirtualBox 4.3.8 it is
+       possible to enable these instructions for certain guests using the
+       following commands:</para><screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/CPUM/SSE4.1 1
+VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" VBoxInternal/CPUM/SSE4.2 1</screen>
+     <para>
+       These are a per-VM settings and they are turned off by default.
+     </para>
+   </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="hidledssync">
+    <title>Support for keyboard indicators synchronization</title>
+    <para>
+      This feature makes the host keyboard lights match those of the virtual machine's virtual
+      keyboard when the machine window is selected. It is currently implemented for Mac OS X and
+      Windows hosts and available as of releases 4.2.24 and 4.3.8. The feature can be enabled using
+      the following command:
+    </para>
+    <screen>VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" GUI/HidLedsSync "1"</screen>
+    <para>
+      In order to disable it, use the same command but change "1" to "0", or use the VBoxManage
+      command to remove the extra data. This is a per-VM setting and it is disabled by default.
+    </para>
+  </sect1>
Index: doc/manual/en_US/SDKRef.xml
--- doc/manual/en_US/SDKRef.xml	(revision 90995)
+++ doc/manual/en_US/SDKRef.xml	(working copy)
@@ -1718,167 +1718,211 @@
       <sect2 id="cbinding">
-        <title>C binding to XPCOM API</title>
+        <title>C binding to VirtualBox API</title>
-        <note>
-          <para>This section currently applies to Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris
-          hosts only.</para>
-        </note>
+        <para>The VirtualBox API originally is designed as object oriented,
+        using XPCOM or COM as the middleware, which translates natively to C++.
+        This means that in order to use it from C there needs to be some
+        helper code to bridge the language differences and reduce the
+        differences between platforms.</para>
-        <para>Starting with version 2.2, VirtualBox offers a C binding for the
-        XPCOM API.</para>
+        <sect3 id="capi_glue">
+          <title>Cross-platform C binding to VirtualBox API</title>
-        <para>The C binding provides a layer enabling object creation, method
-        invocation and attribute access from C.</para>
+            <para>Starting with version 4.3, VirtualBox offers a C binding
+            which allows using the same C client sources for all platforms,
+            covering Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris. It is the
+            preferred way to write API clients, even though the old style
+            is still available.</para>
+        </sect3>
         <sect3 id="c-gettingstarted">
           <title>Getting started</title>
-          <para>The following sections describe how to use the C binding in a
-          C program.</para>
+          <para>The following sections describe how to use the VirtualBox API
+          in a C program. The necessary files are included in the SDK, in the
+          directories <computeroutput>sdk/bindings/c/include</computeroutput>
+          and <computeroutput>sdk/bindings/c/glue</computeroutput>.</para>
-          <para>As part of the SDK, a sample program is provided which
-          demonstrates using the C binding to initialize XPCOM, get handles for
+          <para>As part of the SDK, a sample program
+          <computeroutput>tstCAPIGlue.c</computeroutput> is provided in the
+          directory <computeroutput>sdk/bindings/c/samples</computeroutput>
+          which demonstrates
+          using the C binding to initialize the API, get handles for
           VirtualBox and Session objects, make calls to list and start virtual
           machines, monitor events, and uninitialize resources when done. The
-          program uses the VBoxGlue library to open the C binding layer during
-          runtime.</para>
+          sample program is trying to illustrate all relevant concepts, so it
+          is a great source of detail information. Among many other generally
+          useful code sequences it contains a function which shows how to
+          retrieve error details in C code if they are available from the API
+          call.</para>
-          <para>The sample program
-          <computeroutput>tstXPCOMCGlue</computeroutput> is located in the bin
-          directory and can be run without arguments. It lists registered
-          machines on the host along with some additional information and ask
-          for a machine to start. The source for this program is available in
-          <computeroutput>sdk/bindings/xpcom/cbinding/samples/</computeroutput>
-          directory. The source for the VBoxGlue library is available in the
-          <computeroutput>sdk/bindings/xpcom/cbinding/</computeroutput>
-          directory.</para>
+          <para>The sample program <computeroutput>tstCAPIGlue</computeroutput>
+          can be built using the provided <computeroutput>Makefile</computeroutput>
+          and can be run without arguments.</para>
+          <para>It uses the VBoxCAPIGlue library (source code is in directory
+          <computeroutput>sdk/bindings/c/glue</computeroutput>, to be used in
+          your API client code) to open the C binding layer during runtime,
+          which is preferred to other means as it isolates the code which
+          locates the necessary dynamic library, using a known working way
+          which works on all platforms. If you encounter problems with this
+          glue code in <computeroutput>VBoxCAPIGlue.c</computeroutput>, let the
+          VirtualBox developers know, rather than inventing incompatible
+          solutions.</para>
+          <para>The following sections document the important concepts needed
+          to correctly use the C binding, as it is vital for developing API
+          client code which manages memory correctly, updates the reference
+          counters correctly, avoiding crashes and memory leaks. Often API
+          clients need to handle events, so the C API specifics are also
+          described below.</para>
         <sect3 id="c-initialization">
-          <title>XPCOM initialization</title>
+          <title>VirtualBox C API initialization</title>
-          <para>Just like in C++, XPCOM needs to be initialized before it can
-          be used. The <computeroutput>VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h</computeroutput> header
-          provides the interface to the C binding. Here's how to initialize
-          XPCOM:</para>
-          <screen>#include "VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h"
+          <para>Just like in C++, the API and the underlying middleware needs
+          to be initialized before it can be used. The
+          <computeroutput>VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h</computeroutput> header provides the
+          interface to the C binding, but you can alternatively and more
+          conveniently also include <computeroutput>VBoxCAPIGlue.h</computeroutput>,
+          as this avoids the VirtualBox version dependent header file name and
+          makes sure the global variable <code>g_pVBoxFuncs</code> contains a
+          pointer to the structure which contains the helper function pointers.
+          Here's how to initialize the C API:<screen>#include "VBoxCAPIGlue.h"
-IVirtualBox *vbox        = NULL;
-ISession *session        = NULL;
+IVirtualBoxClient *vboxclient   = NULL;
+IVirtualBox *vbox               = NULL;
+ISession *session               = NULL;
+ULONG revision;
- * VBoxGetXPCOMCFunctions() is the only function exported by
- * VBoxXPCOMC.so and the only one needed to make virtualbox
- * work with C. This functions gives you the pointer to the
- * function table (g_pVBoxFuncs).
+ * VBoxCGlueInit() loads the necessary dynamic library, handles errors
+ * (producing an error message hinting what went wrong) and gives you
+ * the pointer to the function table (g_pVBoxFuncs).
  * Once you get the function table, then how and which functions
  * to use is explained below.
- * g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComInitialize does all the necessary startup
- * action and provides us with pointers to vbox and session handles.
- * It should be matched by a call to g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize()
+ * g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientInitialize does all the necessary startup
+ * action and provides us with pointers to an IVirtualBoxClient instance.
+ * It should be matched by a call to g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize()
  * when done.
-g_pVBoxFuncs = VBoxGetXPCOMCFunctions(VBOX_XPCOMC_VERSION);
-g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComInitialize(IVIRTUALBOX_IID_STR, &vbox,
-                               ISESSION_IID_STR, &session);</screen>
+if (VBoxCGlueInit())
+    fprintf(stderr, "s: FATAL: VBoxCGlueInit failed: %s\n",
+            argv[0], g_szVBoxErrMsg);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientInitialize(NULL, &vboxclient);
+if (!vboxclient)
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: FATAL: could not get VirtualBoxClient reference\n",
+            argv[0]);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-          <para>If either <computeroutput>vbox</computeroutput> or
-          <computeroutput>session</computeroutput> is still
-          <computeroutput>NULL</computeroutput>, initialization failed and the
-          XPCOM API cannot be used.</para>
+          <para>If <computeroutput>vboxclient</computeroutput> is still
+          <computeroutput>NULL</computeroutput> this means the initializationi
+          failed and the VirtualBox C API cannot be used.</para>
-          <para>There is now also a way to use the
-          <xref linkend="IVirtualBoxClient" xreflabel="IVirtualBoxClient" />
-          helper interface, which in comparison to the original (and still
-          available) initialization method above simplifies creating multiple
-          sessions, and also allows handling termination and crashes of the API
-          server (VBoxSVC) in a graceful way. See the sample program how this
-          is used.</para>
+          <para>It is possible to write C applications using multiple threads
+          which all use the VirtualBox API, as long as you're initializing
+          the C API in each thread which your application creates. This is done
+          with <code>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientThreadInitialize()</code> and
+          likewise before the thread is terminated the API must be
+          uninitialized with
+          <code>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientThreadUninitialize()</code>. You don't
+          have to use these functions in worker threads created by COM/XPCOM
+          (which you might observe if your code uses active event handling),
+          everything is initialized correctly already. On Windows the C
+          bindings create a marshaller which supports a wide range of COM
+          threading models, from STA to MTA, so you don't have to worry about
+          these details unless you plan to use active event handlers. See
+          the sample code how to get this to work reliably (in other words
+          think twice if passive event handling isn't the better solution after
+          you looked at the sample code).</para>
         <sect3 id="c-invocation">
-          <title>XPCOM method invocation</title>
+          <title>C API attribute and method invocation</title>
           <para>Method invocation is straightforward. It looks pretty much
-          like the C++ way, augmented with an extra indirection due to
-          accessing the vtable and passing a pointer to the object as the
-          first argument to serve as the <computeroutput>this</computeroutput>
-          pointer.</para>
+          like the C++ way, by using a macro which internally accesses the
+          vtable, and additionally needs to be passed a pointer to the objecti
+          as the first argument to serve as the
+          <computeroutput>this</computeroutput> pointer.</para>
           <para>Using the C binding, all method invocations return a numeric
-          result code.</para>
+          result code of type <code>HRESULT</code> (with a few exceptions
+          which normally are not relevant).</para>
           <para>If an interface is specified as returning an object, a pointer
           to a pointer to the appropriate object must be passed as the last
           argument. The method will then store an object pointer in that
-          <para>In other words, to call an object's method what you need
-          is</para>
+          <para>Likewise, attributes (properties) can be queried or set using
+          method invocations, using specially named methods. For each
+          attribute there exists a getter method, the name of which is composed
+          of <computeroutput>get_</computeroutput> followed by the capitalized
+          attribute name. Unless the attribute is read-only, an analogous
+          <computeroutput>set_</computeroutput> method exists. Let's apply
+          these rules to get the <computeroutput>IVirtualBox</computeroutput>
+          reference, an <computeroutput>ISession</computeroutput> instance 
+          reference and read the <xref linkend="IVirtualBox__revision"
+          xreflabel="IVirtualBox::revision" /> attribute:<screen>rc = IVirtualBoxClient_get_VirtualBox(vboxclient, &vbox);
+if (FAILED(rc) || !vbox)
+    PrintErrorInfo(argv[0], "FATAL: could not get VirtualBox reference", rc);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+rc = IVirtualBoxClient_get_Session(vboxclient, &session);
+if (FAILED(rc) || !session)
+    PrintErrorInfo(argv[0], "FATAL: could not get Session reference", rc);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-          <screen>IObject *object;
-nsresult rc;
- * Calling void IObject::method(arg, ...)
- */
-rc = object->vtbl->Method(object, arg, ...);
+rc = IVirtualBox_get_Revision(vbox, &revision);
+if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
+    printf("Revision: %u\n", revision);
+          <para>The convenience macros for calling a method are named by
+          prepending the method name with the interface name (using
+          <code>_</code>as the separator).</para>
+          <para>So far only attribute getters were illustrated, but generic
+          method calls are straightforward, too:<screen>IMachine *machine = NULL;
+BSTR vmname = ...;
-IFoo *foo;
- * Calling IFoo IObject::method(arg, ...)
+ * Calling IMachine::findMachine(...)
-rc = object->vtbl->Method(object, args, ..., &foo);</screen>
+rc = IVirtualBox_FindMachine(vbox, vmname, &machine);</screen></para>
-          <para>As a real-world example of a method invocation, let's call
-          <xref linkend="IMachine__launchVMProcess"
+          <para>As a more complicated example of a method invocation, let's
+          call <xref linkend="IMachine__launchVMProcess"
           xreflabel="IMachine::launchVMProcess" /> which returns an
           IProgress object. Note again that the method name is
-          capitalized.</para>
-          <screen>IProgress *progress;
+          capitalized:<screen>IProgress *progress;
-rc = vbox->vtbl->LaunchVMProcess(
+rc = IMachine_LaunchVMProcess(
     machine,       /* this  */
     session,       /* arg 1 */
     sessionType,   /* arg 2 */
     env,           /* arg 3 */
     &progress      /* Out   */
-        </sect3>
-        <sect3 id="c-attributes">
-          <title>XPCOM attribute access</title>
-          <para>A construct similar to calling non-void methods is used to
-          access object attributes. For each attribute there exists a getter
-          method, the name of which is composed of
-          <computeroutput>Get</computeroutput> followed by the capitalized
-          attribute name. Unless the attribute is read-only, an analogous
-          <computeroutput>Set</computeroutput> method exists. Let's apply
-          these rules to read the <xref linkend="IVirtualBox__revision"
-          xreflabel="IVirtualBox::revision" /> attribute.</para>
-          <para>Using the <computeroutput>IVirtualBox</computeroutput> handle
-          <computeroutput>vbox</computeroutput> obtained above, calling its
-          <computeroutput>GetRevision</computeroutput> method looks like
-          this:</para>
-          <screen>PRUint32   rev;
-rc = vbox->vtbl->GetRevision(vbox, &rev);
-if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc))
-    printf("Revision: %u\n", (unsigned)rev);
           <para>All objects with their methods and attributes are documented
           in <xref linkend="sdkref_classes" />.</para>
@@ -1889,63 +1933,173 @@
           <para>When dealing with strings you have to be aware of a string's
           encoding and ownership.</para>
-          <para>Internally, XPCOM uses UTF-16 encoded strings. A set of
+          <para>Internally, the API uses UTF-16 encoded strings. A set of
           conversion functions is provided to convert other encodings to and
           from UTF-16. The type of a UTF-16 character is
-          <computeroutput>PRUnichar</computeroutput>. Strings of UTF-16
-          characters are arrays of that type. Most string handling functions
-          take pointers to that type. Prototypes for the following conversion
-          functions are declared in
-          <computeroutput>VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h</computeroutput>.</para>
+          <computeroutput>BSTR</computeroutput> (or its constant counterpart
+          <computeroutput>CBSTR</computeroutput>), which is an array type,
+          represented by a pointer to the start of the zero-terminated string.
+          There are functions for converting between UTF-8 and UTF-16 strings
+          available through <code>g_pVBoxFuncs</code>:<screen>int (*pfnUtf16ToUtf8)(CBSTR pwszString, char **ppszString);
+int (*pfnUtf8ToUtf16)(const char *pszString, BSTR *ppwszString);</screen></para>
-          <sect4>
-            <title>Conversion of UTF-16 to and from UTF-8</title>
+          <para>The ownership of a string determines who is responsible for
+          releasing resources associated with the string. Whenever the API
+          creates a string (essentially for output parameters), ownership is
+          transferred to the caller. To avoid resource leaks, the caller
+          should release resources once the string is no longer needed.
+          There are plenty of examples in the sample code.</para>
+        </sect3>
-            <screen>int (*pfnUtf16ToUtf8)(const PRUnichar *pwszString, char **ppszString);
-int (*pfnUtf8ToUtf16)(const char *pszString, PRUnichar **ppwszString);</screen>
-          </sect4>
+        <sect3 id="c-safearray">
+          <title>Array handling</title>
-          <sect4>
-            <title>Ownership</title>
+          <para>Arrays are handled somewhat similarly to strings, with the
+          additional information of the number of elements in the array. The
+          exact details of string passing depends on the platform middleware
+          (COM/XPCOM), and therefore the C binding offers helper functions to
+          gloss over these differences.</para>
-            <para>The ownership of a string determines who is responsible for
-            releasing resources associated with the string. Whenever XPCOM
-            creates a string, ownership is transferred to the caller. To avoid
-            resource leaks, the caller should release resources once the
-            string is no longer needed.</para>
-          </sect4>
+          <para>Passing arrays as input parameters to API methods is usually
+          done by the following sequence, calling a hypothetical
+          <code>IArrayDemo_PassArray</code> API method:<screen>static const ULONG aElements[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
+ULONG cElements = sizeof(aElements) / sizeof(aElements[0]);
+psa = g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayCreateVector(VT_I4, 0, cElements);
+g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayCopyInParamHelper(psa, aElements, sizeof(aElements));
+IArrayDemo_PassArray(pThis, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(psa));
+          <para>Likewise, getting arrays results from output parameters is done
+          using helper functions which manage memory allocations as part of
+          their other functionality:<screen>SAFEARRAY *psa = g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayOutParamAlloc();
+ULONG *pData;
+ULONG cElements;
+IArrayDemo_ReturnArray(pThis, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(psa));
+g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayCopyOutParamHelper((void **)&pData, &cElements, VT_I4, psa);
+          <para>This covers the necessary functionality for all array element
+          types except interface references. These need special helpers to
+          manage the reference counting correctly. The following code snippet
+          gets the list of VMs, and passes the first IMachine reference to
+          another API function (assuming that there is at least one element
+          in the array, to simplify the example):<screen>SAFEARRAY psa = g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayOutParamAlloc();
+IMachine **machines = NULL;
+ULONG machineCnt = 0;
+IVirtualBox_get_Machines(virtualBox, ComSafeArrayAsOutIfaceParam(machinesSA, IMachine *));
+g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayCopyOutIfaceParamHelper((IUnknown ***)&machines, &machineCnt, machinesSA);
+/* Now "machines" contains the IMachine references, and machineCnt the
+ * number of elements in the array. */
+SAFEARRAY *psa = g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayCreateVector(VT_IUNKNOWN, 0, 1);
+g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnSafeArrayCopyInParamHelper(psa, (void *)&machines[0], sizeof(machines[0]));
+IVirtualBox_GetMachineStates(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(psa), ...);
+for (i = 0; i < machineCnt; ++i)
+    IMachine *machine = machines[i];
+    IMachine_Release(machine);
+          <para>Handling output parameters needs more special effort than
+          input parameters, thus only for the former there are special helpers,
+          and the latter is handled through the generic array support.</para>
+        <sect3 id="c-eventhandling">
+          <title>Event handling</title>
+          <para>The VirtualBox API offers two types of event handling, active
+          and passive, and consequently there is support for both with the
+          C API binding. Active event handling (based on asynchronous
+          callback invocation for event delivery) is more difficult, as it
+          requires the construction of valid C++ objects in C, which is
+          inherently platform and compiler dependent. Passive event handling
+          is much simpler, it relies on an event loop, fetching events and
+          triggering the necessary handlers explicitly in the API client code.
+          Both approaches depend on an event loop to make sure that events
+          get delivered in a timely manner, with differences what exactly needs
+          to be done.</para>
+          <para>The C API sample contains code for both event handling styles,
+          and one has to modify the appropriate <code>#define</code> to select
+          which style is actually used by the compiled program. It allows a
+          good comparison between the two variants, and the code sequences are
+          probably worth reusing without much change in other API clients
+          with only minor adaptions.</para>
+          <para>Active event handling needs to ensure that the following helper
+          function is called frequently enough in the primary thread:
+          <screen>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnProcessEventQueue(cTimeoutMS);</screen></para>
+          <para>The actual event handler implementation is quite tedious, as
+          it has to implement a complete API interface. Especially on Windows
+          it is a lot of work to implement the complicated <code>IDispatch</code>
+          interface, requiring to load COM type information and using it
+          in the <code>IDispatch</code> method implementation. Overall this is
+          quite tedious compared to passive event handling.</para>
+          <para>Passive event handling uses a similar event loop structure,
+          which requires calling the following function in a loop, and
+          processing the returned event appropriately:
+          <screen>rc = IEventSource_GetEvent(pEventSource, pListener, cTimeoutMS, &pEvent);</screen></para>
+          <para>After processing the event it needs to be marked as processed
+          with the following method call:
+          <screen>rc = IEventSource_EventProcessed(pEventSource, pListener, pEvent);</screen></para>
+          <para>This is vital for vetoable events, as they would be stuck
+          otherwise, waiting whether the veto comes or not. It does not do any
+          harm for other event types, and in the end is cheaper than checking
+          if the event at hand is vetoable or not.</para>
+          <para>The general event handling concepts are described in the API
+          specification (see <xref linkend="events" />), including how to
+          aggregate multiple event sources for processing in one event loop.
+          As mentioned, the sample illustrates the practical aspects of how to
+          use both types of event handling, active and passive, from a C
+          application. Additional hints are in the comments documenting
+          the helper methods in <computeroutput>VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h</computeroutput>.
+          The code complexity of active event handling (and its inherenly
+          platform/compiler specific aspects) should be motivation to use
+          passive event handling whereever possible.</para>
+        </sect3>
         <sect3 id="c-uninitialization">
-          <title>XPCOM uninitialization</title>
+          <title>C API uninitialization</title>
           <para>Uninitialization is performed by
-          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize().</computeroutput>
+          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize().</computeroutput>
           If your program can exit from more than one place, it is a good idea
           to install this function as an exit handler with Standard C's
           <computeroutput>atexit()</computeroutput> just after calling
-          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComInitialize()</computeroutput>
+          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientInitialize()</computeroutput>
           , e.g. <screen>#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
- * Make sure g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize() is called at exit, no
+ * Make sure g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize() is called at exit, no
  * matter if we return from the initial call to main or call exit()
  * somewhere else. Note that atexit registered functions are not
  * called upon abnormal termination, i.e. when calling abort() or
- * signal(). Separate provisions must be taken for these cases.
+ * signal().
-if (atexit(g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize()) != 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "failed to register g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize()\n");
+if (atexit(g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize()) != 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "failed to register g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize()\n");
           <para>Another idea would be to write your own <computeroutput>void
           myexit(int status)</computeroutput> function, calling
-          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize()</computeroutput>
+          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize()</computeroutput>
           followed by the real <computeroutput>exit()</computeroutput>, and
           use it instead of <computeroutput>exit()</computeroutput> throughout
           your program and at the end of
@@ -1955,13 +2109,14 @@
           user types CTRL-C sending SIGINT) you might want to install a signal
           handler setting a flag noting that a signal was sent and then
-          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize()</computeroutput>
+          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize()</computeroutput>
           later on, <emphasis>not</emphasis> from the handler itself.</para>
           <para>That said, if a client program forgets to call
-          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnComUninitialize()</computeroutput>
+          <computeroutput>g_pVBoxFuncs->pfnClientUninitialize()</computeroutput>
           before it terminates, there is a mechanism in place which will
-          eventually release references held by the client.</para>
+          eventually release references held by the client. On Windows it can
+          take quite a while, in the order of 6-7 minutes.</para>
         <sect3 id="c-linking">
@@ -1969,28 +2124,102 @@
           <para>A program using the C binding has to open the library during
           runtime using the help of glue code provided and as shown in the
-          example <computeroutput>tstXPCOMCGlue.c</computeroutput>.
-          Compilation and linking can be achieved, e.g., with a makefile
-          fragment similar to</para>
+          example <computeroutput>tstCAPIGlue.c</computeroutput>.
+          Compilation and linking can be achieved with a makefile fragment
+          similar to:<screen># Where is the SDK directory?
+PATH_SDK      = ../../..
+CAPI_INC      = -I$(PATH_SDK)/bindings/c/include
+ifeq ($(BUILD_PLATFORM),win)
+PLATFORM_INC  = -I$(PATH_SDK)/bindings/mscom/include
+PLATFORM_LIB  = $(PATH_SDK)/bindings/mscom/lib
+PLATFORM_INC  = -I$(PATH_SDK)/bindings/xpcom/include
+PLATFORM_LIB  = $(PATH_SDK)/bindings/xpcom/lib
+GLUE_DIR      = $(PATH_SDK)/bindings/c/glue
+GLUE_INC      = -I$(GLUE_DIR)
-          <screen># Where is the XPCOM include directory?
-INCS_XPCOM    = -I../../include
-# Where is the glue code directory?
-GLUE_DIR      = ..
-GLUE_INC      = -I..
+# Compile Glue Library
+VBoxCAPIGlue.o: $(GLUE_DIR)/VBoxCAPIGlue.c
+    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CAPI_INC) $(PLATFORM_INC) $(GLUE_INC) -o $@ -c $<
-#Compile Glue Library
-    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS_XPCOM) $(GLUE_INC) -o $@ -c $<
+# Compile interface ID list
+VirtualBox_i.o: $(PLATFORM_LIB)/VirtualBox_i.c
+    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CAPI_INC) $(PLATFORM_INC) $(GLUE_INC) -o $@ -c $<
-# Compile.
-program.o: program.c VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h
-    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS_XPCOM) $(GLUE_INC) -o $@ -c $<
+# Compile program code
+program.o: program.c
+    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CAPI_INC) $(PLATFORM_INC) $(GLUE_INC) -o $@ -c $<
-# Link.
-program: program.o VBoxXPCOMCGlue.o
-    $(CC) -o $@ $^ -ldl</screen>
+# Link program.
+program: program.o VBoxCAPICGlue.o VirtualBox_i.o
+    $(CC) -o $@ $^ -ldl -lpthread</screen></para>
+        <sect3 id="capi_conversion">
+          <title>Conversion of code using legacy C binding</title>
+          <para>This section aims to make the task of converting code using
+          the legacy C binding to the new style a breeze, by pointing out some
+          key steps.</para>
+          <para>One necessary change is adjusting your Makefile to reflect the
+          different include paths. See above. There are now 3 relevant include
+          directories, and most of it is pointing to the C binding directory.
+          The XPCOM include directory is still relevant for platforms where
+          the XPCOM middleware is used, but most of the include files live
+          elsewhere now, so it's good to have it last. Additionally the
+          <computeroutput>VirtualBox_i.c</computeroutput> file needs to be
+          compiled and linked to the program, it contains the IIDs relevant
+          for the VirtualBox API, making sure they are not replicated endlessly
+          if the code refers to them frequently.</para>
+          <para>The C API client code should include <computeroutput>VBoxCAPIGlue.h</computeroutput>
+          instead of <computeroutput>VBoxXPCOMCGlue.h</computeroutput> or
+          <computeroutput>VBoxCAPI_v4_3.h</computeroutput>, as this makes sure
+          the correct macros and internal translations are selected.</para>
+          <para>All API method calls (anything mentioning <code>vtbl</code>)
+          should be rewritten using the convenience macros for calling methods,
+          as these hide the internal details, are generally easier to use and
+          shorter to type. You should remove as many as possible
+          <code>(nsISupports **)</code> or similar typecasts, as the new style
+          should use the correct type in most places, increasing the type
+          safety in case of an error in the source code.</para>
+          <para>To gloss over the platform differences, API client code should
+          no longer rely on XPCOM specific interface names such as
+          <code>nsISupports</code>, <code>nsIException</code> and
+          <code>nsIEventQueue</code>, and replace them by the platform
+          independent interface names <code>IUnknown</code> and
+          <code>IErrorInfo</code> for the first two respectively. Event queue
+          handling should be replaced by using the platform independent way
+          described in <xref linkend="c-eventhandling" />.</para>
+          <para>Finally adjust the string and array handling to use the new
+          helpers, as these make sure the code works without changes with
+          both COM and XPCOM, which are significantly different in this area.
+          The code should be double checked if it uses the correct way to
+          manage memory, and is freeing it only after the last use.</para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="xpcom_cbinding">
+          <title>Legacy C binding to VirtualBox API for XPCOM</title>
+          <note>
+            <para>This section applies to Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris
+            hosts only and describes deprecated use of the API from C.</para>
+          </note>
+          <para>Starting with version 2.2, VirtualBox offers a C binding for
+          its API which works only on platforms using XPCOM. Refer to the
+          old SDK documentation (included in the SDK packages for version 4.3.6
+          or earlier), it still applies unchanged. The fundamental concepts are
+          similar (but the syntactical details are quite different) to the
+          newer cross-platform C binding which should be used for all new code,
+          as the support for the old C binding will go away in a major release
+          after version 4.3.</para>
+        </sect3>
@@ -2138,7 +2367,7 @@
       stopped, snapshotted or other things.</para>
-    <sect1>
+    <sect1 id="events">
       <title>VirtualBox events</title>
       <para>In VirtualBox, "events" provide a uniform mechanism to register

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