[vbox-dev] [PATCH] Gsoap is mandatory so the script should stop if it is not available

Bodo bopi at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 12 10:59:07 GMT 2012

--- a/configure.vbs	(revision 43846)
+++ b/configure.vbs	(working copy)
@@ -2141,8 +2141,45 @@
    PrintResult "mkisofs ", strFnameMkisofs
 end function
+' Checks for any Gsoap binaries.
+sub CheckForGsoap(strOptGsoap)
+   dim strPathGsoap, str
+   PrintHdr "Gsoap"	
+   ' The tools location (first).
+   strPathGsoap = ""
+   if (strPathGsoap = "") And (g_blnInternalFirst) Then
+      str = g_strPathDev & "/win.x86/gsoap/wsdl"
+      if CheckForGsoapSub(str) then strPathGsoap = str
+   end if
+   ' Success?
+   if strPathGsoap = "" then
+         MsgError "Can't locate Gsoap. Please consult the configure.log and
the build requirements."
+      exit sub
+   end if
+	PrintResult "Gsoap ", strPathGsoap   
+end sub
+' Checks if the specified path points to an usable Gsoap or not.
+function CheckForGsoapSub(strPathGsoap)
+   CheckForGsoapSub = False
+   LogPrint "trying: strPathGsoap=" & strPathGsoap
+   if   LogFileExists(strPathGsoap, "bin/wsdl2h.exe") _
+    And LogFileExists(strPathGsoap, "bin/soapcpp2.exe") _
+    And LogFileExists(strPathGsoap, "import/stlvector.h") _
+    And LogFileExists(strPathGsoap, "stdsoap2.h") _
+    And LogFileExists(strPathGsoap, "stdsoap2.cpp") _
+      then
+      CheckForGsoapSub = True
+   end if
+end function
 ' Show usage.
 sub usage
    Print "Usage: cscript configure.vbs [options]"
@@ -2211,6 +2248,7 @@
    strOptCurl = ""
    strOptPython = ""
    strOptMkisofs = ""
+   strOptGsoap = ""   
    blnOptDisableCOM = False
    blnOptDisableUDPTunnel = False
    for i = 1 to Wscript.Arguments.Count
@@ -2341,6 +2379,7 @@
    if (strOptMkisofs <> "") then
      CheckForMkisofs strOptMkisofs
    end if
+   CheckForGsoap strOptGsoap
    if g_blnInternalMode then
       EnvPrint "call " & g_strPathDev & "/env.cmd %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
    end if

This Patch is contributed under the MIT license


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