[vbox-dev] VNC

Perry Halbert phalbert at cox.net
Tue Mar 6 21:28:28 GMT 2012


perry at perry-laptop:/trunk/src/VBox$ VBoxManage list extpacks
Extension Packs: 2
Pack no. 0:   Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Version:      4.1.51
Revision:     74560
Description:  USB 2.0 Host Controller, VirtualBox RDP, PXE ROM with 
E1000 support.
VRDE Module:  VBoxVRDP
Usable:       true
Why unusable:

Pack no. 1:   VNC
Version:      4.1.51_OSE
Revision:     40385
Description:  VNC plugin module
VRDE Module:  VBoxVNC
Usable:       true
Why unusable:
perry at perry-laptop:/trunk/src/VBox$

perry at perry-laptop:/trunk/src/VBox$ VBoxManage setproperty vrdeextpack 
VBoxManage: error: No extension pack by the name 'VBoxVNC' was found
VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), 
component ExtPackManager, interface IExtPackManager, callee nsISupports
VBoxManage: error: Context: 
"COMSETTER(DefaultVRDEExtPack)(Bstr(a->argv[1]).raw())" at line 826 of 
file VBoxManageMisc.cpp
perry at perry-laptop:/trunk/src/VBox$

VBoxManage setproperty vrdeextpack VNC - Does register the change.
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