[vbox-dev] unable to startvm using sdk(clienttest.pl) from VMs

Rajiv Jaisankar rajiv.jaisankar at altair.com
Fri Jul 6 08:07:00 GMT 2012


Hi Virtualbox dev,


I have a windows machine hosting VMs(hostmachine). I have a few vms -
server1, server2, server3. I have a requirement of starting other vms
from a VM. For example, I would like to start server1 or server2 from my
linux VM server3. 


Below are the things I did


1.       Upgraded Virtualbox to 4.1.18 r78351
1-Win.exe )

2.       Started webserver in the windows machine hosting vms
(hostmachine) - VboxWebSrv.exe -H

3.       Downloaded sdk
8361.zip) in vm - server3

4.       Installed appropriate perl modules and modified vboxService.pm
to point to correct URL.

5.       Clienttest.pl of listvms works fine.


[root at rhel5-64 samples]# ./clienttest.pl --help

clienttest: test the VirtualBox web service.


    clienttest <mode>

with <mode> being one of 'version', 'list', 'start'; default is 'list'.

    clienttest version: print version of VirtualBox web service.

    clienttest list: list installed virtual machines.

    clienttest startvm <vm>: start the virtual machine named <vm>.


[root at server3 samples]# ./clienttest.pl

Subroutine XML::Parser::Lite::_parse_re redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/XML/Parser/Lite.pm line 144.

[clienttest] Listing machines:

machine IMachine cfa8ecdddb56ca06-0000000000000140: server1

machine IMachine cfa8ecdddb56ca06-0000000000000141: server2

machine IMachine cfa8ecdddb56ca06-0000000000000142: server3


6.       Clienttest.pl of startvm is not working

[root at server3 samples]# pwd



i.                     Run without modifying clienttest.pl


[root at server3 samples]# ./clienttest.pl startvm server2

Subroutine XML::Parser::Lite::_parse_re redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/XML/Parser/Lite.pm line 144.

Unrecognized method 'IVirtualBox_getMachine'. List of available
method(s): IVirtualBox_getExtraData IStorageController_getBus
IMachine_queryLogFilename IMedium_setType IMachine_getName
IMachineRegisteredEvent_getRegistered IProgress_getTimeout
IMedium_getState ISnapshot_getChildren





ii.                   Run modifying clienttest.pl


Modified clienttest.pl and changed getMachine to getMachines - this will
get the first of the vm list i.e. uid of server1


C:\Users\rajivj>VBoxManage list vms

"server1" {e45fc242-0adc-4b84-a26b-bac23a63bbf4}

"server2" {f57c673b-e2b7-4f1d-85cb-d9e287c8fbcf}

"server3" {6b2c0c8b-e055-4ed3-bbde-27bcb05b35fe}



[root at server3 samples]# ./clienttest.pl startvm server1

Subroutine XML::Parser::Lite::_parse_re redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/XML/Parser/Lite.pm line 144.

[clienttest] UUID: e45fc242-0adc-4b84-a26b-bac23a63bbf4

Unrecognized method 'IVirtualBox_openRemoteSession'. List of available
method(s): IVirtualBox_getExtraData IStorageController_getBus
IMachine_queryLogFilename IMedium_setType IMachine_getName
IMachineRegisteredEvent_getRegistered IProgress_getTimeout
IMedium_getState ISnapshot_getChildren
ISystemProperties_getFreeDiskSpacePercentError IMachine_getOSTypeId
IVRDEServer_setVRDEProperty ISystemProperties_getMaxGuestMonitors
IBandwidthGroup_getType IMachine_getCPUIDLeaf ISnapshot_setName





Is it expected that IVirtualBox class/java code doesn't have functions
getMachine and openRemoteSession? Can we get the modified IVirtualBox
class or jar file?





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