[vbox-dev] Problem compiling SVN openSUSE 12.1

Perry Halbert phalbert at cox.net
Sat Nov 19 23:08:21 GMT 2011

openSUSE 12.1 does not come with SUN Java now (some kind of license 
issue according to them) and javac can not be found in any of the other 
JVM/JDK packages that are installed.  So I installed the latest Oracle 
JAVA JDK and added the location to the LocalConfig.kmk.

VBOX_JAVA_HOME := /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_01

Note: During pre-release they did have the SUN JDK and it did in fact 
work, but the release version does not.

Strange things seem to be happening and wondered if anyone has seen this.

Here are the error messages which forces a failure.

error: name clash: unwrap(List<Integer>) and unwrap(List<Short>) have 
the same erasure
     public static int[] unwrap(List<Integer> vals) {
error: name clash: unwrap(List<Long>) and unwrap(List<Short>) have the 
same erasure
     public static long[] unwrap(List<Long> vals) {
error: name clash: unwrap(List<Boolean>) and unwrap(List<Short>) have 
the same erasure
     public static boolean[] unwrap(List<Boolean> vals) {
error: name clash: unwrap(List<String>) and unwrap(List<Short>) have the 
same erasure
     public static String[] unwrap(List<String> vals) {
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
kBuild: Compiling VBox-xpcom-nspr - 
4 errors
1 warning
kmk: *** 
Error 1
kmk: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
kmk: *** Exiting with status 2
suse at suse-121:~>

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