[vbox-dev] Translating different types of memory addresses in virtual box

Knut St. Osmundsen bird at sun.com
Sun Feb 14 02:26:36 GMT 2010

On Feb 14, 2010, at 3:14 AM, mgofman1 at binghamton.edu wrote:

> Thanks for the reply! 
> I tried using PGMPhysGCPtr2GCPhys, but the returned value always seems to yield an error i.e. RT_SUCCESS(rc) never holds. I do not see what I am doing wrong.

You might want to check which status code that is an try figure out why it happens.

> Also, I tried using PGMR3DbgWriteGCPtr and I also have the same problem. Perhaps its because of the flags I am passing. Which flags should I pass to this function?
> Could you please provide a working example if possible on how to properly call these functions?

PDMPhysGCPtr2GCPhys is used internally in the VMM in a few place (grep for them and the function their in).  It is also used indirectly by src/VBox/Devices/VMMDev/VMMDevHGCM.cpp in the guise of PDMDevHlpPhysGCPtr2GCPhys (line 266 here).


Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Vennlig hilsen,


Sun Microsystems GmbH        Knut St. Osmundsen
Werkstrasse 24               Senior Staff Engineer, VirtualBox
71384 Weinstadt, Germany     mailto:bird at sun.com

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