[vbox-dev] Internal design question

Jonas Mellin jonas.mellin at his.se
Tue Mar 24 09:01:37 GMT 2009

I am running Windows XP as host and Ubuntu 8.10 with Linux
(real-time preemption) as guest. I wonder how the high precision timer
is affected by the use of virtualbox in this setup. I can perceive a few
scenarios myself:
1) The timer runs without interference of the virtualization. The only
effect is that the host affects the guest by delaying its execution.
2) In the switch between host and guest, the value of the timer is saved
and restored. The effect is that in terms of execution time, there is no
delays due to the host system. However, w.r.t. absolute time there is a
devation that goes undetected unless the system clock is accessed.
3) The timer does not work. My test programs gives the impression that
it works, so I have discared this scenario.

Carpe Diem!
Jonas Mellin, Assistant Professor in Computer Science
School of Humanities and Informatics, Building E-2
University of Skövde, P.O. Box 408, SE-541 28 Skövde, Sweden
Phone: +46 500 448321, Fax: +46 500 448399
PGP Public Key: http://www.his.se/PageFiles/19377/Jonas_Mellin.asc
Email: jonas.mellin at his.se, URL: http://www.his.se/melj, 

GCS d s a+ C++ UL++ US++ P++ L++ E++ W++ N+ o K- w++ O- M V-- 
PS- PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X R* tv- b++ DI+ D+ G+ y++++ e++++ h--- r+++

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