[vbox-dev] CreateMachine issue with vboxwebsrv

Jean-Michel Guillaume jean-michel.guillaume at sophia.inria.fr
Wed Jan 28 09:16:36 GMT 2009

Hello everyone.
I try to create a Machine with the VBox webservice sdk

        VboxServiceLocator service = new VboxServiceLocator();
        VboxPortType port = service.getvboxServicePort(new 
        String oVbox = port.IWebsessionManager_logon("","");
        String machine = 

but get the following error:

    Exception in thread "main" AxisFault
     faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Client
     faultString: VirtualBox error: Guest OS type '' is invalid (0x80bb0001)
OS type '' is invalid</text>

from axis, and this one on the service output:

    API return code:            0x80BB0001 (VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)
    COM error info result code: 0x80BB0001
    COM error info text:        Guest OS type '' is invalid
    4: accepted connection from IP= socket=9... #### SOAP 
FAULT: VirtualBox error: Guest OS type '' is invalid (0x80bb0001) 
Am I mistaken?
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