[vbox-dev] just trying to start a VM

Frédéric SOSSON fsosson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 15:00:12 GMT 2009


I wrote those lines of python code trying to start a VM.

Unfortunatly, I got this messge:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./startmyvm.py", line 38, in <module>
  File "./startmyvm.py", line 32, in startMyMachine
    session = mgr.getSessionObject(vb)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/vboxapi/__init__.py", line
466, in getSessionObject
    return self.mgr.platform.getSessionObject(vbox)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getSessionObject'



import os,sys
import traceback
import shlex
import time

from vboxapi import VirtualBoxManager

style = None
g_virtualBoxManager = VirtualBoxManager(style, None)
ctx = {'global':g_virtualBoxManager,
	'run': lambda cmd,args: runCommandCb(ctx, cmd, args),
	'machById': lambda id: machById(ctx,id),

del g_virtualBoxManager

def startMyMachine():
	mgr = ctx['mgr']
	vb = ctx['vb']
#	perf = ctx['perf']
#	uuid = mach.id

	session = mgr.getSessionObject(vb)
	uuid = vb.findMachine("Windows_XP_Config_Standard")
	progress = vb.openRemoteSession(session, uuid, "gui", "")
	print "Starting VM"


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