# Solaris VBoxXPCom linker map file for GCC 3.4.3 (csl-sol210-3_4-20050802) # # Solaris gcc(3.4.3) does not honour visibility attributes (hidden,default...) # For this reason we use this linker map file to tell the Solaris linker to make # the attribute hidden symbols as STV_HIDDEN (using local) and attribute default # symbols as STV_DEFAULT (using global). # # The mapfile will be passed to the Solaris linker using -Wl,-M # # Name mangled symbols were deciphered using using: # elfdump VBoxXPCom.so | grep # # Specifying mangled names may not be the best way, but as long as the # compiler's mangling scheme does not change, it will work. # For gcc(4.x.+) we WILL need to change this mapfile to suit its new mangling. # { local: XPTC_InvokeByIndex; XPT_ArenaStrDup; _Z19NS_NewUnicharBufferPP16nsIUnicharBufferP11nsISupportsj; _ZN8nsString4TrimEPKciii; _ZN15nsPrintfCStringC1EPKcz; _ZN14nsXPTCStubBase9Sentinel4Ev; _ZN14nsXPTCStubBase9Sentinel3Ev; _ZN14nsXPTCStubBase9Sentinel2Ev; _ZN14nsXPTCStubBase9Sentinel1Ev; _ZN14nsXPTCStubBase9Sentinel0Ev; _ZTI14nsXPTCStubBase; global: _ZN18nsComponentManager14CreateInstanceEPKcP11nsISupportsRK4nsIDPPv; _ZN18nsComponentManager14CreateInstanceERK4nsIDP11nsISupportsS2_PPv; _ZN20nsPromiseFlatCString4InitERK10nsACString; _Z22PL_DHashStubEnumRemoveP12PLDHashTableP15PLDHashEntryHdrjPv; _ZNK4nsID8ToStringEv; XPT_NewXDRState; XPT_DestroyArena; XPT_NewArena; XPT_DestroyXDRState; XPT_DoHeader; XPT_ArenaMalloc; };