/* $Id: SATAControllerImpl.cpp 16560 2009-02-06 18:06:04Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * Implementation of ISATAController. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #include "SATAControllerImpl.h" #include "MachineImpl.h" #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include // defines ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor / destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (SATAController) HRESULT SATAController::FinalConstruct() { return S_OK; } void SATAController::FinalRelease() { uninit(); } // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes the SATA controller object. * * @returns COM result indicator. * @param aParent Pointer to our parent object. */ HRESULT SATAController::init (Machine *aParent) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aParent=%p\n", aParent)); ComAssertRet (aParent, E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this); AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); unconst (mParent) = aParent; /* mPeer is left null */ mData.allocate(); /* Confirm a successful initialization */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return S_OK; } /** * Initializes the SATA controller object given another SATA controller object * (a kind of copy constructor). This object shares data with * the object passed as an argument. * * @returns COM result indicator. * @param aParent Pointer to our parent object. * @param aPeer The object to share. * * @note This object must be destroyed before the original object * it shares data with is destroyed. */ HRESULT SATAController::init (Machine *aParent, SATAController *aPeer) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aParent=%p, aPeer=%p\n", aParent, aPeer)); ComAssertRet (aParent && aPeer, E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this); AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); unconst (mParent) = aParent; unconst (mPeer) = aPeer; AutoWriteLock thatlock (aPeer); mData.share (aPeer->mData); /* Confirm a successful initialization */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return S_OK; } /** * Initializes the SATA controller object given another guest object * (a kind of copy constructor). This object makes a private copy of data * of the original object passed as an argument. */ HRESULT SATAController::initCopy (Machine *aParent, SATAController *aPeer) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aParent=%p, aPeer=%p\n", aParent, aPeer)); ComAssertRet (aParent && aPeer, E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan (this); AssertReturn (autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); unconst (mParent) = aParent; /* mPeer is left null */ AutoWriteLock thatlock (aPeer); mData.attachCopy (aPeer->mData); /* Confirm a successful initialization */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return S_OK; } /** * Uninitializes the instance and sets the ready flag to FALSE. * Called either from FinalRelease() or by the parent when it gets destroyed. */ void SATAController::uninit() { LogFlowThisFunc (("\n")); /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan (this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) return; /* uninit all filters (including those still referenced by clients) */ uninitDependentChildren(); mData.free(); unconst (mPeer).setNull(); unconst (mParent).setNull(); } // ISATAController properties ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP SATAController::COMGETTER(Enabled) (BOOL *aEnabled) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aEnabled); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); *aEnabled = mData->mEnabled; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP SATAController::COMSETTER(Enabled) (BOOL aEnabled) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aEnabled=%RTbool\n", aEnabled)); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); /* the machine needs to be mutable */ Machine::AutoMutableStateDependency adep (mParent); CheckComRCReturnRC (adep.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); if (mData->mEnabled != aEnabled) { mData.backup(); mData->mEnabled = aEnabled; /* leave the lock for safety */ alock.leave(); mParent->onSATAControllerChange(); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP SATAController::COMGETTER(PortCount) (ULONG *aPortCount) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aPortCount); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); *aPortCount = mData->mPortCount; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP SATAController::COMSETTER(PortCount) (ULONG aPortCount) { LogFlowThisFunc (("aPortCount=%u\n", aPortCount)); /* We support a maximum of 30 channels. */ if ((aPortCount < 1) || (aPortCount > 30)) return setError (E_INVALIDARG, tr ("Invalid port count: %lu (must be in range [%lu, %lu])"), aPortCount, 1, 30); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); /* the machine needs to be mutable */ Machine::AutoMutableStateDependency adep (mParent); CheckComRCReturnRC (adep.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); if (mData->mPortCount != aPortCount) { mData.backup(); mData->mPortCount = aPortCount; /* leave the lock for safety */ alock.leave(); mParent->onSATAControllerChange(); } return S_OK; } // ISATAController methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP SATAController::GetIDEEmulationPort(LONG DevicePosition, LONG *aPortNumber) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aPortNumber); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); switch (DevicePosition) { case 0: *aPortNumber = mData->mPortIde0Master; break; case 1: *aPortNumber = mData->mPortIde0Slave; break; case 2: *aPortNumber = mData->mPortIde1Master; break; case 3: *aPortNumber = mData->mPortIde1Slave; break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP SATAController::SetIDEEmulationPort(LONG DevicePosition, LONG aPortNumber) { if ((aPortNumber < 0) || (aPortNumber >= 30)) return setError (E_INVALIDARG, tr ("Invalid port number: %l (must be in range [%lu, %lu])"), aPortNumber, 0, 29); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); /* the machine needs to be mutable */ Machine::AutoMutableStateDependency adep (mParent); CheckComRCReturnRC (adep.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); switch (DevicePosition) { case 0: mData->mPortIde0Master = aPortNumber; break; case 1: mData->mPortIde0Slave = aPortNumber; break; case 2: mData->mPortIde1Master = aPortNumber; break; case 3: mData->mPortIde1Slave = aPortNumber; break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; } // public methods only for internal purposes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Loads settings from the given machine node. * May be called once right after this object creation. * * @param aMachineNode node. * * @note Locks this object for writing. */ HRESULT SATAController::loadSettings (const settings::Key &aMachineNode) { using namespace settings; AssertReturn (!aMachineNode.isNull(), E_FAIL); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock (this); /* SATA Controller node (required) */ Key controller = aMachineNode.key ("SATAController"); /* enabled (required) */ mData->mEnabled = controller.value ("enabled"); /* number of useable ports */ mData->mPortCount = controller.valueOr ("PortCount", 30); /* ide emulation settings (optional, default to 0,1,2,3 respectively) */ mData->mPortIde0Master = controller.value ("IDE0MasterEmulationPort"); mData->mPortIde0Slave = controller.value ("IDE0SlaveEmulationPort"); mData->mPortIde1Master = controller.value ("IDE1MasterEmulationPort"); mData->mPortIde1Slave = controller.value ("IDE1SlaveEmulationPort"); return S_OK; } /** * Saves settings to the given machine node. * * @param aMachineNode node. * * @note Locks this object for reading. */ HRESULT SATAController::saveSettings (settings::Key &aMachineNode) { using namespace settings; AssertReturn (!aMachineNode.isNull(), E_FAIL); AutoCaller autoCaller (this); CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc()); AutoReadLock alock (this); /* first, delete the entry */ Key controller = aMachineNode.findKey ("SATAController"); if (!controller.isNull()) controller.zap(); /* then, recreate it */ controller = aMachineNode.createKey ("SATAController"); /* enabled */ controller.setValue ("enabled", !!mData->mEnabled); /* number of useable ports */ controller.setValue ("PortCount", mData->mPortCount); /* ide emulation settings */ controller.setValue ("IDE0MasterEmulationPort", mData->mPortIde0Master); controller.setValue ("IDE0SlaveEmulationPort", mData->mPortIde0Slave); controller.setValue ("IDE1MasterEmulationPort", mData->mPortIde1Master); controller.setValue ("IDE1SlaveEmulationPort", mData->mPortIde1Slave); return S_OK; } /** @note Locks objects for reading! */ bool SATAController::isModified() { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturn (autoCaller.rc(), false); AutoReadLock alock (this); if (mData.isBackedUp()) return true; return false; } /** @note Locks objects for reading! */ bool SATAController::isReallyModified() { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturn (autoCaller.rc(), false); AutoReadLock alock (this); if (mData.hasActualChanges()) return true; return false; } /** @note Locks objects for writing! */ bool SATAController::rollback() { AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturn (autoCaller.rc(), false); /* we need the machine state */ Machine::AutoAnyStateDependency adep (mParent); AssertComRCReturn (adep.rc(), false); AutoWriteLock alock (this); bool dataChanged = false; if (mData.isBackedUp()) { /* we need to check all data to see whether anything will be changed * after rollback */ dataChanged = mData.hasActualChanges(); mData.rollback(); } return dataChanged; } /** * @note Locks this object for writing, together with the peer object (also * for writing) if there is one. */ void SATAController::commit() { /* sanity */ AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc()); /* sanity too */ AutoCaller peerCaller (mPeer); AssertComRCReturnVoid (peerCaller.rc()); /* lock both for writing since we modify both (mPeer is "master" so locked * first) */ AutoMultiWriteLock2 alock (mPeer, this); if (mData.isBackedUp()) { mData.commit(); if (mPeer) { // attach new data to the peer and reshare it AutoWriteLock peerlock (mPeer); mPeer->mData.attach (mData); } } } /** * @note Locks this object for writing, together with the peer object * represented by @a aThat (locked for reading). */ void SATAController::copyFrom (SATAController *aThat) { AssertReturnVoid (aThat != NULL); /* sanity */ AutoCaller autoCaller (this); AssertComRCReturnVoid (autoCaller.rc()); /* sanity too */ AutoCaller thatCaller (aThat); AssertComRCReturnVoid (thatCaller.rc()); /* peer is not modified, lock it for reading (aThat is "master" so locked * first) */ AutoMultiLock2 alock (aThat->rlock(), this->wlock()); /* this will back up current data */ mData.assignCopy (aThat->mData); } // private methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */