1 | /* $Id: UIWizardNewVMEditors.cpp 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIUserNamePasswordEditor class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QCheckBox>
30 | #include <QLabel>
31 | #include <QVBoxLayout>
32 |
33 | /* GUI includes: */
34 | #include "QILineEdit.h"
35 | #include "UIBaseMemoryEditor.h"
36 | #include "UICommon.h"
37 | #include "UIHostnameDomainNameEditor.h"
38 | #include "UIFilePathSelector.h"
39 | #include "UIUserNamePasswordEditor.h"
40 | #include "UIVirtualCPUEditor.h"
41 | #include "UIWizardNewVM.h"
42 | #include "UIWizardNewVMEditors.h"
43 | #include "UIWizardNewVMUnattendedPage.h"
44 |
45 | /* Other VBox includes: */
46 | #include "iprt/assert.h"
47 |
48 |
49 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
50 | * UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox implementation. *
51 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
52 |
53 | UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
54 | : QIWithRetranslateUI<QGroupBox>(pParent)
55 | , m_pUserNamePasswordEditor(0)
56 | {
57 | prepare();
58 | }
59 |
60 | void UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::prepare()
61 | {
62 | QVBoxLayout *pUserNameContainerLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
63 | m_pUserNamePasswordEditor = new UIUserNamePasswordEditor;
64 | AssertReturnVoid(m_pUserNamePasswordEditor);
65 | m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->setLabelsVisible(true);
66 | m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
67 | pUserNameContainerLayout->addWidget(m_pUserNamePasswordEditor);
68 |
69 | connect(m_pUserNamePasswordEditor, &UIUserNamePasswordEditor::sigPasswordChanged,
70 | this, &UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::sigPasswordChanged);
71 | connect(m_pUserNamePasswordEditor, &UIUserNamePasswordEditor::sigUserNameChanged,
72 | this, &UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::sigUserNameChanged);
73 | retranslateUi();
74 | }
75 |
76 | void UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::retranslateUi()
77 | {
78 | setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Username and Password"));
79 | }
80 |
81 | QString UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::userName() const
82 | {
83 | if (m_pUserNamePasswordEditor)
84 | return m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->userName();
85 | return QString();
86 | }
87 |
88 | void UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::setUserName(const QString &strUserName)
89 | {
90 | if (m_pUserNamePasswordEditor)
91 | m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->setUserName(strUserName);
92 | }
93 |
94 | QString UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::password() const
95 | {
96 | if (m_pUserNamePasswordEditor)
97 | return m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->password();
98 | return QString();
99 | }
100 |
101 | void UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::setPassword(const QString &strPassword)
102 | {
103 | if (m_pUserNamePasswordEditor)
104 | m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->setPassword(strPassword);
105 | }
106 |
107 | bool UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::isComplete()
108 | {
109 | if (m_pUserNamePasswordEditor)
110 | return m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->isComplete();
111 | return false;
112 | }
113 |
114 | void UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::setLabelsVisible(bool fVisible)
115 | {
116 | if (m_pUserNamePasswordEditor)
117 | m_pUserNamePasswordEditor->setLabelsVisible(fVisible);
118 | }
119 |
120 |
121 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
122 | * UIGAInstallationGroupBox implementation. *
123 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
124 |
125 | UIGAInstallationGroupBox::UIGAInstallationGroupBox(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
126 | : QIWithRetranslateUI<QGroupBox>(pParent)
127 | , m_pGAISOPathLabel(0)
128 | , m_pGAISOFilePathSelector(0)
129 |
130 | {
131 | prepare();
132 | }
133 |
134 | void UIGAInstallationGroupBox::prepare()
135 | {
136 | setCheckable(true);
137 |
138 | QHBoxLayout *pGAInstallationISOLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
139 | AssertReturnVoid(pGAInstallationISOLayout);
140 | m_pGAISOPathLabel = new QLabel;
141 | AssertReturnVoid(m_pGAISOPathLabel);
142 | m_pGAISOPathLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
143 | m_pGAISOPathLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
144 |
145 | pGAInstallationISOLayout->addWidget(m_pGAISOPathLabel);
146 |
147 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector = new UIFilePathSelector;
148 | AssertReturnVoid(m_pGAISOFilePathSelector);
149 |
150 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setResetEnabled(false);
151 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setMode(UIFilePathSelector::Mode_File_Open);
152 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setFileDialogFilters("ISO Images(*.iso *.ISO)");
153 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
154 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setInitialPath(uiCommon().defaultFolderPathForType(UIMediumDeviceType_DVD));
155 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setRecentMediaListType(UIMediumDeviceType_DVD);
156 | if (m_pGAISOPathLabel)
157 | m_pGAISOPathLabel->setBuddy(m_pGAISOFilePathSelector);
158 |
159 | pGAInstallationISOLayout->addWidget(m_pGAISOFilePathSelector);
160 |
161 | connect(m_pGAISOFilePathSelector, &UIFilePathSelector::pathChanged,
162 | this, &UIGAInstallationGroupBox::sigPathChanged);
163 | connect(this, &UIGAInstallationGroupBox::toggled,
164 | this, &UIGAInstallationGroupBox::sltToggleWidgetsEnabled);
165 | retranslateUi();
166 | }
167 |
168 | void UIGAInstallationGroupBox::retranslateUi()
169 | {
170 | if (m_pGAISOFilePathSelector)
171 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Selects an installation medium (ISO file) for the Guest Additions."));
172 | if (m_pGAISOPathLabel)
173 | m_pGAISOPathLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Guest &Additions ISO:"));
174 | setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Gu&est Additions"));
175 | setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("When checked, the guest additions will be installed after the guest OS install."));
176 | }
177 |
178 | QString UIGAInstallationGroupBox::path() const
179 | {
180 | if (m_pGAISOFilePathSelector)
181 | return m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->path();
182 | return QString();
183 | }
184 |
185 | void UIGAInstallationGroupBox::setPath(const QString &strPath, bool fRefreshText /* = true */)
186 | {
187 | if (m_pGAISOFilePathSelector)
188 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setPath(strPath, fRefreshText);
189 | }
190 |
191 | void UIGAInstallationGroupBox::mark()
192 | {
193 | bool fError = !UIWizardNewVMUnattendedCommon::checkGAISOFile(path());
194 | if (m_pGAISOFilePathSelector)
195 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->mark(fError, UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid Guest Additions installation media"));
196 | }
197 |
198 | bool UIGAInstallationGroupBox::isComplete() const
199 | {
200 | if (!isChecked())
201 | return true;
202 | return UIWizardNewVMUnattendedCommon::checkGAISOFile(path());
203 | }
204 |
205 | void UIGAInstallationGroupBox::sltToggleWidgetsEnabled(bool fEnabled)
206 | {
207 | if (m_pGAISOPathLabel)
208 | m_pGAISOPathLabel->setEnabled(fEnabled);
209 |
210 | if (m_pGAISOFilePathSelector)
211 | m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setEnabled(fEnabled);
212 | }
213 |
214 |
215 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
216 | * UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions implementation. *
217 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
218 |
219 | UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
220 | :QIWithRetranslateUI<QGroupBox>(pParent)
221 | , m_pProductKeyLabel(0)
222 | , m_pProductKeyLineEdit(0)
223 | , m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor(0)
224 | , m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox(0)
225 | {
226 | prepare();
227 | }
228 |
229 | void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::prepare()
230 | {
231 | m_pMainLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
232 | m_pMainLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
233 | m_pMainLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1);
234 | m_pProductKeyLabel = new QLabel;
235 | if (m_pProductKeyLabel)
236 | {
237 | m_pProductKeyLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
238 | m_pProductKeyLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
239 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pProductKeyLabel, 0, 0);
240 | }
241 | m_pProductKeyLineEdit = new QILineEdit;
242 | if (m_pProductKeyLineEdit)
243 | {
244 | m_pProductKeyLineEdit->setInputMask(">NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNN;#");
245 | if (m_pProductKeyLabel)
246 | m_pProductKeyLabel->setBuddy(m_pProductKeyLineEdit);
247 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pProductKeyLineEdit, 0, 1, 1, 2);
248 | }
249 |
250 | m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor = new UIHostnameDomainNameEditor;
251 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
252 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor, 1, 0, 2, 3);
253 |
254 | m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
255 | if (m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox)
256 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox, 3, 1);
257 |
258 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
259 | connect(m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor, &UIHostnameDomainNameEditor::sigHostnameDomainNameChanged,
260 | this, &UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::sigHostnameDomainNameChanged);
261 | if (m_pProductKeyLineEdit)
262 | connect(m_pProductKeyLineEdit, &QILineEdit::textChanged,
263 | this, &UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::sigProductKeyChanged);
264 | if (m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox)
265 | connect(m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
266 | this, &UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::sigStartHeadlessChanged);
267 |
268 | retranslateUi();
269 | }
270 |
271 | void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::retranslateUi()
272 | {
273 | setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Additional Options"));
274 |
275 | if (m_pProductKeyLabel)
276 | m_pProductKeyLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Product Key:"));
277 |
278 | if (m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox)
279 | {
280 | m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Install in Background"));
281 | m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("When checked, headless boot (with no GUI) will be enabled for "
282 | "unattended guest OS installation of newly created virtual machine."));
283 | }
284 |
285 | int iMaxWidth = 0;
286 | if (m_pProductKeyLabel)
287 | iMaxWidth = qMax(m_pProductKeyLabel->minimumSizeHint().width(), iMaxWidth);
288 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
289 | iMaxWidth = qMax(m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->firstColumnWidth(), iMaxWidth);
290 | if (iMaxWidth > 0)
291 | {
292 | m_pMainLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, iMaxWidth);
293 | m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->setFirstColumnWidth(iMaxWidth);
294 | }
295 | if (m_pProductKeyLineEdit)
296 | m_pProductKeyLineEdit->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Holds the product key."));
297 | }
298 |
299 | QString UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::hostname() const
300 | {
301 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
302 | return m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->hostname();
303 | return QString();
304 | }
305 |
306 | void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::setHostname(const QString &strHostname)
307 | {
308 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
309 | return m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->setHostname(strHostname);
310 | }
311 |
312 | QString UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::domainName() const
313 | {
314 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
315 | return m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->domainName();
316 | return QString();
317 | }
318 |
319 | void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::setDomainName(const QString &strDomainName)
320 | {
321 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
322 | return m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->setDomainName(strDomainName);
323 | }
324 |
325 | QString UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::hostnameDomainName() const
326 | {
327 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
328 | return m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->hostnameDomainName();
329 | return QString();
330 | }
331 |
332 | bool UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::isComplete() const
333 | {
334 | return isHostnameComplete();
335 | }
336 |
337 | bool UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::isHostnameComplete() const
338 | {
339 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
340 | return m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->isComplete();
341 | return false;
342 | }
343 |
344 |
345 | void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::mark()
346 | {
347 | if (m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor)
348 | m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->mark();
349 | }
350 |
351 | void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::disableEnableProductKeyWidgets(bool fEnabled)
352 | {
353 | if (m_pProductKeyLabel)
354 | m_pProductKeyLabel->setEnabled(fEnabled);
355 | if (m_pProductKeyLineEdit)
356 | m_pProductKeyLineEdit->setEnabled(fEnabled);
357 | }
358 |
359 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
360 | * UINewVMHardwareContainer implementation. *
361 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
362 |
363 | UINewVMHardwareContainer::UINewVMHardwareContainer(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
364 | : QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>(pParent)
365 | , m_pBaseMemoryEditor(0)
366 | , m_pVirtualCPUEditor(0)
367 | , m_pEFICheckBox(0)
368 | {
369 | prepare();
370 | }
371 |
372 | void UINewVMHardwareContainer::setMemorySize(int iSize)
373 | {
374 | if (m_pBaseMemoryEditor)
375 | m_pBaseMemoryEditor->setValue(iSize);
376 | }
377 |
378 | void UINewVMHardwareContainer::setCPUCount(int iCount)
379 | {
380 | if (m_pVirtualCPUEditor)
381 | m_pVirtualCPUEditor->setValue(iCount);
382 | }
383 |
384 | void UINewVMHardwareContainer::setEFIEnabled(bool fEnabled)
385 | {
386 | if (m_pEFICheckBox)
387 | m_pEFICheckBox->setChecked(fEnabled);
388 | }
389 |
390 | void UINewVMHardwareContainer::prepare()
391 | {
392 | QGridLayout *pHardwareLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
393 | pHardwareLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
394 |
395 | m_pBaseMemoryEditor = new UIBaseMemoryEditor;
396 | m_pVirtualCPUEditor = new UIVirtualCPUEditor;
397 | m_pEFICheckBox = new QCheckBox;
398 | pHardwareLayout->addWidget(m_pBaseMemoryEditor, 0, 0, 1, 4);
399 | pHardwareLayout->addWidget(m_pVirtualCPUEditor, 1, 0, 1, 4);
400 | pHardwareLayout->addWidget(m_pEFICheckBox, 2, 0, 1, 1);
401 |
402 |
403 | if (m_pBaseMemoryEditor)
404 | connect(m_pBaseMemoryEditor, &UIBaseMemoryEditor::sigValueChanged,
405 | this, &UINewVMHardwareContainer::sigMemorySizeChanged);
406 | if (m_pVirtualCPUEditor)
407 | connect(m_pVirtualCPUEditor, &UIVirtualCPUEditor::sigValueChanged,
408 | this, &UINewVMHardwareContainer::sigCPUCountChanged);
409 | if (m_pEFICheckBox)
410 | connect(m_pEFICheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
411 | this, &UINewVMHardwareContainer::sigEFIEnabledChanged);
412 |
413 |
414 | retranslateUi();
415 | }
416 |
417 | void UINewVMHardwareContainer::retranslateUi()
418 | {
419 | if (m_pEFICheckBox)
420 | {
421 | m_pEFICheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Enable EFI (special OSes only)"));
422 | m_pEFICheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("When checked, the guest will support the Extended Firmware Interface (EFI), "
423 | "which is required to boot certain guest OSes. Non-EFI aware OSes will not "
424 | "be able to boot if this option is activated."));
425 | }
426 | }