1 | /* $Id: UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource.cpp 103957 2024-03-20 13:41:59Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QGridLayout>
30 | #include <QHeaderView>
31 | #include <QLabel>
32 | #include <QListWidget>
33 | #include <QPushButton>
34 | #include <QVBoxLayout>
35 |
36 | /* GUI includes: */
37 | #include "QIComboBox.h"
38 | #include "QIRichTextLabel.h"
39 | #include "QIToolButton.h"
40 | #include "UICloudNetworkingStuff.h"
41 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
42 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
43 | #include "UIVirtualBoxEventHandler.h"
44 | #include "UIVirtualBoxManager.h"
45 | #include "UIWizardAddCloudVM.h"
46 | #include "UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource.h"
47 |
48 | /* COM includes: */
49 | #include "CStringArray.h"
50 |
51 | /* Namespaces: */
52 | using namespace UIWizardAddCloudVMSource;
53 |
54 |
55 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
56 | * Namespace UIWizardAddCloudVMSource implementation. *
57 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
58 |
59 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMSource::populateProviders(QIComboBox *pCombo, UINotificationCenter *pCenter)
60 | {
61 | /* Sanity check: */
62 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pCombo);
63 |
64 | /* Remember current item data to be able to restore it: */
65 | QString strOldData;
66 | if (pCombo->currentIndex() != -1)
67 | strOldData = pCombo->currentData(ProviderData_ShortName).toString();
68 | /* Otherwise "OCI" should be the default one: */
69 | else
70 | strOldData = "OCI";
71 |
72 | /* Block signals while updating: */
73 | pCombo->blockSignals(true);
74 |
75 | /* Clear combo initially: */
76 | pCombo->clear();
77 |
78 | /* Iterate through existing providers: */
79 | foreach (const CCloudProvider &comProvider, listCloudProviders(pCenter))
80 | {
81 | /* Skip if we have nothing to populate (file missing?): */
82 | if (comProvider.isNull())
83 | continue;
84 | /* Acquire provider name: */
85 | QString strProviderName;
86 | if (!cloudProviderName(comProvider, strProviderName, pCenter))
87 | continue;
88 | /* Acquire provider short name: */
89 | QString strProviderShortName;
90 | if (!cloudProviderShortName(comProvider, strProviderShortName, pCenter))
91 | continue;
92 |
93 | /* Compose empty item, fill the data: */
94 | pCombo->addItem(QString());
95 | pCombo->setItemData(pCombo->count() - 1, strProviderName, ProviderData_Name);
96 | pCombo->setItemData(pCombo->count() - 1, strProviderShortName, ProviderData_ShortName);
97 | }
98 |
99 | /* Set previous/default item if possible: */
100 | int iNewIndex = -1;
101 | if ( iNewIndex == -1
102 | && !strOldData.isNull())
103 | iNewIndex = pCombo->findData(strOldData, ProviderData_ShortName);
104 | if ( iNewIndex == -1
105 | && pCombo->count() > 0)
106 | iNewIndex = 0;
107 | if (iNewIndex != -1)
108 | pCombo->setCurrentIndex(iNewIndex);
109 |
110 | /* Unblock signals after update: */
111 | pCombo->blockSignals(false);
112 | }
113 |
114 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMSource::populateProfiles(QIComboBox *pCombo,
115 | UINotificationCenter *pCenter,
116 | const QString &strProviderShortName,
117 | const QString &strProfileName)
118 | {
119 | /* Sanity check: */
120 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pCombo);
121 | /* Acquire provider: */
122 | CCloudProvider comProvider = cloudProviderByShortName(strProviderShortName, pCenter);
123 | AssertReturnVoid(comProvider.isNotNull());
124 |
125 | /* Remember current item data to be able to restore it: */
126 | QString strOldData;
127 | if (pCombo->currentIndex() != -1)
128 | strOldData = pCombo->currentData(ProfileData_Name).toString();
129 | else if (!strProfileName.isEmpty())
130 | strOldData = strProfileName;
131 |
132 | /* Block signals while updating: */
133 | pCombo->blockSignals(true);
134 |
135 | /* Clear combo initially: */
136 | pCombo->clear();
137 |
138 | /* Acquire restricted accounts: */
139 | const QStringList restrictedProfiles = gEDataManager->cloudProfileManagerRestrictions();
140 |
141 | /* Iterate through existing profiles: */
142 | QStringList allowedProfileNames;
143 | QStringList restrictedProfileNames;
144 | foreach (const CCloudProfile &comProfile, listCloudProfiles(comProvider, pCenter))
145 | {
146 | /* Skip if we have nothing to populate (wtf happened?): */
147 | if (comProfile.isNull())
148 | continue;
149 | /* Acquire current profile name: */
150 | QString strCurrentProfileName;
151 | if (!cloudProfileName(comProfile, strCurrentProfileName, pCenter))
152 | continue;
153 |
154 | /* Compose full profile name: */
155 | const QString strFullProfileName = QString("/%1/%2").arg(strProviderShortName).arg(strCurrentProfileName);
156 | /* Append to appropriate list: */
157 | if (restrictedProfiles.contains(strFullProfileName))
158 | restrictedProfileNames.append(strCurrentProfileName);
159 | else
160 | allowedProfileNames.append(strCurrentProfileName);
161 | }
162 |
163 | /* Add allowed items: */
164 | foreach (const QString &strAllowedProfileName, allowedProfileNames)
165 | {
166 | /* Compose item, fill it's data: */
167 | pCombo->addItem(strAllowedProfileName);
168 | pCombo->setItemData(pCombo->count() - 1, strAllowedProfileName, ProfileData_Name);
169 | QFont fnt = pCombo->font();
170 | fnt.setBold(true);
171 | pCombo->setItemData(pCombo->count() - 1, fnt, Qt::FontRole);
172 | }
173 | /* Add restricted items: */
174 | foreach (const QString &strRestrictedProfileName, restrictedProfileNames)
175 | {
176 | /* Compose item, fill it's data: */
177 | pCombo->addItem(strRestrictedProfileName);
178 | pCombo->setItemData(pCombo->count() - 1, strRestrictedProfileName, ProfileData_Name);
179 | QBrush brsh;
180 | brsh.setColor(Qt::gray);
181 | pCombo->setItemData(pCombo->count() - 1, brsh, Qt::ForegroundRole);
182 | }
183 |
184 | /* Set previous/default item if possible: */
185 | int iNewIndex = -1;
186 | if ( iNewIndex == -1
187 | && !strOldData.isNull())
188 | iNewIndex = pCombo->findData(strOldData, ProfileData_Name);
189 | if ( iNewIndex == -1
190 | && pCombo->count() > 0)
191 | iNewIndex = 0;
192 | if (iNewIndex != -1)
193 | pCombo->setCurrentIndex(iNewIndex);
194 |
195 | /* Unblock signals after update: */
196 | pCombo->blockSignals(false);
197 | }
198 |
199 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMSource::populateProfileInstances(QListWidget *pList, UINotificationCenter *pCenter, const CCloudClient &comClient)
200 | {
201 | /* Sanity check: */
202 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pList);
203 | AssertReturnVoid(comClient.isNotNull());
204 |
205 | /* Block signals while updating: */
206 | pList->blockSignals(true);
207 |
208 | /* Clear list initially: */
209 | pList->clear();
210 |
211 | /* Gather instance names and ids: */
212 | CStringArray comNames;
213 | CStringArray comIDs;
214 | if (listCloudSourceInstances(comClient, comNames, comIDs, pCenter))
215 | {
216 | /* Push acquired names to list rows: */
217 | const QVector<QString> names = comNames.GetValues();
218 | const QVector<QString> ids = comIDs.GetValues();
219 | for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
220 | {
221 | /* Create list item: */
222 | QListWidgetItem *pItem = new QListWidgetItem(names.at(i), pList);
223 | if (pItem)
224 | {
225 | pItem->setFlags(pItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
226 | pItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, ids.at(i));
227 | }
228 | }
229 | }
230 |
231 | /* Choose the 1st one by default if possible: */
232 | if (pList->count())
233 | pList->setCurrentRow(0);
234 |
235 | /* Unblock signals after update: */
236 | pList->blockSignals(false);
237 | }
238 |
239 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMSource::updateComboToolTip(QIComboBox *pCombo)
240 | {
241 | /* Sanity check: */
242 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pCombo);
243 |
244 | const int iCurrentIndex = pCombo->currentIndex();
245 | if (iCurrentIndex != -1)
246 | {
247 | const QString strCurrentToolTip = pCombo->itemData(iCurrentIndex, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString();
248 | AssertMsg(!strCurrentToolTip.isEmpty(), ("Tool-tip data not found!\n"));
249 | pCombo->setToolTip(strCurrentToolTip);
250 | }
251 | }
252 |
253 | QStringList UIWizardAddCloudVMSource::currentListWidgetData(QListWidget *pList)
254 | {
255 | QStringList result;
256 | foreach (QListWidgetItem *pItem, pList->selectedItems())
257 | result << pItem->data(Qt::UserRole).toString();
258 | return result;
259 | }
260 |
261 |
262 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
263 | * Class UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource implementation. *
264 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
265 |
266 | UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource()
267 | : m_pLabelMain(0)
268 | , m_pProviderLayout(0)
269 | , m_pProviderLabel(0)
270 | , m_pProviderComboBox(0)
271 | , m_pLabelDescription(0)
272 | , m_pOptionsLayout(0)
273 | , m_pProfileLabel(0)
274 | , m_pProfileComboBox(0)
275 | , m_pProfileToolButton(0)
276 | , m_pSourceInstanceLabel(0)
277 | , m_pSourceInstanceList(0)
278 | {
279 | /* Prepare main layout: */
280 | QVBoxLayout *pLayoutMain = new QVBoxLayout(this);
281 | if (pLayoutMain)
282 | {
283 | /* Prepare main label: */
284 | m_pLabelMain = new QIRichTextLabel(this);
285 | if (m_pLabelMain)
286 | pLayoutMain->addWidget(m_pLabelMain);
287 |
288 | /* Prepare provider layout: */
289 | m_pProviderLayout = new QGridLayout;
290 | if (m_pProviderLayout)
291 | {
292 | m_pProviderLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
293 | m_pProviderLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
294 | m_pProviderLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1);
295 |
296 | /* Prepare provider label: */
297 | m_pProviderLabel = new QLabel(this);
298 | if (m_pProviderLabel)
299 | m_pProviderLayout->addWidget(m_pProviderLabel, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight);
300 | /* Prepare provider combo-box: */
301 | m_pProviderComboBox = new QIComboBox(this);
302 | if (m_pProviderComboBox)
303 | {
304 | m_pProviderLabel->setBuddy(m_pProviderComboBox);
305 | m_pProviderLayout->addWidget(m_pProviderComboBox, 0, 1);
306 | }
307 |
308 | /* Add into layout: */
309 | pLayoutMain->addLayout(m_pProviderLayout);
310 | }
311 |
312 | /* Prepare description label: */
313 | m_pLabelDescription = new QIRichTextLabel(this);
314 | if (m_pLabelDescription)
315 | pLayoutMain->addWidget(m_pLabelDescription);
316 |
317 | /* Prepare options layout: */
318 | m_pOptionsLayout = new QGridLayout;
319 | if (m_pOptionsLayout)
320 | {
321 | m_pOptionsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
322 | m_pOptionsLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
323 | m_pOptionsLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1);
324 | m_pOptionsLayout->setRowStretch(1, 0);
325 | m_pOptionsLayout->setRowStretch(2, 1);
326 |
327 | /* Prepare profile label: */
328 | m_pProfileLabel = new QLabel(this);
329 | if (m_pProfileLabel)
330 | m_pOptionsLayout->addWidget(m_pProfileLabel, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight);
331 |
332 | /* Prepare profile layout: */
333 | QHBoxLayout *pProfileLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
334 | if (pProfileLayout)
335 | {
336 | pProfileLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
337 | pProfileLayout->setSpacing(1);
338 |
339 | /* Prepare profile combo-box: */
340 | m_pProfileComboBox = new QIComboBox(this);
341 | if (m_pProfileComboBox)
342 | {
343 | m_pProfileLabel->setBuddy(m_pProfileComboBox);
344 | pProfileLayout->addWidget(m_pProfileComboBox);
345 | }
346 |
347 | /* Prepare profile tool-button: */
348 | m_pProfileToolButton = new QIToolButton(this);
349 | if (m_pProfileToolButton)
350 | {
351 | m_pProfileToolButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/cloud_profile_manager_16px.png",
352 | ":/cloud_profile_manager_disabled_16px.png"));
353 | pProfileLayout->addWidget(m_pProfileToolButton);
354 | }
355 |
356 | /* Add into layout: */
357 | m_pOptionsLayout->addLayout(pProfileLayout, 0, 1);
358 | }
359 |
360 | /* Prepare source instance label: */
361 | m_pSourceInstanceLabel = new QLabel(this);
362 | if (m_pSourceInstanceLabel)
363 | m_pOptionsLayout->addWidget(m_pSourceInstanceLabel, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight);
364 |
365 | /* Prepare source instances table: */
366 | m_pSourceInstanceList = new QListWidget(this);
367 | if (m_pSourceInstanceList)
368 | {
369 | m_pSourceInstanceLabel->setBuddy(m_pSourceInstanceLabel);
370 | /* Make source image list fit 50 symbols
371 | * horizontally and 8 lines vertically: */
372 | const QFontMetrics fm(m_pSourceInstanceList->font());
373 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0)
374 | const int iFontWidth = fm.horizontalAdvance('x');
375 | #else
376 | const int iFontWidth = fm.width('x');
377 | #endif
378 | const int iTotalWidth = 50 * iFontWidth;
379 | const int iFontHeight = fm.height();
380 | const int iTotalHeight = 8 * iFontHeight;
381 | m_pSourceInstanceList->setMinimumSize(QSize(iTotalWidth, iTotalHeight));
382 | /* A bit of look&feel: */
383 | m_pSourceInstanceList->setAlternatingRowColors(true);
384 | /* Allow to select more than one item to add: */
385 | m_pSourceInstanceList->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
386 |
387 | /* Add into layout: */
388 | m_pOptionsLayout->addWidget(m_pSourceInstanceList, 1, 1, 2, 1);
389 | }
390 |
391 | /* Add into layout: */
392 | pLayoutMain->addLayout(m_pOptionsLayout);
393 | }
394 | }
395 |
396 | /* Setup connections: */
397 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigCloudProfileRegistered,
398 | this, &UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProviderComboChange);
399 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigCloudProfileChanged,
400 | this, &UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProviderComboChange);
401 | connect(m_pProviderComboBox, &QIComboBox::activated,
402 | this, &UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProviderComboChange);
403 | connect(m_pProfileComboBox, &QIComboBox::currentIndexChanged,
404 | this, &UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProfileComboChange);
405 | connect(m_pProfileToolButton, &QIToolButton::clicked,
406 | this, &UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProfileButtonClick);
407 | connect(m_pSourceInstanceList, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged,
408 | this, &UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleSourceInstanceChange);
409 | }
410 |
411 | UIWizardAddCloudVM *UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::wizard() const
412 | {
413 | return qobject_cast<UIWizardAddCloudVM*>(UINativeWizardPage::wizard());
414 | }
415 |
416 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltRetranslateUI()
417 | {
418 | /* Translate page: */
419 | setTitle(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("Source to add from"));
420 |
421 | /* Translate main label: */
422 | m_pLabelMain->setText(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("Please choose the source to add cloud virtual machine from. This can "
423 | "be one of known cloud service providers below."));
424 |
425 | /* Translate provider label: */
426 | m_pProviderLabel->setText(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("&Source:"));
427 | /* Translate received values of Source combo-box.
428 | * We are enumerating starting from 0 for simplicity: */
429 | for (int i = 0; i < m_pProviderComboBox->count(); ++i)
430 | {
431 | m_pProviderComboBox->setItemText(i, m_pProviderComboBox->itemData(i, ProviderData_Name).toString());
432 | m_pProviderComboBox->setItemData(i, UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("Add VM from cloud service provider."), Qt::ToolTipRole);
433 | }
434 |
435 | /* Translate description label: */
436 | m_pLabelDescription->setText(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("Please choose one of cloud service profiles you have registered to "
437 | "add virtual machine from. Existing instance list will be "
438 | "updated. To continue, select at least one instance to add virtual "
439 | "machine on the basis of it."));
440 |
441 | /* Translate profile stuff: */
442 | m_pProfileLabel->setText(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("&Profile:"));
443 | m_pProfileToolButton->setToolTip(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("Open Cloud Profile Manager..."));
444 | m_pSourceInstanceLabel->setText(UIWizardAddCloudVM::tr("&Instances:"));
445 |
446 | /* Adjust label widths: */
447 | QList<QWidget*> labels;
448 | labels << m_pProviderLabel;
449 | labels << m_pProfileLabel;
450 | labels << m_pSourceInstanceLabel;
451 | int iMaxWidth = 0;
452 | foreach (QWidget *pLabel, labels)
453 | iMaxWidth = qMax(iMaxWidth, pLabel->minimumSizeHint().width());
454 | m_pProviderLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, iMaxWidth);
455 | m_pOptionsLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, iMaxWidth);
456 |
457 | /* Update tool-tips: */
458 | updateComboToolTip(m_pProviderComboBox);
459 | }
460 |
461 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::initializePage()
462 | {
463 | /* Populate providers: */
464 | populateProviders(m_pProviderComboBox, wizard()->notificationCenter());
465 | /* Translate providers: */
466 | sltRetranslateUI();
467 | /* Fetch it, asynchronously: */
468 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "sltHandleProviderComboChange", Qt::QueuedConnection);
469 | /* Make image list focused by default: */
470 | m_pSourceInstanceList->setFocus();
471 | }
472 |
473 | bool UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::isComplete() const
474 | {
475 | /* Initial result: */
476 | bool fResult = true;
477 |
478 | /* Make sure client is not NULL and
479 | * at least one instance is selected: */
480 | fResult = wizard()->client().isNotNull()
481 | && !wizard()->instanceIds().isEmpty();
482 |
483 | /* Return result: */
484 | return fResult;
485 | }
486 |
487 | bool UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::validatePage()
488 | {
489 | /* Initial result: */
490 | bool fResult = true;
491 |
492 | /* Try to add cloud VMs: */
493 | fResult = wizard()->addCloudVMs();
494 |
495 | /* Return result: */
496 | return fResult;
497 | }
498 |
499 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProviderComboChange()
500 | {
501 | /* Update combo tool-tip: */
502 | updateComboToolTip(m_pProviderComboBox);
503 |
504 | /* Update wizard fields: */
505 | wizard()->setProviderShortName(m_pProviderComboBox->currentData(ProviderData_ShortName).toString());
506 |
507 | /* Update profiles: */
508 | populateProfiles(m_pProfileComboBox, wizard()->notificationCenter(), wizard()->providerShortName(), wizard()->profileName());
509 | sltHandleProfileComboChange();
510 |
511 | /* Notify about changes: */
512 | emit completeChanged();
513 | }
514 |
515 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProfileComboChange()
516 | {
517 | /* Update wizard fields: */
518 | wizard()->setProfileName(m_pProfileComboBox->currentData(ProfileData_Name).toString());
519 | wizard()->setClient(cloudClientByName(wizard()->providerShortName(), wizard()->profileName(), wizard()->notificationCenter()));
520 |
521 | /* Update profile instances: */
522 | wizard()->wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert)->setEnabled(false);
523 | populateProfileInstances(m_pSourceInstanceList, wizard()->notificationCenter(), wizard()->client());
524 | wizard()->wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert)->setEnabled(true);
525 | sltHandleSourceInstanceChange();
526 |
527 | /* Notify about changes: */
528 | emit completeChanged();
529 | }
530 |
531 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleProfileButtonClick()
532 | {
533 | if (gpManager)
534 | gpManager->openCloudProfileManager();
535 | }
536 |
537 | void UIWizardAddCloudVMPageSource::sltHandleSourceInstanceChange()
538 | {
539 | /* Update wizard fields: */
540 | wizard()->setInstanceIds(currentListWidgetData(m_pSourceInstanceList));
541 |
542 | /* Notify about changes: */
543 | emit completeChanged();
544 | }