1 | /* $Id: UINativeWizard.cpp 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UINativeWizard class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QHBoxLayout>
30 | #include <QLabel>
31 | #include <QPainter>
32 | #include <QPushButton>
33 | #include <QStackedWidget>
34 | #include <QStyle>
35 | #include <QVBoxLayout>
36 | #include <QWindow>
37 |
38 | /* GUI includes: */
39 | #include "QIRichTextLabel.h"
40 | #include "UICommon.h"
41 | #include "UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog.h"
42 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
43 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
44 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
45 | #include "UINativeWizard.h"
46 | #include "UINativeWizardPage.h"
47 | #include "UINotificationCenter.h"
48 |
49 |
50 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
51 | UIFrame::UIFrame(QWidget *pParent)
52 | : QWidget(pParent)
53 | {
54 | }
55 |
56 | void UIFrame::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent)
57 | {
58 | /* Sanity check: */
59 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pEvent);
60 |
61 | /* Prepare painter: */
62 | QPainter painter(this);
63 |
64 | /* Limit painting with incoming rectangle: */
65 | painter.setClipRect(pEvent->rect());
66 |
67 | /* Check whether we should use Active or Inactive palette: */
68 | const bool fActive = parentWidget() && parentWidget()->isActiveWindow();
69 |
70 | /* Paint background: */
71 | QColor backgroundColor = QGuiApplication::palette().color(fActive ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window);
72 | backgroundColor.setAlpha(100);
73 | painter.setPen(backgroundColor);
74 | painter.setBrush(backgroundColor);
75 | painter.drawRect(rect());
76 |
77 | /* Paint borders: */
78 | painter.setPen(QGuiApplication::palette().color(fActive ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window).darker(130));
79 | QLine line1(0, 0, rect().width() - 1, 0);
80 | QLine line2(rect().width() - 1, 0, rect().width() - 1, rect().height() - 1);
81 | QLine line3(rect().width() - 1, rect().height() - 1, 0, rect().height() - 1);
82 | QLine line4(0, rect().height() - 1, 0, 0);
83 | painter.drawLine(line1);
84 | painter.drawLine(line2);
85 | painter.drawLine(line3);
86 | painter.drawLine(line4);
87 | }
88 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
89 |
90 |
91 | UINativeWizard::UINativeWizard(QWidget *pParent,
92 | WizardType enmType,
93 | WizardMode enmMode /* = WizardMode_Auto */,
94 | const QString &strHelpTag /* = QString() */)
95 | : QIWithRetranslateUI<QDialog>(pParent)
96 | , m_enmType(enmType)
97 | , m_enmMode(enmMode == WizardMode_Auto ? gEDataManager->modeForWizardType(m_enmType) : enmMode)
98 | , m_strHelpHashtag(strHelpTag)
99 | , m_iLastIndex(-1)
100 | , m_pLabelPixmap(0)
101 | , m_pLayoutRight(0)
102 | , m_pLabelPageTitle(0)
103 | , m_pWidgetStack(0)
104 | , m_pNotificationCenter(0)
105 | {
106 | prepare();
107 | }
108 |
109 | UINativeWizard::~UINativeWizard()
110 | {
111 | cleanup();
112 | }
113 |
114 | UINotificationCenter *UINativeWizard::notificationCenter() const
115 | {
116 | return m_pNotificationCenter;
117 | }
118 |
119 | bool UINativeWizard::handleNotificationProgressNow(UINotificationProgress *pProgress)
120 | {
121 | wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert)->setEnabled(false);
122 | const bool fResult = m_pNotificationCenter->handleNow(pProgress);
123 | wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert)->setEnabled(true);
124 | return fResult;
125 | }
126 |
127 | QPushButton *UINativeWizard::wizardButton(const WizardButtonType &enmType) const
128 | {
129 | return m_buttons.value(enmType);
130 | }
131 |
132 | int UINativeWizard::exec()
133 | {
134 | /* Init wizard: */
135 | init();
136 |
137 | /* Call to base-class: */
138 | return QIWithRetranslateUI<QDialog>::exec();
139 | }
140 |
141 | void UINativeWizard::setPixmapName(const QString &strName)
142 | {
143 | m_strPixmapName = strName;
144 | }
145 |
146 | bool UINativeWizard::isPageVisible(int iIndex) const
147 | {
148 | return !m_invisiblePages.contains(iIndex);
149 | }
150 |
151 | void UINativeWizard::setPageVisible(int iIndex, bool fVisible)
152 | {
153 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(iIndex || fVisible, ("Can't hide 1st wizard page!\n"));
154 | if (fVisible)
155 | m_invisiblePages.remove(iIndex);
156 | else
157 | m_invisiblePages.insert(iIndex);
158 | /* Update the button labels since the last visible page might have changed. Thus 'Next' <-> 'Finish' might be needed: */
159 | retranslateUi();
160 | }
161 |
162 | int UINativeWizard::addPage(UINativeWizardPage *pPage)
163 | {
164 | /* Sanity check: */
165 | AssertPtrReturn(pPage, -1);
166 | AssertPtrReturn(pPage->layout(), -1);
167 |
168 | /* Adjust page layout: */
169 | const int iL = 0;
170 | const int iT = 0;
171 | const int iR = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin);
172 | const int iB = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin);
173 | pPage->layout()->setContentsMargins(iL, iT, iR, iB);
174 |
175 | /* Add page to wizard's stack: */
176 | m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(true);
177 | const int iIndex = m_pWidgetStack->addWidget(pPage);
178 | m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(false);
179 |
180 | /* Make sure wizard is aware of page validity changes: */
181 | connect(pPage, &UINativeWizardPage::completeChanged,
182 | this, &UINativeWizard::sltCompleteChanged);
183 |
184 | /* Returns added page index: */
185 | return iIndex;
186 | }
187 |
188 | void UINativeWizard::retranslateUi()
189 | {
190 | /* Translate Help button: */
191 | QPushButton *pButtonHelp = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help);
192 | if (pButtonHelp)
193 | {
194 | pButtonHelp->setText(tr("&Help"));
195 | pButtonHelp->setToolTip(tr("Open corresponding Help topic."));
196 | }
197 |
198 | /* Translate basic/expert button: */
199 | QPushButton *pButtonExpert = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert);
200 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonExpert, ("No Expert wizard button found!\n"));
201 | switch (m_enmMode)
202 | {
203 | case WizardMode_Basic:
204 | pButtonExpert->setText(tr("&Expert Mode"));
205 | pButtonExpert->setToolTip(tr("Switch to the Expert Mode, "
206 | "a one-page dialog for experienced users."));
207 | break;
208 | case WizardMode_Expert:
209 | pButtonExpert->setText(tr("&Guided Mode"));
210 | pButtonExpert->setToolTip(tr("Switch to the Guided Mode, "
211 | "a step-by-step dialog with detailed explanations."));
212 | break;
213 | default:
214 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid wizard mode: %d", m_enmMode));
215 | break;
216 | }
217 |
218 | /* Translate Back button: */
219 | QPushButton *pButtonBack = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Back);
220 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonBack, ("No Back wizard button found!\n"));
221 | pButtonBack->setText(tr("&Back"));
222 | pButtonBack->setToolTip(tr("Go to previous wizard page."));
223 |
224 | /* Translate Next button: */
225 | QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next);
226 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n"));
227 | if (!isLastVisiblePage(m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex()))
228 | {
229 | pButtonNext->setText(tr("&Next"));
230 | pButtonNext->setToolTip(tr("Go to next wizard page."));
231 | }
232 | else
233 | {
234 | pButtonNext->setText(tr("&Finish"));
235 | pButtonNext->setToolTip(tr("Commit all wizard data."));
236 | }
237 |
238 | /* Translate Cancel button: */
239 | QPushButton *pButtonCancel = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Cancel);
240 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonCancel, ("No Cancel wizard button found!\n"));
241 | pButtonCancel->setText(tr("&Cancel"));
242 | pButtonCancel->setToolTip(tr("Cancel wizard execution."));
243 | }
244 |
245 | void UINativeWizard::sltCurrentIndexChanged(int iIndex /* = -1 */)
246 | {
247 | /* Update translation: */
248 | retranslateUi();
249 |
250 | /* Sanity check: */
251 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pWidgetStack);
252 |
253 | /* -1 means current one page: */
254 | if (iIndex == -1)
255 | iIndex = m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex();
256 |
257 | /* Hide/show Expert button (hidden by default): */
258 | bool fIsExpertButtonAvailable = false;
259 | /* Show Expert button for 1st page: */
260 | if (iIndex == 0)
261 | fIsExpertButtonAvailable = true;
262 | /* Hide/show Expert button finally: */
263 | QPushButton *pButtonExpert = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert);
264 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonExpert, ("No Expert wizard button found!\n"));
265 | pButtonExpert->setVisible(fIsExpertButtonAvailable);
266 |
267 | /* Disable/enable Back button: */
268 | QPushButton *pButtonBack = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Back);
269 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonBack, ("No Back wizard button found!\n"));
270 | pButtonBack->setEnabled(iIndex > 0);
271 |
272 | /* Initialize corresponding page: */
273 | UINativeWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast<UINativeWizardPage*>(m_pWidgetStack->widget(iIndex));
274 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPage);
275 | m_pLabelPageTitle->setText(pPage->title());
276 | if (iIndex > m_iLastIndex)
277 | pPage->initializePage();
278 |
279 | /* Disable/enable Next button: */
280 | QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next);
281 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n"));
282 | pButtonNext->setEnabled(pPage->isComplete());
283 |
284 | /* Update last index: */
285 | m_iLastIndex = iIndex;
286 | }
287 |
288 | void UINativeWizard::sltCompleteChanged()
289 | {
290 | /* Make sure sender is current widget: */
291 | QWidget *pSender = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(sender());
292 | if (pSender != m_pWidgetStack->currentWidget())
293 | return;
294 |
295 | /* Allow Next button only if current page is complete: */
296 | UINativeWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast<UINativeWizardPage*>(pSender);
297 | QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next);
298 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n"));
299 | pButtonNext->setEnabled(pPage->isComplete());
300 | }
301 |
302 | void UINativeWizard::sltExpert()
303 | {
304 | /* Toggle mode: */
305 | switch (m_enmMode)
306 | {
307 | case WizardMode_Basic: m_enmMode = WizardMode_Expert; break;
308 | case WizardMode_Expert: m_enmMode = WizardMode_Basic; break;
309 | default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid mode: %d", m_enmMode)); break;
310 | }
311 | gEDataManager->setModeForWizardType(m_enmType, m_enmMode);
312 |
313 | /* Reinit everything: */
314 | deinit();
315 | init();
316 | }
317 |
318 | void UINativeWizard::sltPrevious()
319 | {
320 | /* For all allowed pages besides the 1st one we going backward: */
321 | bool fPreviousFound = false;
322 | int iIteratedIndex = m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex();
323 | while (!fPreviousFound && iIteratedIndex > 0)
324 | if (isPageVisible(--iIteratedIndex))
325 | fPreviousFound = true;
326 | if (fPreviousFound)
327 | m_pWidgetStack->setCurrentIndex(iIteratedIndex);
328 | }
329 |
330 | void UINativeWizard::sltNext()
331 | {
332 | /* Look for Next button: */
333 | QPushButton *pButtonNext = wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next);
334 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pButtonNext, ("No Next wizard button found!\n"));
335 |
336 | /* Validate page before going forward: */
337 | AssertReturnVoid(m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex() < m_pWidgetStack->count());
338 | UINativeWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast<UINativeWizardPage*>(m_pWidgetStack->currentWidget());
339 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPage);
340 | pButtonNext->setEnabled(false);
341 | const bool fIsPageValid = pPage->validatePage();
342 | pButtonNext->setEnabled(true);
343 | if (!fIsPageValid)
344 | return;
345 |
346 | /* For all allowed pages besides the last one we going forward: */
347 | bool fNextFound = false;
348 | int iIteratedIndex = m_pWidgetStack->currentIndex();
349 | while (!fNextFound && iIteratedIndex < m_pWidgetStack->count() - 1)
350 | if (isPageVisible(++iIteratedIndex))
351 | fNextFound = true;
352 | if (fNextFound)
353 | m_pWidgetStack->setCurrentIndex(iIteratedIndex);
354 | /* For last one we just accept the wizard: */
355 | else
356 | accept();
357 | }
358 |
359 | void UINativeWizard::prepare()
360 | {
361 | /* Prepare main layout: */
362 | QVBoxLayout *pLayoutMain = new QVBoxLayout(this);
363 | if (pLayoutMain)
364 | {
365 | /* No need for margins and spacings between sub-layouts: */
366 | pLayoutMain->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
367 | pLayoutMain->setSpacing(0);
368 |
369 | /* Prepare upper layout: */
370 | QHBoxLayout *pLayoutUpper = new QHBoxLayout;
371 | if (pLayoutUpper)
372 | {
373 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
374 | /* No need for bottom margin on macOS, reseting others to default: */
375 | const int iL = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin);
376 | const int iT = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin);
377 | const int iR = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin);
378 | pLayoutUpper->setContentsMargins(iL, iT, iR, 0);
379 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
380 | /* Reset spacing to default, it was flawed by parent inheritance: */
381 | const int iSpacing = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing);
382 | pLayoutUpper->setSpacing(iSpacing);
383 |
384 | /* Prepare pixmap label: */
385 | m_pLabelPixmap = new QLabel(this);
386 | if (m_pLabelPixmap)
387 | {
388 | m_pLabelPixmap->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
389 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
390 | /* On macOS this label contains background, which isn't a part of layout, moving manually: */
391 | m_pLabelPixmap->move(0, 0);
392 | /* Spacer to make look&feel native on macOS: */
393 | QSpacerItem *pSpacer = new QSpacerItem(200, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
394 | pLayoutUpper->addItem(pSpacer);
395 | #else /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
396 | /* Just add label into layout on other platforms: */
397 | pLayoutUpper->addWidget(m_pLabelPixmap);
398 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
399 | }
400 |
401 | /* Prepare right layout: */
402 | m_pLayoutRight = new QVBoxLayout;
403 | if (m_pLayoutRight)
404 | {
405 | /* Prepare page title label: */
406 | m_pLabelPageTitle = new QLabel(this);
407 | if (m_pLabelPageTitle)
408 | {
409 | /* Title should have big/fat font: */
410 | QFont labelFont = m_pLabelPageTitle->font();
411 | labelFont.setBold(true);
412 | labelFont.setPointSize(labelFont.pointSize() + 4);
413 | m_pLabelPageTitle->setFont(labelFont);
414 |
415 | m_pLayoutRight->addWidget(m_pLabelPageTitle);
416 | }
417 |
418 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
419 | /* Prepare frame around widget-stack on macOS for nativity purposes: */
420 | UIFrame *pFrame = new UIFrame(this);
421 | if (pFrame)
422 | {
423 | /* Prepare frame layout: */
424 | QVBoxLayout *pLayoutFrame = new QVBoxLayout(pFrame);
425 | if (pLayoutFrame)
426 | {
427 | /* Prepare widget-stack: */
428 | m_pWidgetStack = new QStackedWidget(pFrame);
429 | if (m_pWidgetStack)
430 | {
431 | connect(m_pWidgetStack, &QStackedWidget::currentChanged, this, &UINativeWizard::sltCurrentIndexChanged);
432 | pLayoutFrame->addWidget(m_pWidgetStack);
433 | }
434 | }
435 |
436 | /* Add to layout: */
437 | m_pLayoutRight->addWidget(pFrame);
438 | }
439 | #else /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
440 | /* Prepare widget-stack directly on other platforms: */
441 | m_pWidgetStack = new QStackedWidget(this);
442 | if (m_pWidgetStack)
443 | {
444 | connect(m_pWidgetStack, &QStackedWidget::currentChanged, this, &UINativeWizard::sltCurrentIndexChanged);
445 | m_pLayoutRight->addWidget(m_pWidgetStack);
446 | }
447 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
448 |
449 | /* Add to layout: */
450 | pLayoutUpper->addLayout(m_pLayoutRight);
451 | }
452 |
453 | /* Add to layout: */
454 | pLayoutMain->addLayout(pLayoutUpper, 1);
455 | }
456 |
457 | /* Prepare bottom widget: */
458 | QWidget *pWidgetBottom = new QWidget(this);
459 | if (pWidgetBottom)
460 | {
461 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
462 | /* Adjust palette a bit on Windows/X11 for native purposes: */
463 | pWidgetBottom->setAutoFillBackground(true);
464 | QPalette pal = QGuiApplication::palette();
465 | pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window, pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window).darker(110));
466 | pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window, pal.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window).darker(110));
467 | pWidgetBottom->setPalette(pal);
468 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
469 |
470 | /* Prepare bottom layout: */
471 | QHBoxLayout *pLayoutBottom = new QHBoxLayout(pWidgetBottom);
472 | if (pLayoutBottom)
473 | {
474 | /* Reset margins to default, they were flawed by parent inheritance: */
475 | const int iL = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin);
476 | const int iT = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin);
477 | const int iR = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin);
478 | const int iB = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin);
479 | pLayoutBottom->setContentsMargins(iL, iT, iR, iB);
480 |
481 | // WORKAROUND:
482 | // Prepare dialog button-box? Huh, no .. QWizard has different opinion.
483 | // So we are hardcoding order, same on all platforms, which is the case.
484 | for (int i = WizardButtonType_Invalid + 1; i < WizardButtonType_Max; ++i)
485 | {
486 | const WizardButtonType enmType = (WizardButtonType)i;
487 | /* Create Help button only if help hash tag is set.
488 | * Create other buttons in any case: */
489 | if (enmType != WizardButtonType_Help || !m_strHelpHashtag.isEmpty())
490 | m_buttons[enmType] = new QPushButton(pWidgetBottom);
491 | QPushButton *pButton = wizardButton(enmType);
492 | if (pButton)
493 | pLayoutBottom->addWidget(pButton);
494 | if (enmType == WizardButtonType_Help)
495 | pLayoutBottom->addStretch(1);
496 | if ( pButton
497 | && enmType == WizardButtonType_Next)
498 | pButton->setDefault(true);
499 | }
500 | /* Connect buttons: */
501 | if (wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help))
502 | {
503 | connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help), &QPushButton::clicked,
504 | &(msgCenter()), &UIMessageCenter::sltHandleHelpRequest);
505 | wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help)->setShortcut(QKeySequence::HelpContents);
506 | uiCommon().setHelpKeyword(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Help), m_strHelpHashtag);
507 | }
508 | connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Expert), &QPushButton::clicked,
509 | this, &UINativeWizard::sltExpert);
510 | connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Back), &QPushButton::clicked,
511 | this, &UINativeWizard::sltPrevious);
512 | connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Next), &QPushButton::clicked,
513 | this, &UINativeWizard::sltNext);
514 | connect(wizardButton(WizardButtonType_Cancel), &QPushButton::clicked,
515 | this, &UINativeWizard::reject);
516 | }
517 |
518 | /* Add to layout: */
519 | pLayoutMain->addWidget(pWidgetBottom);
520 | }
521 | }
522 |
523 | /* Prepare local notification-center: */
524 | m_pNotificationCenter = new UINotificationCenter(this);
525 | }
526 |
527 | void UINativeWizard::cleanup()
528 | {
529 | /* Cleanup local notification-center: */
530 | delete m_pNotificationCenter;
531 | m_pNotificationCenter = 0;
532 | }
533 |
534 | void UINativeWizard::init()
535 | {
536 | /* Populate pages: */
537 | populatePages();
538 |
539 | /* Translate wizard: */
540 | retranslateUi();
541 | /* Translate wizard pages: */
542 | retranslatePages();
543 |
544 | /* Resize wizard to 'golden ratio': */
545 | resizeToGoldenRatio();
546 |
547 | /* Make sure current page initialized: */
548 | sltCurrentIndexChanged();
549 | }
550 |
551 | void UINativeWizard::deinit()
552 | {
553 | /* Remove all the pages: */
554 | m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(true);
555 | while (m_pWidgetStack->count() > 0)
556 | {
557 | QWidget *pLastWidget = m_pWidgetStack->widget(m_pWidgetStack->count() - 1);
558 | m_pWidgetStack->removeWidget(pLastWidget);
559 | delete pLastWidget;
560 | }
561 | m_pWidgetStack->blockSignals(false);
562 |
563 | /* Update last index: */
564 | m_iLastIndex = -1;
565 | /* Update invisible pages: */
566 | m_invisiblePages.clear();
567 |
568 | /* Clean wizard finally: */
569 | cleanWizard();
570 | }
571 |
572 | void UINativeWizard::retranslatePages()
573 | {
574 | /* Translate all the pages: */
575 | for (int i = 0; i < m_pWidgetStack->count(); ++i)
576 | qobject_cast<UINativeWizardPage*>(m_pWidgetStack->widget(i))->retranslate();
577 | }
578 |
579 | void UINativeWizard::resizeToGoldenRatio()
580 | {
581 | /* Standard top margin: */
582 | const int iT = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin);
583 | m_pLayoutRight->setContentsMargins(0, iT, 0, 0);
584 | /* Show title label for Basic mode case: */
585 | m_pLabelPageTitle->setVisible(m_enmMode == WizardMode_Basic);
586 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
587 | /* Hide/show pixmap label on Windows/X11 only, on macOS it's in the background: */
588 | m_pLabelPixmap->setVisible(!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty());
589 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
590 |
591 | /* For wizard in Basic mode: */
592 | if (m_enmMode == WizardMode_Basic)
593 | {
594 | /* Temporary hide all the QIRichTextLabel(s) to exclude
595 | * influence onto m_pWidgetStack minimum size-hint below: */
596 | foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, findChildren<QIRichTextLabel*>())
597 | pLabel->hide();
598 | /* Gather suitable dimensions: */
599 | const int iStepWidth = 100;
600 | const int iMinWidth = qMax(100, m_pWidgetStack->minimumSizeHint().width());
601 | const int iMaxWidth = qMax(iMinWidth, gpDesktop->availableGeometry(this).width() * 3 / 4);
602 | /* Show all the QIRichTextLabel(s) again, they were hidden above: */
603 | foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, findChildren<QIRichTextLabel*>())
604 | pLabel->show();
605 | /* Now look for a golden ratio: */
606 | int iCurrentWidth = iMinWidth;
607 | do
608 | {
609 | /* Assign current QIRichTextLabel(s) width: */
610 | foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, findChildren<QIRichTextLabel*>())
611 | pLabel->setMinimumTextWidth(iCurrentWidth);
612 |
613 | /* Calculate current ratio: */
614 | const QSize msh = m_pWidgetStack->minimumSizeHint();
615 | int iWidth = msh.width();
616 | int iHeight = msh.height();
617 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
618 | /* Advance width for standard watermark width: */
619 | if (!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty())
620 | iWidth += 145;
621 | /* Advance height for spacing & title height: */
622 | if (m_pLayoutRight)
623 | {
624 | int iL, iT, iR, iB;
625 | m_pLayoutRight->getContentsMargins(&iL, &iT, &iR, &iB);
626 | iHeight += iT + m_pLayoutRight->spacing() + iB;
627 | }
628 | if (m_pLabelPageTitle)
629 | iHeight += m_pLabelPageTitle->minimumSizeHint().height();
630 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
631 | const double dRatio = (double)iWidth / iHeight;
632 | if (dRatio > 1.6)
633 | break;
634 |
635 | /* Advance current width: */
636 | iCurrentWidth += iStepWidth;
637 | }
638 | while (iCurrentWidth < iMaxWidth);
639 | }
640 |
641 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
642 | /* Assign background finally: */
643 | if (!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty())
644 | assignBackground();
645 | #else
646 | /* Assign watermark finally: */
647 | if (!m_strPixmapName.isEmpty())
648 | assignWatermark();
649 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
650 |
651 | /* Make sure layouts are freshly updated & activated: */
652 | foreach (QLayout *pLayout, findChildren<QLayout*>())
653 | {
654 | pLayout->update();
655 | pLayout->activate();
656 | }
657 | QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::LayoutRequest);
658 |
659 | /* Resize to minimum size-hint: */
660 | resize(minimumSizeHint());
661 | }
662 |
663 | bool UINativeWizard::isLastVisiblePage(int iPageIndex) const
664 | {
665 | if (!m_pWidgetStack)
666 | return false;
667 | if (iPageIndex == -1)
668 | return false;
669 | /* The page itself is not visible: */
670 | if (m_invisiblePages.contains(iPageIndex))
671 | return false;
672 | bool fLastVisible = true;
673 | /* Look at the page coming after the page with @p iPageIndex and check if they are visible: */
674 | for (int i = iPageIndex + 1; i < m_pWidgetStack->count(); ++i)
675 | {
676 | if (!m_invisiblePages.contains(i))
677 | {
678 | fLastVisible = false;
679 | break;
680 | }
681 | }
682 | return fLastVisible;
683 | }
684 |
685 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
686 | void UINativeWizard::assignBackground()
687 | {
688 | /* Load pixmap to icon first, this will gather HiDPI pixmaps as well: */
689 | const QIcon icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(m_strPixmapName);
690 |
691 | /* Acquire pixmap of required size and scale (on basis of parent-widget's device pixel ratio): */
692 | const QSize standardSize(620, 440);
693 | const QPixmap pixmapOld = icon.pixmap(parentWidget()->windowHandle(), standardSize);
694 |
695 | /* Assign background finally: */
696 | m_pLabelPixmap->setPixmap(pixmapOld);
697 | m_pLabelPixmap->resize(m_pLabelPixmap->minimumSizeHint());
698 | }
699 |
700 | #else
701 |
702 | void UINativeWizard::assignWatermark()
703 | {
704 | /* Load pixmap to icon first, this will gather HiDPI pixmaps as well: */
705 | const QIcon icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(m_strPixmapName);
706 |
707 | /* Acquire pixmap of required size and scale (on basis of parent-widget's device pixel ratio): */
708 | const QSize standardSize(145, 290);
709 | const QPixmap pixmapOld = icon.pixmap(parentWidget()->windowHandle(), standardSize);
710 |
711 | /* Convert watermark to image which allows to manage pixel data directly: */
712 | const QImage imageOld = pixmapOld.toImage();
713 | /* Use the right-top watermark pixel as frame color: */
714 | const QRgb rgbFrame = imageOld.pixel(imageOld.width() - 1, 0);
715 |
716 | /* Compose desired height up to pixmap device pixel ratio: */
717 | int iL, iT, iR, iB;
718 | m_pLayoutRight->getContentsMargins(&iL, &iT, &iR, &iB);
719 | const int iSpacing = iT + m_pLayoutRight->spacing() + iB;
720 | const int iTitleHeight = m_pLabelPageTitle->minimumSizeHint().height();
721 | const int iStackHeight = m_pWidgetStack->minimumSizeHint().height();
722 | const int iDesiredHeight = (iTitleHeight + iSpacing + iStackHeight) * pixmapOld.devicePixelRatio();
723 | /* Create final image on the basis of incoming, applying the rules: */
724 | QImage imageNew(imageOld.width(), qMax(imageOld.height(), iDesiredHeight), imageOld.format());
725 | for (int y = 0; y < imageNew.height(); ++y)
726 | {
727 | for (int x = 0; x < imageNew.width(); ++x)
728 | {
729 | /* Border rule: */
730 | if (x == imageNew.width() - 1)
731 | imageNew.setPixel(x, y, rgbFrame);
732 | /* Horizontal extension rule - use last used color: */
733 | else if (x >= imageOld.width() && y < imageOld.height())
734 | imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(imageOld.width() - 1, y));
735 | /* Vertical extension rule - use last used color: */
736 | else if (y >= imageOld.height() && x < imageOld.width())
737 | imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(x, imageOld.height() - 1));
738 | /* Common extension rule - use last used color: */
739 | else if (x >= imageOld.width() && y >= imageOld.height())
740 | imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(imageOld.width() - 1, imageOld.height() - 1));
741 | /* Else just copy color: */
742 | else
743 | imageNew.setPixel(x, y, imageOld.pixel(x, y));
744 | }
745 | }
746 |
747 | /* Convert processed image to pixmap: */
748 | QPixmap pixmapNew = QPixmap::fromImage(imageNew);
749 | /* For HiDPI support parent-widget's device pixel ratio is to be taken into account: */
750 | double dRatio = 1.0;
751 | if ( parentWidget()
752 | && parentWidget()->window()
753 | && parentWidget()->window()->windowHandle())
754 | dRatio = parentWidget()->window()->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio();
755 | pixmapNew.setDevicePixelRatio(dRatio);
756 | /* Assign watermark finally: */
757 | m_pLabelPixmap->setPixmap(pixmapNew);
758 | }
759 |
760 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */