1 | /* $Id: UISoftKeyboard.cpp 104586 2024-05-13 12:12:44Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UISoftKeyboard class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QApplication>
30 | #include <QCheckBox>
31 | #include <QColorDialog>
32 | #include <QComboBox>
33 | #include <QDir>
34 | #include <QFile>
35 | #include <QGroupBox>
36 | #include <QInputDialog>
37 | #include <QHeaderView>
38 | #include <QLabel>
39 | #include <QLineEdit>
40 | #include <QListWidget>
41 | #include <QPainter>
42 | #include <QPainterPath>
43 | #include <QPicture>
44 | #include <QPushButton>
45 | #include <QSplitter>
46 | #include <QStatusBar>
47 | #include <QStyle>
48 | #include <QStackedWidget>
49 | #include <QToolButton>
50 | #include <QXmlStreamReader>
51 | #include <QVBoxLayout>
52 |
53 | /* GUI includes: */
54 | #include "UICommon.h"
55 | #include "UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog.h"
56 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
57 | #include "UIGlobalSession.h"
58 | #include "UIHelpBrowserDialog.h"
59 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
60 | #include "UILoggingDefs.h"
61 | #include "UIMachine.h"
62 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
63 | #include "UIModalWindowManager.h"
64 | #include "UISoftKeyboard.h"
65 | #include "UITranslationEventListener.h"
66 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
67 | # include "VBoxUtils-darwin.h"
68 | #endif
69 |
70 | /* External includes: */
71 | # include <math.h>
72 |
73 | /* Forward declarations: */
74 | class UISoftKeyboardColorButton;
75 | class UISoftKeyboardLayout;
76 | class UISoftKeyboardRow;
77 | class UISoftKeyboardWidget;
78 |
79 | const int iMessageTimeout = 3000;
80 | /** Key position are used to identify respective keys. */
81 | const int iCapsLockPosition = 30;
82 | const int iNumLockPosition = 90;
83 | const int iScrollLockPosition = 125;
84 |
85 | /** Set a generous file size limit. */
86 | const qint64 iFileSizeLimit = _256K;
87 | const QString strSubDirectorName("keyboardLayouts");
88 |
89 | /** Name, background color, normal font color, hover color, edited button background color, pressed button font color. */
90 | const char* predefinedColorThemes[][6] = {{"Clear Night","#000000", "#ffffff", "#859900", "#9b6767", "#000000"},
91 | {"Gobi Dark","#002b36", "#fdf6e3", "#859900", "#cb4b16", "#002b36"},
92 | {"Gobi Light","#fdf6e3", "#002b36", "#2aa198", "#cb4b16", "#bf4040"},
93 | {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
94 |
95 | typedef QPair<QLabel*, UISoftKeyboardColorButton*> ColorSelectLabelButton;
96 |
97 | enum KeyState
98 | {
99 | KeyState_NotPressed,
100 | KeyState_Pressed,
101 | KeyState_Locked,
102 | KeyState_Max
103 | };
104 |
105 | enum KeyType
106 | {
107 | /** Can be in KeyState_NotPressed and KeyState_Pressed states. */
108 | KeyType_Ordinary,
109 | /** e.g. CapsLock, NumLock. Can be only in KeyState_NotPressed, KeyState_Locked */
110 | KeyType_Lock,
111 | /** e.g. Shift Can be in all 3 states*/
112 | KeyType_Modifier,
113 | KeyType_Max
114 | };
115 |
116 | enum KeyboardColorType
117 | {
118 | KeyboardColorType_Background = 0,
119 | KeyboardColorType_Font,
120 | KeyboardColorType_Hover,
121 | KeyboardColorType_Edit,
122 | KeyboardColorType_Pressed,
123 | KeyboardColorType_Max
124 | };
125 |
126 | enum KeyboardRegion
127 | {
128 | KeyboardRegion_Main = 0,
129 | KeyboardRegion_NumPad,
130 | KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys,
131 | KeyboardRegion_Max
132 | };
133 |
134 | struct UIKeyCaptions
135 | {
136 | UIKeyCaptions(const QString &strBase, const QString &strShift,
137 | const QString &strAltGr, const QString &strShiftAltGr)
138 | : m_strBase(strBase)
139 | , m_strShift(strShift)
140 | , m_strAltGr(strAltGr)
141 | , m_strShiftAltGr(strShiftAltGr)
142 | {
143 | m_strBase.replace("\\n", "\n");
144 | m_strShift.replace("\\n", "\n");
145 | m_strAltGr.replace("\\n", "\n");
146 | m_strShiftAltGr.replace("\\n", "\n");
147 | }
148 | UIKeyCaptions(){}
149 | bool operator==(const UIKeyCaptions &other) const
150 | {
151 | return (m_strBase == other.m_strBase &&
152 | m_strShift == other.m_strShift &&
153 | m_strAltGr == other.m_strAltGr &&
154 | m_strShiftAltGr == other.m_strShiftAltGr);
155 | }
156 | QString m_strBase;
157 | QString m_strShift;
158 | QString m_strAltGr;
159 | QString m_strShiftAltGr;
160 | };
161 |
162 | /** Returns a QPointF which lies on the line [p0, p1] and with a distance @p fDistance to p0. */
163 | static QPointF pointInBetween(qreal fDistance, const QPointF &p0, const QPointF &p1)
164 | {
165 | QPointF vectorP0P1 = p1 - p0;
166 | qreal length = sqrt(vectorP0P1.x() * vectorP0P1.x() + vectorP0P1.y() * vectorP0P1.y());
167 | if (length == 0)
168 | return QPointF();
169 | /* Normalize the vector and add it to starting point: */
170 | vectorP0P1 = (fDistance / length) * vectorP0P1 + p0;
171 | return vectorP0P1;
172 | }
173 |
174 |
175 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
176 | * UISoftKeyboardColorButton definition. *
177 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
178 |
179 | class UISoftKeyboardColorButton : public QPushButton
180 | {
181 | Q_OBJECT;
182 |
183 | public:
184 |
185 | UISoftKeyboardColorButton(KeyboardColorType enmColorType, QWidget *pParent = 0);
186 | KeyboardColorType colorType() const;
187 |
188 | public:
189 |
190 | KeyboardColorType m_enmColorType;
191 | };
192 |
193 |
194 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
195 | * UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout definition. *
196 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
197 |
198 | /** This class is used to represent the physical layout of a keyboard (in contrast to UISoftKeyboardLayout).
199 | * Physical layouts are read from an xml file where keys are placed in rows. Each UISoftKeyboardLayout must refer to a
200 | * refer to a UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout instance. An example of an UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout instance is 103 key ISO layout.*/
201 | class UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout
202 | {
203 |
204 | public:
205 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout();
206 |
207 | void setName(const QString &strName);
208 | const QString &name() const;
209 |
210 | void setFileName(const QString &strName);
211 | const QString &fileName() const;
212 |
213 | void setUid(const QUuid &uid);
214 | const QUuid &uid() const;
215 |
216 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows() const;
217 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows();
218 |
219 | void setLockKey(int iKeyPosition, UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
220 | void updateLockKeyStates(bool fCapsLockState, bool fNumLockState, bool fScrollLockState);
221 | void reset();
222 |
223 | void setDefaultKeyWidth(int iDefaultKeyWidth);
224 | int defaultKeyWidth() const;
225 |
226 | /** Returns the sum totalHeight() of all rows(). */
227 | int totalHeight() const;
228 |
229 | private:
230 |
231 | void updateLockKeyState(bool fLockState, UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
232 | QString m_strFileName;
233 | QUuid m_uId;
234 | QString m_strName;
235 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> m_rows;
236 | int m_iDefaultKeyWidth;
237 | /** Scroll, Num, and Caps Lock keys' states are updated thru some API events. Thus we keep their pointers in a containter. */
238 | QMap<int, UISoftKeyboardKey*> m_lockKeys;
239 | };
240 |
241 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
242 | * UIKeyboardLayoutEditor definition. *
243 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
244 |
245 | /** A QWidget extension thru which we can edit key captions, the physical layout of the keyboard, name of the layout etc. */
246 | class UIKeyboardLayoutEditor : public QWidget
247 | {
248 | Q_OBJECT;
249 |
250 | signals:
251 |
252 | void sigLayoutEdited();
253 | void sigUIKeyCaptionsEdited(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey);
254 | void sigGoBackButton();
255 |
256 | public:
257 |
258 | UIKeyboardLayoutEditor(QWidget *pParent = 0);
259 | void setKey(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
260 | void setLayoutToEdit(UISoftKeyboardLayout *pLayout);
261 | void setPhysicalLayoutList(const QVector<UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout> &physicalLayouts);
262 | void reset();
263 |
264 | private slots:
265 |
266 | void sltCaptionsUpdate();
267 | void sltPhysicalLayoutChanged();
268 | void sltLayoutNameChanged(const QString &strCaption);
269 | void sltLayoutNativeNameChanged(const QString &strCaption);
270 | void sltRetranslateUI();
271 |
272 | private:
273 |
274 | void prepareObjects();
275 | void prepareConnections();
276 | QWidget *prepareKeyCaptionEditWidgets();
277 | void resetKeyWidgets();
278 | QGridLayout *m_pEditorLayout;
279 | QToolButton *m_pGoBackButton;
280 | QGroupBox *m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox;
281 | QGroupBox *m_pCaptionEditGroupBox;
282 | QComboBox *m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo;
283 | QLabel *m_pTitleLabel;
284 | QLabel *m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel;
285 | QLabel *m_pLayoutNameLabel;
286 | QLabel *m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel;
287 | QLabel *m_pScanCodeLabel;
288 | QLabel *m_pPositionLabel;
289 | QLabel *m_pBaseCaptionLabel;
290 | QLabel *m_pShiftCaptionLabel;
291 | QLabel *m_pAltGrCaptionLabel;
292 | QLabel *m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel;
293 | QLineEdit *m_pLayoutNameEdit;
294 | QLineEdit *m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit;
295 | QLineEdit *m_pScanCodeEdit;
296 | QLineEdit *m_pPositionEdit;
297 | QLineEdit *m_pBaseCaptionEdit;
298 | QLineEdit *m_pShiftCaptionEdit;
299 | QLineEdit *m_pAltGrCaptionEdit;
300 | QLineEdit *m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit;
301 |
302 | /** The key which is being currently edited. Might be Null. */
303 | UISoftKeyboardKey *m_pKey;
304 | /** The layout which is being currently edited. */
305 | UISoftKeyboardLayout *m_pLayout;
306 | };
307 |
308 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
309 | * UILayoutSelector definition. *
310 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
311 |
312 | class UILayoutSelector : public QWidget
313 | {
314 |
315 | Q_OBJECT;
316 |
317 | signals:
318 |
319 | void sigSaveLayout();
320 | void sigCopyLayout();
321 | void sigDeleteLayout();
322 | void sigLayoutSelectionChanged(const QUuid &strSelectedLayoutUid);
323 | void sigShowLayoutEditor();
324 | void sigCloseLayoutList();
325 |
326 | public:
327 |
328 | UILayoutSelector(QWidget *pParent = 0);
329 | void setLayoutList(const QStringList &layoutNames, QList<QUuid> layoutIdList);
330 | void setCurrentLayout(const QUuid &layoutUid);
331 | void setCurrentLayoutIsEditable(bool fEditable);
332 |
333 | private slots:
334 |
335 | void sltCurrentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *pCurrent, QListWidgetItem *pPrevious);
336 | void sltRetranslateUI();
337 |
338 | private:
339 |
340 | void prepareObjects();
341 |
342 | QListWidget *m_pLayoutListWidget;
343 | QToolButton *m_pApplyLayoutButton;
344 | QToolButton *m_pEditLayoutButton;
345 | QToolButton *m_pCopyLayoutButton;
346 | QToolButton *m_pSaveLayoutButton;
347 | QToolButton *m_pDeleteLayoutButton;
348 | QLabel *m_pTitleLabel;
349 | QToolButton *m_pCloseButton;
350 | };
351 |
352 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
353 | * UISoftKeyboardRow definition. *
354 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
355 |
356 | /** UISoftKeyboardRow represents a row in the physical keyboard. The rows are read from a physical layout file and contained
357 | * keys are added to rows in the order they appear in that file.*/
358 | class UISoftKeyboardRow
359 | {
360 |
361 | public:
362 |
363 | UISoftKeyboardRow();
364 |
365 | void setDefaultWidth(int iWidth);
366 | int defaultWidth() const;
367 |
368 | void setDefaultHeight(int iHeight);
369 | int defaultHeight() const;
370 |
371 | /* Return the sum of the maximum key height and m_iSpaceHeightAfter */
372 | int totalHeight() const;
373 |
374 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &keys();
375 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &keys() const;
376 |
377 | void setSpaceHeightAfter(int iSpace);
378 | int spaceHeightAfter() const;
379 |
380 | int leftMargin() const;
381 | void setLeftMargin(int iMargin);
382 |
383 | private:
384 |
385 | /** Default width and height might be inherited from the layout and overwritten in row settings. */
386 | int m_iDefaultWidth;
387 | int m_iDefaultHeight;
388 |
389 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> m_keys;
390 | int m_iSpaceHeightAfter;
391 | /* The width of the empty space before the 1st key. */
392 | int m_iLeftMargin;
393 | };
394 |
395 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
396 | * UISoftKeyboardKey definition. *
397 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
398 |
399 | /** UISoftKeyboardKey is a place holder for a keyboard key. Graphical key represantations are drawn according to this class.
400 | * The position of a key within the physical layout is read from the layout file. Note that UISoftKeyboardKey usually does not have
401 | * caption field(s). Captions are kept by UISoftKeyboardLayout since same keys may (and usually do) have different captions in
402 | * different layouts. So called static captions are exceptions. They are defined in physical layout files and kept as member of
403 | * UISoftKeyboardKey. When a static caption exits captions (if any) from the keyboard layout files are ignored. */
404 | class UISoftKeyboardKey
405 | {
406 | public:
407 |
408 | UISoftKeyboardKey();
409 |
410 | const QRect keyGeometry() const;
411 | void setKeyGeometry(const QRect &rect);
412 |
413 | void setWidth(int iWidth);
414 | int width() const;
415 |
416 | void setHeight(int iHeight);
417 | int height() const;
418 |
419 | void setScanCode(LONG scanCode);
420 | LONG scanCode() const;
421 |
422 | void addScanCodePrefix(LONG scanCode);
423 |
424 | void setUsageId(LONG usageId);
425 | void setUsagePage(LONG usagePage);
426 | QPair<LONG, LONG> usagePageIdPair() const;
427 |
428 | void setSpaceWidthAfter(int iSpace);
429 | int spaceWidthAfter() const;
430 |
431 | void setPosition(int iPosition);
432 | int position() const;
433 |
434 | void setType(KeyType enmType);
435 | KeyType type() const;
436 |
437 | KeyboardRegion keyboardRegion() const;
438 | void setKeyboardRegion(KeyboardRegion enmRegion);
439 |
440 | void setCutout(int iCorner, int iWidth, int iHeight);
441 |
442 | KeyState state() const;
443 | void setState(KeyState state);
444 |
445 | void setStaticCaption(const QString &strCaption);
446 | const QString &staticCaption() const;
447 |
448 | void setImageByName(const QString &strCaption);
449 | QPixmap image() const;
450 |
451 | void setParentWidget(UISoftKeyboardWidget* pParent);
452 | QVector<LONG> scanCodeWithPrefix() const;
453 |
454 | void setIsOSMenuKey(bool fFlag);
455 | bool isOSMenuKey() const;
456 |
457 | void release();
458 | void press();
459 |
460 | void setPoints(const QVector<QPointF> &points);
461 | const QVector<QPointF> &points() const;
462 | const QPainterPath &painterPath() const;
463 |
464 |
465 | void setCornerRadius(float fCornerRadius);
466 |
467 | QPolygonF polygonInGlobal() const;
468 |
469 | int cutoutCorner() const;
470 | int cutoutWidth() const;
471 | int cutoutHeight() const;
472 |
473 | void updateLockState(bool fLocked);
474 | void reset();
475 |
476 | private:
477 |
478 | void updateState(bool fPressed);
479 | /** Creates a path out of points m_points with rounded corners. */
480 | void computePainterPath();
481 |
482 | QRect m_keyGeometry;
483 | /** Stores the key points (vertices) in local coordinates. */
484 | QVector<QPointF> m_points;
485 | /** We cache the path since re-computing that at each draw is meaningless. */
486 | QPainterPath m_painterPath;
487 | KeyType m_enmType;
488 | KeyState m_enmState;
489 | /** Key width as it is read from the xml file. */
490 | int m_iWidth;
491 | /** Key height as it is read from the xml file. */
492 | int m_iHeight;
493 | int m_iSpaceWidthAfter;
494 | LONG m_scanCode;
495 | QVector<LONG> m_scanCodePrefix;
496 |
497 | /** @name Cutouts are used to create non-rectangle keys polygons.
498 | * @{ */
499 | int m_iCutoutWidth;
500 | int m_iCutoutHeight;
501 | /** -1 is for no cutout. 0 is the topleft, 2 is the top right and so on. */
502 | int m_iCutoutCorner;
503 | /** @} */
504 |
505 | /** Key's position in the layout. */
506 | int m_iPosition;
507 | UISoftKeyboardWidget *m_pParentWidget;
508 | LONG m_iUsageId;
509 | LONG m_iUsagePage;
510 | KeyboardRegion m_enmKeyboardRegion;
511 | /** This is used for multimedia keys, OS key etc where we want to have a non-modifiable
512 | * caption (usually a single char). This caption is defined in the physical layout file
513 | * and has precedence over the captions defined in keyboard layout files. */
514 | QString m_strStaticCaption;
515 | bool m_fIsOSMenuKey;
516 | double m_fCornerRadius;
517 | QIcon m_icon;
518 | };
519 |
520 |
521 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
522 | * UISoftKeyboardLayout definition. *
523 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
524 | /** UISoftKeyboardLayout represents mainly a set of captions for the keys. It refers to a phsical layout which defines the
525 | * positioning and number of keys (alongside with scan codes etc.). UISoftKeyboardLayout instances are read from xml files. An
526 | * example for UISoftKeyboardLayout instance is 'US International' keyboard layout. */
527 | class UISoftKeyboardLayout
528 | {
529 |
530 | public:
531 |
532 | UISoftKeyboardLayout();
533 |
534 | void setName(const QString &strName);
535 | const QString &name() const;
536 |
537 | void setNativeName(const QString &strLocaName);
538 | const QString &nativeName() const;
539 |
540 | /** Combines name and native name and returns the string. */
541 | QString nameString() const;
542 |
543 | void setSourceFilePath(const QString& strSourceFilePath);
544 | const QString& sourceFilePath() const;
545 |
546 | void setIsFromResources(bool fIsFromResources);
547 | bool isFromResources() const;
548 |
549 | void setEditable(bool fEditable);
550 | bool editable() const;
551 |
552 | void setPhysicalLayoutUuid(const QUuid &uuid);
553 | const QUuid &physicalLayoutUuid() const;
554 |
555 | void addOrUpdateUIKeyCaptions(int iKeyPosition, const UIKeyCaptions &keyCaptions);
556 | UIKeyCaptions keyCaptions(int iKeyPosition) const;
557 |
558 | bool operator==(const UISoftKeyboardLayout &otherLayout) const;
559 |
560 | QString baseCaption(int iKeyPosition) const;
561 | QString shiftCaption(int iKeyPosition) const;
562 |
563 | QString altGrCaption(int iKeyPosition) const;
564 | QString shiftAltGrCaption(int iKeyPosition) const;
565 |
566 | void setEditedBuNotSaved(bool fEditedButNotsaved);
567 | bool editedButNotSaved() const;
568 |
569 | void setUid(const QUuid &uid);
570 | QUuid uid() const;
571 |
572 | void drawTextInRect(const UISoftKeyboardKey &key, QPainter &painter);
573 | void drawKeyImageInRect(const UISoftKeyboardKey &key, QPainter &painter);
574 |
575 | private:
576 |
577 | QMap<int, UIKeyCaptions> m_keyCaptionsMap;
578 | /** Caching the font sizes we used for font rendering since it is not a very cheap process to compute these. */
579 | QMap<int, int> m_keyCaptionsFontSizeMap;
580 | /** The UUID of the physical layout used by this layout. */
581 | QUuid m_physicalLayoutUuid;
582 | /** This is the English name of the layout. */
583 | QString m_strName;
584 | QString m_strNativeName;
585 | QString m_strSourceFilePath;
586 | bool m_fEditable;
587 | bool m_fIsFromResources;
588 | bool m_fEditedButNotSaved;
589 | QUuid m_uid;
590 | };
591 |
592 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
593 | * UISoftKeyboardColorTheme definition. *
594 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
595 |
596 | class UISoftKeyboardColorTheme
597 | {
598 |
599 | public:
600 |
601 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme();
602 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme(const QString &strName,
603 | const QString &strBackgroundColor,
604 | const QString &strNormalFontColor,
605 | const QString &strHoverColor,
606 | const QString &strEditedButtonBackgroundColor,
607 | const QString &strPressedButtonFontColor);
608 |
609 | void setColor(KeyboardColorType enmColorType, const QColor &color);
610 | QColor color(KeyboardColorType enmColorType) const;
611 | QStringList colorsToStringList() const;
612 | void colorsFromStringList(const QStringList &colorStringList);
613 |
614 | const QString &name() const;
615 | void setName(const QString &strName);
616 |
617 | bool isEditable() const;
618 | void setIsEditable(bool fIsEditable);
619 |
620 | private:
621 |
622 | QVector<QColor> m_colors;
623 | QString m_strName;
624 | bool m_fIsEditable;
625 | };
626 |
627 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
628 | * UISoftKeyboardWidget definition. *
629 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
630 |
631 | /** The container widget for keyboard keys. It also handles all the keyboard related events. paintEvent of this class
632 | * handles drawing of the soft keyboard. */
633 | class UISoftKeyboardWidget : public QWidget
634 | {
635 | Q_OBJECT;
636 |
637 | enum Mode
638 | {
639 | Mode_LayoutEdit,
640 | Mode_Keyboard,
641 | Mode_Max
642 | };
643 |
644 | signals:
645 |
646 | void sigStatusBarMessage(const QString &strMessage);
647 | void sigCurrentLayoutChange();
648 | void sigKeyToEdit(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey);
649 | void sigCurrentColorThemeChanged();
650 | void sigOptionsChanged();
651 |
652 | public:
653 |
654 | UISoftKeyboardWidget(QWidget *pParent, UIMachine *pMachine);
655 |
656 | virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const RT_OVERRIDE;
657 | virtual QSize sizeHint() const RT_OVERRIDE;
658 | void keyStateChange(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey);
659 | void loadLayouts();
660 |
661 | void setCurrentLayout(const QUuid &layoutUid);
662 | UISoftKeyboardLayout *currentLayout();
663 |
664 | QStringList layoutNameList() const;
665 | QList<QUuid> layoutUidList() const;
666 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout> &physicalLayouts() const;
667 | void deleteCurrentLayout();
668 | void toggleEditMode(bool fIsEditMode);
669 |
670 | void saveCurentLayoutToFile();
671 | void copyCurentLayout();
672 | float layoutAspectRatio();
673 |
674 | bool hideOSMenuKeys() const;
675 | void setHideOSMenuKeys(bool fHide);
676 |
677 | bool hideNumPad() const;
678 | void setHideNumPad(bool fHide);
679 |
680 | bool hideMultimediaKeys() const;
681 | void setHideMultimediaKeys(bool fHide);
682 |
683 | QColor color(KeyboardColorType enmColorType) const;
684 | void setColor(KeyboardColorType ennmColorType, const QColor &color);
685 |
686 | QStringList colorsToStringList(const QString &strColorThemeName);
687 | void colorsFromStringList(const QString &strColorThemeName, const QStringList &colorStringList);
688 |
689 | /** Unlike modifier and ordinary keys we update the state of the Lock keys thru event signals we receieve
690 | * from the guest OS. Parameter f???State is true if the corresponding key is locked. */
691 | void updateLockKeyStates(bool fCapsLockState, bool fNumLockState, bool fScrollLockState);
692 | void reset();
693 |
694 | QStringList colorThemeNames() const;
695 | QString currentColorThemeName() const;
696 | void setColorThemeByName(const QString &strColorThemeName);
697 | void parentDialogDeactivated();
698 | bool isColorThemeEditable() const;
699 | /** Returns a list of layout names that have been edited but not yet saved to a file. */
700 | QStringList unsavedLayoutsNameList() const;
701 |
702 | protected:
703 |
704 | virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
705 | virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
706 | virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
707 | virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
708 |
709 | private slots:
710 |
711 | void sltKeyboardLedsChange();
712 | void sltRetranslateUI();
713 |
714 | private:
715 |
716 | void addLayout(const UISoftKeyboardLayout &newLayout);
717 | void setNewMinimumSize(const QSize &size);
718 | void setInitialSize(int iWidth, int iHeight);
719 | /** Searches for the key which contains the position of the @p pEvent and returns it if found. */
720 | UISoftKeyboardKey *keyUnderMouse(QMouseEvent *pEvent);
721 | UISoftKeyboardKey *keyUnderMouse(const QPoint &point);
722 | void handleKeyPress(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
723 | void handleKeyRelease(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
724 | /** Sends usage id/page to API when a modifier key is right clicked. useful for testing and things like
725 | * Window key press for start menu opening. This works orthogonal to left clicks.*/
726 | void modifierKeyPressRelease(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey, bool fRelease);
727 | bool loadPhysicalLayout(const QString &strLayoutFileName, KeyboardRegion keyboardRegion = KeyboardRegion_Main);
728 | bool loadKeyboardLayout(const QString &strLayoutName);
729 | void prepareObjects();
730 | void prepareColorThemes();
731 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *findPhysicalLayout(const QUuid &uuid);
732 | /** Sets m_pKeyBeingEdited. */
733 | void setKeyBeingEdited(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
734 | bool layoutByNameExists(const QString &strName) const;
735 |
736 | /** Looks under the default keyboard layout folder and add the file names to the fileList. */
737 | void lookAtDefaultLayoutFolder(QStringList &fileList);
738 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme *colorTheme(const QString &strColorThemeName);
739 | void showKeyTooltip(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey);
740 | void putKeyboardSequence(QVector<LONG> sequence);
741 | void putUsageCodesPress(QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence);
742 | void putUsageCodesRelease(QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence);
743 |
744 | UIMachine *m_pMachine;
745 | UISoftKeyboardKey *m_pKeyUnderMouse;
746 | UISoftKeyboardKey *m_pKeyBeingEdited;
747 |
748 | UISoftKeyboardKey *m_pKeyPressed;
749 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme *m_currentColorTheme;
750 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardColorTheme> m_colorThemes;
751 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey*> m_pressedModifiers;
752 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout> m_physicalLayouts;
753 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout m_numPadLayout;
754 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout m_multiMediaKeysLayout;
755 | QMap<QUuid, UISoftKeyboardLayout> m_layouts;
756 | QUuid m_uCurrentLayoutId;
757 | /** Key is the key position as read from the layout and value is the message we show as mouse hovers over the key. */
758 | QMap<int, QString> m_keyTooltips;
759 |
760 | QSize m_minimumSize;
761 | float m_fScaleFactorX;
762 | float m_fScaleFactorY;
763 | int m_iInitialHeight;
764 | /** This is the width of the keyboard including the numpad but without m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad */
765 | int m_iInitialWidth;
766 | int m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad;
767 | /** This widt is added while drawing the keyboard not to key geometries. */
768 | int m_iBeforeNumPadWidth;
769 | int m_iXSpacing;
770 | int m_iYSpacing;
771 | int m_iLeftMargin;
772 | int m_iTopMargin;
773 | int m_iRightMargin;
774 | int m_iBottomMargin;
775 | Mode m_enmMode;
776 | bool m_fHideOSMenuKeys;
777 | bool m_fHideNumPad;
778 | bool m_fHideMultimediaKeys;
779 | };
780 |
781 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
782 | * UIPhysicalLayoutReader definition. *
783 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
784 |
785 | class UIPhysicalLayoutReader
786 | {
787 |
788 | public:
789 |
790 | bool parseXMLFile(const QString &strFileName, UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout &physicalLayout);
791 | static QVector<QPointF> computeKeyVertices(const UISoftKeyboardKey &key);
792 |
793 | private:
794 |
795 | void parseKey(UISoftKeyboardRow &row);
796 | void parseRow(int iDefaultWidth, int iDefaultHeight, QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows);
797 | /** Parses the horizontal space between keys. */
798 | void parseKeySpace(UISoftKeyboardRow &row);
799 | void parseCutout(UISoftKeyboardKey &key);
800 |
801 | QXmlStreamReader m_xmlReader;
802 | };
803 |
804 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
805 | * UIKeyboardLayoutReader definition. *
806 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
807 |
808 | class UIKeyboardLayoutReader
809 | {
810 |
811 | public:
812 |
813 | bool parseFile(const QString &strFileName, UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout);
814 |
815 | private:
816 |
817 | void parseKey(UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout);
818 | QXmlStreamReader m_xmlReader;
819 | /** Map key is the key position and the value is the captions of the key. */
820 | };
821 |
822 |
823 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
824 | * UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget definition. *
825 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
826 |
827 | class UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget : public QWidget
828 | {
829 | Q_OBJECT;
830 |
831 | signals:
832 |
833 | void sigShowHideSidePanel();
834 | void sigShowSettingWidget();
835 | void sigResetKeyboard();
836 | void sigHelpButtonPressed();
837 |
838 | public:
839 |
840 | UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget(QWidget *pParent = 0);
841 | void updateLayoutNameInStatusBar(const QString &strMessage);
842 |
843 | private slots:
844 |
845 | void sltRetranslateUI();
846 |
847 | private:
848 |
849 | void prepareObjects();
850 | QToolButton *m_pLayoutListButton;
851 | QToolButton *m_pSettingsButton;
852 | QToolButton *m_pResetButton;
853 | QToolButton *m_pHelpButton;
854 | QLabel *m_pMessageLabel;
855 | };
856 |
857 |
858 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
859 | * UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget definition. *
860 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
861 |
862 | class UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget : public QWidget
863 | {
864 | Q_OBJECT;
865 |
866 | signals:
867 |
868 | void sigHideNumPad(bool fHide);
869 | void sigHideOSMenuKeys(bool fHide);
870 | void sigHideMultimediaKeys(bool fHide);
871 | void sigColorCellClicked(int iColorRow);
872 | void sigCloseSettingsWidget();
873 | void sigColorThemeSelectionChanged(const QString &strColorThemeName);
874 |
875 | public:
876 |
877 | UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget(QWidget *pParent = 0);
878 | void setHideOSMenuKeys(bool fHide);
879 | void setHideNumPad(bool fHide);
880 | void setHideMultimediaKeys(bool fHide);
881 | void setColorSelectionButtonBackgroundAndTooltip(KeyboardColorType enmColorType, const QColor &color, bool fIsColorEditable);
882 | void setColorThemeNames(const QStringList &colorThemeNames);
883 | void setCurrentColorThemeName(const QString &strColorThemeName);
884 |
885 | private slots:
886 |
887 | void sltColorSelectionButtonClicked();
888 | void sltRetranslateUI();
889 |
890 | private:
891 |
892 | void prepareObjects();
893 |
894 | QCheckBox *m_pHideNumPadCheckBox;
895 | QCheckBox *m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox;
896 | QCheckBox *m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox;
897 | QGroupBox *m_pColorThemeGroupBox;
898 | QComboBox *m_pColorThemeComboBox;
899 | QLabel *m_pTitleLabel;
900 | QToolButton *m_pCloseButton;
901 | QVector<ColorSelectLabelButton> m_colorSelectLabelsButtons;
902 | };
903 |
904 |
905 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
906 | * UISoftKeyboardColorButton implementation. *
907 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
908 |
909 |
910 | UISoftKeyboardColorButton::UISoftKeyboardColorButton(KeyboardColorType enmColorType, QWidget *pParent /*= 0 */)
911 | :QPushButton(pParent)
912 | , m_enmColorType(enmColorType){}
913 |
914 | KeyboardColorType UISoftKeyboardColorButton::colorType() const
915 | {
916 | return m_enmColorType;
917 | }
918 |
919 |
920 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
921 | * UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout implementation. *
922 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
923 |
924 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout()
925 | :m_iDefaultKeyWidth(50)
926 | {
927 | }
928 |
929 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::setName(const QString &strName)
930 | {
931 | m_strName = strName;
932 | }
933 |
934 | const QString &UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::name() const
935 | {
936 | return m_strName;
937 | }
938 |
939 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::setFileName(const QString &strName)
940 | {
941 | m_strFileName = strName;
942 | }
943 |
944 | const QString &UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::fileName() const
945 | {
946 | return m_strFileName;
947 | }
948 |
949 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::setUid(const QUuid &uid)
950 | {
951 | m_uId = uid;
952 | }
953 |
954 | const QUuid &UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::uid() const
955 | {
956 | return m_uId;
957 | }
958 |
959 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::rows() const
960 | {
961 | return m_rows;
962 | }
963 |
964 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::rows()
965 | {
966 | return m_rows;
967 | }
968 |
969 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::setLockKey(int iKeyPosition, UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey)
970 | {
971 | m_lockKeys[iKeyPosition] = pKey;
972 | }
973 |
974 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::updateLockKeyStates(bool fCapsLockState, bool fNumLockState, bool fScrollLockState)
975 | {
976 | updateLockKeyState(fCapsLockState, m_lockKeys.value(iCapsLockPosition, 0));
977 | updateLockKeyState(fNumLockState, m_lockKeys.value(iNumLockPosition, 0));
978 | updateLockKeyState(fScrollLockState, m_lockKeys.value(iScrollLockPosition, 0));
979 | }
980 |
981 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::setDefaultKeyWidth(int iDefaultKeyWidth)
982 | {
983 | m_iDefaultKeyWidth = iDefaultKeyWidth;
984 | }
985 |
986 | int UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::defaultKeyWidth() const
987 | {
988 | return m_iDefaultKeyWidth;
989 | }
990 |
991 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::reset()
992 | {
993 | for (int i = 0; i < m_rows.size(); ++i)
994 | {
995 | for (int j = 0; j < m_rows[i].keys().size(); ++j)
996 | {
997 | m_rows[i].keys()[j].reset();
998 | }
999 | }
1000 | }
1001 |
1002 | int UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::totalHeight() const
1003 | {
1004 | int iHeight = 0;
1005 | for (int i = 0; i < m_rows.size(); ++i)
1006 | iHeight += m_rows[i].totalHeight();
1007 | return iHeight;
1008 | }
1009 |
1010 | void UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout::updateLockKeyState(bool fLockState, UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey)
1011 | {
1012 | if (!pKey)
1013 | return;
1014 | pKey->updateLockState(fLockState);
1015 | }
1016 |
1017 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1018 | * UIKeyboardLayoutEditor implementation. *
1019 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1020 |
1021 | UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::UIKeyboardLayoutEditor(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
1022 | : QWidget(pParent)
1023 | , m_pEditorLayout(0)
1024 | , m_pGoBackButton(0)
1025 | , m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox(0)
1026 | , m_pCaptionEditGroupBox(0)
1027 | , m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo(0)
1028 | , m_pTitleLabel(0)
1029 | , m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel(0)
1030 | , m_pLayoutNameLabel(0)
1031 | , m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel(0)
1032 | , m_pScanCodeLabel(0)
1033 | , m_pPositionLabel(0)
1034 | , m_pBaseCaptionLabel(0)
1035 | , m_pShiftCaptionLabel(0)
1036 | , m_pAltGrCaptionLabel(0)
1037 | , m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel(0)
1038 | , m_pLayoutNameEdit(0)
1039 | , m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit(0)
1040 | , m_pScanCodeEdit(0)
1041 | , m_pPositionEdit(0)
1042 | , m_pBaseCaptionEdit(0)
1043 | , m_pShiftCaptionEdit(0)
1044 | , m_pAltGrCaptionEdit(0)
1045 | , m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit(0)
1046 | , m_pKey(0)
1047 | , m_pLayout(0)
1048 | {
1049 | setAutoFillBackground(true);
1050 | prepareObjects();
1051 | }
1052 |
1053 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::setKey(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey)
1054 | {
1055 | if (m_pKey == pKey || !m_pLayout)
1056 | return;
1057 | /* First apply the pending changes to the key that has been edited: */
1058 | if (m_pKey)
1059 | {
1060 | UIKeyCaptions captions = m_pLayout->keyCaptions(m_pKey->position());
1061 | if (captions.m_strBase != m_pBaseCaptionEdit->text() ||
1062 | captions.m_strShift != m_pShiftCaptionEdit->text() ||
1063 | captions.m_strAltGr != m_pAltGrCaptionEdit->text() ||
1064 | captions.m_strShiftAltGr != m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit->text())
1065 | m_pLayout->addOrUpdateUIKeyCaptions(m_pKey->position(),
1066 | UIKeyCaptions(m_pBaseCaptionEdit->text(),
1067 | m_pShiftCaptionEdit->text(),
1068 | m_pAltGrCaptionEdit->text(),
1069 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit->text()));
1070 | }
1071 | m_pKey = pKey;
1072 | if (m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox)
1073 | m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox->setEnabled(m_pKey);
1074 | if (!m_pKey)
1075 | {
1076 | resetKeyWidgets();
1077 | return;
1078 | }
1079 | if (m_pScanCodeEdit)
1080 | m_pScanCodeEdit->setText(QString::number(m_pKey->scanCode(), 16));
1081 | if (m_pPositionEdit)
1082 | m_pPositionEdit->setText(QString::number(m_pKey->position()));
1083 | UIKeyCaptions captions = m_pLayout->keyCaptions(m_pKey->position());
1084 | if (m_pBaseCaptionEdit)
1085 | m_pBaseCaptionEdit->setText(captions.m_strBase);
1086 | if (m_pShiftCaptionEdit)
1087 | m_pShiftCaptionEdit->setText(captions.m_strShift);
1088 | if (m_pAltGrCaptionEdit)
1089 | m_pAltGrCaptionEdit->setText(captions.m_strAltGr);
1090 | if (m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit)
1091 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit->setText(captions.m_strShiftAltGr);
1092 | m_pBaseCaptionEdit->setFocus();
1093 | }
1094 |
1095 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::setLayoutToEdit(UISoftKeyboardLayout *pLayout)
1096 | {
1097 | if (m_pLayout == pLayout)
1098 | return;
1099 |
1100 | m_pLayout = pLayout;
1101 | if (!m_pLayout)
1102 | reset();
1103 |
1104 | if (m_pLayoutNameEdit)
1105 | m_pLayoutNameEdit->setText(m_pLayout ? m_pLayout->name() : QString());
1106 |
1107 | if (m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit)
1108 | m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit->setText(m_pLayout ? m_pLayout->nativeName() : QString());
1109 |
1110 | if (m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo && m_pLayout)
1111 | {
1112 | int iIndex = m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo->findData(m_pLayout->physicalLayoutUuid());
1113 | if (iIndex != -1)
1114 | m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo->setCurrentIndex(iIndex);
1115 | }
1116 | update();
1117 | }
1118 |
1119 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::setPhysicalLayoutList(const QVector<UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout> &physicalLayouts)
1120 | {
1121 | if (!m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo)
1122 | return;
1123 | m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo->clear();
1124 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout &physicalLayout, physicalLayouts)
1125 | m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo->addItem(physicalLayout.name(), physicalLayout.uid());
1126 | }
1127 |
1128 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltCaptionsUpdate()
1129 | {
1130 | if (!m_pKey || !m_pLayout)
1131 | return;
1132 | m_pLayout->addOrUpdateUIKeyCaptions(m_pKey->position(),
1133 | UIKeyCaptions(m_pBaseCaptionEdit->text(),
1134 | m_pShiftCaptionEdit->text(),
1135 | m_pAltGrCaptionEdit->text(),
1136 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit->text()));
1137 | emit sigUIKeyCaptionsEdited(m_pKey);
1138 | }
1139 |
1140 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltPhysicalLayoutChanged()
1141 | {
1142 | if (!m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo || !m_pLayout)
1143 | return;
1144 | QUuid currentData = m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo->currentData().toUuid();
1145 | if (!currentData.isNull())
1146 | m_pLayout->setPhysicalLayoutUuid(currentData);
1147 | emit sigLayoutEdited();
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltLayoutNameChanged(const QString &strName)
1151 | {
1152 | if (!m_pLayout || m_pLayout->name() == strName)
1153 | return;
1154 | m_pLayout->setName(strName);
1155 | emit sigLayoutEdited();
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltLayoutNativeNameChanged(const QString &strNativeName)
1159 | {
1160 | if (!m_pLayout || m_pLayout->nativeName() == strNativeName)
1161 | return;
1162 | m_pLayout->setNativeName(strNativeName);
1163 | emit sigLayoutEdited();
1164 | }
1165 |
1166 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltRetranslateUI()
1167 | {
1168 | if (m_pTitleLabel)
1169 | m_pTitleLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Layout Editor"));
1170 | if (m_pGoBackButton)
1171 | {
1172 | m_pGoBackButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Return Back to Layout List"));
1173 | m_pGoBackButton->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Back to Layout List"));
1174 | }
1175 | if (m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel)
1176 | m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Physical Layout"));
1177 | if (m_pLayoutNameLabel)
1178 | m_pLayoutNameLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("English Name"));
1179 | if (m_pLayoutNameEdit)
1180 | m_pLayoutNameEdit->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Name of the Layout in English"));
1181 | if (m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel)
1182 | m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Native Language Name"));
1183 | if (m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit)
1184 | m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Name of the Layout in the native Language"));
1185 | if (m_pScanCodeLabel)
1186 | m_pScanCodeLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Scan Code"));
1187 | if (m_pScanCodeEdit)
1188 | m_pScanCodeEdit->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("The scan code the key produces. Not editable"));
1189 | if (m_pPositionLabel)
1190 | m_pPositionLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Position"));
1191 | if (m_pPositionEdit)
1192 | m_pPositionEdit->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("The physical position of the key. Not editable"));
1193 | if (m_pBaseCaptionLabel)
1194 | m_pBaseCaptionLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Base"));
1195 | if (m_pShiftCaptionLabel)
1196 | m_pShiftCaptionLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Shift"));
1197 | if (m_pAltGrCaptionLabel)
1198 | m_pAltGrCaptionLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("AltGr"));
1199 | if (m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel)
1200 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("ShiftAltGr"));
1201 | if (m_pCaptionEditGroupBox)
1202 | m_pCaptionEditGroupBox->setTitle(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Captions"));
1203 | if (m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox)
1204 | m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox->setTitle(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Selected Key"));
1205 | }
1206 |
1207 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::prepareObjects()
1208 | {
1209 | m_pEditorLayout = new QGridLayout;
1210 | if (!m_pEditorLayout)
1211 | return;
1212 | setLayout(m_pEditorLayout);
1213 |
1214 | QHBoxLayout *pTitleLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
1215 | m_pGoBackButton = new QToolButton;
1216 | m_pGoBackButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
1217 | m_pGoBackButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_ArrowBack));
1218 | m_pGoBackButton->setAutoRaise(true);
1219 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pGoBackButton, 0, 0, 1, 1);
1220 | connect(m_pGoBackButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sigGoBackButton);
1221 | m_pTitleLabel = new QLabel;
1222 | pTitleLayout->addWidget(m_pTitleLabel);
1223 | pTitleLayout->addStretch(2);
1224 | pTitleLayout->addWidget(m_pGoBackButton);
1225 | m_pEditorLayout->addLayout(pTitleLayout, 0, 0, 1, 2);
1226 |
1227 | m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel = new QLabel;
1228 | m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit = new QLineEdit;
1229 | m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel->setBuddy(m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit);
1230 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pLayoutNativeNameLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
1231 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit, 2, 1, 1, 1);
1232 | connect(m_pLayoutNativeNameEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltLayoutNativeNameChanged);
1233 |
1234 | m_pLayoutNameLabel = new QLabel;
1235 | m_pLayoutNameEdit = new QLineEdit;
1236 | m_pLayoutNameLabel->setBuddy(m_pLayoutNameEdit);
1237 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pLayoutNameLabel, 3, 0, 1, 1);
1238 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pLayoutNameEdit, 3, 1, 1, 1);
1239 | connect(m_pLayoutNameEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltLayoutNameChanged);
1240 |
1241 |
1242 | m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel = new QLabel;
1243 | m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo = new QComboBox;
1244 | m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel->setBuddy(m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo);
1245 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pPhysicalLayoutLabel, 4, 0, 1, 1);
1246 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo, 4, 1, 1, 1);
1247 | connect(m_pPhysicalLayoutCombo, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltPhysicalLayoutChanged);
1248 |
1249 | m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox = new QGroupBox;
1250 | m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox->setEnabled(false);
1251 |
1252 | m_pEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox, 5, 0, 1, 2);
1253 | QGridLayout *pSelectedKeyLayout = new QGridLayout(m_pSelectedKeyGroupBox);
1254 | pSelectedKeyLayout->setSpacing(0);
1255 | pSelectedKeyLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
1256 |
1257 | m_pScanCodeLabel = new QLabel;
1258 | m_pScanCodeEdit = new QLineEdit;
1259 | m_pScanCodeLabel->setBuddy(m_pScanCodeEdit);
1260 | m_pScanCodeEdit->setEnabled(false);
1261 | pSelectedKeyLayout->addWidget(m_pScanCodeLabel, 0, 0);
1262 | pSelectedKeyLayout->addWidget(m_pScanCodeEdit, 0, 1);
1263 |
1264 | m_pPositionLabel= new QLabel;
1265 | m_pPositionEdit = new QLineEdit;
1266 | m_pPositionEdit->setEnabled(false);
1267 | m_pPositionLabel->setBuddy(m_pPositionEdit);
1268 | pSelectedKeyLayout->addWidget(m_pPositionLabel, 1, 0);
1269 | pSelectedKeyLayout->addWidget(m_pPositionEdit, 1, 1);
1270 |
1271 | QWidget *pCaptionEditor = prepareKeyCaptionEditWidgets();
1272 | if (pCaptionEditor)
1273 | pSelectedKeyLayout->addWidget(pCaptionEditor, 2, 0, 2, 2);
1274 |
1275 | QSpacerItem *pSpacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
1276 | if (pSpacer)
1277 | pSelectedKeyLayout->addItem(pSpacer, 4, 1);
1278 |
1279 | sltRetranslateUI();
1280 |
1281 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
1282 | this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltRetranslateUI);
1283 | }
1284 |
1285 | QWidget *UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::prepareKeyCaptionEditWidgets()
1286 | {
1287 | m_pCaptionEditGroupBox = new QGroupBox;
1288 | if (!m_pCaptionEditGroupBox)
1289 | return 0;
1290 | m_pCaptionEditGroupBox->setFlat(false);
1291 | QGridLayout *pCaptionEditorLayout = new QGridLayout(m_pCaptionEditGroupBox);
1292 | pCaptionEditorLayout->setSpacing(0);
1293 | pCaptionEditorLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
1294 |
1295 | if (!pCaptionEditorLayout)
1296 | return 0;
1297 |
1298 | m_pBaseCaptionLabel = new QLabel;
1299 | m_pBaseCaptionEdit = new QLineEdit;
1300 | m_pBaseCaptionLabel->setBuddy(m_pBaseCaptionEdit);
1301 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pBaseCaptionLabel, 0, 0);
1302 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pBaseCaptionEdit, 0, 1);
1303 | connect(m_pBaseCaptionEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltCaptionsUpdate);
1304 |
1305 | m_pShiftCaptionLabel = new QLabel;
1306 | m_pShiftCaptionEdit = new QLineEdit;
1307 | m_pShiftCaptionLabel->setBuddy(m_pShiftCaptionEdit);
1308 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pShiftCaptionLabel, 1, 0);
1309 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pShiftCaptionEdit, 1, 1);
1310 | connect(m_pShiftCaptionEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltCaptionsUpdate);
1311 |
1312 | m_pAltGrCaptionLabel = new QLabel;
1313 | m_pAltGrCaptionEdit = new QLineEdit;
1314 | m_pAltGrCaptionLabel->setBuddy(m_pAltGrCaptionEdit);
1315 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pAltGrCaptionLabel, 2, 0);
1316 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pAltGrCaptionEdit, 2, 1);
1317 | connect(m_pAltGrCaptionEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltCaptionsUpdate);
1318 |
1319 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel = new QLabel;
1320 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit = new QLineEdit;
1321 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel->setBuddy(m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit);
1322 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pShiftAltGrCaptionLabel, 3, 0);
1323 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addWidget(m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit, 3, 1);
1324 | connect(m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sltCaptionsUpdate);
1325 |
1326 | QSpacerItem *pSpacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
1327 | if (pSpacer)
1328 | pCaptionEditorLayout->addItem(pSpacer, 4, 1);
1329 | return m_pCaptionEditGroupBox;
1330 | }
1331 |
1332 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::reset()
1333 | {
1334 | if (m_pLayoutNameEdit)
1335 | m_pLayoutNameEdit->clear();
1336 | resetKeyWidgets();
1337 | }
1338 |
1339 | void UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::resetKeyWidgets()
1340 | {
1341 | if (m_pScanCodeEdit)
1342 | m_pScanCodeEdit->clear();
1343 | if (m_pPositionEdit)
1344 | m_pPositionEdit->clear();
1345 | if (m_pBaseCaptionEdit)
1346 | m_pBaseCaptionEdit->clear();
1347 | if (m_pShiftCaptionEdit)
1348 | m_pShiftCaptionEdit->clear();
1349 | if (m_pAltGrCaptionEdit)
1350 | m_pAltGrCaptionEdit->clear();
1351 | if (m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit)
1352 | m_pShiftAltGrCaptionEdit->clear();
1353 | }
1354 |
1355 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1356 | * UILayoutSelector implementation. *
1357 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1358 |
1359 | UILayoutSelector::UILayoutSelector(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
1360 | :QWidget(pParent)
1361 | , m_pLayoutListWidget(0)
1362 | , m_pApplyLayoutButton(0)
1363 | , m_pEditLayoutButton(0)
1364 | , m_pCopyLayoutButton(0)
1365 | , m_pSaveLayoutButton(0)
1366 | , m_pDeleteLayoutButton(0)
1367 | , m_pTitleLabel(0)
1368 | , m_pCloseButton(0)
1369 | {
1370 | prepareObjects();
1371 | }
1372 |
1373 | void UILayoutSelector::setCurrentLayout(const QUuid &layoutUid)
1374 | {
1375 | if (!m_pLayoutListWidget)
1376 | return;
1377 | if (layoutUid.isNull())
1378 | {
1379 | m_pLayoutListWidget->selectionModel()->clear();
1380 | return;
1381 | }
1382 | QListWidgetItem *pFoundItem = 0;
1383 | for (int i = 0; i < m_pLayoutListWidget->count() && !pFoundItem; ++i)
1384 | {
1385 | QListWidgetItem *pItem = m_pLayoutListWidget->item(i);
1386 | if (!pItem)
1387 | continue;
1388 | if (pItem->data(Qt::UserRole).toUuid() == layoutUid)
1389 | pFoundItem = pItem;
1390 | }
1391 | if (!pFoundItem)
1392 | return;
1393 | if (pFoundItem == m_pLayoutListWidget->currentItem())
1394 | return;
1395 | m_pLayoutListWidget->blockSignals(true);
1396 | m_pLayoutListWidget->setCurrentItem(pFoundItem);
1397 | m_pLayoutListWidget->blockSignals(false);
1398 | }
1399 |
1400 | void UILayoutSelector::setCurrentLayoutIsEditable(bool fEditable)
1401 | {
1402 | if (m_pEditLayoutButton)
1403 | m_pEditLayoutButton->setEnabled(fEditable);
1404 | if (m_pSaveLayoutButton)
1405 | m_pSaveLayoutButton->setEnabled(fEditable);
1406 | if (m_pDeleteLayoutButton)
1407 | m_pDeleteLayoutButton->setEnabled(fEditable);
1408 | }
1409 |
1410 | void UILayoutSelector::setLayoutList(const QStringList &layoutNames, QList<QUuid> layoutUidList)
1411 | {
1412 | if (!m_pLayoutListWidget || layoutNames.size() != layoutUidList.size())
1413 | return;
1414 | QUuid currentItemUid;
1415 | if (m_pLayoutListWidget->currentItem())
1416 | currentItemUid = m_pLayoutListWidget->currentItem()->data(Qt::UserRole).toUuid();
1417 | m_pLayoutListWidget->blockSignals(true);
1418 | m_pLayoutListWidget->clear();
1419 | for (int i = 0; i < layoutNames.size(); ++i)
1420 | {
1421 | QListWidgetItem *pItem = new QListWidgetItem(layoutNames[i], m_pLayoutListWidget);
1422 | pItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, layoutUidList[i]);
1423 | m_pLayoutListWidget->addItem(pItem);
1424 | if (layoutUidList[i] == currentItemUid)
1425 | m_pLayoutListWidget->setCurrentItem(pItem);
1426 | }
1427 | m_pLayoutListWidget->sortItems();
1428 | m_pLayoutListWidget->blockSignals(false);
1429 | }
1430 |
1431 | void UILayoutSelector::prepareObjects()
1432 | {
1433 | QVBoxLayout *pLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
1434 | if (!pLayout)
1435 | return;
1436 | pLayout->setSpacing(0);
1437 | setLayout(pLayout);
1438 |
1439 | QHBoxLayout *pTitleLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
1440 | m_pCloseButton = new QToolButton;
1441 | m_pCloseButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
1442 | m_pCloseButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_DialogCancel));
1443 | m_pCloseButton->setAutoRaise(true);
1444 | connect(m_pCloseButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UILayoutSelector::sigCloseLayoutList);
1445 | m_pTitleLabel = new QLabel;
1446 | pTitleLayout->addWidget(m_pTitleLabel);
1447 | pTitleLayout->addStretch(2);
1448 | pTitleLayout->addWidget(m_pCloseButton);
1449 | pLayout->addLayout(pTitleLayout);
1450 |
1451 | m_pLayoutListWidget = new QListWidget;
1452 | pLayout->addWidget(m_pLayoutListWidget);
1453 | m_pLayoutListWidget->setSortingEnabled(true);
1454 | connect(m_pLayoutListWidget, &QListWidget::currentItemChanged, this, &UILayoutSelector::sltCurrentItemChanged);
1455 |
1456 | m_pLayoutListWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
1457 | QHBoxLayout *pButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
1458 | pLayout->addLayout(pButtonsLayout);
1459 |
1460 | m_pEditLayoutButton = new QToolButton;
1461 | m_pEditLayoutButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_layout_edit_16px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_layout_edit_disabled_16px.png"));
1462 | pButtonsLayout->addWidget(m_pEditLayoutButton);
1463 | connect(m_pEditLayoutButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UILayoutSelector::sigShowLayoutEditor);
1464 |
1465 | m_pCopyLayoutButton = new QToolButton;
1466 | m_pCopyLayoutButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_layout_copy_16px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_layout_copy_disabled_16px.png"));
1467 | pButtonsLayout->addWidget(m_pCopyLayoutButton);
1468 | connect(m_pCopyLayoutButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UILayoutSelector::sigCopyLayout);
1469 |
1470 | m_pSaveLayoutButton = new QToolButton;
1471 | m_pSaveLayoutButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_layout_save_16px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_layout_save_disabled_16px.png"));
1472 | pButtonsLayout->addWidget(m_pSaveLayoutButton);
1473 | connect(m_pSaveLayoutButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UILayoutSelector::sigSaveLayout);
1474 |
1475 | m_pDeleteLayoutButton = new QToolButton;
1476 | m_pDeleteLayoutButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_layout_remove_16px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_layout_remove_disabled_16px.png"));
1477 | pButtonsLayout->addWidget(m_pDeleteLayoutButton);
1478 | connect(m_pDeleteLayoutButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UILayoutSelector::sigDeleteLayout);
1479 |
1480 | pButtonsLayout->addStretch(2);
1481 |
1482 | sltRetranslateUI();
1483 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
1484 | this, &UILayoutSelector::sltRetranslateUI);
1485 | }
1486 |
1487 | void UILayoutSelector::sltCurrentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *pCurrent, QListWidgetItem *pPrevious)
1488 | {
1489 | Q_UNUSED(pPrevious);
1490 | if (!pCurrent)
1491 | return;
1492 | emit sigLayoutSelectionChanged(pCurrent->data(Qt::UserRole).toUuid());
1493 | }
1494 |
1495 | void UILayoutSelector::sltRetranslateUI()
1496 | {
1497 | if (m_pApplyLayoutButton)
1498 | m_pApplyLayoutButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Use the selected layout"));
1499 | if (m_pEditLayoutButton)
1500 | m_pEditLayoutButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Edit the selected layout"));
1501 | if (m_pDeleteLayoutButton)
1502 | m_pDeleteLayoutButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Delete the selected layout"));
1503 | if (m_pCopyLayoutButton)
1504 | m_pCopyLayoutButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Copy the selected layout"));
1505 | if (m_pSaveLayoutButton)
1506 | m_pSaveLayoutButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Save the selected layout into File"));
1507 | if (m_pTitleLabel)
1508 | m_pTitleLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Layout List"));
1509 | if (m_pCloseButton)
1510 | {
1511 | m_pCloseButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Close the layout list"));
1512 | m_pCloseButton->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Close"));
1513 | }
1514 | }
1515 |
1516 |
1517 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1518 | * UISoftKeyboardRow implementation. *
1519 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1520 |
1521 | UISoftKeyboardRow::UISoftKeyboardRow()
1522 | : m_iDefaultWidth(0)
1523 | , m_iDefaultHeight(0)
1524 | , m_iSpaceHeightAfter(0)
1525 | , m_iLeftMargin(0)
1526 | {
1527 | }
1528 |
1529 | void UISoftKeyboardRow::setDefaultWidth(int iWidth)
1530 | {
1531 | m_iDefaultWidth = iWidth;
1532 | }
1533 |
1534 | int UISoftKeyboardRow::defaultWidth() const
1535 | {
1536 | return m_iDefaultWidth;
1537 | }
1538 |
1539 | int UISoftKeyboardRow::totalHeight() const
1540 | {
1541 | int iMaxHeight = 0;
1542 | for (int i = 0; i < m_keys.size(); ++i)
1543 | iMaxHeight = qMax(iMaxHeight, m_keys[i].height());
1544 | return iMaxHeight + m_iSpaceHeightAfter;
1545 | }
1546 |
1547 | void UISoftKeyboardRow::setDefaultHeight(int iHeight)
1548 | {
1549 | m_iDefaultHeight = iHeight;
1550 | }
1551 |
1552 | int UISoftKeyboardRow::defaultHeight() const
1553 | {
1554 | return m_iDefaultHeight;
1555 | }
1556 |
1557 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &UISoftKeyboardRow::keys()
1558 | {
1559 | return m_keys;
1560 | }
1561 |
1562 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &UISoftKeyboardRow::keys() const
1563 | {
1564 | return m_keys;
1565 | }
1566 |
1567 | void UISoftKeyboardRow::setSpaceHeightAfter(int iSpace)
1568 | {
1569 | m_iSpaceHeightAfter = iSpace;
1570 | }
1571 |
1572 | int UISoftKeyboardRow::spaceHeightAfter() const
1573 | {
1574 | return m_iSpaceHeightAfter;
1575 | }
1576 |
1577 | int UISoftKeyboardRow::leftMargin() const
1578 | {
1579 | return m_iLeftMargin;
1580 | }
1581 |
1582 | void UISoftKeyboardRow::setLeftMargin(int iMargin)
1583 | {
1584 | m_iLeftMargin = iMargin;
1585 | }
1586 |
1587 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1588 | * UISoftKeyboardKey implementation. *
1589 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1590 |
1591 | UISoftKeyboardKey::UISoftKeyboardKey()
1592 | : m_enmType(KeyType_Ordinary)
1593 | , m_enmState(KeyState_NotPressed)
1594 | , m_iWidth(0)
1595 | , m_iHeight(0)
1596 | , m_iSpaceWidthAfter(0)
1597 | , m_scanCode(0)
1598 | , m_iCutoutWidth(0)
1599 | , m_iCutoutHeight(0)
1600 | , m_iCutoutCorner(-1)
1601 | , m_iPosition(0)
1602 | , m_pParentWidget(0)
1603 | , m_iUsageId(0)
1604 | , m_iUsagePage(0)
1605 | , m_enmKeyboardRegion(KeyboardRegion_Main)
1606 | , m_fIsOSMenuKey(false)
1607 | , m_fCornerRadius(5.)
1608 | {
1609 | }
1610 |
1611 | const QRect UISoftKeyboardKey::keyGeometry() const
1612 | {
1613 | return m_keyGeometry;
1614 | }
1615 |
1616 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setKeyGeometry(const QRect &rect)
1617 | {
1618 | m_keyGeometry = rect;
1619 | }
1620 |
1621 |
1622 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setWidth(int iWidth)
1623 | {
1624 | m_iWidth = iWidth;
1625 | }
1626 |
1627 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::width() const
1628 | {
1629 | return m_iWidth;
1630 | }
1631 |
1632 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setHeight(int iHeight)
1633 | {
1634 | m_iHeight = iHeight;
1635 | }
1636 |
1637 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::height() const
1638 | {
1639 | return m_iHeight;
1640 | }
1641 |
1642 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setScanCode(LONG scanCode)
1643 | {
1644 | m_scanCode = scanCode;
1645 | }
1646 |
1647 | LONG UISoftKeyboardKey::scanCode() const
1648 | {
1649 | return m_scanCode;
1650 | }
1651 |
1652 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::addScanCodePrefix(LONG scanCodePrefix)
1653 | {
1654 | m_scanCodePrefix << scanCodePrefix;
1655 | }
1656 |
1657 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setSpaceWidthAfter(int iSpace)
1658 | {
1659 | m_iSpaceWidthAfter = iSpace;
1660 | }
1661 |
1662 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::spaceWidthAfter() const
1663 | {
1664 | return m_iSpaceWidthAfter;
1665 | }
1666 |
1667 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setUsageId(LONG usageId)
1668 | {
1669 | m_iUsageId = usageId;
1670 | }
1671 |
1672 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setUsagePage(LONG usagePage)
1673 | {
1674 | m_iUsagePage = usagePage;
1675 | }
1676 |
1677 | QPair<LONG, LONG> UISoftKeyboardKey::usagePageIdPair() const
1678 | {
1679 | return QPair<LONG, LONG>(m_iUsageId, m_iUsagePage);
1680 | }
1681 |
1682 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setPosition(int iPosition)
1683 | {
1684 | m_iPosition = iPosition;
1685 | }
1686 |
1687 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::position() const
1688 | {
1689 | return m_iPosition;
1690 | }
1691 |
1692 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setType(KeyType enmType)
1693 | {
1694 | m_enmType = enmType;
1695 | }
1696 |
1697 | KeyType UISoftKeyboardKey::type() const
1698 | {
1699 | return m_enmType;
1700 | }
1701 |
1702 | KeyboardRegion UISoftKeyboardKey::keyboardRegion() const
1703 | {
1704 | return m_enmKeyboardRegion;
1705 | }
1706 |
1707 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setKeyboardRegion(KeyboardRegion enmRegion)
1708 | {
1709 | m_enmKeyboardRegion = enmRegion;
1710 | }
1711 |
1712 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setCutout(int iCorner, int iWidth, int iHeight)
1713 | {
1714 | m_iCutoutCorner = iCorner;
1715 | m_iCutoutWidth = iWidth;
1716 | m_iCutoutHeight = iHeight;
1717 | }
1718 |
1719 | KeyState UISoftKeyboardKey::state() const
1720 | {
1721 | return m_enmState;
1722 | }
1723 |
1724 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setState(KeyState state)
1725 | {
1726 | m_enmState = state;
1727 | }
1728 |
1729 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setStaticCaption(const QString &strCaption)
1730 | {
1731 | m_strStaticCaption = strCaption;
1732 | }
1733 |
1734 | const QString &UISoftKeyboardKey::staticCaption() const
1735 | {
1736 | return m_strStaticCaption;
1737 | }
1738 |
1739 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setImageByName(const QString &strImageFileName)
1740 | {
1741 | if (strImageFileName.isEmpty())
1742 | return;
1743 | m_icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(QString(":/%1").arg(strImageFileName));
1744 | }
1745 |
1746 | QPixmap UISoftKeyboardKey::image() const
1747 | {
1748 | QPixmap pixmap;
1749 |
1750 | /* Check whether we have valid icon: */
1751 | if (!m_icon.isNull())
1752 | {
1753 | /* Determine desired icon size: */
1754 | const int iIconMetric = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize);
1755 | const QSize iconSize = QSize(iIconMetric, iIconMetric);
1756 | /* Get pixmap of requested size (take into account the DPI of the main shown window, if possible): */
1757 | const qreal fDevicePixelRatio = windowManager().mainWindowShown() && windowManager().mainWindowShown()->windowHandle()
1758 | ? windowManager().mainWindowShown()->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio() : 1;
1759 | pixmap = m_icon.pixmap(iconSize, fDevicePixelRatio);
1760 | }
1761 |
1762 | return pixmap;
1763 | }
1764 |
1765 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setParentWidget(UISoftKeyboardWidget* pParent)
1766 | {
1767 | m_pParentWidget = pParent;
1768 | }
1769 |
1770 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setIsOSMenuKey(bool fFlag)
1771 | {
1772 | m_fIsOSMenuKey = fFlag;
1773 | }
1774 |
1775 | bool UISoftKeyboardKey::isOSMenuKey() const
1776 | {
1777 | return m_fIsOSMenuKey;
1778 | }
1779 |
1780 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::release()
1781 | {
1782 | /* Lock key states are controlled by the event signals we get from the guest OS. See updateLockKeyState function: */
1783 | if (m_enmType != KeyType_Lock)
1784 | updateState(false);
1785 | }
1786 |
1787 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::press()
1788 | {
1789 | /* Lock key states are controlled by the event signals we get from the guest OS. See updateLockKeyState function: */
1790 | if (m_enmType != KeyType_Lock)
1791 | updateState(true);
1792 | }
1793 |
1794 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setPoints(const QVector<QPointF> &points)
1795 | {
1796 | m_points = points;
1797 | computePainterPath();
1798 | }
1799 |
1800 | const QVector<QPointF> &UISoftKeyboardKey::points() const
1801 | {
1802 | return m_points;
1803 | }
1804 |
1805 | const QPainterPath &UISoftKeyboardKey::painterPath() const
1806 | {
1807 | return m_painterPath;
1808 | }
1809 |
1810 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::computePainterPath()
1811 | {
1812 | if (m_points.size() < 3)
1813 | return;
1814 |
1815 | m_painterPath = QPainterPath(pointInBetween(m_fCornerRadius, m_points[0], m_points[1]));
1816 | for (int i = 0; i < m_points.size(); ++i)
1817 | {
1818 | QPointF p0 = pointInBetween(m_fCornerRadius, m_points[(i+1)%m_points.size()], m_points[i]);
1819 | QPointF p1 = pointInBetween(m_fCornerRadius, m_points[(i+1)%m_points.size()], m_points[(i+2)%m_points.size()]);
1820 | m_painterPath.lineTo(p0);
1821 | m_painterPath.quadTo(m_points[(i+1)%m_points.size()], p1);
1822 | }
1823 | }
1824 |
1825 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::setCornerRadius(float fCornerRadius)
1826 | {
1827 | m_fCornerRadius = fCornerRadius;
1828 | }
1829 |
1830 | QPolygonF UISoftKeyboardKey::polygonInGlobal() const
1831 | {
1832 | QPolygonF globalPolygon(m_points);
1833 | globalPolygon.translate(m_keyGeometry.x(), m_keyGeometry.y());
1834 | return globalPolygon;
1835 | }
1836 |
1837 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::cutoutCorner() const
1838 | {
1839 | return m_iCutoutCorner;
1840 | }
1841 |
1842 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::cutoutWidth() const
1843 | {
1844 | return m_iCutoutWidth;
1845 | }
1846 |
1847 | int UISoftKeyboardKey::cutoutHeight() const
1848 | {
1849 | return m_iCutoutHeight;
1850 | }
1851 |
1852 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::updateState(bool fPressed)
1853 | {
1854 | KeyState enmPreviousState = state();
1855 | if (m_enmType == KeyType_Modifier)
1856 | {
1857 | if (fPressed)
1858 | {
1859 | if (m_enmState == KeyState_NotPressed)
1860 | m_enmState = KeyState_Pressed;
1861 | else if(m_enmState == KeyState_Pressed)
1862 | m_enmState = KeyState_Locked;
1863 | else
1864 | m_enmState = KeyState_NotPressed;
1865 | }
1866 | else
1867 | {
1868 | if(m_enmState == KeyState_Pressed)
1869 | m_enmState = KeyState_NotPressed;
1870 | }
1871 | }
1872 | else if (m_enmType == KeyType_Lock)
1873 | {
1874 | m_enmState = fPressed ? KeyState_Locked : KeyState_NotPressed;
1875 | }
1876 | else if (m_enmType == KeyType_Ordinary)
1877 | {
1878 | if (m_enmState == KeyState_NotPressed)
1879 | m_enmState = KeyState_Pressed;
1880 | else
1881 | m_enmState = KeyState_NotPressed;
1882 | }
1883 | if (enmPreviousState != state() && m_pParentWidget)
1884 | m_pParentWidget->keyStateChange(this);
1885 | }
1886 |
1887 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::updateLockState(bool fLocked)
1888 | {
1889 | if (m_enmType != KeyType_Lock)
1890 | return;
1891 | if (fLocked && m_enmState == KeyState_Locked)
1892 | return;
1893 | if (!fLocked && m_enmState == KeyState_NotPressed)
1894 | return;
1895 | updateState(fLocked);
1896 | }
1897 |
1898 | void UISoftKeyboardKey::reset()
1899 | {
1900 | m_enmState = KeyState_NotPressed;
1901 | }
1902 |
1903 |
1904 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1905 | * UISoftKeyboardLayout implementation. *
1906 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1907 |
1908 | UISoftKeyboardLayout::UISoftKeyboardLayout()
1909 | : m_fEditable(true)
1910 | , m_fIsFromResources(false)
1911 | , m_fEditedButNotSaved(false)
1912 | , m_uid(QUuid::createUuid())
1913 | {
1914 | }
1915 |
1916 | QString UISoftKeyboardLayout::nameString() const
1917 | {
1918 | QString strCombinedName;
1919 | if (nativeName().isEmpty() && !name().isEmpty())
1920 | strCombinedName = name();
1921 | else if (!nativeName().isEmpty() && name().isEmpty())
1922 | strCombinedName = nativeName();
1923 | else
1924 | strCombinedName = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(nativeName()).arg(name());
1925 | return strCombinedName;
1926 | }
1927 |
1928 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setSourceFilePath(const QString& strSourceFilePath)
1929 | {
1930 | m_strSourceFilePath = strSourceFilePath;
1931 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
1932 | }
1933 |
1934 | const QString& UISoftKeyboardLayout::sourceFilePath() const
1935 | {
1936 | return m_strSourceFilePath;
1937 | }
1938 |
1939 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setIsFromResources(bool fIsFromResources)
1940 | {
1941 | m_fIsFromResources = fIsFromResources;
1942 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
1943 | }
1944 |
1945 | bool UISoftKeyboardLayout::isFromResources() const
1946 | {
1947 | return m_fIsFromResources;
1948 | }
1949 |
1950 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setName(const QString &strName)
1951 | {
1952 | m_strName = strName;
1953 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
1954 | }
1955 |
1956 | const QString &UISoftKeyboardLayout::name() const
1957 | {
1958 | return m_strName;
1959 | }
1960 |
1961 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setNativeName(const QString &strNativeName)
1962 | {
1963 | m_strNativeName = strNativeName;
1964 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
1965 | }
1966 |
1967 | const QString &UISoftKeyboardLayout::nativeName() const
1968 | {
1969 | return m_strNativeName;
1970 | }
1971 |
1972 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setEditable(bool fEditable)
1973 | {
1974 | m_fEditable = fEditable;
1975 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
1976 | }
1977 |
1978 | bool UISoftKeyboardLayout::editable() const
1979 | {
1980 | return m_fEditable;
1981 | }
1982 |
1983 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setPhysicalLayoutUuid(const QUuid &uuid)
1984 | {
1985 | m_physicalLayoutUuid = uuid;
1986 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
1987 | }
1988 |
1989 | const QUuid &UISoftKeyboardLayout::physicalLayoutUuid() const
1990 | {
1991 | return m_physicalLayoutUuid;
1992 | }
1993 |
1994 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::addOrUpdateUIKeyCaptions(int iKeyPosition, const UIKeyCaptions &keyCaptions)
1995 | {
1996 | if (m_keyCaptionsMap[iKeyPosition] == keyCaptions)
1997 | return;
1998 | m_keyCaptionsMap[iKeyPosition] = keyCaptions;
1999 | /* Updating the captions invalidates the cached font size. We set it to 0, thereby forcing its recomputaion: */
2000 | m_keyCaptionsFontSizeMap[iKeyPosition] = 0;
2001 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
2002 | }
2003 |
2004 | UIKeyCaptions UISoftKeyboardLayout::keyCaptions(int iKeyPosition) const
2005 | {
2006 | return m_keyCaptionsMap[iKeyPosition];
2007 | }
2008 |
2009 | bool UISoftKeyboardLayout::operator==(const UISoftKeyboardLayout &otherLayout) const
2010 | {
2011 | if (m_strName != otherLayout.m_strName)
2012 | return false;
2013 | if (m_strNativeName != otherLayout.m_strNativeName)
2014 | return false;
2015 | if (m_physicalLayoutUuid != otherLayout.m_physicalLayoutUuid)
2016 | return false;
2017 | if (m_fEditable != otherLayout.m_fEditable)
2018 | return false;
2019 | if (m_strSourceFilePath != otherLayout.m_strSourceFilePath)
2020 | return false;
2021 | if (m_fIsFromResources != otherLayout.m_fIsFromResources)
2022 | return false;
2023 | return true;
2024 | }
2025 |
2026 | QString UISoftKeyboardLayout::baseCaption(int iKeyPosition) const
2027 | {
2028 | return m_keyCaptionsMap.value(iKeyPosition, UIKeyCaptions()).m_strBase;
2029 | }
2030 |
2031 | QString UISoftKeyboardLayout::shiftCaption(int iKeyPosition) const
2032 | {
2033 | if (!m_keyCaptionsMap.contains(iKeyPosition))
2034 | return QString();
2035 | return m_keyCaptionsMap[iKeyPosition].m_strShift;
2036 | }
2037 |
2038 | QString UISoftKeyboardLayout::altGrCaption(int iKeyPosition) const
2039 | {
2040 | if (!m_keyCaptionsMap.contains(iKeyPosition))
2041 | return QString();
2042 | return m_keyCaptionsMap[iKeyPosition].m_strAltGr;
2043 | }
2044 |
2045 | QString UISoftKeyboardLayout::shiftAltGrCaption(int iKeyPosition) const
2046 | {
2047 | if (!m_keyCaptionsMap.contains(iKeyPosition))
2048 | return QString();
2049 | return m_keyCaptionsMap[iKeyPosition].m_strShiftAltGr;
2050 | }
2051 |
2052 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setEditedBuNotSaved(bool fEditedButNotsaved)
2053 | {
2054 | m_fEditedButNotSaved = fEditedButNotsaved;
2055 | }
2056 |
2057 | bool UISoftKeyboardLayout::editedButNotSaved() const
2058 | {
2059 | return m_fEditedButNotSaved;
2060 | }
2061 |
2062 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::setUid(const QUuid &uid)
2063 | {
2064 | m_uid = uid;
2065 | setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
2066 | }
2067 |
2068 | QUuid UISoftKeyboardLayout::uid() const
2069 | {
2070 | return m_uid;
2071 | }
2072 |
2073 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::drawTextInRect(const UISoftKeyboardKey &key, QPainter &painter)
2074 | {
2075 | int iKeyPosition = key.position();
2076 | const QRect &keyGeometry = key.keyGeometry();
2077 | QFont painterFont(painter.font());
2078 |
2079 | QString strBaseCaption;
2080 | QString strShiftCaption;
2081 | QString strShiftAltGrCaption;
2082 | QString strAltGrCaption;
2083 |
2084 | /* Static captions which are defined in the physical layout files have precedence over
2085 | the one define in the keyboard layouts. In effect they stay the same for all the
2086 | keyboard layouts sharing the same physical layout: */
2087 |
2088 | if (key.staticCaption().isEmpty())
2089 | {
2090 | strBaseCaption = baseCaption(iKeyPosition);
2091 | strShiftCaption = shiftCaption(iKeyPosition);
2092 | strShiftAltGrCaption = shiftAltGrCaption(iKeyPosition);
2093 | strAltGrCaption = altGrCaption(iKeyPosition);
2094 | }
2095 | else
2096 | strBaseCaption = key.staticCaption();
2097 |
2098 | const QString &strTopleftString = !strShiftCaption.isEmpty() ? strShiftCaption : strBaseCaption;
2099 | const QString &strBottomleftString = !strShiftCaption.isEmpty() ? strBaseCaption : QString();
2100 |
2101 | int iFontSize = 30;
2102 | if (!m_keyCaptionsFontSizeMap.contains(iKeyPosition) || m_keyCaptionsFontSizeMap.value(iKeyPosition) == 0)
2103 | {
2104 | do
2105 | {
2106 | painterFont.setPixelSize(iFontSize);
2107 | painterFont.setBold(true);
2108 | painter.setFont(painterFont);
2109 | const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics();
2110 | const int iMargin = 0.25 * fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance('X');
2111 |
2112 | int iTopWidth = 0;
2113 | /* Some captions are multi line using \n as separator: */
2114 | QStringList strList;
2115 | strList << strTopleftString.split("\n", Qt::SkipEmptyParts)
2116 | << strShiftAltGrCaption.split("\n", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
2117 | foreach (const QString &strPart, strList)
2118 | iTopWidth = qMax(iTopWidth, fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance(strPart));
2119 | strList.clear();
2120 | strList << strBottomleftString.split("\n", Qt::SkipEmptyParts)
2121 | << strAltGrCaption.split("\n", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
2122 |
2123 | int iBottomWidth = 0;
2124 | foreach (const QString &strPart, strList)
2125 | iBottomWidth = qMax(iBottomWidth, fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance(strPart));
2126 | int iTextWidth = 2 * iMargin + qMax(iTopWidth, iBottomWidth);
2127 | int iTextHeight = 0;
2128 |
2129 | if (key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
2130 | iTextHeight = 2 * iMargin + fontMetrics.height();
2131 | else
2132 | iTextHeight = 2 * iMargin + 2 * fontMetrics.height();
2133 |
2134 | if (iTextWidth >= keyGeometry.width() || iTextHeight >= keyGeometry.height())
2135 | --iFontSize;
2136 | else
2137 | break;
2138 |
2139 | }while(iFontSize > 1);
2140 | m_keyCaptionsFontSizeMap[iKeyPosition] = iFontSize;
2141 | }
2142 | else
2143 | {
2144 | iFontSize = m_keyCaptionsFontSizeMap[iKeyPosition];
2145 | painterFont.setPixelSize(iFontSize);
2146 | painterFont.setBold(true);
2147 | painter.setFont(painterFont);
2148 | }
2149 |
2150 | const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics();
2151 | const int iMargin = 0.25 * fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance('X');
2152 | QRect textRect;
2153 | if (key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
2154 | textRect = QRect(2 * iMargin, iMargin,
2155 | keyGeometry.width() - 2 * iMargin,
2156 | keyGeometry.height() - 2 * iMargin);
2157 | else
2158 | textRect = QRect(iMargin, iMargin,
2159 | keyGeometry.width() - 2 * iMargin,
2160 | keyGeometry.height() - 2 * iMargin);
2161 |
2162 | if (key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
2163 | {
2164 | painter.drawText(QRect(0, 0, keyGeometry.width(), keyGeometry.height()),
2165 | Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, strTopleftString);
2166 | }
2167 | else
2168 | {
2169 | painter.drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, strTopleftString);
2170 | painter.drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, strBottomleftString);
2171 | painter.drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, strShiftAltGrCaption);
2172 | painter.drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom, strAltGrCaption);
2173 | }
2174 | }
2175 |
2176 | void UISoftKeyboardLayout::drawKeyImageInRect(const UISoftKeyboardKey &key, QPainter &painter)
2177 | {
2178 | if (key.image().isNull())
2179 | return;
2180 | const QRect &keyGeometry = key.keyGeometry();
2181 | int iMargin = 0.1 * qMax(keyGeometry.width(), keyGeometry.height());
2182 | int size = qMin(keyGeometry.width() - 2 * iMargin, keyGeometry.height() - 2 * iMargin);
2183 | painter.drawPixmap(QRect(0.5 * (keyGeometry.width() - size), 0.5 * (keyGeometry.height() - size),
2184 | size, size), key.image());
2185 | }
2186 |
2187 |
2188 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
2189 | * UISoftKeyboardColorTheme implementation. *
2190 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
2191 |
2192 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::UISoftKeyboardColorTheme()
2193 | : m_colors(QVector<QColor>(KeyboardColorType_Max))
2194 | , m_fIsEditable(false)
2195 | {
2196 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Background].setNamedColor("#ff878787");
2197 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Font].setNamedColor("#ff000000");
2198 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Hover].setNamedColor("#ff676767");
2199 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Edit].setNamedColor("#ff9b6767");
2200 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Pressed].setNamedColor("#fffafafa");
2201 | }
2202 |
2203 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::UISoftKeyboardColorTheme(const QString &strName,
2204 | const QString &strBackgroundColor,
2205 | const QString &strNormalFontColor,
2206 | const QString &strHoverColor,
2207 | const QString &strEditedButtonBackgroundColor,
2208 | const QString &strPressedButtonFontColor)
2209 | :m_colors(QVector<QColor>(KeyboardColorType_Max))
2210 | ,m_strName(strName)
2211 | , m_fIsEditable(false)
2212 | {
2213 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Background].setNamedColor(strBackgroundColor);
2214 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Font].setNamedColor(strNormalFontColor);
2215 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Hover].setNamedColor(strHoverColor);
2216 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Edit].setNamedColor(strEditedButtonBackgroundColor);
2217 | m_colors[KeyboardColorType_Pressed].setNamedColor(strPressedButtonFontColor);
2218 | }
2219 |
2220 |
2221 | void UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::setColor(KeyboardColorType enmColorType, const QColor &color)
2222 | {
2223 | if ((int) enmColorType >= m_colors.size())
2224 | return;
2225 | m_colors[(int)enmColorType] = color;
2226 | }
2227 |
2228 | QColor UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::color(KeyboardColorType enmColorType) const
2229 | {
2230 | if ((int) enmColorType >= m_colors.size())
2231 | return QColor();
2232 | return m_colors[(int)enmColorType];
2233 | }
2234 |
2235 | QStringList UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::colorsToStringList() const
2236 | {
2237 | QStringList colorStringList;
2238 | foreach (const QColor &color, m_colors)
2239 | colorStringList << color.name(QColor::HexArgb);
2240 | return colorStringList;
2241 | }
2242 |
2243 | void UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::colorsFromStringList(const QStringList &colorStringList)
2244 | {
2245 | for (int i = 0; i < colorStringList.size() && i < m_colors.size(); ++i)
2246 | {
2247 | if (!QColor::isValidColor(colorStringList[i]))
2248 | continue;
2249 | m_colors[i].setNamedColor(colorStringList[i]);
2250 | }
2251 | }
2252 |
2253 | const QString &UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::name() const
2254 | {
2255 | return m_strName;
2256 | }
2257 |
2258 | void UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::setName(const QString &strName)
2259 | {
2260 | m_strName = strName;
2261 | }
2262 |
2263 | bool UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::isEditable() const
2264 | {
2265 | return m_fIsEditable;
2266 | }
2267 |
2268 | void UISoftKeyboardColorTheme::setIsEditable(bool fIsEditable)
2269 | {
2270 | m_fIsEditable = fIsEditable;
2271 | }
2272 |
2273 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
2274 | * UISoftKeyboardWidget implementation. *
2275 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
2276 |
2277 | UISoftKeyboardWidget::UISoftKeyboardWidget(QWidget *pParent, UIMachine *pMachine)
2278 | : QWidget(pParent)
2279 | , m_pMachine(pMachine)
2280 | , m_pKeyUnderMouse(0)
2281 | , m_pKeyBeingEdited(0)
2282 | , m_pKeyPressed(0)
2283 | , m_currentColorTheme(0)
2284 | , m_iInitialHeight(0)
2285 | , m_iInitialWidth(0)
2286 | , m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad(0)
2287 | , m_iBeforeNumPadWidth(30)
2288 | , m_iXSpacing(5)
2289 | , m_iYSpacing(5)
2290 | , m_iLeftMargin(10)
2291 | , m_iTopMargin(10)
2292 | , m_iRightMargin(10)
2293 | , m_iBottomMargin(10)
2294 | , m_enmMode(Mode_Keyboard)
2295 | , m_fHideOSMenuKeys(false)
2296 | , m_fHideNumPad(false)
2297 | , m_fHideMultimediaKeys(false)
2298 | {
2299 | prepareObjects();
2300 | prepareColorThemes();
2301 | sltRetranslateUI();
2302 |
2303 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
2304 | this, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sltRetranslateUI);
2305 | }
2306 |
2307 | QSize UISoftKeyboardWidget::minimumSizeHint() const
2308 | {
2309 | float fScale = 0.5f;
2310 | return QSize(fScale * m_minimumSize.width(), fScale * m_minimumSize.height());
2311 | }
2312 |
2313 | QSize UISoftKeyboardWidget::sizeHint() const
2314 | {
2315 | float fScale = 0.5f;
2316 | return QSize(fScale * m_minimumSize.width(), fScale * m_minimumSize.height());
2317 | }
2318 |
2319 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent) /* RT_OVERRIDE */
2320 | {
2321 | Q_UNUSED(pEvent);
2322 | if (!m_layouts.contains(m_uCurrentLayoutId))
2323 | return;
2324 |
2325 | UISoftKeyboardLayout ¤tLayout = m_layouts[m_uCurrentLayoutId];
2326 |
2327 | if (m_iInitialWidth == 0 || m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad == 0 || m_iInitialHeight == 0)
2328 | return;
2329 |
2330 | if (!m_fHideNumPad)
2331 | m_fScaleFactorX = width() / (float) (m_iInitialWidth + m_iBeforeNumPadWidth);
2332 | else
2333 | m_fScaleFactorX = width() / (float) m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad;
2334 |
2335 | if (!m_fHideMultimediaKeys)
2336 | m_fScaleFactorY = height() / (float) m_iInitialHeight;
2337 | else
2338 | m_fScaleFactorY = height() / (float)(m_iInitialHeight - m_multiMediaKeysLayout.totalHeight());
2339 |
2340 | QPainter painter(this);
2341 | QFont painterFont(font());
2342 | painterFont.setPixelSize(15);
2343 | painterFont.setBold(true);
2344 | painter.setFont(painterFont);
2345 | painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
2346 | painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
2347 | painter.scale(m_fScaleFactorX, m_fScaleFactorY);
2348 | int unitSize = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin);
2349 | float fLedRadius = 0.8 * unitSize;
2350 | float fLedMargin = 5;//0.6 * unitSize;
2351 |
2352 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *pPhysicalLayout = findPhysicalLayout(currentLayout.physicalLayoutUuid());
2353 | if (!pPhysicalLayout)
2354 | return;
2355 |
2356 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows = pPhysicalLayout->rows();
2357 | for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); ++i)
2358 | {
2359 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &keys = rows[i].keys();
2360 | for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); ++j)
2361 | {
2362 | UISoftKeyboardKey &key = keys[j];
2363 |
2364 | if (m_fHideOSMenuKeys && key.isOSMenuKey())
2365 | continue;
2366 |
2367 | if (m_fHideNumPad && key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_NumPad)
2368 | continue;
2369 |
2370 | if (m_fHideMultimediaKeys && key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
2371 | continue;
2372 |
2373 | if (m_fHideMultimediaKeys)
2374 | painter.translate(key.keyGeometry().x(), key.keyGeometry().y() - m_multiMediaKeysLayout.totalHeight());
2375 | else
2376 | painter.translate(key.keyGeometry().x(), key.keyGeometry().y());
2377 |
2378 | if(&key == m_pKeyBeingEdited)
2379 | painter.setBrush(QBrush(color(KeyboardColorType_Edit)));
2380 | else if (&key == m_pKeyUnderMouse)
2381 | painter.setBrush(QBrush(color(KeyboardColorType_Hover)));
2382 | else
2383 | painter.setBrush(QBrush(color(KeyboardColorType_Background)));
2384 |
2385 | if (&key == m_pKeyPressed)
2386 | painter.setPen(QPen(color(KeyboardColorType_Pressed), 2));
2387 | else
2388 | painter.setPen(QPen(color(KeyboardColorType_Font), 2));
2389 |
2390 | /* Draw the key shape: */
2391 | painter.drawPath(key.painterPath());
2392 |
2393 | if (key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
2394 | currentLayout.drawKeyImageInRect(key, painter);
2395 | else
2396 | currentLayout.drawTextInRect(key, painter);
2397 | /* Draw small LED like circles on the modifier/lock keys: */
2398 | if (key.type() != KeyType_Ordinary)
2399 | {
2400 | QColor ledColor;
2401 | if (key.type() == KeyType_Lock)
2402 | {
2403 | if (key.state() == KeyState_NotPressed)
2404 | ledColor = color(KeyboardColorType_Font);
2405 | else
2406 | ledColor = QColor(0, 255, 0);
2407 | }
2408 | else
2409 | {
2410 | if (key.state() == KeyState_NotPressed)
2411 | ledColor = color(KeyboardColorType_Font);
2412 | else if (key.state() == KeyState_Pressed)
2413 | ledColor = QColor(0, 191, 204);
2414 | else
2415 | ledColor = QColor(255, 50, 50);
2416 | }
2417 | if (m_enmMode == Mode_LayoutEdit)
2418 | ledColor = color(KeyboardColorType_Font);
2419 | painter.setBrush(ledColor);
2420 | painter.setPen(ledColor);
2421 | QRectF rectangle(key.keyGeometry().width() - 2 * fLedMargin, key.keyGeometry().height() - 2 * fLedMargin,
2422 | fLedRadius, fLedRadius);
2423 | painter.drawEllipse(rectangle);
2424 | }
2425 | if (m_fHideMultimediaKeys)
2426 | painter.translate(-key.keyGeometry().x(), -key.keyGeometry().y() + m_multiMediaKeysLayout.totalHeight());
2427 | else
2428 | painter.translate(-key.keyGeometry().x(), -key.keyGeometry().y());
2429 | }
2430 | }
2431 | }
2432 |
2433 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
2434 | {
2435 | QWidget::mousePressEvent(pEvent);
2436 | if (pEvent->button() != Qt::RightButton && pEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton)
2437 | return;
2438 |
2439 | m_pKeyPressed = keyUnderMouse(pEvent);
2440 | if (!m_pKeyPressed)
2441 | return;
2442 |
2443 | /* Handling the right button press: */
2444 | if (pEvent->button() == Qt::RightButton)
2445 | modifierKeyPressRelease(m_pKeyPressed, false);
2446 | else
2447 | {
2448 | /* Handling the left button press: */
2449 | if (m_enmMode == Mode_Keyboard)
2450 | handleKeyPress(m_pKeyPressed);
2451 | else if (m_enmMode == Mode_LayoutEdit)
2452 | setKeyBeingEdited(m_pKeyUnderMouse);
2453 | }
2454 | update();
2455 | }
2456 |
2457 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
2458 | {
2459 | QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(pEvent);
2460 |
2461 | if (pEvent->button() != Qt::RightButton && pEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton)
2462 | return;
2463 |
2464 | if (!m_pKeyPressed)
2465 | return;
2466 | if (pEvent->button() == Qt::RightButton)
2467 | modifierKeyPressRelease(m_pKeyPressed, true);
2468 | else
2469 | {
2470 | if (m_enmMode == Mode_Keyboard)
2471 | handleKeyRelease(m_pKeyPressed);
2472 | }
2473 | m_pKeyPressed = 0;
2474 | update();
2475 | }
2476 |
2477 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
2478 | {
2479 | QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(pEvent);
2480 | UISoftKeyboardKey *pPreviousKeyUnderMouse = m_pKeyUnderMouse;
2481 | keyUnderMouse(pEvent);
2482 | if (pPreviousKeyUnderMouse != m_pKeyUnderMouse)
2483 | showKeyTooltip(m_pKeyUnderMouse);
2484 | }
2485 |
2486 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::sltRetranslateUI()
2487 | {
2488 | m_keyTooltips[317] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Power off");
2489 | m_keyTooltips[300] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Web browser go back");
2490 | m_keyTooltips[301] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Web browser go the home page");
2491 | m_keyTooltips[302] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Web browser go forward");
2492 | m_keyTooltips[315] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Web browser reload the current page");
2493 | m_keyTooltips[314] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Web browser stop loading the page");
2494 | m_keyTooltips[313] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Web browser search");
2495 |
2496 | m_keyTooltips[307] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Jump back to previous media track");
2497 | m_keyTooltips[308] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Jump to next media track");
2498 | m_keyTooltips[309] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Stop playing");
2499 | m_keyTooltips[310] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Play or pause playing");
2500 |
2501 | m_keyTooltips[303] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Start email application");
2502 | m_keyTooltips[311] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Start calculator");
2503 | m_keyTooltips[312] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Show 'My Computer'");
2504 | m_keyTooltips[316] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Show Media folder");
2505 |
2506 | m_keyTooltips[304] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Mute");
2507 | m_keyTooltips[305] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Volume down");
2508 | m_keyTooltips[306] = UISoftKeyboard::tr("Volume up");
2509 | }
2510 |
2511 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::saveCurentLayoutToFile()
2512 | {
2513 | if (!m_layouts.contains(m_uCurrentLayoutId))
2514 | return;
2515 | UISoftKeyboardLayout ¤tLayout = m_layouts[m_uCurrentLayoutId];
2516 | QString strHomeFolder = gpGlobalSession->homeFolder();
2517 | QDir dir(strHomeFolder);
2518 | if (!dir.exists(strSubDirectorName))
2519 | {
2520 | if (!dir.mkdir(strSubDirectorName))
2521 | {
2522 | sigStatusBarMessage(QString("%1 %2").arg(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Error! Could not create folder under").arg(strHomeFolder)));
2523 | return;
2524 | }
2525 | }
2526 |
2527 | strHomeFolder += QString(QDir::separator()) + strSubDirectorName;
2528 | QInputDialog dialog(this);
2529 | dialog.setInputMode(QInputDialog::TextInput);
2530 | dialog.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
2531 | dialog.setWindowTitle(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Provide a file name"));
2532 | dialog.setTextValue(currentLayout.name());
2533 | dialog.setLabelText(QString("%1 %2").arg(UISoftKeyboard::tr("The file will be saved under:<br>")).arg(strHomeFolder));
2534 | if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected)
2535 | return;
2536 | QString strFileName(dialog.textValue());
2537 | if (strFileName.isEmpty() || strFileName.contains("..") || strFileName.contains(QDir::separator()))
2538 | {
2539 | sigStatusBarMessage(QString("%1 %2").arg(strFileName).arg(UISoftKeyboard::tr(" is an invalid file name")));
2540 | return;
2541 | }
2542 |
2543 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *pPhysicalLayout = findPhysicalLayout(currentLayout.physicalLayoutUuid());
2544 | if (!pPhysicalLayout)
2545 | {
2546 | sigStatusBarMessage("The layout file could not be saved");
2547 | return;
2548 | }
2549 |
2550 | QFileInfo fileInfo(strFileName);
2551 | if (fileInfo.suffix().compare("xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0)
2552 | strFileName += ".xml";
2553 | strFileName = strHomeFolder + QString(QDir::separator()) + strFileName;
2554 | QFile xmlFile(strFileName);
2555 | if (!xmlFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate))
2556 | {
2557 | sigStatusBarMessage("The layout file could not be saved");
2558 | return;
2559 | }
2560 |
2561 | QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter;
2562 | xmlWriter.setDevice(&xmlFile);
2563 |
2564 | xmlWriter.setAutoFormatting(true);
2565 | xmlWriter.writeStartDocument("1.0");
2566 | xmlWriter.writeStartElement("layout");
2567 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("name", currentLayout.name());
2568 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("nativename", currentLayout.nativeName());
2569 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("physicallayoutid", pPhysicalLayout->uid().toString());
2570 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("id", currentLayout.uid().toString());
2571 |
2572 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows = pPhysicalLayout->rows();
2573 | for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); ++i)
2574 | {
2575 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &keys = rows[i].keys();
2576 |
2577 | for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); ++j)
2578 | {
2579 | xmlWriter.writeStartElement("key");
2580 |
2581 | UISoftKeyboardKey &key = keys[j];
2582 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("position", QString::number(key.position()));
2583 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("basecaption", currentLayout.baseCaption(key.position()));
2584 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("shiftcaption", currentLayout.shiftCaption(key.position()));
2585 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("altgrcaption", currentLayout.altGrCaption(key.position()));
2586 | xmlWriter.writeTextElement("shiftaltgrcaption", currentLayout.shiftAltGrCaption(key.position()));
2587 | xmlWriter.writeEndElement();
2588 | }
2589 | }
2590 | xmlWriter.writeEndElement();
2591 | xmlWriter.writeEndDocument();
2592 |
2593 | xmlFile.close();
2594 | currentLayout.setSourceFilePath(strFileName);
2595 | currentLayout.setEditedBuNotSaved(false);
2596 | sigStatusBarMessage(QString("%1 %2").arg(strFileName).arg(UISoftKeyboard::tr(" is saved")));
2597 | }
2598 |
2599 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::copyCurentLayout()
2600 | {
2601 | UISoftKeyboardLayout newLayout(m_layouts[m_uCurrentLayoutId]);
2602 |
2603 | QString strNewName = QString("%1-%2").arg(newLayout.name()).arg(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Copy"));
2604 | int iCount = 1;
2605 | while (layoutByNameExists(strNewName))
2606 | {
2607 | strNewName = QString("%1-%2-%3").arg(newLayout.name()).arg(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Copy")).arg(QString::number(iCount));
2608 | ++iCount;
2609 | }
2610 |
2611 | newLayout.setName(strNewName);
2612 | newLayout.setEditedBuNotSaved(true);
2613 | newLayout.setEditable(true);
2614 | newLayout.setIsFromResources(false);
2615 | newLayout.setSourceFilePath(QString());
2616 | newLayout.setUid(QUuid::createUuid());
2617 | addLayout(newLayout);
2618 | }
2619 |
2620 | float UISoftKeyboardWidget::layoutAspectRatio()
2621 | {
2622 | if (m_iInitialWidth == 0)
2623 | return 1.f;
2624 | return m_iInitialHeight / (float) m_iInitialWidth;
2625 | }
2626 |
2627 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::hideOSMenuKeys() const
2628 | {
2629 | return m_fHideOSMenuKeys;
2630 | }
2631 |
2632 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setHideOSMenuKeys(bool fHide)
2633 | {
2634 | if (m_fHideOSMenuKeys == fHide)
2635 | return;
2636 | m_fHideOSMenuKeys = fHide;
2637 | update();
2638 | emit sigOptionsChanged();
2639 | }
2640 |
2641 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::hideNumPad() const
2642 | {
2643 | return m_fHideNumPad;
2644 | }
2645 |
2646 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setHideNumPad(bool fHide)
2647 | {
2648 | if (m_fHideNumPad == fHide)
2649 | return;
2650 | m_fHideNumPad = fHide;
2651 | update();
2652 | emit sigOptionsChanged();
2653 | }
2654 |
2655 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::hideMultimediaKeys() const
2656 | {
2657 | return m_fHideMultimediaKeys;
2658 | }
2659 |
2660 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setHideMultimediaKeys(bool fHide)
2661 | {
2662 | if (m_fHideMultimediaKeys == fHide)
2663 | return;
2664 | m_fHideMultimediaKeys = fHide;
2665 | update();
2666 | emit sigOptionsChanged();
2667 | }
2668 |
2669 | QColor UISoftKeyboardWidget::color(KeyboardColorType enmColorType) const
2670 | {
2671 | if (!m_currentColorTheme)
2672 | return QColor();
2673 | return m_currentColorTheme->color(enmColorType);
2674 | }
2675 |
2676 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setColor(KeyboardColorType enmColorType, const QColor &color)
2677 | {
2678 | if (m_currentColorTheme)
2679 | m_currentColorTheme->setColor(enmColorType, color);
2680 | update();
2681 | }
2682 |
2683 | QStringList UISoftKeyboardWidget::colorsToStringList(const QString &strColorThemeName)
2684 | {
2685 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme *pTheme = colorTheme(strColorThemeName);
2686 | if (!pTheme)
2687 | return QStringList();
2688 | return pTheme->colorsToStringList();
2689 | }
2690 |
2691 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::colorsFromStringList(const QString &strColorThemeName, const QStringList &colorStringList)
2692 | {
2693 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme *pTheme = colorTheme(strColorThemeName);
2694 | if (!pTheme)
2695 | return;
2696 | pTheme->colorsFromStringList(colorStringList);
2697 | }
2698 |
2699 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::updateLockKeyStates(bool fCapsLockState, bool fNumLockState, bool fScrollLockState)
2700 | {
2701 | for (int i = 0; i < m_physicalLayouts.size(); ++i)
2702 | m_physicalLayouts[i].updateLockKeyStates(fCapsLockState, fNumLockState, fScrollLockState);
2703 | update();
2704 | }
2705 |
2706 | QStringList UISoftKeyboardWidget::colorThemeNames() const
2707 | {
2708 | QStringList nameList;
2709 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardColorTheme &theme, m_colorThemes)
2710 | {
2711 | nameList << theme.name();
2712 | }
2713 | return nameList;
2714 | }
2715 |
2716 | QString UISoftKeyboardWidget::currentColorThemeName() const
2717 | {
2718 | if (!m_currentColorTheme)
2719 | return QString();
2720 | return m_currentColorTheme->name();
2721 | }
2722 |
2723 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setColorThemeByName(const QString &strColorThemeName)
2724 | {
2725 | if (strColorThemeName.isEmpty())
2726 | return;
2727 | if (m_currentColorTheme && m_currentColorTheme->name() == strColorThemeName)
2728 | return;
2729 | for (int i = 0; i < m_colorThemes.size(); ++i)
2730 | {
2731 | if (m_colorThemes[i].name() == strColorThemeName)
2732 | {
2733 | m_currentColorTheme = &(m_colorThemes[i]);
2734 | break;
2735 | }
2736 | }
2737 | update();
2738 | emit sigCurrentColorThemeChanged();
2739 | }
2740 |
2741 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::parentDialogDeactivated()
2742 | {
2743 | if (!underMouse())
2744 | m_pKeyUnderMouse = 0;
2745 | update();
2746 | }
2747 |
2748 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::isColorThemeEditable() const
2749 | {
2750 | if (!m_currentColorTheme)
2751 | return false;
2752 | return m_currentColorTheme->isEditable();
2753 | }
2754 |
2755 | QStringList UISoftKeyboardWidget::unsavedLayoutsNameList() const
2756 | {
2757 | QStringList nameList;
2758 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout, m_layouts)
2759 | {
2760 | if (layout.editedButNotSaved())
2761 | nameList << layout.nameString();
2762 | }
2763 | return nameList;
2764 | }
2765 |
2766 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::deleteCurrentLayout()
2767 | {
2768 | if (!m_layouts.contains(m_uCurrentLayoutId))
2769 | return;
2770 |
2771 | /* Make sure we will have at least one layout remaining. */
2772 | if (m_layouts.size() <= 1)
2773 | return;
2774 |
2775 | const UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout = m_layouts.value(m_uCurrentLayoutId);
2776 | if (!layout.editable() || layout.isFromResources())
2777 | return;
2778 |
2779 | QDir fileToDelete;
2780 | QString strFilePath(layout.sourceFilePath());
2781 |
2782 | bool fFileExists = false;
2783 | if (!strFilePath.isEmpty())
2784 | fFileExists = fileToDelete.exists(strFilePath);
2785 | /* It might be that the layout copied but not yet saved into a file: */
2786 | if (fFileExists)
2787 | {
2788 | if (!msgCenter().questionBinary(this, MessageType_Question,
2789 | QString(UISoftKeyboard::tr("This will delete the keyboard layout file as well. Proceed?")),
2790 | 0 /* auto-confirm id */,
2791 | QString("Delete") /* ok button text */,
2792 | QString() /* cancel button text */,
2793 | false /* ok button by default? */))
2794 | return;
2795 |
2796 | if (fileToDelete.remove(strFilePath))
2797 | sigStatusBarMessage(UISoftKeyboard::tr("The file %1 has been deleted").arg(strFilePath));
2798 | else
2799 | sigStatusBarMessage(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Deleting the file %1 has failed").arg(strFilePath));
2800 | }
2801 |
2802 | m_layouts.remove(m_uCurrentLayoutId);
2803 | setCurrentLayout(m_layouts.firstKey());
2804 | }
2805 |
2806 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::toggleEditMode(bool fIsEditMode)
2807 | {
2808 | if (fIsEditMode)
2809 | m_enmMode = Mode_LayoutEdit;
2810 | else
2811 | {
2812 | m_enmMode = Mode_Keyboard;
2813 | m_pKeyBeingEdited = 0;
2814 | }
2815 | update();
2816 | }
2817 |
2818 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::addLayout(const UISoftKeyboardLayout &newLayout)
2819 | {
2820 | if (m_layouts.contains(newLayout.uid()))
2821 | return;
2822 | m_layouts[newLayout.uid()] = newLayout;
2823 | }
2824 |
2825 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setNewMinimumSize(const QSize &size)
2826 | {
2827 | m_minimumSize = size;
2828 | updateGeometry();
2829 | }
2830 |
2831 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setInitialSize(int iWidth, int iHeight)
2832 | {
2833 | m_iInitialWidth = iWidth;
2834 | m_iInitialHeight = iHeight;
2835 | }
2836 |
2837 | UISoftKeyboardKey *UISoftKeyboardWidget::keyUnderMouse(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
2838 | {
2839 | const QPoint lPos = pEvent->position().toPoint();
2840 | QPoint eventPosition(lPos.x() / m_fScaleFactorX, lPos.y() / m_fScaleFactorY);
2841 | if (m_fHideMultimediaKeys)
2842 | eventPosition.setY(eventPosition.y() + m_multiMediaKeysLayout.totalHeight());
2843 | return keyUnderMouse(eventPosition);
2844 | }
2845 |
2846 | UISoftKeyboardKey *UISoftKeyboardWidget::keyUnderMouse(const QPoint &eventPosition)
2847 | {
2848 | const UISoftKeyboardLayout ¤tLayout = m_layouts.value(m_uCurrentLayoutId);
2849 |
2850 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *pPhysicalLayout = findPhysicalLayout(currentLayout.physicalLayoutUuid());
2851 | if (!pPhysicalLayout)
2852 | return 0;
2853 |
2854 | UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey = 0;
2855 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows = pPhysicalLayout->rows();
2856 | for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); ++i)
2857 | {
2858 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardKey> &keys = rows[i].keys();
2859 | for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); ++j)
2860 | {
2861 | UISoftKeyboardKey &key = keys[j];
2862 | if (key.polygonInGlobal().containsPoint(eventPosition, Qt::OddEvenFill))
2863 | {
2864 | pKey = &key;
2865 | break;
2866 | }
2867 | }
2868 | }
2869 | if (m_pKeyUnderMouse != pKey)
2870 | {
2871 | m_pKeyUnderMouse = pKey;
2872 | update();
2873 | }
2874 | return pKey;
2875 | }
2876 |
2877 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::handleKeyRelease(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey)
2878 | {
2879 | if (!pKey)
2880 | return;
2881 | if (pKey->type() == KeyType_Ordinary)
2882 | pKey->release();
2883 | /* We only send the scan codes of Ordinary keys: */
2884 | if (pKey->type() == KeyType_Modifier)
2885 | return;
2886 |
2887 | #if 0
2888 |
2889 | QVector<LONG> sequence;
2890 | if (!pKey->scanCodePrefix().isEmpty())
2891 | sequence << pKey->scanCodePrefix();
2892 | sequence << (pKey->scanCode() | 0x80);
2893 |
2894 | /* Add the pressed modifiers in the reverse order: */
2895 | for (int i = m_pressedModifiers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
2896 | {
2897 | UISoftKeyboardKey *pModifier = m_pressedModifiers[i];
2898 | if (!pModifier->scanCodePrefix().isEmpty())
2899 | sequence << pModifier->scanCodePrefix();
2900 | sequence << (pModifier->scanCode() | 0x80);
2901 | /* Release the pressed modifiers (if there are not locked): */
2902 | pModifier->release();
2903 | }
2904 | putKeyboardSequence(sequence);
2905 |
2906 | #else
2907 |
2908 | QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence;
2909 | sequence << QPair<LONG, LONG>(pKey->usagePageIdPair());
2910 | /* Add the pressed modifiers in the reverse order: */
2911 | for (int i = m_pressedModifiers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
2912 | {
2913 | UISoftKeyboardKey *pModifier = m_pressedModifiers[i];
2914 | sequence << pModifier->usagePageIdPair();
2915 | /* Release the pressed modifiers (if there are not locked): */
2916 | pModifier->release();
2917 | }
2918 | putUsageCodesRelease(sequence);
2919 |
2920 | #endif
2921 | }
2922 |
2923 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::handleKeyPress(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey)
2924 | {
2925 | if (!pKey)
2926 | return;
2927 | pKey->press();
2928 |
2929 | if (pKey->type() == KeyType_Modifier)
2930 | return;
2931 |
2932 | #if 0
2933 | QVector<LONG> sequence;
2934 | /* Add the pressed modifiers first: */
2935 | for (int i = 0; i < m_pressedModifiers.size(); ++i)
2936 | {
2937 | UISoftKeyboardKey *pModifier = m_pressedModifiers[i];
2938 | if (!pModifier->scanCodePrefix().isEmpty())
2939 | sequence << pModifier->scanCodePrefix();
2940 | sequence << pModifier->scanCode();
2941 | }
2942 |
2943 | if (!pKey->scanCodePrefix().isEmpty())
2944 | sequence << pKey->scanCodePrefix();
2945 | sequence << pKey->scanCode();
2946 | putKeyboardSequence(sequence);
2947 |
2948 | #else
2949 |
2950 | QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence;
2951 |
2952 | /* Add the pressed modifiers first: */
2953 | for (int i = 0; i < m_pressedModifiers.size(); ++i)
2954 | {
2955 | UISoftKeyboardKey *pModifier = m_pressedModifiers[i];
2956 | sequence << pModifier->usagePageIdPair();
2957 | }
2958 |
2959 | sequence << pKey->usagePageIdPair();
2960 | putUsageCodesPress(sequence);
2961 |
2962 | #endif
2963 | }
2964 |
2965 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::modifierKeyPressRelease(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey, bool fRelease)
2966 | {
2967 | if (!pKey || pKey->type() != KeyType_Modifier)
2968 | return;
2969 |
2970 | pKey->setState(KeyState_NotPressed);
2971 |
2972 | QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence;
2973 | sequence << pKey->usagePageIdPair();
2974 | if (fRelease)
2975 | putUsageCodesRelease(sequence);
2976 | else
2977 | putUsageCodesPress(sequence);
2978 | }
2979 |
2980 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::keyStateChange(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey)
2981 | {
2982 | if (!pKey)
2983 | return;
2984 | if (pKey->type() == KeyType_Modifier)
2985 | {
2986 | if (pKey->state() == KeyState_NotPressed)
2987 | m_pressedModifiers.removeOne(pKey);
2988 | else
2989 | if (!m_pressedModifiers.contains(pKey))
2990 | m_pressedModifiers.append(pKey);
2991 | }
2992 | }
2993 |
2994 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setCurrentLayout(const QUuid &layoutUid)
2995 | {
2996 | if (m_uCurrentLayoutId == layoutUid || !m_layouts.contains(layoutUid))
2997 | return;
2998 |
2999 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *pPhysicalLayout = findPhysicalLayout(m_layouts[layoutUid].physicalLayoutUuid());
3000 | if (!pPhysicalLayout)
3001 | return;
3002 |
3003 | m_uCurrentLayoutId = layoutUid;
3004 | emit sigCurrentLayoutChange();
3005 | update();
3006 | }
3007 |
3008 | UISoftKeyboardLayout *UISoftKeyboardWidget::currentLayout()
3009 | {
3010 | if (!m_layouts.contains(m_uCurrentLayoutId))
3011 | return 0;
3012 | return &(m_layouts[m_uCurrentLayoutId]);
3013 | }
3014 |
3015 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::loadPhysicalLayout(const QString &strLayoutFileName, KeyboardRegion keyboardRegion /* = KeyboardRegion_Main */)
3016 | {
3017 | if (strLayoutFileName.isEmpty())
3018 | return false;
3019 | UIPhysicalLayoutReader reader;
3020 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *newPhysicalLayout = 0;
3021 | if (keyboardRegion == KeyboardRegion_Main)
3022 | {
3023 | m_physicalLayouts.append(UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout());
3024 | newPhysicalLayout = &(m_physicalLayouts.back());
3025 | }
3026 | else if (keyboardRegion == KeyboardRegion_NumPad)
3027 | newPhysicalLayout = &(m_numPadLayout);
3028 | else if (keyboardRegion == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
3029 | newPhysicalLayout = &(m_multiMediaKeysLayout);
3030 | else
3031 | return false;
3032 |
3033 | if (!reader.parseXMLFile(strLayoutFileName, *newPhysicalLayout))
3034 | {
3035 | m_physicalLayouts.removeLast();
3036 | return false;
3037 | }
3038 |
3039 | for (int i = 0; i < newPhysicalLayout->rows().size(); ++i)
3040 | {
3041 | UISoftKeyboardRow &row = newPhysicalLayout->rows()[i];
3042 | for (int j = 0; j < row.keys().size(); ++j)
3043 | row.keys()[j].setKeyboardRegion(keyboardRegion);
3044 | }
3045 |
3046 | if (keyboardRegion == KeyboardRegion_NumPad || keyboardRegion == KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys)
3047 | return true;
3048 |
3049 | /* Go thru all the keys row by row and construct their geometries: */
3050 | int iY = m_iTopMargin;
3051 | int iMaxWidth = 0;
3052 | int iMaxWidthNoNumPad = 0;
3053 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &numPadRows = m_numPadLayout.rows();
3054 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows = newPhysicalLayout->rows();
3055 |
3056 | /* Prepend the multimedia rows to the layout */
3057 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &multimediaRows = m_multiMediaKeysLayout.rows();
3058 | for (int i = multimediaRows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
3059 | rows.prepend(multimediaRows[i]);
3060 |
3061 | for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); ++i)
3062 | {
3063 | UISoftKeyboardRow &row = rows[i];
3064 | /* Insert the numpad rows at the end of keyboard rows starting with appending 0th numpad row to the
3065 | end of (1 + multimediaRows.size())th layout row: */
3066 | if (i > multimediaRows.size())
3067 | {
3068 | int iNumPadRowIndex = i - (1 + multimediaRows.size());
3069 | if (iNumPadRowIndex >= 0 && iNumPadRowIndex < numPadRows.size())
3070 | {
3071 | for (int m = 0; m < numPadRows[iNumPadRowIndex].keys().size(); ++m)
3072 | row.keys().append(numPadRows[iNumPadRowIndex].keys()[m]);
3073 | }
3074 | }
3075 |
3076 | int iX = m_iLeftMargin + row.leftMargin();
3077 | int iXNoNumPad = m_iLeftMargin;
3078 | int iRowHeight = row.defaultHeight();
3079 | int iKeyWidth = 0;
3080 | for (int j = 0; j < row.keys().size(); ++j)
3081 | {
3082 | UISoftKeyboardKey &key = (row.keys())[j];
3083 | if (key.position() == iScrollLockPosition ||
3084 | key.position() == iNumLockPosition ||
3085 | key.position() == iCapsLockPosition)
3086 | newPhysicalLayout->setLockKey(key.position(), &key);
3087 |
3088 | if (key.keyboardRegion() == KeyboardRegion_NumPad)
3089 | key.setKeyGeometry(QRect(iX + m_iBeforeNumPadWidth, iY, key.width(), key.height()));
3090 | else
3091 | key.setKeyGeometry(QRect(iX, iY, key.width(), key.height()));
3092 |
3093 | key.setCornerRadius(0.1 * newPhysicalLayout->defaultKeyWidth());
3094 | key.setPoints(UIPhysicalLayoutReader::computeKeyVertices(key));
3095 | key.setParentWidget(this);
3096 |
3097 | iKeyWidth = key.width();
3098 | if (j < row.keys().size() - 1)
3099 | iKeyWidth += m_iXSpacing;
3100 | if (key.spaceWidthAfter() != 0 && j != row.keys().size() - 1)
3101 | iKeyWidth += (m_iXSpacing + key.spaceWidthAfter());
3102 |
3103 | iX += iKeyWidth;
3104 | if (key.keyboardRegion() != KeyboardRegion_NumPad)
3105 | iXNoNumPad += iKeyWidth;
3106 | }
3107 | if (row.spaceHeightAfter() != 0)
3108 | iY += row.spaceHeightAfter() + m_iYSpacing;
3109 | iMaxWidth = qMax(iMaxWidth, iX);
3110 | iMaxWidthNoNumPad = qMax(iMaxWidthNoNumPad, iXNoNumPad);
3111 |
3112 | iY += iRowHeight;
3113 | if (i < rows.size() - 1)
3114 | iY += m_iYSpacing;
3115 | }
3116 | int iInitialWidth = iMaxWidth + m_iRightMargin;
3117 | int iInitialWidthNoNumPad = iMaxWidthNoNumPad + m_iRightMargin;
3118 | int iInitialHeight = iY + m_iBottomMargin;
3119 | m_iInitialWidth = qMax(m_iInitialWidth, iInitialWidth);
3120 | m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad = qMax(m_iInitialWidthNoNumPad, iInitialWidthNoNumPad);
3121 | m_iInitialHeight = qMax(m_iInitialHeight, iInitialHeight);
3122 | return true;
3123 | }
3124 |
3125 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::loadKeyboardLayout(const QString &strLayoutFileName)
3126 | {
3127 | if (strLayoutFileName.isEmpty())
3128 | return false;
3129 |
3130 | UIKeyboardLayoutReader keyboardLayoutReader;
3131 |
3132 | UISoftKeyboardLayout newLayout;
3133 | if (!keyboardLayoutReader.parseFile(strLayoutFileName, newLayout))
3134 | return false;
3135 |
3136 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *pPhysicalLayout = findPhysicalLayout(newLayout.physicalLayoutUuid());
3137 | /* If no pyhsical layout with the UUID the keyboard layout refers is found then cancel loading the keyboard layout: */
3138 | if (!pPhysicalLayout)
3139 | return false;
3140 |
3141 | /* Make sure we have unique lay1out UUIDs: */
3142 | int iCount = 0;
3143 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout, m_layouts)
3144 | {
3145 | if (layout.uid() == newLayout.uid())
3146 | ++iCount;
3147 | }
3148 | if (iCount > 1)
3149 | return false;
3150 |
3151 | newLayout.setSourceFilePath(strLayoutFileName);
3152 | addLayout(newLayout);
3153 | return true;
3154 | }
3155 |
3156 | UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout *UISoftKeyboardWidget::findPhysicalLayout(const QUuid &uuid)
3157 | {
3158 | for (int i = 0; i < m_physicalLayouts.size(); ++i)
3159 | {
3160 | if (m_physicalLayouts[i].uid() == uuid)
3161 | return &(m_physicalLayouts[i]);
3162 | }
3163 | return 0;
3164 | }
3165 |
3166 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::reset()
3167 | {
3168 | m_pressedModifiers.clear();
3169 | m_pKeyUnderMouse = 0;
3170 | m_pKeyBeingEdited = 0;
3171 | m_pKeyPressed = 0;
3172 | m_enmMode = Mode_Keyboard;
3173 |
3174 | for (int i = 0; i < m_physicalLayouts.size(); ++i)
3175 | m_physicalLayouts[i].reset();
3176 | }
3177 |
3178 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::loadLayouts()
3179 | {
3180 | /* Load physical layouts from resources: Numpad and multimedia layout files should be read first
3181 | since we insert these to other layouts: */
3182 | loadPhysicalLayout(":/numpad.xml", KeyboardRegion_NumPad);
3183 | loadPhysicalLayout(":/multimedia_keys.xml", KeyboardRegion_MultimediaKeys);
3184 | QStringList physicalLayoutNames;
3185 | physicalLayoutNames << ":/101_ansi.xml"
3186 | << ":/102_iso.xml"
3187 | << ":/106_japanese.xml"
3188 | << ":/103_iso.xml"
3189 | << ":/103_ansi.xml";
3190 | foreach (const QString &strName, physicalLayoutNames)
3191 | loadPhysicalLayout(strName);
3192 |
3193 | setNewMinimumSize(QSize(m_iInitialWidth, m_iInitialHeight));
3194 | setInitialSize(m_iInitialWidth, m_iInitialHeight);
3195 |
3196 | /* Add keyboard layouts from resources: */
3197 | QStringList keyboardLayoutNames;
3198 | keyboardLayoutNames << ":/us_international.xml"
3199 | << ":/german.xml"
3200 | << ":/us.xml"
3201 | << ":/greek.xml"
3202 | << ":/japanese.xml"
3203 | << ":/brazilian.xml"
3204 | << ":/korean.xml";
3205 |
3206 | foreach (const QString &strName, keyboardLayoutNames)
3207 | loadKeyboardLayout(strName);
3208 | /* Mark the layouts we load from the resources as non-editable: */
3209 | for (QMap<QUuid, UISoftKeyboardLayout>::iterator iterator = m_layouts.begin(); iterator != m_layouts.end(); ++iterator)
3210 | {
3211 | iterator.value().setEditable(false);
3212 | iterator.value().setIsFromResources(true);
3213 | }
3214 | keyboardLayoutNames.clear();
3215 | /* Add keyboard layouts from the defalt keyboard layout folder: */
3216 | lookAtDefaultLayoutFolder(keyboardLayoutNames);
3217 | foreach (const QString &strName, keyboardLayoutNames)
3218 | loadKeyboardLayout(strName);
3219 |
3220 | if (m_layouts.isEmpty())
3221 | return;
3222 | for (QMap<QUuid, UISoftKeyboardLayout>::iterator iterator = m_layouts.begin(); iterator != m_layouts.end(); ++iterator)
3223 | iterator.value().setEditedBuNotSaved(false);
3224 | /* Block sigCurrentLayoutChange since it causes saving set layout to exra data: */
3225 | blockSignals(true);
3226 | setCurrentLayout(m_layouts.firstKey());
3227 | blockSignals(false);
3228 | }
3229 |
3230 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::prepareObjects()
3231 | {
3232 | setMouseTracking(true);
3233 | connect(m_pMachine, &UIMachine::sigKeyboardLedsChange, this, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sltKeyboardLedsChange);
3234 | }
3235 |
3236 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::prepareColorThemes()
3237 | {
3238 | int iIndex = 0;
3239 | while (predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][0])
3240 | {
3241 | m_colorThemes << UISoftKeyboardColorTheme(predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][0],
3242 | predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][1],
3243 | predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][2],
3244 | predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][3],
3245 | predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][4],
3246 | predefinedColorThemes[iIndex][5]);
3247 | ++iIndex;
3248 | }
3249 |
3250 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme customTheme;
3251 | customTheme.setName("Custom");
3252 | customTheme.setIsEditable(true);
3253 | m_colorThemes.append(customTheme);
3254 | m_currentColorTheme = &(m_colorThemes.back());
3255 | }
3256 |
3257 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::setKeyBeingEdited(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey)
3258 | {
3259 | if (m_pKeyBeingEdited == pKey)
3260 | return;
3261 | m_pKeyBeingEdited = pKey;
3262 | emit sigKeyToEdit(pKey);
3263 | }
3264 |
3265 | bool UISoftKeyboardWidget::layoutByNameExists(const QString &strName) const
3266 | {
3267 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout, m_layouts)
3268 | {
3269 | if (layout.name() == strName)
3270 | return true;
3271 | }
3272 | return false;
3273 | }
3274 |
3275 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::lookAtDefaultLayoutFolder(QStringList &fileList)
3276 | {
3277 | QString strFolder = QString("%1%2%3").arg(gpGlobalSession->homeFolder()).arg(QDir::separator()).arg(strSubDirectorName);
3278 | QDir dir(strFolder);
3279 | if (!dir.exists())
3280 | return;
3281 | QStringList filters;
3282 | filters << "*.xml";
3283 | dir.setNameFilters(filters);
3284 | QFileInfoList fileInfoList = dir.entryInfoList();
3285 | foreach (const QFileInfo &fileInfo, fileInfoList)
3286 | fileList << fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
3287 | }
3288 |
3289 | UISoftKeyboardColorTheme *UISoftKeyboardWidget::colorTheme(const QString &strColorThemeName)
3290 | {
3291 | for (int i = 0; i < m_colorThemes.size(); ++i)
3292 | {
3293 | if (m_colorThemes[i].name() == strColorThemeName)
3294 | return &(m_colorThemes[i]);
3295 | }
3296 | return 0;
3297 | }
3298 |
3299 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::showKeyTooltip(UISoftKeyboardKey *pKey)
3300 | {
3301 | if (pKey && m_keyTooltips.contains(pKey->position()))
3302 | sigStatusBarMessage(m_keyTooltips[pKey->position()]);
3303 | else
3304 | sigStatusBarMessage(QString());
3305 |
3306 | }
3307 |
3308 | QStringList UISoftKeyboardWidget::layoutNameList() const
3309 | {
3310 | QStringList layoutNames;
3311 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout, m_layouts)
3312 | layoutNames << layout.nameString();
3313 | return layoutNames;
3314 | }
3315 |
3316 | QList<QUuid> UISoftKeyboardWidget::layoutUidList() const
3317 | {
3318 | QList<QUuid> layoutUids;
3319 | foreach (const UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout, m_layouts)
3320 | layoutUids << layout.uid();
3321 | return layoutUids;
3322 | }
3323 |
3324 | const QVector<UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout> &UISoftKeyboardWidget::physicalLayouts() const
3325 | {
3326 | return m_physicalLayouts;
3327 | }
3328 |
3329 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::sltKeyboardLedsChange()
3330 | {
3331 | if (m_pMachine)
3332 | {
3333 | bool fNumLockLed = m_pMachine->isNumLock();
3334 | bool fCapsLockLed = m_pMachine->isCapsLock();
3335 | bool fScrollLockLed = m_pMachine->isScrollLock();
3336 | updateLockKeyStates(fCapsLockLed, fNumLockLed, fScrollLockLed);
3337 | }
3338 | }
3339 |
3340 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::putKeyboardSequence(QVector<LONG> sequence)
3341 | {
3342 | if (m_pMachine)
3343 | m_pMachine->putScancodes(sequence);
3344 | }
3345 |
3346 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::putUsageCodesPress(QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence)
3347 | {
3348 | if (m_pMachine)
3349 | {
3350 | for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); ++i)
3351 | m_pMachine->putUsageCode(sequence[i].first, sequence[i].second, false);
3352 | }
3353 | }
3354 |
3355 | void UISoftKeyboardWidget::putUsageCodesRelease(QVector<QPair<LONG, LONG> > sequence)
3356 | {
3357 | if (m_pMachine)
3358 | {
3359 | for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); ++i)
3360 | m_pMachine->putUsageCode(sequence[i].first, sequence[i].second, true);
3361 | }
3362 | }
3363 |
3364 |
3365 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
3366 | * UIPhysicalLayoutReader implementation. *
3367 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
3368 |
3369 | bool UIPhysicalLayoutReader::parseXMLFile(const QString &strFileName, UISoftKeyboardPhysicalLayout &physicalLayout)
3370 | {
3371 | QFile xmlFile(strFileName);
3372 | if (!xmlFile.exists())
3373 | return false;
3374 |
3375 | if (xmlFile.size() >= iFileSizeLimit)
3376 | return false;
3377 |
3378 | if (!xmlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
3379 | return false;
3380 |
3381 | m_xmlReader.setDevice(&xmlFile);
3382 |
3383 | if (!m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement() || m_xmlReader.name() != QLatin1String("physicallayout"))
3384 | return false;
3385 | physicalLayout.setFileName(strFileName);
3386 |
3387 | QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = m_xmlReader.attributes();
3388 | int iDefaultWidth = attributes.value("defaultWidth").toInt();
3389 | int iDefaultHeight = attributes.value("defaultHeight").toInt();
3390 | QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows = physicalLayout.rows();
3391 | physicalLayout.setDefaultKeyWidth(iDefaultWidth);
3392 |
3393 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3394 | {
3395 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("row"))
3396 | parseRow(iDefaultWidth, iDefaultHeight, rows);
3397 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("name"))
3398 | physicalLayout.setName(m_xmlReader.readElementText());
3399 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("id"))
3400 | physicalLayout.setUid(QUuid(m_xmlReader.readElementText()));
3401 | else
3402 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3403 | }
3404 |
3405 | return true;
3406 | }
3407 |
3408 | void UIPhysicalLayoutReader::parseRow(int iDefaultWidth, int iDefaultHeight, QVector<UISoftKeyboardRow> &rows)
3409 | {
3410 | rows.append(UISoftKeyboardRow());
3411 | UISoftKeyboardRow &row = rows.back();
3412 |
3413 | row.setDefaultWidth(iDefaultWidth);
3414 | row.setDefaultHeight(iDefaultHeight);
3415 | row.setSpaceHeightAfter(0);
3416 |
3417 | /* Override the layout attributes if the row also has them: */
3418 | QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = m_xmlReader.attributes();
3419 | if (attributes.hasAttribute("defaultWidth"))
3420 | row.setDefaultWidth(attributes.value("defaultWidth").toInt());
3421 | if (attributes.hasAttribute("defaultHeight"))
3422 | row.setDefaultHeight(attributes.value("defaultHeight").toInt());
3423 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3424 | {
3425 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("key"))
3426 | parseKey(row);
3427 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("space"))
3428 | parseKeySpace(row);
3429 | else
3430 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3431 | }
3432 | }
3433 |
3434 | void UIPhysicalLayoutReader::parseKey(UISoftKeyboardRow &row)
3435 | {
3436 | row.keys().append(UISoftKeyboardKey());
3437 | UISoftKeyboardKey &key = row.keys().back();
3438 | key.setWidth(row.defaultWidth());
3439 | key.setHeight(row.defaultHeight());
3440 | QString strKeyCap;
3441 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3442 | {
3443 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("width"))
3444 | key.setWidth(m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt());
3445 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("height"))
3446 | key.setHeight(m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt());
3447 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("scancode"))
3448 | {
3449 | QString strCode = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3450 | bool fOk = false;
3451 | key.setScanCode(strCode.toInt(&fOk, 16));
3452 | }
3453 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("scancodeprefix"))
3454 | {
3455 | const QString strCode = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3456 | foreach (const QString &strPrefix, strCode.split('-', Qt::SkipEmptyParts))
3457 | {
3458 | bool fOk = false;
3459 | LONG iCode = strPrefix.toInt(&fOk, 16);
3460 | if (fOk)
3461 | key.addScanCodePrefix(iCode);
3462 | }
3463 | }
3464 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("usageid"))
3465 | {
3466 | QString strCode = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3467 | bool fOk = false;
3468 | key.setUsageId(strCode.toInt(&fOk, 16));
3469 | }
3470 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("usagepage"))
3471 | {
3472 | QString strCode = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3473 | bool fOk = false;
3474 | key.setUsagePage(strCode.toInt(&fOk, 16));
3475 | }
3476 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("cutout"))
3477 | parseCutout(key);
3478 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("position"))
3479 | key.setPosition(m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt());
3480 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("type"))
3481 | {
3482 | QString strType = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3483 | if (strType == "modifier")
3484 | key.setType(KeyType_Modifier);
3485 | else if (strType == "lock")
3486 | key.setType(KeyType_Lock);
3487 | }
3488 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("osmenukey"))
3489 | {
3490 | if (m_xmlReader.readElementText() == "true")
3491 | key.setIsOSMenuKey(true);
3492 | }
3493 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("staticcaption"))
3494 | key.setStaticCaption(m_xmlReader.readElementText());
3495 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("image"))
3496 | key.setImageByName(m_xmlReader.readElementText());
3497 | else
3498 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3499 | }
3500 | }
3501 |
3502 | void UIPhysicalLayoutReader::parseKeySpace(UISoftKeyboardRow &row)
3503 | {
3504 | int iWidth = row.defaultWidth();
3505 | int iHeight = 0;
3506 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3507 | {
3508 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("width"))
3509 | iWidth = m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt();
3510 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("height"))
3511 | iHeight = m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt();
3512 | else
3513 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3514 | }
3515 | row.setSpaceHeightAfter(iHeight);
3516 | /* If we have keys add the parsed space to the last key as the 'space after': */
3517 | if (!row.keys().empty())
3518 | row.keys().back().setSpaceWidthAfter(iWidth);
3519 | /* If we have no keys than this is the initial space left to first key: */
3520 | else
3521 | row.setLeftMargin(iWidth);
3522 | }
3523 |
3524 | void UIPhysicalLayoutReader::parseCutout(UISoftKeyboardKey &key)
3525 | {
3526 | int iWidth = 0;
3527 | int iHeight = 0;
3528 | int iCorner = 0;
3529 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3530 | {
3531 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("width"))
3532 | iWidth = m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt();
3533 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("height"))
3534 | iHeight = m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt();
3535 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("corner"))
3536 | {
3537 | QString strCorner = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3538 | if (strCorner == "topLeft")
3539 | iCorner = 0;
3540 | else if(strCorner == "topRight")
3541 | iCorner = 1;
3542 | else if(strCorner == "bottomRight")
3543 | iCorner = 2;
3544 | else if(strCorner == "bottomLeft")
3545 | iCorner = 3;
3546 | }
3547 | else
3548 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3549 | }
3550 | key.setCutout(iCorner, iWidth, iHeight);
3551 | }
3552 |
3553 | QVector<QPointF> UIPhysicalLayoutReader::computeKeyVertices(const UISoftKeyboardKey &key)
3554 | {
3555 | QVector<QPointF> vertices;
3556 |
3557 | if (key.cutoutCorner() == -1 || key.width() <= key.cutoutWidth() || key.height() <= key.cutoutHeight())
3558 | {
3559 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, 0));
3560 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), 0));
3561 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), key.height()));
3562 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, key.height()));
3563 | return vertices;
3564 | }
3565 | if (key.cutoutCorner() == 0)
3566 | {
3567 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.cutoutWidth(), 0));
3568 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), 0));
3569 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), key.height()));
3570 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, key.height()));
3571 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, key.cutoutHeight()));
3572 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.cutoutWidth(), key.cutoutHeight()));
3573 | }
3574 | else if (key.cutoutCorner() == 1)
3575 | {
3576 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, 0));
3577 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width() - key.cutoutWidth(), 0));
3578 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width() - key.cutoutWidth(), key.cutoutHeight()));
3579 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), key.cutoutHeight()));
3580 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), key.height()));
3581 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, key.height()));
3582 | }
3583 | else if (key.cutoutCorner() == 2)
3584 | {
3585 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, 0));
3586 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), 0));
3587 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), key.cutoutHeight()));
3588 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width() - key.cutoutWidth(), key.cutoutHeight()));
3589 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width() - key.cutoutWidth(), key.height()));
3590 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, key.height()));
3591 | }
3592 | else if (key.cutoutCorner() == 3)
3593 | {
3594 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, 0));
3595 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), 0));
3596 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.width(), key.height()));
3597 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.cutoutWidth(), key.height()));
3598 | vertices.append(QPoint(key.cutoutWidth(), key.height() - key.cutoutHeight()));
3599 | vertices.append(QPoint(0, key.height() - key.cutoutHeight()));
3600 | }
3601 | return vertices;
3602 | }
3603 |
3604 |
3605 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
3606 | * UIKeyboardLayoutReader implementation. *
3607 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
3608 |
3609 | bool UIKeyboardLayoutReader::parseFile(const QString &strFileName, UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout)
3610 | {
3611 | QFile xmlFile(strFileName);
3612 | if (!xmlFile.exists())
3613 | return false;
3614 |
3615 | if (xmlFile.size() >= iFileSizeLimit)
3616 | return false;
3617 |
3618 | if (!xmlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
3619 | return false;
3620 |
3621 | m_xmlReader.setDevice(&xmlFile);
3622 |
3623 | if (!m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement() || m_xmlReader.name() != QLatin1String("layout"))
3624 | return false;
3625 |
3626 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3627 | {
3628 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("key"))
3629 | parseKey(layout);
3630 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("name"))
3631 | layout.setName(m_xmlReader.readElementText());
3632 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("nativename"))
3633 | layout.setNativeName(m_xmlReader.readElementText());
3634 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("physicallayoutid"))
3635 | layout.setPhysicalLayoutUuid(QUuid(m_xmlReader.readElementText()));
3636 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("id"))
3637 | layout.setUid(QUuid(m_xmlReader.readElementText()));
3638 | else
3639 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3640 | }
3641 | return true;
3642 | }
3643 |
3644 | void UIKeyboardLayoutReader::parseKey(UISoftKeyboardLayout &layout)
3645 | {
3646 | UIKeyCaptions keyCaptions;
3647 | int iKeyPosition = 0;
3648 | while (m_xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
3649 | {
3650 | if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("basecaption"))
3651 | {
3652 | keyCaptions.m_strBase = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3653 | keyCaptions.m_strBase.replace("\\n", "\n");
3654 | }
3655 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("shiftcaption"))
3656 | {
3657 | keyCaptions.m_strShift = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3658 | keyCaptions.m_strShift.replace("\\n", "\n");
3659 | }
3660 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("altgrcaption"))
3661 | {
3662 | keyCaptions.m_strAltGr = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3663 | keyCaptions.m_strAltGr.replace("\\n", "\n");
3664 | }
3665 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("shiftaltgrcaption"))
3666 | {
3667 | keyCaptions.m_strShiftAltGr = m_xmlReader.readElementText();
3668 | keyCaptions.m_strShiftAltGr.replace("\\n", "\n");
3669 | }
3670 | else if (m_xmlReader.name() == QLatin1String("position"))
3671 | iKeyPosition = m_xmlReader.readElementText().toInt();
3672 | else
3673 | m_xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
3674 | }
3675 | layout.addOrUpdateUIKeyCaptions(iKeyPosition, keyCaptions);
3676 | }
3677 |
3678 |
3679 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
3680 | * UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget implementation. *
3681 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
3682 |
3683 | UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget(QWidget *pParent /* = 0*/ )
3684 | : QWidget(pParent)
3685 | , m_pLayoutListButton(0)
3686 | , m_pSettingsButton(0)
3687 | , m_pResetButton(0)
3688 | , m_pHelpButton(0)
3689 | , m_pMessageLabel(0)
3690 | {
3691 | prepareObjects();
3692 | }
3693 |
3694 | void UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sltRetranslateUI()
3695 | {
3696 | if (m_pLayoutListButton)
3697 | m_pLayoutListButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Layout List"));
3698 | if (m_pSettingsButton)
3699 | m_pSettingsButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Settings"));
3700 | if (m_pResetButton)
3701 | m_pResetButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Reset the keyboard and release all keys"));
3702 | if (m_pHelpButton)
3703 | m_pHelpButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Help"));
3704 | }
3705 |
3706 | void UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::prepareObjects()
3707 | {
3708 | QHBoxLayout *pLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
3709 | if (!pLayout)
3710 | return;
3711 | pLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
3712 | setLayout(pLayout);
3713 |
3714 | m_pMessageLabel = new QLabel;
3715 | pLayout->addWidget(m_pMessageLabel);
3716 |
3717 | m_pLayoutListButton = new QToolButton;
3718 | if (m_pLayoutListButton)
3719 | {
3720 | m_pLayoutListButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_layout_list_16px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_layout_list_disabled_16px.png"));
3721 | m_pLayoutListButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
3722 | const int iIconMetric = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);
3723 | m_pLayoutListButton->resize(QSize(iIconMetric, iIconMetric));
3724 | m_pLayoutListButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: 0px none black; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } QToolButton::menu-indicator {image: none;}");
3725 | connect(m_pLayoutListButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigShowHideSidePanel);
3726 | pLayout->addWidget(m_pLayoutListButton);
3727 | }
3728 |
3729 | m_pSettingsButton = new QToolButton;
3730 | if (m_pSettingsButton)
3731 | {
3732 | m_pSettingsButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_settings_16px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_settings_disabled_16px.png"));
3733 | m_pSettingsButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
3734 | const int iIconMetric = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);
3735 | m_pSettingsButton->resize(QSize(iIconMetric, iIconMetric));
3736 | m_pSettingsButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: 0px none black; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } QToolButton::menu-indicator {image: none;}");
3737 | connect(m_pSettingsButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigShowSettingWidget);
3738 | pLayout->addWidget(m_pSettingsButton);
3739 | }
3740 |
3741 | m_pResetButton = new QToolButton;
3742 | if (m_pResetButton)
3743 | {
3744 | m_pResetButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_reset_16px.png"));
3745 | m_pResetButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
3746 | const int iIconMetric = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);
3747 | m_pResetButton->resize(QSize(iIconMetric, iIconMetric));
3748 | m_pResetButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: 0px none black; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } QToolButton::menu-indicator {image: none;}");
3749 | connect(m_pResetButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigResetKeyboard);
3750 | pLayout->addWidget(m_pResetButton);
3751 | }
3752 |
3753 | m_pHelpButton = new QToolButton;
3754 | if (m_pHelpButton)
3755 | {
3756 | m_pHelpButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/soft_keyboard_help_16px.png"));
3757 | m_pHelpButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
3758 | const int iIconMetric = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);
3759 | m_pHelpButton->resize(QSize(iIconMetric, iIconMetric));
3760 | m_pHelpButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: 0px none black; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } QToolButton::menu-indicator {image: none;}");
3761 | connect(m_pHelpButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigHelpButtonPressed);
3762 | pLayout->addWidget(m_pHelpButton);
3763 | }
3764 |
3765 | sltRetranslateUI();
3766 |
3767 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
3768 | this, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sltRetranslateUI);
3769 | }
3770 |
3771 | void UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::updateLayoutNameInStatusBar(const QString &strMessage)
3772 | {
3773 | if (!m_pMessageLabel)
3774 | return;
3775 | m_pMessageLabel->setText(strMessage);
3776 | }
3777 |
3778 |
3779 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
3780 | * UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget implementation. *
3781 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
3782 |
3783 | UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
3784 | : QWidget(pParent)
3785 | , m_pHideNumPadCheckBox(0)
3786 | , m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox(0)
3787 | , m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox(0)
3788 | , m_pColorThemeGroupBox(0)
3789 | , m_pColorThemeComboBox(0)
3790 | , m_pTitleLabel(0)
3791 | , m_pCloseButton(0)
3792 |
3793 | {
3794 | prepareObjects();
3795 | }
3796 |
3797 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::setHideOSMenuKeys(bool fHide)
3798 | {
3799 | if (m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox)
3800 | m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox->setChecked(fHide);
3801 | }
3802 |
3803 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::setHideNumPad(bool fHide)
3804 | {
3805 | if (m_pHideNumPadCheckBox)
3806 | m_pHideNumPadCheckBox->setChecked(fHide);
3807 | }
3808 |
3809 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::setHideMultimediaKeys(bool fHide)
3810 | {
3811 | if (m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox)
3812 | m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox->setChecked(fHide);
3813 | }
3814 |
3815 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::setColorSelectionButtonBackgroundAndTooltip(KeyboardColorType enmColorType,
3816 | const QColor &color, bool fIsColorEditable)
3817 | {
3818 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons.size() > enmColorType && m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[enmColorType].second)
3819 | {
3820 | UISoftKeyboardColorButton *pButton = m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[enmColorType].second;
3821 | QPalette pal = pButton->palette();
3822 | pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, color);
3823 | pButton->setAutoFillBackground(true);
3824 | pButton->setPalette(pal);
3825 | pButton->setToolTip(fIsColorEditable ? UISoftKeyboard::tr("Click to change the color.") : UISoftKeyboard::tr("This color theme is not editable."));
3826 | pButton->update();
3827 | }
3828 | }
3829 |
3830 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::setColorThemeNames(const QStringList &colorThemeNames)
3831 | {
3832 | if (!m_pColorThemeComboBox)
3833 | return;
3834 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->blockSignals(true);
3835 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->clear();
3836 | foreach (const QString &strName, colorThemeNames)
3837 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->addItem(strName);
3838 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->blockSignals(false);
3839 | }
3840 |
3841 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::setCurrentColorThemeName(const QString &strColorThemeName)
3842 | {
3843 | if (!m_pColorThemeComboBox)
3844 | return;
3845 | int iItemIndex = m_pColorThemeComboBox->findText(strColorThemeName, Qt::MatchFixedString);
3846 | if (iItemIndex == -1)
3847 | return;
3848 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->blockSignals(true);
3849 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(iItemIndex);
3850 | m_pColorThemeComboBox->blockSignals(false);
3851 | }
3852 |
3853 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sltRetranslateUI()
3854 | {
3855 | if (m_pTitleLabel)
3856 | m_pTitleLabel->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Keyboard Settings"));
3857 | if (m_pCloseButton)
3858 | {
3859 | m_pCloseButton->setToolTip(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Close the layout list"));
3860 | m_pCloseButton->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Close"));
3861 | }
3862 | if (m_pHideNumPadCheckBox)
3863 | m_pHideNumPadCheckBox->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Hide NumPad"));
3864 | if (m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox)
3865 | m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Hide OS/Menu Keys"));
3866 | if (m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox)
3867 | m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Hide Multimedia Keys"));
3868 | if (m_pColorThemeGroupBox)
3869 | m_pColorThemeGroupBox->setTitle(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Color Themes"));
3870 |
3871 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons.size() == KeyboardColorType_Max)
3872 | {
3873 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Background].first)
3874 | m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Background].first->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Button Background Color"));
3875 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Font].first)
3876 | m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Font].first->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Button Font Color"));
3877 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Hover].first)
3878 | m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Hover].first->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Button Hover Color"));
3879 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Edit].first)
3880 | m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Edit].first->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Button Edit Color"));
3881 | if (m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Pressed].first)
3882 | m_colorSelectLabelsButtons[KeyboardColorType_Pressed].first->setText(UISoftKeyboard::tr("Pressed Button Font Color"));
3883 | }
3884 | }
3885 |
3886 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::prepareObjects()
3887 | {
3888 | QGridLayout *pSettingsLayout = new QGridLayout;
3889 | if (!pSettingsLayout)
3890 | return;
3891 |
3892 | QHBoxLayout *pTitleLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
3893 | m_pCloseButton = new QToolButton;
3894 | m_pCloseButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
3895 | m_pCloseButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_DialogCancel));
3896 | m_pCloseButton->setAutoRaise(true);
3897 | connect(m_pCloseButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigCloseSettingsWidget);
3898 | m_pTitleLabel = new QLabel;
3899 | pTitleLayout->addWidget(m_pTitleLabel);
3900 | pTitleLayout->addStretch(2);
3901 | pTitleLayout->addWidget(m_pCloseButton);
3902 | pSettingsLayout->addLayout(pTitleLayout, 0, 0, 1, 2);
3903 |
3904 | m_pHideNumPadCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
3905 | m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
3906 | m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
3907 | pSettingsLayout->addWidget(m_pHideNumPadCheckBox, 1, 0, 1, 1);
3908 | pSettingsLayout->addWidget(m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox, 2, 0, 1, 1);
3909 | pSettingsLayout->addWidget(m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox, 3, 0, 1, 1);
3910 | connect(m_pHideNumPadCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigHideNumPad);
3911 | connect(m_pShowOsMenuButtonsCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigHideOSMenuKeys);
3912 | connect(m_pHideMultimediaKeysCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigHideMultimediaKeys);
3913 |
3914 | /* A groupbox to host the color selection widgets: */
3915 | m_pColorThemeGroupBox = new QGroupBox;
3916 | QVBoxLayout *pGroupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_pColorThemeGroupBox);
3917 | pSettingsLayout->addWidget(m_pColorThemeGroupBox, 4, 0, 1, 1);
3918 |
3919 | m_pColorThemeComboBox = new QComboBox;
3920 | pGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(m_pColorThemeComboBox);
3921 | connect(m_pColorThemeComboBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigColorThemeSelectionChanged);
3922 |
3923 | /* Creating and configuring the color selection buttons: */
3924 | QGridLayout *pColorSelectionLayout = new QGridLayout;
3925 | pColorSelectionLayout->setSpacing(1);
3926 | pGroupBoxLayout->addLayout(pColorSelectionLayout);
3927 | for (int i = KeyboardColorType_Background; i < KeyboardColorType_Max; ++i)
3928 | {
3929 | QLabel *pLabel = new QLabel;
3930 | UISoftKeyboardColorButton *pButton = new UISoftKeyboardColorButton((KeyboardColorType)i);
3931 | pButton->setFlat(true);
3932 | pButton->setMaximumWidth(3 * qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize));
3933 | pColorSelectionLayout->addWidget(pLabel, i, 0, 1, 1);
3934 | pColorSelectionLayout->addWidget(pButton, i, 1, 1, 1);
3935 | m_colorSelectLabelsButtons.append(ColorSelectLabelButton(pLabel, pButton));
3936 | connect(pButton, &UISoftKeyboardColorButton::clicked, this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sltColorSelectionButtonClicked);
3937 | }
3938 |
3939 | QSpacerItem *pSpacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
3940 | if (pSpacer)
3941 | pSettingsLayout->addItem(pSpacer, 6, 0);
3942 |
3943 | setLayout(pSettingsLayout);
3944 | sltRetranslateUI();
3945 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
3946 | this, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sltRetranslateUI);
3947 | }
3948 |
3949 | void UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sltColorSelectionButtonClicked()
3950 | {
3951 | UISoftKeyboardColorButton *pButton = qobject_cast<UISoftKeyboardColorButton*>(sender());
3952 | if (!pButton)
3953 | return;
3954 | emit sigColorCellClicked((int)pButton->colorType());
3955 | }
3956 |
3957 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
3958 | * UISoftKeyboard implementation. *
3959 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
3960 |
3961 | UISoftKeyboard::UISoftKeyboard(QWidget *pParent, UIMachine *pMachine,
3962 | QWidget *pCenterWidget, QString strMachineName /* = QString() */)
3963 | : QMainWindowWithRestorableGeometry(pParent)
3964 | , m_pMachine(pMachine)
3965 | , m_pCenterWidget(pCenterWidget)
3966 | , m_pMainLayout(0)
3967 | , m_strMachineName(strMachineName)
3968 | , m_pSplitter(0)
3969 | , m_pSidePanelWidget(0)
3970 | , m_pKeyboardWidget(0)
3971 | , m_pLayoutEditor(0)
3972 | , m_pLayoutSelector(0)
3973 | , m_pSettingsWidget(0)
3974 | , m_pStatusBarWidget(0)
3975 | , m_iGeometrySaveTimerId(-1)
3976 | {
3977 | setWindowTitle(QString("%1 - %2").arg(m_strMachineName).arg(tr("Soft Keyboard")));
3978 | prepareObjects();
3979 | prepareConnections();
3980 |
3981 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
3982 | {
3983 | m_pKeyboardWidget->loadLayouts();
3984 | if (m_pLayoutEditor)
3985 | m_pLayoutEditor->setPhysicalLayoutList(m_pKeyboardWidget->physicalLayouts());
3986 | }
3987 |
3988 | loadSettings();
3989 | configure();
3990 | uiCommon().setHelpKeyword(this, "soft-keyb");
3991 | }
3992 |
3993 | bool UISoftKeyboard::shouldBeMaximized() const
3994 | {
3995 | return gEDataManager->softKeyboardDialogShouldBeMaximized();
3996 | }
3997 |
3998 | void UISoftKeyboard::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
3999 | {
4000 | QStringList strNameList = m_pKeyboardWidget->unsavedLayoutsNameList();
4001 | /* Show a warning dialog when there are not saved layouts: */
4002 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget && !strNameList.empty())
4003 | {
4004 | QString strJoinedString = strNameList.join("<br/>");
4005 | if (!msgCenter().questionBinary(this, MessageType_Warning,
4006 | tr("<p>Following layouts are edited/copied but not saved:</p>%1"
4007 | "<p>Closing this dialog will cause loosing the changes. Proceed?</p>").arg(strJoinedString),
4008 | 0 /* auto-confirm id */,
4009 | "Ok", "Cancel"))
4010 | {
4011 | event->ignore();
4012 | return;
4013 | }
4014 | }
4015 | m_pMachine->releaseKeys();
4016 | emit sigClose();
4017 | event->ignore();
4018 | }
4019 |
4020 | bool UISoftKeyboard::event(QEvent *pEvent)
4021 | {
4022 | if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::WindowDeactivate)
4023 | {
4024 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4025 | m_pKeyboardWidget->parentDialogDeactivated();
4026 | }
4027 | else if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
4028 | {
4029 | QKeyEvent *pKeyEvent = dynamic_cast<QKeyEvent*>(pEvent);
4030 | if (pKeyEvent)
4031 | {
4032 | if (QKeySequence(pKeyEvent->key()) == QKeySequence::HelpContents)
4033 | sltHandleHelpRequest();
4034 | }
4035 | }
4036 | else if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::Resize ||
4037 | pEvent->type() == QEvent::Move)
4038 | {
4039 | if (m_iGeometrySaveTimerId != -1)
4040 | killTimer(m_iGeometrySaveTimerId);
4041 | m_iGeometrySaveTimerId = startTimer(300);
4042 | }
4043 | else if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::Timer)
4044 | {
4045 | QTimerEvent *pTimerEvent = static_cast<QTimerEvent*>(pEvent);
4046 | if (pTimerEvent->timerId() == m_iGeometrySaveTimerId)
4047 | {
4048 | killTimer(m_iGeometrySaveTimerId);
4049 | m_iGeometrySaveTimerId = -1;
4050 | saveDialogGeometry();
4051 | }
4052 | }
4053 |
4054 | return QMainWindowWithRestorableGeometry::event(pEvent);
4055 | }
4056 |
4057 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltLayoutSelectionChanged(const QUuid &layoutUid)
4058 | {
4059 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4060 | return;
4061 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setCurrentLayout(layoutUid);
4062 | if (m_pLayoutSelector && m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout())
4063 | m_pLayoutSelector->setCurrentLayoutIsEditable(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout()->editable());
4064 | }
4065 |
4066 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltCurentLayoutChanged()
4067 | {
4068 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4069 | return;
4070 | UISoftKeyboardLayout *pCurrentLayout = m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout();
4071 |
4072 | /* Update the status bar string: */
4073 | if (!pCurrentLayout)
4074 | return;
4075 | updateStatusBarMessage(pCurrentLayout->nameString());
4076 | saveCurrentLayout();
4077 | }
4078 |
4079 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowLayoutSelector()
4080 | {
4081 | if (m_pSidePanelWidget && m_pLayoutSelector)
4082 | m_pSidePanelWidget->setCurrentWidget(m_pLayoutSelector);
4083 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4084 | m_pKeyboardWidget->toggleEditMode(false);
4085 | if (m_pLayoutEditor)
4086 | m_pLayoutEditor->setKey(0);
4087 | }
4088 |
4089 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowLayoutEditor()
4090 | {
4091 | if (m_pSidePanelWidget && m_pLayoutEditor)
4092 | {
4093 | m_pLayoutEditor->setLayoutToEdit(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout());
4094 | m_pSidePanelWidget->setCurrentWidget(m_pLayoutEditor);
4095 | }
4096 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4097 | m_pKeyboardWidget->toggleEditMode(true);
4098 | }
4099 |
4100 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltKeyToEditChanged(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey)
4101 | {
4102 | if (m_pLayoutEditor)
4103 | m_pLayoutEditor->setKey(pKey);
4104 | }
4105 |
4106 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltLayoutEdited()
4107 | {
4108 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4109 | return;
4110 | m_pKeyboardWidget->update();
4111 | updateLayoutSelectorList();
4112 | UISoftKeyboardLayout *pCurrentLayout = m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout();
4113 |
4114 | /* Update the status bar string: */
4115 | QString strLayoutName = pCurrentLayout ? pCurrentLayout->name() : QString();
4116 | updateStatusBarMessage(strLayoutName);
4117 | }
4118 |
4119 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltKeyCaptionsEdited(UISoftKeyboardKey* pKey)
4120 | {
4121 | Q_UNUSED(pKey);
4122 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4123 | m_pKeyboardWidget->update();
4124 | }
4125 |
4126 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideSidePanel()
4127 | {
4128 | if (!m_pSidePanelWidget)
4129 | return;
4130 | m_pSidePanelWidget->setVisible(!m_pSidePanelWidget->isVisible());
4131 |
4132 | if (m_pSidePanelWidget->isVisible() && m_pSettingsWidget->isVisible())
4133 | m_pSettingsWidget->setVisible(false);
4134 | }
4135 |
4136 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideSettingsWidget()
4137 | {
4138 | if (!m_pSettingsWidget)
4139 | return;
4140 | m_pSettingsWidget->setVisible(!m_pSettingsWidget->isVisible());
4141 | if (m_pSidePanelWidget->isVisible() && m_pSettingsWidget->isVisible())
4142 | m_pSidePanelWidget->setVisible(false);
4143 | }
4144 |
4145 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleColorThemeListSelection(const QString &strColorThemeName)
4146 | {
4147 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4148 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setColorThemeByName(strColorThemeName);
4149 | saveSelectedColorThemeName();
4150 | }
4151 |
4152 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleKeyboardWidgetColorThemeChange()
4153 | {
4154 | for (int i = (int)KeyboardColorType_Background;
4155 | i < (int)KeyboardColorType_Max; ++i)
4156 | {
4157 | KeyboardColorType enmType = (KeyboardColorType)i;
4158 | m_pSettingsWidget->setColorSelectionButtonBackgroundAndTooltip(enmType,
4159 | m_pKeyboardWidget->color(enmType),
4160 | m_pKeyboardWidget->isColorThemeEditable());
4161 | }
4162 | }
4163 |
4164 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltCopyLayout()
4165 | {
4166 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4167 | return;
4168 | m_pKeyboardWidget->copyCurentLayout();
4169 | updateLayoutSelectorList();
4170 | }
4171 |
4172 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltSaveLayout()
4173 | {
4174 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4175 | m_pKeyboardWidget->saveCurentLayoutToFile();
4176 | }
4177 |
4178 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltDeleteLayout()
4179 | {
4180 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4181 | m_pKeyboardWidget->deleteCurrentLayout();
4182 | updateLayoutSelectorList();
4183 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget && m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout() && m_pLayoutSelector)
4184 | {
4185 | m_pLayoutSelector->setCurrentLayout(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout()->uid());
4186 | m_pLayoutSelector->setCurrentLayoutIsEditable(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout()->editable());
4187 | }
4188 | }
4189 |
4190 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltStatusBarMessage(const QString &strMessage)
4191 | {
4192 | statusBar()->showMessage(strMessage, iMessageTimeout);
4193 | }
4194 |
4195 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideOSMenuKeys(bool fHide)
4196 | {
4197 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4198 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setHideOSMenuKeys(fHide);
4199 | }
4200 |
4201 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideNumPad(bool fHide)
4202 | {
4203 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4204 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setHideNumPad(fHide);
4205 | }
4206 |
4207 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideMultimediaKeys(bool fHide)
4208 | {
4209 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4210 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setHideMultimediaKeys(fHide);
4211 | }
4212 |
4213 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleColorCellClick(int iColorRow)
4214 | {
4215 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget || iColorRow >= static_cast<int>(KeyboardColorType_Max))
4216 | return;
4217 |
4218 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget->isColorThemeEditable())
4219 | return;
4220 | const QColor ¤tColor = m_pKeyboardWidget->color(static_cast<KeyboardColorType>(iColorRow));
4221 | QColorDialog colorDialog(currentColor, this);
4222 |
4223 | if (colorDialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected)
4224 | return;
4225 | QColor newColor = colorDialog.selectedColor();
4226 | if (currentColor == newColor)
4227 | return;
4228 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setColor(static_cast<KeyboardColorType>(iColorRow), newColor);
4229 | m_pSettingsWidget->setColorSelectionButtonBackgroundAndTooltip(static_cast<KeyboardColorType>(iColorRow),
4230 | newColor, m_pKeyboardWidget->isColorThemeEditable());
4231 | saveCustomColorTheme();
4232 | }
4233 |
4234 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltResetKeyboard()
4235 | {
4236 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4237 | m_pKeyboardWidget->reset();
4238 | if (m_pLayoutEditor)
4239 | m_pLayoutEditor->reset();
4240 | m_pMachine->releaseKeys();
4241 | update();
4242 | }
4243 |
4244 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleHelpRequest()
4245 | {
4246 | UIHelpBrowserDialog::findManualFileAndShow(uiCommon().helpKeyword(this));
4247 | }
4248 |
4249 | void UISoftKeyboard::prepareObjects()
4250 | {
4251 | m_pSplitter = new QSplitter;
4252 | if (!m_pSplitter)
4253 | return;
4254 | setCentralWidget(m_pSplitter);
4255 | m_pSidePanelWidget = new QStackedWidget;
4256 | if (!m_pSidePanelWidget)
4257 | return;
4258 |
4259 | m_pSidePanelWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
4260 | m_pSidePanelWidget->hide();
4261 |
4262 | m_pLayoutSelector = new UILayoutSelector;
4263 | if (m_pLayoutSelector)
4264 | m_pSidePanelWidget->addWidget(m_pLayoutSelector);
4265 |
4266 | m_pLayoutEditor = new UIKeyboardLayoutEditor;
4267 | if (m_pLayoutEditor)
4268 | m_pSidePanelWidget->addWidget(m_pLayoutEditor);
4269 |
4270 | m_pSettingsWidget = new UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget;
4271 | if (m_pSettingsWidget)
4272 | {
4273 | m_pSettingsWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
4274 | m_pSettingsWidget->hide();
4275 | }
4276 | m_pKeyboardWidget = new UISoftKeyboardWidget(this, m_pMachine);
4277 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4278 | return;
4279 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
4280 | m_pKeyboardWidget->updateGeometry();
4281 | m_pSplitter->addWidget(m_pKeyboardWidget);
4282 | m_pSplitter->addWidget(m_pSidePanelWidget);
4283 | m_pSplitter->addWidget(m_pSettingsWidget);
4284 |
4285 | m_pSplitter->setCollapsible(0, false);
4286 | m_pSplitter->setCollapsible(1, false);
4287 | m_pSplitter->setCollapsible(2, false);
4288 |
4289 | statusBar()->setStyleSheet( "QStatusBar::item { border: 0px}" );
4290 | m_pStatusBarWidget = new UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget;
4291 | statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(m_pStatusBarWidget);
4292 | }
4293 |
4294 | void UISoftKeyboard::prepareConnections()
4295 | {
4296 | connect(m_pKeyboardWidget, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sigCurrentLayoutChange, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltCurentLayoutChanged);
4297 | connect(m_pKeyboardWidget, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sigKeyToEdit, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltKeyToEditChanged);
4298 | connect(m_pKeyboardWidget, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sigStatusBarMessage, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltStatusBarMessage);
4299 | connect(m_pKeyboardWidget, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sigCurrentColorThemeChanged, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleKeyboardWidgetColorThemeChange);
4300 | connect(m_pKeyboardWidget, &UISoftKeyboardWidget::sigOptionsChanged, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltSaveSettings);
4301 |
4302 | connect(m_pLayoutSelector, &UILayoutSelector::sigLayoutSelectionChanged, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltLayoutSelectionChanged);
4303 | connect(m_pLayoutSelector, &UILayoutSelector::sigShowLayoutEditor, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowLayoutEditor);
4304 | connect(m_pLayoutSelector, &UILayoutSelector::sigCloseLayoutList, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideSidePanel);
4305 | connect(m_pLayoutSelector, &UILayoutSelector::sigSaveLayout, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltSaveLayout);
4306 | connect(m_pLayoutSelector, &UILayoutSelector::sigDeleteLayout, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltDeleteLayout);
4307 | connect(m_pLayoutSelector, &UILayoutSelector::sigCopyLayout, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltCopyLayout);
4308 | connect(m_pLayoutEditor, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sigGoBackButton, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowLayoutSelector);
4309 | connect(m_pLayoutEditor, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sigLayoutEdited, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltLayoutEdited);
4310 | connect(m_pLayoutEditor, &UIKeyboardLayoutEditor::sigUIKeyCaptionsEdited, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltKeyCaptionsEdited);
4311 |
4312 | connect(m_pStatusBarWidget, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigShowHideSidePanel, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideSidePanel);
4313 | connect(m_pStatusBarWidget, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigShowSettingWidget, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideSettingsWidget);
4314 | connect(m_pStatusBarWidget, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigResetKeyboard, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltResetKeyboard);
4315 | connect(m_pStatusBarWidget, &UISoftKeyboardStatusBarWidget::sigHelpButtonPressed, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleHelpRequest);
4316 |
4317 | connect(m_pSettingsWidget, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigHideOSMenuKeys, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideOSMenuKeys);
4318 | connect(m_pSettingsWidget, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigHideNumPad, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideNumPad);
4319 | connect(m_pSettingsWidget, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigHideMultimediaKeys, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideMultimediaKeys);
4320 | connect(m_pSettingsWidget, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigColorCellClicked, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleColorCellClick);
4321 | connect(m_pSettingsWidget, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigCloseSettingsWidget, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltShowHideSettingsWidget);
4322 | connect(m_pSettingsWidget, &UISoftKeyboardSettingsWidget::sigColorThemeSelectionChanged, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltHandleColorThemeListSelection);
4323 |
4324 | connect(&uiCommon(), &UICommon::sigAskToCommitData, this, &UISoftKeyboard::sltReleaseKeys);
4325 | }
4326 |
4327 | void UISoftKeyboard::saveDialogGeometry()
4328 | {
4329 | const QRect geo = currentGeometry();
4330 | LogRel2(("GUI: UISoftKeyboard: Saving geometry as: Origin=%dx%d, Size=%dx%d\n",
4331 | geo.x(), geo.y(), geo.width(), geo.height()));
4332 | gEDataManager->setSoftKeyboardDialogGeometry(geo, isCurrentlyMaximized());
4333 | }
4334 |
4335 | void UISoftKeyboard::saveCustomColorTheme()
4336 | {
4337 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4338 | return;
4339 | /* Save the changes to the 'Custom' color theme to extra data: */
4340 | QStringList colors = m_pKeyboardWidget->colorsToStringList("Custom");
4341 | colors.prepend("Custom");
4342 | gEDataManager->setSoftKeyboardColorTheme(colors);
4343 | }
4344 |
4345 | void UISoftKeyboard::saveSelectedColorThemeName()
4346 | {
4347 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget)
4348 | return;
4349 | gEDataManager->setSoftKeyboardSelectedColorTheme(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentColorThemeName());
4350 | }
4351 |
4352 | void UISoftKeyboard::saveCurrentLayout()
4353 | {
4354 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget && m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout())
4355 | gEDataManager->setSoftKeyboardSelectedLayout(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout()->uid());
4356 | }
4357 |
4358 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltSaveSettings()
4359 | {
4360 | /* Save other settings: */
4361 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4362 | {
4363 | gEDataManager->setSoftKeyboardOptions(m_pKeyboardWidget->hideNumPad(),
4364 | m_pKeyboardWidget->hideOSMenuKeys(),
4365 | m_pKeyboardWidget->hideMultimediaKeys());
4366 | }
4367 | }
4368 |
4369 | void UISoftKeyboard::sltReleaseKeys()
4370 | {
4371 | m_pMachine->releaseKeys();
4372 | }
4373 |
4374 | void UISoftKeyboard::loadSettings()
4375 | {
4376 | /* Invent default window geometry: */
4377 | float fKeyboardAspectRatio = 1.0f;
4378 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4379 | fKeyboardAspectRatio = m_pKeyboardWidget->layoutAspectRatio();
4380 | const QRect availableGeo = gpDesktop->availableGeometry(this);
4381 | const int iDefaultWidth = availableGeo.width() / 2;
4382 | const int iDefaultHeight = iDefaultWidth * fKeyboardAspectRatio;
4383 | QRect defaultGeo(0, 0, iDefaultWidth, iDefaultHeight);
4384 |
4385 | /* Load geometry from extradata: */
4386 | const QRect geo = gEDataManager->softKeyboardDialogGeometry(this, m_pCenterWidget, defaultGeo);
4387 | LogRel2(("GUI: UISoftKeyboard: Restoring geometry to: Origin=%dx%d, Size=%dx%d\n",
4388 | geo.x(), geo.y(), geo.width(), geo.height()));
4389 | restoreGeometry(geo);
4390 |
4391 | /* Load other settings: */
4392 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget)
4393 | {
4394 | QStringList colorTheme = gEDataManager->softKeyboardColorTheme();
4395 | if (!colorTheme.empty())
4396 | {
4397 | /* The fist item is the theme name and the rest are color codes: */
4398 | QString strThemeName = colorTheme[0];
4399 | colorTheme.removeFirst();
4400 | m_pKeyboardWidget->colorsFromStringList(strThemeName, colorTheme);
4401 | }
4402 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setColorThemeByName(gEDataManager->softKeyboardSelectedColorTheme());
4403 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setCurrentLayout(gEDataManager->softKeyboardSelectedLayout());
4404 |
4405 | /* Load other options from exra data: */
4406 | bool fHideNumPad = false;
4407 | bool fHideOSMenuKeys = false;
4408 | bool fHideMultimediaKeys = false;
4409 | gEDataManager->softKeyboardOptions(fHideNumPad, fHideOSMenuKeys, fHideMultimediaKeys);
4410 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setHideNumPad(fHideNumPad);
4411 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setHideOSMenuKeys(fHideOSMenuKeys);
4412 | m_pKeyboardWidget->setHideMultimediaKeys(fHideMultimediaKeys);
4413 | }
4414 | }
4415 |
4416 | void UISoftKeyboard::configure()
4417 | {
4418 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
4419 | /* Assign window icon: */
4420 | setWindowIcon(UIIconPool::iconSetFull(":/soft_keyboard_32px.png", ":/soft_keyboard_16px.png"));
4421 | #endif
4422 |
4423 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget && m_pSettingsWidget)
4424 | {
4425 | m_pSettingsWidget->setHideOSMenuKeys(m_pKeyboardWidget->hideOSMenuKeys());
4426 | m_pSettingsWidget->setHideNumPad(m_pKeyboardWidget->hideNumPad());
4427 | m_pSettingsWidget->setHideMultimediaKeys(m_pKeyboardWidget->hideMultimediaKeys());
4428 |
4429 | m_pSettingsWidget->setColorThemeNames(m_pKeyboardWidget->colorThemeNames());
4430 | m_pSettingsWidget->setCurrentColorThemeName(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentColorThemeName());
4431 |
4432 | for (int i = (int)KeyboardColorType_Background;
4433 | i < (int)KeyboardColorType_Max; ++i)
4434 | {
4435 | KeyboardColorType enmType = (KeyboardColorType)i;
4436 | m_pSettingsWidget->setColorSelectionButtonBackgroundAndTooltip(enmType,
4437 | m_pKeyboardWidget->color(enmType),
4438 | m_pKeyboardWidget->isColorThemeEditable());
4439 | }
4440 | }
4441 | updateLayoutSelectorList();
4442 | if (m_pKeyboardWidget && m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout() && m_pLayoutSelector)
4443 | {
4444 | m_pLayoutSelector->setCurrentLayout(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout()->uid());
4445 | m_pLayoutSelector->setCurrentLayoutIsEditable(m_pKeyboardWidget->currentLayout()->editable());
4446 | }
4447 | }
4448 |
4449 | void UISoftKeyboard::updateStatusBarMessage(const QString &strName)
4450 | {
4451 | if (!m_pStatusBarWidget)
4452 | return;
4453 | QString strMessage;
4454 | if (!strName.isEmpty())
4455 | {
4456 | strMessage += QString("%1: %2").arg(tr("Layout")).arg(strName);
4457 | m_pStatusBarWidget->updateLayoutNameInStatusBar(strMessage);
4458 | }
4459 | else
4460 | m_pStatusBarWidget->updateLayoutNameInStatusBar(QString());
4461 | }
4462 |
4463 | void UISoftKeyboard::updateLayoutSelectorList()
4464 | {
4465 | if (!m_pKeyboardWidget || !m_pLayoutSelector)
4466 | return;
4467 | m_pLayoutSelector->setLayoutList(m_pKeyboardWidget->layoutNameList(), m_pKeyboardWidget->layoutUidList());
4468 | }
4469 |
4470 | #include "UISoftKeyboard.moc"