1 | /* $Id: UIMachineViewScale.cpp 103710 2024-03-06 16:53:27Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIMachineViewScale class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QMainWindow>
30 | #include <QTimer>
31 |
32 | /* GUI includes */
33 | #include "UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog.h"
34 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
35 | #include "UIFrameBuffer.h"
36 | #include "UILoggingDefs.h"
37 | #include "UIMachine.h"
38 | #include "UIMachineLogic.h"
39 | #include "UIMachineViewScale.h"
40 | #include "UIMachineWindow.h"
41 |
42 | /* COM includes: */
43 | #include "CGraphicsAdapter.h"
44 |
45 | /* Other VBox includes: */
47 |
48 |
49 | UIMachineViewScale::UIMachineViewScale(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, ulong uScreenId)
50 | : UIMachineView(pMachineWindow, uScreenId)
51 | {
52 | }
53 |
54 | void UIMachineViewScale::sltPerformGuestScale()
55 | {
56 | /* Assign new frame-buffer logical-size: */
57 | QSize scaledSize = size();
58 | const double dDevicePixelRatioFormal = frameBuffer()->devicePixelRatio();
59 | const double dDevicePixelRatioActual = frameBuffer()->devicePixelRatioActual();
60 | const bool fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput = frameBuffer()->useUnscaledHiDPIOutput();
61 | scaledSize *= dDevicePixelRatioFormal;
62 | if (!fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput)
63 | scaledSize /= dDevicePixelRatioActual;
64 | frameBuffer()->setScaledSize(scaledSize);
65 | frameBuffer()->performRescale();
66 |
67 | /* If scaled-size is valid: */
68 | if (scaledSize.isValid())
69 | {
70 | /* Propagate scale-factor to 3D service if necessary: */
71 | bool fAccelerate3DEnabled = false;
72 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAccelerate3DEnabled(fAccelerate3DEnabled);
73 | if (fAccelerate3DEnabled)
74 | {
75 | double xScaleFactor = (double)scaledSize.width() / frameBuffer()->width();
76 | double yScaleFactor = (double)scaledSize.height() / frameBuffer()->height();
77 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_WIN) || defined(VBOX_WS_NIX)
79 | // On Windows and Linux opposing to macOS it's only Qt which can auto scale up,
80 | // not 3D overlay itself, so for auto scale-up mode we have to take that into account.
81 | if (!fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput)
82 | {
83 | xScaleFactor *= dDevicePixelRatioActual;
84 | yScaleFactor *= dDevicePixelRatioActual;
85 | }
86 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_WIN || VBOX_WS_NIX */
87 | uimachine()->notifyScaleFactorChange(m_uScreenId,
88 | (uint32_t)(xScaleFactor * VBOX_OGL_SCALE_FACTOR_MULTIPLIER),
89 | (uint32_t)(yScaleFactor * VBOX_OGL_SCALE_FACTOR_MULTIPLIER));
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | /* Scale the pause-pixmap: */
94 | updateScaledPausePixmap();
95 |
96 | /* Update viewport: */
97 | viewport()->repaint();
98 |
99 | /* Update machine-view sliders: */
100 | updateSliders();
101 | }
102 |
103 | bool UIMachineViewScale::eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent)
104 | {
105 | if (pWatched != 0 && pWatched == viewport())
106 | {
107 | switch (pEvent->type())
108 | {
109 | case QEvent::Resize:
110 | {
111 | /* Perform the actual resize: */
112 | sltPerformGuestScale();
113 | break;
114 | }
115 | default:
116 | break;
117 | }
118 | }
119 |
120 | return UIMachineView::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
121 | }
122 |
123 | void UIMachineViewScale::applyMachineViewScaleFactor()
124 | {
125 | /* If scaled-size is valid: */
126 | const QSize scaledSize = frameBuffer()->scaledSize();
127 | const double dDevicePixelRatioActual = frameBuffer()->devicePixelRatioActual(); Q_UNUSED(dDevicePixelRatioActual);
128 | const bool fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput = frameBuffer()->useUnscaledHiDPIOutput();
129 | if (scaledSize.isValid())
130 | {
131 | /* Propagate scale-factor to 3D service if necessary: */
132 | bool fAccelerate3DEnabled = false;
133 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAccelerate3DEnabled(fAccelerate3DEnabled);
134 | if (fAccelerate3DEnabled)
135 | {
136 | double xScaleFactor = (double)scaledSize.width() / frameBuffer()->width();
137 | double yScaleFactor = (double)scaledSize.height() / frameBuffer()->height();
138 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_WIN) || defined(VBOX_WS_NIX)
139 | // WORKAROUND:
140 | // On Windows and Linux opposing to macOS it's only Qt which can auto scale up,
141 | // not 3D overlay itself, so for auto scale-up mode we have to take that into account.
142 | if (!fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput)
143 | {
144 | xScaleFactor *= dDevicePixelRatioActual;
145 | yScaleFactor *= dDevicePixelRatioActual;
146 | }
147 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_WIN || VBOX_WS_NIX */
148 | uimachine()->notifyScaleFactorChange(m_uScreenId,
149 | (uint32_t)(xScaleFactor * VBOX_OGL_SCALE_FACTOR_MULTIPLIER),
150 | (uint32_t)(yScaleFactor * VBOX_OGL_SCALE_FACTOR_MULTIPLIER));
151 | }
152 | }
153 |
154 | /* Take unscaled HiDPI output mode into account: */
155 | frameBuffer()->setUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput(fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput);
156 | /* Propagate unscaled-hidpi-output feature to 3D service if necessary: */
157 | bool fAccelerate3DEnabled = false;
158 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAccelerate3DEnabled(fAccelerate3DEnabled);
159 | if (fAccelerate3DEnabled)
160 | uimachine()->notifyHiDPIOutputPolicyChange(fUseUnscaledHiDPIOutput);
161 |
162 | /* Perform frame-buffer rescaling: */
163 | frameBuffer()->performRescale();
164 |
165 | /* Update console's display viewport and 3D overlay: */
166 | updateViewport();
167 | }
168 |
169 | void UIMachineViewScale::resendSizeHint()
170 | {
171 | /* Skip if VM isn't running/paused yet: */
172 | if ( !uimachine()->isRunning()
173 | && !uimachine()->isPaused())
174 | return;
175 |
176 | /* Get the last guest-screen size-hint, taking the scale factor into account. */
177 | const QSize sizeHint = scaledBackward(storedGuestScreenSizeHint());
178 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineViewScale::resendSizeHint: Restoring guest size-hint for screen %d to %dx%d\n",
179 | (int)screenId(), sizeHint.width(), sizeHint.height()));
180 |
181 | /* Expand current limitations: */
182 | setMaximumGuestSize(sizeHint);
183 |
184 | /* Send saved size-hint to the guest: */
185 | uimachine()->setScreenVisibleHostDesires(screenId(), guestScreenVisibilityStatus());
186 | uimachine()->setVideoModeHint(screenId(),
187 | guestScreenVisibilityStatus(),
188 | false /* change origin? */,
189 | 0 /* origin x */, 0 /* origin y */,
190 | sizeHint.width(), sizeHint.height(),
191 | 0 /* bits per pixel */,
192 | true /* notify? */);
193 | }
194 |
195 | QSize UIMachineViewScale::sizeHint() const
196 | {
197 | /* Base-class have its own thoughts about size-hint
198 | * but scale-mode needs no size-hint to be set: */
199 | return QSize();
200 | }
201 |
202 | QRect UIMachineViewScale::workingArea() const
203 | {
204 | return gpDesktop->availableGeometry(this);
205 | }
206 |
207 | QSize UIMachineViewScale::calculateMaxGuestSize() const
208 | {
209 | /* 1) The calculation below is not reliable on some (X11) platforms until we
210 | * have been visible for a fraction of a second, so so the best we can
211 | * otherwise.
212 | * 2) We also get called early before "machineWindow" has been fully
213 | * initialised, at which time we can't perform the calculation. */
214 | if (!isVisible())
215 | return workingArea().size() * 0.95;
216 | /* The area taken up by the machine window on the desktop, including window
217 | * frame, title, menu bar and status bar. */
218 | QSize windowSize = machineWindow()->frameGeometry().size();
219 | /* The window shouldn't be allowed to expand beyond the working area
220 | * unless it already does. In that case the guest shouldn't expand it
221 | * any further though. */
222 | QSize maximumSize = workingArea().size().expandedTo(windowSize);
223 | /* The current size of the machine display. */
224 | QSize centralWidgetSize = machineWindow()->centralWidget()->size();
225 | /* To work out how big the guest display can get without the window going
226 | * over the maximum size we calculated above, we work out how much space
227 | * the other parts of the window (frame, menu bar, status bar and so on)
228 | * take up and subtract that space from the maximum window size. The
229 | * central widget shouldn't be bigger than the window, but we bound it for
230 | * sanity (or insanity) reasons. */
231 | return maximumSize - (windowSize - centralWidgetSize.boundedTo(windowSize));
232 | }
233 |
234 | void UIMachineViewScale::updateSliders()
235 | {
236 | if (horizontalScrollBarPolicy() != Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
237 | setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
238 | if (verticalScrollBarPolicy() != Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
239 | setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
240 | }