1 | /* $Id: UIMachineLogic.cpp 105683 2024-08-15 10:59:45Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIMachineLogic class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QActionGroup>
30 | #include <QApplication>
31 | #include <QDateTime>
32 | #include <QDir>
33 | #include <QFileInfo>
34 | #include <QImageWriter>
35 | #include <QPainter>
36 | #include <QRegularExpression>
37 | #include <QTimer>
38 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
39 | # include <QMenuBar>
40 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
41 |
42 | /* GUI includes: */
43 | #include "QIFileDialog.h"
44 | #include "UIActionPoolRuntime.h"
45 | #include "UIAddDiskEncryptionPasswordDialog.h"
46 | #include "UIAdvancedSettingsDialogSpecific.h"
47 | #include "UIBootFailureDialog.h"
48 | #include "UICommon.h"
49 | #include "UIConverter.h"
50 | #include "UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog.h"
51 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
52 | #include "UIFileManagerDialog.h"
53 | #include "UIFrameBuffer.h"
54 | #include "UIGlobalSession.h"
55 | #include "UIGuestProcessControlDialog.h"
56 | #include "UIHelpBrowserDialog.h"
57 | #include "UIHostComboEditor.h"
58 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
59 | #include "UIKeyboardHandler.h"
60 | #include "UILoggingDefs.h"
61 | #include "UIMachine.h"
62 | #include "UIMachineLogic.h"
63 | #include "UIMachineLogicFullscreen.h"
64 | #include "UIMachineLogicNormal.h"
65 | #include "UIMachineLogicSeamless.h"
66 | #include "UIMachineLogicScale.h"
67 | #include "UIMachineView.h"
68 | #include "UIMachineWindow.h"
69 | #include "UIMedium.h"
70 | #include "UIMediumTools.h"
71 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
72 | #include "UIModalWindowManager.h"
73 | #include "UIMouseHandler.h"
74 | #include "UINotificationCenter.h"
75 | #include "UISoftKeyboard.h"
76 | #include "UITranslationEventListener.h"
77 | #include "UITakeSnapshotDialog.h"
78 | #include "UIUSBTools.h"
79 | #include "UIVersion.h"
80 | #include "UIVirtualBoxEventHandler.h"
81 | #include "UIVMLogViewerDialog.h"
82 | #include "UIVMInformationDialog.h"
83 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
84 | # include "DockIconPreview.h"
85 | # include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
86 | #endif
88 | # include "UINetworkRequestManager.h"
89 | #endif
90 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
91 | # include "VBoxUtils-nix.h"
92 | #endif
93 |
94 | /* COM includes: */
95 | #include "CAudioAdapter.h"
96 | #include "CAudioSettings.h"
97 | #include "CEmulatedUSB.h"
98 | #include "CGraphicsAdapter.h"
99 | #include "CHostUSBDevice.h"
100 | #include "CHostVideoInputDevice.h"
101 | #include "CMachineDebugger.h"
102 | #include "CMediumAttachment.h"
103 | #include "CNetworkAdapter.h"
104 | #include "CPlatformProperties.h"
105 | #include "CRecordingSettings.h"
106 | #include "CSnapshot.h"
107 | #include "CStorageController.h"
108 | #include "CSystemProperties.h"
109 | #include "CUSBDevice.h"
110 | #include "CVirtualBoxErrorInfo.h"
111 | #include "CVRDEServer.h"
112 |
113 | /* Other VBox includes: */
114 | #include <iprt/path.h>
115 |
116 | /* VirtualBox interface declarations: */
117 | #include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
118 |
119 | /* External / Other VBox includes: */
120 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
121 | # include "DarwinKeyboard.h"
122 | #endif
123 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
124 | # include "WinKeyboard.h"
125 | # include "VBoxUtils-win.h"
126 | #endif
127 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
128 | # include <XKeyboard.h>
129 | #endif
130 |
131 | #define VBOX_WITH_REWORKED_SESSION_INFORMATION /**< Define for reworked session-information window. @todo r-bird: What's this for? */
132 |
133 | struct USBTarget
134 | {
135 | USBTarget() : attach(false), id(QUuid()) {}
136 | USBTarget(bool fAttach, const QUuid &uId)
137 | : attach(fAttach), id(uId) {}
138 | bool attach;
139 | QUuid id;
140 | };
142 |
143 | /** Describes enumerated webcam item. */
144 | struct WebCamTarget
145 | {
146 | WebCamTarget() : attach(false), name(QString()), path(QString()) {}
147 | WebCamTarget(bool fAttach, const QString &strName, const QString &strPath)
148 | : attach(fAttach), name(strName), path(strPath) {}
149 | bool attach;
150 | QString name;
151 | QString path;
152 | };
153 | Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(WebCamTarget);
154 |
155 | /* static */
156 | UIMachineLogic *UIMachineLogic::create(UIMachine *pMachine,
157 | UIVisualStateType enmVisualStateType)
158 | {
159 | AssertPtrReturn(pMachine, 0);
160 |
161 | UIMachineLogic *pLogic = 0;
162 | switch (enmVisualStateType)
163 | {
164 | case UIVisualStateType_Normal:
165 | pLogic = new UIMachineLogicNormal(pMachine);
166 | break;
167 | case UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen:
168 | pLogic = new UIMachineLogicFullscreen(pMachine);
169 | break;
170 | case UIVisualStateType_Seamless:
171 | pLogic = new UIMachineLogicSeamless(pMachine);
172 | break;
173 | case UIVisualStateType_Scale:
174 | pLogic = new UIMachineLogicScale(pMachine);
175 | break;
176 | case UIVisualStateType_Invalid:
177 | case UIVisualStateType_All:
178 | break;
179 | }
180 | return pLogic;
181 | }
182 |
183 | /* static */
184 | void UIMachineLogic::destroy(UIMachineLogic *&pLogic)
185 | {
186 | if (!pLogic)
187 | return;
188 | pLogic->cleanup();
189 | delete pLogic;
190 | pLogic = 0;
191 | }
192 |
193 | void UIMachineLogic::prepare()
194 | {
195 | /* Prepare required features: */
196 | prepareRequiredFeatures();
197 |
198 | /* Prepare session connections: */
199 | prepareSessionConnections();
200 |
201 | /* Prepare action groups:
202 | * Note: This has to be done before prepareActionConnections
203 | * cause here actions/menus are recreated. */
204 | prepareActionGroups();
205 | /* Prepare action connections: */
206 | prepareActionConnections();
207 |
208 | /* Prepare other connections: */
209 | prepareOtherConnections();
210 |
211 | /* Prepare handlers: */
212 | prepareHandlers();
213 |
214 | /* Prepare menu: */
215 | prepareMenu();
216 |
217 | /* Prepare machine-window(s): */
218 | prepareMachineWindows();
219 |
220 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
221 | /* Prepare dock: */
222 | prepareDock();
223 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
224 |
225 | /* Load settings: */
226 | loadSettings();
227 |
228 | /* Retranslate logic part: */
229 | sltRetranslateUI();
230 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
231 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltRetranslateUI);
232 | }
233 |
234 | void UIMachineLogic::cleanup()
235 | {
237 | /* Cleanup debugger: */
238 | cleanupDebugger();
239 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
240 |
241 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
242 | /* Cleanup dock: */
243 | cleanupDock();
244 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
245 |
246 | /* Cleanup menu: */
247 | cleanupMenu();
248 |
249 | /* Cleanup machine-window(s): */
250 | cleanupMachineWindows();
251 |
252 | /* Cleanup handlers: */
253 | cleanupHandlers();
254 |
255 | /* Cleanup action connections: */
256 | cleanupActionConnections();
257 | /* Cleanup action groups: */
258 | cleanupActionGroups();
259 |
260 | /* Cleanup session connections: */
261 | cleanupSessionConnections();
262 | }
263 |
264 | UIActionPool *UIMachineLogic::actionPool() const
265 | {
266 | return uimachine()->actionPool();
267 | }
268 |
269 | QString UIMachineLogic::machineName() const
270 | {
271 | return uimachine()->machineName();
272 | }
273 |
274 | UIMachineWindow* UIMachineLogic::mainMachineWindow() const
275 | {
276 | /* Null if machine-window(s) not yet created: */
277 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
278 | return 0;
279 |
280 | /* First machine-window by default: */
281 | return machineWindows().value(0);
282 | }
283 |
284 | UIMachineWindow* UIMachineLogic::activeMachineWindow() const
285 | {
286 | /* Null if machine-window(s) not yet created: */
287 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
288 | return 0;
289 |
290 | /* Check if there is an active window present: */
291 | for (int i = 0; i < machineWindows().size(); ++i)
292 | {
293 | UIMachineWindow *pIteratedWindow = machineWindows()[i];
294 | if (pIteratedWindow->isActiveWindow())
295 | return pIteratedWindow;
296 | }
297 |
298 | /* Main machine-window by default: */
299 | return mainMachineWindow();
300 | }
301 |
302 | void UIMachineLogic::adjustMachineWindowsGeometry()
303 | {
304 | /* By default, the only thing we need is to
305 | * adjust machine-view size(s) if necessary: */
306 | foreach(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
307 | pMachineWindow->adjustMachineViewSize();
308 | }
309 |
310 | void UIMachineLogic::sendMachineWindowsSizeHints()
311 | {
312 | /* By default, the only thing we need is to
313 | * send machine-view(s) size-hint(s) to the guest: */
314 | foreach(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
315 | pMachineWindow->sendMachineViewSizeHint();
316 | }
317 |
318 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
319 | void UIMachineLogic::updateDockIcon()
320 | {
321 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
322 | return;
323 |
324 | if ( m_fIsDockIconEnabled
325 | && m_pDockIconPreview)
326 | if(UIMachineView *pView = machineWindows().at(m_DockIconPreviewMonitor)->machineView())
327 | if (CGImageRef image = pView->vmContentImage())
328 | {
329 | m_pDockIconPreview->updateDockPreview(image);
330 | CGImageRelease(image);
331 | }
332 | }
333 |
334 | void UIMachineLogic::updateDockIconSize(int screenId, int width, int height)
335 | {
336 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
337 | return;
338 |
339 | if ( m_fIsDockIconEnabled
340 | && m_pDockIconPreview
341 | && m_DockIconPreviewMonitor == screenId)
342 | m_pDockIconPreview->setOriginalSize(width, height);
343 | }
344 |
345 | UIMachineView* UIMachineLogic::dockPreviewView() const
346 | {
347 | if ( m_fIsDockIconEnabled
348 | && m_pDockIconPreview)
349 | return machineWindows().at(m_DockIconPreviewMonitor)->machineView();
350 | return 0;
351 | }
352 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
353 |
354 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHandleVBoxSVCAvailabilityChange()
355 | {
356 | /* Do nothing if VBoxSVC still availabile: */
357 | if (gpGlobalSession->isVBoxSVCAvailable())
358 | return;
359 |
360 | /* Warn user about that: */
361 | msgCenter().warnAboutVBoxSVCUnavailable();
362 |
363 | /* Power VM off: */
364 | LogRel(("GUI: Request to power VM off due to VBoxSVC is unavailable.\n"));
365 | uimachine()->powerOff(false /* do NOT restore current snapshot */);
366 | }
367 |
368 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHandleMachineInitialized()
369 | {
371 | prepareDebugger();
372 | #endif
373 | sltMachineStateChanged();
374 | sltAdditionsStateChanged();
375 | sltMouseCapabilityChanged();
376 | }
377 |
378 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeVisualStateToNormal()
379 | {
380 | uimachine()->setRequestedVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Invalid);
381 | uimachine()->asyncChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Normal);
382 | }
383 |
384 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeVisualStateToFullscreen()
385 | {
386 | uimachine()->setRequestedVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Invalid);
387 | uimachine()->asyncChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen);
388 | }
389 |
390 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeVisualStateToSeamless()
391 | {
392 | uimachine()->setRequestedVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Invalid);
393 | uimachine()->asyncChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Seamless);
394 | }
395 |
396 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeVisualStateToScale()
397 | {
398 | uimachine()->setRequestedVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Invalid);
399 | uimachine()->asyncChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Scale);
400 | }
401 |
402 | void UIMachineLogic::sltMachineStateChanged()
403 | {
404 | /* Get machine state: */
405 | KMachineState state = uimachine()->machineState();
406 |
407 | /* Update action groups: */
408 | m_pRunningActions->setEnabled(uimachine()->isRunning());
409 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->setEnabled(uimachine()->isRunning() || uimachine()->isPaused());
410 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->setEnabled(uimachine()->isRunning() || uimachine()->isPaused() || uimachine()->isStuck());
411 |
412 | switch (state)
413 | {
414 | case KMachineState_Stuck:
415 | {
416 | /* Prevent machine-view from resizing: */
417 | uimachine()->setGuestResizeIgnored(true);
418 | /* Get log-folder: */
419 | QString strLogFolder;
420 | uimachine()->acquireLogFolder(strLogFolder);
421 | /* Take the screenshot for debugging purposes: */
422 | takeScreenshot(strLogFolder + "/VBox.png", "png");
423 | /* How should we handle Guru Meditation? */
424 | switch (gEDataManager->guruMeditationHandlerType(uiCommon().managedVMUuid()))
425 | {
426 | /* Ask how to proceed; Power off VM if proposal accepted: */
427 | case GuruMeditationHandlerType_Default:
428 | {
429 | if (msgCenter().warnAboutGuruMeditation(QDir::toNativeSeparators(strLogFolder)))
430 | {
431 | LogRel(("GUI: User requested to power VM off on Guru Meditation.\n"));
432 | uimachine()->powerOff(false /* do NOT restore current snapshot */);
433 | }
434 | break;
435 | }
436 | /* Power off VM silently: */
437 | case GuruMeditationHandlerType_PowerOff:
438 | {
439 | LogRel(("GUI: Automatic request to power VM off on Guru Meditation.\n"));
440 | uimachine()->powerOff(false /* do NOT restore current snapshot */);
441 | break;
442 | }
443 | /* Just ignore it: */
444 | case GuruMeditationHandlerType_Ignore:
445 | default:
446 | break;
447 | }
448 | break;
449 | }
450 | case KMachineState_Paused:
451 | case KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM:
452 | {
453 | QAction *pPauseAction = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_T_Pause);
454 | if (!pPauseAction->isChecked())
455 | {
456 | /* Was paused from CSession side: */
457 | pPauseAction->blockSignals(true);
458 | pPauseAction->setChecked(true);
459 | pPauseAction->blockSignals(false);
460 | }
461 | break;
462 | }
463 | case KMachineState_Running:
464 | case KMachineState_Teleporting:
465 | case KMachineState_LiveSnapshotting:
466 | {
467 | QAction *pPauseAction = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_T_Pause);
468 | if (pPauseAction->isChecked())
469 | {
470 | /* Was resumed from CSession side: */
471 | pPauseAction->blockSignals(true);
472 | pPauseAction->setChecked(false);
473 | pPauseAction->blockSignals(false);
474 | }
475 | break;
476 | }
477 | case KMachineState_PoweredOff:
478 | case KMachineState_Saved:
479 | case KMachineState_Teleported:
480 | case KMachineState_Aborted:
481 | case KMachineState_AbortedSaved:
482 | {
483 | /* Spontaneous machine-state-change ('manual-override' mode): */
484 | if (!uimachine()->isManualOverrideMode())
485 | {
486 | /* For separate process: */
487 | if (uiCommon().isSeparateProcess())
488 | {
489 | LogRel(("GUI: Waiting for session to be unlocked to close Runtime UI..\n"));
490 | }
491 | /* For embedded process: */
492 | else
493 | {
494 | /* We just close Runtime UI: */
495 | LogRel(("GUI: Request to close Runtime UI because VM is powered off.\n"));
496 | uimachine()->closeRuntimeUI();
497 | return;
498 | }
499 | }
500 | break;
501 | }
502 | case KMachineState_Saving:
503 | {
504 | /* Insert a host combo release if press has been inserted: */
505 | typeHostKeyComboPressRelease(false);
506 | break;
507 | }
508 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
509 | case KMachineState_Starting:
510 | case KMachineState_Restoring:
511 | case KMachineState_TeleportingIn:
512 | {
513 | if (uiCommon().X11ServerAvailable())
514 | {
515 | /* The keyboard handler may wish to do some release logging on startup.
516 | * Tell it that the logger is now active. */
517 | doXKeyboardLogging(NativeWindowSubsystem::X11GetDisplay());
518 | }
519 | break;
520 | }
521 | #endif
522 | default:
523 | break;
524 | }
525 |
526 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
527 | /* Update Dock Overlay: */
528 | updateDockOverlay();
529 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
530 | }
531 |
532 | void UIMachineLogic::sltSessionStateChanged(const QUuid &uId, const KSessionState enmState)
533 | {
534 | /* Make sure that's our signal: */
535 | if (uId != uiCommon().managedVMUuid())
536 | return;
537 |
538 | switch (enmState)
539 | {
540 | case KSessionState_Unlocked:
541 | {
542 | /* Spontaneous machine-state-change ('manual-override' mode): */
543 | if (!uimachine()->isManualOverrideMode())
544 | {
545 | /* For separate process: */
546 | if (uiCommon().isSeparateProcess())
547 | {
548 | LogRel(("GUI: Request to close Runtime UI because session is unlocked.\n"));
549 | uimachine()->closeRuntimeUI();
550 | return;
551 | }
552 | }
553 | break;
554 | }
555 | default:
556 | break;
557 | }
558 | }
559 |
560 | void UIMachineLogic::sltAdditionsStateChanged()
561 | {
562 | /* Update action states: */
563 | LogRel3(("GUI: UIMachineLogic::sltAdditionsStateChanged: Adjusting actions availability according to GA state.\n"));
564 | actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_Seamless)->setEnabled(uimachine()->isVisualStateAllowed(UIVisualStateType_Seamless) &&
565 | uimachine()->isGuestSupportsSeamless());
566 | }
567 |
568 | void UIMachineLogic::sltMouseCapabilityChanged()
569 | {
570 | /* Variable falgs: */
571 | bool fIsMouseSupportsAbsolute = uimachine()->isMouseSupportsAbsolute();
572 | bool fIsMouseSupportsRelative = uimachine()->isMouseSupportsRelative();
573 | bool fIsMouseSupportsTouchScreen = uimachine()->isMouseSupportsTouchScreen();
574 | bool fIsMouseSupportsTouchPad = uimachine()->isMouseSupportsTouchPad();
575 | bool fIsMouseHostCursorNeeded = uimachine()->isMouseHostCursorNeeded();
576 |
577 | /* For now MT stuff is not important for MI action: */
578 | Q_UNUSED(fIsMouseSupportsTouchScreen);
579 | Q_UNUSED(fIsMouseSupportsTouchPad);
580 |
581 | /* Update action state: */
582 | QAction *pAction = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Mouse_T_Integration);
583 | pAction->setEnabled(fIsMouseSupportsAbsolute && fIsMouseSupportsRelative && !fIsMouseHostCursorNeeded);
584 | if (fIsMouseHostCursorNeeded)
585 | pAction->setChecked(true);
586 | }
587 |
588 | void UIMachineLogic::sltDisableHostScreenSaverStateChanged(bool fDisabled)
589 | {
590 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_NIX)
591 | /* Find the methods once and cache them: */
592 | if (m_methods.isEmpty())
593 | m_methods = NativeWindowSubsystem::findDBusScrenSaverInhibitMethods();
594 | NativeWindowSubsystem::toggleHostScrenSaver(fDisabled, m_methods);
595 | #elif defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
596 | NativeWindowSubsystem::setScreenSaverActive(fDisabled);
597 | #else
598 | Q_UNUSED(fDisabled);
599 | #endif
600 | }
601 |
602 | void UIMachineLogic::sltKeyboardLedsChanged()
603 | {
604 | /* Here we have to update host LED lock states using values provided by UIMachine:
605 | * [bool] uimachine() -> isNumLock(), isCapsLock(), isScrollLock() can be used for that. */
606 |
607 | if (!uimachine()->isHidLedsSyncEnabled())
608 | return;
609 |
610 | /* Check if we accidentally trying to manipulate LEDs when host LEDs state was deallocated. */
611 | if (!m_pHostLedsState)
612 | return;
613 |
614 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_MAC)
615 | DarwinHidDevicesBroadcastLeds(m_pHostLedsState, uimachine()->isNumLock(), uimachine()->isCapsLock(), uimachine()->isScrollLock());
616 | #elif defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
617 | if (!winHidLedsInSync(uimachine()->isNumLock(), uimachine()->isCapsLock(), uimachine()->isScrollLock()))
618 | {
619 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(true);
620 | WinHidDevicesBroadcastLeds(uimachine()->isNumLock(), uimachine()->isCapsLock(), uimachine()->isScrollLock());
621 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(false);
622 | }
623 | else
624 | LogRel2(("GUI: HID LEDs Sync: already in sync\n"));
625 | #else
626 | LogRelFlow(("UIMachineLogic::sltKeyboardLedsChanged: Updating host LED lock states does not supported on this platform.\n"));
627 | #endif
628 | }
629 |
630 | void UIMachineLogic::sltUSBDeviceStateChange(const CUSBDevice &device, bool fIsAttached, const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error)
631 | {
632 | /* Check if USB device have anything to tell us: */
633 | if (!error.isNull())
634 | {
635 | if (fIsAttached)
636 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAttachUSBDevice(error, usbDetails(device), machineName());
637 | else
638 | UINotificationMessage::cannotDetachUSBDevice(error, usbDetails(device), machineName());
639 | }
640 | }
641 |
642 | void UIMachineLogic::sltRuntimeError(bool fIsFatal, const QString &strErrorId, const QString &strMessage)
643 | {
644 | /* Preprocess known runtime error types: */
645 | if (strErrorId == "DrvVD_DEKMISSING")
646 | return askUserForTheDiskEncryptionPasswords();
647 | else if (strErrorId == "VMBootFail")
648 | {
649 | if (!gEDataManager->suppressedMessages().contains(gpConverter->toInternalString(UIExtraDataMetaDefs::DialogType_BootFailure)))
650 | return showBootFailureDialog();
651 | else
652 | return;
653 | }
654 |
655 | /* Determine current console state: */
656 | const bool fPaused = uimachine()->isPaused();
657 |
658 | /* Make sure machine is paused in case of fatal error: */
659 | if (fIsFatal)
660 | {
661 | Assert(fPaused);
662 | if (!fPaused)
663 | uimachine()->pause();
664 | }
665 |
666 | /* Should the default Warning type be overridden? */
667 | MessageType enmMessageType = MessageType_Warning;
668 | if (fIsFatal)
669 | enmMessageType = MessageType_Critical;
670 | else if (fPaused)
671 | enmMessageType = MessageType_Error;
672 |
673 | /* Show runtime error: */
674 | msgCenter().showRuntimeError(enmMessageType, strErrorId, strMessage);
675 |
676 | /* Postprocessing: */
677 | if (fIsFatal)
678 | {
679 | /* Power off after a fIsFatal error: */
680 | LogRel(("GUI: Automatic request to power VM off after a fatal runtime error...\n"));
681 | uimachine()->powerOff(false /* do NOT restore current snapshot */);
682 | }
683 | }
684 |
685 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
686 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowWindows()
687 | {
688 | for (int i=0; i < machineWindows().size(); ++i)
689 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(machineWindows().at(i));
690 | }
691 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
692 |
693 | void UIMachineLogic::sltGuestMonitorChange(KGuestMonitorChangedEventType, ulong, QRect)
694 | {
695 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Guest-screen count changed\n"));
696 |
697 | /* Make sure all machine-window(s) have proper geometry: */
698 | foreach (UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
699 | pMachineWindow->showInNecessaryMode();
700 |
701 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
702 | /* Update dock: */
703 | updateDock();
704 | #endif
705 | }
706 |
707 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenCountChange()
708 | {
710 | /* Customer request to skip host-screen count change: */
711 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen count change skipped\n"));
713 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen count changed\n"));
714 |
715 | /* Make sure all machine-window(s) have proper geometry: */
716 | foreach (UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
717 | pMachineWindow->showInNecessaryMode();
719 | }
720 |
721 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenGeometryChange()
722 | {
724 | /* Customer request to skip host-screen geometry change: */
725 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen geometry change skipped\n"));
727 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen geometry changed\n"));
728 |
729 | /* Make sure all machine-window(s) have proper geometry: */
730 | foreach (UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
731 | pMachineWindow->showInNecessaryMode();
733 | }
734 |
735 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenAvailableAreaChange()
736 | {
738 | /* Customer request to skip host-screen available-area change: */
739 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen available-area change skipped\n"));
741 | LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen available-area changed\n"));
742 |
743 | /* Make sure all machine-window(s) have proper geometry: */
744 | foreach (UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
745 | pMachineWindow->showInNecessaryMode();
747 | }
748 |
749 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHandleHelpRequest()
750 | {
751 | UIHelpBrowserDialog::findManualFileAndShow();
752 | }
753 |
754 | UIMachineLogic::UIMachineLogic(UIMachine *pMachine)
755 | : QObject(pMachine)
756 | , m_pMachine(pMachine)
757 | , m_pKeyboardHandler(0)
758 | , m_pMouseHandler(0)
759 | , m_pRunningActions(0)
760 | , m_pRunningOrPausedActions(0)
761 | , m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions(0)
762 | , m_pSharedClipboardActions(0)
763 | , m_pFileTransferToggleAction(0)
764 | , m_pDragAndDropActions(0)
765 | , m_fIsWindowsCreated(false)
766 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
767 | , m_fIsDockIconEnabled(true)
768 | , m_pDockIconPreview(0)
769 | , m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup(0)
770 | , m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator(0)
771 | , m_DockIconPreviewMonitor(0)
772 | , m_pDockSettingMenuAction(0)
773 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
774 | , m_pHostLedsState(NULL)
775 | , m_pLogViewerDialog(0)
776 | , m_pFileManagerDialog(0)
777 | , m_pProcessControlDialog(0)
778 | , m_pSoftKeyboardDialog(0)
779 | , m_pVMInformationDialog(0)
780 | {
781 | }
782 |
783 | UIMachineLogic::~UIMachineLogic()
784 | {
785 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_NIX)
786 | qDeleteAll(m_methods.begin(), m_methods.end());
787 | m_methods.clear();
788 | #endif
789 | }
790 |
791 | void UIMachineLogic::addMachineWindow(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow)
792 | {
793 | pMachineWindow->installEventFilter(this);
794 | m_machineWindowsList << pMachineWindow;
795 | }
796 |
797 | void UIMachineLogic::setKeyboardHandler(UIKeyboardHandler *pKeyboardHandler)
798 | {
799 | /* Set new handler: */
800 | m_pKeyboardHandler = pKeyboardHandler;
801 | /* Connect to uimachine: */
802 | connect(m_pKeyboardHandler, &UIKeyboardHandler::sigStateChange,
803 | uimachine(), &UIMachine::setKeyboardState);
804 | }
805 |
806 | void UIMachineLogic::setMouseHandler(UIMouseHandler *pMouseHandler)
807 | {
808 | /* Set new handler: */
809 | m_pMouseHandler = pMouseHandler;
810 | /* Connect to session: */
811 | connect(m_pMouseHandler, &UIMouseHandler::sigStateChange,
812 | uimachine(), &UIMachine::setMouseState);
813 | }
814 |
815 | void UIMachineLogic::sltRetranslateUI()
816 | {
817 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
818 | if (m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup)
819 | {
820 | const QList<QAction*> &actions = m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->actions();
821 | for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i)
822 | {
823 | QAction *pAction = actions.at(i);
824 | pAction->setText(QApplication::translate("UIActionPool", "Preview Monitor %1").arg(pAction->data().toInt() + 1));
825 | }
826 | }
827 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
828 | /* Shared Clipboard actions: */
829 | if (m_pSharedClipboardActions)
830 | {
831 | foreach (QAction *pAction, m_pSharedClipboardActions->actions())
832 | pAction->setText(gpConverter->toString(pAction->data().value<KClipboardMode>()));
833 | }
834 | if (m_pDragAndDropActions)
835 | {
836 | foreach (QAction *pAction, m_pDragAndDropActions->actions())
837 | pAction->setText(gpConverter->toString(pAction->data().value<KDnDMode>()));
838 | }
839 | }
840 |
841 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
842 | void UIMachineLogic::updateDockOverlay()
843 | {
844 | /* Only to an update to the realtime preview if this is enabled by the user
845 | * & we are in an state where the framebuffer is likely valid. Otherwise to
846 | * the overlay stuff only. */
847 | KMachineState state = uimachine()->machineState();
848 | if (m_fIsDockIconEnabled &&
849 | (state == KMachineState_Running ||
850 | state == KMachineState_Paused ||
851 | state == KMachineState_Teleporting ||
852 | state == KMachineState_LiveSnapshotting ||
853 | state == KMachineState_Restoring ||
854 | state == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM ||
855 | state == KMachineState_TeleportingIn ||
856 | state == KMachineState_Saving ||
857 | state == KMachineState_DeletingSnapshotOnline ||
858 | state == KMachineState_DeletingSnapshotPaused))
859 | updateDockIcon();
860 | else if (m_pDockIconPreview)
861 | m_pDockIconPreview->updateDockOverlay();
862 | }
863 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
864 |
865 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareSessionConnections()
866 | {
867 | /* We should watch for VBoxSVC availability changes: */
868 | connect(gpGlobalSession, &UIGlobalSession::sigVBoxSVCAvailabilityChange,
869 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleVBoxSVCAvailabilityChange);
870 |
871 | /* We should watch for machine UI initialization signal: */
872 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigInitialized, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleMachineInitialized);
873 |
874 | /* We should watch for requested modes: */
875 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigInitialized, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType, Qt::QueuedConnection);
876 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigAdditionsStateChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType);
877 |
878 | /* We should watch for console events: */
879 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigMachineStateChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltMachineStateChanged);
880 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigAdditionsStateActualChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltAdditionsStateChanged);
881 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigMouseCapabilityChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltMouseCapabilityChanged);
882 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigKeyboardLedsChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltKeyboardLedsChanged);
883 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigUSBDeviceStateChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltUSBDeviceStateChange);
884 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigRuntimeError, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltRuntimeError);
885 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
886 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigShowWindows, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowWindows);
887 | #endif
888 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigGuestMonitorChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltGuestMonitorChange);
889 |
890 | /* We should watch for host-screen-change events: */
891 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigHostScreenCountChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenCountChange);
892 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigHostScreenGeometryChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenGeometryChange);
893 | connect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigHostScreenAvailableAreaChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenAvailableAreaChange);
894 | }
895 |
896 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareActionGroups()
897 | {
898 | /* Create group for all actions that are enabled only when the VM is running.
899 | * Note that only actions whose enabled state depends exclusively on the
900 | * execution state of the VM are added to this group. */
901 | m_pRunningActions = new QActionGroup(this);
902 | m_pRunningActions->setExclusive(false);
903 |
904 | /* Create group for all actions that are enabled when the VM is running or paused.
905 | * Note that only actions whose enabled state depends exclusively on the
906 | * execution state of the VM are added to this group. */
907 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions = new QActionGroup(this);
908 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->setExclusive(false);
909 |
910 | /* Create group for all actions that are enabled when the VM is running or paused or stucked.
911 | * Note that only actions whose enabled state depends exclusively on the
912 | * execution state of the VM are added to this group. */
913 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions = new QActionGroup(this);
914 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->setExclusive(false);
915 |
916 | /* Move actions into running actions group: */
917 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Reset));
918 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Shutdown));
919 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_Fullscreen));
920 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_Seamless));
921 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_Scale));
922 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_GuestAutoresize));
923 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeCAD));
924 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
925 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeCABS));
926 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
927 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeCtrlBreak));
928 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeInsert));
929 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypePrintScreen));
930 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeAltPrintScreen));
931 | m_pRunningActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_T_TypeHostKeyCombo));
932 |
933 | /* Move actions into running-n-paused actions group: */
934 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Detach));
935 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_SaveState));
936 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Settings));
937 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_TakeSnapshot));
938 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_ShowInformation));
939 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_ShowFileManager));
940 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_T_Pause));
941 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_ViewPopup));
942 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
943 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_S_MinimizeWindow));
944 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
945 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_S_AdjustWindow));
946 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_S_TakeScreenshot));
947 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_Recording));
948 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_Recording_S_Settings));
949 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_Recording_T_Start));
950 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_VRDEServer));
951 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_MenuBar));
952 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_MenuBar_S_Settings));
953 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
954 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_MenuBar_T_Visibility));
955 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
956 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_StatusBar));
957 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_StatusBar_S_Settings));
958 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_StatusBar_T_Visibility));
959 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard));
960 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_Settings));
961 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_SoftKeyboard));
962 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Mouse));
963 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Mouse_T_Integration));
964 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_HardDrives));
965 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_HardDrives_S_Settings));
966 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_OpticalDevices));
967 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_FloppyDevices));
968 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Audio));
969 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Audio_T_Output));
970 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Audio_T_Output));
971 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Network));
972 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Network_S_Settings));
973 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_USBDevices));
974 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_USBDevices_S_Settings));
975 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_WebCams));
976 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_SharedClipboard));
977 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_DragAndDrop));
978 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_SharedFolders));
979 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_SharedFolders_S_Settings));
980 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_S_InsertGuestAdditionsDisk));
981 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_S_UpgradeGuestAdditions));
982 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
983 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndex_M_Window));
984 | m_pRunningOrPausedActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndex_M_Window_S_Minimize));
985 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
986 |
987 | /* Move actions into running-n-paused-n-stuck actions group: */
989 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug));
990 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_S_ShowStatistics));
991 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_S_ShowCommandLine));
992 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_T_Logging));
993 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_S_GuestControlConsole));
994 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
995 | m_pRunningOrPausedOrStuckActions->addAction(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_PowerOff));
996 | }
997 |
998 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareActionConnections()
999 | {
1000 | /* 'Application' actions connection: */
1001 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndex_M_Application_S_Preferences), &UIAction::triggered,
1002 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenPreferencesDialogDefault);
1003 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndex_M_Application_S_Close), &UIAction::triggered,
1004 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltClose);
1005 |
1006 | /* 'Machine' actions connections: */
1007 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1008 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogDefault);
1009 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_TakeSnapshot), &UIAction::triggered,
1010 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTakeSnapshot);
1011 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_ShowInformation), &UIAction::triggered,
1012 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowInformationDialog);
1013 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_ShowFileManager), &UIAction::triggered,
1014 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowFileManagerDialog);
1015 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_T_Pause), &UIAction::toggled,
1016 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltPause);
1017 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Reset), &UIAction::triggered,
1018 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltReset);
1019 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Detach), &UIAction::triggered,
1020 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltDetach, Qt::QueuedConnection);
1021 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_SaveState), &UIAction::triggered,
1022 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltSaveState, Qt::QueuedConnection);
1023 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_Shutdown), &UIAction::triggered,
1024 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShutdown);
1025 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_PowerOff), &UIAction::triggered,
1026 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltPowerOff, Qt::QueuedConnection);
1027 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine_S_ShowLogDialog), &UIAction::triggered,
1028 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowLogDialog);
1029 |
1030 | /* 'View' actions connections: */
1031 | #ifndef VBOX_WS_MAC
1032 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_S_MinimizeWindow), &UIAction::triggered,
1033 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltMinimizeActiveMachineWindow, Qt::QueuedConnection);
1034 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_MAC */
1035 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_S_AdjustWindow), &UIAction::triggered,
1036 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltAdjustMachineWindows);
1037 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_GuestAutoresize), &UIAction::toggled,
1038 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltToggleGuestAutoresize);
1039 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_S_TakeScreenshot), &UIAction::triggered,
1040 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTakeScreenshot);
1041 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_Recording_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1042 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenRecordingOptions);
1043 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_M_Recording_T_Start), &UIAction::toggled,
1044 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltToggleRecording);
1045 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_View_T_VRDEServer), &UIAction::toggled,
1046 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltToggleVRDE);
1047 |
1048 | /* 'Input' actions connections: */
1049 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1050 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowKeyboardSettings);
1051 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_SoftKeyboard), &UIAction::triggered,
1052 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowSoftKeyboard);
1053 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeCAD), &UIAction::triggered,
1054 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypeCAD);
1055 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
1056 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeCABS), &UIAction::triggered,
1057 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypeCABS);
1058 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
1059 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeCtrlBreak), &UIAction::triggered,
1060 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypeCtrlBreak);
1061 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeInsert), &UIAction::triggered,
1062 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypeInsert);
1063 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypePrintScreen), &UIAction::triggered,
1064 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypePrintScreen);
1065 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_S_TypeAltPrintScreen), &UIAction::triggered,
1066 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypeAltPrintScreen);
1067 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_T_TypeHostKeyCombo), &UIAction::toggled,
1068 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltTypeHostKeyComboPressRelease);
1069 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Mouse_T_Integration), &UIAction::toggled,
1070 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltToggleMouseIntegration);
1071 |
1072 | /* 'Devices' actions connections: */
1073 | connect(actionPool(), &UIActionPool::sigNotifyAboutMenuPrepare, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleMenuPrepare);
1074 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_HardDrives_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1075 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogStorage);
1076 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Audio_T_Output), &UIAction::toggled,
1077 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltToggleAudioOutput);
1078 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Audio_T_Input), &UIAction::toggled,
1079 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltToggleAudioInput);
1080 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Network_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1081 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogNetwork);
1082 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_USBDevices_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1083 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogUSBDevices);
1084 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_SharedFolders_S_Settings), &UIAction::triggered,
1085 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogSharedFolders);
1086 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_S_InsertGuestAdditionsDisk), &UIAction::triggered,
1087 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltInstallGuestAdditions);
1088 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_S_UpgradeGuestAdditions), &UIAction::triggered,
1089 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltInstallGuestAdditions);
1090 |
1091 | /* 'Help' menu 'Contents' action. Done here since we react differently to this action
1092 | * in manager and runtime UI: */
1093 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndex_Simple_Contents), &UIAction::triggered,
1094 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleHelpRequest);
1095 |
1097 | /* 'Debug' actions connections: */
1098 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_S_ShowStatistics), &UIAction::triggered,
1099 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowDebugStatistics);
1100 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_S_ShowCommandLine), &UIAction::triggered,
1101 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowDebugCommandLine);
1102 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_T_Logging), &UIAction::toggled,
1103 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltLoggingToggled);
1104 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_S_GuestControlConsole), &UIAction::triggered,
1105 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowGuestControlConsoleDialog);
1106 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
1107 |
1108 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1109 | /* 'Window' action connections: */
1110 | connect(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndex_M_Window_S_Minimize), &UIAction::triggered,
1111 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltMinimizeActiveMachineWindow, Qt::QueuedConnection);
1112 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
1113 | }
1114 |
1115 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareOtherConnections()
1116 | {
1117 | /* Extra-data connections: */
1118 | connect(gEDataManager, &UIExtraDataManager::sigVisualStateChange,
1119 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleVisualStateChange);
1120 |
1121 | /* UICommon connections: */
1122 | connect(&uiCommon(), &UICommon::sigAskToCommitData,
1123 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleCommitData);
1124 |
1125 | /* For separate process: */
1126 | if (uiCommon().isSeparateProcess())
1127 | {
1128 | /* Global VBox event connections: */
1129 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigSessionStateChange,
1130 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltSessionStateChanged);
1131 | }
1132 | }
1133 |
1134 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareHandlers()
1135 | {
1136 | /* Prepare menu update-handlers: */
1137 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_OpticalDevices] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesStorage;
1138 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_FloppyDevices] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesStorage;
1139 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_Network] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesNetwork;
1140 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_USBDevices] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesUSB;
1141 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_WebCams] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesWebcams;
1142 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_SharedClipboard] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesSharedClipboard;
1143 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_DragAndDrop] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesDragAndDrop;
1145 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDebug;
1146 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
1147 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1148 | m_menuUpdateHandlers[UIActionIndex_M_Window] = &UIMachineLogic::updateMenuWindow;
1149 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
1150 |
1151 | /* Create keyboard/mouse handlers: */
1152 | setKeyboardHandler(UIKeyboardHandler::create(this, visualStateType()));
1153 | setMouseHandler(UIMouseHandler::create(this, visualStateType()));
1154 | /* Update UI machine values with current: */
1155 | uimachine()->setKeyboardState(keyboardHandler()->state());
1156 | uimachine()->setMouseState(mouseHandler()->state());
1157 | }
1158 |
1159 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1160 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareDock()
1161 | {
1162 | QMenu *pDockMenu = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock)->menu();
1163 | /* Clear the menu to get rid of any previously added actions and separators: */
1164 | pDockMenu->clear();
1165 |
1166 | /* Add all the 'Machine' menu entries to the 'Dock' menu: */
1167 | QList<QAction*> actions = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine)->menu()->actions();
1168 | m_dockMachineMenuActions.clear();
1169 | for (int i=0; i < actions.size(); ++i)
1170 | {
1171 | /* Check if we really have correct action: */
1172 | UIAction *pAction = qobject_cast<UIAction*>(actions.at(i));
1173 | /* Skip incorrect actions: */
1174 | if (!pAction)
1175 | continue;
1176 | /* Skip actions which have 'role' (to prevent consuming): */
1177 | if (pAction->menuRole() != QAction::NoRole)
1178 | continue;
1179 | /* Skip actions which have menu (to prevent consuming): */
1180 | if (qobject_cast<UIActionMenu*>(pAction))
1181 | continue;
1182 | if (!pAction->isAllowed())
1183 | continue;
1184 | pDockMenu->addAction(actions.at(i));
1185 | m_dockMachineMenuActions.push_back(actions.at(i));
1186 | }
1187 | if (!m_dockMachineMenuActions.empty())
1188 | {
1189 | m_dockMachineMenuActions.push_back(pDockMenu->addSeparator());
1190 | }
1191 |
1192 | QMenu *pDockSettingsMenu = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings)->menu();
1193 | /* Clear the menu to get rid of any previously added actions and separators: */
1194 | pDockSettingsMenu->clear();
1195 | QActionGroup *pDockPreviewModeGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
1196 | QAction *pDockDisablePreview = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings_T_DisableMonitor);
1197 | pDockPreviewModeGroup->addAction(pDockDisablePreview);
1198 | QAction *pDockEnablePreviewMonitor = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings_T_PreviewMonitor);
1199 | pDockPreviewModeGroup->addAction(pDockEnablePreviewMonitor);
1200 | pDockSettingsMenu->addActions(pDockPreviewModeGroup->actions());
1201 |
1202 | connect(pDockPreviewModeGroup, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltDockPreviewModeChanged);
1203 | connect(gEDataManager, &UIExtraDataManager::sigDockIconAppearanceChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltChangeDockIconUpdate);
1204 |
1205 | /* Get dock icon disable overlay action: */
1206 | QAction *pDockIconDisableOverlay = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings_T_DisableOverlay);
1207 | /* Prepare dock icon disable overlay action with initial data: */
1208 | pDockIconDisableOverlay->setChecked(gEDataManager->dockIconDisableOverlay(uiCommon().managedVMUuid()));
1209 | /* Connect dock icon disable overlay related signals: */
1210 | connect(pDockIconDisableOverlay, &QAction::triggered, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltDockIconDisableOverlayChanged);
1211 | connect(gEDataManager, &UIExtraDataManager::sigDockIconOverlayAppearanceChange,
1212 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltChangeDockIconOverlayAppearance);
1213 | /* Add dock icon disable overlay action to the dock settings menu: */
1214 | pDockSettingsMenu->addAction(pDockIconDisableOverlay);
1215 |
1216 | /* If we have more than one visible window: */
1217 | const QList<int> visibleWindowsList = uimachine()->listOfVisibleWindows();
1218 | const int cVisibleGuestScreens = visibleWindowsList.size();
1219 | if (cVisibleGuestScreens > 1)
1220 | {
1221 | /* Add separator: */
1222 | m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator = pDockSettingsMenu->addSeparator();
1223 |
1224 | int extraDataUpdateMonitor = gEDataManager->realtimeDockIconUpdateMonitor(uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
1225 | if (visibleWindowsList.contains(extraDataUpdateMonitor))
1226 | m_DockIconPreviewMonitor = extraDataUpdateMonitor;
1227 | else
1228 | m_DockIconPreviewMonitor = visibleWindowsList.at(cVisibleGuestScreens - 1);
1229 |
1230 | m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
1231 |
1232 | /* And dock preview actions: */
1233 | for (int i = 0; i < cVisibleGuestScreens; ++i)
1234 | {
1235 | QAction *pAction = new QAction(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup);
1236 | pAction->setCheckable(true);
1237 | pAction->setData(visibleWindowsList.at(i));
1238 | if (m_DockIconPreviewMonitor == visibleWindowsList.at(i))
1239 | pAction->setChecked(true);
1240 | }
1241 | pDockSettingsMenu->addActions(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->actions());
1242 | connect(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup, &QActionGroup::triggered,
1243 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltDockPreviewMonitorChanged);
1244 | }
1245 |
1246 | m_pDockSettingMenuAction = pDockMenu->addMenu(pDockSettingsMenu);
1247 |
1248 | /* Add it to the dock: */
1249 | pDockMenu->setAsDockMenu();
1250 |
1251 | /* Now the dock icon preview: */
1252 | QPixmap pixmap;
1253 | uimachine()->acquireMachinePixmap(QSize(42, 42), pixmap);
1254 | m_pDockIconPreview = new UIDockIconPreview(uimachine(), pixmap);
1255 |
1256 | /* Should the dock-icon be updated at runtime? */
1257 | bool fEnabled = gEDataManager->realtimeDockIconUpdateEnabled(uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
1258 | if (fEnabled)
1259 | pDockEnablePreviewMonitor->setChecked(true);
1260 | else
1261 | {
1262 | pDockDisablePreview->setChecked(true);
1263 | if(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup)
1264 | m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->setEnabled(false);
1265 | }
1266 | setDockIconPreviewEnabled(fEnabled);
1267 | updateDockOverlay();
1268 | }
1269 |
1270 | void UIMachineLogic::updateDock()
1271 | {
1272 | QMenu *pDockSettingsMenu = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings)->menu();
1273 | AssertReturnVoid(pDockSettingsMenu);
1274 |
1275 | QMenu *pDockMenu = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock)->menu();
1276 | AssertReturnVoid(pDockMenu);
1277 |
1278 | /* Clean previous machine menu actions: */
1279 | for (int i=0; i < m_dockMachineMenuActions.size(); ++i)
1280 | {
1281 | pDockMenu->removeAction(m_dockMachineMenuActions.at(i));
1282 | if (m_dockMachineMenuActions.at(i)->isSeparator())
1283 | delete m_dockMachineMenuActions[i];
1284 | }
1285 | m_dockMachineMenuActions.clear();
1286 |
1287 | /* Determine the list of actions to be inserted: */
1288 | QList<QAction*> actions = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Machine)->menu()->actions();
1289 | QList<QAction*> allowedActions;
1290 | for (int i=0; i < actions.size(); ++i)
1291 | {
1292 | /* Check if we really have correct action: */
1293 | UIAction *pAction = qobject_cast<UIAction*>(actions.at(i));
1294 | /* Skip incorrect actions: */
1295 | if (!pAction)
1296 | continue;
1297 | /* Skip actions which have 'role' (to prevent consuming): */
1298 | if (pAction->menuRole() != QAction::NoRole)
1299 | continue;
1300 | /* Skip actions which have menu (to prevent consuming): */
1301 | if (qobject_cast<UIActionMenu*>(pAction))
1302 | continue;
1303 | if (!pAction->isAllowed())
1304 | continue;
1305 | allowedActions.push_back(actions.at(i));
1306 | }
1307 |
1308 | if (!allowedActions.empty())
1309 | {
1310 | QAction *pSeparator = new QAction(pDockMenu);
1311 | pSeparator->setSeparator(true);
1312 | allowedActions.push_back(pSeparator);
1313 | pDockMenu->insertActions(m_pDockSettingMenuAction, allowedActions);
1314 | m_dockMachineMenuActions = allowedActions;
1315 | }
1316 |
1317 | /* Clean the previous preview actions: */
1318 | if (m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup)
1319 | {
1320 | QList<QAction*> previewActions = m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->actions();
1321 | foreach (QAction *pAction, previewActions)
1322 | {
1323 | pDockSettingsMenu->removeAction(pAction);
1324 | m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->removeAction(pAction);
1325 | delete pAction;
1326 | }
1327 | }
1328 | const QList<int> visibleWindowsList = uimachine()->listOfVisibleWindows();
1329 | const int cVisibleGuestScreens = visibleWindowsList.size();
1330 | if (cVisibleGuestScreens > 1)
1331 | {
1332 | if (!m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup)
1333 | m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
1334 | /* Only if currently selected monitor for icon preview is not enabled: */
1335 | if (!visibleWindowsList.contains(m_DockIconPreviewMonitor))
1336 | {
1337 | int iExtraDataUpdateMonitor = gEDataManager->realtimeDockIconUpdateMonitor(uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
1338 | if (visibleWindowsList.contains(iExtraDataUpdateMonitor))
1339 | m_DockIconPreviewMonitor = iExtraDataUpdateMonitor;
1340 | else
1341 | m_DockIconPreviewMonitor = visibleWindowsList.at(cVisibleGuestScreens - 1);
1342 | }
1343 | if (!m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator)
1344 | m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator = pDockSettingsMenu->addSeparator();
1345 | for (int i=0; i < cVisibleGuestScreens; ++i)
1346 | {
1347 | QAction *pAction = new QAction(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup);
1348 | pAction->setCheckable(true);
1349 | pAction->setData(visibleWindowsList.at(i));
1350 | pAction->setText(QApplication::translate("UIActionPool", "Preview Monitor %1").arg(pAction->data().toInt() + 1));
1351 | if (m_DockIconPreviewMonitor == visibleWindowsList.at(i))
1352 | pAction->setChecked(true);
1353 | }
1354 | pDockSettingsMenu->addActions(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->actions());
1355 | connect(m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup, &QActionGroup::triggered,
1356 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltDockPreviewMonitorChanged);
1357 | }
1358 | else
1359 | {
1360 | m_DockIconPreviewMonitor = 0;
1361 | /* Remove the seperator as well: */
1362 | if (m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator)
1363 | {
1364 | pDockSettingsMenu->removeAction(m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator);
1365 | delete m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator;
1366 | m_pDockSettingsMenuSeparator = 0;
1367 | }
1368 | }
1369 | }
1370 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
1371 |
1373 | void UIMachineLogic::prepareDebugger()
1374 | {
1375 | if (uiCommon().isDebuggerAutoShowEnabled())
1376 | {
1377 | if (uiCommon().isDebuggerAutoShowStatisticsEnabled())
1378 | sltShowDebugStatistics();
1379 | if (uiCommon().isDebuggerAutoShowCommandLineEnabled())
1380 | sltShowDebugCommandLine();
1381 | }
1382 | }
1383 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
1384 |
1385 | void UIMachineLogic::loadSettings()
1386 | {
1387 | /* HID LEDs sync initialization: */
1388 | sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds();
1389 |
1390 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_NIX) || defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
1391 | connect(gEDataManager, &UIExtraDataManager::sigDisableHostScreenSaverStateChange,
1392 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltDisableHostScreenSaverStateChanged);
1393 | sltDisableHostScreenSaverStateChanged(gEDataManager->disableHostScreenSaver());
1394 | #endif
1395 | }
1396 |
1398 | void UIMachineLogic::cleanupDebugger()
1399 | {
1400 | /* Close debugger: */
1401 | uimachine()->dbgDestroy();
1402 | }
1403 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
1404 |
1405 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1406 | void UIMachineLogic::cleanupDock()
1407 | {
1408 | if (m_pDockIconPreview)
1409 | {
1410 | delete m_pDockIconPreview;
1411 | m_pDockIconPreview = 0;
1412 | }
1413 | }
1414 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
1415 |
1416 | void UIMachineLogic::cleanupHandlers()
1417 | {
1418 | /* Cleanup mouse-handler: */
1419 | UIMouseHandler::destroy(mouseHandler());
1420 |
1421 | /* Cleanup keyboard-handler: */
1422 | UIKeyboardHandler::destroy(keyboardHandler());
1423 | }
1424 |
1425 | void UIMachineLogic::cleanupSessionConnections()
1426 | {
1427 | /* We should stop watching for VBoxSVC availability changes: */
1428 | disconnect(gpGlobalSession, &UIGlobalSession::sigVBoxSVCAvailabilityChange,
1429 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleVBoxSVCAvailabilityChange);
1430 |
1431 | /* We should stop watching for machine UI initialization signal: */
1432 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigInitialized, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHandleMachineInitialized);
1433 |
1434 | /* We should stop watching for requested modes: */
1435 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigInitialized, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType);
1436 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigAdditionsStateChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType);
1437 |
1438 | /* We should stop watching for console events: */
1439 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigMachineStateChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltMachineStateChanged);
1440 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigAdditionsStateActualChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltAdditionsStateChanged);
1441 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigMouseCapabilityChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltMouseCapabilityChanged);
1442 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigKeyboardLedsChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltKeyboardLedsChanged);
1443 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigUSBDeviceStateChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltUSBDeviceStateChange);
1444 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigRuntimeError, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltRuntimeError);
1445 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1446 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigShowWindows, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltShowWindows);
1447 | #endif
1448 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigGuestMonitorChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltGuestMonitorChange);
1449 |
1450 | /* We should stop watching for host-screen-change events: */
1451 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigHostScreenCountChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenCountChange);
1452 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigHostScreenGeometryChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenGeometryChange);
1453 | disconnect(uimachine(), &UIMachine::sigHostScreenAvailableAreaChange, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltHostScreenAvailableAreaChange);
1454 | }
1455 |
1456 | bool UIMachineLogic::eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent)
1457 | {
1458 | /* Handle machine-window events: */
1459 | if (UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow = qobject_cast<UIMachineWindow*>(pWatched))
1460 | {
1461 | /* Make sure this window still registered: */
1462 | if (isMachineWindowsCreated() && m_machineWindowsList.contains(pMachineWindow))
1463 | {
1464 | switch (pEvent->type())
1465 | {
1466 | /* Handle *window activated* event: */
1467 | case QEvent::WindowActivate:
1468 | {
1469 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
1470 | /* We should save current lock states as *previous* and
1471 | * set current lock states to guest values we have,
1472 | * As we have no ipc between threads of different VMs
1473 | * we are using 100ms timer as lazy sync timout: */
1474 |
1475 | /* On Windows host we should do that only in case if sync
1476 | * is enabled. Otherwise, keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(false)
1477 | * won't be called in sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds() and guest
1478 | * will loose keyboard input forever. */
1479 | if (uimachine()->isHidLedsSyncEnabled())
1480 | {
1481 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(true);
1482 | QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds()));
1483 | }
1484 | #else /* VBOX_WS_WIN */
1485 | /* Trigger callback synchronously for now! */
1486 | sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds();
1487 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_WIN */
1488 |
1489 | /* Notify guest about VM window now has input focus. */
1490 | if (!uimachine()->notifyGuiFocusChange(true))
1491 | LogRel(("GUI: Cannot notify guest about VM window in-focus event\n"));
1492 | break;
1493 | }
1494 | /* Handle *window deactivated* event: */
1495 | case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
1496 | {
1497 | /* We should restore lock states to *previous* known: */
1498 | sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToPreviousLeds();
1499 |
1500 | /* Notify guest about VM window has lost input focus. */
1501 | if (!uimachine()->notifyGuiFocusChange(false))
1502 | LogRel(("GUI: Cannot notify guest about VM window out-of-focus event\n"));
1503 | break;
1504 | }
1505 | /* Default: */
1506 | default: break;
1507 | }
1508 | }
1509 | }
1510 | /* Call to base-class: */
1511 | return QObject::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
1512 | }
1513 |
1514 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHandleMenuPrepare(int iIndex, QMenu *pMenu)
1515 | {
1516 | /* Update if there is update-handler: */
1517 | if (m_menuUpdateHandlers.contains(iIndex))
1518 | (this->*(m_menuUpdateHandlers.value(iIndex)))(pMenu);
1519 | }
1520 |
1521 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenPreferencesDialog(const QString &strCategory /* = QString() */,
1522 | const QString &strControl /* = QString() */)
1523 | {
1524 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1525 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1526 | return;
1527 |
1528 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
1529 | if (!m_settings.contains(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global))
1530 | {
1531 | m_settings[UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global] = new UIAdvancedSettingsDialogGlobal(activeMachineWindow(),
1532 | strCategory,
1533 | strControl);
1534 | connect(m_settings[UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global], &UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::sigClose,
1535 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltClosePreferencesDialog);
1536 | const bool fSuccess = m_settings.value(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global)->load();
1537 | if (!fSuccess)
1538 | {
1539 | delete m_settings.take(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global);
1540 | return;
1541 | }
1542 | }
1543 |
1544 | /* Expose instance: */
1545 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_settings.value(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global));
1546 | }
1547 |
1548 | void UIMachineLogic::sltClosePreferencesDialog()
1549 | {
1550 | /* Remove instance if exist: */
1551 | delete m_settings.take(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Global);
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | void UIMachineLogic::sltClose()
1555 | {
1556 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1557 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1558 | return;
1559 | /* Do not close machine-window in 'manual-override' mode: */
1560 | if (uimachine()->isManualOverrideMode())
1561 | return;
1562 |
1563 | /* Try to close active machine-window: */
1564 | LogRel(("GUI: Request to close active machine-window.\n"));
1565 | activeMachineWindow()->close();
1566 | }
1567 |
1568 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialog(const QString &strCategory /* = QString() */,
1569 | const QString &strControl /* = QString()*/)
1570 | {
1571 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1572 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1573 | return;
1574 |
1575 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
1576 | if (!m_settings.contains(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine))
1577 | {
1578 | m_settings[UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine] = new UIAdvancedSettingsDialogMachine(activeMachineWindow(),
1579 | uiCommon().managedVMUuid(),
1580 | actionPool(),
1581 | strCategory,
1582 | strControl);
1583 | connect(m_settings[UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine], &UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::sigClose,
1584 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCloseSettingsDialog);
1585 | const bool fSuccess = m_settings.value(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine)->load();
1586 | if (!fSuccess)
1587 | {
1588 | delete m_settings.take(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine);
1589 | return;
1590 | }
1591 | }
1592 |
1593 | /* Expose instance: */
1594 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_settings.value(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine));
1595 | }
1596 |
1597 | void UIMachineLogic::sltCloseSettingsDialog()
1598 | {
1599 | /* Remove instance if exist: */
1600 | delete m_settings.take(UIAdvancedSettingsDialog::Type_Machine);
1601 | }
1602 |
1603 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTakeSnapshot()
1604 | {
1605 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1606 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1607 | return;
1608 |
1609 | /* First of all, we should calculate amount of immutable images: */
1610 | ulong cAmountOfImmutableMediums = 0;
1611 | uimachine()->acquireAmountOfImmutableImages(cAmountOfImmutableMediums);
1612 |
1613 | /* Create take-snapshot dialog: */
1614 | QWidget *pDlgParent = windowManager().realParentWindow(activeMachineWindow());
1615 | QPointer<UITakeSnapshotDialog> pDlg = new UITakeSnapshotDialog(pDlgParent, cAmountOfImmutableMediums);
1616 | windowManager().registerNewParent(pDlg, pDlgParent);
1617 |
1618 | /* Assign corresponding icon: */
1619 | if (uimachine()->machineWindowIcon())
1620 | pDlg->setIcon(*uimachine()->machineWindowIcon());
1621 |
1622 | /* Search for the max available filter index: */
1623 | const QString strNameTemplate = UITakeSnapshotDialog::tr("Snapshot %1");
1624 | ulong uMaxSnapshotIndex = 0;
1625 | uimachine()->acquireMaxSnapshotIndex(strNameTemplate, uMaxSnapshotIndex);
1626 | pDlg->setName(strNameTemplate.arg(++uMaxSnapshotIndex));
1627 |
1628 | /* Exec the dialog: */
1629 | const bool fDialogAccepted = pDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted;
1630 |
1631 | /* Make sure dialog still valid: */
1632 | if (!pDlg)
1633 | return;
1634 |
1635 | /* Acquire variables: */
1636 | const QString strSnapshotName = pDlg->name().trimmed();
1637 | const QString strSnapshotDescription = pDlg->description();
1638 |
1639 | /* Destroy dialog early: */
1640 | delete pDlg;
1641 |
1642 | /* Was the dialog accepted? */
1643 | if (!fDialogAccepted)
1644 | return;
1645 |
1646 | /* Take snapshot finally: */
1647 | uimachine()->takeSnapshot(strSnapshotName, strSnapshotDescription);
1648 | }
1649 |
1650 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowInformationDialog()
1651 | {
1652 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1653 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1654 | return;
1655 |
1656 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
1657 | if (!m_pVMInformationDialog)
1658 | {
1659 | m_pVMInformationDialog = new UIVMInformationDialog(actionPool());
1660 | connect(m_pVMInformationDialog, &UIVMInformationDialog::sigClose,
1661 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCloseInformationDialog);
1662 | }
1663 |
1664 | /* Expose instance: */
1665 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_pVMInformationDialog);
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 | void UIMachineLogic::sltCloseInformationDialog()
1669 | {
1670 | delete m_pVMInformationDialog;
1671 | m_pVMInformationDialog = 0;
1672 | }
1673 |
1674 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowFileManagerDialog()
1675 | {
1676 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1677 | if ( !isMachineWindowsCreated()
1678 | || !activeMachineWindow())
1679 | return;
1680 |
1681 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
1682 | if (!m_pFileManagerDialog)
1683 | {
1684 | UIFileManagerDialogFactory(actionPool(), uiCommon().managedVMUuid(), uimachine()->machineName())
1685 | .prepare(m_pFileManagerDialog, activeMachineWindow());
1686 | connect(m_pFileManagerDialog, &QIManagerDialog::sigClose,
1687 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCloseFileManagerDialog);
1688 | }
1689 |
1690 | /* Expose instance: */
1691 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_pFileManagerDialog);
1692 | }
1693 |
1694 | void UIMachineLogic::sltCloseFileManagerDialog()
1695 | {
1696 | UIFileManagerDialogFactory().cleanup(m_pFileManagerDialog);
1697 | }
1698 |
1699 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowLogDialog()
1700 | {
1701 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1702 | if ( !isMachineWindowsCreated()
1703 | || !activeMachineWindow())
1704 | return;
1705 |
1706 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
1707 | if (!m_pLogViewerDialog)
1708 | {
1709 | const QList<QUuid> machineIDs = QList<QUuid>() << uiCommon().managedVMUuid();
1710 | UIVMLogViewerDialogFactory(actionPool(), machineIDs, uimachine()->machineName())
1711 | .prepare(m_pLogViewerDialog, activeMachineWindow());
1712 | connect(m_pLogViewerDialog, &QIManagerDialog::sigClose,
1713 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCloseLogDialog);
1714 | }
1715 |
1716 | /* Expose instance: */
1717 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_pLogViewerDialog);
1718 | }
1719 |
1720 | void UIMachineLogic::sltCloseLogDialog()
1721 | {
1722 | UIVMLogViewerDialogFactory().cleanup(m_pLogViewerDialog);
1723 | }
1724 |
1725 | void UIMachineLogic::sltPause(bool fOn)
1726 | {
1727 | uimachine()->setPause(fOn);
1728 | }
1729 |
1730 | void UIMachineLogic::sltReset()
1731 | {
1732 | reset(true);
1733 | }
1734 |
1735 | void UIMachineLogic::sltDetach()
1736 | {
1737 | /* Make sure machine is in one of the allowed states: */
1738 | if (!uimachine()->isRunning() && !uimachine()->isPaused())
1739 | {
1740 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid machine-state. Action should be prohibited!"));
1741 | return;
1742 | }
1743 |
1744 | LogRel(("GUI: User requested to detach GUI.\n"));
1745 | uimachine()->detachUi();
1746 | }
1747 |
1748 | void UIMachineLogic::sltSaveState()
1749 | {
1750 | /* Make sure machine is in one of the allowed states: */
1751 | if (!uimachine()->isRunning() && !uimachine()->isPaused())
1752 | {
1753 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid machine-state. Action should be prohibited!"));
1754 | return;
1755 | }
1756 |
1757 | LogRel(("GUI: User requested to save VM state.\n"));
1758 | uimachine()->saveState();
1759 | }
1760 |
1761 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShutdown()
1762 | {
1763 | /* Make sure machine is in one of the allowed states: */
1764 | if (!uimachine()->isRunning())
1765 | {
1766 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid machine-state. Action should be prohibited!"));
1767 | return;
1768 | }
1769 |
1770 | LogRel(("GUI: User requested to shutdown VM.\n"));
1771 | uimachine()->shutdown();
1772 | }
1773 |
1774 | void UIMachineLogic::sltPowerOff()
1775 | {
1776 | /* Make sure machine is in one of the allowed states: */
1777 | if (!uimachine()->isRunning() && !uimachine()->isPaused() && !uimachine()->isStuck())
1778 | {
1779 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid machine-state. Action should be prohibited!"));
1780 | return;
1781 | }
1782 |
1783 | LogRel(("GUI: User requested to power VM off.\n"));
1784 | ulong uSnapshotCount = 0;
1785 | uimachine()->acquireSnapshotCount(uSnapshotCount);
1786 | const bool fDiscardStateOnPowerOff = gEDataManager->discardStateOnPowerOff(uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
1787 | uimachine()->powerOff(uSnapshotCount > 0 && fDiscardStateOnPowerOff);
1788 | }
1789 |
1790 | void UIMachineLogic::sltMinimizeActiveMachineWindow()
1791 | {
1792 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1793 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1794 | return;
1795 |
1796 | /* Minimize active machine-window: */
1797 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(activeMachineWindow());
1798 | activeMachineWindow()->showMinimized();
1799 | }
1800 |
1801 | void UIMachineLogic::sltAdjustMachineWindows()
1802 | {
1803 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1804 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1805 | return;
1806 |
1807 | /* Adjust all window(s)! */
1808 | foreach(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
1809 | {
1810 | /* Exit maximized window state if actual: */
1811 | if (pMachineWindow->isMaximized())
1812 | pMachineWindow->showNormal();
1813 |
1814 | /* Normalize window geometry: */
1815 | pMachineWindow->normalizeGeometry(true /* adjust position */, true /* resize window to guest display size */);
1816 | }
1817 | }
1818 |
1819 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleGuestAutoresize(bool fEnabled)
1820 | {
1821 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1822 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1823 | return;
1824 |
1825 | /* Toggle guest-autoresize feature for all view(s)! */
1826 | foreach(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
1827 | {
1828 | pMachineWindow->machineView()->setGuestAutoresizeEnabled(fEnabled);
1829 | /* Normalize machine windows if auto resize option is toggled to true. */
1830 | if (fEnabled)
1831 | {
1832 | /* Exit maximized window state if actual: */
1833 | if (pMachineWindow->isMaximized())
1834 | pMachineWindow->showNormal();
1835 |
1836 | /* Normalize window geometry: */
1837 | pMachineWindow->normalizeGeometry(true /* adjust position */, true /* resize window to guest display size */);
1838 | }
1839 | }
1840 |
1841 | /* Save value to extra-data finally: */
1842 | gEDataManager->setGuestScreenAutoResizeEnabled(fEnabled, uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
1843 | }
1844 |
1845 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTakeScreenshot()
1846 | {
1847 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1848 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1849 | return;
1850 |
1851 | /* Formatting default filename for screenshot. VM folder is the default directory to save: */
1852 | QString strSettingsFilePath;
1853 | uimachine()->acquireSettingsFilePath(strSettingsFilePath);
1854 | const QFileInfo fi(strSettingsFilePath);
1855 | const QString strCurrentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_ss");
1856 | const QString strFormatDefaultFileName = QString("VirtualBox").append("_").append(uimachine()->machineName()).append("_").append(strCurrentTime);
1857 | const QString strDefaultFileName = QDir(fi.absolutePath()).absoluteFilePath(strFormatDefaultFileName);
1858 |
1859 | /* Formatting temporary filename for screenshot. It is saved in system temporary directory if available, else in VM folder: */
1860 | QString strTempFile = QDir(fi.absolutePath()).absoluteFilePath("temp").append("_").append(strCurrentTime).append(".png");
1861 | if (QDir::temp().exists())
1862 | strTempFile = QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath("temp").append("_").append(strCurrentTime).append(".png");
1863 |
1864 | /* Do the screenshot: */
1865 | takeScreenshot(strTempFile, "png");
1866 |
1867 | /* Which image formats for writing does this Qt version know of? */
1868 | QList<QByteArray> formats = QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats();
1869 | QStringList filters;
1870 | /* Build a filters list out of it: */
1871 | for (int i = 0; i < formats.size(); ++i)
1872 | {
1873 | const QString &s = formats.at(i) + " (*." + formats.at(i).toLower() + ")";
1874 | /* Check there isn't an entry already (even if it just uses another capitalization) */
1875 | if (filters.indexOf(QRegularExpression(QRegularExpression::escape(s), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption)) == -1)
1876 | filters << s;
1877 | }
1878 | /* Try to select some common defaults: */
1879 | QString strFilter;
1880 | int i = filters.indexOf(QRegularExpression(".*png.*", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption));
1881 | if (i == -1)
1882 | {
1883 | i = filters.indexOf(QRegularExpression(".*jpe+g.*", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption));
1884 | if (i == -1)
1885 | i = filters.indexOf(QRegularExpression(".*bmp.*", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption));
1886 | }
1887 | if (i != -1)
1888 | {
1889 | filters.prepend(filters.takeAt(i));
1890 | strFilter = filters.first();
1891 | }
1892 |
1893 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
1894 | /* Due to Qt bug, modal QFileDialog appeared above the active machine-window
1895 | * does not retreive the focus from the currently focused machine-view,
1896 | * as the result guest keyboard remains captured, so we should
1897 | * clear the focus from this machine-view initially: */
1898 | if (activeMachineWindow())
1899 | activeMachineWindow()->machineView()->clearFocus();
1900 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_WIN */
1901 |
1902 | /* Request the filename from the user: */
1903 | const QString strFilename = QIFileDialog::getSaveFileName(strDefaultFileName,
1904 | filters.join(";;"),
1905 | activeMachineWindow(),
1906 | tr("Select a filename for the screenshot ..."),
1907 | &strFilter,
1908 | true /* resolve symlinks */,
1909 | true /* confirm overwrite */);
1910 |
1911 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
1912 | /* Due to Qt bug, modal QFileDialog appeared above the active machine-window
1913 | * does not retreive the focus from the currently focused machine-view,
1914 | * as the result guest keyboard remains captured, so we already
1915 | * cleared the focus from this machine-view and should return
1916 | * that focus finally: */
1917 | if (activeMachineWindow())
1918 | activeMachineWindow()->machineView()->setFocus();
1919 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_WIN */
1920 |
1921 | if (!strFilename.isEmpty())
1922 | {
1923 | const QString strFormat = strFilter.split(" ").value(0, "png");
1924 | const QImage tmpImage(strTempFile);
1925 |
1926 | /* On X11 Qt Filedialog returns the filepath without the filetype suffix, so adding it ourselves: */
1927 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
1928 | /* Add filetype suffix only if user has not added it explicitly: */
1929 | if (!strFilename.endsWith(QString(".%1").arg(strFormat)))
1930 | tmpImage.save(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QFile::encodeName(QString("%1.%2").arg(strFilename, strFormat))),
1931 | strFormat.toUtf8().constData());
1932 | else
1933 | tmpImage.save(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QFile::encodeName(strFilename)),
1934 | strFormat.toUtf8().constData());
1935 | #else /* !VBOX_WS_NIX */
1936 | QFile file(strFilename);
1937 | if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
1938 | tmpImage.save(&file, strFormat.toUtf8().constData());
1939 | #endif /* !VBOX_WS_NIX */
1940 | }
1941 | QFile::remove(strTempFile);
1942 | }
1943 |
1944 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenRecordingOptions()
1945 | {
1946 | /* Open VM settings : Display page : Recording tab: */
1947 | sltOpenSettingsDialog("#display", "m_pCheckboxVideoCapture");
1948 | }
1949 |
1950 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleRecording(bool fEnabled)
1951 | {
1952 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1953 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1954 | return;
1955 |
1956 | /* Make sure something had changed: */
1957 | bool fSettingsEnabled = false;
1958 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherRecordingSettingsEnabled(fSettingsEnabled);
1959 | if (fSettingsEnabled == fEnabled)
1960 | return;
1961 |
1962 | /* Update and save recording settings state,
1963 | * make sure action is updated in case of failure: */
1964 | if ( !uimachine()->setRecordingSettingsEnabled(fEnabled)
1965 | || !uimachine()->saveSettings())
1966 | return uimachine()->updateStateRecordingAction();
1967 | }
1968 |
1969 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleVRDE(bool fEnabled)
1970 | {
1971 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
1972 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
1973 | return;
1974 |
1975 | /* Make sure VRDE server present: */
1976 | bool fServerPresent = false;
1977 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherVRDEServerPresent(fServerPresent);
1978 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(fServerPresent,
1979 | ("VRDE server should NOT be null!\n"));
1980 |
1981 | /* Make sure something had changed: */
1982 | bool fServerEnabled = false;
1983 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherVRDEServerEnabled(fServerEnabled);
1984 | if (fServerEnabled == fEnabled)
1985 | return;
1986 |
1987 | /* Update and save VRDE server state,
1988 | * make sure action is updated in case of failure: */
1989 | if ( !uimachine()->setVRDEServerEnabled(fEnabled)
1990 | || !uimachine()->saveSettings())
1991 | return uimachine()->updateStateVRDEServerAction();
1992 | }
1993 |
1994 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowKeyboardSettings()
1995 | {
1996 | /* Global preferences: Input page: */
1997 | sltOpenPreferencesDialog("#input", "m_pMachineTable");
1998 | }
1999 |
2000 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowSoftKeyboard()
2001 | {
2002 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
2003 | if ( !isMachineWindowsCreated()
2004 | || !activeMachineWindow())
2005 | return;
2006 |
2007 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
2008 | if (!m_pSoftKeyboardDialog)
2009 | {
2010 | m_pSoftKeyboardDialog = new UISoftKeyboard(0, uimachine(), activeMachineWindow(), uimachine()->machineName());
2011 | connect(m_pSoftKeyboardDialog, &UISoftKeyboard::sigClose,
2012 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCloseSoftKeyboard);
2013 | }
2014 |
2015 | /* Expose instance: */
2016 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_pSoftKeyboardDialog);
2017 | }
2018 |
2019 | void UIMachineLogic::sltCloseSoftKeyboard()
2020 | {
2021 | delete m_pSoftKeyboardDialog;
2022 | m_pSoftKeyboardDialog = 0;
2023 | }
2024 |
2025 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypeCAD()
2026 | {
2027 | uimachine()->putCAD();
2028 | }
2029 |
2030 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
2031 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypeCABS()
2032 | {
2033 | static QVector<LONG> sequence(6);
2034 | sequence[0] = 0x1d; /* Ctrl down */
2035 | sequence[1] = 0x38; /* Alt down */
2036 | sequence[2] = 0x0E; /* Backspace down */
2037 | sequence[3] = 0x0E | 0x80; /* Backspace up */
2038 | sequence[4] = 0x38 | 0x80; /* Alt up */
2039 | sequence[5] = 0x1d | 0x80; /* Ctrl up */
2040 | uimachine()->putScancodes(sequence);
2041 | }
2042 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
2043 |
2044 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypeCtrlBreak()
2045 | {
2046 | static QVector<LONG> sequence(6);
2047 | sequence[0] = 0x1d; /* Ctrl down */
2048 | sequence[1] = 0xe0; /* Extended flag */
2049 | sequence[2] = 0x46; /* Break down */
2050 | sequence[3] = 0xe0; /* Extended flag */
2051 | sequence[4] = 0x46 | 0x80; /* Break up */
2052 | sequence[5] = 0x1d | 0x80; /* Ctrl up */
2053 | uimachine()->putScancodes(sequence);
2054 | }
2055 |
2056 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypeInsert()
2057 | {
2058 | static QVector<LONG> sequence(4);
2059 | sequence[0] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2060 | sequence[1] = 0x52; /* Insert down */
2061 | sequence[2] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2062 | sequence[3] = 0x52 | 0x80; /* Insert up */
2063 | uimachine()->putScancodes(sequence);
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypePrintScreen()
2067 | {
2068 | static QVector<LONG> sequence(8);
2069 | sequence[0] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2070 | sequence[1] = 0x2A; /* Print.. down */
2071 | sequence[2] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2072 | sequence[3] = 0x37; /* ..Screen down */
2073 | sequence[4] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2074 | sequence[5] = 0x37 | 0x80; /* ..Screen up */
2075 | sequence[6] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2076 | sequence[7] = 0x2A | 0x80; /* Print.. up */
2077 | uimachine()->putScancodes(sequence);
2078 | }
2079 |
2080 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypeAltPrintScreen()
2081 | {
2082 | static QVector<LONG> sequence(10);
2083 | sequence[0] = 0x38; /* Alt down */
2084 | sequence[1] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2085 | sequence[2] = 0x2A; /* Print.. down */
2086 | sequence[3] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2087 | sequence[4] = 0x37; /* ..Screen down */
2088 | sequence[5] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2089 | sequence[6] = 0x37 | 0x80; /* ..Screen up */
2090 | sequence[7] = 0xE0; /* Extended flag */
2091 | sequence[8] = 0x2A | 0x80; /* Print.. up */
2092 | sequence[9] = 0x38 | 0x80; /* Alt up */
2093 | uimachine()->putScancodes(sequence);
2094 | }
2095 |
2096 | void UIMachineLogic::sltTypeHostKeyComboPressRelease(bool fToggleSequence)
2097 | {
2098 | if (keyboardHandler())
2099 | keyboardHandler()->setHostKeyComboPressedFlag(fToggleSequence);
2100 | QList<unsigned> shortCodes = UIHostCombo::modifiersToScanCodes(gEDataManager->hostKeyCombination());
2101 | QVector<LONG> codes;
2102 | foreach (unsigned idxCode, shortCodes)
2103 | {
2104 | /* Check if we need to include extended code for this key: */
2105 | if (idxCode & 0x100)
2106 | codes << 0xE0;
2107 | if (fToggleSequence)
2108 | {
2109 | /* Add the press code: */
2110 | codes << (idxCode & 0x7F);
2111 | }
2112 | else
2113 | {
2114 | /* Add the release code: */
2115 | codes << ((idxCode & 0x7F) | 0x80);
2116 | }
2117 | }
2118 |
2119 | uimachine()->putScancodes(codes);
2120 | }
2121 |
2122 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleMouseIntegration(bool fEnabled)
2123 | {
2124 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
2125 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
2126 | return;
2127 |
2128 | /* Disable/Enable mouse-integration for all view(s): */
2129 | mouseHandler()->setMouseIntegrationEnabled(fEnabled);
2130 | }
2131 |
2132 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogStorage()
2133 | {
2134 | /* Machine settings: Storage page: */
2135 | sltOpenSettingsDialog("#storage");
2136 | }
2137 |
2138 | void UIMachineLogic::sltMountStorageMedium()
2139 | {
2140 | /* Sender action: */
2141 | QAction *pAction = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
2142 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pAction, ("This slot should only be called by menu action!\n"));
2143 |
2144 | /* Current mount-target: */
2145 | const UIMediumTarget target = pAction->data().value<UIMediumTarget>();
2146 |
2147 | /* Update current machine mount-target: */
2148 | uimachine()->updateMachineStorage(target, actionPool());
2149 | }
2150 |
2151 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleAudioOutput(bool fEnabled)
2152 | {
2153 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
2154 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
2155 | return;
2156 |
2157 | /* Make sure audio adapter present: */
2158 | bool fAdapterPresent = false;
2159 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAudioAdapterPresent(fAdapterPresent);
2160 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(fAdapterPresent,
2161 | ("Audio adapter should NOT be null!\n"));
2162 |
2163 | /* Make sure something had changed: */
2164 | bool fAudioOutputEnabled = false;
2165 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAudioAdapterOutputEnabled(fAudioOutputEnabled);
2166 | if (fAudioOutputEnabled == fEnabled)
2167 | return;
2168 |
2169 | /* Update and save audio adapter output state,
2170 | * make sure action is updated in case of failure: */
2171 | if ( !uimachine()->setAudioAdapterOutputEnabled(fEnabled)
2172 | || !uimachine()->saveSettings())
2173 | return uimachine()->updateStateAudioActions();
2174 | }
2175 |
2176 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleAudioInput(bool fEnabled)
2177 | {
2178 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
2179 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
2180 | return;
2181 |
2182 | /* Make sure audio adapter present: */
2183 | bool fAdapterPresent = false;
2184 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAudioAdapterPresent(fAdapterPresent);
2185 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(fAdapterPresent,
2186 | ("Audio adapter should NOT be null!\n"));
2187 |
2188 | /* Make sure something had changed: */
2189 | bool fAudioInputEnabled = false;
2190 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherAudioAdapterInputEnabled(fAudioInputEnabled);
2191 | if (fAudioInputEnabled == fEnabled)
2192 | return;
2193 |
2194 | /* Update and save audio adapter input state,
2195 | * make sure action is updated in case of failure: */
2196 | if ( !uimachine()->setAudioAdapterInputEnabled(fEnabled)
2197 | || !uimachine()->saveSettings())
2198 | return uimachine()->updateStateAudioActions();
2199 | }
2200 |
2201 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogNetwork()
2202 | {
2203 | /* Open VM settings : Network page: */
2204 | sltOpenSettingsDialog("#network");
2205 | }
2206 |
2207 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogUSBDevices()
2208 | {
2209 | /* Machine settings: Storage page: */
2210 | sltOpenSettingsDialog("#usb");
2211 | }
2212 |
2213 | void UIMachineLogic::sltOpenSettingsDialogSharedFolders()
2214 | {
2215 | /* Do not process if additions are not loaded! */
2216 | if (!uimachine()->isGuestAdditionsActive())
2217 | UINotificationMessage::remindAboutGuestAdditionsAreNotActive();
2218 |
2219 | /* Open VM settings : Shared folders page: */
2220 | sltOpenSettingsDialog("#sharedFolders");
2221 | }
2222 |
2223 | void UIMachineLogic::sltAttachUSBDevice()
2224 | {
2225 | /* Get and check sender action object: */
2226 | QAction *pAction = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
2227 | AssertMsg(pAction, ("This slot should only be called on selecting USB menu item!\n"));
2228 |
2229 | /* Get operation target: */
2230 | USBTarget target = pAction->data().value<USBTarget>();
2231 |
2232 | /* Attach USB device: */
2233 | if (target.attach)
2234 | uimachine()->attachUSBDevice(target.id);
2235 | /* Detach USB device: */
2236 | else
2237 | uimachine()->detachUSBDevice(target.id);
2238 | }
2239 |
2240 | void UIMachineLogic::sltAttachWebcamDevice()
2241 | {
2242 | /* Get and check sender action object: */
2243 | QAction *pAction = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
2244 | AssertReturnVoid(pAction);
2245 |
2246 | /* Get operation target: */
2247 | WebCamTarget target = pAction->data().value<WebCamTarget>();
2248 |
2249 | /* Attach webcam device: */
2250 | if (target.attach)
2251 | uimachine()->webcamAttach(target.path, target.name);
2252 | /* Detach webcam device: */
2253 | else
2254 | uimachine()->webcamDetach(target.path, target.name);
2255 | }
2256 |
2257 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeSharedClipboardType(QAction *pAction)
2258 | {
2259 | /* Assign new mode (without save): */
2260 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pAction);
2261 | KClipboardMode enmMode = pAction->data().value<KClipboardMode>();
2262 | uimachine()->setClipboardMode(enmMode);
2263 | /* Disable the file transfer action if clipboard transfers are disabled: */
2264 | if (m_pFileTransferToggleAction)
2265 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->setEnabled(enmMode != KClipboardMode_Disabled);
2266 | }
2267 |
2268 | void UIMachineLogic::sltFileTransferToggled(bool fChecked)
2269 | {
2270 | uimachine()->toggleClipboardFileTransfer(fChecked);
2271 | }
2272 |
2273 | void UIMachineLogic::sltToggleNetworkAdapterConnection(bool fChecked)
2274 | {
2275 | /* Get and check 'the sender' action object: */
2276 | QAction *pAction = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
2277 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(pAction, ("Sender action should NOT be null!\n"));
2278 |
2279 | /* Acquire adapter slot: */
2280 | const ulong uSlot = pAction->property("slot").toUInt();
2281 |
2282 | /* Toggle network adapter cable connection: */
2283 | uimachine()->setNetworkCableConnected(uSlot, fChecked);
2284 |
2285 | /* Save machine-settings: */
2286 | uimachine()->saveSettings();
2287 | }
2288 |
2289 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeDragAndDropType(QAction *pAction)
2290 | {
2291 | /* Assign new mode (without save): */
2292 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pAction);
2293 | uimachine()->setDnDMode(pAction->data().value<KDnDMode>());
2294 | }
2295 |
2296 | void UIMachineLogic::sltInstallGuestAdditions()
2297 | {
2298 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
2299 | if (!isMachineWindowsCreated())
2300 | return;
2301 |
2302 | bool fOnlyMount = sender() == actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_S_InsertGuestAdditionsDisk);
2303 |
2304 | /* Try to acquire default additions ISO: */
2305 | CSystemProperties comSystemProperties = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
2306 | const QString strAdditions = comSystemProperties.GetDefaultAdditionsISO();
2307 | if (comSystemProperties.isOk() && !strAdditions.isEmpty())
2308 | {
2309 | if (fOnlyMount)
2310 | return uimachine()->sltMountDVDAdHoc(strAdditions);
2311 | else
2312 | return uimachine()->sltInstallGuestAdditionsFrom(strAdditions);
2313 | }
2314 |
2315 | /* Check whether we have already registered image: */
2316 | CVirtualBox comVBox = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox();
2317 | CMediumVector comMedia = comVBox.GetDVDImages();
2318 | if (!comVBox.isOk())
2319 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireVirtualBoxParameter(comVBox);
2320 | else
2321 | {
2322 | const QString strName = QString("%1_%2.iso").arg(GUI_GuestAdditionsName, UIVersionInfo::vboxVersionStringNormalized());
2323 | foreach (const CMedium &comMedium, comMedia)
2324 | {
2325 | /* Compare the name part ignoring the file case: */
2326 | const QString strPath = comMedium.GetLocation();
2327 | if (!comMedium.isOk())
2328 | UINotificationMessage::cannotAcquireMediumParameter(comMedium);
2329 | {
2330 | const QString strFileName = QFileInfo(strPath).fileName();
2331 | if (RTPathCompare(strName.toUtf8().constData(), strFileName.toUtf8().constData()) == 0)
2332 | {
2333 | if (fOnlyMount)
2334 | return uimachine()->sltMountDVDAdHoc(strPath);
2335 | else
2336 | return uimachine()->sltInstallGuestAdditionsFrom(strPath);
2337 | }
2338 | }
2339 | }
2340 | }
2341 |
2343 | /* If downloader is running already: */
2344 | if (UINotificationDownloaderGuestAdditions::exists())
2345 | gpNotificationCenter->invoke();
2346 | /* Else propose to download additions: */
2347 | else if (msgCenter().confirmLookingForGuestAdditions())
2348 | {
2349 | /* Download guest additions: */
2350 | UINotificationDownloaderGuestAdditions *pNotification = UINotificationDownloaderGuestAdditions::instance(GUI_GuestAdditionsName);
2351 | /* After downloading finished => propose to install or just mount the guest additions: */
2352 | if (fOnlyMount)
2353 | connect(pNotification, &UINotificationDownloaderGuestAdditions::sigGuestAdditionsDownloaded,
2354 | uimachine(), &UIMachine::sltMountDVDAdHoc);
2355 | else
2356 | connect(pNotification, &UINotificationDownloaderGuestAdditions::sigGuestAdditionsDownloaded,
2357 | uimachine(), &UIMachine::sltInstallGuestAdditionsFrom);
2358 | /* Append and start notification: */
2359 | gpNotificationCenter->append(pNotification);
2360 | }
2362 | }
2363 |
2365 |
2366 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowDebugStatistics()
2367 | {
2368 | if (uimachine()->dbgCreated(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug)))
2369 | {
2370 | keyboardHandler()->setDebuggerActive();
2371 | uimachine()->dbgShowStatistics();
2372 | }
2373 | }
2374 |
2375 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowDebugCommandLine()
2376 | {
2377 | if (uimachine()->dbgCreated(actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug)))
2378 | {
2379 | keyboardHandler()->setDebuggerActive();
2380 | uimachine()->dbgShowCommandLine();
2381 | }
2382 | }
2383 |
2384 | void UIMachineLogic::sltLoggingToggled(bool fState)
2385 | {
2386 | uimachine()->setLogEnabled(fState);
2387 | }
2388 |
2389 | void UIMachineLogic::sltShowGuestControlConsoleDialog()
2390 | {
2391 | /* Do not process if window(s) missed! */
2392 | if ( !isMachineWindowsCreated()
2393 | || !activeMachineWindow())
2394 | return;
2395 |
2396 | /* Create instance if not yet created: */
2397 | if (!m_pProcessControlDialog)
2398 | {
2399 | UIGuestProcessControlDialogFactory().prepare(m_pProcessControlDialog, activeMachineWindow());
2400 | connect(m_pProcessControlDialog, &QIManagerDialog::sigClose,
2401 | this, &UIMachineLogic::sltCloseGuestControlConsoleDialog);
2402 | }
2403 |
2404 | /* Expose instance: */
2405 | UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::restoreWidget(m_pProcessControlDialog);
2406 | }
2407 |
2408 | void UIMachineLogic::sltCloseGuestControlConsoleDialog()
2409 | {
2410 | UIGuestProcessControlDialogFactory().cleanup(m_pProcessControlDialog);
2411 | }
2412 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
2413 |
2414 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
2415 | void UIMachineLogic::sltSwitchToMachineWindow()
2416 | {
2417 | /* Acquire appropriate sender action: */
2418 | const QAction *pSender = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
2419 | AssertReturnVoid(pSender);
2420 | {
2421 | /* Determine sender action index: */
2422 | const int iIndex = pSender->data().toInt();
2423 | AssertReturnVoid(iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < machineWindows().size());
2424 | {
2425 | /* Raise appropriate machine-window: */
2426 | UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow = machineWindows().at(iIndex);
2427 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pMachineWindow);
2428 | {
2429 | pMachineWindow->show();
2430 | pMachineWindow->raise();
2431 | pMachineWindow->activateWindow();
2432 | }
2433 | }
2434 | }
2435 | }
2436 |
2437 | void UIMachineLogic::sltDockPreviewModeChanged(QAction *pAction)
2438 | {
2439 | bool fEnabled = pAction != actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings_T_DisableMonitor);
2440 | gEDataManager->setRealtimeDockIconUpdateEnabled(fEnabled, uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
2441 | updateDockOverlay();
2442 | }
2443 |
2444 | void UIMachineLogic::sltDockPreviewMonitorChanged(QAction *pAction)
2445 | {
2446 | gEDataManager->setRealtimeDockIconUpdateMonitor(pAction->data().toInt(), uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
2447 | updateDockOverlay();
2448 | }
2449 |
2450 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeDockIconUpdate(bool fEnabled)
2451 | {
2452 | if (isMachineWindowsCreated())
2453 | {
2454 | setDockIconPreviewEnabled(fEnabled);
2455 | if (m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup)
2456 | {
2457 | ulong cMonitorCount = 0;
2458 | uimachine()->acquireMonitorCount(cMonitorCount);
2459 | m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup->setEnabled(fEnabled);
2460 | m_DockIconPreviewMonitor = qMin(gEDataManager->realtimeDockIconUpdateMonitor(uiCommon().managedVMUuid()),
2461 | (int)cMonitorCount - 1);
2462 | }
2463 | /* Resize the dock icon in the case the preview monitor has changed. */
2464 | QSize size = machineWindows().at(m_DockIconPreviewMonitor)->machineView()->size();
2465 | updateDockIconSize(m_DockIconPreviewMonitor, size.width(), size.height());
2466 | updateDockOverlay();
2467 | }
2468 | }
2469 |
2470 | void UIMachineLogic::sltChangeDockIconOverlayAppearance(bool fDisabled)
2471 | {
2472 | /* Update dock icon overlay: */
2473 | if (isMachineWindowsCreated())
2474 | updateDockOverlay();
2475 | /* Make sure to update dock icon disable overlay action state when 'GUI_DockIconDisableOverlay' changed from extra-data manager: */
2476 | QAction *pDockIconDisableOverlay = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Dock_M_DockSettings_T_DisableOverlay);
2477 | if (fDisabled != pDockIconDisableOverlay->isChecked())
2478 | {
2479 | /* Block signals initially to avoid recursive loop: */
2480 | pDockIconDisableOverlay->blockSignals(true);
2481 | /* Update state: */
2482 | pDockIconDisableOverlay->setChecked(fDisabled);
2483 | /* Make sure to unblock signals again: */
2484 | pDockIconDisableOverlay->blockSignals(false);
2485 | }
2486 | }
2487 |
2488 | void UIMachineLogic::sltDockIconDisableOverlayChanged(bool fDisabled)
2489 | {
2490 | /* Write dock icon disable overlay flag to extra-data: */
2491 | gEDataManager->setDockIconDisableOverlay(fDisabled, uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
2492 | }
2493 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
2494 |
2495 | void UIMachineLogic::sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds()
2496 | {
2497 | /* Due to async nature of that feature
2498 | * it can happen that this slot is called when machine-window is
2499 | * minimized or not active anymore, we should ignore those cases. */
2500 | QWidget *pActiveWindow = QApplication::activeWindow();
2501 | if ( !pActiveWindow // no window is active anymore
2502 | || !qobject_cast<UIMachineWindow*>(pActiveWindow) // window is not machine one
2503 | || pActiveWindow->isMinimized()) // window is minimized
2504 | {
2505 | LogRel2(("GUI: HID LEDs Sync: skipping sync because active window is lost or minimized!\n"));
2506 | return;
2507 | }
2508 |
2509 | // /* Log statement (printf): */
2510 | // QString strDt = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("HH:mm:ss:zzz");
2511 | // printf("%s: UIMachineLogic: sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds called, machine name is {%s}\n",
2512 | // strDt.toUtf8().constData(),
2513 | // machineName().toUtf8().constData());
2514 |
2515 | /* Here we have to store host LED lock states. */
2516 |
2517 | /* Here we have to update host LED lock states using values provided by UIMachine registry.
2518 | * [bool] uimachine() -> isNumLock(), isCapsLock(), isScrollLock() can be used for that. */
2519 |
2520 | if (!uimachine()->isHidLedsSyncEnabled())
2521 | return;
2522 |
2523 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_MAC)
2524 | if (m_pHostLedsState == NULL)
2525 | m_pHostLedsState = DarwinHidDevicesKeepLedsState();
2526 | if (m_pHostLedsState != NULL)
2527 | DarwinHidDevicesBroadcastLeds(m_pHostLedsState, uimachine()->isNumLock(), uimachine()->isCapsLock(), uimachine()->isScrollLock());
2528 | #elif defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
2529 | if (m_pHostLedsState == NULL)
2530 | m_pHostLedsState = WinHidDevicesKeepLedsState();
2531 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(true);
2532 | WinHidDevicesBroadcastLeds(uimachine()->isNumLock(), uimachine()->isCapsLock(), uimachine()->isScrollLock());
2533 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(false);
2534 | #else
2535 | LogRelFlow(("UIMachineLogic::sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToGuestLeds: keep host LED lock states and broadcast guest's ones does not supported on this platform\n"));
2536 | #endif
2537 | }
2538 |
2539 | void UIMachineLogic::sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToPreviousLeds()
2540 | {
2541 | // /* Log statement (printf): */
2542 | // QString strDt = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("HH:mm:ss:zzz");
2543 | // printf("%s: UIMachineLogic: sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToPreviousLeds called, machine name is {%s}\n",
2544 | // strDt.toUtf8().constData(),
2545 | // machineName().toUtf8().constData());
2546 |
2547 | if (!uimachine()->isHidLedsSyncEnabled())
2548 | return;
2549 |
2550 | /* Here we have to restore host LED lock states. */
2551 | void *pvLedState = m_pHostLedsState;
2552 | if (pvLedState)
2553 | {
2554 | /* bird: I've observed recursive calls here when setting m_pHostLedsState to NULL after calling
2555 | WinHidDevicesApplyAndReleaseLedsState. The result is a double free(), which the CRT
2556 | usually detects and I could see this->m_pHostLedsState == NULL. The windows function
2557 | does dispatch loop fun, that's probably the reason for it. Hopefully not an issue on OS X. */
2558 | m_pHostLedsState = NULL;
2559 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_MAC)
2560 | DarwinHidDevicesApplyAndReleaseLedsState(pvLedState);
2561 | #elif defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
2562 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(true);
2563 | WinHidDevicesApplyAndReleaseLedsState(pvLedState);
2564 | keyboardHandler()->winSkipKeyboardEvents(false);
2565 | #else
2566 | LogRelFlow(("UIMachineLogic::sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToPreviousLeds: restore host LED lock states does not supported on this platform\n"));
2567 | #endif
2568 | }
2569 | }
2570 |
2571 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHandleVisualStateChange()
2572 | {
2573 | /* Check for new requested value stored in extra-data: */
2574 | const UIVisualStateType enmRequestedState = gEDataManager->requestedVisualState(uiCommon().managedVMUuid());
2575 | /* Check whether current value OR old requested value differs from new requested one.
2576 | * That way we will NOT enter seamless mode instantly if it is already planned
2577 | * but is not entered because we're waiting for a guest addition permission. */
2578 | if ( visualStateType() != enmRequestedState
2579 | && uimachine()->requestedVisualState() != enmRequestedState)
2580 | {
2581 | switch (enmRequestedState)
2582 | {
2583 | case UIVisualStateType_Normal: return sltChangeVisualStateToNormal();
2584 | case UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen: return sltChangeVisualStateToFullscreen();
2585 | case UIVisualStateType_Seamless: return sltChangeVisualStateToSeamless();
2586 | case UIVisualStateType_Scale: return sltChangeVisualStateToScale();
2587 | default: break;
2588 | }
2589 | }
2590 | }
2591 |
2592 | void UIMachineLogic::sltHandleCommitData()
2593 | {
2595 | cleanupDebugger();
2596 | sltCloseGuestControlConsoleDialog();
2597 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
2598 | sltCloseLogDialog();
2599 | activateScreenSaver();
2600 | sltCloseFileManagerDialog();
2601 | sltCloseInformationDialog();
2602 | sltCloseSoftKeyboard();
2603 | sltSwitchKeyboardLedsToPreviousLeds();
2604 | sltCloseSettingsDialog();
2605 | sltClosePreferencesDialog();
2606 | }
2607 |
2608 | void UIMachineLogic::typeHostKeyComboPressRelease(bool fToggleSequence)
2609 | {
2610 | QAction *pHostKeyAction = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Input_M_Keyboard_T_TypeHostKeyCombo);
2611 | if (!pHostKeyAction)
2612 | return;
2613 | /* Do nothing if we try to insert host key combo press (release) and it is already in pressed (released) state: */
2614 | if (fToggleSequence == pHostKeyAction->isChecked())
2615 | return;
2616 | pHostKeyAction->toggle();
2617 | }
2618 |
2619 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesStorage(QMenu *pMenu)
2620 | {
2621 | /* Clear contents: */
2622 | pMenu->clear();
2623 |
2624 | /* Determine device-type: */
2625 | const QMenu *pOpticalDevicesMenu = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_OpticalDevices)->menu();
2626 | const QMenu *pFloppyDevicesMenu = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Devices_M_FloppyDevices)->menu();
2627 | const KDeviceType enmDeviceType = pMenu == pOpticalDevicesMenu
2628 | ? KDeviceType_DVD
2629 | : pMenu == pFloppyDevicesMenu
2630 | ? KDeviceType_Floppy
2631 | : KDeviceType_Null;
2632 | AssertMsgReturnVoid(enmDeviceType != KDeviceType_Null, ("Incorrect storage device-type!\n"));
2633 |
2634 | /* Acquire device list: */
2635 | QList<StorageDeviceInfo> guiStorageDevices;
2636 | if (!uimachine()->storageDevices(enmDeviceType, guiStorageDevices))
2637 | return;
2638 |
2639 | /* Populate menu with host storage devices: */
2640 | foreach (const StorageDeviceInfo &guiStorageDevice, guiStorageDevices)
2641 | {
2642 | /* Prepare current storage menu: */
2643 | QMenu *pStorageMenu = 0;
2644 | /* If it will be more than one storage menu: */
2645 | if (pMenu->menuAction()->data().toInt() > 1)
2646 | {
2647 | /* We have to create sub-menu for each of them: */
2648 | pStorageMenu = new QMenu(QString("%1 (%2)")
2649 | .arg(guiStorageDevice.m_strControllerName)
2650 | .arg(gpConverter->toString(guiStorageDevice.m_guiStorageSlot)),
2651 | pMenu);
2652 | pStorageMenu->setIcon(guiStorageDevice.m_icon);
2653 | pMenu->addMenu(pStorageMenu);
2654 | }
2655 | /* Otherwise just use existing one: */
2656 | else
2657 | pStorageMenu = pMenu;
2658 |
2659 | /* Fill current storage menu: */
2660 | uimachine()->prepareStorageMenu(pStorageMenu,
2661 | this, SLOT(sltMountStorageMedium()),
2662 | guiStorageDevice.m_strControllerName, guiStorageDevice.m_guiStorageSlot);
2663 | }
2664 | }
2665 |
2666 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesNetwork(QMenu *pMenu)
2667 | {
2668 | /* Determine how many adapters we should display: */
2669 | KPlatformArchitecture enmArchType = KPlatformArchitecture_None;
2670 | uimachine()->acquireArchitectureType(enmArchType);
2671 | KChipsetType enmChipsetType = KChipsetType_Null;
2672 | uimachine()->acquireChipsetType(enmChipsetType);
2673 | CPlatformProperties comProperties = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetPlatformProperties(enmArchType);
2674 | const ulong uCount = qMin((ulong)4, (ulong)comProperties.GetMaxNetworkAdapters(enmChipsetType));
2675 |
2676 | /* Enumerate existing network adapters: */
2677 | QMap<ulong, bool> adapterData;
2678 | for (ulong uSlot = 0; uSlot < uCount; ++uSlot)
2679 | {
2680 | /* Skip disabled adapters: */
2681 | bool fAdapterEnabled = false;
2682 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherNetworkAdapterEnabled(uSlot, fAdapterEnabled);
2683 | if (!fAdapterEnabled)
2684 | continue;
2685 |
2686 | /* Remember adapter data: */
2687 | bool fCableConnected = false;
2688 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherNetworkCableConnected(uSlot, fCableConnected);
2689 | adapterData.insert(uSlot, fCableConnected);
2690 | }
2691 |
2692 | /* Make sure at least one adapter was enabled: */
2693 | if (adapterData.isEmpty())
2694 | return;
2695 |
2696 | /* Add new actions: */
2697 | foreach (ulong uSlot, adapterData.keys())
2698 | {
2699 | QAction *pAction = pMenu->addAction(UIIconPool::iconSetOnOff(":/connect_on_16px.png", ":/connect_16px.png"),
2700 | adapterData.size() == 1 ? UIActionPool::tr("&Connect Network Adapter") :
2701 | UIActionPool::tr("Connect Network Adapter &%1").arg(uSlot + 1),
2702 | this, SLOT(sltToggleNetworkAdapterConnection(bool)));
2703 | pAction->setProperty("slot", (uint)uSlot);
2704 | pAction->setCheckable(true);
2705 | pAction->setChecked(adapterData.value(uSlot));
2706 | }
2707 | }
2708 |
2709 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesUSB(QMenu *pMenu)
2710 | {
2711 | /* Acquire device list: */
2712 | QList<USBDeviceInfo> guiUSBDevices;
2713 | const bool fSuccess = uimachine()->usbDevices(guiUSBDevices);
2714 |
2715 | /* If device list is empty: */
2716 | if (!fSuccess || guiUSBDevices.isEmpty())
2717 | {
2718 | /* Add only one - "empty" action: */
2719 | QAction *pEmptyMenuAction = pMenu->addAction(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/usb_unavailable_16px.png",
2720 | ":/usb_unavailable_disabled_16px.png"),
2721 | UIActionPool::tr("No USB Devices Connected"));
2722 | pEmptyMenuAction->setToolTip(UIActionPool::tr("No supported devices connected to the host PC"));
2723 | pEmptyMenuAction->setEnabled(false);
2724 | }
2725 | /* If device list is NOT empty: */
2726 | else
2727 | {
2728 | /* Populate menu with host USB devices: */
2729 | foreach (const USBDeviceInfo &guiUSBDevice, guiUSBDevices)
2730 | {
2731 | /* Create USB device action: */
2732 | QAction *pAttachUSBAction = pMenu->addAction(guiUSBDevice.m_strName,
2733 | this, SLOT(sltAttachUSBDevice()));
2734 | pAttachUSBAction->setToolTip(guiUSBDevice.m_strToolTip);
2735 | pAttachUSBAction->setCheckable(true);
2736 | pAttachUSBAction->setChecked(guiUSBDevice.m_fIsChecked);
2737 | pAttachUSBAction->setEnabled(guiUSBDevice.m_fIsEnabled);
2738 | pAttachUSBAction->setData(QVariant::fromValue(USBTarget(!pAttachUSBAction->isChecked(),
2739 | guiUSBDevice.m_uId)));
2740 | }
2741 | }
2742 | }
2743 |
2744 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesWebcams(QMenu *pMenu)
2745 | {
2746 | /* Clear contents: */
2747 | pMenu->clear();
2748 |
2749 | /* Acquire device list: */
2750 | QList<WebcamDeviceInfo> guiWebcamDevices;
2751 | const bool fSuccess = uimachine()->webcamDevices(guiWebcamDevices);
2752 |
2753 | /* If webcam list is empty: */
2754 | if (!fSuccess || guiWebcamDevices.isEmpty())
2755 | {
2756 | /* Add only one - "empty" action: */
2757 | QAction *pEmptyMenuAction = pMenu->addAction(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/web_camera_unavailable_16px.png",
2758 | ":/web_camera_unavailable_disabled_16px.png"),
2759 | UIActionPool::tr("No Webcams Connected"));
2760 | pEmptyMenuAction->setToolTip(UIActionPool::tr("No supported webcams connected to the host PC"));
2761 | pEmptyMenuAction->setEnabled(false);
2762 | }
2763 | /* If webcam list is NOT empty: */
2764 | else
2765 | {
2766 | /* Populate menu with host webcams: */
2767 | foreach (const WebcamDeviceInfo &guiWebcamDevice, guiWebcamDevices)
2768 | {
2769 | /* Create webcam device action: */
2770 | QAction *pAttachWebcamAction = pMenu->addAction(guiWebcamDevice.m_strName,
2771 | this, SLOT(sltAttachWebcamDevice()));
2772 | pAttachWebcamAction->setToolTip(guiWebcamDevice.m_strToolTip);
2773 | pAttachWebcamAction->setCheckable(true);
2774 | pAttachWebcamAction->setChecked(guiWebcamDevice.m_fIsChecked);
2775 | pAttachWebcamAction->setData(QVariant::fromValue(WebCamTarget(!pAttachWebcamAction->isChecked(),
2776 | guiWebcamDevice.m_strName,
2777 | guiWebcamDevice.m_strPath)));
2778 | }
2779 | }
2780 | }
2781 |
2782 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesSharedClipboard(QMenu *pMenu)
2783 | {
2784 | /* Acquire current clipboard mode: */
2785 | KClipboardMode enmCurrentMode = KClipboardMode_Disabled;
2786 | uimachine()->acquireClipboardMode(enmCurrentMode);
2787 |
2788 | /* First run: */
2789 | if (!m_pSharedClipboardActions)
2790 | {
2791 | /* Prepare action-group: */
2792 | m_pSharedClipboardActions = new QActionGroup(this);
2793 | /* Load currently supported Clipboard modes: */
2794 | CSystemProperties comProperties = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
2795 | QVector<KClipboardMode> clipboardModes = comProperties.GetSupportedClipboardModes();
2796 | /* Take current clipboard mode into account: */
2797 | if (!clipboardModes.contains(enmCurrentMode))
2798 | clipboardModes.prepend(enmCurrentMode);
2799 | /* Create action for all clipboard modes: */
2800 | foreach (const KClipboardMode &enmMode, clipboardModes)
2801 | {
2802 | QAction *pAction = new QAction(gpConverter->toString(enmMode), m_pSharedClipboardActions);
2803 | pMenu->addAction(pAction);
2804 | pAction->setData(QVariant::fromValue(enmMode));
2805 | pAction->setCheckable(true);
2806 | pAction->setChecked(enmMode == enmCurrentMode);
2807 | }
2808 | /* Connect action-group trigger: */
2809 | connect(m_pSharedClipboardActions, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltChangeSharedClipboardType);
2810 |
2811 | /* Separator between the radio-buttons and the check-box: */
2812 | pMenu->addSeparator();
2813 |
2814 | /* Create checkable action for special 'clipboard file transfers' feature: */
2815 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction = new QAction(UIActionPool::tr("Enable Clipboard File Transfers"));
2816 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->setCheckable(true);
2817 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->setChecked(uimachine()->isClipboardFileTransferEnabled());
2818 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->setEnabled(enmCurrentMode != KClipboardMode_Disabled);
2819 | /* pMenu takes the ownership of the m_pFileTransferToggleAction. */
2820 | pMenu->addAction(m_pFileTransferToggleAction);
2821 | connect(m_pFileTransferToggleAction, &QAction::toggled, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltFileTransferToggled);
2822 | }
2823 | /* Subsequent runs: */
2824 | else
2825 | {
2826 | if (m_pFileTransferToggleAction)
2827 | {
2828 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->blockSignals(true);
2829 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->setChecked(uimachine()->isClipboardFileTransferEnabled());
2830 | m_pFileTransferToggleAction->blockSignals(false);
2831 | }
2832 | foreach (QAction *pAction, m_pSharedClipboardActions->actions())
2833 | if (pAction->data().value<KClipboardMode>() == enmCurrentMode)
2834 | pAction->setChecked(true);
2835 | }
2836 | }
2837 |
2838 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDevicesDragAndDrop(QMenu *pMenu)
2839 | {
2840 | /* Acquire current DnD mode: */
2841 | KDnDMode enmCurrentMode = KDnDMode_Disabled;
2842 | uimachine()->acquireDnDMode(enmCurrentMode);
2843 |
2844 | /* First run: */
2845 | if (!m_pDragAndDropActions)
2846 | {
2847 | /* Prepare action-group: */
2848 | m_pDragAndDropActions = new QActionGroup(this);
2849 | /* Load currently supported DnD modes: */
2850 | CSystemProperties comProperties = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
2851 | QVector<KDnDMode> dndModes = comProperties.GetSupportedDnDModes();
2852 | /* Take current DnD mode into account: */
2853 | if (!dndModes.contains(enmCurrentMode))
2854 | dndModes.prepend(enmCurrentMode);
2855 | /* Create action for all clipboard modes: */
2856 | foreach (const KDnDMode &enmMode, dndModes)
2857 | {
2858 | QAction *pAction = new QAction(gpConverter->toString(enmMode), m_pDragAndDropActions);
2859 | pMenu->addAction(pAction);
2860 | pAction->setData(QVariant::fromValue(enmMode));
2861 | pAction->setCheckable(true);
2862 | pAction->setChecked(enmMode == enmCurrentMode);
2863 | }
2864 | /* Connect action-group trigger: */
2865 | connect(m_pDragAndDropActions, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &UIMachineLogic::sltChangeDragAndDropType);
2866 | }
2867 | /* Subsequent runs: */
2868 | else
2869 | foreach (QAction *pAction, m_pDragAndDropActions->actions())
2870 | if (pAction->data().value<KDnDMode>() == enmCurrentMode)
2871 | pAction->setChecked(true);
2872 | }
2873 |
2875 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuDebug(QMenu*)
2876 | {
2877 | bool fEnabled = false;
2878 | uimachine()->acquireWhetherLogEnabled(fEnabled);
2879 | actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_T_Logging)->blockSignals(true);
2880 | actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_T_Logging)->setChecked(fEnabled);
2881 | actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexRT_M_Debug_T_Logging)->blockSignals(false);
2882 | }
2883 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
2884 |
2885 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
2886 | void UIMachineLogic::updateMenuWindow(QMenu *pMenu)
2887 | {
2888 | /* Make sure 'Switch' action(s) are allowed: */
2889 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(actionPool());
2890 | if (actionPool()->isAllowedInMenuWindow(UIExtraDataMetaDefs::MenuWindowActionType_Switch))
2891 | {
2892 | /* Append menu with actions to switch to machine-window(s): */
2893 | foreach (UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow, machineWindows())
2894 | {
2895 | /* Create machine-window action: */
2896 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pMachineWindow);
2897 | QAction *pMachineWindowAction = pMenu->addAction(pMachineWindow->windowTitle(),
2898 | this, SLOT(sltSwitchToMachineWindow()));
2899 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pMachineWindowAction);
2900 | {
2901 | pMachineWindowAction->setCheckable(true);
2902 | pMachineWindowAction->setChecked(activeMachineWindow() == pMachineWindow);
2903 | pMachineWindowAction->setData((int)pMachineWindow->screenId());
2904 | }
2905 | }
2906 | }
2907 | }
2908 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
2909 |
2910 | void UIMachineLogic::askUserForTheDiskEncryptionPasswords()
2911 | {
2912 | /* Prepare the map of the encrypted media: */
2913 | EncryptedMediumMap encryptedMedia;
2914 | if (!uimachine()->acquireEncryptedMedia(encryptedMedia))
2915 | return;
2916 |
2917 | /* Ask for the disk encryption passwords if necessary: */
2918 | EncryptionPasswordMap encryptionPasswords;
2919 | if (!encryptedMedia.isEmpty())
2920 | {
2921 | /* Create the dialog for acquiring encryption passwords: */
2922 | QWidget *pDlgParent = windowManager().realParentWindow(activeMachineWindow());
2923 | QPointer<UIAddDiskEncryptionPasswordDialog> pDlg =
2924 | new UIAddDiskEncryptionPasswordDialog(pDlgParent,
2925 | machineName(),
2926 | encryptedMedia);
2927 | /* Execute the dialog: */
2928 | if (pDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
2929 | {
2930 | /* Acquire the passwords provided: */
2931 | encryptionPasswords = pDlg->encryptionPasswords();
2932 |
2933 | /* Delete the dialog: */
2934 | delete pDlg;
2935 |
2936 | /* Make sure the passwords were really provided: */
2937 | AssertReturnVoid(!encryptionPasswords.isEmpty());
2938 |
2939 | /* Apply the disk encryption passwords: */
2940 | foreach (const QString &strKey, encryptionPasswords.keys())
2941 | uimachine()->addEncryptionPassword(strKey,
2942 | encryptionPasswords.value(strKey),
2943 | false /* do NOT clear on suspend */);
2944 | }
2945 | else
2946 | {
2947 | /* Any modal dialog can be destroyed in own event-loop
2948 | * as a part of VM power-off procedure which closes GUI.
2949 | * So we have to check if the dialog still valid.. */
2950 |
2951 | /* If dialog still valid: */
2952 | if (pDlg)
2953 | {
2954 | /* Delete the dialog: */
2955 | delete pDlg;
2956 |
2957 | /* Propose the user to close VM: */
2958 | LogRel(("GUI: Request to close Runtime UI due to DEK was not provided.\n"));
2959 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "sltClose", Qt::QueuedConnection);
2960 | }
2961 | }
2962 | }
2963 | }
2964 |
2965 | void UIMachineLogic::takeScreenshot(const QString &strFile, const QString &strFormat /* = "png" */) const
2966 | {
2967 | /* Get console: */
2968 | ulong cMonitorCount = 0;
2969 | uimachine()->acquireMonitorCount(cMonitorCount);
2970 | QList<QImage> images;
2971 | ulong uMaxWidth = 0;
2972 | ulong uMaxHeight = 0;
2973 | /* First create screenshots of all guest screens and save them in a list.
2974 | * Also sum the width of all images and search for the biggest image height. */
2975 | for (ulong uScreenIndex = 0; uScreenIndex < cMonitorCount; ++uScreenIndex)
2976 | {
2977 | ulong uWidth = 0, uHeight = 0, uDummy = 0;
2978 | long iDummy = 0;
2979 | KGuestMonitorStatus enmDummy = KGuestMonitorStatus_Disabled;
2980 | uimachine()->acquireGuestScreenParameters(uScreenIndex, uWidth, uHeight, uDummy, iDummy, iDummy, enmDummy);
2981 | uMaxWidth += uWidth;
2982 | uMaxHeight = RT_MAX(uMaxHeight, uHeight);
2983 | QImage shot = QImage(uWidth, uHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32);
2984 | uimachine()->acquireScreenShot(uScreenIndex, shot.width(), shot.height(), KBitmapFormat_BGR0, shot.bits());
2985 | images << shot;
2986 | }
2987 | /* Create a image which will hold all sub images vertically. */
2988 | QImage bigImg = QImage(uMaxWidth, uMaxHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32);
2989 | QPainter p(&bigImg);
2990 | ULONG w = 0;
2991 | /* Paint them. */
2992 | for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
2993 | {
2994 | p.drawImage(w, 0, images.at(i));
2995 | w += images.at(i).width();
2996 | }
2997 | p.end();
2998 |
2999 | /* Save the big image in the requested format: */
3000 | const QFileInfo fi(strFile);
3001 | const QString &strPathWithoutSuffix = QDir(fi.absolutePath()).absoluteFilePath(fi.baseName());
3002 | const QString &strSuffix = fi.suffix().isEmpty() ? strFormat : fi.suffix();
3003 | bigImg.save(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QFile::encodeName(QString("%1.%2").arg(strPathWithoutSuffix, strSuffix))),
3004 | strFormat.toUtf8().constData());
3005 | }
3006 |
3007 | void UIMachineLogic::activateScreenSaver()
3008 | {
3009 | /* Do nothing if we did not de-activated the host screen saver: */
3010 | if (!gEDataManager->disableHostScreenSaver())
3011 | return;
3012 |
3013 | QVector<CMachine> machines = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetMachines();
3014 | bool fAnother = false;
3015 | for (int i = 0; i < machines.size(); ++i)
3016 | {
3017 | if (machines[i].GetState() == KMachineState_Running && machines[i].GetId() != uiCommon().managedVMUuid())
3018 | {
3019 | fAnother = true;
3020 | break;
3021 | }
3022 | }
3023 |
3024 | /* Do nothing if there are other vms running.*/
3025 | if (fAnother)
3026 | return;
3027 | sltDisableHostScreenSaverStateChanged(false);
3028 | }
3029 |
3030 | void UIMachineLogic::showBootFailureDialog()
3031 | {
3032 | UIBootFailureDialog *pBootFailureDialog = new UIBootFailureDialog(activeMachineWindow());
3033 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pBootFailureDialog);
3034 |
3035 | int iResult = pBootFailureDialog->exec(false);
3036 | QString strISOPath = pBootFailureDialog->bootMediumPath();
3037 |
3038 | delete pBootFailureDialog;
3039 |
3040 | QFileInfo bootMediumFileInfo(strISOPath);
3041 | if (bootMediumFileInfo.exists() && bootMediumFileInfo.isReadable())
3042 | uimachine()->mountBootMedium(UIMediumTools::openMedium(UIMediumDeviceType_DVD, strISOPath));
3043 |
3044 | if (iResult == static_cast<int>(UIBootFailureDialog::ReturnCode_Reset))
3045 | reset(false);
3046 | }
3047 |
3048 | void UIMachineLogic::reset(bool fShowConfirmation)
3049 | {
3050 | if ( !fShowConfirmation
3051 | || msgCenter().confirmResetMachine(machineName()))
3052 | {
3053 | const bool fSuccess = uimachine()->reset();
3054 | if (fSuccess)
3055 | {
3056 | // WORKAROUND:
3057 | // On reset the additional screens didn't get a display
3058 | // update. Emulate this for now until it get fixed. */
3059 | ulong cMonitorCount = 0;
3060 | uimachine()->acquireMonitorCount(cMonitorCount);
3061 | for (ulong uScreenId = 1; uScreenId < cMonitorCount; ++uScreenId)
3062 | machineWindows().at(uScreenId)->update();
3063 | }
3064 | }
3065 | }