1 | /* $Id: UIMediumSelector.h 103982 2024-03-21 11:43:53Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIMediumSelector class declaration.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | #ifndef FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_medium_UIMediumSelector_h
29 | #define FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_medium_UIMediumSelector_h
31 | # pragma once
32 | #endif
33 |
34 | /* GUI includes: */
35 | #include "QIMainDialog.h"
36 | #include "QIWithRetranslateUI.h"
37 | #include "QIWithRestorableGeometry.h"
38 | #include "UIMedium.h"
39 | #include "UIMediumDefs.h"
40 |
41 |
42 | /* Forward declarations: */
43 | class QAction;
44 | class QTreeWidgetItem;
45 | class QITreeWidget;
46 | class QITreeWidgetItem;
47 | class QVBoxLayout;
48 | class QIDialogButtonBox;
49 | class QIToolBar;
50 | class UIActionPool;
51 | class UIMediumItem;
52 | class UIMediumSearchWidget;
53 |
54 | /** QIDialog extension providing GUI with a dialog to select an existing medium. */
55 | class SHARED_LIBRARY_STUFF UIMediumSelector : public QIWithRetranslateUI<QIWithRestorableGeometry<QIMainDialog> >
56 | {
57 |
58 | Q_OBJECT;
59 |
60 | signals:
61 |
62 | public:
63 |
64 | UIMediumSelector(const QUuid &uCurrentMediumId, UIMediumDeviceType enmMediumType, const QString &machineName,
65 | const QString &machineSettingsFilePath, const QString &strMachineGuestOSTypeId,
66 | const QUuid &uMachineID, QWidget *pParent, UIActionPool *pActionPool);
67 | /** Disables/enables the create action and controls its visibility. */
68 | void setEnableCreateAction(bool fEnable);
69 | QList<QUuid> selectedMediumIds() const;
70 |
71 | enum ReturnCode
72 | {
73 | ReturnCode_Rejected = 0,
74 | ReturnCode_Accepted,
75 | ReturnCode_LeftEmpty,
76 | ReturnCode_Max
77 | };
78 |
79 | /** Creates and shows a UIMediumSelector dialog.
80 | * @param parent Passes the parent of the dialog,
81 | * @param enmMediumType Passes the medium type,
82 | * @param uCurrentMediumId Passes the id of the currently selected medium,
83 | * @param uSelectedMediumUuid Gets the selected medium id from selection dialog,
84 | * @param strMachineFolder Passes the machine folder,
85 | * @param strMachineName Passes the name of the machine,
86 | * @param strMachineGuestOSTypeId Passes the type ID of machine's guest os,
87 | * @param fEnableCreate Passes whether to show/enable create action in the medium selector dialog,
88 | * @param uMachineID Passes the machine UUID,
89 | * @param pActionPool Passes the action pool instance pointer,
90 | * returns the return code of the UIMediumSelector::ReturnCode as int. In case of a medium selection
91 | * UUID of the selected medium is returned in @param uSelectedMediumUuid.*/
92 | static int openMediumSelectorDialog(QWidget *pParent, UIMediumDeviceType enmMediumType, const QUuid &uCurrentMediumId,
93 | QUuid &uSelectedMediumUuid, const QString &strMachineFolder, const QString &strMachineName,
94 | const QString &strMachineGuestOSTypeId, bool fEnableCreate, const QUuid &uMachineID,
95 | UIActionPool *pActionPool);
96 |
97 | protected:
98 |
99 | /** @name Event-handling stuff.
100 | * @{ */
101 | /** Handles translation event. */
102 | virtual void retranslateUi() RT_OVERRIDE RT_FINAL;
103 | void showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE RT_FINAL;
104 | bool event(QEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE RT_FINAL;
105 | /** @} */
106 |
107 | private slots:
108 |
109 | void sltButtonLeaveEmpty();
110 | void sltButtonCancel();
111 | void sltButtonChoose();
112 | void sltAddMedium();
113 | void sltCreateMedium();
114 | void sltHandleItemSelectionChanged();
115 | void sltHandleTreeWidgetDoubleClick(QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column);
116 | void sltHandleMediumCreated(const QUuid &uMediumId);
117 | void sltHandleMediumEnumerationStart();
118 | void sltHandleMediumEnumerated();
119 | void sltHandleMediumEnumerationFinish();
120 | void sltHandleRefresh();
121 | void sltHandlePerformSearch();
122 | void sltHandleTreeContextMenuRequest(const QPoint &point);
123 | void sltHandleTreeExpandAllSignal();
124 | void sltHandleTreeCollapseAllSignal();
125 |
126 | private:
127 |
128 | /** @name Prepare/cleanup cascade.
129 | * @{ */
130 | /** Configures all. */
131 | void configure();
132 | void prepareWidgets();
133 | void prepareActions();
134 | void prepareMenuAndToolBar();
135 | void prepareConnections();
136 | /** Perform final preparations. */
137 | void finalize();
138 | /** @} */
139 |
140 | void repopulateTreeWidget();
141 | /** Disable/enable 'ok' button on the basis of having a selected item */
142 | void updateChooseButton();
143 | UIMediumItem* addTreeItem(const UIMedium &medium, QITreeWidgetItem *pParent);
144 | void restoreSelection(const QList<QUuid> &selectedMediums, QVector<UIMediumItem*> &mediumList);
145 | /** Recursively create the hard disk hierarchy under the tree widget */
146 | UIMediumItem* createHardDiskItem(const UIMedium &medium, QITreeWidgetItem *pParent);
147 | UIMediumItem* searchItem(const QTreeWidgetItem *pParent, const QUuid &mediumId);
148 | /** Remember the default foreground brush of the tree so that we can reset tree items' foreground later */
149 | void saveDefaultForeground();
150 | void selectMedium(const QUuid &uMediumID);
151 | void setTitle();
152 | void saveDialogGeometry();
153 | void loadSettings();
154 | QWidget *m_pCentralWidget;
155 | QVBoxLayout *m_pMainLayout;
156 | QITreeWidget *m_pTreeWidget;
157 | UIMediumDeviceType m_enmMediumType;
158 | QIDialogButtonBox *m_pButtonBox;
159 | QPushButton *m_pCancelButton;
160 | QPushButton *m_pChooseButton;
161 | QPushButton *m_pLeaveEmptyButton;
162 | QMenu *m_pMainMenu;
163 | QIToolBar *m_pToolBar;
164 | QAction *m_pActionAdd;
165 | QAction *m_pActionCreate;
166 | QAction *m_pActionRefresh;
167 | /** All the known media that are already attached to some vm are added under the following top level tree item */
168 | QITreeWidgetItem *m_pAttachedSubTreeRoot;
169 | /** All the known media that are not attached to any vm are added under the following top level tree item */
170 | QITreeWidgetItem *m_pNotAttachedSubTreeRoot;
171 | QWidget *m_pParent;
172 | UIMediumSearchWidget *m_pSearchWidget;
173 | /** The list all items added to tree. kept in sync. with tree to make searching easier (faster). */
174 | QList<UIMediumItem*> m_mediumItemList;
175 | /** List of items that are matching to the search. */
176 | QList<UIMediumItem*> m_mathingItemList;
177 | /** Index of the currently shown (scrolled) item in the m_mathingItemList. */
178 | int m_iCurrentShownIndex;
179 | QBrush m_defaultItemForeground;
180 | QString m_strMachineFolder;
181 | QString m_strMachineName;
182 | QString m_strMachineGuestOSTypeId;
183 | QUuid m_uMachineID;
184 | QUuid m_uCurrentMediumId;
185 | UIActionPool *m_pActionPool;
186 | int m_iGeometrySaveTimerId;
187 | };
188 |
189 | #endif /* !FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_medium_UIMediumSelector_h */