1 | /* $Id: UIToolsModel.cpp 103710 2024-03-06 16:53:27Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIToolsModel class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QGraphicsScene>
30 | #include <QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent>
31 | #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
32 | #include <QGraphicsView>
33 | #include <QScrollBar>
34 | #include <QTimer>
35 |
36 | /* GUI includes: */
37 | #include "QIMessageBox.h"
38 | #include "UIActionPoolManager.h"
39 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
40 | #include "UILoggingDefs.h"
41 | #include "UITools.h"
42 | #include "UIToolsHandlerMouse.h"
43 | #include "UIToolsHandlerKeyboard.h"
44 | #include "UIToolsModel.h"
45 | #include "UIExtraDataDefs.h"
46 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
47 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
48 | #include "UIModalWindowManager.h"
49 | #include "UIVirtualBoxManagerWidget.h"
50 | #include "UIVirtualBoxEventHandler.h"
51 |
52 | /* COM includes: */
53 | #include "CExtPack.h"
54 | #include "CExtPackManager.h"
55 |
56 | /* Qt includes: */
57 | #include <QParallelAnimationGroup>
58 |
59 | /* Type defs: */
60 | typedef QSet<QString> UIStringSet;
61 |
62 |
63 | UIToolsModel::UIToolsModel(UIToolClass enmClass, UITools *pParent)
64 | : QIWithRetranslateUI3<QObject>(pParent)
65 | , m_enmClass(enmClass)
66 | , m_pTools(pParent)
67 | , m_pScene(0)
68 | , m_pMouseHandler(0)
69 | , m_pKeyboardHandler(0)
70 | , m_fItemsEnabled(true)
71 | {
72 | prepare();
73 | }
74 |
75 | UIToolsModel::~UIToolsModel()
76 | {
77 | cleanup();
78 | }
79 |
80 | void UIToolsModel::init()
81 | {
82 | /* Update linked values: */
83 | updateLayout();
84 | updateNavigation();
85 | sltItemMinimumWidthHintChanged();
86 | sltItemMinimumHeightHintChanged();
87 |
88 | /* Load settings: */
89 | loadSettings();
90 | }
91 |
92 | UITools *UIToolsModel::tools() const
93 | {
94 | return m_pTools;
95 | }
96 |
97 | UIActionPool *UIToolsModel::actionPool() const
98 | {
99 | return tools() ? tools()->actionPool() : 0;
100 | }
101 |
102 | QGraphicsScene *UIToolsModel::scene() const
103 | {
104 | return m_pScene;
105 | }
106 |
107 | QPaintDevice *UIToolsModel::paintDevice() const
108 | {
109 | if (scene() && !scene()->views().isEmpty())
110 | return scene()->views().first();
111 | return 0;
112 | }
113 |
114 | QGraphicsItem *UIToolsModel::itemAt(const QPointF &position, const QTransform &deviceTransform /* = QTransform() */) const
115 | {
116 | return scene() ? scene()->itemAt(position, deviceTransform) : 0;
117 | }
118 |
119 | void UIToolsModel::setToolsType(UIToolType enmType)
120 | {
121 | if (!currentItem() || currentItem()->itemType() != enmType)
122 | {
123 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
124 | if (pItem->itemType() == enmType)
125 | {
126 | setCurrentItem(pItem);
127 | break;
128 | }
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 | UIToolType UIToolsModel::toolsType() const
133 | {
134 | return currentItem() ? currentItem()->itemType() : UIToolType_Invalid;
135 | }
136 |
137 | void UIToolsModel::setItemsEnabled(bool fEnabled)
138 | {
139 | if (m_fItemsEnabled != fEnabled)
140 | {
141 | m_fItemsEnabled = fEnabled;
142 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
143 | pItem->setEnabled(m_fItemsEnabled);
144 | }
145 | }
146 |
147 | bool UIToolsModel::isItemsEnabled() const
148 | {
149 | return m_fItemsEnabled;
150 | }
151 |
152 | void UIToolsModel::setRestrictedToolTypes(const QList<UIToolType> &types)
153 | {
154 | if (m_restrictedToolTypes != types)
155 | {
156 | m_restrictedToolTypes = types;
157 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
158 | pItem->setVisible(!m_restrictedToolTypes.contains(pItem->itemType()));
159 | updateLayout();
160 | updateNavigation();
161 | sltItemMinimumWidthHintChanged();
162 | sltItemMinimumHeightHintChanged();
163 | }
164 | }
165 |
166 | QList<UIToolType> UIToolsModel::restrictedToolTypes() const
167 | {
168 | return m_restrictedToolTypes;
169 | }
170 |
171 | void UIToolsModel::close()
172 | {
173 | emit sigClose();
174 | }
175 |
176 | void UIToolsModel::setCurrentItem(UIToolsItem *pItem)
177 | {
178 | /* Is there something changed? */
179 | if (m_pCurrentItem == pItem)
180 | return;
181 |
182 | /* Remember old current-item: */
183 | UIToolsItem *pOldCurrentItem = m_pCurrentItem;
184 |
185 | /* If there is item: */
186 | if (pItem)
187 | {
188 | /* Set this item as current: */
189 | m_pCurrentItem = pItem;
190 |
191 | /* Load last tool types: */
192 | UIToolType enmTypeGlobal, enmTypeMachine;
193 | loadLastToolTypes(enmTypeGlobal, enmTypeMachine);
194 |
195 | /* Depending on tool class: */
196 | switch (m_enmClass)
197 | {
198 | case UIToolClass_Global: enmTypeGlobal = m_pCurrentItem->itemType(); break;
199 | case UIToolClass_Machine: enmTypeMachine = m_pCurrentItem->itemType(); break;
200 | default: break;
201 | }
202 |
203 | /* Save selected items data: */
204 | const QList<UIToolType> currentTypes = QList<UIToolType>() << enmTypeGlobal << enmTypeMachine;
205 | LogRel2(("GUI: UIToolsModel: Saving tool items as: Global=%d, Machine=%d\n",
206 | (int)enmTypeGlobal, (int)enmTypeMachine));
207 | gEDataManager->setToolsPaneLastItemsChosen(currentTypes);
208 | }
209 | /* Otherwise reset current item: */
210 | else
211 | m_pCurrentItem = 0;
212 |
213 | /* Update old item (if any): */
214 | if (pOldCurrentItem)
215 | pOldCurrentItem->update();
216 | /* Update new item (if any): */
217 | if (m_pCurrentItem)
218 | m_pCurrentItem->update();
219 |
220 | /* Notify about selection change: */
221 | emit sigSelectionChanged(toolsType());
222 |
223 | /* Move focus to current-item: */
224 | setFocusItem(currentItem());
225 |
226 | /* Adjust corrresponding actions finally: */
227 | const UIToolType enmType = currentItem() ? currentItem()->itemType() : UIToolType_Welcome;
228 | QMap<UIToolType, UIAction*> actions;
229 | actions[UIToolType_Welcome] = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexMN_M_File_M_Tools_T_WelcomeScreen);
230 | actions[UIToolType_Extensions] = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexMN_M_File_M_Tools_T_ExtensionPackManager);
231 | actions[UIToolType_Media] = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexMN_M_File_M_Tools_T_VirtualMediaManager);
232 | actions[UIToolType_Network] = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexMN_M_File_M_Tools_T_NetworkManager);
233 | actions[UIToolType_Cloud] = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexMN_M_File_M_Tools_T_CloudProfileManager);
234 | actions[UIToolType_VMActivityOverview] = actionPool()->action(UIActionIndexMN_M_File_M_Tools_T_VMActivityOverview);
235 | if (actions.contains(enmType))
236 | actions.value(enmType)->setChecked(true);
237 | }
238 |
239 | UIToolsItem *UIToolsModel::currentItem() const
240 | {
241 | return m_pCurrentItem;
242 | }
243 |
244 | void UIToolsModel::setFocusItem(UIToolsItem *pItem)
245 | {
246 | /* Always make sure real focus unset: */
247 | scene()->setFocusItem(0);
248 |
249 | /* Is there something changed? */
250 | if (m_pFocusItem == pItem)
251 | return;
252 |
253 | /* Remember old focus-item: */
254 | UIToolsItem *pOldFocusItem = m_pFocusItem;
255 |
256 | /* If there is item: */
257 | if (pItem)
258 | {
259 | /* Set this item to focus if navigation list contains it: */
260 | if (navigationList().contains(pItem))
261 | m_pFocusItem = pItem;
262 | /* Otherwise it's error: */
263 | else
264 | AssertMsgFailed(("Passed item is not in navigation list!"));
265 | }
266 | /* Otherwise reset focus item: */
267 | else
268 | m_pFocusItem = 0;
269 |
270 | /* Disconnect old focus-item (if any): */
271 | if (pOldFocusItem)
272 | disconnect(pOldFocusItem, &UIToolsItem::destroyed, this, &UIToolsModel::sltFocusItemDestroyed);
273 | /* Connect new focus-item (if any): */
274 | if (m_pFocusItem)
275 | connect(m_pFocusItem.data(), &UIToolsItem::destroyed, this, &UIToolsModel::sltFocusItemDestroyed);
276 |
277 | /* Notify about focus change: */
278 | emit sigFocusChanged();
279 | }
280 |
281 | UIToolsItem *UIToolsModel::focusItem() const
282 | {
283 | return m_pFocusItem;
284 | }
285 |
286 | const QList<UIToolsItem*> &UIToolsModel::navigationList() const
287 | {
288 | return m_navigationList;
289 | }
290 |
291 | void UIToolsModel::removeFromNavigationList(UIToolsItem *pItem)
292 | {
293 | AssertMsg(pItem, ("Passed item is invalid!"));
294 | m_navigationList.removeAll(pItem);
295 | }
296 |
297 | void UIToolsModel::updateNavigation()
298 | {
299 | /* Clear list initially: */
300 | m_navigationList.clear();
301 |
302 | /* Enumerate the children: */
303 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
304 | if (pItem->isVisible())
305 | m_navigationList << pItem;
306 | }
307 |
308 | QList<UIToolsItem*> UIToolsModel::items() const
309 | {
310 | return m_items;
311 | }
312 |
313 | UIToolsItem *UIToolsModel::item(UIToolType enmType) const
314 | {
315 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
316 | if (pItem->itemType() == enmType)
317 | return pItem;
318 | return 0;
319 | }
320 |
321 | void UIToolsModel::updateLayout()
322 | {
323 | /* Prepare variables: */
324 | const int iMargin = data(ToolsModelData_Margin).toInt();
325 | const int iSpacing = data(ToolsModelData_Spacing).toInt();
326 | const QSize viewportSize = scene()->views()[0]->viewport()->size();
327 | const int iViewportWidth = viewportSize.width();
328 | int iVerticalIndent = iMargin;
329 |
330 | /* Layout the children: */
331 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
332 | {
333 | /* Make sure item visible: */
334 | if (!pItem->isVisible())
335 | continue;
336 |
337 | /* Set item position: */
338 | pItem->setPos(iMargin, iVerticalIndent);
339 | /* Set root-item size: */
340 | pItem->resize(iViewportWidth, pItem->minimumHeightHint());
341 | /* Make sure item is shown: */
342 | pItem->show();
343 | /* Advance vertical indent: */
344 | iVerticalIndent += (pItem->minimumHeightHint() + iSpacing);
345 | }
346 | }
347 |
348 | void UIToolsModel::sltItemMinimumWidthHintChanged()
349 | {
350 | /* Prepare variables: */
351 | const int iMargin = data(ToolsModelData_Margin).toInt();
352 |
353 | /* Calculate maximum horizontal width: */
354 | int iMinimumWidthHint = 0;
355 | iMinimumWidthHint += 2 * iMargin;
356 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
357 | iMinimumWidthHint = qMax(iMinimumWidthHint, pItem->minimumWidthHint());
358 |
359 | /* Notify listeners: */
360 | emit sigItemMinimumWidthHintChanged(iMinimumWidthHint);
361 | }
362 |
363 | void UIToolsModel::sltItemMinimumHeightHintChanged()
364 | {
365 | /* Prepare variables: */
366 | const int iMargin = data(ToolsModelData_Margin).toInt();
367 | const int iSpacing = data(ToolsModelData_Spacing).toInt();
368 |
369 | /* Calculate summary vertical height: */
370 | int iMinimumHeightHint = 0;
371 | iMinimumHeightHint += 2 * iMargin;
372 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
373 | if (pItem->isVisible())
374 | iMinimumHeightHint += (pItem->minimumHeightHint() + iSpacing);
375 | iMinimumHeightHint -= iSpacing;
376 |
377 | /* Notify listeners: */
378 | emit sigItemMinimumHeightHintChanged(iMinimumHeightHint);
379 | }
380 |
381 | bool UIToolsModel::eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent)
382 | {
383 | /* Process only scene events: */
384 | if (pWatched != scene())
385 | return QIWithRetranslateUI3<QObject>::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
386 |
387 | /* Process only item focused by model: */
388 | if (scene()->focusItem())
389 | return QIWithRetranslateUI3<QObject>::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
390 |
391 | /* Do not handle disabled items: */
392 | if (!currentItem()->isEnabled())
393 | return QIWithRetranslateUI3<QObject>::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
394 |
395 | /* Checking event-type: */
396 | switch (pEvent->type())
397 | {
398 | /* Keyboard handler: */
399 | case QEvent::KeyPress:
400 | return m_pKeyboardHandler->handle(static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(pEvent), UIKeyboardEventType_Press);
401 | case QEvent::KeyRelease:
402 | return m_pKeyboardHandler->handle(static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(pEvent), UIKeyboardEventType_Release);
403 | /* Mouse handler: */
404 | case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:
405 | return m_pMouseHandler->handle(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(pEvent), UIMouseEventType_Press);
406 | case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
407 | return m_pMouseHandler->handle(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(pEvent), UIMouseEventType_Release);
408 | /* Shut up MSC: */
409 | default: break;
410 | }
411 |
412 | /* Call to base-class: */
413 | return QIWithRetranslateUI3<QObject>::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
414 | }
415 |
416 | void UIToolsModel::retranslateUi()
417 | {
418 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, m_items)
419 | {
420 | switch (pItem->itemType())
421 | {
422 | case UIToolType_Welcome: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Welcome")); break;
423 | case UIToolType_Extensions: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Extensions")); break;
424 | case UIToolType_Media: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Media")); break;
425 | case UIToolType_Network: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Network")); break;
426 | case UIToolType_Cloud: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Cloud")); break;
427 | case UIToolType_VMActivityOverview: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Activities")); break;
428 | case UIToolType_Details: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Details")); break;
429 | case UIToolType_Snapshots: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Snapshots")); break;
430 | case UIToolType_Logs: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Logs")); break;
431 | case UIToolType_VMActivity: pItem->reconfigure(tr("Activity")); break;
432 | case UIToolType_FileManager: pItem->reconfigure(tr("File Manager")); break;
433 | default: break;
434 | }
435 | }
436 | }
437 |
438 | void UIToolsModel::sltFocusItemDestroyed()
439 | {
440 | AssertMsgFailed(("Focus item destroyed!"));
441 | }
442 |
443 | void UIToolsModel::prepare()
444 | {
445 | /* Prepare scene: */
446 | prepareScene();
447 | /* Prepare items: */
448 | prepareItems();
449 | /* Prepare handlers: */
450 | prepareHandlers();
451 | /* Apply language settings: */
452 | retranslateUi();
453 | }
454 |
455 | void UIToolsModel::prepareScene()
456 | {
457 | m_pScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
458 | if (m_pScene)
459 | m_pScene->installEventFilter(this);
460 | }
461 |
462 | void UIToolsModel::prepareItems()
463 | {
464 | /* Depending on tool class: */
465 | switch (m_enmClass)
466 | {
467 | case UIToolClass_Global:
468 | {
469 | /* Welcome: */
470 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Global, UIToolType_Welcome, QString(),
471 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/welcome_screen_24px.png",
472 | ":/welcome_screen_24px.png"));
473 |
474 | /* Extensions: */
475 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Global, UIToolType_Extensions, QString(),
476 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/extension_pack_manager_24px.png",
477 | ":/extension_pack_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
478 |
479 | /* Media: */
480 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Global, UIToolType_Media, QString(),
481 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/media_manager_24px.png",
482 | ":/media_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
483 |
484 | /* Network: */
485 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Global, UIToolType_Network, QString(),
486 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/host_iface_manager_24px.png",
487 | ":/host_iface_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
488 |
489 | /* Cloud: */
490 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Global, UIToolType_Cloud, QString(),
491 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/cloud_profile_manager_24px.png",
492 | ":/cloud_profile_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
493 |
494 | /* Activities: */
495 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Global, UIToolType_VMActivityOverview, QString(),
496 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/resources_monitor_24px.png",
497 | ":/resources_monitor_disabled_24px.png"));
498 |
499 | break;
500 | }
501 | case UIToolClass_Machine:
502 | {
503 | /* Details: */
504 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Machine, UIToolType_Details, QString(),
505 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/machine_details_manager_24px.png",
506 | ":/machine_details_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
507 |
508 | /* Snapshots: */
509 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Machine, UIToolType_Snapshots, QString(),
510 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/snapshot_manager_24px.png",
511 | ":/snapshot_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
512 |
513 | /* Logs: */
514 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Machine, UIToolType_Logs, QString(),
515 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/vm_show_logs_24px.png",
516 | ":/vm_show_logs_disabled_24px.png"));
517 |
518 | /* Activity: */
519 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Machine, UIToolType_VMActivity, QString(),
520 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/performance_monitor_24px.png",
521 | ":/performance_monitor_disabled_24px.png"));
522 |
523 | /* File Manager: */
524 | m_items << new UIToolsItem(scene(), UIToolClass_Machine, UIToolType_FileManager, QString(),
525 | UIIconPool::iconSet(":/file_manager_24px.png",
526 | ":/file_manager_disabled_24px.png"));
527 |
528 | break;
529 | }
530 | default:
531 | break;
532 | }
533 | }
534 |
535 | void UIToolsModel::prepareHandlers()
536 | {
537 | m_pMouseHandler = new UIToolsHandlerMouse(this);
538 | m_pKeyboardHandler = new UIToolsHandlerKeyboard(this);
539 | }
540 |
541 | void UIToolsModel::loadSettings()
542 | {
543 | /* Load last tool types: */
544 | UIToolType enmTypeGlobal, enmTypeMachine;
545 | loadLastToolTypes(enmTypeGlobal, enmTypeMachine);
546 |
547 | /* Depending on tool class: */
548 | UIToolsItem *pCurrentItem = 0;
549 | switch (m_enmClass)
550 | {
551 | case UIToolClass_Global:
552 | {
553 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
554 | if (pItem->itemType() == enmTypeGlobal)
555 | pCurrentItem = pItem;
556 | if (!pCurrentItem)
557 | pCurrentItem = item(UIToolType_Welcome);
558 | break;
559 | }
560 | case UIToolClass_Machine:
561 | {
562 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, items())
563 | if (pItem->itemType() == enmTypeMachine)
564 | pCurrentItem = pItem;
565 | if (!pCurrentItem)
566 | pCurrentItem = item(UIToolType_Details);
567 | break;
568 | }
569 | default:
570 | break;
571 | }
572 | setCurrentItem(pCurrentItem);
573 | }
574 |
575 | /* static */
576 | void UIToolsModel::loadLastToolTypes(UIToolType &enmTypeGlobal, UIToolType &enmTypeMachine)
577 | {
578 | /* Load selected items data: */
579 | const QList<UIToolType> data = gEDataManager->toolsPaneLastItemsChosen();
580 | enmTypeGlobal = data.value(0);
581 | if (!UIToolStuff::isTypeOfClass(enmTypeGlobal, UIToolClass_Global))
582 | enmTypeGlobal = UIToolType_Welcome;
583 | enmTypeMachine = data.value(1);
584 | if (!UIToolStuff::isTypeOfClass(enmTypeMachine, UIToolClass_Machine))
585 | enmTypeMachine = UIToolType_Details;
586 | LogRel2(("GUI: UIToolsModel: Restoring tool items as: Global=%d, Machine=%d\n",
587 | (int)enmTypeGlobal, (int)enmTypeMachine));
588 | }
589 |
590 | void UIToolsModel::cleanupHandlers()
591 | {
592 | delete m_pKeyboardHandler;
593 | m_pKeyboardHandler = 0;
594 | delete m_pMouseHandler;
595 | m_pMouseHandler = 0;
596 | }
597 |
598 | void UIToolsModel::cleanupItems()
599 | {
600 | foreach (UIToolsItem *pItem, m_items)
601 | delete pItem;
602 | m_items.clear();
603 | }
604 |
605 | void UIToolsModel::cleanupScene()
606 | {
607 | delete m_pScene;
608 | m_pScene = 0;
609 | }
610 |
611 | void UIToolsModel::cleanup()
612 | {
613 | /* Cleanup handlers: */
614 | cleanupHandlers();
615 | /* Cleanup items: */
616 | cleanupItems();
617 | /* Cleanup scene: */
618 | cleanupScene();
619 | }
620 |
621 | QVariant UIToolsModel::data(int iKey) const
622 | {
623 | /* Provide other members with required data: */
624 | switch (iKey)
625 | {
626 | /* Layout hints: */
627 | case ToolsModelData_Margin: return 0;
628 | case ToolsModelData_Spacing: return 1;
629 |
630 | /* Default: */
631 | default: break;
632 | }
633 | return QVariant();
634 | }