1 | /* $Id: UIDetailsSet.cpp 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIDetailsSet class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QPainter>
30 | #include <QStyle>
31 | #include <QStyleOptionGraphicsItem>
32 |
33 | /* GUI includes: */
34 | #include "UICommon.h"
35 | #include "UIDetailsElements.h"
36 | #include "UIDetailsModel.h"
37 | #include "UIDetailsSet.h"
38 | #include "UIMedium.h"
39 | #include "UIVirtualBoxEventHandler.h"
40 | #include "UIVirtualMachineItemCloud.h"
41 | #include "UIVirtualMachineItemLocal.h"
42 |
43 | /* COM includes: */
44 | #include "CUSBController.h"
45 | #include "CUSBDeviceFilters.h"
46 |
47 |
48 | UIDetailsSet::UIDetailsSet(UIDetailsItem *pParent)
49 | : UIDetailsItem(pParent)
50 | , m_pMachineItem(0)
51 | , m_fFullSet(true)
52 | , m_fIsLocal(true)
53 | , m_fHasDetails(false)
54 | , m_configurationAccessLevel(ConfigurationAccessLevel_Null)
55 | , m_pBuildStep(0)
56 | , m_iBackgroundDarknessStart(115)
57 | , m_iBackgroundDarknessFinal(150)
58 | {
59 | /* Add set to the parent group: */
60 | parentItem()->addItem(this);
61 |
62 | /* Prepare set: */
63 | prepareSet();
64 |
65 | /* Prepare connections: */
66 | prepareConnections();
67 | }
68 |
69 | UIDetailsSet::~UIDetailsSet()
70 | {
71 | /* Cleanup items: */
72 | clearItems();
73 |
74 | /* Remove set from the parent group: */
75 | parentItem()->removeItem(this);
76 | }
77 |
78 | void UIDetailsSet::clearSet()
79 | {
80 | /* Clear passed arguments: */
81 | m_pMachineItem = 0;
82 | m_comMachine = CMachine();
83 | m_comCloudMachine = CCloudMachine();
84 | }
85 |
86 | void UIDetailsSet::buildSet(UIVirtualMachineItem *pMachineItem, bool fFullSet, const QMap<DetailsElementType, bool> &settings)
87 | {
88 | /* Remember passed arguments: */
89 | m_pMachineItem = pMachineItem;
90 | m_fIsLocal = m_pMachineItem->itemType() == UIVirtualMachineItemType_Local;
91 | m_fHasDetails = m_pMachineItem->hasDetails();
92 | m_fFullSet = fFullSet;
93 | m_settings = settings;
94 |
95 | /* Prepare a list of types to build: */
96 | QList<DetailsElementType> types;
97 |
98 | /* Make sure we have details: */
99 | if (m_fHasDetails)
100 | {
101 | /* Special handling wrt item type: */
102 | switch (m_pMachineItem->itemType())
103 | {
104 | case UIVirtualMachineItemType_Local:
105 | {
106 | /* Get local machine: */
107 | m_comMachine = m_pMachineItem->toLocal()->machine();
108 |
109 | /* Compose a list of types to build: */
110 | if (m_fFullSet)
111 | types << DetailsElementType_General << DetailsElementType_System << DetailsElementType_Preview
112 | << DetailsElementType_Display << DetailsElementType_Storage << DetailsElementType_Audio
113 | << DetailsElementType_Network << DetailsElementType_Serial << DetailsElementType_USB
114 | << DetailsElementType_SF << DetailsElementType_UI << DetailsElementType_Description;
115 | else
116 | types << DetailsElementType_General << DetailsElementType_System << DetailsElementType_Preview;
117 |
118 | /* Take into account USB controller restrictions: */
119 | const CUSBDeviceFilters &filters = m_comMachine.GetUSBDeviceFilters();
120 | if (filters.isNull() || !m_comMachine.GetUSBProxyAvailable())
121 | m_settings.remove(DetailsElementType_USB);
122 |
123 | break;
124 | }
125 | case UIVirtualMachineItemType_CloudReal:
126 | {
127 | /* Get cloud machine: */
128 | m_comCloudMachine = m_pMachineItem->toCloud()->machine();
129 |
130 | /* Compose a list of types to build: */
131 | types << DetailsElementType_General;
132 |
133 | break;
134 | }
135 | default:
136 | break;
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | /* Cleanup if new types differs from old: */
141 | if (m_types != types)
142 | {
143 | clearItems();
144 | m_elements.clear();
145 | updateGeometry();
146 | }
147 |
148 | /* Remember new types: */
149 | m_types = types;
150 |
151 | /* Build or emit fake signal: */
152 | if (m_fHasDetails)
153 | rebuildSet();
154 | else
155 | emit sigBuildDone();
156 | }
157 |
158 | void UIDetailsSet::updateLayout()
159 | {
160 | /* Prepare variables: */
161 | const int iMargin = data(SetData_Margin).toInt();
162 | const int iSpacing = data(SetData_Spacing).toInt();
163 | const int iMaximumWidth = geometry().width();
164 | UIDetailsElement *pPreviewElement = element(DetailsElementType_Preview);
165 | const bool fPreviewVisible = pPreviewElement && pPreviewElement->isVisible();
166 | const int iPreviewWidth = fPreviewVisible ? pPreviewElement->minimumWidthHint() : 0;
167 | const int iPreviewHeight = fPreviewVisible ? pPreviewElement->minimumHeightHint() : 0;
168 | int iVerticalIndent = iMargin;
169 | int iPreviewGroupHeight = 0;
170 | bool fPreviewGroupUnfinished = fPreviewVisible;
171 | QList<UIDetailsElement*> listPreviewGroup;
172 | m_listPreviewGroup.clear();
173 | m_listOutsideGroup.clear();
174 |
175 | /* Layout all the items but Preview: */
176 | foreach (UIDetailsItem *pItem, items())
177 | {
178 | /* Make sure item exists: */
179 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pItem);
180 | /* Skip item if hidden: */
181 | if (!pItem->isVisible())
182 | continue;
183 |
184 | /* Acquire element type: */
185 | UIDetailsElement *pElement = pItem->toElement();
186 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pElement);
187 | const DetailsElementType enmElementType = pElement->elementType();
188 | /* Skip Preview element: */
189 | if (enmElementType == DetailsElementType_Preview)
190 | continue;
191 |
192 | /* Calculate element size: */
193 | QSizeF elementSize;
194 |
195 | /* If we haven't finished filling Preview group: */
196 | if (fPreviewGroupUnfinished)
197 | {
198 | /* For Preview group we have limited element width: */
199 | elementSize.setWidth(iMaximumWidth - (iSpacing + iPreviewWidth));
200 | /* Resize element to width to get corresponding height: */
201 | pElement->resize(elementSize.width(), pElement->geometry().height());
202 | /* Now we can get element height based on width above: */
203 | elementSize.setHeight(pElement->minimumHeightHint());
204 | /* Resize element to height based on width above: */
205 | pElement->resize(pElement->geometry().width(), elementSize.height());
206 |
207 | /* Calculate remaining vertical space: */
208 | const int iRemainingSpace = (iPreviewHeight + iSpacing) - iPreviewGroupHeight;
209 |
210 | /* If last element height is at least two times taller than the remaining space: */
211 | if (elementSize.height() / 2 > iRemainingSpace)
212 | {
213 | /* We should stop filling Preview group now: */
214 | fPreviewGroupUnfinished = false;
215 |
216 | /* Advance indent only if there is remaining space at all: */
217 | if (iRemainingSpace > 0)
218 | iVerticalIndent += iRemainingSpace;
219 | }
220 | /* Otherwise last element can still be inserted to Preview group: */
221 | else
222 | {
223 | /* Advance Preview group height: */
224 | iPreviewGroupHeight += (elementSize.height() + iSpacing);
225 | /* Append last Preview group element: */
226 | listPreviewGroup << pElement;
227 | m_listPreviewGroup << enmElementType;
228 | }
229 | }
230 |
231 | /* If we have finished filling Preview group: */
232 | if (!fPreviewGroupUnfinished)
233 | {
234 | /* Calculate element width: */
235 | elementSize.setWidth(iMaximumWidth);
236 | /* Resize element to width to get corresponding height: */
237 | pElement->resize(elementSize.width(), pElement->geometry().height());
238 | /* Now we can get element height based on width above: */
239 | elementSize.setHeight(pElement->minimumHeightHint());
240 | /* Resize element to height based on width above: */
241 | pElement->resize(pElement->geometry().width(), elementSize.height());
242 | /* Append last Outside group element: */
243 | m_listOutsideGroup << enmElementType;
244 | }
245 |
246 | /* Move element: */
247 | pElement->setPos(0, iVerticalIndent);
248 | /* Layout element content: */
249 | pElement->updateLayout();
250 |
251 | /* Advance indent: */
252 | iVerticalIndent += (elementSize.height() + iSpacing);
253 | }
254 |
255 | /* Make sure last opened Preview group item, if exists, consumes rest of vertical space: */
256 | if (!listPreviewGroup.isEmpty())
257 | {
258 | /* Calculate remaining vertical space: */
259 | const int iRemainingSpace = (iPreviewHeight + iSpacing) - iPreviewGroupHeight;
260 | if (iRemainingSpace > 0)
261 | {
262 | /* Look for last opened element: */
263 | int iLastOpenedElement = -1;
264 | foreach (UIDetailsElement *pElement, listPreviewGroup)
265 | if (pElement->isOpened())
266 | iLastOpenedElement = listPreviewGroup.indexOf(pElement);
267 |
268 | /* If at least one is opened: */
269 | if (iLastOpenedElement != -1)
270 | {
271 | /* Resize element to width to get corresponding height: */
272 | UIDetailsElement *pFoundOne = listPreviewGroup.at(iLastOpenedElement);
273 | pFoundOne->resize(pFoundOne->geometry().width(), pFoundOne->geometry().height() + iRemainingSpace);
274 |
275 | /* Adjust subsequent element positions: */
276 | for (int i = iLastOpenedElement + 1; i < listPreviewGroup.size(); ++i)
277 | {
278 | UIDetailsElement *pIteratedOne = listPreviewGroup.at(i);
279 | pIteratedOne->setPos(pIteratedOne->geometry().x(), pIteratedOne->geometry().y() + iRemainingSpace);
280 | }
281 |
282 | /* Layout element content: */
283 | pFoundOne->updateLayout();
284 | }
285 | }
286 | }
287 |
288 | /* If Preview exists: */
289 | if (fPreviewVisible)
290 | {
291 | /* Align it to the right corner if there is at least one element in the Preview group.
292 | * Otherwise we can put it to the left corner to be able to take whole the space. */
293 | if (!listPreviewGroup.isEmpty())
294 | pPreviewElement->setPos(iMaximumWidth - iPreviewWidth, iMargin);
295 | else
296 | pPreviewElement->setPos(0, iMargin);
297 |
298 | /* Resize it to it's size if there is at least one element in the Preview group.
299 | * Otherwise we can take whole the horizontal space we have. */
300 | int iWidth = iPreviewWidth;
301 | int iHeight = iPreviewHeight;
302 | if (listPreviewGroup.isEmpty())
303 | iWidth = iMaximumWidth;
304 | if (!pPreviewElement->isAnimationRunning() && !pPreviewElement->isClosed())
305 | iHeight += iPreviewGroupHeight - (iPreviewHeight + iSpacing);
306 | pPreviewElement->resize(iWidth, iHeight);
307 |
308 | /* Layout element content: */
309 | pPreviewElement->updateLayout();
310 | }
311 |
312 | /* Set layout update procedure cause hints to be invalidated,
313 | * so we have to update geometry to recalculate them: */
314 | updateGeometry();
315 | }
316 |
317 | void UIDetailsSet::sltBuildStep(const QUuid &uStepId, int iStepNumber)
318 | {
319 | /* Cleanup build-step: */
320 | delete m_pBuildStep;
321 | m_pBuildStep = 0;
322 |
323 | /* Is step id valid? */
324 | if (uStepId != m_uSetId)
325 | return;
326 |
327 | /* Step number feats the bounds: */
328 | if (iStepNumber >= 0 && iStepNumber < m_types.size())
329 | {
330 | /* Load details settings: */
331 | const DetailsElementType enmElementType = m_types.at(iStepNumber);
332 | /* Should the element be visible? */
333 | bool fVisible = m_settings.contains(enmElementType);
334 | /* Should the element be opened? */
335 | bool fOpen = fVisible && m_settings[enmElementType];
336 |
337 | /* Check if element is present already: */
338 | UIDetailsElement *pElement = element(enmElementType);
339 | if (pElement && fOpen)
340 | pElement->open(false);
341 | /* Create element if necessary: */
342 | bool fJustCreated = false;
343 | if (!pElement)
344 | {
345 | fJustCreated = true;
346 | pElement = createElement(enmElementType, fOpen);
347 | }
348 |
349 | /* Show element if necessary: */
350 | if (fVisible && !pElement->isVisible())
351 | {
352 | /* Show the element: */
353 | pElement->show();
354 | /* Recursively update size-hint: */
355 | pElement->updateGeometry();
356 | /* Update layout: */
357 | model()->updateLayout();
358 | }
359 | /* Hide element if necessary: */
360 | else if (!fVisible && pElement->isVisible())
361 | {
362 | /* Hide the element: */
363 | pElement->hide();
364 | /* Recursively update size-hint: */
365 | updateGeometry();
366 | /* Update layout: */
367 | model()->updateLayout();
368 | }
369 | /* Update model if necessary: */
370 | else if (fJustCreated)
371 | model()->updateLayout();
372 |
373 | /* For visible element: */
374 | if (pElement->isVisible())
375 | {
376 | /* Create next build-step: */
377 | m_pBuildStep = new UIPrepareStep(this, pElement, uStepId, iStepNumber + 1);
378 |
379 | /* Build element: */
380 | pElement->updateAppearance();
381 | }
382 | /* For invisible element: */
383 | else
384 | {
385 | /* Just build next step: */
386 | sltBuildStep(uStepId, iStepNumber + 1);
387 | }
388 | }
389 | /* Step number out of bounds: */
390 | else
391 | {
392 | /* Update model: */
393 | model()->updateLayout();
394 | /* Repaint all the items: */
395 | foreach (UIDetailsItem *pItem, items())
396 | pItem->update();
397 | /* Notify listener about build done: */
398 | emit sigBuildDone();
399 | }
400 | }
401 |
402 | void UIDetailsSet::paint(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *pOptions, QWidget *)
403 | {
404 | /* Paint background: */
405 | paintBackground(pPainter, pOptions);
406 | }
407 |
408 | QString UIDetailsSet::description() const
409 | {
410 | return tr("Contains the details of virtual machine '%1'").arg(m_pMachineItem->name());
411 | }
412 |
413 | void UIDetailsSet::addItem(UIDetailsItem *pItem)
414 | {
415 | switch (pItem->type())
416 | {
417 | case UIDetailsItemType_Element:
418 | {
419 | UIDetailsElement *pElement = pItem->toElement();
420 | DetailsElementType type = pElement->elementType();
421 | AssertMsg(!m_elements.contains(type), ("Element already added!"));
422 | m_elements.insert(type, pItem);
423 | break;
424 | }
425 | default:
426 | {
427 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid item type!"));
428 | break;
429 | }
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
433 | void UIDetailsSet::removeItem(UIDetailsItem *pItem)
434 | {
435 | switch (pItem->type())
436 | {
437 | case UIDetailsItemType_Element:
438 | {
439 | UIDetailsElement *pElement = pItem->toElement();
440 | DetailsElementType type = pElement->elementType();
441 | AssertMsg(m_elements.contains(type), ("Element do not present (type = %d)!", (int)type));
442 | m_elements.remove(type);
443 | break;
444 | }
445 | default:
446 | {
447 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid item type!"));
448 | break;
449 | }
450 | }
451 | }
452 |
453 | QList<UIDetailsItem*> UIDetailsSet::items(UIDetailsItemType enmType /* = UIDetailsItemType_Element */) const
454 | {
455 | switch (enmType)
456 | {
457 | case UIDetailsItemType_Element: return m_elements.values();
458 | case UIDetailsItemType_Any: return items(UIDetailsItemType_Element);
459 | default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid item type!")); break;
460 | }
461 | return QList<UIDetailsItem*>();
462 | }
463 |
464 | bool UIDetailsSet::hasItems(UIDetailsItemType enmType /* = UIDetailsItemType_Element */) const
465 | {
466 | switch (enmType)
467 | {
468 | case UIDetailsItemType_Element: return !m_elements.isEmpty();
469 | case UIDetailsItemType_Any: return hasItems(UIDetailsItemType_Element);
470 | default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid item type!")); break;
471 | }
472 | return false;
473 | }
474 |
475 | void UIDetailsSet::clearItems(UIDetailsItemType enmType /* = UIDetailsItemType_Element */)
476 | {
477 | switch (enmType)
478 | {
479 | case UIDetailsItemType_Element:
480 | {
481 | foreach (int iKey, m_elements.keys())
482 | delete m_elements[iKey];
483 | AssertMsg(m_elements.isEmpty(), ("Set items cleanup failed!"));
484 | break;
485 | }
486 | case UIDetailsItemType_Any:
487 | {
488 | clearItems(UIDetailsItemType_Element);
489 | break;
490 | }
491 | default:
492 | {
493 | AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid item type!"));
494 | break;
495 | }
496 | }
497 | }
498 |
499 | UIDetailsElement *UIDetailsSet::element(DetailsElementType enmElementType) const
500 | {
501 | UIDetailsItem *pItem = m_elements.value(enmElementType, 0);
502 | if (pItem)
503 | return pItem->toElement();
504 | return 0;
505 | }
506 |
507 | int UIDetailsSet::minimumWidthHint() const
508 | {
509 | /* Zero if has no details: */
510 | if (!hasDetails())
511 | return 0;
512 |
513 | /* Prepare variables: */
514 | const int iSpacing = data(SetData_Spacing).toInt();
515 | int iMinimumWidthHintPreview = 0;
516 | int iMinimumWidthHintInGroup = 0;
517 | int iMinimumWidthHintOutGroup = 0;
518 |
519 | /* Take into account all the elements: */
520 | foreach (UIDetailsItem *pItem, items())
521 | {
522 | /* Make sure item exists: */
523 | AssertPtrReturn(pItem, 0);
524 | /* Skip item if hidden: */
525 | if (!pItem->isVisible())
526 | continue;
527 |
528 | /* Acquire element type: */
529 | UIDetailsElement *pElement = pItem->toElement();
530 | AssertPtrReturn(pElement, 0);
531 | DetailsElementType enmElementType = pElement->elementType();
532 |
533 | /* Calculate corresponding hints: */
534 | if (enmElementType == DetailsElementType_Preview)
535 | iMinimumWidthHintPreview = pItem->minimumWidthHint();
536 | else
537 | {
538 | if (m_listPreviewGroup.contains(enmElementType))
539 | iMinimumWidthHintInGroup = qMax(iMinimumWidthHintInGroup, pItem->minimumWidthHint());
540 | else if (m_listOutsideGroup.contains(enmElementType))
541 | iMinimumWidthHintOutGroup = qMax(iMinimumWidthHintOutGroup, pItem->minimumWidthHint());
542 | }
543 | }
544 |
545 | /* Append minimum width of Preview and Preview group: */
546 | int iMinimumWidthHint = 0;
547 | if (iMinimumWidthHintPreview)
548 | iMinimumWidthHint += iMinimumWidthHintPreview;
549 | if (iMinimumWidthHintInGroup)
550 | iMinimumWidthHint += iMinimumWidthHintInGroup;
551 | if (iMinimumWidthHintPreview && iMinimumWidthHintInGroup)
552 | iMinimumWidthHint += iSpacing;
553 | /* Compare with minimum width of Outside group: */
554 | iMinimumWidthHint = qMax(iMinimumWidthHint, iMinimumWidthHintOutGroup);
555 | /* Return result: */
556 | return iMinimumWidthHint;
557 | }
558 |
559 | int UIDetailsSet::minimumHeightHint() const
560 | {
561 | /* Zero if has no details: */
562 | if (!hasDetails())
563 | return 0;
564 |
565 | /* Prepare variables: */
566 | const int iMargin = data(SetData_Margin).toInt();
567 | const int iSpacing = data(SetData_Spacing).toInt();
568 | int iMinimumHeightHintPreview = 0;
569 | int iMinimumHeightHintInGroup = 0;
570 | int iMinimumHeightHintOutGroup = 0;
571 |
572 | /* Take into account all the elements: */
573 | foreach (UIDetailsItem *pItem, items())
574 | {
575 | /* Make sure item exists: */
576 | AssertPtrReturn(pItem, 0);
577 | /* Skip item if hidden: */
578 | if (!pItem->isVisible())
579 | continue;
580 |
581 | /* Acquire element type: */
582 | UIDetailsElement *pElement = pItem->toElement();
583 | AssertPtrReturn(pElement, 0);
584 | DetailsElementType enmElementType = pElement->elementType();
585 |
586 | /* Calculate corresponding hints: */
587 | if (enmElementType == DetailsElementType_Preview)
588 | iMinimumHeightHintPreview += pItem->minimumHeightHint();
589 | else
590 | {
591 | if (m_listPreviewGroup.contains(enmElementType))
592 | iMinimumHeightHintInGroup += (pItem->minimumHeightHint() + iSpacing);
593 | else if (m_listOutsideGroup.contains(enmElementType))
594 | iMinimumHeightHintOutGroup += (pItem->minimumHeightHint() + iSpacing);
595 | }
596 | }
597 | /* Minus last spacing: */
598 | if (iMinimumHeightHintInGroup > 0)
599 | iMinimumHeightHintInGroup -= iSpacing;
600 | if (iMinimumHeightHintOutGroup > 0)
601 | iMinimumHeightHintOutGroup -= iSpacing;
602 |
603 | /* Append minimum height of Preview and Preview group: */
604 | int iMinimumHeightHint = qMax(iMinimumHeightHintPreview, iMinimumHeightHintInGroup);
605 | /* Add spacing if necessary: */
606 | if (!m_listPreviewGroup.isEmpty() && !m_listOutsideGroup.isEmpty())
607 | iMinimumHeightHint += iSpacing;
608 | /* Add Outside group height if necessary: */
609 | if (!m_listOutsideGroup.isEmpty())
610 | iMinimumHeightHint += iMinimumHeightHintOutGroup;
611 | /* And two margins finally: */
612 | iMinimumHeightHint += 2 * iMargin;
613 | /* Return result: */
614 | return iMinimumHeightHint;
615 | }
616 |
617 | void UIDetailsSet::sltMachineStateChange(const QUuid &uId)
618 | {
619 | /* For local VMs only: */
620 | if (!m_fIsLocal)
621 | return;
622 |
623 | /* Make sure VM is set: */
624 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
625 | return;
626 |
627 | /* Is this our VM changed? */
628 | if (m_comMachine.GetId() != uId)
629 | return;
630 |
631 | /* Update appearance: */
632 | rebuildSet();
633 | }
634 |
635 | void UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange(const QUuid &uId)
636 | {
637 | /* For local VMs only: */
638 | if (!m_fIsLocal)
639 | return;
640 |
641 | /* Make sure VM is set: */
642 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
643 | return;
644 |
645 | /* Is this our VM changed? */
646 | if (m_comMachine.GetId() != uId)
647 | return;
648 |
649 | /* Update appearance: */
650 | rebuildSet();
651 | }
652 |
653 | void UIDetailsSet::sltMediumEnumerated(const QUuid &uId)
654 | {
655 | /* For local VMs only: */
656 | if (!m_fIsLocal)
657 | return;
658 |
659 | /* Make sure VM is set: */
660 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
661 | return;
662 |
663 | /* Is this our medium changed? */
664 | const UIMedium guiMedium = uiCommon().medium(uId);
665 | if ( guiMedium.isNull()
666 | || !guiMedium.machineIds().contains(m_comMachine.GetId()))
667 | return;
668 |
669 | /* Update appearance: */
670 | rebuildSet();
671 | }
672 |
673 | void UIDetailsSet::prepareSet()
674 | {
675 | /* Setup size-policy: */
676 | setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
677 | }
678 |
679 | void UIDetailsSet::prepareConnections()
680 | {
681 | /* Global-events connections: */
682 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigMachineStateChange, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineStateChange);
683 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigMachineDataChange, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange);
684 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigSessionStateChange, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange);
685 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigSnapshotTake, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange);
686 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigSnapshotDelete, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange);
687 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigSnapshotChange, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange);
688 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigSnapshotRestore, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMachineAttributesChange);
689 |
690 | /* Meidum-enumeration connections: */
691 | connect(&uiCommon(), &UICommon::sigMediumEnumerated, this, &UIDetailsSet::sltMediumEnumerated);
692 | }
693 |
694 | QVariant UIDetailsSet::data(int iKey) const
695 | {
696 | /* Provide other members with required data: */
697 | switch (iKey)
698 | {
699 | /* Layout hints: */
700 | case SetData_Margin: return 1;
701 | case SetData_Spacing: return 1;
702 | /* Default: */
703 | default: break;
704 | }
705 | return QVariant();
706 | }
707 |
708 | void UIDetailsSet::rebuildSet()
709 | {
710 | /* Make sure we have details: */
711 | if (!m_fHasDetails)
712 | return;
713 |
714 | /* Recache properties: */
715 | m_configurationAccessLevel = m_pMachineItem->configurationAccessLevel();
716 |
717 | /* Cleanup build-step: */
718 | delete m_pBuildStep;
719 | m_pBuildStep = 0;
720 |
721 | /* Generate new set-id: */
722 | m_uSetId = QUuid::createUuid();
723 |
724 | /* Request to build first step: */
725 | emit sigBuildStep(m_uSetId, 0);
726 | }
727 |
728 | UIDetailsElement *UIDetailsSet::createElement(DetailsElementType enmElementType, bool fOpen)
729 | {
730 | /* Element factory: */
731 | switch (enmElementType)
732 | {
733 | case DetailsElementType_General: return new UIDetailsElementGeneral(this, fOpen);
734 | case DetailsElementType_System: return new UIDetailsElementSystem(this, fOpen);
735 | case DetailsElementType_Preview: return new UIDetailsElementPreview(this, fOpen);
736 | case DetailsElementType_Display: return new UIDetailsElementDisplay(this, fOpen);
737 | case DetailsElementType_Storage: return new UIDetailsElementStorage(this, fOpen);
738 | case DetailsElementType_Audio: return new UIDetailsElementAudio(this, fOpen);
739 | case DetailsElementType_Network: return new UIDetailsElementNetwork(this, fOpen);
740 | case DetailsElementType_Serial: return new UIDetailsElementSerial(this, fOpen);
741 | case DetailsElementType_USB: return new UIDetailsElementUSB(this, fOpen);
742 | case DetailsElementType_SF: return new UIDetailsElementSF(this, fOpen);
743 | case DetailsElementType_UI: return new UIDetailsElementUI(this, fOpen);
744 | case DetailsElementType_Description: return new UIDetailsElementDescription(this, fOpen);
745 | default: AssertFailed(); break; /* Shut up, MSC! */
746 | }
747 | return 0;
748 | }
749 |
750 | void UIDetailsSet::paintBackground(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *pOptions) const
751 | {
752 | /* Save painter: */
753 | pPainter->save();
754 |
755 | /* Prepare variables: */
756 | const QRect optionRect = pOptions->rect;
757 |
758 | /* Acquire background color: */
759 | const QColor backgroundColor = QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window);
760 |
761 | /* Paint default background: */
762 | QColor bcTone1 = backgroundColor.darker(m_iBackgroundDarknessStart);
763 | QColor bcTone2 = backgroundColor.darker(m_iBackgroundDarknessFinal);
764 | QLinearGradient gradientDefault(optionRect.topLeft(), optionRect.bottomRight());
765 | gradientDefault.setColorAt(0, bcTone1);
766 | gradientDefault.setColorAt(1, bcTone2);
767 | pPainter->fillRect(optionRect, gradientDefault);
768 |
769 | /* Restore painter: */
770 | pPainter->restore();
771 | }