1 | /* $Id: UIVirtualMachineItemLocal.cpp 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIVirtualMachineItem class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QFileInfo>
30 | #include <QIcon>
31 |
32 | /* GUI includes: */
33 | #include "UICommon.h"
34 | #include "UIConverter.h"
35 | #include "UIErrorString.h"
36 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
37 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
38 | #include "UIVirtualMachineItemLocal.h"
39 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
40 | # include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
41 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
42 |
43 | /* COM includes: */
44 | #include "CSnapshot.h"
45 | #include "CVirtualBoxErrorInfo.h"
46 |
47 |
48 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
49 | * Class UIVirtualMachineItemLocal implementation. *
50 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
51 |
52 | UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::UIVirtualMachineItemLocal(const CMachine &comMachine)
53 | : UIVirtualMachineItem(UIVirtualMachineItemType_Local)
54 | , m_comMachine(comMachine)
55 | , m_cSnaphot(0)
56 | , m_enmMachineState(KMachineState_Null)
57 | , m_enmSessionState(KSessionState_Null)
58 | {
59 | recache();
60 | }
61 |
62 | UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::~UIVirtualMachineItemLocal()
63 | {
64 | }
65 |
66 | void UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::recache()
67 | {
68 | /* Determine attributes which are always available: */
69 | m_uId = m_comMachine.GetId();
70 | m_strSettingsFile = m_comMachine.GetSettingsFilePath();
71 |
72 | /* Now determine whether VM is accessible: */
73 | m_fAccessible = m_comMachine.GetAccessible();
74 | if (m_fAccessible)
75 | {
76 | /* Reset last access error information: */
77 | m_strAccessError.clear();
78 |
79 | /* Determine own VM attributes: */
80 | m_strName = m_comMachine.GetName();
81 | m_strOSTypeId = m_comMachine.GetOSTypeId();
82 | m_groups = m_comMachine.GetGroups().toList();
83 |
84 | /* Determine snapshot attributes: */
85 | CSnapshot comSnapshot = m_comMachine.GetCurrentSnapshot();
86 | m_strSnapshotName = comSnapshot.isNull() ? QString() : comSnapshot.GetName();
87 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 8, 0)
88 | m_lastStateChange.setSecsSinceEpoch(m_comMachine.GetLastStateChange() / 1000);
89 | #else
90 | m_lastStateChange.setTime_t(m_comMachine.GetLastStateChange() / 1000);
91 | #endif
92 | m_cSnaphot = m_comMachine.GetSnapshotCount();
93 |
94 | /* Determine VM states: */
95 | m_enmMachineState = m_comMachine.GetState();
96 | m_machineStateIcon = gpConverter->toIcon(m_enmMachineState);
97 | m_enmSessionState = m_comMachine.GetSessionState();
98 |
99 | /* Determine configuration access level: */
100 | m_enmConfigurationAccessLevel = ::configurationAccessLevel(m_enmSessionState, m_enmMachineState);
101 | /* Also take restrictions into account: */
102 | if ( m_enmConfigurationAccessLevel != ConfigurationAccessLevel_Null
103 | && !gEDataManager->machineReconfigurationEnabled(m_uId))
104 | m_enmConfigurationAccessLevel = ConfigurationAccessLevel_Null;
105 |
106 | /* Determine PID finally: */
107 | if ( m_enmMachineState == KMachineState_PoweredOff
108 | || m_enmMachineState == KMachineState_Saved
109 | || m_enmMachineState == KMachineState_Teleported
110 | || m_enmMachineState == KMachineState_Aborted
111 | || m_enmMachineState == KMachineState_AbortedSaved
112 | )
113 | {
114 | m_pid = (ULONG) ~0;
115 | }
116 | else
117 | {
118 | m_pid = m_comMachine.GetSessionPID();
119 | }
120 |
121 | /* Determine whether we should show this VM details: */
122 | m_fHasDetails = gEDataManager->showMachineInVirtualBoxManagerDetails(m_uId);
123 | }
124 | else
125 | {
126 | /* Update last access error information: */
127 | m_strAccessError = UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comMachine.GetAccessError());
128 |
129 | /* Determine machine name on the basis of settings file only: */
130 | QFileInfo fi(m_strSettingsFile);
131 | m_strName = UICommon::hasAllowedExtension(fi.completeSuffix(), VBoxFileExts)
132 | ? fi.completeBaseName()
133 | : fi.fileName();
134 | /* Reset other VM attributes: */
135 | m_strOSTypeId = QString();
136 | m_groups.clear();
137 |
138 | /* Reset snapshot attributes: */
139 | m_strSnapshotName = QString();
140 | m_lastStateChange = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
141 | m_cSnaphot = 0;
142 |
143 | /* Reset VM states: */
144 | m_enmMachineState = KMachineState_Null;
145 | m_machineStateIcon = gpConverter->toIcon(KMachineState_Aborted);
146 | m_enmSessionState = KSessionState_Null;
147 |
148 | /* Reset configuration access level: */
149 | m_enmConfigurationAccessLevel = ConfigurationAccessLevel_Null;
150 |
151 | /* Reset PID finally: */
152 | m_pid = (ULONG) ~0;
153 |
154 | /* Reset whether we should show this VM details: */
155 | m_fHasDetails = true;
156 | }
157 |
158 | /* Recache item pixmap: */
159 | recachePixmap();
160 |
161 | /* Retranslate finally: */
162 | retranslateUi();
163 | }
164 |
165 | void UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::recachePixmap()
166 | {
167 | /* If machine is accessible: */
168 | if (m_fAccessible)
169 | {
170 | /* First, we are trying to acquire personal machine guest OS type icon: */
171 | m_pixmap = generalIconPool().userMachinePixmapDefault(m_comMachine, &m_logicalPixmapSize);
172 | /* If there is nothing, we are using icon corresponding to cached guest OS type: */
173 | if (m_pixmap.isNull())
174 | m_pixmap = generalIconPool().guestOSTypePixmapDefault(m_strOSTypeId, &m_logicalPixmapSize);
175 | }
176 | /* Otherwise: */
177 | else
178 | {
179 | /* We are using "Other" guest OS type icon: */
180 | m_pixmap = generalIconPool().guestOSTypePixmapDefault("Other", &m_logicalPixmapSize);
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemEditable() const
185 | {
186 | return accessible()
187 | && sessionState() == KSessionState_Unlocked;
188 | }
189 |
190 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemRemovable() const
191 | {
192 | return !accessible()
193 | || sessionState() == KSessionState_Unlocked;
194 | }
195 |
196 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemSaved() const
197 | {
198 | return accessible()
199 | && ( machineState() == KMachineState_Saved
200 | || machineState() == KMachineState_AbortedSaved);
201 | }
202 |
203 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemPoweredOff() const
204 | {
205 | return accessible()
206 | && ( machineState() == KMachineState_PoweredOff
207 | || machineState() == KMachineState_Saved
208 | || machineState() == KMachineState_Teleported
209 | || machineState() == KMachineState_Aborted
210 | || machineState() == KMachineState_AbortedSaved);
211 | }
212 |
213 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemStarted() const
214 | {
215 | return isItemRunning()
216 | || isItemPaused();
217 | }
218 |
219 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemRunning() const
220 | {
221 | return accessible()
222 | && ( machineState() == KMachineState_Running
223 | || machineState() == KMachineState_Teleporting
224 | || machineState() == KMachineState_LiveSnapshotting);
225 | }
226 |
227 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemRunningHeadless() const
228 | {
229 | if (isItemRunning())
230 | {
231 | /* Open session to determine which frontend VM is started with: */
232 | CSession comSession = uiCommon().openExistingSession(id());
233 | if (!comSession.isNull())
234 | {
235 | /* Acquire the session name: */
236 | const QString strSessionName = comSession.GetMachine().GetSessionName();
237 | /* Close the session early: */
238 | comSession.UnlockMachine();
239 | /* Check whether we are in 'headless' session: */
240 | return strSessionName == "headless";
241 | }
242 | }
243 | return false;
244 | }
245 |
246 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemPaused() const
247 | {
248 | return accessible()
249 | && ( machineState() == KMachineState_Paused
250 | || machineState() == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM);
251 | }
252 |
253 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemStuck() const
254 | {
255 | return accessible()
256 | && machineState() == KMachineState_Stuck;
257 | }
258 |
259 | bool UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::isItemCanBeSwitchedTo() const
260 | {
261 | return const_cast<CMachine&>(m_comMachine).CanShowConsoleWindow()
262 | || isItemRunningHeadless();
263 | }
264 |
265 | void UIVirtualMachineItemLocal::retranslateUi()
266 | {
267 | /* This is used in tool-tip generation: */
268 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0)
269 | const QString strDateTime = m_lastStateChange.date() == QDate::currentDate()
270 | ? QLocale::system().toString(m_lastStateChange.time(), QLocale::ShortFormat)
271 | : QLocale::system().toString(m_lastStateChange, QLocale::ShortFormat);
272 | #else
273 | const QString strDateTime = (m_lastStateChange.date() == QDate::currentDate())
274 | ? m_lastStateChange.time().toString(Qt::LocalDate)
275 | : m_lastStateChange.toString(Qt::LocalDate);
276 | #endif
277 |
278 | /* If machine is accessible: */
279 | if (m_fAccessible)
280 | {
281 | /* Just use the usual translation for valid states: */
282 | m_strMachineStateName = gpConverter->toString(m_enmMachineState);
283 | m_strSessionStateName = gpConverter->toString(m_enmSessionState);
284 |
285 | /* Update tool-tip: */
286 | m_strToolTipText = QString("<b>%1</b>").arg(m_strName);
287 | if (!m_strSnapshotName.isNull())
288 | m_strToolTipText += QString(" (%1)").arg(m_strSnapshotName);
289 | m_strToolTipText = tr("<nobr>%1<br></nobr>"
290 | "<nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br>"
291 | "<nobr>Session %4</nobr>",
292 | "VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)")
293 | .arg(m_strToolTipText)
294 | .arg(gpConverter->toString(m_enmMachineState))
295 | .arg(strDateTime)
296 | .arg(gpConverter->toString(m_enmSessionState).toLower());
297 | }
298 | /* Otherwise: */
299 | else
300 | {
301 | /* We have our own translation for Null states: */
302 | m_strMachineStateName = tr("Inaccessible");
303 | m_strSessionStateName = tr("Inaccessible");
304 |
305 | /* Update tool-tip: */
306 | m_strToolTipText = tr("<nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr>"
307 | "<nobr>Inaccessible since %2</nobr>",
308 | "Inaccessible VM tooltip (name, last state change)")
309 | .arg(m_strSettingsFile)
310 | .arg(strDateTime);
311 | }
312 | }