1 | /* $Id: main.cpp 107100 2024-11-22 02:22:42Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - The main() function.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QApplication>
30 | #include <QMessageBox>
31 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
32 | # ifndef Q_OS_SOLARIS
33 | # include <QFontDatabase>
34 | # endif
35 | #endif
36 |
37 | /* GUI includes: */
38 | #include "UICommon.h"
39 | #include "UILoggingDefs.h"
40 | #include "UIModalWindowManager.h"
41 | #include "UIStarter.h"
42 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
43 | # include "VBoxUtils.h"
44 | # include "UICocoaApplication.h"
45 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
46 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
47 | # include "UIVersion.h"
48 | #endif
49 |
50 | /* Other VBox includes: */
51 | #include <iprt/arch.h>
52 | #include <iprt/buildconfig.h>
53 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
54 | #include <iprt/system.h>
55 | #include <VBox/err.h>
56 | #include <VBox/version.h>
57 | #include <VBox/sup.h>
58 | #if !defined(VBOX_WITH_HARDENING) || !defined(VBOX_RUNTIME_UI)
59 | # include <iprt/initterm.h>
60 | # ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
61 | # include <iprt/asm.h>
62 | # endif
63 | #endif
64 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
65 | # include <iprt/env.h>
66 | #endif
68 | # include <iprt/ctype.h>
69 | #endif
70 | #if defined(VBOX_RUNTIME_UI) && defined(VBOX_WS_MAC)
71 | # include <iprt/path.h>
72 | #endif
73 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
74 | # include <VBox/com/microatl.h>
75 | #endif
76 | #if defined(VBOX_WITH_HARDENING) || defined(VBOX_WS_WIN)
77 | # include <iprt/string.h>
78 | #endif
79 |
80 | /* Other includes: */
81 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
82 | # include <dlfcn.h>
83 | # include <sys/mman.h>
84 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
85 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
86 | # include <dlfcn.h>
87 | # include <unistd.h>
88 | # include <X11/Xlib.h>
89 | # include "VBoxUtils-nix.h"
90 | # if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) && defined(DEBUG)
91 | # include <signal.h>
92 | # include <execinfo.h>
93 | # ifndef __USE_GNU
94 | # define __USE_GNU
95 | # endif /* !__USE_GNU */
96 | # include <ucontext.h>
97 | # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
98 | # define REG_PC REG_RIP
99 | # else /* !RT_ARCH_AMD64 */
100 | # define REG_PC REG_EIP
101 | # endif /* !RT_ARCH_AMD64 */
102 | # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX && DEBUG */
103 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
104 |
105 |
106 | /* XXX Temporarily. Don't rely on the user to hack the Makefile himself! */
107 | QString g_QStrHintLinuxNoMemory = QApplication::tr(
108 | "This error means that the kernel driver was either not able to "
109 | "allocate enough memory or that some mapping operation failed."
110 | );
111 |
112 | QString g_QStrHintLinuxNoDriver = QApplication::tr(
113 | "The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver is either not loaded or not set "
114 | "up correctly. Please try setting it up again by executing<br/><br/>"
115 | " <font color=blue>'/sbin/vboxconfig'</font><br/><br/>"
116 | "as root.<br/><br/>"
117 | "If your system has EFI Secure Boot enabled you may also need to sign "
118 | "the kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) before "
119 | "you can load them. Please see your Linux system's documentation for "
120 | "more information."
121 | );
122 |
123 | QString g_QStrHintOtherWrongDriverVersion = QApplication::tr(
124 | "The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of "
125 | "VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not "
126 | "successful. Please try completely uninstalling and reinstalling "
127 | "VirtualBox."
128 | );
129 |
130 | QString g_QStrHintLinuxWrongDriverVersion = QApplication::tr(
131 | "The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of "
132 | "VirtualBox. The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not "
133 | "successful. Executing<br/><br/>"
134 | " <font color=blue>'/sbin/vboxconfig'</font><br/><br/>"
135 | "may correct this. Make sure that you are not mixing builds "
136 | "of VirtualBox from different sources."
137 | );
138 |
139 | QString g_QStrHintOtherNoDriver = QApplication::tr(
140 | "Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully."
141 | );
142 |
143 | /* I hope this isn't (C), (TM) or (R) Microsoft support ;-) */
144 | QString g_QStrHintReinstall = QApplication::tr(
145 | "Please try reinstalling VirtualBox."
146 | );
147 |
148 |
149 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
150 | /** X11: For versions of Xlib which are aware of multi-threaded environments this function
151 | * calls for XInitThreads() which initializes Xlib support for concurrent threads.
152 | * @returns @c non-zero unless it is unsafe to make multi-threaded calls to Xlib.
153 | * @remarks This is a workaround for a bug on old Xlib versions, fixed in commit
154 | * 941f02e and released in Xlib version 1.1. We check for the symbol
155 | * "xcb_connect" which was introduced in that version. */
156 | static Status MakeSureMultiThreadingIsSafe()
157 | {
158 | /* Success by default: */
159 | Status rc = 1;
160 | /* Get a global handle to process symbols: */
161 | void *pvProcess = dlopen(0, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY);
162 | /* Initialize multi-thread environment only if we can obtain
163 | * an address of xcb_connect symbol in this process: */
164 | if (pvProcess && dlsym(pvProcess, "xcb_connect"))
165 | rc = XInitThreads();
166 | /* Close the handle: */
167 | if (pvProcess)
168 | dlclose(pvProcess);
169 | /* Return result: */
170 | return rc;
171 | }
172 |
173 | # if (defined(RT_OS_LINUX) && !defined(RT_ARCH_ARM64)) && defined(DEBUG)
174 | /** X11, Linux, Debug: The signal handler that prints out a backtrace of the call stack.
175 | * @remarks The code is taken from http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6391. */
176 | static void BackTraceSignalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t *pInfo, void *pSecret)
177 | {
178 | void *trace[16];
179 | char **messages = (char **)0;
180 | int i, iTraceSize = 0;
181 | ucontext_t *uc = (ucontext_t *)pSecret;
182 |
183 | /* Do something useful with siginfo_t: */
184 | if (sig == SIGSEGV)
185 | Log(("GUI: Got signal %d, faulty address is %p, from %p\n",
186 | sig, pInfo->si_addr, uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_PC]));
187 | /* Or do nothing by default: */
188 | else
189 | Log(("GUI: Got signal %d\n", sig));
190 |
191 | /* Acquire backtrace of 16 lvls depth: */
192 | iTraceSize = backtrace(trace, 16);
193 |
194 | /* Overwrite sigaction with caller's address: */
195 | trace[1] = (void *)uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_PC];
196 |
197 | /* Translate the addresses into an array of messages: */
198 | messages = backtrace_symbols(trace, iTraceSize);
199 |
200 | /* Skip first stack frame (points here): */
201 | Log(("GUI: [bt] Execution path:\n"));
202 | for (i = 1; i < iTraceSize; ++i)
203 | Log(("GUI: [bt] %s\n", messages[i]));
204 |
205 | exit(0);
206 | }
207 |
208 | /** X11, Linux, Debug: Installs signal handler printing backtrace of the call stack. */
209 | static void InstallSignalHandler()
210 | {
211 | struct sigaction sa;
212 | sa.sa_sigaction = BackTraceSignalHandler;
213 | sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
214 | sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
215 | sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, 0);
216 | sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, 0);
217 | sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, 0);
218 | }
219 | # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX && DEBUG */
220 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
221 |
222 | /** Qt5 message handler, function that prints out
223 | * debug, warning, critical, fatal and system error messages.
224 | * @param enmType Holds the type of the message.
225 | * @param context Holds the message context.
226 | * @param strMessage Holds the message body. */
227 | static void QtMessageOutput(QtMsgType enmType, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &strMessage)
228 | {
229 | NOREF(context);
230 | # ifndef VBOX_WS_NIX
231 | NOREF(strMessage);
232 | # endif
233 | switch (enmType)
234 | {
235 | case QtDebugMsg:
236 | Log(("Qt DEBUG: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData()));
237 | break;
238 | case QtWarningMsg:
239 | Log(("Qt WARNING: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData()));
240 | # ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
241 | /* Needed for instance for the message ``cannot connect to X server'': */
242 | RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "Qt WARNING: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData());
243 | # endif
244 | break;
245 | case QtCriticalMsg:
246 | Log(("Qt CRITICAL: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData()));
247 | # ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
248 | /* Needed for instance for the message ``cannot connect to X server'': */
249 | RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "Qt CRITICAL: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData());
250 | # endif
251 | break;
252 | case QtFatalMsg:
253 | Log(("Qt FATAL: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData()));
254 | # ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
255 | /* Needed for instance for the message ``cannot connect to X server'': */
256 | RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "Qt FATAL: %s\n", strMessage.toUtf8().constData());
257 | # endif
258 | break;
259 | case QtInfoMsg:
260 | /** @todo ignore? */
261 | break;
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 | /** Shows all available command line parameters. */
266 | static void ShowHelp()
267 | {
268 | #ifndef VBOX_RUNTIME_UI
269 | static const char s_szTitle[] = VBOX_PRODUCT " Manager";
270 | #else
271 | static const char s_szTitle[] = VBOX_PRODUCT " Runner";
272 | #endif
273 |
274 | static const char s_szUsage[] =
275 | #ifdef VBOX_RUNTIME_UI
276 | "Options:\n"
277 | " --startvm=<vmname|UUID> start a VM by specifying its UUID or name\n"
278 | " --separate start a separate VM process\n"
279 | " --normal keep normal (windowed) mode during startup\n"
280 | " --fullscreen switch to fullscreen mode during startup\n"
281 | " --seamless switch to seamless mode during startup\n"
282 | " --scale switch to scale mode during startup\n"
283 | " --no-startvm-errormsgbox do not show a message box for VM start errors\n"
284 | " --restore-current restore the current snapshot before starting\n"
285 | " --restore-snapshot=<name> restore the named snapshot before starting\n"
286 | " --no-aggressive-caching delays caching media info in VM processes\n"
287 | " --fda=<image|none> Mount the specified floppy image\n"
288 | " --dvd=<image|none> Mount the specified DVD image\n"
290 | " --pidfile=<file> create a pidfile file when a VM is up and running\n"
291 | # endif /* VBOX_GUI_WITH_PIDFILE */
293 | " --dbg enable the GUI debug menu\n"
294 | " --debug like --dbg and show debug windows at VM startup\n"
295 | " --debug-command-line like --dbg and show command line window at VM startup\n"
296 | " --debug-statistics like --dbg and show statistics window at VM startup\n"
297 | " --statistics-expand=<pat> expand the matching statistics (can be repeated)\n"
298 | " --statistics-filter=<pat> statistics filter\n"
299 | " --statistics-config=<str> statistics configuration\n"
300 | " --no-debug disable the GUI debug menu and debug windows\n"
301 | " --start-paused start the VM in the paused state\n"
302 | " --start-running start the VM running (for overriding --debug*)\n"
303 | # endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
304 | "\n"
305 | "Expert options:\n"
306 | " --execute-all-in-iem For debugging the interpreted execution mode.\n"
307 | " --driverless Do not open the support driver (NEM or IEM mode).\n"
308 | " --warp-pct=<pct> time warp factor, 100%% (= 1.0) = normal speed\n"
309 | " --no-keyboard-grabbing Don't grab the keyboard on windows (for debugging).\n"
310 | "\n"
312 | "The following environment (and extra data) variables are evaluated:\n"
313 | " VBOX_GUI_DBG_ENABLED (GUI/Dbg/Enabled)\n"
314 | " enable the GUI debug menu if set\n"
315 | " VBOX_GUI_DBG_AUTO_SHOW (GUI/Dbg/AutoShow)\n"
316 | " show debug windows at VM startup\n"
318 | " disable the GUI debug menu and debug windows\n"
319 | # endif /* VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI */
320 | #else
321 | "No special options.\n"
322 | "\n"
323 | "If you are looking for --startvm and related options, you need to use VirtualBoxVM.\n"
324 | #endif
325 | ;
326 |
327 | RTPrintf("%s v%s\n"
328 | "Copyright (C) 2005-" VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\n"
329 | "\n"
330 | "%s",
331 | s_szTitle, RTBldCfgVersion(), s_szUsage);
332 |
333 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
334 | /* Show message box. Modify the option list a little
335 | * to better make it fit in the upcoming dialog. */
336 | char szTitleWithVersion[sizeof(s_szTitle) + 128];
337 | char szMsg[sizeof(s_szUsage) + 128];
338 | char *pszDst = szMsg;
339 | size_t offSrc = 0;
340 | while (offSrc < sizeof(s_szUsage) - 1U)
341 | {
342 | char ch;
343 | if ( s_szUsage[offSrc] == ' '
344 | && s_szUsage[offSrc + 1] == ' '
345 | && ( (ch = s_szUsage[offSrc + 2]) == '-' /* option line */
346 | || ch == 'V' /* env.var. line */))
347 | {
348 | /* Split option lines: */
349 | if (ch == '-')
350 | {
351 | offSrc += 2;
352 | size_t cchOption = 0;
353 | while ( s_szUsage[offSrc + cchOption] != ' '
354 | || s_szUsage[offSrc + cchOption + 1] != ' ')
355 | ++cchOption;
356 |
357 | memcpy(pszDst, &s_szUsage[offSrc], cchOption);
358 | offSrc += cchOption + 2;
359 | pszDst += cchOption;
360 | }
361 | /* Change environment variable indentation: */
362 | else
363 | {
364 | offSrc += 2;
365 | size_t cchLine = 0;
366 | while ((ch = s_szUsage[offSrc + cchLine]) != '\n' && ch != '\0')
367 | ++cchLine;
368 |
369 | memcpy(pszDst, &s_szUsage[offSrc], cchLine);
370 | offSrc += cchLine + 1;
371 | pszDst += cchLine;
372 | }
373 | *pszDst++ = '\n';
374 | *pszDst++ = '\t';
375 |
376 | while (s_szUsage[offSrc] == ' ')
377 | ++offSrc;
378 | }
379 |
380 | /* Copy up to and including end of line: */
381 | while ((ch = s_szUsage[offSrc++]) != '\n' && ch != '\0')
382 | *pszDst++ = ch;
383 | *pszDst++ = ch;
384 | }
385 | *pszDst = '\0';
386 |
387 | RTStrPrintf(szTitleWithVersion, sizeof(szTitleWithVersion), "%s v%s - Command Line Options", s_szTitle, RTBldCfgVersion());
388 | MessageBoxExA(NULL /*hwndOwner*/, szMsg, szTitleWithVersion, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION,
390 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_WIN */
391 | }
392 |
393 | extern "C" DECLEXPORT(int) TrustedMain(int argc, char **argv, char ** /*envp*/)
394 | {
395 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
396 | ATL::CComModule _Module; /* Required internally by ATL (constructor records instance in global variable). */
397 | #endif
398 |
399 | /* Failed result initially: */
400 | int iResultCode = 1;
401 |
402 | /* Start logging: */
403 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
404 |
405 | /* Simulate try-catch block: */
406 | do
407 | {
408 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
409 | /* Make sure multi-threaded environment is safe: */
410 | if (!MakeSureMultiThreadingIsSafe())
411 | break;
412 | VBGHDISPLAYSERVERTYPE enmDisplayServerType = VBGHDisplayServerTypeDetect();
413 | /* Abort before instantiating QApplication in case no active display server can be found to
414 | * prevent QApplication from aborting: */
415 | if (enmDisplayServerType == VBGHDISPLAYSERVERTYPE_NONE)
416 | {
417 | iResultCode = 1;
418 | Log(("We could not detect an active display server. Exiting."));
419 | RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "No active display server, X11 or Wayland, detected. Exiting.\n");
420 | break;
421 | }
422 | if (VBGHDisplayServerTypeIsXAvailable(enmDisplayServerType))
423 | /* Force using Qt platform plugin 'xcb', we have X11 specific code: */
424 | RTEnvSet("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "xcb");
425 | else
426 | /* Assume pure Wayland (without a X server):*/
427 | RTEnvSet("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "wayland");
428 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
429 |
430 | /* Console help preprocessing: */
431 | bool fHelpShown = false;
432 | for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
433 | {
434 | if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "-h")
435 | || !strcmp(argv[i], "-?")
436 | || !strcmp(argv[i], "-help")
437 | || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))
438 | {
439 | fHelpShown = true;
440 | ShowHelp();
441 | break;
442 | }
443 | }
444 | if (fHelpShown)
445 | {
446 | iResultCode = 0;
447 | break;
448 | }
449 |
451 | /* Make sure the image verification code works: */
452 | SUPR3HardenedVerifyInit();
453 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HARDENING */
454 |
455 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
456 | /* Prevent AppNap for Runtime UI only: */
457 | bool fPreventAppNap = false;
458 | # ifdef VBOX_RUNTIME_UI
459 | fPreventAppNap = true;
460 | # endif
461 | /* Instantiate own NSApplication before QApplication do it for us: */
462 | UICocoaApplication::create(fPreventAppNap);
463 |
464 | # ifdef VBOX_RUNTIME_UI
465 | /* If we're a helper app inside Resources in the main application bundle,
466 | * we need to amend the library path so the platform plugin can be found.
467 | * Note! This builds on the initIprtForDarwinHelperApp() hack. */
468 | {
469 | char szExecDir[RTPATH_MAX];
470 | int vrc = RTPathExecDir(szExecDir, sizeof(szExecDir));
471 | AssertRC(vrc);
472 | RTPathStripTrailingSlash(szExecDir); /* .../Contents/MacOS */
473 | RTPathStripFilename(szExecDir); /* .../Contents */
474 | RTPathAppend(szExecDir, sizeof(szExecDir), "plugins"); /* .../Contents/plugins */
475 | QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(QString::fromUtf8(szExecDir));
476 | }
477 | # endif /* VBOX_RUNTIME_UI */
478 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
479 |
480 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
481 | # if (defined(RT_OS_LINUX) && !defined(RT_ARCH_ARM64)) && defined(DEBUG)
482 | /* Install signal handler to backtrace the call stack: */
483 | InstallSignalHandler();
484 | # endif /* RT_OS_LINUX && DEBUG */
485 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
486 |
487 | /* Install Qt console message handler: */
488 | qInstallMessageHandler(QtMessageOutput);
489 |
490 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
491 | // WORKAROUND:
492 | // Some Desktop Environments forcing this variable which was useful in Qt5 case.
493 | // But in Qt6 case this variable is additional multiplier to scale-factor
494 | // calculated automatic way, which means for x2 the effective factor will be 2x2=4.
495 | // No idea how to proceed, probably we will ignore this variable for now, by
496 | // setting it to be always equal to 1.
497 | //qputenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR", "1");
498 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
499 |
500 | /* Create application: */
501 | QApplication a(argc, argv);
502 |
503 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
504 | /* Disable menu icons on MacOS X host: */
505 | ::darwinDisableIconsInMenus();
506 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_MAC */
507 |
508 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_WIN
509 | /* Drag in the sound drivers and DLLs early to get rid of the delay taking
510 | * place when the main menu bar (or any action from that menu bar) is
511 | * activated for the first time. This delay is especially annoying if it
512 | * happens when the VM is executing in real mode (which gives 100% CPU
513 | * load and slows down the load process that happens on the main GUI
514 | * thread to several seconds). */
515 | PlaySound(NULL, NULL, 0);
516 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_WIN */
517 |
518 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
519 | /* Make all widget native.
520 | * We did it to avoid various Qt crashes while testing widget attributes or acquiring winIds.
521 | * Yes, we aware of note that alien widgets faster to draw but the only widget we need to be fast
522 | * is viewport of VM which was always native since we are using his id for 3D service needs. */
523 | /* We have realized that making all windows native messes up widget updates in several cases like
524 | ssh forwarding, wayland qpa etc. Thus we experiment with not doing it any longer. */
525 | #if 0
526 | a.setAttribute(Qt::AA_NativeWindows);
527 | #endif
528 |
529 | # ifdef Q_OS_SOLARIS
530 | a.setStyle("fusion");
531 | # endif /* Q_OS_SOLARIS */
532 |
533 | # ifndef Q_OS_SOLARIS
534 | /* Apply font fixes (after QApplication get created and instantiated font-family): */
535 | QFontDatabase fontDataBase;
536 | QString currentFamily(QApplication::font().family());
537 | bool isCurrentScaleable = fontDataBase.isScalable(currentFamily);
538 | QString subFamily(QFont::substitute(currentFamily));
539 | bool isSubScaleable = fontDataBase.isScalable(subFamily);
540 | if (isCurrentScaleable && !isSubScaleable)
541 | QFont::removeSubstitutions(currentFamily);
542 | # endif /* !Q_OS_SOLARIS */
543 |
544 | /* Qt version check (major.minor are sensitive, fix number is ignored): */
545 | if (UIVersionInfo::qtRTVersion() < (UIVersionInfo::qtCTVersion() & 0xFFFF00))
546 | {
547 | QString strMsg = QApplication::tr("Executable <b>%1</b> requires Qt %2.x, found Qt %3.")
548 | .arg(qAppName())
549 | .arg(UIVersionInfo::qtCTVersionString().section('.', 0, 1))
550 | .arg(UIVersionInfo::qtRTVersionString());
551 | QMessageBox::critical(0, QApplication::tr("Incompatible Qt Library Error"),
552 | strMsg, QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::NoButton);
553 | qFatal("%s", strMsg.toUtf8().constData());
554 | break;
555 | }
556 | #endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
557 |
558 | /* Make sure we're not running inside an emulator (these days,
559 | * running amd64 code in an emulator on arm64). */
560 | uint32_t const uNativeArch = RTSystemGetNativeArch();
561 | if (uNativeArch != RT_ARCH_VAL && uNativeArch != 0)
562 | {
563 | QString strMsg = QApplication::tr("This VirtualBox application was built for a different CPU architecture (<b>%1</b>) than the host (<b>%2</b>). Please reinstall.")
564 | .arg(RTArchValToString(RT_ARCH_VAL))
565 | .arg(RTArchValToString(uNativeArch));
566 | QMessageBox::critical(0, QApplication::tr("Mismatching CPU Architecture"),
567 | strMsg, QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::NoButton);
568 | break;
569 | }
570 |
571 | /* Create modal-window manager: */
572 | UIModalWindowManager::create();
573 |
574 | #ifndef VBOX_RUNTIME_UI
575 | /* Create global app instance for Selector UI: */
576 | UICommon::create(UIType_ManagerUI);
577 | #else
578 | /* Create global app instance for Runtime UI: */
579 | UICommon::create(UIType_RuntimeUI);
580 | #endif
581 |
582 | /* Simulate try-catch block: */
583 | do
584 | {
585 | /* Exit if UICommon is not valid: */
586 | if (!uiCommon().isValid())
587 | break;
588 | /* Exit if UICommon pre-processed arguments: */
589 | if (uiCommon().processArgs())
590 | break;
591 |
592 | // WORKAROUND:
593 | // Initially we wanted to make that workaround for Runtime UI only,
594 | // because only there we had a strict handling for proper application quit
595 | // procedure. But it appeared on X11 (as usually due to an async nature) there
596 | // can happen situations that Qt application is checking whether at least one
597 | // window is already shown and if not - exits prematurely _before_ it is actually
598 | // shown. That can happen for example if window is not yet shown because blocked
599 | // by startup error message-box which is not treated as real window by some
600 | // reason. So we are making application exit manual everywhere.
601 | a.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false);
602 |
603 | /* Create UI starter: */
604 | UIStarter uiStarter;
605 | /* Request to Start UI _after_ QApplication executed: */
606 | QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&uiStarter, "sltStartUI", Qt::QueuedConnection);
607 |
608 | /* Start application: */
609 | iResultCode = a.exec();
610 | }
611 | while (0);
612 |
613 | /* Destroy global app instance: */
614 | UICommon::destroy();
615 |
616 | /* Destroy modal-window manager: */
617 | UIModalWindowManager::destroy();
618 | }
619 | while (0);
620 |
621 | /* Finish logging: */
622 | LogFlowFunc(("rc=%d\n", iResultCode));
623 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
624 |
625 | /* Return result: */
626 | return iResultCode;
627 | }
628 |
629 | #if !defined(VBOX_WITH_HARDENING) || !defined(VBOX_RUNTIME_UI)
630 |
631 | # if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) && defined(VBOX_RUNTIME_UI)
632 |
633 | extern "C" const char *_dyld_get_image_name(uint32_t);
634 |
635 | /** Init runtime with the executable path pointing into the
636 | * VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/ rather than
637 | * VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resource/VirtualBoxVM.app/Contents/MacOS/.
638 | *
639 | * This is a HACK to make codesign and friends happy on OS X. The idea is to
640 | * improve and eliminate this over time.
641 | */
642 | DECL_NO_INLINE(static, int) initIprtForDarwinHelperApp(int cArgs, char ***ppapszArgs, uint32_t fFlags)
643 | {
644 | const char *pszImageName = _dyld_get_image_name(0);
645 | AssertReturn(pszImageName, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
646 |
647 | char szTmpPath[PATH_MAX + 1];
648 | const char *psz = realpath(pszImageName, szTmpPath);
649 | int rc;
650 | if (psz)
651 | {
652 | char *pszFilename = RTPathFilename(szTmpPath);
653 | if (pszFilename)
654 | {
655 | char const chSavedFilename0 = *pszFilename;
656 | *pszFilename = '\0';
657 | RTPathStripTrailingSlash(szTmpPath); /* VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources/VirtualBoxVM.app/Contents/MacOS */
658 | RTPathStripFilename(szTmpPath); /* VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources/VirtualBoxVM.app/Contents/ */
659 | RTPathStripFilename(szTmpPath); /* VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources/VirtualBoxVM.app */
660 | RTPathStripFilename(szTmpPath); /* VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources */
661 | RTPathStripFilename(szTmpPath); /* VirtualBox.app/Contents */
662 | char *pszDst = strchr(szTmpPath, '\0');
663 | pszDst = (char *)memcpy(pszDst, RT_STR_TUPLE("/MacOS/")) + sizeof("/MacOS/") - 1; /** @todo where is mempcpy? */
664 | *pszFilename = chSavedFilename0;
665 | memmove(pszDst, pszFilename, strlen(pszFilename) + 1);
666 |
667 | return RTR3InitEx(RTR3INIT_VER_CUR, fFlags, cArgs, ppapszArgs, szTmpPath);
668 | }
670 | }
671 | else
672 | rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno);
673 | AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("rc=%Rrc pszLink=\"%s\"\nhex: %.*Rhxs\n", rc, pszImageName, strlen(pszImageName), pszImageName), rc);
674 | return rc;
675 | }
676 | # endif
677 |
678 |
679 | int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
680 | {
681 | # ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
682 | /* Make sure multi-threaded environment is safe: */
683 | if (!MakeSureMultiThreadingIsSafe())
684 | return 1;
685 | # endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
686 |
687 | /*
688 | * Determine the IPRT/SUPLib initialization flags if runtime UI process.
689 | * Only initialize SUPLib if about to start a VM in this process.
690 | *
691 | * Note! This must must match the corresponding parsing in hardenedmain.cpp
692 | * and UICommon.cpp exactly, otherwise there will be weird error messages.
693 | */
694 | /** @todo r=bird: We should consider just postponing this stuff till VM
695 | * creation, it shouldn't make too much of a difference GIP-wise. */
696 | uint32_t fFlags = 0;
697 | # ifdef VBOX_RUNTIME_UI
698 | unsigned cOptionsLeft = 4;
699 | bool fStartVM = false;
700 | bool fSeparateProcess = false;
701 | bool fExecuteAllInIem = false;
702 | bool fDriverless = false;
703 | for (int i = 1; i < argc && cOptionsLeft > 0; ++i)
704 | {
705 | if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "--startvm")
706 | || !strcmp(argv[i], "-startvm"))
707 | {
708 | cOptionsLeft -= fStartVM == false;
709 | fStartVM = true;
710 | i++;
711 | }
712 | else if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "--separate")
713 | || !strcmp(argv[i], "-separate"))
714 | {
715 | cOptionsLeft -= fSeparateProcess == false;
716 | fSeparateProcess = true;
717 | }
718 | else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--execute-all-in-iem"))
719 | {
720 | cOptionsLeft -= fExecuteAllInIem == false;
721 | fExecuteAllInIem = true;
722 | }
723 | else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--driverless"))
724 | {
725 | cOptionsLeft -= fDriverless == false;
726 | fDriverless = true;
727 | }
728 | }
729 | if (fStartVM && !fSeparateProcess)
730 | {
732 | if (fExecuteAllInIem)
734 | if (fDriverless)
736 | }
737 | # endif /* VBOX_RUNTIME_UI */
738 |
739 | /* Initialize VBox Runtime: */
740 | # if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) && defined(VBOX_RUNTIME_UI)
741 | int rc = initIprtForDarwinHelperApp(argc, &argv, fFlags);
742 | # else
743 | int rc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, fFlags);
744 | # endif
745 | /* Initialization failed: */
746 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
747 | {
748 | /* We have to create QApplication anyway
749 | * just to show the only one error-message: */
750 | QApplication a(argc, &argv[0]);
751 | Q_UNUSED(a);
752 |
753 | # ifdef Q_OS_SOLARIS
754 | a.setStyle("fusion");
755 | # endif
756 |
757 | /* Prepare the error-message: */
758 | QString strTitle = QApplication::tr("VirtualBox - Runtime Error");
759 | QString strText = "<html>";
760 | switch (rc)
761 | {
764 | strText += QApplication::tr("<b>Cannot access the kernel driver!</b><br/><br/>");
765 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
766 | strText += g_QStrHintLinuxNoDriver;
767 | # else
768 | strText += g_QStrHintOtherNoDriver;
769 | # endif
770 | break;
771 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
772 | case VERR_NO_MEMORY:
773 | strText += g_QStrHintLinuxNoMemory;
774 | break;
775 | # endif
777 | strText += QApplication::tr("Kernel driver not accessible");
778 | break;
780 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
781 | strText += g_QStrHintLinuxWrongDriverVersion;
782 | # else
783 | strText += g_QStrHintOtherWrongDriverVersion;
784 | # endif
785 | break;
786 | default:
787 | strText += QApplication::tr("Unknown error %2 during initialization of the Runtime").arg(rc);
788 | break;
789 | }
790 | strText += "</html>";
791 |
792 | /* Show the error-message: */
793 | QMessageBox::critical(0 /* parent */, strTitle, strText,
794 | QMessageBox::Abort /* 1st button */, QMessageBox::NoButton /* 2nd button */);
795 |
796 | /* Default error-result: */
797 | return 1;
798 | }
799 |
800 | /* Call to actual main function: */
801 | return TrustedMain(argc, argv, envp);
802 | }
803 |
805 |
807 |
808 | /**
809 | * Special entrypoint used by the hardening code when something goes south.
810 | *
811 | * Display an error dialog to the user.
812 | *
813 | * @param pszWhere Indicates where the error occured.
814 | * @param enmWhat Indicates what init operation was going on at the time.
815 | * @param rc The VBox status code corresponding to the error.
816 | * @param pszMsgFmt The message format string.
817 | * @param va Format arguments.
818 | */
819 | extern "C" DECLEXPORT(void) TrustedError(const char *pszWhere, SUPINITOP enmWhat, int rc, const char *pszMsgFmt, va_list va)
820 | {
821 | char szMsgBuf[_16K];
822 |
823 | /*
824 | * We have to create QApplication anyway just to show the only one error-message.
825 | * This is a bit hackish as we don't have the argument vector handy.
826 | */
827 | int argc = 0;
828 | char *argv[2] = { NULL, NULL };
829 | QApplication a(argc, &argv[0]);
830 |
831 | /*
832 | * The details starts off a properly formatted rc and where/what, we use
833 | * the szMsgBuf for this, thus this have to come before the actual message
834 | * formatting.
835 | */
836 | RTStrPrintf(szMsgBuf, sizeof(szMsgBuf),
837 | "<!--EOM-->"
838 | "where: %s\n"
839 | "what: %d\n"
840 | "%Rra\n",
841 | pszWhere, enmWhat, rc);
842 | QString strDetails = szMsgBuf;
843 |
844 | /*
845 | * Format the error message. Take whatever comes after a double new line as
846 | * something better off in the details section.
847 | */
848 | RTStrPrintfV(szMsgBuf, sizeof(szMsgBuf), pszMsgFmt, va);
849 |
850 | char *pszDetails = strstr(szMsgBuf, "\n\n");
851 | if (pszDetails)
852 | {
853 | while (RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pszDetails))
854 | *pszDetails++ = '\0';
855 | if (*pszDetails)
856 | {
857 | strDetails += "\n";
858 | strDetails += pszDetails;
859 | }
860 | RTStrStripR(szMsgBuf);
861 | }
862 |
863 | QString strText = QApplication::tr("<html><b>%1 (rc=%2)</b><br/><br/>").arg(szMsgBuf).arg(rc);
864 | strText.replace(QString("\n"), QString("<br>"));
865 |
866 | /*
867 | * Append possibly helpful hints to the error message.
868 | */
869 | switch (enmWhat)
870 | {
871 | case kSupInitOp_Driver:
872 | # ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
873 | strText += g_QStrHintLinuxNoDriver;
874 | # else /* RT_OS_LINUX */
875 | strText += g_QStrHintOtherNoDriver;
876 | # endif /* !RT_OS_LINUX */
877 | break;
878 | case kSupInitOp_IPRT:
879 | case kSupInitOp_Misc:
881 | # ifndef RT_OS_LINUX
882 | strText += g_QStrHintOtherWrongDriverVersion;
883 | # else
884 | strText += g_QStrHintLinuxWrongDriverVersion;
885 | else if (rc == VERR_NO_MEMORY)
886 | strText += g_QStrHintLinuxNoMemory;
887 | # endif
888 | else
889 | strText += g_QStrHintReinstall;
890 | break;
891 | case kSupInitOp_Integrity:
892 | case kSupInitOp_RootCheck:
893 | strText += g_QStrHintReinstall;
894 | break;
895 | default:
896 | /* no hints here */
897 | break;
898 | }
899 |
900 | # ifdef VBOX_WS_NIX
901 | /* We have to to make sure that we display the error-message
902 | * after the parent displayed its own message. */
903 | sleep(2);
904 | # endif /* VBOX_WS_NIX */
905 |
906 | /* Update strText with strDetails: */
907 | if (!strDetails.isEmpty())
908 | strText += QString("<br><br>%1").arg(strDetails);
909 |
910 | /* Close the <html> scope: */
911 | strText += "</html>";
912 |
913 | /* Create and show the error message-box: */
914 | QMessageBox::critical(0, QApplication::tr("VirtualBox - Error In %1").arg(pszWhere), strText);
915 |
916 | qFatal("%s", strText.toUtf8().constData());
917 | }
918 |
919 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_HARDENING */