1 | /* $Id: UIFileManagerTable.h 102507 2023-12-06 15:39:31Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIFileManagerTable class declaration.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | #ifndef FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_guestctrl_UIFileManagerTable_h
29 | #define FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_guestctrl_UIFileManagerTable_h
31 | # pragma once
32 | #endif
33 |
34 | /* Qt includes: */
35 | #include <QItemSelectionModel>
36 | #include <QMutex>
37 | #include <QThread>
38 | #include <QWidget>
39 |
40 | /* COM includes: */
41 | #include "COMEnums.h"
42 | #include "CGuestSession.h"
43 |
44 | /* GUI includes: */
45 | #include "QIDialog.h"
46 | #include "QITableView.h"
47 | #include "QIWithRetranslateUI.h"
48 | #include "UIGuestControlDefs.h"
49 |
50 | /* Forward declarations: */
51 | class QAction;
52 | class QFileInfo;
53 | class QILabel;
54 | class QILineEdit;
55 | class QGridLayout;
56 | class QSortFilterProxyModel;
57 | class QTextEdit;
58 | class QHBoxLayout;
59 | class QVBoxLayout;
60 | class UIActionPool;
61 | class UIFileSystemItem;
62 | class UIFileSystemModel;
63 | class UIFileSystemProxyModel;
64 | class UIFileTableNavigationWidget;
65 | class UIGuestControlFileView;
66 | class QIToolBar;
67 |
68 | /** A simple struck to store some statictics for a directory. Mainly used by UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer instances. */
69 | class UIDirectoryStatistics
70 | {
71 | public:
72 | UIDirectoryStatistics();
73 | ULONG64 m_totalSize;
74 | unsigned m_uFileCount;
75 | unsigned m_uDirectoryCount;
76 | unsigned m_uSymlinkCount;
77 | };
78 |
79 | Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(UIDirectoryStatistics);
80 |
81 |
82 | /** Examines the paths in @p strStartPath and collects some staticstics from them recursively (in case directories)
83 | * Runs on a worker thread to avoid GUI freezes. UIGuestFileTable and UIHostFileTable uses specialized children
84 | * of this class since the calls made on file objects are different. */
85 | class UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer : public QThread
86 | {
87 | Q_OBJECT;
88 |
89 | signals:
90 |
91 | void sigResultUpdated(UIDirectoryStatistics);
92 |
93 | public:
94 |
95 | UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(QObject *parent, QStringList strStartPath);
96 | /** Sets the m_fOkToContinue to false. This results an early termination
97 | * of the directoryStatisticsRecursive member function. */
98 | void stopRecursion();
99 |
100 | protected:
101 |
102 | /** Read the directory with the path @p path recursively and collect #of objects and total size */
103 | virtual void directoryStatisticsRecursive(const QString &path, UIDirectoryStatistics &statistics) = 0;
104 | virtual void run() RT_OVERRIDE;
105 | /** Returns the m_fOkToContinue flag */
106 | bool isOkToContinue() const;
107 |
108 | /** Stores a list of paths whose statistics are accumulated, can be file, directory etc: */
109 | QStringList m_pathList;
110 | UIDirectoryStatistics m_resultStatistics;
111 | QMutex m_mutex;
112 |
113 | private:
114 |
115 | bool m_fOkToContinue;
116 | };
117 |
118 | /** A QIDialog child to display properties of a file object */
119 | class UIPropertiesDialog : public QIDialog
120 | {
121 |
122 | Q_OBJECT;
123 |
124 | public:
125 |
126 | UIPropertiesDialog(QWidget *pParent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags enmFlags = Qt::WindowFlags());
127 | void setPropertyText(const QString &strProperty);
128 | void addDirectoryStatistics(UIDirectoryStatistics statictics);
129 |
130 | private:
131 |
132 | QVBoxLayout *m_pMainLayout;
133 | QTextEdit *m_pInfoEdit;
134 | QString m_strProperty;
135 | };
136 |
137 | /** This class serves a base class for file table. Currently a guest version
138 | * and a host version are derived from this base. Each of these children
139 | * populates the UIFileSystemModel by scanning the file system
140 | * differently. The file structure kept in this class as a tree. */
141 | class UIFileManagerTable : public QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>
142 | {
143 | Q_OBJECT;
144 |
145 | signals:
146 |
147 | void sigLogOutput(QString strLog, const QString &strMachineName, FileManagerLogType eLogType);
148 | void sigDeleteConfirmationOptionChanged();
149 | void sigSelectionChanged(bool fHasSelection);
150 |
151 | public:
152 |
153 | UIFileManagerTable(UIActionPool *pActionPool, QWidget *pParent = 0);
154 | virtual ~UIFileManagerTable();
155 | /** Deletes all the tree nodes */
156 | void reset();
157 | /** Returns the path of the rootIndex */
158 | QString currentDirectoryPath() const;
159 | /** Returns the paths of the selected items (if any) as a list */
160 | QStringList selectedItemPathList();
161 | virtual void refresh();
162 | static const unsigned m_iKiloByte;
163 | static QString humanReadableSize(ULONG64 size);
164 | /** Peroforms whatever is necessary after a UIFileManagerOptions change. */
165 | void optionsUpdated();
166 | bool hasSelection() const;
167 | void setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDropMode behavior);
168 | virtual bool isWindowsFileSystem() const = 0;
169 |
170 | public slots:
171 |
172 | void sltReceiveDirectoryStatistics(UIDirectoryStatistics statictics);
173 | void sltCreateNewDirectory();
174 | /* index is passed by the item view and represents the double clicked object's 'proxy' model index */
175 | void sltItemDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index);
176 | void sltItemClicked(const QModelIndex &index);
177 | void sltGoUp();
178 | void sltGoHome();
179 | void sltGoForward();
180 | void sltGoBackward();
181 | void sltRefresh();
182 | void sltDelete();
183 | /** Calls the edit on the data item over m_pView. This causes setData(..) call on the model. After setting
184 | * user entered text as the name of the item m_pModel signals. This signal is handled by sltHandleItemRenameAttempt which
185 | * tries to rename the corresponding file object by calling renameItem(...). If this rename fails the old name of the
186 | * model item is restored and view is refreshed by sltHandleItemRenameAttempt. */
187 | void sltRename();
188 | void sltCopy();
189 | void sltCut();
190 | void sltPaste();
191 | void sltShowProperties();
192 | void sltSelectAll();
193 | void sltInvertSelection();
194 |
195 | protected:
196 |
197 | /** This enum is used when performing a gueest-to-guest or host-to-host
198 | * file operations. Paths of source file objects are kept in a single buffer
199 | * and a flag to determine if it is a cut or copy operation is needed */
200 | enum FileOperationType
201 | {
202 | FileOperationType_Copy,
203 | FileOperationType_Cut,
204 | FileOperationType_None,
205 | FileOperationType_Max
206 | };
207 |
208 | void retranslateUi();
209 | void updateCurrentLocationEdit(const QString& strLocation);
210 | /* @p index is for model not for 'proxy' model */
211 | void changeLocation(const QModelIndex &index);
212 | void initializeFileTree();
213 | void checkDotDot(QMap<QString,UIFileSystemItem*> &map, UIFileSystemItem *parent, bool isStartDir);
214 |
215 | virtual bool readDirectory(const QString& strPath, UIFileSystemItem *parent, bool isStartDir = false) = 0;
216 | virtual void deleteByItem(UIFileSystemItem *item) = 0;
217 | virtual void goToHomeDirectory() = 0;
218 | virtual bool renameItem(UIFileSystemItem *item, const QString &strOldPath) = 0;
219 | virtual bool createDirectory(const QString &path, const QString &directoryName) = 0;
220 | virtual QString fsObjectPropertyString() = 0;
221 | virtual void showProperties() = 0;
222 | /** For non-windows system does nothing and for windows systems populates m_driveLetterList with
223 | * drive letters */
224 | virtual void determineDriveLetters() = 0;
225 | virtual void determinePathSeparator() = 0;
226 | virtual void prepareToolbar() = 0;
227 | virtual void createFileViewContextMenu(const QWidget *pWidget, const QPoint &point) = 0;
228 | virtual void toggleForwardBackwardActions() = 0;
229 | virtual bool event(QEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
230 |
231 | /** @name Copy/Cut guest-to-guest (host-to-host) stuff.
232 | * @{ */
233 | /** Disable/enable paste action depending on the m_eFileOperationType. */
234 | virtual void setPasteActionEnabled(bool fEnabled) = 0;
235 | virtual void pasteCutCopiedObjects() = 0;
236 | /** stores the type of the pending guest-to-guest (host-to-host) file operation. */
237 | FileOperationType m_eFileOperationType;
238 | /** @} */
239 |
240 | QString fileTypeString(KFsObjType type);
241 | /* @p item index is item location in model not in 'proxy' model */
242 | void goIntoDirectory(const QModelIndex &itemIndex);
243 | /** Follows the path trail, opens directories as it descends */
244 | void goIntoDirectory(const QStringList &pathTrail);
245 | /** Goes into directory pointed by the @p item */
246 | void goIntoDirectory(UIFileSystemItem *item);
247 | UIFileSystemItem* indexData(const QModelIndex &index) const;
248 | bool eventFilter(QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
249 | CGuestFsObjInfo guestFsObjectInfo(const QString& path, CGuestSession &comGuestSession) const;
250 | void setSelectionDependentActionsEnabled(bool fIsEnabled);
251 | UIFileSystemItem* rootItem();
252 | void setPathSeparator(const QChar &separator);
253 | QHBoxLayout* toolBarLayout();
254 | void setSessionWidgetsEnabled(bool fEnabled);
255 | void setModelFileSystem(bool fIsWindowsFileSystem);
256 |
257 | QILabel *m_pLocationLabel;
258 | UIPropertiesDialog *m_pPropertiesDialog;
259 | UIActionPool *m_pActionPool;
260 | QIToolBar *m_pToolBar;
261 | QGridLayout *m_pMainLayout;
262 | /** Stores the drive letters the file system has (for windows system). For non-windows
263 | * systems this is empty and for windows system it should at least contain C:/ */
264 | QStringList m_driveLetterList;
265 | /** The set of actions which need some selection to work on. Like cut, copy etc. */
266 | QSet<QAction*> m_selectionDependentActions;
267 | /** The absolute path list of the file objects which user has chosen to cut/copy. this
268 | * list will be cleaned after a paste operation or overwritten by a subsequent cut/copy.
269 | * Currently only used by the guest side. */
270 | QStringList m_copyCutBuffer;
271 | /** This name is appended to the log messages which are shown in the log panel. */
272 | QString m_strTableName;
273 | /** Contains m_pBreadCrumbsWidget and m_pLocationComboBox. */
274 | UIFileTableNavigationWidget *m_pNavigationWidget;
275 |
276 | private slots:
277 |
278 | void sltCreateFileViewContextMenu(const QPoint &point);
279 | void sltSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected);
280 | void sltSearchTextChanged(const QString &strText);
281 | /** m_pModel signals when an tree item is renamed. we try to apply this rename to the file system.
282 | * if the file system rename fails we restore the old name of the item. See the comment of
283 | * sltRename() for more details. Note that when this slot is called item->path() has also changed. Thus strOldPath. */
284 | void sltHandleItemRenameAttempt(UIFileSystemItem *pItem, const QString &strOldPath,
285 | const QString &strOldName, const QString &strNewName);
286 | void sltHandleNavigationWidgetPathChange(const QString& strPath);
287 | void sltHandleNavigationWidgetHistoryListChanged();
288 |
289 | private:
290 |
291 | void relist();
292 | void prepareObjects();
293 | /** @p itemIndex is assumed to be 'model' index not 'proxy model' index */
294 | void deleteByIndex(const QModelIndex &itemIndex);
295 | /** Returns the UIFileSystemItem for path / which is a direct (and single) child of m_pRootItem */
296 | UIFileSystemItem *getStartDirectoryItem();
297 | void deSelectUpDirectoryItem();
298 | void setSelectionForAll(QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags);
299 | void setSelection(const QModelIndex &indexInProxyModel);
300 | /** The start directory requires a special attention since on file systems with drive letters
301 | * drive letter are direct children of the start directory. On other systems start directory is '/' */
302 | void populateStartDirectory(UIFileSystemItem *startItem);
303 | /** Root index of the m_pModel */
304 | QModelIndex currentRootIndex() const;
305 | /* Searches the content of m_pSearchLineEdit within the current items' names and selects the item if found. */
306 | void performSelectionSearch(const QString &strSearchText);
307 | /** Clears the m_pSearchLineEdit and hides it. */
308 | void disableSelectionSearch();
309 | /** Checks if delete confirmation dialog is shown and users choice. Returns true
310 | * if deletion can continue */
311 | bool checkIfDeleteOK();
312 | /** Marks/umarks the search line edit to signal that there are no matches for the current search.
313 | * uses m_searchLineUnmarkColor and m_searchLineMarkColor. */
314 | void markUnmarkSearchLineEdit(bool fMark);
315 | QStringList currentDirectoryListing() const;
316 | UIFileSystemModel *m_pModel;
317 | UIGuestControlFileView *m_pView;
318 | UIFileSystemProxyModel *m_pProxyModel;
319 |
320 | QILineEdit *m_pSearchLineEdit;
321 | QColor m_searchLineUnmarkColor;
322 | QColor m_searchLineMarkColor;
323 | QChar m_pathSeparator;
324 | QHBoxLayout *m_pToolBarLayout;
325 | QVector<QWidget*> m_sessionWidgets;
326 | friend class UIFileSystemModel;
327 | };
328 |
329 | #endif /* !FEQT_INCLUDED_SRC_guestctrl_UIFileManagerTable_h */