1 | /* $Id: UIFileManagerHostTable.cpp 100324 2023-06-28 12:35:20Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIFileManagerHostTable class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QAction>
30 | #include <QDateTime>
31 | #include <QDir>
32 |
33 | /* GUI includes: */
34 | #include "QILabel.h"
35 | #include "UIActionPool.h"
36 | #include "UIFileManager.h"
37 | #include "UIFileTableNavigationWidget.h"
38 | #include "UICustomFileSystemModel.h"
39 | #include "UIFileManagerHostTable.h"
40 | #include "UIPathOperations.h"
41 | #include "QIToolBar.h"
42 |
43 |
44 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
45 | * UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer definition. *
46 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
47 |
48 | /** Open directories recursively and sum the disk usage. Don't block the GUI thread while doing this */
49 | class UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer : public UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer
50 | {
51 | Q_OBJECT;
52 |
53 | public:
54 |
55 | UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(QObject *parent, QStringList strStartPath);
56 |
57 | protected:
58 |
59 | virtual void directoryStatisticsRecursive(const QString &path, UIDirectoryStatistics &statistics) RT_OVERRIDE;
60 | };
61 |
62 |
63 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
64 | * UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer implementation. *
65 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
66 |
67 | UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(QObject *parent, QStringList pathList)
68 | :UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(parent, pathList)
69 | {
70 | }
71 |
72 | void UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::directoryStatisticsRecursive(const QString &path, UIDirectoryStatistics &statistics)
73 | {
74 | /* Prevent modification of the continue flag while reading: */
75 | m_mutex.lock();
76 | /* Check if m_fOkToContinue is set to false. if so just end recursion: */
77 | if (!isOkToContinue())
78 | {
79 | m_mutex.unlock();
80 | return;
81 | }
82 | m_mutex.unlock();
83 |
84 | QFileInfo fileInfo(path);
85 | if (!fileInfo.exists())
86 | return;
87 | /* if the object is a file or a symlink then read the size and return: */
88 | if (fileInfo.isFile())
89 | {
90 | statistics.m_totalSize += fileInfo.size();
91 | ++statistics.m_uFileCount;
92 | sigResultUpdated(statistics);
93 | return;
94 | }
95 | else if (fileInfo.isSymLink())
96 | {
97 | statistics.m_totalSize += fileInfo.size();
98 | ++statistics.m_uSymlinkCount;
99 | sigResultUpdated(statistics);
100 | return;
101 | }
102 |
103 | /* if it is a directory then read the content: */
104 | QDir dir(path);
105 | if (!dir.exists())
106 | return;
107 |
108 | QFileInfoList entryList = dir.entryInfoList();
109 | for (int i = 0; i < entryList.size(); ++i)
110 | {
111 | const QFileInfo &entryInfo = entryList.at(i);
112 | if (entryInfo.baseName().isEmpty() || entryInfo.baseName() == "." ||
113 | entryInfo.baseName() == UICustomFileSystemModel::strUpDirectoryString)
114 | continue;
115 | statistics.m_totalSize += entryInfo.size();
116 | if (entryInfo.isSymLink())
117 | statistics.m_uSymlinkCount++;
118 | else if(entryInfo.isFile())
119 | statistics.m_uFileCount++;
120 | else if (entryInfo.isDir())
121 | {
122 | statistics.m_uDirectoryCount++;
123 | directoryStatisticsRecursive(entryInfo.absoluteFilePath(), statistics);
124 | }
125 | }
126 | sigResultUpdated(statistics);
127 | }
128 |
129 |
130 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
131 | * UIFileManagerHostTable implementation. *
132 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
133 |
134 | UIFileManagerHostTable::UIFileManagerHostTable(UIActionPool *pActionPool, QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
135 | :UIFileManagerTable(pActionPool, pParent)
136 | {
137 | initializeFileTree();
138 | prepareToolbar();
139 | prepareActionConnections();
140 | determinePathSeparator();
141 | retranslateUi();
142 | }
143 |
144 | /* static */ void UIFileManagerHostTable::scanDirectory(const QString& strPath, UICustomFileSystemItem *parent,
145 | QMap<QString, UICustomFileSystemItem*> &fileObjects)
146 | {
147 |
148 | QDir directory(strPath);
149 | /* For some reason when this filter is applied, folder content QDir::entryInfoList()
150 | returns an empty list: */
151 | /*directory.setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);*/
152 | parent->setIsOpened(true);
153 | if (!directory.exists())
154 | return;
155 | QFileInfoList entries = directory.entryInfoList(QDir::Hidden|QDir::AllEntries|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
156 | for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
157 | {
158 | const QFileInfo &fileInfo = entries.at(i);
159 |
160 | UICustomFileSystemItem *item = new UICustomFileSystemItem(fileInfo.fileName(), parent, fileType(fileInfo));
161 | if (!item)
162 | continue;
163 |
164 | item->setData(fileInfo.size(), UICustomFileSystemModelData_Size);
165 | item->setData(fileInfo.lastModified(), UICustomFileSystemModelData_ChangeTime);
166 | item->setData(fileInfo.owner(), UICustomFileSystemModelData_Owner);
167 | item->setData(permissionString(fileInfo.permissions()), UICustomFileSystemModelData_Permissions);
168 | item->setPath(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
169 | /* if the item is a symlink set the target path and
170 | check the target if it is a directory: */
171 | if (fileInfo.isSymLink()) /** @todo No symlinks here on windows, while fsObjectPropertyString() does see them. RTDirReadEx works wrt symlinks, btw. */
172 | {
173 | item->setTargetPath(fileInfo.symLinkTarget());
174 | item->setIsSymLinkToADirectory(QFileInfo(fileInfo.symLinkTarget()).isDir());
175 | }
176 | item->setIsHidden(fileInfo.isHidden());
177 | fileObjects.insert(fileInfo.fileName(), item);
178 | item->setIsOpened(false);
179 | }
180 | }
181 |
182 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::retranslateUi()
183 | {
184 | if (m_pLocationLabel)
185 | m_pLocationLabel->setText(UIFileManager::tr("Host File System:"));
186 | m_strTableName = UIFileManager::tr("Host");
187 | UIFileManagerTable::retranslateUi();
188 | }
189 |
190 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::prepareToolbar()
191 | {
192 | if (m_pToolBar && m_pActionPool)
193 | {
194 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoBackward));
195 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoForward));
196 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoUp));
197 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoHome));
198 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Refresh));
199 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
200 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Delete));
201 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Rename));
202 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_CreateNewDirectory));
203 | // m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
204 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Copy));
205 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Cut));
206 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Paste));
207 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
208 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_SelectAll));
209 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_InvertSelection));
210 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
211 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_ShowProperties));
212 |
213 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Delete));
214 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Rename));
215 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_ShowProperties));
216 |
217 | /* Hide cut, copy, and paste for now. We will implement those
218 | when we have an API for host file operations: */
219 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Copy)->setVisible(false);
220 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Cut)->setVisible(false);
221 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Paste)->setVisible(false);
222 | }
223 | setSelectionDependentActionsEnabled(false);
224 | }
225 |
226 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::createFileViewContextMenu(const QWidget *pWidget, const QPoint &point)
227 | {
228 | if (!pWidget)
229 | return;
230 |
231 | QMenu menu;
232 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoUp));
233 |
234 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoHome));
235 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Refresh));
236 | menu.addSeparator();
237 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Delete));
238 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Rename));
239 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_CreateNewDirectory));
240 | // menu.addSeparator();
241 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Copy));
242 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Cut));
243 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Paste));
244 | menu.addSeparator();
245 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_SelectAll));
246 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_InvertSelection));
247 | menu.addSeparator();
248 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_ShowProperties));
249 | menu.exec(pWidget->mapToGlobal(point));
250 | }
251 |
252 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::toggleForwardBackwardActions()
253 | {
254 | if (!m_pNavigationWidget)
255 | return;
256 | if (m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoForward))
257 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoForward)->setEnabled(m_pNavigationWidget->canGoForward());
258 | if (m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoBackward))
259 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoBackward)->setEnabled(m_pNavigationWidget->canGoBackward());
260 | }
261 |
262 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::readDirectory(const QString& strPath, UICustomFileSystemItem *parent, bool isStartDir /*= false*/)
263 | {
264 | if (!parent)
265 | return;
266 |
267 | QMap<QString, UICustomFileSystemItem*> fileObjects;
268 | scanDirectory(strPath, parent, fileObjects);
269 | checkDotDot(fileObjects, parent, isStartDir);
270 | }
271 |
272 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::deleteByItem(UICustomFileSystemItem *item)
273 | {
274 | if (item->isUpDirectory())
275 | return;
276 | if (!item->isDirectory())
277 | {
278 | QDir itemToDelete;
279 | itemToDelete.remove(item->path());
280 | }
281 | QDir itemToDelete(item->path());
282 | itemToDelete.setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
283 | /* Try to delete item recursively (in case of directories).
284 | note that this is no good way of deleting big directory
285 | trees. We need a better error reporting and a kind of progress
286 | indicator: */
287 | /** @todo replace this recursive delete by a better implementation: */
288 | bool deleteSuccess = itemToDelete.removeRecursively();
289 |
290 | if (!deleteSuccess)
291 | emit sigLogOutput(QString(item->path()).append(" could not be deleted"), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
292 | }
293 |
294 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::deleteByPath(const QStringList &pathList)
295 | {
296 | foreach (const QString &strPath, pathList)
297 | {
298 | bool deleteSuccess = true;
299 | KFsObjType eType = fileType(QFileInfo(strPath));
300 | if (eType == KFsObjType_File || eType == KFsObjType_Symlink)
301 | {
302 | deleteSuccess = QDir().remove(strPath);
303 | }
304 | else if (eType == KFsObjType_Directory)
305 | {
306 | QDir itemToDelete(strPath);
307 | itemToDelete.setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
308 | deleteSuccess = itemToDelete.removeRecursively();
309 | }
310 | if (!deleteSuccess)
311 | emit sigLogOutput(QString(strPath).append(" could not be deleted"), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
312 | }
313 | }
314 |
315 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::goToHomeDirectory()
316 | {
317 | if (!rootItem() || rootItem()->childCount() <= 0)
318 | return;
319 | UICustomFileSystemItem *startDirItem = rootItem()->child(0);
320 | if (!startDirItem)
321 | return;
322 |
323 | QString userHome = UIPathOperations::sanitize(QDir::homePath());
324 | goIntoDirectory(UIPathOperations::pathTrail(userHome));
325 | }
326 |
327 | bool UIFileManagerHostTable::renameItem(UICustomFileSystemItem *item, QString newBaseName)
328 | {
329 | if (!item || item->isUpDirectory() || newBaseName.isEmpty())
330 | return false;
331 | QString newPath = UIPathOperations::constructNewItemPath(item->path(), newBaseName);
332 | QDir tempDir;
333 | if (tempDir.rename(item->path(), newPath))
334 | {
335 | item->setPath(newPath);
336 | return true;
337 | }
338 | return false;
339 | }
340 |
341 | bool UIFileManagerHostTable::createDirectory(const QString &path, const QString &directoryName)
342 | {
343 | QDir parentDir(path);
344 | if (!parentDir.mkdir(directoryName))
345 | {
346 | emit sigLogOutput(UIPathOperations::mergePaths(path, directoryName).append(" could not be created"), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
347 | return false;
348 | }
349 |
350 | return true;
351 | }
352 |
353 | /* static */
354 | KFsObjType UIFileManagerHostTable::fileType(const QFileInfo &fsInfo)
355 | {
356 | if (!fsInfo.exists())
357 | return KFsObjType_Unknown;
358 | /* first check if it is symlink becacuse for Qt
359 | being smylin and directory/file is not mutually exclusive: */
360 | if (fsInfo.isSymLink())
361 | return KFsObjType_Symlink;
362 | else if (fsInfo.isFile())
363 | return KFsObjType_File;
364 | else if (fsInfo.isDir())
365 | return KFsObjType_Directory;
366 | return KFsObjType_Unknown;
367 | }
368 |
369 | /* static */
370 | KFsObjType UIFileManagerHostTable::fileType(const QString &strPath)
371 | {
372 | return fileType(QFileInfo(strPath));
373 | }
374 |
375 | QString UIFileManagerHostTable::fsObjectPropertyString()
376 | {
377 | QStringList selectedObjects = selectedItemPathList();
378 | if (selectedObjects.isEmpty())
379 | return QString();
380 | if (selectedObjects.size() == 1)
381 | {
382 | if (selectedObjects.at(0).isNull())
383 | return QString();
384 | QFileInfo fileInfo(selectedObjects.at(0));
385 | if (!fileInfo.exists())
386 | return QString();
387 | QStringList propertyStringList;
388 | /* Name: */
389 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Name:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.fileName());
390 | /* Size: */
391 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Size:</b> %1 bytes").arg(QString::number(fileInfo.size()));
392 | if (fileInfo.size() >= m_iKiloByte)
393 | propertyStringList << QString(" (%1)").arg(humanReadableSize(fileInfo.size()));
394 | propertyStringList << "<br/>";
395 | /* Type: */
396 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Type:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileTypeString(fileType(fileInfo)));
397 | /* Creation Date: */
398 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0)
399 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Created:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.birthTime().toString());
400 | #else
401 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Created:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.created().toString());
402 | #endif
403 | /* Last Modification Date: */
404 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Modified:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.lastModified().toString());
405 | /* Owner: */
406 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Owner:</b> %1").arg(fileInfo.owner());
407 |
408 | return propertyStringList.join(QString());
409 | }
410 |
411 | int fileCount = 0;
412 | int directoryCount = 0;
413 | ULONG64 totalSize = 0;
414 |
415 | for(int i = 0; i < selectedObjects.size(); ++i)
416 | {
417 | QFileInfo fileInfo(selectedObjects.at(i));
418 | if (!fileInfo.exists())
419 | continue;
420 | if (fileInfo.isFile())
421 | ++fileCount;
422 | if (fileInfo.isDir())
423 | ++directoryCount;
424 | totalSize += fileInfo.size();
425 | }
426 | QStringList propertyStringList;
427 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Selected:</b> %1 files and %2 directories<br/>").
428 | arg(QString::number(fileCount)).arg(QString::number(directoryCount));
429 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Size:</b> %1 bytes").arg(QString::number(totalSize));
430 | if (totalSize >= m_iKiloByte)
431 | propertyStringList << QString(" (%1)").arg(humanReadableSize(totalSize));
432 |
433 | return propertyStringList.join(QString());
434 | }
435 |
436 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::showProperties()
437 | {
438 | qRegisterMetaType<UIDirectoryStatistics>();
439 | QString fsPropertyString = fsObjectPropertyString();
440 | if (fsPropertyString.isEmpty())
441 | return;
442 | if (!m_pPropertiesDialog)
443 | m_pPropertiesDialog = new UIPropertiesDialog(this);
444 | if (!m_pPropertiesDialog)
445 | return;
446 |
447 | UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer *directoryThread = 0;
448 |
449 | QStringList selectedObjects = selectedItemPathList();
450 | if ((selectedObjects.size() == 1 && QFileInfo(selectedObjects.at(0)).isDir())
451 | || selectedObjects.size() > 1)
452 | {
453 | directoryThread = new UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(this, selectedObjects);
454 | if (directoryThread)
455 | {
456 | connect(directoryThread, &UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::sigResultUpdated,
457 | this, &UIFileManagerHostTable::sltReceiveDirectoryStatistics/*, Qt::DirectConnection*/);
458 | directoryThread->start();
459 | }
460 | }
461 | m_pPropertiesDialog->setWindowTitle("Properties");
462 | m_pPropertiesDialog->setPropertyText(fsPropertyString);
463 | m_pPropertiesDialog->execute();
464 | if (directoryThread)
465 | {
466 | if (directoryThread->isRunning())
467 | directoryThread->stopRecursion();
468 | disconnect(directoryThread, &UIHostDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::sigResultUpdated,
469 | this, &UIFileManagerHostTable::sltReceiveDirectoryStatistics/*, Qt::DirectConnection*/);
470 | directoryThread->wait();
471 | }
472 | }
473 |
474 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::determineDriveLetters()
475 | {
476 | QFileInfoList drive = QDir::drives();
477 | m_driveLetterList.clear();
478 | for (int i = 0; i < drive.size(); ++i)
479 | {
480 | if (UIPathOperations::doesPathStartWithDriveLetter(drive[i].filePath()))
481 | m_driveLetterList.push_back(drive[i].filePath());
482 | }
483 | }
484 |
485 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::determinePathSeparator()
486 | {
487 | setPathSeparator(QDir::separator());
488 | }
489 |
490 | /* static */QString UIFileManagerHostTable::permissionString(QFileDevice::Permissions permissions)
491 | {
492 | QString strPermissions;
493 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::ReadOwner)
494 | strPermissions += 'r';
495 | else
496 | strPermissions += '-';
497 |
498 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::WriteOwner)
499 | strPermissions += 'w';
500 | else
501 | strPermissions += '-';
502 |
503 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::ExeOwner)
504 | strPermissions += 'x';
505 | else
506 | strPermissions += '-';
507 |
508 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::ReadGroup)
509 | strPermissions += 'r';
510 | else
511 | strPermissions += '-';
512 |
513 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::WriteGroup)
514 | strPermissions += 'w';
515 | else
516 | strPermissions += '-';
517 |
518 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::ExeGroup)
519 | strPermissions += 'x';
520 | else
521 | strPermissions += '-';
522 |
523 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::ReadOther)
524 | strPermissions += 'r';
525 | else
526 | strPermissions += '-';
527 |
528 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::WriteOther)
529 | strPermissions += 'w';
530 | else
531 | strPermissions += '-';
532 |
533 | if (permissions & QFileDevice::ExeOther)
534 | strPermissions += 'x';
535 | else
536 | strPermissions += '-';
537 | return strPermissions;
538 | }
539 |
540 | void UIFileManagerHostTable::prepareActionConnections()
541 | {
542 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoUp), &QAction::triggered,
543 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoUp);
544 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoHome), &QAction::triggered,
545 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoHome);
546 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoForward), &QAction::triggered,
547 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoForward);
548 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_GoBackward), &QAction::triggered,
549 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoBackward);
550 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Refresh), &QAction::triggered,
551 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltRefresh);
552 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Delete), &QAction::triggered,
553 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltDelete);
554 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Rename), &QAction::triggered,
555 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltRename);
556 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Copy), &QAction::triggered,
557 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltCopy);
558 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Cut), &QAction::triggered,
559 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltCut);
560 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_Paste), &QAction::triggered,
561 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltPaste);
562 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_SelectAll), &QAction::triggered,
563 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltSelectAll);
564 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_InvertSelection), &QAction::triggered,
565 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltInvertSelection);
566 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_ShowProperties), &QAction::triggered,
567 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltShowProperties);
568 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Host_CreateNewDirectory), &QAction::triggered,
569 | this, &UIFileManagerTable::sltCreateNewDirectory);
570 | }
571 |
572 | #include "UIFileManagerHostTable.moc"