1 | /* $Id: UIFileManagerGuestTable.cpp 100324 2023-06-28 12:35:20Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIFileManagerGuestTable class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QDateTime>
30 | #include <QFileInfo>
31 | #include <QHBoxLayout>
32 | #include <QPushButton>
33 | #include <QUuid>
34 |
35 | /* GUI includes: */
36 | #include "QILabel.h"
37 | #include "UIActionPool.h"
38 | #include "UIConverter.h"
39 | #include "UICommon.h"
40 | #include "UICustomFileSystemModel.h"
41 | #include "UIErrorString.h"
42 | #include "UIFileManager.h"
43 | #include "UIFileManagerHostTable.h"
44 | #include "UIFileManagerGuestTable.h"
45 | #include "UIFileTableNavigationWidget.h"
46 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
47 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
48 | #include "UIPathOperations.h"
49 | #include "UIUserNamePasswordEditor.h"
50 | #include "UIVirtualBoxEventHandler.h"
51 | #include "QILineEdit.h"
52 | #include "QIToolBar.h"
53 |
54 | /* COM includes: */
55 | #include "CConsole.h"
56 | #include "CFsObjInfo.h"
57 | #include "CGuestFsObjInfo.h"
58 | #include "CGuestDirectory.h"
59 | #include "CProgress.h"
60 | #include "CGuestSessionStateChangedEvent.h"
61 |
62 | #include <iprt/path.h>
63 | #include <iprt/err.h>
64 |
65 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
66 | * UIGuestSessionWidget definition. *
67 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
68 | /** A QWidget extension containing text entry fields for password and username and buttons to
69 | * start/stop a guest session. */
70 | class UIGuestSessionWidget : public QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>
71 | {
72 | Q_OBJECT;
73 |
74 | signals:
75 |
76 | void sigOpenSession(QString strUserName, QString strPassword);
77 | void sigCloseSession();
78 |
79 | public:
80 |
81 | UIGuestSessionWidget(QWidget *pParent = 0);
82 | /** Disables certain widget after a guest session has been opened. */
83 | void switchSessionOpenMode();
84 | /** Makes sure certain widgets are enabled so that a guest session can be opened. */
85 | void switchSessionCloseMode();
86 | void markForError(bool fMarkForError);
87 | void setStatusLabelIconAndToolTip(const QIcon &icon, const QString &strToolTip);
88 | void setLoginWidgetsEnabled(bool fEnabled);
89 |
90 | protected:
91 |
92 | void retranslateUi() RT_OVERRIDE;
93 | void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
94 | void showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
95 |
96 | private slots:
97 |
98 | void sltButtonClick();
99 | void sltHandleTextChanged(const QString &strText);
100 |
101 | private:
102 |
103 | enum ButtonMode
104 | {
105 | ButtonMode_Open,
106 | ButtonMode_Close
107 | };
108 |
109 | void prepareWidgets();
110 | void updateButton();
111 |
112 | ButtonMode m_enmButtonMode;
113 | QILineEdit *m_pUserNameEdit;
114 | UIPasswordLineEdit *m_pPasswordEdit;
115 | QPushButton *m_pButton;
116 | QHBoxLayout *m_pMainLayout;
117 | QColor m_defaultBaseColor;
118 | QColor m_errorBaseColor;
119 | bool m_fMarkedForError;
120 | QLabel *m_pStatusIconLabel;
121 | };
122 |
123 |
124 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
125 | * UIGuestSessionWidget implementation. *
126 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
127 |
128 | UIGuestSessionWidget::UIGuestSessionWidget(QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
129 | : QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>(pParent)
130 | , m_enmButtonMode(ButtonMode_Open)
131 | , m_pUserNameEdit(0)
132 | , m_pPasswordEdit(0)
133 | , m_pButton(0)
134 | , m_pMainLayout(0)
135 | , m_fMarkedForError(0)
136 | , m_pStatusIconLabel(0)
137 | {
138 | prepareWidgets();
139 | }
140 |
141 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::prepareWidgets()
142 | {
143 | m_pMainLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
144 | if (!m_pMainLayout)
145 | return;
146 |
147 | m_pMainLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
148 |
149 | m_pUserNameEdit = new QILineEdit;
150 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
151 | {
152 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pUserNameEdit, 2);
153 | m_pUserNameEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "User Name"));
154 | m_defaultBaseColor = m_pUserNameEdit->palette().color(QPalette::Base);
155 | m_errorBaseColor = QColor(m_defaultBaseColor.red(),
156 | 0.5 * m_defaultBaseColor.green(),
157 | 0.5 * m_defaultBaseColor.blue());
158 | connect(m_pUserNameEdit, &QILineEdit::textChanged,
159 | this, &UIGuestSessionWidget::sltHandleTextChanged);
160 | }
161 |
162 | m_pPasswordEdit = new UIPasswordLineEdit;
163 | if (m_pPasswordEdit)
164 | {
165 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pPasswordEdit, 2);
166 | m_pPasswordEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Password"));
167 | m_pPasswordEdit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
168 | connect(m_pPasswordEdit, &UIPasswordLineEdit::textChanged,
169 | this, &UIGuestSessionWidget::sltHandleTextChanged);
170 | }
171 |
172 | m_pButton = new QPushButton;
173 | if (m_pButton)
174 | {
175 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pButton);
176 | connect(m_pButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &UIGuestSessionWidget::sltButtonClick);
177 | }
178 | m_pStatusIconLabel = new QLabel(this);
179 | if (m_pStatusIconLabel)
180 | {
181 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pStatusIconLabel);
182 | m_pStatusIconLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
183 | }
184 |
185 | m_pMainLayout->insertStretch(-1, 1);
186 | switchSessionOpenMode();
187 | retranslateUi();
188 | }
189 |
190 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::sltButtonClick()
191 | {
192 | if (m_enmButtonMode == ButtonMode_Open && m_pUserNameEdit && m_pPasswordEdit)
193 | emit sigOpenSession(m_pUserNameEdit->text(), m_pPasswordEdit->text());
194 | else if (m_enmButtonMode == ButtonMode_Close)
195 | emit sigCloseSession();
196 | }
197 |
198 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::sltHandleTextChanged(const QString &strText)
199 | {
200 | Q_UNUSED(strText);
201 | markForError(false);
202 | }
203 |
204 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::retranslateUi()
205 | {
206 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
207 | {
208 | m_pUserNameEdit->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "User name to authenticate session creation"));
209 | m_pUserNameEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "User Name"));
210 |
211 | }
212 | if (m_pPasswordEdit)
213 | {
214 | m_pPasswordEdit->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Password to authenticate session creation"));
215 | m_pPasswordEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Password"));
216 | }
217 |
218 | if (m_pButton)
219 | {
220 | if (m_enmButtonMode == ButtonMode_Open)
221 | {
222 | m_pButton->setText(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Open Session"));
223 | m_pButton->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Open Session"));
224 | }
225 | else
226 | {
227 | m_pButton->setText(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Close Session"));
228 | m_pButton->setToolTip(QApplication::translate("UIFileManager", "Close Session"));
229 | }
230 | }
231 | }
232 |
233 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * pEvent)
234 | {
235 | /* Emit sigOpenSession upon enter press: */
236 | if (pEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || pEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return)
237 | {
238 | if ((m_pUserNameEdit && m_pUserNameEdit->hasFocus()) ||
239 | (m_pPasswordEdit && m_pPasswordEdit->hasFocus()))
240 | sigOpenSession(m_pUserNameEdit->text(), m_pPasswordEdit->text());
241 | }
242 | QWidget::keyPressEvent(pEvent);
243 | }
244 |
245 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent)
246 | {
247 | QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>::showEvent(pEvent);
248 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
249 | m_pUserNameEdit->setFocus();
250 | }
251 |
252 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::switchSessionOpenMode()
253 | {
254 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
255 | m_pUserNameEdit->setEnabled(true);
256 | if (m_pPasswordEdit)
257 | m_pPasswordEdit->setEnabled(true);
258 | m_enmButtonMode = ButtonMode_Open;
259 | retranslateUi();
260 | }
261 |
262 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::switchSessionCloseMode()
263 | {
264 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
265 | m_pUserNameEdit->setEnabled(false);
266 | if (m_pPasswordEdit)
267 | m_pPasswordEdit->setEnabled(false);
268 | m_enmButtonMode = ButtonMode_Close;
269 | retranslateUi();
270 | }
271 |
272 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::markForError(bool fMarkForError)
273 | {
274 | if (m_fMarkedForError == fMarkForError)
275 | return;
276 | m_fMarkedForError = fMarkForError;
277 |
278 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
279 | {
280 | QPalette mPalette = m_pUserNameEdit->palette();
281 | if (m_fMarkedForError)
282 | mPalette.setColor(QPalette::Base, m_errorBaseColor);
283 | else
284 | mPalette.setColor(QPalette::Base, m_defaultBaseColor);
285 | m_pUserNameEdit->setPalette(mPalette);
286 | }
287 | if (m_pPasswordEdit)
288 | {
289 | QPalette mPalette = m_pPasswordEdit->palette();
290 | if (m_fMarkedForError)
291 | mPalette.setColor(QPalette::Base, m_errorBaseColor);
292 | else
293 | mPalette.setColor(QPalette::Base, m_defaultBaseColor);
294 | m_pPasswordEdit->setPalette(mPalette);
295 | }
296 | }
297 |
298 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::setStatusLabelIconAndToolTip(const QIcon &icon, const QString &strToolTip)
299 | {
300 | if (!m_pStatusIconLabel)
301 | return;
302 | const int iIconMetric = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonIconSize);
303 | m_pStatusIconLabel->setPixmap(icon.pixmap(QSize(iIconMetric, iIconMetric)));
304 | m_pStatusIconLabel->setToolTip(strToolTip);
305 | }
306 |
307 | void UIGuestSessionWidget::setLoginWidgetsEnabled(bool fEnabled)
308 | {
309 | if (m_pUserNameEdit)
310 | m_pUserNameEdit->setEnabled(fEnabled);
311 | if (m_pPasswordEdit)
312 | m_pPasswordEdit->setEnabled(fEnabled);
313 | if (m_pButton)
314 | m_pButton->setEnabled(fEnabled);
315 | }
316 |
317 |
318 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
319 | * UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer definition. *
320 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
321 |
322 | /** Open directories recursively and sum the disk usage. Don't block the GUI thread while doing this */
323 | class UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer : public UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer
324 | {
325 | Q_OBJECT;
326 |
327 | public:
328 |
329 | UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(QObject *parent, QStringList strStartPath, const CGuestSession &session);
330 |
331 | protected:
332 |
333 | virtual void run() RT_OVERRIDE;
334 | virtual void directoryStatisticsRecursive(const QString &path, UIDirectoryStatistics &statistics) RT_OVERRIDE;
335 |
336 | private:
337 |
338 | CGuestSession m_comGuestSession;
339 | };
340 |
341 |
342 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
343 | * UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer implementation. *
344 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
345 |
346 | UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(QObject *parent, QStringList pathList, const CGuestSession &session)
347 | :UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer(parent, pathList)
348 | , m_comGuestSession(session)
349 | {
350 | }
351 |
352 | void UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::run()
353 | {
354 | /* Initialize COM: */
355 | COMBase::InitializeCOM(false);
356 | UIDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::run();
357 | /* Cleanup COM: */
358 | COMBase::CleanupCOM();
359 | }
360 |
361 | void UIGuestDirectoryDiskUsageComputer::directoryStatisticsRecursive(const QString &path, UIDirectoryStatistics &statistics)
362 | {
363 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
364 | return;
365 | /* Prevent modification of the continue flag while reading: */
366 | m_mutex.lock();
367 | /* Check if m_fOkToContinue is set to false. if so just end recursion: */
368 | if (!isOkToContinue())
369 | {
370 | m_mutex.unlock();
371 | return;
372 | }
373 | m_mutex.unlock();
374 |
375 | CGuestFsObjInfo fileInfo = m_comGuestSession.FsObjQueryInfo(path, true);
376 |
377 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
378 | return;
379 | /* if the object is a file or a symlink then read the size and return: */
380 | if (fileInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_File)
381 | {
382 | statistics.m_totalSize += fileInfo.GetObjectSize();
383 | ++statistics.m_uFileCount;
384 | sigResultUpdated(statistics);
385 | return;
386 | }
387 | else if (fileInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Symlink)
388 | {
389 | statistics.m_totalSize += fileInfo.GetObjectSize();
390 | ++statistics.m_uSymlinkCount;
391 | sigResultUpdated(statistics);
392 | return;
393 | }
394 |
395 | if (fileInfo.GetType() != KFsObjType_Directory)
396 | return;
397 | /* Open the directory to start reading its content: */
398 | QVector<KDirectoryOpenFlag> flag(1, KDirectoryOpenFlag_None);
399 | CGuestDirectory directory = m_comGuestSession.DirectoryOpen(path, /*aFilter*/ "", flag);
400 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
401 | return;
402 |
403 | if (directory.isOk())
404 | {
405 | CFsObjInfo fsInfo = directory.Read();
406 | while (fsInfo.isOk())
407 | {
408 | if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_File)
409 | statistics.m_uFileCount++;
410 | else if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Symlink)
411 | statistics.m_uSymlinkCount++;
412 | else if(fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Directory)
413 | {
414 | QString dirPath = UIPathOperations::mergePaths(path, fsInfo.GetName());
415 | directoryStatisticsRecursive(dirPath, statistics);
416 | }
417 | }
418 | }
419 | sigResultUpdated(statistics);
420 | }
421 |
422 | UIFileManagerGuestTable::UIFileManagerGuestTable(UIActionPool *pActionPool, const CMachine &comMachine, QWidget *pParent /*= 0*/)
423 | :UIFileManagerTable(pActionPool, pParent)
424 | , m_comMachine(comMachine)
425 | , m_pGuestSessionWidget(0)
426 | , m_fIsCurrent(false)
427 | , pszMinimumGuestAdditionVersion("6.1")
428 | {
429 | if (!m_comMachine.isNull())
430 | m_strTableName = m_comMachine.GetName();
431 | prepareToolbar();
432 | prepareGuestSessionPanel();
433 | prepareActionConnections();
434 |
435 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigMachineStateChange,
436 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltMachineStateChange);
437 | connect(&uiCommon(), &UICommon::sigAskToCommitData,
438 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltCommitDataSignalReceived);
439 |
440 | if (m_pActionPool && m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_T_GuestSession))
441 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_T_GuestSession)->setChecked(true);
442 |
443 | if (!m_comMachine.isNull() && m_comMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Running)
444 | openMachineSession();
445 | setStateAndEnableWidgets();
446 |
447 | retranslateUi();
448 | }
449 |
450 | UIFileManagerGuestTable::~UIFileManagerGuestTable()
451 | {
452 | cleanAll();
453 | }
454 |
455 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::initFileTable()
456 | {
457 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk() || m_comGuestSession.GetStatus() != KGuestSessionStatus_Started)
458 | return;
459 | /* To determine the path separator we need to have a valid guest session: */
460 | determinePathSeparator();
461 | initializeFileTree();
462 | }
463 |
464 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::retranslateUi()
465 | {
466 | if (m_pLocationLabel)
467 | m_pLocationLabel->setText(UIFileManager::tr("Guest File System:"));
468 |
469 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
470 | {
471 | QIcon icon;
472 | QString strWarningText;
473 | switch (m_enmState)
474 | {
475 | case State_InvalidMachineReference:
476 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("Machine reference is invalid.");
477 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png");
478 | break;
479 | case State_MachineNotRunning:
480 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("File manager cannot work since the selected guest is not currently running.");
481 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png");
482 | break;
483 | case State_MachinePaused:
484 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("File manager cannot work since the guest is paused.");
485 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/session_info_16px.png");
486 | break;
487 | case State_NoGuestAdditions:
488 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("File manager cannot work since no guest additions were detected.");
489 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png");
490 | break;
491 | case State_GuestAdditionsTooOld:
492 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("File manager cannot work. The guest additions need to be updated.");
493 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png");
494 | break;
495 | case State_SessionPossible:
496 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("Enter a valid user name and password to initiate the file manager.");
497 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/session_info_16px.png");
498 | break;
499 | case State_SessionRunning:
500 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("Guest control session is running.");
501 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_check_16px.png");
502 | break;
503 | case State_SessionError:
504 | strWarningText = UIFileManager::tr("Some error has occurred. Please check the log panel.");
505 | icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png");
506 | break;
507 | default:
508 | break;
509 | }
510 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->setStatusLabelIconAndToolTip(icon, strWarningText);
511 | }
512 |
513 | UIFileManagerTable::retranslateUi();
514 | }
515 |
516 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::readDirectory(const QString& strPath,
517 | UICustomFileSystemItem *parent, bool isStartDir /*= false*/)
518 | {
519 | if (!parent)
520 | return;
521 |
522 | CGuestDirectory directory;
523 | QVector<KDirectoryOpenFlag> flag;
524 | flag.push_back(KDirectoryOpenFlag_None);
525 |
526 | directory = m_comGuestSession.DirectoryOpen(UIPathOperations::sanitize(strPath), /*aFilter*/ "", flag);
527 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
528 | {
529 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
530 | return;
531 | }
532 |
533 | parent->setIsOpened(true);
534 | if (directory.isOk())
535 | {
536 | int const cMaxEntries = _4K; /* Maximum number of entries to read at once per List() call. */
537 | bool fUseRead = false; /* Whether to use the Read() API or the newer (faster) List() call. */
538 |
539 | QVector<CFsObjInfo> vecFsInfo = directory.List(cMaxEntries);
540 | /* IGuestDirectory::List() will return VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED if older Guest Additions are installed. */
541 | if (directory.rc() == VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED)
542 | {
543 | CFsObjInfo fsInfo = directory.Read();
544 | if (directory.isOk())
545 | {
546 | vecFsInfo.push_back(fsInfo);
547 | fUseRead = true;
548 | }
549 | }
550 |
551 | QMap<QString, UICustomFileSystemItem*> fileObjects;
552 |
553 | while (directory.isOk())
554 | {
555 | for (int i = 0; i < vecFsInfo.size(); i++)
556 | {
557 | CFsObjInfo const &fsInfo = vecFsInfo[i];
558 |
559 | if (fsInfo.GetName() != "." && fsInfo.GetName() != "..")
560 | {
561 | QVector<QVariant> data;
562 | QDateTime changeTime = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(fsInfo.GetChangeTime()/RT_NS_1MS);
563 | KFsObjType fsObjectType = fileType(fsInfo);
564 | UICustomFileSystemItem *item = new UICustomFileSystemItem(fsInfo.GetName(), parent, fsObjectType);
565 | if (!item)
566 | continue;
567 | item->setData(static_cast<qulonglong>(fsInfo.GetObjectSize()), UICustomFileSystemModelData_Size);
568 | item->setData(changeTime, UICustomFileSystemModelData_ChangeTime);
569 | item->setData(fsInfo.GetUserName(), UICustomFileSystemModelData_Owner);
570 | item->setData(permissionString(fsInfo), UICustomFileSystemModelData_Permissions);
571 | item->setPath(UIPathOperations::removeTrailingDelimiters(UIPathOperations::mergePaths(strPath, fsInfo.GetName())));
572 | item->setIsOpened(false);
573 | item->setIsHidden(isFileObjectHidden(fsInfo));
574 | fileObjects.insert(fsInfo.GetName(), item);
575 | /* @todo. We will need to wait a fully implemented SymlinkRead function
576 | * to be able to handle sym links properly: */
577 | // QString path = UIPathOperations::mergePaths(strPath, fsInfo.GetName());
578 | // QVector<KSymlinkReadFlag> aFlags;
579 | // printf("%s %s %s\n", qPrintable(fsInfo.GetName()), qPrintable(path),
580 | // qPrintable(m_comGuestSession.SymlinkRead(path, aFlags)));
581 | }
582 | }
583 |
584 | if (fUseRead)
585 | {
586 | CFsObjInfo fsInfo = directory.Read();
587 | if (directory.isOk())
588 | {
589 | vecFsInfo.clear();
590 | vecFsInfo.push_back(fsInfo);
591 | }
592 | }
593 | else
594 | vecFsInfo = directory.List(cMaxEntries);
595 | }
596 |
597 | checkDotDot(fileObjects, parent, isStartDir);
598 | }
599 |
600 | directory.Close();
601 | }
602 |
603 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::deleteByItem(UICustomFileSystemItem *item)
604 | {
605 | if (!item)
606 | return;
607 | if (item->isUpDirectory())
608 | return;
609 |
610 | if (item->isDirectory())
611 | {
612 | QVector<KDirectoryRemoveRecFlag> aFlags(1, KDirectoryRemoveRecFlag_ContentAndDir);
613 | m_comGuestSession.DirectoryRemoveRecursive(item->path(), aFlags);
614 | }
615 | else
616 | m_comGuestSession.FsObjRemove(item->path());
617 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
618 | {
619 | emit sigLogOutput(QString(item->path()).append(" could not be deleted"), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
620 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
621 | }
622 | }
623 |
624 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::deleteByPath(const QStringList &pathList)
625 | {
626 | foreach (const QString &strPath, pathList)
627 | {
628 | CGuestFsObjInfo fileInfo = m_comGuestSession.FsObjQueryInfo(strPath, true);
629 | KFsObjType eType = fileType(fileInfo);
630 | if (eType == KFsObjType_File || eType == KFsObjType_Symlink)
631 | {
632 | m_comGuestSession.FsObjRemove(strPath);
633 | }
634 | else if (eType == KFsObjType_Directory)
635 | {
636 | QVector<KDirectoryRemoveRecFlag> aFlags(1, KDirectoryRemoveRecFlag_ContentAndDir);
637 | m_comGuestSession.DirectoryRemoveRecursive(strPath, aFlags);
638 | }
639 | }
640 | }
641 |
642 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::goToHomeDirectory()
643 | {
644 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
645 | return;
646 | if (!rootItem() || rootItem()->childCount() <= 0)
647 | return;
648 | UICustomFileSystemItem *startDirItem = rootItem()->child(0);
649 | if (!startDirItem)
650 | return;
651 |
652 | QString userHome = UIPathOperations::sanitize(m_comGuestSession.GetUserHome());
653 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
654 | {
655 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
656 | return;
657 | }
658 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
659 | QStringList pathList = userHome.split(UIPathOperations::delimiter, Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
660 | #else
661 | QStringList pathList = userHome.split(UIPathOperations::delimiter, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
662 | #endif
663 | goIntoDirectory(UIPathOperations::pathTrail(userHome));
664 | }
665 |
666 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::renameItem(UICustomFileSystemItem *item, QString newBaseName)
667 | {
668 |
669 | if (!item || item->isUpDirectory() || newBaseName.isEmpty())
670 | return false;
671 | QString newPath = UIPathOperations::removeTrailingDelimiters(UIPathOperations::constructNewItemPath(item->path(), newBaseName));
672 | QVector<KFsObjRenameFlag> aFlags(1, KFsObjRenameFlag_Replace);
673 |
674 | m_comGuestSession.FsObjRename(item->path(), newPath, aFlags);
675 |
676 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
677 | {
678 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
679 | return false;
680 | }
681 | item->setPath(newPath);
682 | return true;
683 | }
684 |
685 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::createDirectory(const QString &path, const QString &directoryName)
686 | {
687 | QString newDirectoryPath = UIPathOperations::mergePaths(path, directoryName);
688 | QVector<KDirectoryCreateFlag> flags(1, KDirectoryCreateFlag_None);
689 |
690 | m_comGuestSession.DirectoryCreate(newDirectoryPath, 0/*aMode*/, flags);
691 |
692 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
693 | {
694 | emit sigLogOutput(newDirectoryPath.append(" could not be created"), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
695 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
696 | return false;
697 | }
698 | emit sigLogOutput(newDirectoryPath.append(" has been created"), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Info);
699 | return true;
700 | }
701 |
702 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::copyHostToGuest(const QStringList &hostSourcePathList,
703 | const QString &strDestination /* = QString() */)
704 | {
705 | if (!checkGuestSession())
706 | return;
707 | QVector<QString> sourcePaths = hostSourcePathList.toVector();
708 | QVector<QString> aFilters;
709 | QVector<QString> aFlags;
710 | QString strDestinationPath = strDestination;
711 |
712 | /* Remove empty source paths. Typically happens when up directory is selected: */
713 | sourcePaths.removeAll(QString());
714 |
715 | if (strDestinationPath.isEmpty())
716 | strDestinationPath = currentDirectoryPath();
717 |
718 | if (strDestinationPath.isEmpty())
719 | {
720 | emit sigLogOutput("No destination for copy operation", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
721 | return;
722 | }
723 | if (sourcePaths.empty())
724 | {
725 | emit sigLogOutput("No source for copy operation", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
726 | return;
727 | }
728 | QString strDirectoryFlags("CopyIntoExisting,Recursive,FollowLinks");
729 | QString strFileFlags("FollowLinks");
730 | foreach (const QString &strSource, sourcePaths)
731 | {
732 | KFsObjType enmFileType = UIFileManagerHostTable::fileType(strSource);
733 | if (enmFileType == KFsObjType_Unknown)
734 | emit sigLogOutput(QString("Querying information for host item %1 failed.").arg(strSource), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
735 | /* If the source is an directory, make sure to add the appropriate flag to make copying work
736 | * into existing directories on the guest. This otherwise would fail (default): */
737 | else if (enmFileType == KFsObjType_Directory)
738 | {
739 | /* Make sure that if the source is a directory, that we append a trailing delimiter to it,
740 | * so that it gets copied *into* the destination directory as a whole, and not just it's contents. */
741 | strDestinationPath = UIPathOperations::addTrailingDelimiters(strDestinationPath);
742 | aFlags << strDirectoryFlags;
743 | }
744 | else
745 | {
746 | /* Ditto goes for source files, as the destination always is a directory path. */
747 | strDestinationPath = UIPathOperations::addTrailingDelimiters(strDestinationPath);
748 | aFlags << strFileFlags;
749 | }
750 | }
751 |
752 | CProgress progress = m_comGuestSession.CopyToGuest(sourcePaths, aFilters, aFlags, strDestinationPath);
753 | if (!checkGuestSession())
754 | return;
755 | emit sigNewFileOperation(progress, m_strTableName);
756 | }
757 |
758 | QUuid UIFileManagerGuestTable::machineId()
759 | {
760 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
761 | return QUuid();
762 | return m_comMachine.GetId();
763 | }
764 |
765 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::isGuestSessionRunning() const
766 | {
767 | return m_enmState == State_SessionRunning;
768 | }
769 |
770 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::setIsCurrent(bool fIsCurrent)
771 | {
772 | if (m_fIsCurrent == fIsCurrent)
773 | return;
774 | m_fIsCurrent = fIsCurrent;
775 | prepareActionConnections();
776 | }
777 |
778 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::copyGuestToHost(const QString& hostDestinationPath)
779 | {
780 | if (!checkGuestSession())
781 | return;
782 | QVector<QString> sourcePaths = selectedItemPathList().toVector();
783 | QVector<QString> aFilters;
784 | QVector<QString> aFlags;
785 |
786 | /* Remove empty source paths. Typically happens when up directory is selected: */
787 | sourcePaths.removeAll(QString());
788 |
789 | if (hostDestinationPath.isEmpty())
790 | {
791 | emit sigLogOutput("No destination for copy operation", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
792 | return;
793 | }
794 | if (sourcePaths.empty())
795 | {
796 | emit sigLogOutput("No source for copy operation", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
797 | return;
798 | }
799 |
800 | QString strDestinationPath = hostDestinationPath;
801 | QString strDirectoryFlags("CopyIntoExisting,Recursive,FollowLinks");
802 | QString strFileFlags;
803 | foreach (const QString &strSource, sourcePaths)
804 | {
805 | /** @todo Cache this info and use the item directly, which has this info already? */
806 |
807 | /* If the source is an directory, make sure to add the appropriate flag to make copying work
808 | * into existing directories on the guest. This otherwise would fail (default). */
809 | CGuestFsObjInfo fileInfo = m_comGuestSession.FsObjQueryInfo(strSource, true);
810 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
811 | {
812 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
813 | return;
814 | }
815 |
816 | if (fileType(fileInfo) == KFsObjType_Directory)
817 | {
818 | /* Make sure that if the source is a directory, that we append a trailing delimiter to the destination,
819 | * so that the source directory gets copied *into* the destination directory as a whole, and not
820 | * just it's contents. */
821 | strDestinationPath = UIPathOperations::addTrailingDelimiters(strDestinationPath);
822 | aFlags << strDirectoryFlags;
823 | }
824 | else
825 | {
826 | /* Ditto goes for source files, as the destination always is a directory path. */
827 | strDestinationPath = UIPathOperations::addTrailingDelimiters(strDestinationPath);
828 | aFlags << strFileFlags;
829 | }
830 | }
831 |
832 | CProgress progress = m_comGuestSession.CopyFromGuest(sourcePaths, aFilters, aFlags, strDestinationPath);
833 | if (!checkGuestSession())
834 | return;
835 | emit sigNewFileOperation(progress, m_strTableName);
836 | }
837 |
838 | KFsObjType UIFileManagerGuestTable::fileType(const CFsObjInfo &fsInfo)
839 | {
840 | if (fsInfo.isNull() || !fsInfo.isOk())
841 | return KFsObjType_Unknown;
842 | if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Directory)
843 | return KFsObjType_Directory;
844 | else if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_File)
845 | return KFsObjType_File;
846 | else if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Symlink)
847 | return KFsObjType_Symlink;
848 |
849 | return KFsObjType_Unknown;
850 | }
851 |
852 | KFsObjType UIFileManagerGuestTable::fileType(const CGuestFsObjInfo &fsInfo)
853 | {
854 | if (fsInfo.isNull() || !fsInfo.isOk())
855 | return KFsObjType_Unknown;
856 | if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Directory)
857 | return KFsObjType_Directory;
858 | else if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_File)
859 | return KFsObjType_File;
860 | else if (fsInfo.GetType() == KFsObjType_Symlink)
861 | return KFsObjType_Symlink;
862 |
863 | return KFsObjType_Unknown;
864 | }
865 |
866 |
867 | QString UIFileManagerGuestTable::fsObjectPropertyString()
868 | {
869 | QStringList selectedObjects = selectedItemPathList();
870 | if (selectedObjects.isEmpty())
871 | return QString();
872 | if (selectedObjects.size() == 1)
873 | {
874 | if (selectedObjects.at(0).isNull())
875 | return QString();
876 |
877 | CGuestFsObjInfo fileInfo = m_comGuestSession.FsObjQueryInfo(selectedObjects.at(0), false /*aFollowSymlinks*/);
878 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
879 | {
880 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
881 | return QString();
882 | }
883 |
884 | QStringList propertyStringList;
885 |
886 | /* Name: */
887 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Name:</b> %1<br/>").arg(UIPathOperations::getObjectName(fileInfo.GetName()));
888 |
889 | /* Size: */
890 | LONG64 size = fileInfo.GetObjectSize();
891 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Size:</b> %1 bytes").arg(QString::number(size));
892 | if (size >= UIFileManagerTable::m_iKiloByte)
893 | propertyStringList << QString(" (%1)<br/>").arg(humanReadableSize(size));
894 | else
895 | propertyStringList << QString("<br/>");
896 |
897 | /* Allocated size: */
898 | size = fileInfo.GetAllocatedSize();
899 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Allocated:</b> %1 bytes").arg(QString::number(size));
900 | if (size >= UIFileManagerTable::m_iKiloByte)
901 | propertyStringList << QString(" (%1)<br/>").arg(humanReadableSize(size));
902 | else
903 | propertyStringList << QString("<br/>");
904 |
905 | /* Type: */
906 | QString str;
907 | KFsObjType const enmType = fileInfo.GetType();
908 | switch (enmType)
909 | {
910 | case KFsObjType_Directory: str = UIFileManager::tr("directory"); break;
911 | case KFsObjType_File: str = UIFileManager::tr("file"); break;
912 | case KFsObjType_Symlink: str = UIFileManager::tr("symbolic link"); break;
913 | case KFsObjType_DevChar: str = UIFileManager::tr("character device"); break;
914 | case KFsObjType_DevBlock: str = UIFileManager::tr("block device"); break;
915 | case KFsObjType_Fifo: str = UIFileManager::tr("fifo"); break;
916 | case KFsObjType_Socket: str = UIFileManager::tr("socket"); break;
917 | case KFsObjType_WhiteOut: str = UIFileManager::tr("whiteout"); break;
918 | case KFsObjType_Unknown: str = UIFileManager::tr("unknown"); break;
919 | default: str = UIFileManager::tr("illegal-value"); break;
920 | }
921 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Type:</b> %1<br/>").arg(str);
922 |
923 | /* INode number, device, link count: */
924 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>INode:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.GetNodeId());
925 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Device:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.GetNodeIdDevice()); /** @todo hex */
926 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Hardlinks:</b> %1<br/>").arg(fileInfo.GetHardLinks());
927 |
928 | /* Attributes: */
929 | str = fileInfo.GetFileAttributes();
930 | if (!str.isEmpty())
931 | {
932 | int offSpace = str.indexOf(' ');
933 | if (offSpace < 0)
934 | offSpace = str.length();
935 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Mode:</b> %1<br/>").arg(str.left(offSpace));
936 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Attributes:</b> %1<br/>").arg(str.mid(offSpace + 1).trimmed());
937 | }
938 |
939 | /* Character/block device ID: */
940 | ULONG uDeviceNo = fileInfo.GetDeviceNumber();
941 | if (uDeviceNo != 0 || enmType == KFsObjType_DevChar || enmType == KFsObjType_DevBlock)
942 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Device ID:</b> %1<br/>").arg(uDeviceNo); /** @todo hex */
943 |
944 | /* Owner: */
945 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Owner:</b> %1 (%2)<br/>").
946 | arg(fileInfo.GetUserName()).arg(fileInfo.GetUID());
947 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Group:</b> %1 (%2)<br/>").
948 | arg(fileInfo.GetGroupName()).arg(fileInfo.GetGID());
949 |
950 | /* Timestamps: */
951 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Birth:</b> %1<br/>").
952 | arg(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(fileInfo.GetBirthTime() / RT_NS_1MS).toString());
953 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Change:</b> %1<br/>").
954 | arg(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(fileInfo.GetChangeTime() / RT_NS_1MS).toString());
955 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Modified:</b> %1<br/>").
956 | arg(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(fileInfo.GetModificationTime() / RT_NS_1MS).toString());
957 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Access:</b> %1<br/>").
958 | arg(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(fileInfo.GetAccessTime() / RT_NS_1MS).toString());
959 |
960 | /* Join the list elements into a single string seperated by empty string: */
961 | return propertyStringList.join(QString());
962 | }
963 |
964 | int fileCount = 0;
965 | int directoryCount = 0;
966 | ULONG64 totalSize = 0;
967 |
968 | for(int i = 0; i < selectedObjects.size(); ++i)
969 | {
970 | CGuestFsObjInfo fileInfo = m_comGuestSession.FsObjQueryInfo(selectedObjects.at(0), true);
971 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
972 | {
973 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
974 | continue;
975 | }
976 |
977 | KFsObjType type = fileType(fileInfo);
978 |
979 | if (type == KFsObjType_File)
980 | ++fileCount;
981 | if (type == KFsObjType_Directory)
982 | ++directoryCount;
983 | totalSize += fileInfo.GetObjectSize();
984 | }
985 | QStringList propertyStringList;
986 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Selected:</b> %1 files and %2 directories<br/>").
987 | arg(QString::number(fileCount)).arg(QString::number(directoryCount));
988 | propertyStringList << UIFileManager::tr("<b>Size (non-recursive):</b> %1 bytes").arg(QString::number(totalSize));
989 | if (totalSize >= m_iKiloByte)
990 | propertyStringList << QString(" (%1)").arg(humanReadableSize(totalSize));
991 |
992 | return propertyStringList.join(QString());;
993 | }
994 |
995 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::showProperties()
996 | {
997 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
998 | return;
999 | QString fsPropertyString = fsObjectPropertyString();
1000 | if (fsPropertyString.isEmpty())
1001 | return;
1002 |
1003 | m_pPropertiesDialog = new UIPropertiesDialog(this);
1004 | if (!m_pPropertiesDialog)
1005 | return;
1006 |
1007 | QStringList selectedObjects = selectedItemPathList();
1008 | if (selectedObjects.size() == 0)
1009 | return;
1010 |
1011 | m_pPropertiesDialog->setWindowTitle(UIFileManager::tr("Properties"));
1012 | m_pPropertiesDialog->setPropertyText(fsPropertyString);
1013 | m_pPropertiesDialog->execute();
1014 |
1015 | delete m_pPropertiesDialog;
1016 | m_pPropertiesDialog = 0;
1017 | }
1018 |
1019 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::determineDriveLetters()
1020 | {
1021 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1022 | return;
1023 | KPathStyle pathStyle = m_comGuestSession.GetPathStyle();
1024 | if (pathStyle != KPathStyle_DOS)
1025 | return;
1026 |
1027 | /** @todo Currently API lacks a way to query windows drive letters.
1028 | * so we enumarate them by using CGuestSession::DirectoryExists() */
1029 | m_driveLetterList.clear();
1030 | for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i)
1031 | {
1032 | QString path((char)i);
1033 | path += ":/";
1034 | bool exists = m_comGuestSession.DirectoryExists(path, false /* aFollowSymlinks */);
1035 | if (exists)
1036 | m_driveLetterList.push_back(path);
1037 | }
1038 | }
1039 |
1040 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::determinePathSeparator()
1041 | {
1042 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1043 | return;
1044 | KPathStyle pathStyle = m_comGuestSession.GetPathStyle();
1045 | if (pathStyle == KPathStyle_DOS)
1046 | setPathSeparator(UIPathOperations::dosDelimiter);
1047 | }
1048 |
1049 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::prepareToolbar()
1050 | {
1051 | if (m_pToolBar && m_pActionPool)
1052 | {
1053 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoBackward));
1054 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoForward));
1055 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoUp));
1056 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoHome));
1057 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Refresh));
1058 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
1059 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Delete));
1060 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Rename));
1061 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_CreateNewDirectory));
1062 |
1063 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Copy));
1064 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Cut));
1065 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Paste));
1066 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
1067 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_SelectAll));
1068 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_InvertSelection));
1069 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
1070 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_ShowProperties));
1071 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Delete));
1072 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Rename));
1073 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Copy));
1074 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Cut));
1075 | m_selectionDependentActions.insert(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_ShowProperties));
1076 |
1077 | /* Hide these actions for now until we have a suitable guest-to-guest copy function: */
1078 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Copy)->setVisible(false);
1079 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Cut)->setVisible(false);
1080 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Paste)->setVisible(false);
1081 |
1082 | m_pToolBar->addSeparator();
1083 | m_pToolBar->addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_T_GuestSession));
1084 | }
1085 |
1086 | setSelectionDependentActionsEnabled(false);
1087 | setPasteActionEnabled(false);
1088 | }
1089 |
1090 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::createFileViewContextMenu(const QWidget *pWidget, const QPoint &point)
1091 | {
1092 | if (!pWidget)
1093 | return;
1094 |
1095 | QMenu menu;
1096 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoBackward));
1097 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoForward));
1098 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoUp));
1099 |
1100 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoHome));
1101 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Refresh));
1102 | menu.addSeparator();
1103 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Delete));
1104 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Rename));
1105 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_CreateNewDirectory));
1106 | menu.addSeparator();
1107 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Copy));
1108 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Cut));
1109 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Paste));
1110 | menu.addSeparator();
1111 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_SelectAll));
1112 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_InvertSelection));
1113 | menu.addSeparator();
1114 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_ShowProperties));
1115 | menu.exec(pWidget->mapToGlobal(point));
1116 | }
1117 |
1118 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::setPasteActionEnabled(bool fEnabled)
1119 | {
1120 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Paste)->setEnabled(fEnabled);
1121 | }
1122 |
1123 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::pasteCutCopiedObjects()
1124 | {
1125 | }
1126 |
1127 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::manageConnection(bool fConnect, QAction *pAction, void (UIFileManagerGuestTable::*fptr)(void))
1128 | {
1129 | if (!pAction || !fptr)
1130 | return;
1131 | if (fConnect)
1132 | connect(pAction, &QAction::triggered, this, fptr);
1133 | else
1134 | disconnect(pAction, 0, this, 0);
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::prepareActionConnections()
1138 | {
1139 | if (m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_T_GuestSession))
1140 | {
1141 | if (m_fIsCurrent)
1142 | connect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_T_GuestSession), &QAction::toggled,
1143 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionPanelToggled);
1144 | else
1145 | disconnect(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_T_GuestSession), 0, this, 0);
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoUp), &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoUp);
1149 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoHome), &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoHome);
1150 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoBackward), &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoBackward);
1151 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoForward), &UIFileManagerTable::sltGoForward);
1152 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Refresh), &UIFileManagerTable::sltRefresh);
1153 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Delete), &UIFileManagerTable::sltDelete);
1154 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Rename), &UIFileManagerTable::sltRename);
1155 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Copy), &UIFileManagerTable::sltCopy);
1156 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Cut), &UIFileManagerTable::sltCut);
1157 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_Paste), &UIFileManagerTable::sltPaste);
1158 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_SelectAll), &UIFileManagerTable::sltSelectAll);
1159 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_InvertSelection), &UIFileManagerTable::sltInvertSelection);
1160 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_ShowProperties), &UIFileManagerTable::sltShowProperties);
1161 | manageConnection(m_fIsCurrent, m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_CreateNewDirectory), &UIFileManagerTable::sltCreateNewDirectory);
1162 |
1163 | /* Also disable/enable go forward/backward actions: */
1164 | toggleForwardBackwardActions();
1165 | }
1166 |
1167 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::prepareGuestSessionPanel()
1168 | {
1169 | if (m_pMainLayout)
1170 | {
1171 | m_pGuestSessionWidget = new UIGuestSessionWidget;
1172 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1173 | {
1174 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pGuestSessionWidget, m_pMainLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, m_pMainLayout->columnCount());
1175 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
1176 | connect(m_pGuestSessionWidget, &UIGuestSessionWidget::sigOpenSession,
1177 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltOpenGuestSession);
1178 | connect(m_pGuestSessionWidget, &UIGuestSessionWidget::sigCloseSession,
1179 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltHandleCloseSessionRequest);
1180 | }
1181 | }
1182 | }
1183 |
1184 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::checkGuestSession()
1185 | {
1186 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
1187 | {
1188 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1189 | return false;
1190 | }
1191 | return true;
1192 | }
1193 |
1194 | QString UIFileManagerGuestTable::permissionString(const CFsObjInfo &fsInfo)
1195 | {
1196 | /* Attributes: */
1197 | QString strAttributes = fsInfo.GetFileAttributes();
1198 |
1199 | if (strAttributes.isEmpty())
1200 | return strAttributes;
1201 |
1202 | int offSpace = strAttributes.indexOf(' ');
1203 | if (offSpace < 0)
1204 | offSpace = strAttributes.length();
1205 | return strAttributes.left(offSpace);
1206 | }
1207 |
1208 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::isFileObjectHidden(const CFsObjInfo &fsInfo)
1209 | {
1210 | QString strAttributes = fsInfo.GetFileAttributes();
1211 |
1212 | if (strAttributes.isEmpty())
1213 | return false;
1214 |
1215 | int offSpace = strAttributes.indexOf(' ');
1216 | if (offSpace < 0)
1217 | offSpace = strAttributes.length();
1218 | QString strRight(strAttributes.mid(offSpace + 1).trimmed());
1219 |
1220 | if (strRight.indexOf('H', Qt::CaseSensitive) == -1)
1221 | return false;
1222 | return true;
1223 | }
1224 |
1225 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionPanelToggled(bool fChecked)
1226 | {
1227 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1228 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->setVisible(fChecked);
1229 | }
1230 |
1231 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltMachineStateChange(const QUuid &uMachineId, const KMachineState enmMachineState)
1232 | {
1233 | if (uMachineId.isNull() || m_comMachine.isNull() || uMachineId != m_comMachine.GetId())
1234 | return;
1235 |
1236 | if (enmMachineState == KMachineState_Running)
1237 | openMachineSession();
1238 | else if (enmMachineState != KMachineState_Paused)
1239 | cleanAll();
1240 | setStateAndEnableWidgets();
1241 | }
1242 |
1243 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::closeMachineSession()
1244 | {
1245 | if (!m_comGuest.isNull())
1246 | m_comGuest.detach();
1247 |
1248 | if (!m_comConsole.isNull())
1249 | m_comConsole.detach();
1250 |
1251 | if (!m_comSession.isNull())
1252 | {
1253 | m_comSession.UnlockMachine();
1254 | m_comSession.detach();
1255 | }
1256 | return true;
1257 | }
1258 |
1259 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::openMachineSession()
1260 | {
1261 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
1262 | {
1263 | emit sigLogOutput("Invalid machine reference", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1264 | return false;
1265 | }
1266 | m_comSession = uiCommon().openSession(m_comMachine.GetId(), KLockType_Shared);
1267 | if (m_comSession.isNull())
1268 | {
1269 | emit sigLogOutput("Could not open machine session", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1270 | return false;
1271 | }
1272 |
1273 | m_comConsole = m_comSession.GetConsole();
1274 | if (m_comConsole.isNull())
1275 | {
1276 | emit sigLogOutput("Machine console is invalid", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1277 | return false;
1278 | }
1279 |
1280 | m_comGuest = m_comConsole.GetGuest();
1281 | if (m_comGuest.isNull())
1282 | {
1283 | emit sigLogOutput("Guest reference is invalid", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1284 | return false;
1285 | }
1286 |
1287 | /* Prepare guest listener for guest session related events: */
1288 | {
1289 | QVector<KVBoxEventType> eventTypes;
1290 | eventTypes << KVBoxEventType_OnGuestSessionRegistered;
1291 | prepareListener(m_pQtGuestListener, m_comGuestListener, m_comGuest.GetEventSource(), eventTypes);
1292 | connect(m_pQtGuestListener->getWrapped(), &UIMainEventListener::sigGuestSessionUnregistered,
1293 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionUnregistered);
1294 | connect(m_pQtGuestListener->getWrapped(), &UIMainEventListener::sigGuestSessionRegistered,
1295 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionRegistered);
1296 | }
1297 |
1298 | /* Prepare console listener for guest additions state change events: */
1299 | {
1300 | QVector<KVBoxEventType> eventTypes;
1301 | eventTypes << KVBoxEventType_OnAdditionsStateChanged;
1302 | prepareListener(m_pQtConsoleListener, m_comConsoleListener, m_comConsole.GetEventSource(), eventTypes);
1303 | connect(m_pQtConsoleListener->getWrapped(), &UIMainEventListener::sigAdditionsChange,
1304 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltAdditionsStateChange);
1305 | }
1306 | emit sigLogOutput("Shared machine session opened", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Info);
1307 | return true;
1308 | }
1309 |
1310 | int UIFileManagerGuestTable::isGuestAdditionsAvailable(const char* pszMinimumVersion)
1311 | {
1312 | if (m_comGuest.isNull() || !pszMinimumVersion)
1313 | return 0;
1314 |
1315 | /* Guest control stuff is in userland: */
1316 | if (!m_comGuest.GetAdditionsStatus(KAdditionsRunLevelType_Userland))
1317 | return 0;
1318 |
1319 | if (!m_comGuest.isOk())
1320 | return 0;
1321 |
1322 | /* Check the related GA facility: */
1323 | LONG64 iLastUpdatedIgnored;
1324 | if (m_comGuest.GetFacilityStatus(KAdditionsFacilityType_VBoxService, iLastUpdatedIgnored) != KAdditionsFacilityStatus_Active)
1325 | return 0;
1326 |
1327 | if (!m_comGuest.isOk())
1328 | return 0;
1329 |
1330 | /* Check if GA is new enough to have the goodies: */
1331 | QString strGAVersion = m_comGuest.GetAdditionsVersion();
1332 | int iCode = RTStrVersionCompare(strGAVersion.toUtf8().constData(), pszMinimumVersion);
1333 | if (iCode >= 0)
1334 | return 1;
1335 | else
1336 | return -1;
1337 |
1338 | return 0;
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::cleanupGuestListener()
1342 | {
1343 | if (!m_pQtGuestListener.isNull())
1344 | {
1345 | m_pQtGuestListener->getWrapped()->disconnect();
1346 | if (!m_comGuest.isNull())
1347 | cleanupListener(m_pQtGuestListener, m_comGuestListener, m_comGuest.GetEventSource());
1348 | }
1349 | }
1350 |
1351 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::cleanupGuestSessionListener()
1352 | {
1353 | if (!m_pQtSessionListener.isNull())
1354 | {
1355 | m_pQtSessionListener->getWrapped()->disconnect();
1356 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1357 | cleanupListener(m_pQtSessionListener, m_comSessionListener, m_comGuestSession.GetEventSource());
1358 | }
1359 | }
1360 |
1361 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::cleanupConsoleListener()
1362 | {
1363 | if (!m_pQtConsoleListener.isNull())
1364 | {
1365 | m_pQtConsoleListener->getWrapped()->disconnect();
1366 | if (!m_comConsole.isNull())
1367 | cleanupListener(m_pQtConsoleListener, m_comConsoleListener, m_comConsole.GetEventSource());
1368 | }
1369 | }
1370 |
1371 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::prepareListener(ComObjPtr<UIMainEventListenerImpl> &QtListener,
1372 | CEventListener &comEventListener,
1373 | CEventSource comEventSource, QVector<KVBoxEventType>& eventTypes)
1374 | {
1375 | if (!comEventSource.isOk())
1376 | return;
1377 | /* Create event listener instance: */
1378 | QtListener.createObject();
1379 | QtListener->init(new UIMainEventListener, this);
1380 | comEventListener = CEventListener(QtListener);
1381 |
1382 | /* Register event listener for CProgress event source: */
1383 | comEventSource.RegisterListener(comEventListener, eventTypes, FALSE /* active? */);
1384 |
1385 | /* Register event sources in their listeners as well: */
1386 | QtListener->getWrapped()->registerSource(comEventSource, comEventListener);
1387 | }
1388 |
1389 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::cleanupListener(ComObjPtr<UIMainEventListenerImpl> &QtListener,
1390 | CEventListener &comEventListener,
1391 | CEventSource comEventSource)
1392 | {
1393 | if (!comEventSource.isOk())
1394 | return;
1395 | /* Unregister everything: */
1396 | QtListener->getWrapped()->unregisterSources();
1397 | QtListener.setNull();
1398 | /* Make sure VBoxSVC is available: */
1399 | if (!uiCommon().isVBoxSVCAvailable())
1400 | return;
1401 |
1402 | /* Unregister event listener for CProgress event source: */
1403 | comEventSource.UnregisterListener(comEventListener);
1404 | }
1405 |
1406 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionUnregistered(CGuestSession guestSession)
1407 | {
1408 | if (guestSession.isNull())
1409 | return;
1410 | if (guestSession == m_comGuestSession && !m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1411 | {
1412 | m_comGuestSession.detach();
1413 | emit sigLogOutput("Guest session unregistered", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Info);
1414 | }
1415 | }
1416 |
1417 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionRegistered(CGuestSession guestSession)
1418 | {
1419 | if (guestSession == m_comGuestSession && !m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1420 | emit sigLogOutput("Guest session registered", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Info);
1421 | }
1422 |
1423 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionStateChanged(const CGuestSessionStateChangedEvent &cEvent)
1424 | {
1425 | if (cEvent.isOk())
1426 | {
1427 | CVirtualBoxErrorInfo cErrorInfo = cEvent.GetError();
1428 | if (cErrorInfo.GetResultDetail() < VINF_SUCCESS)
1429 | emit sigLogOutput(cErrorInfo.GetText(), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1430 |
1431 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1432 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->markForError(cErrorInfo.GetResultDetail() == VERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE);
1433 | }
1434 |
1435 | setStateAndEnableWidgets();
1436 |
1437 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1438 | emit sigLogOutput("Guest session is invalid!", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1439 | else
1440 | {
1441 | if (m_comGuestSession.isOk())
1442 | {
1443 | emit sigLogOutput(QString("%1: %2").arg("Guest session status has changed").arg(gpConverter->toString(m_comGuestSession.GetStatus())),
1444 | m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Info);
1445 |
1446 | switch (m_comGuestSession.GetStatus())
1447 | {
1448 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Started:
1449 | {
1450 | initFileTable();
1451 | break;
1452 | }
1453 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Terminating:
1454 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Terminated:
1455 | case KGuestSessionStatus_TimedOutKilled:
1456 | case KGuestSessionStatus_TimedOutAbnormally:
1457 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Down:
1458 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Error:
1459 | {
1460 | cleanupGuestSessionListener();
1461 | closeGuestSession();
1462 | break;
1463 | }
1464 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Undefined:
1465 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Starting:
1466 | case KGuestSessionStatus_Max:
1467 | default:
1468 | break;
1469 | }
1470 | }
1471 | else
1472 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1473 | }
1474 | }
1475 |
1476 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltOpenGuestSession(QString strUserName, QString strPassword)
1477 | {
1478 | if (strUserName.isEmpty())
1479 | {
1480 | emit sigLogOutput("No user name is given", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1481 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1482 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->markForError(true);
1483 | return;
1484 | }
1485 | openGuestSession(strUserName, strPassword);
1486 | }
1487 |
1488 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::toggleForwardBackwardActions()
1489 | {
1490 | if (!m_pNavigationWidget)
1491 | return;
1492 | if (m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoForward))
1493 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoForward)->setEnabled(m_pNavigationWidget->canGoForward());
1494 | if (m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoBackward))
1495 | m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_S_Guest_GoBackward)->setEnabled(m_pNavigationWidget->canGoBackward());
1496 | }
1497 |
1498 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::setState()
1499 | {
1500 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
1501 | {
1502 | m_enmState = State_InvalidMachineReference;
1503 | return;
1504 | }
1505 | if (m_comMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused)
1506 | {
1507 | m_enmState = State_MachinePaused;
1508 | return;
1509 | }
1510 | if (m_comMachine.GetState() != KMachineState_Running)
1511 | {
1512 | m_enmState = State_MachineNotRunning;
1513 | return;
1514 | }
1515 |
1516 | int iGADetectCode = isGuestAdditionsAvailable(pszMinimumGuestAdditionVersion);
1517 | if (iGADetectCode == 0)
1518 | {
1519 | m_enmState = State_NoGuestAdditions;
1520 | return;
1521 | }
1522 | else if (iGADetectCode == -1)
1523 | {
1524 | m_enmState = State_GuestAdditionsTooOld;
1525 | return;
1526 | }
1527 |
1528 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isNull() && m_comGuestSession.GetStatus() == KGuestSessionStatus_Started)
1529 | {
1530 | m_enmState = State_SessionRunning;
1531 | return;
1532 | }
1533 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isNull() && m_comGuestSession.GetStatus() == KGuestSessionStatus_Error)
1534 | {
1535 | m_enmState = State_SessionError;
1536 | return;
1537 | }
1538 | m_enmState = State_SessionPossible;
1539 | }
1540 |
1541 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::setStateAndEnableWidgets()
1542 | {
1543 | setState();
1544 | setSessionDependentWidgetsEnabled();
1545 | retranslateUi();
1546 | }
1547 |
1548 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltHandleCloseSessionRequest()
1549 | {
1550 | cleanupGuestSessionListener();
1551 | closeGuestSession();
1552 | setStateAndEnableWidgets();
1553 | }
1554 |
1555 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltCommitDataSignalReceived()
1556 | {
1557 | cleanAll();
1558 | if (!m_comMachine.isNull())
1559 | m_comMachine.detach();
1560 | }
1561 |
1562 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltAdditionsStateChange()
1563 | {
1564 | setStateAndEnableWidgets();
1565 | }
1566 |
1567 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::setSessionDependentWidgetsEnabled()
1568 | {
1569 | /* Disable menu actions if guest session is not running: */
1570 | UIMenu *pGuestSubmenu = m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_M_GuestSubmenu)->menu();
1571 | if (pGuestSubmenu)
1572 | pGuestSubmenu->setEnabled(m_enmState == State_SessionRunning);
1573 | UIMenu *pHostSubmenu = m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_FileManager_M_HostSubmenu)->menu();
1574 | if (pHostSubmenu)
1575 | pHostSubmenu->setEnabled(m_enmState == State_SessionRunning);
1576 |
1577 | /*Manage the guest session (login) widget: */
1578 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1579 | {
1580 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->setLoginWidgetsEnabled(m_enmState == State_SessionPossible ||
1581 | m_enmState == State_SessionRunning ||
1582 | m_enmState == State_SessionError);
1583 | if (m_enmState == State_SessionPossible)
1584 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->switchSessionOpenMode();
1585 | else if (m_enmState == State_SessionRunning)
1586 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->switchSessionCloseMode();
1587 | }
1588 | /* Call to parent: */
1589 | setSessionWidgetsEnabled(m_enmState == State_SessionRunning);
1590 |
1591 | emit sigStateChanged(m_enmState == State_SessionRunning);
1592 | }
1593 |
1594 | bool UIFileManagerGuestTable::openGuestSession(const QString &strUserName, const QString &strPassword)
1595 | {
1596 | if (m_comGuest.isNull())
1597 | {
1598 | emit sigLogOutput("Guest reference is invalid", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1599 | return false;
1600 | }
1601 |
1602 | int iGADetectCode = isGuestAdditionsAvailable(pszMinimumGuestAdditionVersion);
1603 | if (iGADetectCode == 0)
1604 | {
1605 | emit sigLogOutput("Could not find Guest Additions",
1606 | m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1607 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1608 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->markForError(true);
1609 | return false;
1610 | }
1611 | else if (iGADetectCode == -1)
1612 | {
1613 | emit sigLogOutput(QString("%1 %2").arg("The Guest Additions are older than ").arg(pszMinimumGuestAdditionVersion),
1614 | m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1615 | if (m_pGuestSessionWidget)
1616 | m_pGuestSessionWidget->markForError(true);
1617 | return false;
1618 | }
1619 |
1620 | m_comGuestSession = m_comGuest.CreateSession(strUserName, strPassword,
1621 | QString() /* Domain */, "File Manager Session");
1622 | if (m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1623 | {
1624 | emit sigLogOutput("Could not create guest session", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1625 | return false;
1626 | }
1627 |
1628 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isOk())
1629 | {
1630 | emit sigLogOutput(UIErrorString::formatErrorInfo(m_comGuestSession), m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Error);
1631 | return false;
1632 | }
1633 |
1634 | QVector<KVBoxEventType> eventTypes(QVector<KVBoxEventType>() << KVBoxEventType_OnGuestSessionStateChanged);
1635 | prepareListener(m_pQtSessionListener, m_comSessionListener, m_comGuestSession.GetEventSource(), eventTypes);
1636 | qRegisterMetaType<CGuestSessionStateChangedEvent>();
1637 | connect(m_pQtSessionListener->getWrapped(), &UIMainEventListener::sigGuestSessionStatedChanged,
1638 | this, &UIFileManagerGuestTable::sltGuestSessionStateChanged);
1639 |
1640 | return true;
1641 | }
1642 |
1643 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::closeGuestSession()
1644 | {
1645 | if (!m_comGuestSession.isNull())
1646 | {
1647 | m_comGuestSession.Close();
1648 | m_comGuestSession.detach();
1649 | emit sigLogOutput("Guest session is closed", m_strTableName, FileManagerLogType_Info);
1650 | }
1651 | reset();
1652 | }
1653 |
1654 | void UIFileManagerGuestTable::cleanAll()
1655 | {
1656 | cleanupConsoleListener();
1657 | cleanupGuestListener();
1658 | cleanupGuestSessionListener();
1659 |
1660 | closeGuestSession();
1661 | closeMachineSession();
1662 | }
1663 |
1664 | #include "UIFileManagerGuestTable.moc"