1 | /* $Id: UITranslator.cpp 101571 2023-10-24 00:48:20Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UITranslator class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QApplication>
30 | #include <QDir>
31 | #include <QKeySequence>
32 | #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
33 | # include <QLibraryInfo>
34 | #endif
35 | #include <QRegularExpression>
36 | #include <QRegExp>
37 |
38 | /* GUI includes: */
39 | #include "UIConverter.h"
40 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
41 | #include "UITranslator.h"
42 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
43 | # include "VBoxUtils-darwin.h"
44 | #endif
45 |
46 | /* Other VBox includes: */
47 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
48 | #include <iprt/path.h>
49 | #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
50 | # include <iprt/env.h>
51 | #endif
52 |
53 | /* External includes: */
54 | #include <math.h>
55 |
56 |
57 | /** Port config cache. */
58 | struct PortConfig
59 | {
60 | const char *name;
61 | const ulong IRQ;
62 | const ulong IOBase;
63 | };
64 |
65 | /** Known port config COM ports. */
66 | static const PortConfig kComKnownPorts[] =
67 | {
68 | { "COM1", 4, 0x3F8 },
69 | { "COM2", 3, 0x2F8 },
70 | { "COM3", 4, 0x3E8 },
71 | { "COM4", 3, 0x2E8 },
72 | /* Must not contain an element with IRQ=0 and IOBase=0 used to cause
73 | * toCOMPortName() to return the "User-defined" string for these values. */
74 | };
75 |
76 |
77 | /* static */
78 | UITranslator *UITranslator::s_pTranslator = 0;
79 | bool UITranslator::s_fTranslationInProgress = false;
80 | QString UITranslator::s_strLoadedLanguageId = UITranslator::vboxBuiltInLanguageName();
81 |
82 | /* static */
83 | void UITranslator::loadLanguage(const QString &strLangId /* = QString() */)
84 | {
85 | QString strEffectiveLangId = strLangId.isEmpty()
86 | ? systemLanguageId()
87 | : strLangId;
88 | QString strLanguageFileName;
89 | QString strSelectedLangId = vboxBuiltInLanguageName();
90 |
91 | /* If C is selected we change it temporary to en. This makes sure any extra
92 | * "en" translation file will be loaded. This is necessary for loading the
93 | * plural forms of some of our translations. */
94 | bool fResetToC = false;
95 | if (strEffectiveLangId == "C")
96 | {
97 | strEffectiveLangId = "en";
98 | fResetToC = true;
99 | }
100 |
101 | char szNlsPath[RTPATH_MAX];
102 | int rc;
103 |
104 | rc = RTPathAppPrivateNoArch(szNlsPath, sizeof(szNlsPath));
105 | AssertRC(rc);
106 |
107 | QString strNlsPath = QString(szNlsPath) + vboxLanguageSubDirectory();
108 | QDir nlsDir(strNlsPath);
109 |
110 | Assert(!strEffectiveLangId.isEmpty());
111 | if (!strEffectiveLangId.isEmpty() && strEffectiveLangId != vboxBuiltInLanguageName())
112 | {
113 | QRegExp regExp(vboxLanguageIdRegExp());
114 | int iPos = regExp.indexIn(strEffectiveLangId);
115 | /* The language ID should match the regexp completely: */
116 | AssertReturnVoid(iPos == 0);
117 |
118 | QString strStrippedLangId = regExp.cap(2);
119 |
120 | if (nlsDir.exists(vboxLanguageFileBase() + strEffectiveLangId + vboxLanguageFileExtension()))
121 | {
122 | strLanguageFileName = nlsDir.absoluteFilePath(vboxLanguageFileBase() +
123 | strEffectiveLangId +
124 | vboxLanguageFileExtension());
125 | strSelectedLangId = strEffectiveLangId;
126 | }
127 | else if (nlsDir.exists(vboxLanguageFileBase() + strStrippedLangId + vboxLanguageFileExtension()))
128 | {
129 | strLanguageFileName = nlsDir.absoluteFilePath(vboxLanguageFileBase() +
130 | strStrippedLangId +
131 | vboxLanguageFileExtension());
132 | strSelectedLangId = strStrippedLangId;
133 | }
134 | else
135 | {
136 | /* Never complain when the default language is requested. In any
137 | * case, if no explicit language file exists, we will simply
138 | * fall-back to English (built-in). */
139 | if (!strLangId.isNull() && strEffectiveLangId != "en")
140 | msgCenter().cannotFindLanguage(strEffectiveLangId, strNlsPath);
141 | /* strSelectedLangId remains built-in here: */
142 | AssertReturnVoid(strSelectedLangId == vboxBuiltInLanguageName());
143 | }
144 | }
145 |
146 | /* Lock listener: */
147 | s_fTranslationInProgress = true;
148 | /* A list of translators to install: */
149 | QList<QTranslator*> translators;
150 |
151 | /* Delete the old translator if there is one: */
152 | if (s_pTranslator)
153 | {
154 | /* QTranslator destructor will call qApp->removeTranslator() for
155 | * us. It will also delete all its child translations we attach to it
156 | * below, so we don't have to care about them specially. */
157 | delete s_pTranslator;
158 | }
159 |
160 | /* Load new language files: */
161 | s_pTranslator = new UITranslator(qApp);
162 | Assert(s_pTranslator);
163 | bool fLoadOk = true;
164 | if (s_pTranslator)
165 | {
166 | if (strSelectedLangId != vboxBuiltInLanguageName())
167 | {
168 | Assert(!strLanguageFileName.isNull());
169 | fLoadOk = s_pTranslator->loadFile(strLanguageFileName);
170 | }
171 | /* We install the translator in any case: on failure, this will
172 | * activate an empty translator that will give us English (built-in): */
173 | translators << s_pTranslator;
174 | }
175 | else
176 | fLoadOk = false;
177 |
178 | if (fLoadOk)
179 | s_strLoadedLanguageId = strSelectedLangId;
180 | else
181 | {
182 | msgCenter().cannotLoadLanguage(strLanguageFileName);
183 | s_strLoadedLanguageId = vboxBuiltInLanguageName();
184 | }
185 |
186 | /* Try to load the corresponding Qt translation: */
187 | if (languageId() != vboxBuiltInLanguageName() && languageId() != "en")
188 | {
189 | #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
190 | // We use system installations of Qt on Linux systems, so first, try
191 | // to load the Qt translation from the system location.
192 | strLanguageFileName = QLibraryInfo::path(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath) + "/qt_" +
193 | languageId() + vboxLanguageFileExtension();
194 | QTranslator *pQtSysTr = new QTranslator(s_pTranslator);
195 | Assert(pQtSysTr);
196 | if (pQtSysTr && pQtSysTr->load(strLanguageFileName))
197 | translators << pQtSysTr;
198 | // Note that the Qt translation supplied by Oracle is always loaded
199 | // afterwards to make sure it will take precedence over the system
200 | // translation (it may contain more decent variants of translation
201 | // that better correspond to VirtualBox UI). We need to load both
202 | // because a newer version of Qt may be installed on the user computer
203 | // and the Oracle version may not fully support it. We don't do it on
204 | // Win32 because we supply a Qt library there and therefore the
205 | // Oracle translation is always the best one. */
206 | #endif
207 | strLanguageFileName = nlsDir.absoluteFilePath(QString("qt_") +
208 | languageId() +
209 | vboxLanguageFileExtension());
210 | QTranslator *pQtTr = new QTranslator(s_pTranslator);
211 | Assert(pQtTr);
212 | if (pQtTr && (fLoadOk = pQtTr->load(strLanguageFileName)))
213 | translators << pQtTr;
214 | /* The below message doesn't fit 100% (because it's an additional
215 | * language and the main one won't be reset to built-in on failure)
216 | * but the load failure is so rare here that it's not worth a separate
217 | * message (but still, having something is better than having none) */
218 | if (!fLoadOk && !strLangId.isNull())
219 | msgCenter().cannotLoadLanguage(strLanguageFileName);
220 | }
221 | if (fResetToC)
222 | s_strLoadedLanguageId = vboxBuiltInLanguageName();
223 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
224 | // Qt doesn't translate the items in the Application menu initially.
225 | // Manually trigger an update.
226 | ::darwinRetranslateAppMenu();
227 | #endif
228 |
229 | /* Iterate through all the translators: */
230 | for (int i = 0; i < translators.size(); ++i)
231 | {
232 | /* Unlock listener before the last one translator: */
233 | if (i == translators.size() - 1)
234 | {
235 | QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::LanguageChange);
236 | s_fTranslationInProgress = false;
237 | }
238 |
239 | /* Install current one: */
240 | qApp->installTranslator(translators.at(i));
241 | }
242 |
243 | /* Unlock listener in case if it's still locked: */
244 | s_fTranslationInProgress = false;
245 | }
246 |
247 | /* static */
248 | QString UITranslator::vboxLanguageSubDirectory()
249 | {
250 | return "/nls";
251 | }
252 |
253 | /* static */
254 | QString UITranslator::vboxLanguageFileBase()
255 | {
256 | return "VirtualBox_";
257 | }
258 |
259 | /* static */
260 | QString UITranslator::vboxLanguageFileExtension()
261 | {
262 | return ".qm";
263 | }
264 |
265 | /* static */
266 | QString UITranslator::vboxLanguageIdRegExp()
267 | {
268 | return "(([a-z]{2})(?:_([A-Z]{2}))?)|(C)";
269 | }
270 |
271 | /* static */
272 | QString UITranslator::vboxBuiltInLanguageName()
273 | {
274 | return "C";
275 | }
276 |
277 | /* static */
278 | QString UITranslator::languageId()
279 | {
280 | /* Note that it may not match with UIExtraDataManager::languageId() if the specified language cannot be loaded.
281 | *
282 | * If the built-in language is active, this method returns "C". "C" is treated as the built-in language for
283 | * simplicity -- the C locale is used in unix environments as a fallback when the requested locale is invalid.
284 | * This way we don't need to process both the "built_in" language and the "C" language (which is a valid
285 | * environment setting) separately. */
286 |
287 | return s_strLoadedLanguageId;
288 | }
289 |
290 | /* static */
291 | QString UITranslator::yearsToString(uint32_t cVal)
292 | {
293 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n year(s)", "", cVal);
294 | }
295 |
296 | /* static */
297 | QString UITranslator::monthsToString(uint32_t cVal)
298 | {
299 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n month(s)", "", cVal);
300 | }
301 |
302 | /* static */
303 | QString UITranslator::daysToString(uint32_t cVal)
304 | {
305 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n day(s)", "", cVal);
306 | }
307 |
308 | /* static */
309 | QString UITranslator::hoursToString(uint32_t cVal)
310 | {
311 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n hour(s)", "", cVal);
312 | }
313 |
314 | /* static */
315 | QString UITranslator::minutesToString(uint32_t cVal)
316 | {
317 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n minute(s)", "", cVal);
318 | }
319 |
320 | /* static */
321 | QString UITranslator::secondsToString(uint32_t cVal)
322 | {
323 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n second(s)", "", cVal);
324 | }
325 |
326 | /* static */
327 | QString UITranslator::yearsToStringAgo(uint32_t cVal)
328 | {
329 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n year(s) ago", "", cVal);
330 | }
331 |
332 | /* static */
333 | QString UITranslator::monthsToStringAgo(uint32_t cVal)
334 | {
335 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n month(s) ago", "", cVal);
336 | }
337 |
338 | /* static */
339 | QString UITranslator::daysToStringAgo(uint32_t cVal)
340 | {
341 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n day(s) ago", "", cVal);
342 | }
343 |
344 | /* static */
345 | QString UITranslator::hoursToStringAgo(uint32_t cVal)
346 | {
347 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n hour(s) ago", "", cVal);
348 | }
349 |
350 | /* static */
351 | QString UITranslator::minutesToStringAgo(uint32_t cVal)
352 | {
353 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n minute(s) ago", "", cVal);
354 | }
355 |
356 | /* static */
357 | QString UITranslator::secondsToStringAgo(uint32_t cVal)
358 | {
359 | return QApplication::translate("UITranslator", "%n second(s) ago", "", cVal);
360 | }
361 |
362 | /* static */
363 | QString UITranslator::decimalSep()
364 | {
365 | return QString(QLocale::system().decimalPoint());
366 | }
367 |
368 | /* static */
369 | QString UITranslator::sizeRegexp()
370 | {
371 | /* This regexp will capture 5 groups of text:
372 | * - cap(1): integer number in case when no decimal point is present
373 | * (if empty, it means that decimal point is present)
374 | * - cap(2): size suffix in case when no decimal point is present (may be empty)
375 | * - cap(3): integer number in case when decimal point is present (may be empty)
376 | * - cap(4): fraction number (hundredth) in case when decimal point is present
377 | * - cap(5): size suffix in case when decimal point is present (note that
378 | * B cannot appear there). */
379 |
380 | const QString strRegexp =
381 | QString("^(?:(?:(\\d+)(?:\\s?(%2|%3|%4|%5|%6|%7))?)|(?:(\\d*)%1(\\d{1,2})(?:\\s?(%3|%4|%5|%6|%7))))$")
382 | .arg(decimalSep())
383 | .arg(tr("B", "size suffix Bytes"))
384 | .arg(tr("KB", "size suffix KBytes=1024 Bytes"))
385 | .arg(tr("MB", "size suffix MBytes=1024 KBytes"))
386 | .arg(tr("GB", "size suffix GBytes=1024 MBytes"))
387 | .arg(tr("TB", "size suffix TBytes=1024 GBytes"))
388 | .arg(tr("PB", "size suffix PBytes=1024 TBytes"));
389 | return strRegexp;
390 | }
391 |
392 | /* static */
393 | quint64 UITranslator::parseSize(const QString &strText)
394 | {
395 | /* Text should be in form of B|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB. */
396 | QRegExp regexp(sizeRegexp());
397 | int iPos = regexp.indexIn(strText);
398 | if (iPos != -1)
399 | {
400 | QString strInteger = regexp.cap(1);
401 | QString strHundred;
402 | QString strSuff = regexp.cap(2);
403 | if (strInteger.isEmpty())
404 | {
405 | strInteger = regexp.cap(3);
406 | strHundred = regexp.cap(4);
407 | strSuff = regexp.cap(5);
408 | }
409 |
410 | quint64 uDenominator = 0;
411 | if (strSuff.isEmpty() || strSuff == tr("B", "size suffix Bytes"))
412 | uDenominator = 1;
413 | else if (strSuff == tr("KB", "size suffix KBytes=1024 Bytes"))
414 | uDenominator = _1K;
415 | else if (strSuff == tr("MB", "size suffix MBytes=1024 KBytes"))
416 | uDenominator = _1M;
417 | else if (strSuff == tr("GB", "size suffix GBytes=1024 MBytes"))
418 | uDenominator = _1G;
419 | else if (strSuff == tr("TB", "size suffix TBytes=1024 GBytes"))
420 | uDenominator = _1T;
421 | else if (strSuff == tr("PB", "size suffix PBytes=1024 TBytes"))
422 | uDenominator = _1P;
423 |
424 | quint64 iInteger = strInteger.toULongLong();
425 | if (uDenominator == 1)
426 | return iInteger;
427 |
428 | quint64 iHundred = strHundred.leftJustified(2, '0').toULongLong();
429 | iHundred = iHundred * uDenominator / 100;
430 | iInteger = iInteger * uDenominator + iHundred;
431 | return iInteger;
432 | }
433 | else
434 | return 0;
435 | }
436 |
437 | /* static */
438 | SizeSuffix UITranslator::parseSizeSuffix(const QString &strText)
439 | {
440 | /* Text should be in form of B|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB. */
441 | QRegExp regexp(sizeRegexp());
442 | int iPos = regexp.indexIn(strText);
443 | if (iPos != -1)
444 | {
445 | QString strInteger = regexp.cap(1);
446 | QString strSuff = regexp.cap(2);
447 | if (strInteger.isEmpty())
448 | {
449 | strInteger = regexp.cap(3);
450 | strSuff = regexp.cap(5);
451 | }
452 |
453 | SizeSuffix enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_Byte;
454 |
455 | if (strSuff.isEmpty() || strSuff == tr("B", "size suffix Bytes"))
456 | enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_Byte;
457 | else if (strSuff == tr("KB", "size suffix KBytes=1024 Bytes"))
458 | enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_KiloByte;
459 | else if (strSuff == tr("MB", "size suffix MBytes=1024 KBytes"))
460 | enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_MegaByte;
461 | else if (strSuff == tr("GB", "size suffix GBytes=1024 MBytes"))
462 | enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_GigaByte;
463 | else if (strSuff == tr("TB", "size suffix TBytes=1024 GBytes"))
464 | enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_TeraByte;
465 | else if (strSuff == tr("PB", "size suffix PBytes=1024 TBytes"))
466 | enmSizeSuffix = SizeSuffix_PetaByte;
467 | return enmSizeSuffix;
468 | }
469 | else
470 | return SizeSuffix_Byte;
471 | }
472 |
473 | /* static */
474 | bool UITranslator::hasSizeSuffix(const QString &strText)
475 | {
476 | /* Text should be in form of B|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB. */
477 | QRegExp regexp(sizeRegexp());
478 | int iPos = regexp.indexIn(strText);
479 | if (iPos != -1)
480 | {
481 | QString strInteger = regexp.cap(1);
482 | QString strSuff = regexp.cap(2);
483 | if (strInteger.isEmpty())
484 | {
485 | strInteger = regexp.cap(3);
486 | strSuff = regexp.cap(5);
487 | }
488 |
489 | if (strSuff.isEmpty())
490 | return false;
491 | if (strSuff == tr("B", "size suffix Bytes") ||
492 | strSuff == tr("KB", "size suffix KBytes=1024 Bytes") ||
493 | strSuff == tr("MB", "size suffix MBytes=1024 KBytes") ||
494 | strSuff == tr("GB", "size suffix GBytes=1024 MBytes") ||
495 | strSuff == tr("TB", "size suffix TBytes=1024 GBytes") ||
496 | strSuff == tr("PB", "size suffix PBytes=1024 TBytes"))
497 | return true;
498 | return false;
499 | }
500 | else
501 | return false;
502 | }
503 |
504 | /* static */
505 | QString UITranslator::formatSize(quint64 uSize, uint cDecimal /* = 2 */,
506 | FormatSize enmMode /* = FormatSize_Round */)
507 | {
508 | /* Text will be in form of B|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB.
509 | *
510 | * When enmMode is FormatSize_Round, the result is rounded to the
511 | * closest number containing @a aDecimal decimal digits.
512 | * When enmMode is FormatSize_RoundDown, the result is rounded to the
513 | * largest number with @a aDecimal decimal digits that is not greater than
514 | * the result. This guarantees that converting the resulting string back to
515 | * the integer value in bytes will not produce a value greater that the
516 | * initial size parameter.
517 | * When enmMode is FormatSize_RoundUp, the result is rounded to the
518 | * smallest number with @a aDecimal decimal digits that is not less than the
519 | * result. This guarantees that converting the resulting string back to the
520 | * integer value in bytes will not produce a value less that the initial
521 | * size parameter. */
522 |
523 | quint64 uDenominator = 0;
524 | int iSuffix = 0;
525 |
526 | if (uSize < _1K)
527 | {
528 | uDenominator = 1;
529 | iSuffix = 0;
530 | }
531 | else if (uSize < _1M)
532 | {
533 | uDenominator = _1K;
534 | iSuffix = 1;
535 | }
536 | else if (uSize < _1G)
537 | {
538 | uDenominator = _1M;
539 | iSuffix = 2;
540 | }
541 | else if (uSize < _1T)
542 | {
543 | uDenominator = _1G;
544 | iSuffix = 3;
545 | }
546 | else if (uSize < _1P)
547 | {
548 | uDenominator = _1T;
549 | iSuffix = 4;
550 | }
551 | else
552 | {
553 | uDenominator = _1P;
554 | iSuffix = 5;
555 | }
556 |
557 | quint64 uInteger = uSize / uDenominator;
558 | quint64 uDecimal = uSize % uDenominator;
559 | quint64 uMult = 1;
560 | for (uint i = 0; i < cDecimal; ++i)
561 | uMult *= 10;
562 |
563 | QString strNumber;
564 | if (uDenominator > 1)
565 | {
566 | if (uDecimal)
567 | {
568 | uDecimal *= uMult;
569 | /* Not greater: */
570 | if (enmMode == FormatSize_RoundDown)
571 | uDecimal = uDecimal / uDenominator;
572 | /* Not less: */
573 | else if (enmMode == FormatSize_RoundUp)
574 | uDecimal = (uDecimal + uDenominator - 1) / uDenominator;
575 | /* Nearest: */
576 | else
577 | uDecimal = (uDecimal + uDenominator / 2) / uDenominator;
578 | }
579 | /* Check for the fractional part overflow due to rounding: */
580 | if (uDecimal == uMult)
581 | {
582 | uDecimal = 0;
583 | ++uInteger;
584 | /* Check if we've got 1024 XB after rounding and scale down if so: */
585 | if (uInteger == 1024 && iSuffix + 1 < (int)SizeSuffix_Max)
586 | {
587 | uInteger /= 1024;
588 | ++iSuffix;
589 | }
590 | }
591 | strNumber = QString::number(uInteger);
592 | if (cDecimal)
593 | strNumber += QString("%1%2").arg(decimalSep())
594 | .arg(QString::number(uDecimal).rightJustified(cDecimal, '0'));
595 | }
596 | else
597 | {
598 | strNumber = QString::number(uInteger);
599 | }
600 |
601 | return QString("%1 %2").arg(strNumber).arg(gpConverter->toString(static_cast<SizeSuffix>(iSuffix)));
602 | }
603 |
604 | /* static */
605 | QString UITranslator::addMetricSuffixToNumber(quint64 uNumber)
606 | {
607 | if (uNumber <= 0)
608 | return QString();
609 | /* See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix for metric suffixes:*/
610 | char suffixes[] = {'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'};
611 | int zeroCount = (int)log10((long double)uNumber);
612 | if (zeroCount < 3)
613 | return QString::number(uNumber);
614 | int h = 3 * (zeroCount / 3);
615 | char result[128];
616 | sprintf(result, "%.2f", uNumber / (float)pow((double)10, h));
617 | return QString("%1%2").arg(result).arg(suffixes[h / 3 - 1]);
618 | }
619 |
620 | /* static */
621 | QStringList UITranslator::COMPortNames()
622 | {
623 | QStringList list;
624 | for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(kComKnownPorts); ++i)
625 | list << kComKnownPorts[i].name;
626 |
627 | return list;
628 | }
629 |
630 | /* static */
631 | QString UITranslator::toCOMPortName(ulong uIRQ, ulong uIOBase)
632 | {
633 | for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(kComKnownPorts); ++i)
634 | if (kComKnownPorts[i].IRQ == uIRQ &&
635 | kComKnownPorts[i].IOBase == uIOBase)
636 | return kComKnownPorts[i].name;
637 |
638 | return tr("User-defined", "serial port");;
639 | }
640 |
641 | /* static */
642 | bool UITranslator::toCOMPortNumbers(const QString &strName, ulong &uIRQ, ulong &uIOBase)
643 | {
644 | for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(kComKnownPorts); ++i)
645 | if (strcmp(kComKnownPorts[i].name, strName.toUtf8().data()) == 0)
646 | {
647 | uIRQ = kComKnownPorts[i].IRQ;
648 | uIOBase = kComKnownPorts[i].IOBase;
649 | return true;
650 | }
651 |
652 | return false;
653 | }
654 |
655 | /* Regular expressions used by both highlight and emphasize. They use the
656 | same prefix and suffix expression. Unfortunately, QRegularExpression isn't
657 | thread safe, so we only store the string contstants here. */
658 | /** @todo qt6: Both these had bogus suffix sets '[:.-!);]', I've changed them to '[-:.!);]', hope that's correct. */
659 | static char const g_szRxSingleQuotes[] = "((?:^|\\s)[(]?)"
660 | "'([^']*)'"
661 | "(?=[-:.!);]?(?:\\s|$))";
662 | static const char g_szRxUuid[] = "((?:^|\\s)[(]?)"
663 | "(\\{[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}\\})"
664 | "(?=[-:.!);]?(?:\\s|$))";
665 |
666 | /* static */
667 | QString UITranslator::highlight(QString strText, bool fToolTip /* = false */)
668 | {
669 | /* We should reformat the input strText so that:
670 | * - strings in single quotes will be put inside <nobr> and marked
671 | * with blue color;
672 | * - UUIDs be put inside <nobr> and marked
673 | * with green color;
674 | * - replaces new line chars with </p><p> constructs to form paragraphs
675 | * (note that <p\> and </p> are not appended to the beginning and to the
676 | * end of the string respectively, to allow the result be appended
677 | * or prepended to the existing paragraph).
678 | *
679 | * If @a fToolTip is true, colouring is not applied, only the <nobr> tag
680 | * is added. Also, new line chars are replaced with <br> instead of <p>. */
681 |
682 | QString strFont;
683 | QString uuidFont;
684 | QString endFont;
685 | if (!fToolTip)
686 | {
687 | strFont = "<font color=#0000CC>";
688 | uuidFont = "<font color=#008000>";
689 | endFont = "</font>";
690 | }
691 |
692 | /* Replace special entities, '&' -- first! */
693 | strText.replace('&', "&");
694 | strText.replace('<', "<");
695 | strText.replace('>', ">");
696 | strText.replace('\"', """);
697 |
698 | /* Mark strings in single quotes with color: */
699 | strText.replace(QRegularExpression(g_szRxSingleQuotes), QString("\\1%1<nobr>'\\2'</nobr>%2").arg(strFont).arg(endFont));
700 |
701 | /* Mark UUIDs with color: */
702 | strText.replace(QRegularExpression(g_szRxUuid), QString("\\1%1<nobr>\\2</nobr>%2").arg(uuidFont).arg(endFont));
703 |
704 | /* Split to paragraphs at \n chars: */
705 | if (!fToolTip)
706 | strText.replace('\n', "</p><p>");
707 | else
708 | strText.replace('\n', "<br>");
709 |
710 | return strText;
711 | }
712 |
713 | /* static */
714 | QString UITranslator::emphasize(QString strText)
715 | {
716 | /* We should reformat the input string @a strText so that:
717 | * - strings in single quotes will be put inside \<nobr\> and marked
718 | * with bold style;
719 | * - UUIDs be put inside \<nobr\> and marked
720 | * with italic style;
721 | * - replaces new line chars with \</p\>\<p\> constructs to form paragraphs
722 | * (note that \<p\> and \</p\> are not appended to the beginning and to the
723 | * end of the string respectively, to allow the result be appended
724 | * or prepended to the existing paragraph). */
725 |
726 | QString strEmphStart("<b>");
727 | QString strEmphEnd("</b>");
728 | QString uuidEmphStart("<i>");
729 | QString uuidEmphEnd("</i>");
730 |
731 | /* Replace special entities, '&' -- first! */
732 | strText.replace('&', "&");
733 | strText.replace('<', "<");
734 | strText.replace('>', ">");
735 | strText.replace('\"', """);
736 |
737 | /* Mark strings in single quotes with bold style: */
738 | strText.replace(QRegularExpression(g_szRxSingleQuotes), QString("\\1%1<nobr>'\\2'</nobr>%2").arg(strEmphStart).arg(strEmphEnd));
739 |
740 | /* Mark UUIDs with italic style: */
741 | strText.replace(QRegularExpression(g_szRxUuid), QString("\\1%1<nobr>\\2</nobr>%2").arg(uuidEmphStart).arg(uuidEmphEnd));
742 |
743 | /* Split to paragraphs at \n chars: */
744 | strText.replace('\n', "</p><p>");
745 |
746 | return strText;
747 | }
748 |
749 | /* static */
750 | QString UITranslator::removeAccelMark(QString strText)
751 | {
752 | /* In order to support accelerators used in non-alphabet languages
753 | * (e.g. Japanese) that has a form of "(&<L>)" (where <L> is a latin letter),
754 | * this method first searches for this pattern and, if found, removes it as a
755 | * whole. If such a pattern is not found, then the '&' character is simply
756 | * removed from the string. */
757 |
758 | QRegExp accel("\\(&[a-zA-Z]\\)");
759 | int iPos = accel.indexIn(strText);
760 | if (iPos >= 0)
761 | strText.remove(iPos, accel.cap().length());
762 | else
763 | {
764 | iPos = strText.indexOf('&');
765 | if (iPos >= 0)
766 | strText.remove(iPos, 1);
767 | }
768 |
769 | return strText;
770 | }
771 |
772 | /* static */
773 | QString UITranslator::insertKeyToActionText(const QString &strText, const QString &strKey)
774 | {
775 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
776 | QString strPattern("%1 (Host+%2)");
777 | #else
778 | QString strPattern("%1 \tHost+%2");
779 | #endif
780 | if ( strKey.isEmpty()
781 | || strKey.compare("None", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
782 | return strText;
783 | else
784 | return strPattern.arg(strText).arg(QKeySequence(strKey).toString(QKeySequence::NativeText));
785 | }
786 |
787 | /* static */
788 | bool UITranslator::isTranslationInProgress()
789 | {
790 | return s_fTranslationInProgress;
791 | }
792 |
793 | /* static */
794 | QString UITranslator::byteStringToMegaByteString(const QString &strByteString)
795 | {
796 | if (strByteString.isEmpty())
797 | return QString();
798 | bool fConversionSuccess = false;
799 | qulonglong uByte = strByteString.toULongLong(&fConversionSuccess);
800 | AssertReturn(fConversionSuccess, QString());
801 | return QString::number(uByte / _1M);
802 | }
803 |
804 | /* static */
805 | QString UITranslator::megabyteStringToByteString(const QString &strMegaByteString)
806 | {
807 | if (strMegaByteString.isEmpty())
808 | return QString();
809 | bool fConversionSuccess = false;
810 | qulonglong uMegaByte = strMegaByteString.toULongLong(&fConversionSuccess);
811 | AssertReturn(fConversionSuccess, QString());
812 | return QString::number(uMegaByte * _1M);
813 | }
814 |
815 | UITranslator::UITranslator(QObject *pParent /* = 0 */)
816 | : QTranslator(pParent)
817 | {
818 | }
819 |
820 | bool UITranslator::loadFile(const QString &strFileName)
821 | {
822 | QFile file(strFileName);
823 | if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
824 | return false;
825 | m_data = file.readAll();
826 | return load((uchar*)m_data.data(), m_data.size());
827 | }
828 |
829 | /* static */
830 | QString UITranslator::languageName()
831 | {
832 | /* Returns "English" if no translation is installed
833 | * or if the translation file is invalid. */
834 | return QApplication::translate("@@@", "English",
835 | "Native language name");
836 | }
837 |
838 | /* static */
839 | QString UITranslator::languageCountry()
840 | {
841 | /* Returns "--" if no translation is installed or if the translation file
842 | * is invalid, or if the language is independent on the country. */
843 | return QApplication::translate("@@@", "--",
844 | "Native language country name "
845 | "(empty if this language is for all countries)");
846 | }
847 |
848 | /* static */
849 | QString UITranslator::languageNameEnglish()
850 | {
851 | /* Returns "English" if no translation is installed
852 | * or if the translation file is invalid. */
853 | return QApplication::translate("@@@", "English",
854 | "Language name, in English");
855 | }
856 |
857 | /* static */
858 | QString UITranslator::languageCountryEnglish()
859 | {
860 | /* Returns "--" if no translation is installed or if the translation file
861 | * is invalid, or if the language is independent on the country. */
862 | return QApplication::translate("@@@", "--",
863 | "Language country name, in English "
864 | "(empty if native country name is empty)");
865 | }
866 |
867 | /* static */
868 | QString UITranslator::languageTranslators()
869 | {
870 | /* Returns "Oracle Corporation" if no translation is installed or if the translation file
871 | * is invalid, or if the translation is supplied by Oracle Corporation. */
872 | return QApplication::translate("@@@", "Oracle Corporation",
873 | "Comma-separated list of translators");
874 | }
875 |
876 | /* static */
877 | QString UITranslator::systemLanguageId()
878 | {
879 | /* This does exactly the same as QLocale::system().name() but corrects its wrong behavior on Linux systems
880 | * (LC_NUMERIC for some strange reason takes precedence over any other locale setting in the QLocale::system()
881 | * implementation). This implementation first looks at LC_ALL (as defined by SUS), then looks at LC_MESSAGES
882 | * which is designed to define a language for program messages in case if it differs from the language for
883 | * other locale categories. Then it looks for LANG and finally falls back to QLocale::system().name().
884 | *
885 | * The order of precedence is well defined here:
886 | * http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xbd/envvar.html
887 | *
888 | * This method will return "C" when the requested locale is invalid or when the "C" locale is set explicitly. */
889 |
890 | #if defined(VBOX_WS_MAC)
891 | // QLocale return the right id only if the user select the format
892 | // of the language also. So we use our own implementation */
893 | return ::darwinSystemLanguage();
894 | #elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
895 | const char *pszValue = RTEnvGet("LC_ALL");
896 | if (pszValue == 0)
897 | pszValue = RTEnvGet("LC_MESSAGES");
898 | if (pszValue == 0)
899 | pszValue = RTEnvGet("LANG");
900 | if (pszValue != 0)
901 | return QLocale(pszValue).name();
902 | #endif
903 | return QLocale::system().name();
904 | }