1 | /* $Id: QIMessageBox.cpp 99946 2023-05-24 06:53:04Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - Qt extensions: QIMessageBox class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QCheckBox>
30 | #include <QClipboard>
31 | #include <QHBoxLayout>
32 | #include <QLabel>
33 | #include <QMimeData>
34 | #include <QPushButton>
35 | #include <QRegExp>
36 | #include <QRegularExpression>
37 | #include <QStyle>
38 | #include <QVBoxLayout>
39 |
40 | /* GUI includes: */
41 | #include "QIArrowSplitter.h"
42 | #include "QIDialogButtonBox.h"
43 | #include "QIMessageBox.h"
44 | #include "QIRichTextLabel.h"
45 | #include "UICommon.h"
46 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
47 | #include "UIHelpBrowserDialog.h"
48 | #include "UIMessageCenter.h"
49 |
50 | /* Other VBox includes: */
51 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
52 |
53 |
54 | QIMessageBox::QIMessageBox(const QString &strTitle, const QString &strMessage, AlertIconType iconType,
55 | int iButton1 /* = 0*/, int iButton2 /* = 0*/, int iButton3 /* = 0*/, QWidget *pParent /* = 0*/,
56 | const QString &strHelpKeyword /* = QString() */)
57 | : QIDialog(pParent)
58 | , m_strTitle(strTitle)
59 | , m_iconType(iconType)
60 | , m_pLabelIcon(0)
61 | , m_strMessage(strMessage)
62 | , m_pLabelText(0)
63 | , m_pFlagCheckBox(0)
64 | , m_pDetailsContainer(0)
65 | , m_iButton1(iButton1)
66 | , m_iButton2(iButton2)
67 | , m_iButton3(iButton3)
68 | , m_iButtonEsc(0)
69 | , m_pButton1(0)
70 | , m_pButton2(0)
71 | , m_pButton3(0)
72 | , m_pButtonHelp(0)
73 | , m_pButtonBox(0)
74 | , m_strHelpKeyword(strHelpKeyword)
75 | , m_fDone(false)
76 | {
77 | /* Prepare: */
78 | prepare();
79 | }
80 |
81 | void QIMessageBox::setDetailsText(const QString &strText)
82 | {
83 | /* Make sure details-text is NOT empty: */
84 | AssertReturnVoid(!strText.isEmpty());
85 |
86 | /* Split details into paragraphs: */
87 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
88 | QStringList paragraphs(strText.split("<!--EOP-->", Qt::SkipEmptyParts));
89 | #else
90 | QStringList paragraphs(strText.split("<!--EOP-->", QString::SkipEmptyParts));
91 | #endif
92 | /* Make sure details-text has at least one paragraph: */
93 | AssertReturnVoid(!paragraphs.isEmpty());
94 |
95 | /* Enumerate all the paragraphs: */
96 | QStringPairList details;
97 | foreach (const QString &strParagraph, paragraphs)
98 | {
99 | /* Split each paragraph into pairs: */
100 | #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
101 | QStringList parts(strParagraph.split("<!--EOM-->", Qt::KeepEmptyParts));
102 | #else
103 | QStringList parts(strParagraph.split("<!--EOM-->", QString::KeepEmptyParts));
104 | #endif
105 | /* Make sure each paragraph consist of 2 parts: */
106 | AssertReturnVoid(parts.size() == 2);
107 | /* Append each pair into details-list: */
108 | details << QStringPair(parts[0], parts[1]);
109 | }
110 |
111 | /* Pass details-list to details-container: */
112 | m_pDetailsContainer->setDetails(details);
113 | /* Update details-container finally: */
114 | updateDetailsContainer();
115 | }
116 |
117 | bool QIMessageBox::flagChecked() const
118 | {
119 | return m_pFlagCheckBox->isChecked();
120 | }
121 |
122 | void QIMessageBox::setFlagChecked(bool fChecked)
123 | {
124 | m_pFlagCheckBox->setChecked(fChecked);
125 | }
126 |
127 | void QIMessageBox::setFlagText(const QString &strFlagText)
128 | {
129 | /* Pass text to flag check-box: */
130 | m_pFlagCheckBox->setText(strFlagText);
131 | /* Update flag check-box finally: */
132 | updateCheckBox();
133 | }
134 |
135 | void QIMessageBox::setButtonText(int iButton, const QString &strText)
136 | {
137 | switch (iButton)
138 | {
139 | case 0: if (m_pButton1) m_pButton1->setText(strText); break;
140 | case 1: if (m_pButton2) m_pButton2->setText(strText); break;
141 | case 2: if (m_pButton3) m_pButton3->setText(strText); break;
142 | default: break;
143 | }
144 | }
145 |
146 | void QIMessageBox::polishEvent(QShowEvent *pPolishEvent)
147 | {
148 | /* Call to base-class: */
149 | QIDialog::polishEvent(pPolishEvent);
150 |
151 | /* Update size finally: */
152 | sltUpdateSize();
153 | }
154 |
155 | void QIMessageBox::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *pCloseEvent)
156 | {
157 | if (m_fDone)
158 | pCloseEvent->accept();
159 | else
160 | {
161 | pCloseEvent->ignore();
162 | reject();
163 | }
164 | }
165 |
166 | void QIMessageBox::sltUpdateSize()
167 | {
168 | /* Fix minimum possible size: */
169 | setFixedSize(minimumSizeHint());
170 | }
171 |
172 | void QIMessageBox::sltCopy() const
173 | {
174 | /* Create the error string with all errors. First the html version. */
175 | QString strError = "<html><body><p>" + m_strMessage + "</p>";
176 | foreach (const QStringPair &pair, m_pDetailsContainer->details())
177 | strError += pair.first + pair.second + "<br>";
178 | strError += "</body></html>";
179 | strError.remove(QRegularExpression("</+qt>"));
180 | strError = strError.replace(QRegularExpression(" "), " ");
181 | /* Create a new mime data object holding both the html and the plain text version. */
182 | QMimeData *pMimeData = new QMimeData();
183 | pMimeData->setHtml(strError);
184 | /* Replace all the html entities. */
185 | strError = strError.replace(QRegularExpression("<br>|</tr>"), "\n");
186 | strError = strError.replace(QRegularExpression("</p>"), "\n\n");
187 | strError = strError.remove(QRegularExpression("<[^>]*>"));
188 | pMimeData->setText(strError);
189 | /* Add the mime data to the global clipboard. */
190 | QClipboard *pClipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
191 | pClipboard->setMimeData(pMimeData);
192 | }
193 |
194 | void QIMessageBox::reject()
195 | {
196 | if (m_iButtonEsc)
197 | {
198 | QDialog::reject();
199 | setResult(m_iButtonEsc & AlertButtonMask);
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | void QIMessageBox::prepare()
204 | {
205 | /* Set caption: */
206 | setWindowTitle(m_strTitle);
207 |
208 | /* Create main-layout: */
209 | QVBoxLayout *pMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
210 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pMainLayout);
211 | {
212 | /* Configure main-layout: */
213 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
214 | pMainLayout->setContentsMargins(40, 20, 40, 20);
215 | pMainLayout->setSpacing(15);
216 | #else
217 | pMainLayout->setSpacing(qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing) * 2);
218 | #endif
219 | /* Create top-layout: */
220 | QHBoxLayout *pTopLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
221 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(pTopLayout);
222 | {
223 | /* Configure top-layout: */
224 | pTopLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
225 | /* Create icon-label: */
226 | m_pLabelIcon = new QLabel;
227 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pLabelIcon);
228 | {
229 | /* Configure icon-label: */
230 | m_pLabelIcon->setPixmap(standardPixmap(m_iconType, this));
231 | m_pLabelIcon->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop);
232 | m_pLabelIcon->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
233 | /* Add icon-label into top-layout: */
234 | pTopLayout->addWidget(m_pLabelIcon);
235 | }
236 | /* Create text-label: */
237 | m_pLabelText = new QIRichTextLabel;
238 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pLabelText);
239 | {
240 | /* Configure text-label: */
241 | m_pLabelText->setText(compressLongWords(m_strMessage));
242 | /* Add text-label into top-layout: */
243 | pTopLayout->addWidget(m_pLabelText);
244 | }
245 | /* Add top-layout into main-layout: */
246 | pMainLayout->addLayout(pTopLayout);
247 | }
248 | /* Create details-container: */
249 | m_pDetailsContainer = new QIArrowSplitter;
250 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pDetailsContainer);
251 | {
252 | /* Configure container: */
253 | connect(m_pDetailsContainer, &QIArrowSplitter::sigSizeHintChange,
254 | this, &QIMessageBox::sltUpdateSize);
255 | /* Add details-container into main-layout: */
256 | pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pDetailsContainer);
257 | /* Update details-container finally: */
258 | updateDetailsContainer();
259 | }
260 | /* Create flag check-box: */
261 | m_pFlagCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
262 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pFlagCheckBox);
263 | {
264 | /* Configure flag check-box: */
265 | m_pFlagCheckBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
266 | /* Add flag check-box into main-layout: */
267 | pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pFlagCheckBox, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
268 | /* Update flag check-box finally: */
269 | updateCheckBox();
270 | }
271 | /* Create button-box: */
272 | m_pButtonBox = new QIDialogButtonBox;
273 | AssertPtrReturnVoid(m_pButtonBox);
274 | {
275 | /* Configure button-box: */
276 | m_pButtonBox->setCenterButtons(true);
277 | m_pButton1 = createButton(m_iButton1);
278 | if (m_pButton1)
279 | connect(m_pButton1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QIMessageBox::sltDone1);
280 | m_pButton2 = createButton(m_iButton2);
281 | if (m_pButton2)
282 | connect(m_pButton2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QIMessageBox::sltDone2);
283 | m_pButton3 = createButton(m_iButton3);
284 | if (m_pButton3)
285 | connect(m_pButton3, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QIMessageBox::sltDone3);
286 | /* Create the help button and connect it to relevant slot in case a help word is supplied: */
287 | if (!m_strHelpKeyword.isEmpty())
288 | {
289 | m_pButtonHelp = createButton(AlertButton_Help);
290 | if (m_pButtonHelp)
291 | {
292 | uiCommon().setHelpKeyword(m_pButtonHelp, m_strHelpKeyword);
293 | connect(m_pButtonHelp, &QPushButton::clicked, m_pButtonBox, &QIDialogButtonBox::sltHandleHelpRequest);
294 | }
295 | }
296 |
297 | /* Make sure Escape button always set: */
298 | Assert(m_iButtonEsc);
299 | /* If this is a critical message add a "Copy to clipboard" button: */
300 | if (m_iconType == AlertIconType_Critical)
301 | {
302 | QPushButton *pCopyButton = createButton(AlertButton_Copy);
303 | pCopyButton->setToolTip(tr("Copy all errors to the clipboard"));
304 | connect(pCopyButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QIMessageBox::sltCopy);
305 | }
306 | /* Add button-box into main-layout: */
307 | pMainLayout->addWidget(m_pButtonBox);
308 |
309 | /* Prepare focus. It is important to prepare focus after adding button-box to the layout as
310 | * parenting the button-box to the QDialog changes default button focus by Qt: */
311 | prepareFocus();
312 | }
313 | }
314 | }
315 |
316 | void QIMessageBox::prepareFocus()
317 | {
318 | /* Configure default button and focus: */
319 | if (m_pButton1 && (m_iButton1 & AlertButtonOption_Default))
320 | {
321 | m_pButton1->setDefault(true);
322 | m_pButton1->setFocus();
323 | }
324 | if (m_pButton2 && (m_iButton2 & AlertButtonOption_Default))
325 | {
326 | m_pButton2->setDefault(true);
327 | m_pButton2->setFocus();
328 | }
329 | if (m_pButton3 && (m_iButton3 & AlertButtonOption_Default))
330 | {
331 | m_pButton3->setDefault(true);
332 | m_pButton3->setFocus();
333 | }
334 | }
335 |
336 | QPushButton *QIMessageBox::createButton(int iButton)
337 | {
338 | /* Not for AlertButton_NoButton: */
339 | if (iButton == 0)
340 | return 0;
341 |
342 | /* Prepare button text & role: */
343 | QString strText;
344 | QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role;
345 | switch (iButton & AlertButtonMask)
346 | {
347 | case AlertButton_Ok: strText = tr("OK"); role = QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole; break;
348 | case AlertButton_Cancel: strText = tr("Cancel"); role = QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole; break;
349 | case AlertButton_Choice1: strText = tr("Yes"); role = QDialogButtonBox::YesRole; break;
350 | case AlertButton_Choice2: strText = tr("No"); role = QDialogButtonBox::NoRole; break;
351 | case AlertButton_Copy: strText = tr("Copy"); role = QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole; break;
352 | case AlertButton_Help: strText = tr("Help"); role = QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole; break;
353 | default:
354 | AssertMsgFailed(("Type %d is not supported!", iButton));
355 | return 0;
356 | }
357 |
358 | /* Create push-button: */
359 | QPushButton *pButton = m_pButtonBox->addButton(strText, role);
360 |
361 | /* Configure <escape> button: */
362 | if (iButton & AlertButtonOption_Escape)
363 | m_iButtonEsc = iButton & AlertButtonMask;
364 |
365 | /* Return button: */
366 | return pButton;
367 | }
368 |
369 | void QIMessageBox::updateDetailsContainer()
370 | {
371 | /* Details-container with details is always visible: */
372 | m_pDetailsContainer->setVisible(!m_pDetailsContainer->details().isEmpty());
373 | /* Update size: */
374 | sltUpdateSize();
375 | }
376 |
377 | void QIMessageBox::updateCheckBox()
378 | {
379 | /* Flag check-box with text is always visible: */
380 | m_pFlagCheckBox->setVisible(!m_pFlagCheckBox->text().isEmpty());
381 | /* Update size: */
382 | sltUpdateSize();
383 | }
384 |
385 | /* static */
386 | QPixmap QIMessageBox::standardPixmap(AlertIconType iconType, QWidget *pWidget /* = 0*/)
387 | {
388 | /* Prepare standard icon: */
389 | QIcon icon;
390 | switch (iconType)
391 | {
392 | case AlertIconType_Information: icon = UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_MessageBoxInformation, pWidget); break;
393 | case AlertIconType_Warning: icon = UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_MessageBoxWarning, pWidget); break;
394 | case AlertIconType_Critical: icon = UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_MessageBoxCritical, pWidget); break;
395 | case AlertIconType_Question: icon = UIIconPool::defaultIcon(UIIconPool::UIDefaultIconType_MessageBoxQuestion, pWidget); break;
396 | case AlertIconType_GuruMeditation: icon = UIIconPool::iconSet(":/meditation_32px.png"); break;
397 | default: break;
398 | }
399 | /* Return empty pixmap if nothing found: */
400 | if (icon.isNull())
401 | return QPixmap();
402 | /* Return pixmap of standard size if possible: */
403 | QStyle *pStyle = pWidget ? pWidget->style() : QApplication::style();
404 | int iSize = pStyle->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize, 0, pWidget);
405 | return icon.pixmap(iSize, iSize);
406 | }
407 |
408 | /* static */
409 | QString QIMessageBox::compressLongWords(QString strText)
410 | {
411 | // WORKAROUND:
412 | // The idea is to compress long words of more than 100 symbols in size consisting of alphanumeric
413 | // characters with ellipsiss using the following template:
414 | // "[50 first symbols]...[50 last symbols]"
415 | QRegExp re("[a-zA-Z0-9]{101,}");
416 | int iPosition = re.indexIn(strText);
417 | bool fChangeAllowed = iPosition != -1;
418 | while (fChangeAllowed)
419 | {
420 | QString strNewText = strText;
421 | const QString strFound = re.cap(0);
422 | strNewText.replace(iPosition, strFound.size(), strFound.left(50) + "..." + strFound.right(50));
423 | fChangeAllowed = fChangeAllowed && strText != strNewText;
424 | strText = strNewText;
425 | iPosition = re.indexIn(strText);
426 | fChangeAllowed = fChangeAllowed && iPosition != -1;
427 | }
428 | return strText;
429 | }