1 | /* $Id: UIVMActivityMonitor.cpp 105823 2024-08-22 17:07:34Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBox Qt GUI - UIVMActivityMonitor class implementation.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.virtualbox.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 | /* Qt includes: */
29 | #include <QApplication>
30 | #include <QColorDialog>
31 | #include <QDateTime>
32 | #include <QLabel>
33 | #include <QMenu>
34 | #include <QPainter>
35 | #include <QGridLayout>
36 | #include <QScrollArea>
37 | #include <QStyle>
38 | #include <QToolTip>
39 | #include <QXmlStreamReader>
40 | #include <QTimer>
41 |
42 | /* GUI includes: */
43 | #include "QIFileDialog.h"
44 | #include "UIActionPool.h"
45 | #include "UICommon.h"
46 | #include "UIConverter.h"
47 | #include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
48 | #include "UIGlobalSession.h"
49 | #include "UIIconPool.h"
50 | #include "UILocalMachineStuff.h"
51 | #include "UITranslator.h"
52 | #include "UITranslationEventListener.h"
53 | #include "UIVMActivityMonitor.h"
54 | #include "UIVirtualBoxEventHandler.h"
55 |
56 | /* COM includes: */
57 | #include "CConsole.h"
58 | #include "CGuest.h"
59 | #include "CPerformanceCollector.h"
60 | #include "CPerformanceMetric.h"
61 | #include <iprt/path.h>
62 |
63 | /* External includes: */
64 | #include <math.h>
65 |
66 | /** The time in seconds between metric inquries done to API. */
67 | const ULONG g_iPeriod = 1;
68 |
69 | /** This is passed to IPerformanceCollector during its setup. When 1 that means IPerformanceCollector object does a data cache of size 1. */
70 | const int g_iMetricSetupCount = 1;
71 | const int g_iDecimalCount = 2;
72 | const int g_iBackgroundTint = 104;
73 | const quint64 uInvalidValueSentinel = ~0U;
74 |
75 |
76 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
77 | * UIChart definition. *
78 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
79 |
80 | class UIChart : public QWidget
81 | {
82 |
83 | Q_OBJECT;
84 |
85 | signals:
86 |
87 | void sigExportMetricsToFile();
88 |
89 | public:
90 |
91 | UIChart(QWidget *pParent, UIMetric *pMetric, UIActionPool *pActionPool, int iMaximumQueueSize);
92 | void setFontSize(int iFontSize);
93 | int fontSize() const;
94 | const QStringList &textList() const;
95 |
96 | bool isPieChartAllowed() const;
97 | void setIsPieChartAllowed(bool fWithPieChart);
98 |
99 | bool usePieChart() const;
100 | void setShowPieChart(bool fShowPieChart);
101 |
102 | bool useGradientLineColor() const;
103 | void setUseGradientLineColor(bool fUseGradintLineColor);
104 |
105 | bool useAreaChart() const;
106 | void setUseAreaChart(bool fUseAreaChart);
107 |
108 | bool isAreaChartAllowed() const;
109 | void setIsAreaChartAllowed(bool fIsAreaChartAllowed);
110 |
111 | QColor dataSeriesColor(int iDataSeriesIndex, int iDark = 0);
112 | void setDataSeriesColor(int iDataSeriesIndex, const QColor &color);
113 |
114 | QString XAxisLabel();
115 | void setXAxisLabel(const QString &strLabel);
116 |
117 | bool isAvailable() const;
118 | void setIsAvailable(bool fIsAvailable);
119 |
120 | protected:
121 |
122 | virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
123 | virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
124 | virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
125 | virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const RT_OVERRIDE;
126 | virtual QSize sizeHint() const RT_OVERRIDE;
127 | virtual bool event(QEvent *pEvent) RT_OVERRIDE;
128 |
129 | private slots:
130 |
131 | void sltCreateContextMenu(const QPoint &point);
132 | void sltResetMetric();
133 | void sltSetShowPieChart(bool fShowPieChart);
134 | void sltSetUseAreaChart(bool fUseAreaChart);
135 | void sltRetranslateUI();
136 |
137 | private:
138 |
139 | /** @name Drawing helper functions.
140 | * @{ */
141 | void drawXAxisLabels(QPainter &painter, int iXSubAxisCount);
142 | void drawPieChart(QPainter &painter, quint64 iMaximum, int iDataIndex, const QRectF &chartRect, bool fWithBorder = true);
143 | void drawCombinedPieCharts(QPainter &painter, quint64 iMaximum);
144 | QString YAxisValueLabel(quint64 iValue) const;
145 | /** Drawing an overlay rectangle over the charts to indicate that they are disabled. */
146 | void drawDisabledChartRectangle(QPainter &painter);
147 | QConicalGradient conicalGradientForDataSeries(const QRectF &rectangle, int iDataIndex);
148 | /** @} */
149 | int maxDataSize() const;
150 | QString toolTipText() const;
151 | bool isUnderMouse() const;
152 | void updateIndexUnderCursor(const QPoint &point);
153 | void updateToolTip();
154 |
155 | UIMetric *m_pMetric;
156 | QSize m_size;
157 | QFont m_axisFont;
158 | int m_iMarginLeft;
159 | int m_iMarginRight;
160 | int m_iMarginTop;
161 | int m_iMarginBottom;
162 | int m_iOverlayAlpha;
163 | QRect m_lineChartRect;
164 | int m_iPieChartRadius;
165 | int m_iPieChartSpacing;
166 | float m_fPixelPerDataPoint;
167 | /** is set to -1 if mouse cursor is not over a data point*/
168 | int m_iDataIndexUnderCursor;
169 | /** For some chart it is not possible to have a pie chart, Then We dont present the
170 | * option to show it to user. see m_fIsPieChartAllowed. */
171 | bool m_fIsPieChartAllowed;
172 | /** m_fShowPieChart is considered only if m_fIsPieChartAllowed is true. */
173 | bool m_fShowPieChart;
174 | bool m_fUseGradientLineColor;
175 | /** When it is true we draw an area graph where data series drawn on top of each other.
176 | * We draw first data0 then data 1 on top. Makes sense where the summation of data is guaranteed not to exceed some max. */
177 | bool m_fUseAreaChart;
178 | /** False if the chart is not useable for some reason. For example it depends guest additions and they are not installed. */
179 | bool m_fIsAvailable;
180 | /** For some charts it does not make sense to have an area chart. */
181 | bool m_fIsAreaChartAllowed;
182 | QColor m_dataSeriesColor[DATA_SERIES_SIZE];
183 | QString m_strXAxisLabel;
184 | QString m_strGAWarning;
185 | QString m_strResetActionLabel;
186 | QString m_strPieChartToggleActionLabel;
187 | QString m_strAreaChartToggleActionLabel;
188 | QString m_strSelectChartColor0;
189 | QString m_strSelectChartColor1;
190 | bool m_fDrawCurenValueIndicators;
191 | /** The width of the right margin in characters. */
192 | int m_iRightMarginCharWidth;
193 | int m_iMaximumQueueSize;
194 | QLabel *m_pMouseOverLabel;
195 | UIActionPool *m_pActionPool;
196 | };
197 |
198 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
199 | * UIChart implementation. *
200 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
201 |
202 | UIChart::UIChart(QWidget *pParent, UIMetric *pMetric, UIActionPool *pActionPool, int iMaximumQueueSize)
203 | : QWidget(pParent)
204 | , m_pMetric(pMetric)
205 | , m_size(QSize(50, 50))
206 | , m_iOverlayAlpha(80)
207 | , m_fPixelPerDataPoint(0.f)
208 | , m_iDataIndexUnderCursor(-1)
209 | , m_fIsPieChartAllowed(false)
210 | , m_fShowPieChart(true)
211 | , m_fUseGradientLineColor(false)
212 | , m_fUseAreaChart(true)
213 | , m_fIsAvailable(true)
214 | , m_fIsAreaChartAllowed(false)
215 | , m_fDrawCurenValueIndicators(true)
216 | , m_iRightMarginCharWidth(10)
217 | , m_iMaximumQueueSize(iMaximumQueueSize)
218 | , m_pMouseOverLabel(0)
219 | , m_pActionPool(pActionPool)
220 | {
221 | QPalette tempPal = palette();
222 | tempPal.setColor(QPalette::Window, tempPal.color(QPalette::Window).lighter(g_iBackgroundTint));
223 | setPalette(tempPal);
224 | setAutoFillBackground(true);
225 |
226 | setToolTipDuration(-1);
227 | m_axisFont = font();
228 | m_axisFont.setPixelSize(14);
229 | setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
230 | setMouseTracking(true);
231 | connect(this, &UIChart::customContextMenuRequested,
232 | this, &UIChart::sltCreateContextMenu);
233 |
234 | m_iMarginLeft = 3 * QFontMetricsF(m_axisFont).averageCharWidth();
235 | m_iMarginRight = m_iRightMarginCharWidth * QFontMetricsF(m_axisFont).averageCharWidth();
236 | m_iMarginTop = QFontMetrics(m_axisFont).height();
237 | m_iMarginBottom = QFontMetrics(m_axisFont).height();
238 |
239 | float fAppIconSize = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize);
240 | m_size = QSize(14 * fAppIconSize, 3.5 * fAppIconSize);
241 | m_iPieChartSpacing = 2;
242 | m_iPieChartRadius = m_size.height() - (m_iMarginTop + m_iMarginBottom + 2 * m_iPieChartSpacing);
243 |
244 | m_pMouseOverLabel = new QLabel(this);
245 | m_pMouseOverLabel->hide();
246 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box);
247 |
248 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true);
249 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setMargin(0.1 * QStyle::PM_HeaderMargin);
250 | sltRetranslateUI();
251 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI,
252 | this, &UIChart::sltRetranslateUI);
253 | }
254 |
255 | bool UIChart::isPieChartAllowed() const
256 | {
257 | return m_fIsPieChartAllowed;
258 | }
259 |
260 | void UIChart::setIsPieChartAllowed(bool fWithPieChart)
261 | {
262 | if (m_fIsPieChartAllowed == fWithPieChart)
263 | return;
264 | m_fIsPieChartAllowed = fWithPieChart;
265 | update();
266 | }
267 |
268 | bool UIChart::usePieChart() const
269 | {
270 | return m_fShowPieChart;
271 | }
272 |
273 | void UIChart::setShowPieChart(bool fDrawChart)
274 | {
275 | if (m_fShowPieChart == fDrawChart)
276 | return;
277 | m_fShowPieChart = fDrawChart;
278 | update();
279 | }
280 |
281 | bool UIChart::useGradientLineColor() const
282 | {
283 | return m_fUseGradientLineColor;
284 | }
285 |
286 | void UIChart::setUseGradientLineColor(bool fUseGradintLineColor)
287 | {
288 | if (m_fUseGradientLineColor == fUseGradintLineColor)
289 | return;
290 | m_fUseGradientLineColor = fUseGradintLineColor;
291 | update();
292 | }
293 |
294 | bool UIChart::useAreaChart() const
295 | {
296 | return m_fUseAreaChart;
297 | }
298 |
299 | void UIChart::setUseAreaChart(bool fUseAreaChart)
300 | {
301 | if (m_fUseAreaChart == fUseAreaChart)
302 | return;
303 | m_fUseAreaChart = fUseAreaChart;
304 | update();
305 | }
306 |
307 | bool UIChart::isAreaChartAllowed() const
308 | {
309 | return m_fIsAreaChartAllowed;
310 | }
311 |
312 | void UIChart::setIsAreaChartAllowed(bool fIsAreaChartAllowed)
313 | {
314 | m_fIsAreaChartAllowed = fIsAreaChartAllowed;
315 | }
316 |
317 | QColor UIChart::dataSeriesColor(int iDataSeriesIndex, int iDark /* = 0 */)
318 | {
319 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
320 | return QColor();
321 | return QColor(qMax(m_dataSeriesColor[iDataSeriesIndex].red() - iDark, 0),
322 | qMax(m_dataSeriesColor[iDataSeriesIndex].green() - iDark, 0),
323 | qMax(m_dataSeriesColor[iDataSeriesIndex].blue() - iDark, 0),
324 | m_dataSeriesColor[iDataSeriesIndex].alpha());
325 | }
326 |
327 | void UIChart::setDataSeriesColor(int iDataSeriesIndex, const QColor &color)
328 | {
329 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
330 | return;
331 | if (m_dataSeriesColor[iDataSeriesIndex] == color)
332 | return;
333 | m_dataSeriesColor[iDataSeriesIndex] = color;
334 | update();
335 | }
336 |
337 | QString UIChart::XAxisLabel()
338 | {
339 | return m_strXAxisLabel;
340 | }
341 |
342 | void UIChart::setXAxisLabel(const QString &strLabel)
343 | {
344 | m_strXAxisLabel = strLabel;
345 | }
346 |
347 | bool UIChart::isAvailable() const
348 | {
349 | return m_fIsAvailable;
350 | }
351 |
352 | void UIChart::setIsAvailable(bool fIsAvailable)
353 | {
354 | if (m_fIsAvailable == fIsAvailable)
355 | return;
356 | m_fIsAvailable = fIsAvailable;
357 | update();
358 | }
359 |
360 | QSize UIChart::minimumSizeHint() const
361 | {
362 | return m_size;
363 | }
364 |
365 | QSize UIChart::sizeHint() const
366 | {
367 | return m_size;
368 | }
369 |
370 | void UIChart::sltRetranslateUI()
371 | {
372 | m_strGAWarning = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "This metric requires guest additions to work.");
373 | m_strResetActionLabel = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Reset");
374 | m_strPieChartToggleActionLabel = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Show Pie Chart");
375 | m_strAreaChartToggleActionLabel = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Draw Area Chart");
376 | m_strSelectChartColor0 = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Change 1st Dataseries' Color");
377 | m_strSelectChartColor1 = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Change 2nd Dataseries' Color");
378 | update();
379 | }
380 |
381 | bool UIChart::event(QEvent *pEvent)
382 | {
383 | if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::Leave)
384 | {
385 | if (m_pMouseOverLabel)
386 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setVisible(false);
387 | m_iDataIndexUnderCursor = -1;
388 | }
389 | else if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::ToolTip)
390 | updateToolTip();
391 |
392 | return QWidget::event(pEvent);
393 | }
394 |
395 | void UIChart::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *pEvent)
396 | {
397 | int iWidth = width() - m_iMarginLeft - m_iMarginRight;
398 | if (m_iMaximumQueueSize > 0)
399 | m_fPixelPerDataPoint = iWidth / (float)m_iMaximumQueueSize;
400 | QWidget::resizeEvent(pEvent);
401 | }
402 |
403 | void UIChart::updateIndexUnderCursor(const QPoint &point)
404 | {
405 | if (!isUnderMouse())
406 | {
407 | m_iDataIndexUnderCursor = -1;
408 | return;
409 | }
410 | const int iX = width() - point.x() - m_iMarginRight;
411 |
412 | int iDataSize = maxDataSize();
413 | m_iDataIndexUnderCursor = -1;
414 |
415 | if (iDataSize > 0 && m_lineChartRect.contains(point))
416 | {
417 | m_iDataIndexUnderCursor = m_iMaximumQueueSize - (int)((iX) / m_fPixelPerDataPoint) - 1;
418 | m_iDataIndexUnderCursor = m_iDataIndexUnderCursor - (m_iMaximumQueueSize - iDataSize);
419 | }
420 | }
421 |
422 | void UIChart::updateToolTip()
423 | {
424 | updateIndexUnderCursor(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
425 | if (m_pMouseOverLabel)
426 | {
427 | if (m_iDataIndexUnderCursor < 0)
428 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setVisible(false);
429 | else
430 | {
431 |
432 | QString strToolTip = toolTipText();
433 | QPoint pos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
434 |
435 | if (!strToolTip.isEmpty())
436 | {
437 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setText(strToolTip);
438 | m_pMouseOverLabel->move(QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() - m_pMouseOverLabel->height()));
439 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setVisible(true);
440 | m_pMouseOverLabel->adjustSize();
441 | }
442 | else
443 | m_pMouseOverLabel->setVisible(false);
444 | }
445 | }
446 | }
447 | void UIChart::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
448 | {
449 | QPoint eventPosition(pEvent->position().x(), pEvent->position().y());
450 | updateIndexUnderCursor(eventPosition);
451 | update();
452 | QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(pEvent);
453 | }
454 |
455 | void UIChart::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent)
456 | {
457 | if (isUnderMouse())
458 | updateToolTip();
459 |
460 | Q_UNUSED(pEvent);
461 | if (!m_pMetric || m_iMaximumQueueSize <= 1)
462 | return;
463 |
464 | QPainter painter(this);
465 | painter.setFont(m_axisFont);
466 | painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
467 |
468 | /* Draw a rectanglar grid over which we will draw the line graphs: */
469 | QPoint chartTopLeft(m_iMarginLeft, m_iMarginTop);
470 | QSize chartSize(width() - (m_iMarginLeft + m_iMarginRight), height() - (m_iMarginTop + m_iMarginBottom));
471 |
472 | m_lineChartRect = QRect(chartTopLeft, chartSize);
473 | QColor mainAxisColor(120, 120, 120);
474 | QColor subAxisColor(200, 200, 200);
475 | /* Draw the main axes: */
476 | painter.setPen(mainAxisColor);
477 | painter.drawRect(m_lineChartRect);
478 |
479 | /* draw Y subaxes: */
480 | painter.setPen(subAxisColor);
481 | int iYSubAxisCount = 3;
482 | for (int i = 0; i < iYSubAxisCount; ++i)
483 | {
484 | float fSubAxisY = m_iMarginTop + (i + 1) * m_lineChartRect.height() / (float) (iYSubAxisCount + 1);
485 | painter.drawLine(m_lineChartRect.left(), fSubAxisY,
486 | m_lineChartRect.right(), fSubAxisY);
487 | }
488 |
489 | /* draw X subaxes: */
490 | int iXSubAxisCount = 5;
491 | for (int i = 0; i < iXSubAxisCount; ++i)
492 | {
493 | float fSubAxisX = m_lineChartRect.left() + (i + 1) * m_lineChartRect.width() / (float) (iXSubAxisCount + 1);
494 | painter.drawLine(fSubAxisX, m_lineChartRect.top(), fSubAxisX, m_lineChartRect.bottom());
495 | }
496 |
497 | /* Draw XAxis tick labels: */
498 | painter.setPen(mainAxisColor);
499 | drawXAxisLabels(painter, iXSubAxisCount);
500 |
501 | if (!isEnabled())
502 | return;
503 |
504 | /* Draw a half-transparent rectangle over the whole widget to indicate the it is not available: */
505 | if (!isAvailable())
506 | {
507 | drawDisabledChartRectangle(painter);
508 | return;
509 | }
510 |
511 | quint64 iMaximum = m_pMetric->maximum();
512 | QFontMetrics fontMetrics(painter.font());
513 | int iFontHeight = fontMetrics.height();
514 |
515 | /* Draw the data lines: */
516 | float fBarWidth = m_lineChartRect.width() / (float) (m_iMaximumQueueSize - 1);
517 | float fH = iMaximum == 0 ? 0 : m_lineChartRect.height() / (float)iMaximum;
518 | const float fPenWidth = 1.5f;
519 | const float fPointSize = 3.5f;
520 | for (int k = 0; k < DATA_SERIES_SIZE; ++k)
521 | {
522 | if (m_fUseGradientLineColor)
523 | {
524 | QLinearGradient gradient(0, 0, 0, m_lineChartRect.height());
525 | gradient.setColorAt(0, Qt::black);
526 | gradient.setColorAt(1, m_dataSeriesColor[k]);
527 | painter.setPen(QPen(gradient, fPenWidth));
528 | }
529 | const QQueue<quint64> *data = m_pMetric->data(k);
530 | if (!m_fUseGradientLineColor)
531 | painter.setPen(QPen(m_dataSeriesColor[k], fPenWidth));
532 | if (m_fUseAreaChart && m_fIsAreaChartAllowed)
533 | {
534 | QVector<QPointF> points;
535 | /* Create two polygons. Polygon of data series 0 is on top of the one of 1st data series: */
536 | /* We add the points to vector in counter clockwise fashion: */
537 | if (k == 0)
538 | {
539 | for (int i = 0; i < data->size(); ++i)
540 | {
541 | float fX = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - i - 1) * fBarWidth);
542 | float fHeight = fH * data->at(i);
543 | if (m_pMetric->data(1) && m_pMetric->data(1)->size() > i)
544 | fHeight += fH * m_pMetric->data(1)->at(i);
545 | points << QPointF(fX, height() - (fHeight + m_iMarginBottom));
546 | }
547 | for (int i = data->size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
548 | {
549 | float fX = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - i - 1) * fBarWidth);
550 | float fHeight = 0;
551 | if (m_pMetric->data(1) && m_pMetric->data(1)->size() > i)
552 | fHeight = fH * m_pMetric->data(1)->at(i);
553 | points << QPointF(fX, height() - (fHeight + m_iMarginBottom));
554 | }
555 | }
556 | else if (k == 1)
557 | {
558 | for (int i = 0; i < data->size(); ++i)
559 | {
560 | float fHeight = fH * data->at(i);
561 | float fX = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - i - 1) * fBarWidth);
562 | if (i == 0)
563 | points << QPointF(fX, height() - m_iMarginBottom);
564 | points << QPointF(fX, height() - (fHeight + m_iMarginBottom));
565 | if (i == data->size() - 1)
566 | points << QPointF(fX, height() - + m_iMarginBottom);
567 | }
568 | }
569 | painter.setOpacity(0.6);
570 | painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
571 | painter.setBrush(m_dataSeriesColor[k]);
572 | painter.drawPolygon(points, Qt::WindingFill);
573 | painter.setOpacity(1.0);
574 | }
575 | else
576 | {
577 | /* Draw lines between data points: */
578 | for (int i = 0; i < data->size() - 1; ++i)
579 | {
580 | int j = i + 1;
581 | if (data->at(i) == uInvalidValueSentinel || data->at(j) == uInvalidValueSentinel)
582 | continue;
583 |
584 | float fHeight = fH * data->at(i);
585 | float fX = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - i - 1) * fBarWidth);
586 | float fHeight2 = fH * data->at(j);
587 | float fX2 = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - j - 1) * fBarWidth);
588 | QLineF bar(fX, height() - (fHeight + m_iMarginBottom), fX2, height() - (fHeight2 + m_iMarginBottom));
589 | painter.drawLine(bar);
590 | }
591 | /* Draw a point at each data point: */
592 | painter.setPen(QPen(m_dataSeriesColor[k], fPointSize));
593 | for (int i = 0; i < data->size(); ++i)
594 | {
595 | if (data->at(i) == uInvalidValueSentinel)
596 | continue;
597 | float fHeight = fH * data->at(i);
598 | float fX = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - i - 1) * fBarWidth);
599 | painter.drawPoint(fX, height() - (fHeight + m_iMarginBottom));
600 | }
601 | }
602 | /* Draw a horizontal and vertical line on data point under the mouse cursor
603 | * and draw the value on the left hand side of the chart: */
604 | if (m_fDrawCurenValueIndicators && m_iDataIndexUnderCursor >= 0 && m_iDataIndexUnderCursor < data->size())
605 | {
606 |
607 | painter.setPen(QPen(m_dataSeriesColor[k], 0.5));
608 | painter.setPen(mainAxisColor);
609 | float fX = (width() - m_iMarginRight) - ((data->size() - m_iDataIndexUnderCursor - 1) * fBarWidth);
610 | painter.drawLine(fX, m_iMarginTop, fX, height() - m_iMarginBottom);
611 | }
612 | }
613 |
614 | /* Draw YAxis tick labels: */
615 | painter.setPen(mainAxisColor);
616 | /* This skips 0 and starts at the 2nd Y axis tick to label: */
617 | for (int i = iYSubAxisCount; i >= 0; --i)
618 | {
619 | /* Draw the bottom most label and skip others when data maximum is 0: */
620 | if (iMaximum == 0 && i <= iYSubAxisCount)
621 | break;
622 | int iTextY = 0.5 * iFontHeight + m_iMarginTop + i * m_lineChartRect.height() / (float) (iYSubAxisCount + 1);
623 | quint64 iValue = (iYSubAxisCount + 1 - i) * (iMaximum / (float) (iYSubAxisCount + 1));
624 | QString strValue = YAxisValueLabel(iValue);
625 | /* Leave space of one character between the text and chart rectangle: */
626 | painter.drawText(width() - (m_iRightMarginCharWidth - 1) * QFontMetricsF(m_axisFont).averageCharWidth(), iTextY, strValue);
627 | }
628 |
629 | if (iMaximum != 0 && m_fIsPieChartAllowed && m_fShowPieChart)
630 | drawCombinedPieCharts(painter, iMaximum);
631 | }
632 |
633 | QString UIChart::YAxisValueLabel(quint64 iValue) const
634 | {
635 | if (iValue == uInvalidValueSentinel)
636 | return QString();
637 | if (m_pMetric->unit().compare("%", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
638 | return QString::number(iValue).append("%");
639 | if (m_pMetric->unit().compare("kb", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
640 | return UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * iValue, g_iDecimalCount);
641 | if ( m_pMetric->unit().compare("b", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
642 | || m_pMetric->unit().compare("b/s", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
643 | return UITranslator::formatSize(iValue, g_iDecimalCount);
644 | if (m_pMetric->unit().compare("times", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
645 | return UITranslator::addMetricSuffixToNumber(iValue);
646 | if (m_pMetric->unit().compare("gb", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
647 | return QString::number(iValue).append(" GB");
648 | return QString();
649 | }
650 |
651 |
652 | void UIChart::drawXAxisLabels(QPainter &painter, int iXSubAxisCount)
653 | {
654 | QFont painterFont = painter.font();
655 | QFontMetrics fontMetrics(painter.font());
656 | int iFontHeight = fontMetrics.height();
657 |
658 | int iTotalSeconds = g_iPeriod * m_iMaximumQueueSize;
659 | for (int i = 0; i < iXSubAxisCount + 2; ++i)
660 | {
661 | int iTimeIndex = i * iTotalSeconds / (float)(iXSubAxisCount + 1);
662 |
663 | QString strAxisText;
664 | if (m_pMetric && m_pMetric->hasDataLabels())
665 | {
666 | const QQueue<QString> *labels = m_pMetric->labels();
667 | int iDataIndex = qMin(labels->size() - 1, iTimeIndex - (m_iMaximumQueueSize - maxDataSize()));
668 | if (iDataIndex >= 0)
669 | strAxisText = labels->at(iDataIndex);
670 | }
671 | else
672 | strAxisText = QString::number(iTotalSeconds - iTimeIndex);
673 | const int iTextWidth = fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance(strAxisText);
674 | const int iTextX = m_lineChartRect.left() + i * m_lineChartRect.width() / (float) (iXSubAxisCount + 1);
675 | if (i == 0)
676 | {
677 | if (!m_pMetric || !m_pMetric->hasDataLabels())
678 | strAxisText += " " + m_strXAxisLabel;
679 | painter.drawText(iTextX, m_lineChartRect.bottom() + iFontHeight, strAxisText);
680 | }
681 | else
682 | painter.drawText(iTextX - 0.5 * iTextWidth, m_lineChartRect.bottom() + iFontHeight, strAxisText);
683 | }
684 | }
685 |
686 | void UIChart::drawPieChart(QPainter &painter, quint64 iMaximum, int iDataIndex,
687 | const QRectF &chartRect, bool fWithBorder /* = false */)
688 | {
689 | if (!m_pMetric)
690 | return;
691 |
692 | const QQueue<quint64> *data = m_pMetric->data(iDataIndex);
693 | if (!data || data->isEmpty())
694 | return;
695 |
696 | /* Draw a whole non-filled circle: */
697 | if (fWithBorder)
698 | {
699 | painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(100, 100, 100, m_iOverlayAlpha), 1));
700 | painter.drawArc(chartRect, 0, 3600 * 16);
701 | painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
702 | }
703 |
704 | /* Draw a white filled circle and that the arc for data: */
705 | QPainterPath background = UIMonitorCommon::wholeArc(chartRect);
706 | painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
707 | painter.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, m_iOverlayAlpha));
708 | painter.drawPath(background);
709 |
710 | float fAngle = 360.f * data->back() / (float)iMaximum;
711 |
712 | QPainterPath dataPath;
713 | dataPath.moveTo(chartRect.center());
714 | dataPath.arcTo(chartRect, 90.f/*startAngle*/,
715 | -1.f * fAngle /*sweepLength*/);
716 | painter.setBrush(conicalGradientForDataSeries(chartRect, iDataIndex));
717 | painter.drawPath(dataPath);
718 | }
719 |
720 | QConicalGradient UIChart::conicalGradientForDataSeries(const QRectF &rectangle, int iDataIndex)
721 | {
722 | QConicalGradient gradient;
723 | gradient.setCenter(rectangle.center());
724 | gradient.setAngle(90);
725 | gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, m_iOverlayAlpha));
726 | QColor pieColor(m_dataSeriesColor[iDataIndex]);
727 | pieColor.setAlpha(m_iOverlayAlpha);
728 | gradient.setColorAt(1, pieColor);
729 | return gradient;
730 | }
731 |
732 | int UIChart::maxDataSize() const
733 | {
734 | int iSize = 0;
735 | for (int k = 0; k < DATA_SERIES_SIZE; ++k)
736 | {
737 | if (m_pMetric->data(k))
738 | iSize = qMax(iSize, m_pMetric->data(k)->size());
739 | }
740 | return iSize;
741 | }
742 |
743 | QString UIChart::toolTipText() const
744 | {
745 | if (m_iDataIndexUnderCursor < 0)
746 | return QString();
747 |
748 | if (!m_pMetric->data(0) || m_pMetric->data(0)->isEmpty())
749 | return QString();
750 | QString strToolTip;
751 | QString strData0;
752 | if (m_iDataIndexUnderCursor < m_pMetric->data(0)->size())
753 | strData0 = YAxisValueLabel(m_pMetric->data(0)->at(m_iDataIndexUnderCursor));
754 | QString strData1;
755 | if (m_iDataIndexUnderCursor < m_pMetric->data(1)->size())
756 | strData1 = YAxisValueLabel(m_pMetric->data(1)->at(m_iDataIndexUnderCursor));
757 | if (!strData0.isEmpty() && !strData1.isEmpty())
758 | {
759 | strToolTip = QString("<font color=\"%1\">%2</font> / <font color=\"%3\">%4</font>")
760 | .arg(m_dataSeriesColor[0].name(QColor::HexRgb)).arg(strData0)
761 | .arg(m_dataSeriesColor[1].name(QColor::HexRgb)).arg(strData1);
762 | }
763 | else if (!strData0.isEmpty())
764 | {
765 | strToolTip = QString("<font color=\"%1\">%2</font>")
766 | .arg(m_dataSeriesColor[0].name(QColor::HexRgb)).arg(strData0);
767 | }
768 | else if (!strData1.isEmpty())
769 | {
770 | strToolTip = QString("<font color=\"%1\">%2</font>")
771 | .arg(m_dataSeriesColor[1].name(QColor::HexRgb)).arg(strData1);
772 | }
773 | return strToolTip;
774 | }
775 |
776 | bool UIChart::isUnderMouse() const
777 | {
778 | return rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
779 | }
780 |
781 | void UIChart::drawCombinedPieCharts(QPainter &painter, quint64 iMaximum)
782 | {
783 | if (!m_pMetric)
784 | return;
785 |
786 | QRectF chartRect(QPointF(m_iPieChartSpacing + m_iMarginLeft, m_iPieChartSpacing + m_iMarginTop),
787 | QSizeF(m_iPieChartRadius, m_iPieChartRadius));
788 |
789 | bool fData0 = m_pMetric->data(0) && !m_pMetric->data(0)->isEmpty();
790 | bool fData1 = m_pMetric->data(0) && !m_pMetric->data(1)->isEmpty();
791 |
792 | if (fData0 && fData1)
793 | {
794 | /* Draw a doughnut chart where data series are stacked on to of each other: */
795 | if (m_pMetric->data(0) && !m_pMetric->data(0)->isEmpty() &&
796 | m_pMetric->data(1) && !m_pMetric->data(1)->isEmpty())
797 | UIMonitorCommon::drawCombinedDoughnutChart(m_pMetric->data(1)->back(), dataSeriesColor(1, 0),
798 | m_pMetric->data(0)->back(), dataSeriesColor(0, 0),
799 | painter, iMaximum, chartRect,
800 | UIMonitorCommon::getScaledRect(chartRect, 0.5f, 0.5f), m_iOverlayAlpha);
801 | }
802 | else if (fData0 && !fData1)
803 | drawPieChart(painter, iMaximum, 0 /* iDataIndex */, chartRect);
804 | else if (!fData0 && fData1)
805 | drawPieChart(painter, iMaximum, 1 /* iDataIndex */, chartRect);
806 | }
807 |
808 | void UIChart::drawDisabledChartRectangle(QPainter &painter)
809 | {
810 | painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
811 | painter.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 150));
812 | painter.drawRect(m_lineChartRect);
813 | painter.setPen(QColor(20, 20, 20, 180));
814 | QFont font = painter.font();
815 | int iFontSize = 64;
816 | do {
817 | font.setPixelSize(iFontSize);
818 | --iFontSize;
819 | } while (QFontMetrics(font).horizontalAdvance(m_strGAWarning) >= 0.8 * m_lineChartRect.width());
820 | font.setBold(true);
821 | painter.setFont(font);
822 | painter.drawText(m_lineChartRect, m_strGAWarning);
823 | }
824 |
825 | void UIChart::sltCreateContextMenu(const QPoint &point)
826 | {
827 | QMenu menu;
828 | QAction *pExportAction =
829 | menu.addAction(QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Export"));
830 | pExportAction->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/performance_monitor_export_16px.png"));
831 | connect(pExportAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &UIChart::sigExportMetricsToFile);
832 | if (uiCommon().uiType() == UIType_RuntimeUI)
833 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_Activity_T_Preferences));
834 | menu.addSeparator();
835 | QAction *pResetAction = menu.addAction(m_strResetActionLabel);
836 | connect(pResetAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &UIChart::sltResetMetric);
837 | if (m_fIsPieChartAllowed)
838 | {
839 | QAction *pPieChartToggle = menu.addAction(m_strPieChartToggleActionLabel);
840 | pPieChartToggle->setCheckable(true);
841 | pPieChartToggle->setChecked(m_fShowPieChart);
842 | connect(pPieChartToggle, &QAction::toggled, this, &UIChart::sltSetShowPieChart);
843 | }
844 | if (m_fIsAreaChartAllowed)
845 | {
846 | QAction *pAreaChartToggle = menu.addAction(m_strAreaChartToggleActionLabel);
847 | pAreaChartToggle->setCheckable(true);
848 | pAreaChartToggle->setChecked(m_fUseAreaChart);
849 | connect(pAreaChartToggle, &QAction::toggled, this, &UIChart::sltSetUseAreaChart);
850 | }
851 | menu.exec(mapToGlobal(point));
852 | }
853 |
854 | void UIChart::sltResetMetric()
855 | {
856 | if (m_pMetric)
857 | m_pMetric->reset();
858 | }
859 |
860 | void UIChart::sltSetShowPieChart(bool fShowPieChart)
861 | {
862 | setShowPieChart(fShowPieChart);
863 | }
864 |
865 | void UIChart::sltSetUseAreaChart(bool fUseAreaChart)
866 | {
867 | setUseAreaChart(fUseAreaChart);
868 | }
869 |
870 |
871 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
872 | * UIMetric implementation. *
873 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
874 |
875 | UIMetric::UIMetric(const QString &strUnit, int iMaximumQueueSize)
876 | : m_strUnit(strUnit)
877 | , m_iMaximum(0)
878 | , m_fRequiresGuestAdditions(false)
879 | , m_fIsInitialized(false)
880 | , m_fAutoUpdateMaximum(false)
881 | , m_iMaximumQueueSize(iMaximumQueueSize)
882 | {
883 | m_iTotal[0] = 0;
884 | m_iTotal[1] = 0;
885 | }
886 |
887 | UIMetric::UIMetric()
888 | : m_iMaximum(0)
889 | , m_fRequiresGuestAdditions(false)
890 | , m_fIsInitialized(false)
891 | , m_fAutoUpdateMaximum(false)
892 | , m_iMaximumQueueSize(0)
893 | {
894 | m_iTotal[0] = 0;
895 | m_iTotal[1] = 0;
896 | }
897 |
898 | void UIMetric::setMaximum(quint64 iMaximum)
899 | {
900 | m_iMaximum = iMaximum;
901 | }
902 |
903 | quint64 UIMetric::maximum() const
904 | {
905 | return m_iMaximum;
906 | }
907 |
908 | void UIMetric::setUnit(QString strUnit)
909 | {
910 | m_strUnit = strUnit;
911 |
912 | }
913 | const QString &UIMetric::unit() const
914 | {
915 | return m_strUnit;
916 | }
917 |
918 | void UIMetric::addData(int iDataSeriesIndex, quint64 iData)
919 | {
920 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
921 | return;
922 |
923 | m_data[iDataSeriesIndex].enqueue(iData);
924 |
925 | /* dequeue if needed and update the maximum value: */
926 | if (m_data[iDataSeriesIndex].size() > m_iMaximumQueueSize)
927 | m_data[iDataSeriesIndex].dequeue();
928 |
929 | updateMax();
930 | }
931 |
932 | void UIMetric::updateMax()
933 | {
934 | if (!m_fAutoUpdateMaximum)
935 | return;
936 | m_iMaximum = 0;
937 | for (int k = 0; k < DATA_SERIES_SIZE; ++k)
938 | {
939 | for (int i = 0; i < m_data[k].size(); ++i)
940 | {
941 | if (m_data[k].at(i) != uInvalidValueSentinel)
942 | m_iMaximum = qMax(m_iMaximum, m_data[k].at(i));
943 | }
944 | }
945 | }
946 |
947 | void UIMetric::addData(int iDataSeriesIndex, quint64 iData, const QString &strLabel)
948 | {
949 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
950 | return;
951 |
952 | addData(iDataSeriesIndex, iData);
953 | if (iDataSeriesIndex == 0)
954 | {
955 | m_labels.enqueue(strLabel);
956 | if (m_labels.size() > m_iMaximumQueueSize)
957 | m_labels.dequeue();
958 | }
959 | }
960 |
961 | const QQueue<quint64> *UIMetric::data(int iDataSeriesIndex) const
962 | {
963 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
964 | return 0;
965 | return &m_data[iDataSeriesIndex];
966 | }
967 |
968 | const QQueue<QString> *UIMetric::labels() const
969 | {
970 | return &m_labels;
971 | }
972 |
973 | bool UIMetric::hasDataLabels() const
974 | {
975 | return !m_labels.isEmpty();
976 | }
977 |
978 | int UIMetric::dataSize(int iDataSeriesIndex) const
979 | {
980 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
981 | return 0;
982 | return m_data[iDataSeriesIndex].size();
983 | }
984 |
985 | void UIMetric::setDataSeriesName(int iDataSeriesIndex, const QString &strName)
986 | {
987 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
988 | return;
989 | m_strDataSeriesName[iDataSeriesIndex] = strName;
990 | }
991 |
992 | QString UIMetric::dataSeriesName(int iDataSeriesIndex) const
993 | {
994 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
995 | return QString();
996 | return m_strDataSeriesName[iDataSeriesIndex];
997 | }
998 |
999 | void UIMetric::setTotal(int iDataSeriesIndex, quint64 iTotal)
1000 | {
1001 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
1002 | return;
1003 | m_iTotal[iDataSeriesIndex] = iTotal;
1004 | }
1005 |
1006 | quint64 UIMetric::total(int iDataSeriesIndex) const
1007 | {
1008 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
1009 | return 0;
1010 | return m_iTotal[iDataSeriesIndex];
1011 | }
1012 |
1013 | bool UIMetric::requiresGuestAdditions() const
1014 | {
1015 | return m_fRequiresGuestAdditions;
1016 | }
1017 |
1018 | void UIMetric::setRequiresGuestAdditions(bool fRequiresGAs)
1019 | {
1020 | m_fRequiresGuestAdditions = fRequiresGAs;
1021 | }
1022 |
1023 | bool UIMetric::isInitialized() const
1024 | {
1025 | return m_fIsInitialized;
1026 | }
1027 |
1028 | void UIMetric::setIsInitialized(bool fIsInitialized)
1029 | {
1030 | m_fIsInitialized = fIsInitialized;
1031 | }
1032 |
1033 | void UIMetric::reset()
1034 | {
1035 | m_fIsInitialized = false;
1036 | for (int i = 0; i < DATA_SERIES_SIZE; ++i)
1037 | {
1038 | m_iTotal[i] = 0;
1039 | m_data[i].clear();
1040 | }
1041 | m_iMaximum = 0;
1042 | }
1043 |
1044 | void UIMetric::toFile(QTextStream &stream) const
1045 | {
1046 | stream << "Unit: " << m_strUnit << "\n";
1047 | stream << "Maximum: " << m_iMaximum << "\n";
1048 | for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
1049 | {
1050 | if (!m_data[i].isEmpty())
1051 | {
1052 | stream << "Data Series: " << m_strDataSeriesName[i] << "\n";
1053 | foreach (const quint64& data, m_data[i])
1054 | stream << data << " ";
1055 | stream << "\n";
1056 | }
1057 | }
1058 | stream << "\n";
1059 | }
1060 |
1061 | void UIMetric::setAutoUpdateMaximum(bool fAuto)
1062 | {
1063 | m_fAutoUpdateMaximum = fAuto;
1064 | }
1065 |
1066 | bool UIMetric::autoUpdateMaximum() const
1067 | {
1068 | return m_fAutoUpdateMaximum;
1069 | }
1070 |
1071 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1072 | * UIVMActivityMonitor implementation. *
1073 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1074 |
1075 | UIVMActivityMonitor::UIVMActivityMonitor(EmbedTo enmEmbedding, QWidget *pParent, UIActionPool *pActionPool, int iMaximumQueueSize)
1076 | : QWidget(pParent)
1077 | , m_pContainerLayout(0)
1078 | , m_pTimer(0)
1079 | , m_iTimeStep(0)
1080 | , m_iMaximumQueueSize(iMaximumQueueSize)
1081 | , m_pActionPool(pActionPool)
1082 | , m_pMainLayout(0)
1083 | , m_enmEmbedding(enmEmbedding)
1084 | {
1085 | uiCommon().setHelpKeyword(this, "vm-session-information");
1086 | setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
1087 | connect(this, &UIVMActivityMonitor::customContextMenuRequested,
1088 | this, &UIVMActivityMonitor::sltCreateContextMenu);
1089 | }
1090 |
1091 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::sltRetranslateUI()
1092 | {
1093 | /* Translate the chart info labels: */
1094 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = 0;
1095 | m_strCPUInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "CPU Load");
1096 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strCPUInfoLabelTitle.length());
1097 | m_strCPUInfoLabelGuest = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Guest Load");
1098 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strCPUInfoLabelGuest.length());
1099 | m_strCPUInfoLabelVMM = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "VMM Load");
1100 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strCPUInfoLabelVMM.length());
1101 | m_strRAMInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "RAM Usage");
1102 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strRAMInfoLabelTitle.length());
1103 | m_strRAMInfoLabelTotal = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Total");
1104 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strRAMInfoLabelTotal.length());
1105 | m_strRAMInfoLabelFree = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Free");
1106 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strRAMInfoLabelFree.length());
1107 | m_strRAMInfoLabelUsed = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Used");
1108 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strRAMInfoLabelUsed.length());
1109 | m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceived = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Receive Rate");
1110 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceived.length());
1111 | m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmitted = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Transmit Rate");
1112 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmitted.length());
1113 | m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceivedTotal = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Total Received");
1114 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceivedTotal.length());
1115 | m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmittedTotal = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Total Transmitted");
1116 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceivedTotal.length());
1117 | m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Disk IO");
1118 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle.length());
1119 | m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWritten = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Write Rate");
1120 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWritten.length());
1121 | m_strDiskIOInfoLabelRead = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Read Rate");
1122 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strDiskIOInfoLabelRead.length());
1123 | m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWrittenTotal = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Total Written");
1124 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWrittenTotal.length());
1125 | m_strDiskIOInfoLabelReadTotal = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Total Read");
1126 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strDiskIOInfoLabelReadTotal.length());
1127 | }
1128 |
1129 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::prepareWidgets()
1130 | {
1131 | m_pMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
1132 | if (!m_pMainLayout)
1133 | return;
1134 |
1135 | m_pMainLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
1136 | #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC
1137 | m_pMainLayout->setSpacing(10);
1138 | #else
1139 | m_pMainLayout->setSpacing(qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing) / 2);
1140 | #endif
1141 |
1142 | m_pTimer = new QTimer(this);
1143 | if (m_pTimer)
1144 | connect(m_pTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &UIVMActivityMonitor::sltTimeout);
1145 |
1146 | QScrollArea *pScrollArea = new QScrollArea(this);
1147 | m_pMainLayout->addWidget(pScrollArea);
1148 |
1149 | QWidget *pContainerWidget = new QWidget(pScrollArea);
1150 | m_pContainerLayout = new QGridLayout(pContainerWidget);
1151 | pContainerWidget->setLayout(m_pContainerLayout);
1152 | m_pContainerLayout->setSpacing(10);
1153 | pContainerWidget->show();
1154 | pScrollArea->setWidget(pContainerWidget);
1155 | pScrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true);
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::sltTimeout()
1159 | {
1160 | obtainDataAndUpdate();
1161 | }
1162 |
1163 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::sltExportMetricsToFile()
1164 | {
1165 | QString strStartFileName = QString("%1/%2_%3").
1166 | arg(defaultMachineFolder()).
1167 | arg(machineName()).
1168 | arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"));
1169 | QString strFileName = QIFileDialog::getSaveFileName(strStartFileName,"",this,
1170 | QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog",
1171 | "Export activity data of the machine \"%1\"")
1172 | .arg(machineName()));
1173 | QFile dataFile(strFileName);
1174 |
1175 | if (dataFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate))
1176 | {
1177 | QTextStream stream(&dataFile);
1178 | for (QMap<Metric_Type, UIMetric>::const_iterator iterator = m_metrics.begin(); iterator != m_metrics.end(); ++iterator)
1179 | iterator.value().toFile(stream);
1180 | dataFile.close();
1181 | }
1182 | }
1183 |
1184 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::sltCreateContextMenu(const QPoint &point)
1185 | {
1186 | QMenu menu;
1187 | QAction *pExportAction =
1188 | menu.addAction(QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Export"));
1189 | pExportAction->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/performance_monitor_export_16px.png"));
1190 | connect(pExportAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &UIVMActivityMonitor::sltExportMetricsToFile);
1191 | if (uiCommon().uiType() == UIType_RuntimeUI)
1192 | menu.addAction(m_pActionPool->action(UIActionIndex_M_Activity_T_Preferences));
1193 | menu.exec(mapToGlobal(point));
1194 | }
1195 |
1196 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::prepareActions()
1197 | {
1198 | }
1199 |
1200 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::resetRAMInfoLabel()
1201 | {
1202 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_RAM) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_RAM])
1203 | {
1204 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b><br/>%2: %3<br/>%4: %5<br/>%6: %7").
1205 | arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelTitle).arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelTotal).arg("--")
1206 | .arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelFree).arg("--")
1207 | .arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelUsed).arg("--");
1208 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_RAM]->setText(strInfo);
1209 | }
1210 | }
1211 |
1212 | QString UIVMActivityMonitor::dataColorString(Metric_Type enmType, int iDataIndex)
1213 | {
1214 | if (!m_charts.contains(enmType))
1215 | return QColor(Qt::black).name(QColor::HexRgb);
1216 | UIChart *pChart = m_charts[enmType];
1217 | if (!pChart)
1218 | return QColor(Qt::black).name(QColor::HexRgb);
1219 | return pChart->dataSeriesColor(iDataIndex).name(QColor::HexRgb);
1220 | }
1221 |
1222 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::setInfoLabelWidth()
1223 | {
1224 | /* Compute the maximum label string length and set it as a fixed width to labels to prevent always changing widths: */
1225 | /* Add m_iDecimalCount plus 4 characters for the number and 3 for unit string: */
1226 | m_iMaximumLabelLength += (g_iDecimalCount + 7);
1227 | if (!m_infoLabels.isEmpty())
1228 | {
1229 | QLabel *pLabel = m_infoLabels.begin().value();
1230 | if (pLabel)
1231 | {
1232 | const QFontMetrics labelFontMetric(pLabel->font());
1233 | const int iWidth = m_iMaximumLabelLength * labelFontMetric.horizontalAdvance('X');
1234 | foreach (QLabel *pInfoLabel, m_infoLabels)
1235 | pInfoLabel->setFixedWidth(iWidth);
1236 | }
1237 | }
1238 | }
1239 |
1240 | void UIVMActivityMonitor::setDataSeriesColor(int iIndex, const QColor &color)
1241 | {
1242 | if (iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
1243 | return;
1244 | m_dataSeriesColor[iIndex] = color;
1245 |
1246 | foreach (UIChart *pChart, m_charts)
1247 | if (pChart)
1248 | pChart->setDataSeriesColor(iIndex, color);
1249 | }
1250 |
1251 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1252 | * UIVMActivityMonitorLocal definition. *
1253 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1254 |
1255 | UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::UIVMActivityMonitorLocal(EmbedTo enmEmbedding, QWidget *pParent,
1256 | const CMachine &machine, UIActionPool *pActionPool)
1257 | :UIVMActivityMonitor(enmEmbedding, pParent, pActionPool, 120 /* iMaximumQueueSize */)
1258 | , m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable(false)
1259 | , m_fCOMPerformanceCollectorConfigured(false)
1260 | {
1261 | prepareMetrics();
1262 | prepareWidgets();
1263 | sltRetranslateUI();
1264 | prepareActions();
1265 | connect(gVBoxEvents, &UIVirtualBoxEventHandler::sigMachineStateChange, this, &UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::sltMachineStateChange);
1266 | connect(&uiCommon(), &UICommon::sigAskToDetachCOM, this, &UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::sltClearCOMData);
1267 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI, this, &UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::sltRetranslateUI);
1268 | setMachine(machine);
1269 |
1270 | /* Configure charts: */
1271 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_CPU) && m_charts[Metric_Type_CPU])
1272 | {
1273 | m_charts[Metric_Type_CPU]->setIsPieChartAllowed(true);
1274 | m_charts[Metric_Type_CPU]->setIsAreaChartAllowed(true);
1275 | }
1276 | }
1277 |
1278 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::start()
1279 | {
1280 | if (m_comMachine.isNull() || m_comMachine.GetState() != KMachineState_Running)
1281 | return;
1282 |
1283 | m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable = guestAdditionsAvailable("6.1");
1284 | enableDisableGuestAdditionDependedWidgets(m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable);
1285 | if (m_pTimer)
1286 | m_pTimer->start(1000 * g_iPeriod);
1287 | }
1288 |
1289 | UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::~UIVMActivityMonitorLocal()
1290 | {
1291 | sltClearCOMData();
1292 | }
1293 |
1294 | QUuid UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::machineId() const
1295 | {
1296 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
1297 | return QUuid();
1298 | return m_comMachine.GetId();
1299 | }
1300 |
1301 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::sltRetranslateUI()
1302 | {
1303 | UIVMActivityMonitor::sltRetranslateUI();
1304 |
1305 | foreach (UIChart *pChart, m_charts)
1306 | pChart->setXAxisLabel(QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Sec.", "short from seconds"));
1307 |
1308 | m_strVMExitInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "VM Exits");
1309 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strVMExitInfoLabelTitle.length());
1310 | m_strVMExitLabelCurrent = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Current");
1311 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strVMExitLabelCurrent.length());
1312 | m_strVMExitLabelTotal = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Total");
1313 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strVMExitLabelTotal.length());
1314 | m_strNetworkInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Network Rate");
1315 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkInfoLabelTitle.length());
1316 | setInfoLabelWidth();
1317 | }
1318 |
1319 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::setMachine(const CMachine &comMachine)
1320 | {
1321 | reset();
1322 | if (comMachine.isNull())
1323 | return;
1324 |
1325 | if (!m_comSession.isNull())
1326 | m_comSession.UnlockMachine();
1327 |
1328 | m_comMachine = comMachine;
1329 |
1330 | if (m_comMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Running)
1331 | {
1332 | setEnabled(true);
1333 | openSession();
1334 | start();
1335 | }
1336 | }
1337 |
1338 | QString UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::machineName() const
1339 | {
1340 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
1341 | return QString();
1342 | return m_comMachine.GetName();
1343 | }
1344 |
1345 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::openSession()
1346 | {
1347 | if (!m_comSession.isNull())
1348 | return;
1349 | m_comSession = UILocalMachineStuff::openSession(m_comMachine.GetId(), KLockType_Shared);
1350 | AssertReturnVoid(!m_comSession.isNull());
1351 |
1352 | CConsole comConsole = m_comSession.GetConsole();
1353 | AssertReturnVoid(!comConsole.isNull());
1354 | m_comGuest = comConsole.GetGuest();
1355 |
1356 | m_comMachineDebugger = comConsole.GetDebugger();
1357 | }
1358 |
1359 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::obtainDataAndUpdate()
1360 | {
1361 | ++m_iTimeStep;
1362 |
1363 | if (m_metrics.contains(Metric_Type_RAM) && !m_performanceCollector.isNull())
1364 | {
1365 | quint64 iTotalRAM = 0;
1366 | quint64 iFreeRAM = 0;
1367 | UIMonitorCommon::getRAMLoad(m_performanceCollector, m_nameList, m_objectList, iTotalRAM, iFreeRAM);
1368 | updateRAMGraphsAndMetric(iTotalRAM, iFreeRAM);
1369 | }
1370 |
1371 | /* Update the CPU load chart with values we get from IMachineDebugger::getCPULoad(..): */
1372 | if (m_metrics.contains(Metric_Type_CPU))
1373 | {
1374 | ULONG aPctExecuting;
1375 | ULONG aPctHalted;
1376 | ULONG aPctOther;
1377 | m_comMachineDebugger.GetCPULoad(0x7fffffff, aPctExecuting, aPctHalted, aPctOther);
1378 | updateCPUChart(aPctExecuting, aPctOther);
1379 | }
1380 |
1381 | /* Update the network load chart with values we find under /Public/NetAdapter/: */
1382 | {
1383 | quint64 cbNetworkTotalReceived = 0;
1384 | quint64 cbNetworkTotalTransmitted = 0;
1385 | UIMonitorCommon::getNetworkLoad(m_comMachineDebugger, cbNetworkTotalReceived, cbNetworkTotalTransmitted);
1386 | updateNetworkChart(cbNetworkTotalReceived, cbNetworkTotalTransmitted);
1387 | }
1388 |
1389 | /* Update the Disk I/O chart with values we find under /Public/Storage/?/Port?/Bytes*: */
1390 | {
1391 | quint64 cbDiskIOTotalWritten = 0;
1392 | quint64 cbDiskIOTotalRead = 0;
1393 | UIMonitorCommon::getDiskLoad(m_comMachineDebugger, cbDiskIOTotalWritten, cbDiskIOTotalRead);
1394 | updateDiskIOChart(cbDiskIOTotalWritten, cbDiskIOTotalRead);
1395 | }
1396 |
1397 | /* Update the VM exit chart with values we find as /PROF/CPU?/EM/RecordedExits: */
1398 | {
1399 | quint64 cTotalVMExits = 0;
1400 | UIMonitorCommon::getVMMExitCount(m_comMachineDebugger, cTotalVMExits);
1401 | updateVMExitMetric(cTotalVMExits);
1402 | }
1403 | }
1404 |
1405 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::sltMachineStateChange(const QUuid &uId)
1406 | {
1407 | if (m_comMachine.isNull())
1408 | return;
1409 | if (m_comMachine.GetId() != uId)
1410 | return;
1411 | if (m_comMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Running)
1412 | {
1413 | setEnabled(true);
1414 | openSession();
1415 | start();
1416 | }
1417 | else if (m_comMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused)
1418 | {
1419 | /* If we are already active then stop: */
1420 | if (!m_comSession.isNull() && m_pTimer && m_pTimer->isActive())
1421 | m_pTimer->stop();
1422 | }
1423 | else
1424 | reset();
1425 | }
1426 |
1427 | QString UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::defaultMachineFolder() const
1428 | {
1429 | if (m_comMachine.isOk())
1430 | return m_comMachine.GetLogFolder();
1431 | else
1432 | return QString();
1433 | }
1434 |
1435 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::guestAdditionsStateChange()
1436 | {
1437 | bool fGuestAdditionsAvailable = guestAdditionsAvailable("6.1");
1438 | if (m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable == fGuestAdditionsAvailable)
1439 | return;
1440 | m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable = fGuestAdditionsAvailable;
1441 | enableDisableGuestAdditionDependedWidgets(m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable);
1442 | }
1443 |
1444 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::sltClearCOMData()
1445 | {
1446 | if (!m_comSession.isNull())
1447 | {
1448 | m_comSession.UnlockMachine();
1449 | m_comSession.detach();
1450 | }
1451 | }
1452 |
1453 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::reset()
1454 | {
1455 | m_fGuestAdditionsAvailable = false;
1456 | setEnabled(false);
1457 |
1458 | if (m_pTimer)
1459 | m_pTimer->stop();
1460 | /* reset the metrics. this will delete their data cache: */
1461 | for (QMap<Metric_Type, UIMetric>::iterator iterator = m_metrics.begin();
1462 | iterator != m_metrics.end(); ++iterator)
1463 | iterator.value().reset();
1464 | /* force update on the charts to draw now emptied metrics' data: */
1465 | for (QMap<Metric_Type, UIChart*>::iterator iterator = m_charts.begin();
1466 | iterator != m_charts.end(); ++iterator)
1467 | iterator.value()->update();
1468 | /* Reset the info labels: */
1469 | resetCPUInfoLabel();
1470 | resetRAMInfoLabel();
1471 | resetNetworkInfoLabel();
1472 | resetDiskIOInfoLabel();
1473 | resetVMExitInfoLabel();
1474 | update();
1475 | sltClearCOMData();
1476 | }
1477 |
1478 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::prepareWidgets()
1479 | {
1480 | UIVMActivityMonitor::prepareWidgets();
1481 |
1482 | QVector<Metric_Type> chartOrder;
1483 | chartOrder << Metric_Type_CPU << Metric_Type_RAM <<
1484 | Metric_Type_Network_InOut << Metric_Type_Disk_InOut;
1485 | #ifdef DEBUG
1486 | chartOrder << Metric_Type_VM_Exits;
1487 | #else
1488 | if (gEDataManager->VMActivityMonitorShowVMExits())
1489 | chartOrder << Metric_Type_VM_Exits;
1490 | #endif
1491 | int iRow = 0;
1492 | foreach (Metric_Type enmType, chartOrder)
1493 | {
1494 | if (!m_metrics.contains(enmType))
1495 | continue;
1496 |
1497 | QHBoxLayout *pChartLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
1498 | pChartLayout->setSpacing(0);
1499 |
1500 | QLabel *pLabel = new QLabel(this);
1501 |
1502 | QPalette tempPal = pLabel->palette();
1503 | tempPal.setColor(QPalette::Window, tempPal.color(QPalette::Window).lighter(g_iBackgroundTint));
1504 | pLabel->setPalette(tempPal);
1505 | pLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true);
1506 |
1507 | pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
1508 | pChartLayout->addWidget(pLabel);
1509 | m_infoLabels.insert(enmType, pLabel);
1510 |
1511 | UIChart *pChart = new UIChart(this, &(m_metrics[enmType]), m_pActionPool, m_iMaximumQueueSize);
1512 | connect(pChart, &UIChart::sigExportMetricsToFile,
1513 | this, &UIVMActivityMonitor::sltExportMetricsToFile);
1514 | m_charts.insert(enmType, pChart);
1515 | pChart->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
1516 | pChartLayout->addWidget(pChart);
1517 | m_pContainerLayout->addLayout(pChartLayout, iRow, 0, 1, 2);
1518 | ++iRow;
1519 | }
1520 |
1521 | QWidget *bottomSpacerWidget = new QWidget(this);
1522 | bottomSpacerWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
1523 | bottomSpacerWidget->setVisible(true);
1524 | m_pContainerLayout->addWidget(bottomSpacerWidget, iRow, 0, 1, 2);
1525 | }
1526 |
1527 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::configureCOMPerformanceCollector()
1528 | {
1529 | /* Only once: */
1530 | if (m_fCOMPerformanceCollectorConfigured)
1531 | return;
1532 |
1533 | m_nameList << "Guest/RAM/Usage*";
1534 | m_objectList = QVector<CUnknown>(m_nameList.size(), CUnknown());
1535 |
1536 | m_performanceCollector = gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetPerformanceCollector();
1537 | if (m_performanceCollector.isNull())
1538 | return;
1539 |
1540 | m_performanceCollector.SetupMetrics(m_nameList, m_objectList, g_iPeriod, g_iMetricSetupCount);
1541 | {
1542 | QVector<CPerformanceMetric> metrics = m_performanceCollector.GetMetrics(m_nameList, m_objectList);
1543 | for (int i = 0; i < metrics.size(); ++i)
1544 | {
1545 | QString strName(metrics[i].GetMetricName());
1546 | if (!strName.contains(':'))
1547 | {
1548 | if (strName.contains("RAM", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && strName.contains("Free", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
1549 | {
1550 | if (m_metrics.contains(Metric_Type_RAM))
1551 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_RAM].setUnit(metrics[i].GetUnit());
1552 | }
1553 | }
1554 | }
1555 | }
1556 | m_fCOMPerformanceCollectorConfigured = true;
1557 | }
1558 |
1559 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::prepareMetrics()
1560 | {
1561 | /* CPU Metric: */
1562 | UIMetric cpuMetric("%", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
1563 | cpuMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Guest Load");
1564 | cpuMetric.setDataSeriesName(1, "VMM Load");
1565 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_CPU, cpuMetric);
1566 |
1567 | /* RAM Metric: */
1568 | UIMetric ramMetric(""/*metrics[i].GetUnit()*/, m_iMaximumQueueSize);
1569 | ramMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Free");
1570 | ramMetric.setDataSeriesName(1, "Used");
1571 | ramMetric.setRequiresGuestAdditions(true);
1572 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_RAM, ramMetric);
1573 |
1574 |
1575 | /* Network metric: */
1576 | UIMetric networkMetric("B", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
1577 | networkMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Receive Rate");
1578 | networkMetric.setDataSeriesName(1, "Transmit Rate");
1579 | networkMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
1580 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_Network_InOut, networkMetric);
1581 |
1582 | /* Disk IO metric */
1583 | UIMetric diskIOMetric("B", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
1584 | diskIOMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Write Rate");
1585 | diskIOMetric.setDataSeriesName(1, "Read Rate");
1586 | diskIOMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
1587 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_Disk_InOut, diskIOMetric);
1588 |
1589 | /* VM exits metric */
1590 | UIMetric VMExitsMetric("times", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
1591 | VMExitsMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
1592 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_VM_Exits, VMExitsMetric);
1593 | }
1594 |
1595 | bool UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::guestAdditionsAvailable(const char *pszMinimumVersion)
1596 | {
1597 | if (m_comGuest.isNull() || !pszMinimumVersion)
1598 | return false;
1599 |
1600 | /* Guest control stuff is in userland: */
1601 | if (!m_comGuest.GetAdditionsStatus(KAdditionsRunLevelType_Userland))
1602 | return false;
1603 |
1604 | if (!m_comGuest.isOk())
1605 | return false;
1606 |
1607 | /* Check the related GA facility: */
1608 | LONG64 iLastUpdatedIgnored;
1609 | if (m_comGuest.GetFacilityStatus(KAdditionsFacilityType_VBoxService, iLastUpdatedIgnored) != KAdditionsFacilityStatus_Active)
1610 | return false;
1611 |
1612 | if (!m_comGuest.isOk())
1613 | return false;
1614 |
1615 | QString strGAVersion = m_comGuest.GetAdditionsVersion();
1616 | if (m_comGuest.isOk())
1617 | return (RTStrVersionCompare(strGAVersion.toUtf8().constData(), pszMinimumVersion) >= 0);
1618 |
1619 | return false;
1620 | }
1621 |
1622 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::enableDisableGuestAdditionDependedWidgets(bool fEnable)
1623 | {
1624 | /* Configure performace monitor: */
1625 | if (fEnable)
1626 | configureCOMPerformanceCollector();
1627 | for (QMap<Metric_Type, UIMetric>::const_iterator iterator = m_metrics.begin();
1628 | iterator != m_metrics.end(); ++iterator)
1629 | {
1630 | if (!iterator.value().requiresGuestAdditions())
1631 | continue;
1632 | if (m_charts.contains(iterator.key()) && m_charts[iterator.key()])
1633 | m_charts[iterator.key()]->setIsAvailable(fEnable);
1634 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(iterator.key()) && m_infoLabels[iterator.key()])
1635 | {
1636 | m_infoLabels[iterator.key()]->setEnabled(fEnable);
1637 | m_infoLabels[iterator.key()]->update();
1638 | }
1639 | }
1640 | }
1641 |
1642 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::updateVMExitMetric(quint64 uTotalVMExits)
1643 | {
1644 | if (uTotalVMExits <= 0)
1645 | return;
1646 |
1647 | UIMetric &VMExitMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_VM_Exits];
1648 | quint64 iRate = uTotalVMExits - VMExitMetric.total(0);
1649 | VMExitMetric.setTotal(0, uTotalVMExits);
1650 | /* Do not set data and maximum if the metric has not been initialized since we need to initialize totals "(t-1)" first: */
1651 | if (!VMExitMetric.isInitialized())
1652 | {
1653 | VMExitMetric.setIsInitialized(true);
1654 | return;
1655 | }
1656 | VMExitMetric.addData(0, iRate);
1657 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_VM_Exits) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_VM_Exits])
1658 | {
1659 | QString strInfo;
1660 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b><br/><font color=\"%2\">%3: %4 %5</font><br/>%6: %7 %8")
1661 | .arg(m_strVMExitInfoLabelTitle)
1662 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_VM_Exits, 0)).arg(m_strVMExitLabelCurrent).arg(UITranslator::addMetricSuffixToNumber(iRate)).arg(VMExitMetric.unit())
1663 | .arg(m_strVMExitLabelTotal).arg(UITranslator::addMetricSuffixToNumber(uTotalVMExits)).arg(VMExitMetric.unit());
1664 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_VM_Exits]->setText(strInfo);
1665 | }
1666 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_VM_Exits))
1667 | m_charts[Metric_Type_VM_Exits]->update();
1668 | }
1669 |
1670 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::updateCPUChart(quint64 iExecutingPercentage, ULONG iOtherPercentage)
1671 | {
1672 | UIMetric &CPUMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_CPU];
1673 | CPUMetric.addData(0, iExecutingPercentage);
1674 | CPUMetric.addData(1, iOtherPercentage);
1675 | CPUMetric.setMaximum(100);
1676 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_CPU) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU])
1677 | {
1678 | QString strInfo;
1679 |
1680 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font color=\"%2\">%3: %4%5</font><br/><font color=\"%6\">%7: %8%9</font>")
1681 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelTitle)
1682 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_CPU, 0))
1683 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelGuest).arg(QString::number(iExecutingPercentage)).arg(CPUMetric.unit())
1684 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_CPU, 1))
1685 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelVMM).arg(QString::number(iOtherPercentage)).arg(CPUMetric.unit());
1686 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU]->setText(strInfo);
1687 | }
1688 |
1689 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_CPU))
1690 | m_charts[Metric_Type_CPU]->update();
1691 | }
1692 |
1693 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::updateRAMGraphsAndMetric(quint64 iTotalRAM, quint64 iFreeRAM)
1694 | {
1695 | UIMetric &RAMMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_RAM];
1696 | RAMMetric.setMaximum(iTotalRAM);
1697 | RAMMetric.addData(0, iTotalRAM - iFreeRAM);
1698 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_RAM) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_RAM])
1699 | {
1700 | QString strInfo;
1701 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b><br/>%2: %3<br/><font color=\"%4\">%5: %6</font><br/><font color=\"%7\">%8: %9</font>")
1702 | .arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelTitle)
1703 | .arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelTotal).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * iTotalRAM, g_iDecimalCount))
1704 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_RAM, 1)).arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelFree).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * (iFreeRAM), g_iDecimalCount))
1705 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_RAM, 0)).arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelUsed).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * (iTotalRAM - iFreeRAM), g_iDecimalCount));
1706 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_RAM]->setText(strInfo);
1707 | }
1708 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_RAM))
1709 | m_charts[Metric_Type_RAM]->update();
1710 | }
1711 |
1712 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::updateNetworkChart(quint64 uReceiveTotal, quint64 uTransmitTotal)
1713 | {
1714 | UIMetric &NetMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_Network_InOut];
1715 |
1716 | quint64 uReceiveRate = uReceiveTotal - NetMetric.total(0);
1717 | quint64 uTransmitRate = uTransmitTotal - NetMetric.total(1);
1718 |
1719 | NetMetric.setTotal(0, uReceiveTotal);
1720 | NetMetric.setTotal(1, uTransmitTotal);
1721 |
1722 | if (!NetMetric.isInitialized())
1723 | {
1724 | NetMetric.setIsInitialized(true);
1725 | return;
1726 | }
1727 |
1728 | NetMetric.addData(0, uReceiveRate);
1729 | NetMetric.addData(1, uTransmitRate);
1730 |
1731 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Network_InOut) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_InOut])
1732 | {
1733 | QString strInfo;
1734 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font color=\"%2\">%3: %4<br/>%5: %6</font><br/><font color=\"%7\">%8: %9<br/>%10: %11</font>")
1735 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTitle)
1736 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Network_InOut, 0)).arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceived).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uReceiveRate, g_iDecimalCount))
1737 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceivedTotal).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uReceiveTotal, g_iDecimalCount))
1738 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Network_InOut, 1)).arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmitted).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uTransmitRate, g_iDecimalCount))
1739 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmittedTotal).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uTransmitTotal, g_iDecimalCount));
1740 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_InOut]->setText(strInfo);
1741 | }
1742 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Network_InOut))
1743 | m_charts[Metric_Type_Network_InOut]->update();
1744 | }
1745 |
1746 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::updateDiskIOChart(quint64 uDiskIOTotalWritten, quint64 uDiskIOTotalRead)
1747 | {
1748 | UIMetric &diskMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_Disk_InOut];
1749 |
1750 | quint64 uWriteRate = uDiskIOTotalWritten - diskMetric.total(0);
1751 | quint64 uReadRate = uDiskIOTotalRead - diskMetric.total(1);
1752 |
1753 | diskMetric.setTotal(0, uDiskIOTotalWritten);
1754 | diskMetric.setTotal(1, uDiskIOTotalRead);
1755 |
1756 | /* Do not set data and maximum if the metric has not been initialized since we need to initialize totals "(t-1)" first: */
1757 | if (!diskMetric.isInitialized()){
1758 | diskMetric.setIsInitialized(true);
1759 | return;
1760 | }
1761 | diskMetric.addData(0, uWriteRate);
1762 | diskMetric.addData(1, uReadRate);
1763 |
1764 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_InOut) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_InOut])
1765 | {
1766 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font color=\"%2\">%3: %4<br/>%5: %6</font><br/><font color=\"%7\">%8: %9<br/>%10: %11</font>")
1767 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle)
1768 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Disk_InOut, 0)).arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWritten).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uWriteRate, g_iDecimalCount))
1769 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWrittenTotal).arg(UITranslator::formatSize((quint64)uDiskIOTotalWritten, g_iDecimalCount))
1770 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Disk_InOut, 1)).arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelRead).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uReadRate, g_iDecimalCount))
1771 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelReadTotal).arg(UITranslator::formatSize((quint64)uDiskIOTotalRead, g_iDecimalCount));
1772 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_InOut]->setText(strInfo);
1773 | }
1774 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_InOut))
1775 | m_charts[Metric_Type_Disk_InOut]->update();
1776 | }
1777 |
1778 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::resetVMExitInfoLabel()
1779 | {
1780 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_VM_Exits) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_VM_Exits])
1781 | {
1782 | QString strInfo;
1783 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3<br/>%4: %5")
1784 | .arg(m_strVMExitInfoLabelTitle)
1785 | .arg(m_strVMExitLabelCurrent).arg("--")
1786 | .arg(m_strVMExitLabelTotal).arg("--");
1787 |
1788 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_VM_Exits]->setText(strInfo);
1789 | }
1790 | }
1791 |
1792 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::resetCPUInfoLabel()
1793 | {
1794 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_CPU) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU])
1795 | {
1796 | QString strInfo =QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3<br/>%4: %5")
1797 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelTitle)
1798 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelGuest).arg("--")
1799 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelVMM).arg("--");
1800 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU]->setText(strInfo);
1801 | }
1802 | }
1803 |
1804 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::resetNetworkInfoLabel()
1805 | {
1806 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Network_InOut) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_InOut])
1807 | {
1808 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3<br/>%4 %5<br/>%6: %7<br/>%8 %9")
1809 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTitle)
1810 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceived).arg("--")
1811 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceivedTotal).arg("--")
1812 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmitted).arg("--")
1813 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmittedTotal).arg("--");
1814 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_InOut]->setText(strInfo);
1815 | }
1816 | }
1817 |
1818 | void UIVMActivityMonitorLocal::resetDiskIOInfoLabel()
1819 | {
1820 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_InOut) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_InOut])
1821 | {
1822 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3<br/>%4 %5<br/>%6: %7<br/>%8 %9")
1823 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle)
1824 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWritten).arg("--")
1825 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWrittenTotal).arg("--")
1826 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelRead).arg("--")
1827 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelReadTotal).arg("--");
1828 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_InOut]->setText(strInfo);
1829 | }
1830 | }
1831 |
1832 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1833 | * UIVMActivityMonitorCloud definition. *
1834 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1835 |
1836 | UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::UIVMActivityMonitorCloud(EmbedTo enmEmbedding, QWidget *pParent,
1837 | const CCloudMachine &machine, UIActionPool *pActionPool)
1838 | :UIVMActivityMonitor(enmEmbedding, pParent, pActionPool, 60 /* iMaximumQueueSize */)
1839 | , m_pMachineStateUpdateTimer(0)
1840 | , m_enmMachineState(KCloudMachineState_Invalid)
1841 | {
1842 | m_metricTypeDict[KMetricType_CpuUtilization] = Metric_Type_CPU;
1843 | m_metricTypeDict[KMetricType_MemoryUtilization] = Metric_Type_RAM;
1844 | m_metricTypeDict[KMetricType_DiskBytesRead] = Metric_Type_Disk_Out;
1845 | m_metricTypeDict[KMetricType_DiskBytesWritten] = Metric_Type_Disk_In;
1846 | m_metricTypeDict[KMetricType_NetworksBytesIn] = Metric_Type_Network_In;
1847 | m_metricTypeDict[KMetricType_NetworksBytesOut] = Metric_Type_Network_Out;
1848 |
1849 | setMachine(machine);
1850 | m_uTotalRAM = UIMonitorCommon::determineTotalRAMAmount(m_comMachine);
1851 |
1852 | m_pMachineStateUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this);
1853 | if (m_pMachineStateUpdateTimer)
1854 | connect(m_pMachineStateUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMachineStateUpdateTimeout);
1855 |
1856 | prepareMetrics();
1857 | prepareWidgets();
1858 | sltRetranslateUI();
1859 | prepareActions();
1860 | resetCPUInfoLabel();
1861 | resetNetworkInInfoLabel();
1862 | resetNetworkOutInfoLabel();
1863 | resetDiskIOWrittenInfoLabel();
1864 | resetDiskIOReadInfoLabel();
1865 | resetRAMInfoLabel();
1866 | connect(&translationEventListener(), &UITranslationEventListener::sigRetranslateUI, this, &UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltRetranslateUI);
1867 |
1868 | /* Start the timer: */
1869 | start();
1870 | }
1871 |
1872 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::setMachine(const CCloudMachine &comMachine)
1873 | {
1874 | m_comMachine = comMachine;
1875 | if (!m_comMachine.isOk())
1876 | return;
1877 | setEnabled(m_comMachine.GetState() == KCloudMachineState_Running);
1878 | }
1879 |
1880 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMachineStateUpdateTimeout()
1881 | {
1882 | if (!m_comMachine.isOk())
1883 | return;
1884 |
1885 | KCloudMachineState enmNewState = m_comMachine.GetState();
1886 | /* No changes. Noting to do: */
1887 | if (m_enmMachineState == enmNewState)
1888 | return;
1889 |
1890 | if (m_ReadListProgressTask)
1891 | {
1892 | disconnect(m_ReadListProgressTask, &UIProgressTaskReadCloudMachineMetricList::sigMetricListReceived,
1893 | this, &UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMetricNameListingComplete);
1894 | delete m_ReadListProgressTask;
1895 | }
1896 |
1897 | if (enmNewState == KCloudMachineState_Running)
1898 | {
1899 | m_ReadListProgressTask = new UIProgressTaskReadCloudMachineMetricList(this, m_comMachine);
1900 | if (m_ReadListProgressTask)
1901 | {
1902 | connect(m_ReadListProgressTask, &UIProgressTaskReadCloudMachineMetricList::sigMetricListReceived,
1903 | this, &UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMetricNameListingComplete);
1904 | m_ReadListProgressTask->start();
1905 | }
1906 | setEnabled(true);
1907 | /* Every minute: */
1908 | if (m_pTimer)
1909 | m_pTimer->start(1000 * 60);
1910 | }
1911 | else
1912 | {
1913 | reset();
1914 | if (m_pTimer)
1915 | m_pTimer->stop();
1916 | }
1917 | m_enmMachineState = enmNewState;
1918 | }
1919 |
1920 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMetricNameListingComplete(QVector<QString> metricNameList)
1921 | {
1922 | m_availableMetricTypes.clear();
1923 | foreach (const QString &strName, metricNameList)
1924 | m_availableMetricTypes << gpConverter->fromInternalString<KMetricType>(strName);
1925 |
1926 | if (!m_availableMetricTypes.isEmpty())
1927 | start();
1928 |
1929 | sender()->deleteLater();
1930 | obtainDataAndUpdate();
1931 | }
1932 |
1933 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMetricDataReceived(KMetricType enmMetricType,
1934 | const QVector<QString> &data, const QVector<QString> &timeStamps)
1935 | {
1936 | if (data.size() != timeStamps.size())
1937 | return;
1938 | /* Hack alert!! I am told that time series' interval is `guaranteed` to be 1 min. although it is clearly
1939 | * parametrized in OCI API. I would much prefer to have some way of deermining the said interval via our API
1940 | * but it looks like Christmas is over: */
1941 | const int iInterval = 60;
1942 | QVector<QString> newTimeStamps;
1943 | QVector<quint64> newData;
1944 | for (int i = 0; i < timeStamps.size() - 1; ++i)
1945 | {
1946 | if (timeStamps[i].isEmpty())
1947 | continue;
1948 | QTime time = QDateTime::fromString(timeStamps[i], Qt::RFC2822Date).time();
1949 | if (!time.isValid())
1950 | continue;
1951 | newTimeStamps << time.toString("hh:mm");
1952 | /* It looks like in some cases OCI sends us negative values: */
1953 | if (data[i].toFloat() < 0)
1954 | newData << 0U;
1955 | else
1956 | newData << (quint64)data[i].toFloat();
1957 |
1958 | QTime nextTime = QDateTime::fromString(timeStamps[i + 1], Qt::RFC2822Date).time();
1959 | while(time.secsTo(nextTime) > iInterval)
1960 | {
1961 | time = time.addSecs(iInterval);
1962 | newTimeStamps << time.toString("hh:mm");
1963 | newData << uInvalidValueSentinel;
1964 | }
1965 | }
1966 | if (!data.isEmpty())
1967 | {
1968 | if (!timeStamps.last().isEmpty())
1969 | newTimeStamps << QDateTime::fromString(timeStamps.last(), Qt::RFC2822Date).time().toString("hh:mm");
1970 | newData << (quint64)data.last().toFloat();
1971 | }
1972 | AssertReturnVoid(newData.size() == newTimeStamps.size());
1973 |
1974 | if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_NetworksBytesIn)
1975 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_Network_In].reset();
1976 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_NetworksBytesOut)
1977 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_Network_Out].reset();
1978 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_DiskBytesRead)
1979 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_Disk_Out].reset();
1980 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_DiskBytesWritten)
1981 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_Disk_In].reset();
1982 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_CpuUtilization)
1983 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_CPU].reset();
1984 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_MemoryUtilization)
1985 | m_metrics[Metric_Type_RAM].reset();
1986 |
1987 |
1988 | for (int i = 0; i < newData.size(); ++i)
1989 | {
1990 | if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_CpuUtilization)
1991 | updateCPUChart(newData[i], newTimeStamps[i]);
1992 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_NetworksBytesOut)
1993 | updateNetworkOutChart(newData[i], newTimeStamps[i]);
1994 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_NetworksBytesIn)
1995 | updateNetworkInChart(newData[i], newTimeStamps[i]);
1996 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_DiskBytesRead)
1997 | updateDiskIOReadChart(newData[i], newTimeStamps[i]);
1998 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_DiskBytesWritten)
1999 | updateDiskIOWrittenChart(newData[i], newTimeStamps[i]);
2000 | else if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_MemoryUtilization)
2001 | {
2002 | if (m_uTotalRAM != 0)
2003 | {
2004 | /* calculate used RAM amount in kb: */
2005 | if (newData[i] != uInvalidValueSentinel)
2006 | {
2007 | quint64 iUsedRAM = newData[i] * (m_uTotalRAM / 100.f);
2008 | updateRAMChart(iUsedRAM, newTimeStamps[i]);
2009 | }
2010 | else
2011 | updateRAMChart(newData[i], newTimeStamps[i]);
2012 | }
2013 | }
2014 | }
2015 | sender()->deleteLater();
2016 | }
2017 |
2018 | QUuid UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::machineId() const
2019 | {
2020 | if (m_comMachine.isOk())
2021 | return m_comMachine.GetId();
2022 | return QUuid();
2023 | }
2024 |
2025 | QString UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::machineName() const
2026 | {
2027 | if (m_comMachine.isOk())
2028 | return m_comMachine.GetName();
2029 | return QString();
2030 | }
2031 |
2032 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltRetranslateUI()
2033 | {
2034 | UIVMActivityMonitor::sltRetranslateUI();
2035 | foreach (UIChart *pChart, m_charts)
2036 | pChart->setXAxisLabel(QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Min.", "short from minutes"));
2037 |
2038 | m_strNetworkInInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Network");
2039 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkInInfoLabelTitle.length());
2040 |
2041 | m_strNetworkOutInfoLabelTitle = QApplication::translate("UIVMInformationDialog", "Network");
2042 | m_iMaximumLabelLength = qMax(m_iMaximumLabelLength, m_strNetworkOutInfoLabelTitle.length());
2043 |
2044 | setInfoLabelWidth();
2045 | }
2046 |
2047 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::obtainDataAndUpdate()
2048 | {
2049 | foreach (const KMetricType &enmMetricType, m_availableMetricTypes)
2050 | {
2051 | UIMetric metric;
2052 | int iDataSeriesIndex = 0;
2053 | if (!findMetric(enmMetricType, metric, iDataSeriesIndex))
2054 | continue;
2055 | /* Be a paranoid: */
2056 | if (iDataSeriesIndex >= DATA_SERIES_SIZE)
2057 | continue;
2058 | #if 0
2059 | int iDataSize = 1;
2060 | if (metric.dataSize(iDataSeriesIndex) == 0)
2061 | iDataSize = 60;
2062 | #endif
2063 | /* Request the whole time series (all 60 values) at each iteration to detect time points with no
2064 | * data (due to stop and restart). We sanitize the data when we receive it and mark time points
2065 | * with no data with sentinel value: */
2066 | int iDataSize = 60;
2067 | UIProgressTaskReadCloudMachineMetricData *pTask = new UIProgressTaskReadCloudMachineMetricData(this, m_comMachine,
2068 | enmMetricType, iDataSize);
2069 | connect(pTask, &UIProgressTaskReadCloudMachineMetricData::sigMetricDataReceived,
2070 | this, &UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::sltMetricDataReceived);
2071 | pTask->start();
2072 | }
2073 | }
2074 |
2075 | QString UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::defaultMachineFolder() const
2076 | {
2077 | char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
2078 | int rc = RTPathUserDocuments(szPath, sizeof(szPath));
2079 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2080 | return QString(szPath);
2081 | return gpGlobalSession->virtualBox().GetHomeFolder();
2082 | }
2083 |
2084 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::reset()
2085 | {
2086 | setEnabled(false);
2087 |
2088 | if (m_pTimer)
2089 | m_pTimer->stop();
2090 | /* reset the metrics. this will delete their data cache: */
2091 | for (QMap<Metric_Type, UIMetric>::iterator iterator = m_metrics.begin();
2092 | iterator != m_metrics.end(); ++iterator)
2093 | iterator.value().reset();
2094 | /* force update on the charts to draw now emptied metrics' data: */
2095 | for (QMap<Metric_Type, UIChart*>::iterator iterator = m_charts.begin();
2096 | iterator != m_charts.end(); ++iterator)
2097 | iterator.value()->update();
2098 | /* Reset the info labels: */
2099 | resetCPUInfoLabel();
2100 | resetRAMInfoLabel();
2101 | resetNetworkInInfoLabel();
2102 | resetNetworkOutInfoLabel();
2103 | resetDiskIOWrittenInfoLabel();
2104 | resetDiskIOReadInfoLabel();
2105 |
2106 | update();
2107 | //sltClearCOMData();
2108 | }
2109 |
2110 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::start()
2111 | {
2112 | sltMachineStateUpdateTimeout();
2113 | if (m_pMachineStateUpdateTimer)
2114 | m_pMachineStateUpdateTimer->start(1000 * 10);
2115 | }
2116 |
2117 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::updateCPUChart(quint64 iLoadPercentage, const QString &strLabel)
2118 | {
2119 | UIMetric &CPUMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_CPU];
2120 | CPUMetric.addData(0, iLoadPercentage, strLabel);
2121 | CPUMetric.setMaximum(100);
2122 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_CPU) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU])
2123 | {
2124 | QString strInfo;
2125 |
2126 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font color=\"%2\">%3: %4%5</font>")
2127 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelTitle)
2128 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_CPU, 0))
2129 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelGuest).arg(QString::number(iLoadPercentage)).arg(CPUMetric.unit());
2130 |
2131 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU]->setText(strInfo);
2132 | }
2133 |
2134 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_CPU))
2135 | m_charts[Metric_Type_CPU]->update();
2136 | }
2137 |
2138 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::updateNetworkInChart(quint64 uReceiveRate, const QString &strLabel)
2139 | {
2140 | UIMetric &networkMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_Network_In];
2141 | networkMetric.addData(0, uReceiveRate, strLabel);
2142 |
2143 |
2144 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Network_In) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_In])
2145 | {
2146 | QString strInfo;
2147 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font color=\"%2\">%3: %4</font><br/>")
2148 | .arg(m_strNetworkInInfoLabelTitle)
2149 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Network_In, 0)).arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceived).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uReceiveRate, g_iDecimalCount));
2150 |
2151 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_In]->setText(strInfo);
2152 | }
2153 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Network_In))
2154 | m_charts[Metric_Type_Network_In]->update();
2155 | }
2156 |
2157 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::updateNetworkOutChart(quint64 uTransmitRate, const QString &strLabel)
2158 | {
2159 | UIMetric &networkMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_Network_Out];
2160 | networkMetric.addData(0, uTransmitRate, strLabel);
2161 |
2162 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Network_Out) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_Out])
2163 | {
2164 | QString strInfo;
2165 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font color=\"%5\">%6: %7<br/></font>")
2166 | .arg(m_strNetworkOutInfoLabelTitle)
2167 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Network_Out, 0)).arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmitted).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uTransmitRate, g_iDecimalCount));
2168 |
2169 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_Out]->setText(strInfo);
2170 | }
2171 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Network_Out))
2172 | m_charts[Metric_Type_Network_Out]->update();
2173 | }
2174 |
2175 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::updateDiskIOWrittenChart(quint64 uWriteRate, const QString &strLabel)
2176 | {
2177 | UIMetric &diskMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_Disk_In];
2178 |
2179 | diskMetric.addData(0, uWriteRate, strLabel);
2180 |
2181 |
2182 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_In) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_In])
2183 | {
2184 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/> <font color=\"%2\">%3: %4</font>")
2185 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle)
2186 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Disk_In, 0)).arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWritten).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uWriteRate, g_iDecimalCount));
2187 |
2188 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_In]->setText(strInfo);
2189 | }
2190 |
2191 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_In))
2192 | m_charts[Metric_Type_Disk_In]->update();
2193 | }
2194 |
2195 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::updateDiskIOReadChart(quint64 uReadRate, const QString &strLabel)
2196 | {
2197 | UIMetric &diskMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_Disk_Out];
2198 |
2199 | diskMetric.addData(0, uReadRate, strLabel);
2200 |
2201 |
2202 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_Out) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_Out])
2203 | {
2204 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/> <font color=\"%2\">%3: %4</font>")
2205 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle)
2206 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_Disk_Out, 0)).arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelRead).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(uReadRate, g_iDecimalCount));
2207 |
2208 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_Out]->setText(strInfo);
2209 | }
2210 |
2211 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_Out))
2212 | m_charts[Metric_Type_Disk_Out]->update();
2213 | }
2214 |
2215 |
2216 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::updateRAMChart(quint64 iUsedRAM, const QString &strLabel)
2217 | {
2218 | UIMetric &RAMMetric = m_metrics[Metric_Type_RAM];
2219 | RAMMetric.setMaximum(m_uTotalRAM);
2220 | RAMMetric.addData(0, iUsedRAM, strLabel);
2221 |
2222 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_RAM) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_RAM])
2223 | {
2224 | QString strInfo;
2225 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b><br/>%2: %3<br/><font color=\"%4\">%5: %6</font><br/><font color=\"%7\">%8: %9</font>")
2226 | .arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelTitle)
2227 | .arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelTotal).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * m_uTotalRAM, g_iDecimalCount))
2228 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_RAM, 1)).arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelFree).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * (m_uTotalRAM - iUsedRAM), g_iDecimalCount))
2229 | .arg(dataColorString(Metric_Type_RAM, 0)).arg(m_strRAMInfoLabelUsed).arg(UITranslator::formatSize(_1K * iUsedRAM, g_iDecimalCount));
2230 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_RAM]->setText(strInfo);
2231 | }
2232 |
2233 | if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_RAM))
2234 | m_charts[Metric_Type_RAM]->update();
2235 | }
2236 |
2237 | bool UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::findMetric(KMetricType enmMetricType, UIMetric &metric, int &iDataSeriesIndex) const
2238 | {
2239 | if (!m_metricTypeDict.contains(enmMetricType))
2240 | return false;
2241 |
2242 | Metric_Type enmType = m_metricTypeDict[enmMetricType];
2243 |
2244 | if (!m_metrics.contains(enmType))
2245 | return false;
2246 |
2247 | metric = m_metrics[enmType];
2248 | iDataSeriesIndex = 0;
2249 | if (enmMetricType == KMetricType_NetworksBytesOut ||
2250 | enmMetricType == KMetricType_DiskBytesRead)
2251 | iDataSeriesIndex = 1;
2252 | return true;
2253 | }
2254 |
2255 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::prepareMetrics()
2256 | {
2257 | /* RAM Metric: */
2258 | if (m_uTotalRAM != 0)
2259 | {
2260 | UIMetric ramMetric("kb", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2261 | ramMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Used");
2262 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_RAM, ramMetric);
2263 | }
2264 |
2265 | /* CPU Metric: */
2266 | UIMetric cpuMetric("%", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2267 | cpuMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "CPU Utilization");
2268 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_CPU, cpuMetric);
2269 |
2270 | /* Network in metric: */
2271 | UIMetric networkInMetric("B", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2272 | networkInMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Receive Rate");
2273 | networkInMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
2274 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_Network_In, networkInMetric);
2275 |
2276 | /* Network out metric: */
2277 | UIMetric networkOutMetric("B", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2278 | networkOutMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Transmit Rate");
2279 | networkOutMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
2280 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_Network_Out, networkOutMetric);
2281 |
2282 | /* Disk write metric */
2283 | UIMetric diskIOWrittenMetric("B", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2284 | diskIOWrittenMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Write Rate");
2285 | diskIOWrittenMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
2286 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_Disk_In, diskIOWrittenMetric);
2287 |
2288 | /* Disk read metric */
2289 | UIMetric diskIOReadMetric("B", m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2290 | diskIOReadMetric.setDataSeriesName(0, "Read Rate");
2291 | diskIOReadMetric.setAutoUpdateMaximum(true);
2292 | m_metrics.insert(Metric_Type_Disk_Out, diskIOReadMetric);
2293 |
2294 | }
2295 |
2296 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::prepareWidgets()
2297 | {
2298 | UIVMActivityMonitor::prepareWidgets();
2299 |
2300 | QVector<Metric_Type> chartOrder;
2301 | chartOrder << Metric_Type_CPU << Metric_Type_RAM <<
2302 | Metric_Type_Network_In << Metric_Type_Network_Out << Metric_Type_Disk_In << Metric_Type_Disk_Out;
2303 | int iRow = 0;
2304 | foreach (Metric_Type enmType, chartOrder)
2305 | {
2306 | if (!m_metrics.contains(enmType))
2307 | continue;
2308 |
2309 | QHBoxLayout *pChartLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
2310 | pChartLayout->setSpacing(0);
2311 |
2312 | QLabel *pLabel = new QLabel(this);
2313 |
2314 | QPalette tempPal = pLabel->palette();
2315 | tempPal.setColor(QPalette::Window, tempPal.color(QPalette::Window).lighter(g_iBackgroundTint));
2316 | pLabel->setPalette(tempPal);
2317 | pLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true);
2318 |
2319 | pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
2320 | pChartLayout->addWidget(pLabel);
2321 | m_infoLabels.insert(enmType, pLabel);
2322 |
2323 | UIChart *pChart = new UIChart(this, &(m_metrics[enmType]), m_pActionPool, m_iMaximumQueueSize);
2324 | connect(pChart, &UIChart::sigExportMetricsToFile,
2325 | this, &UIVMActivityMonitor::sltExportMetricsToFile);
2326 | m_charts.insert(enmType, pChart);
2327 | pChart->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
2328 | pChartLayout->addWidget(pChart);
2329 | m_pContainerLayout->addLayout(pChartLayout, iRow, 0, 1, 2);
2330 | ++iRow;
2331 | }
2332 |
2333 | // if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Network_Out) && m_charts[Metric_Type_Network_Out])
2334 | // m_charts[Metric_Type_Network_Out]->setDataSeriesColor(0, QColor(0, 0, 200, 255));
2335 |
2336 | // if (m_charts.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_Out) && m_charts[Metric_Type_Disk_Out])
2337 | // m_charts[Metric_Type_Disk_Out]->setDataSeriesColor(0, QColor(0, 0, 200, 255));
2338 |
2339 | QWidget *bottomSpacerWidget = new QWidget(this);
2340 | bottomSpacerWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
2341 | bottomSpacerWidget->setVisible(true);
2342 | m_pContainerLayout->addWidget(bottomSpacerWidget, iRow, 0, 1, 2);
2343 | m_charts[Metric_Type_CPU]->setShowPieChart(false);
2344 | }
2345 |
2346 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::resetCPUInfoLabel()
2347 | {
2348 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_CPU) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU])
2349 | {
2350 | QString strInfo;
2351 |
2352 | strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/><font>%2: %3</font>")
2353 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelTitle)
2354 | .arg(m_strCPUInfoLabelGuest).arg("---");
2355 |
2356 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_CPU]->setText(strInfo);
2357 | }
2358 | }
2359 |
2360 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::resetNetworkInInfoLabel()
2361 | {
2362 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Network_In) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_In])
2363 | {
2364 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3")
2365 | .arg(m_strNetworkInInfoLabelTitle)
2366 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelReceived).arg("--");
2367 |
2368 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_In]->setText(strInfo);
2369 | }
2370 | }
2371 |
2372 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::resetNetworkOutInfoLabel()
2373 | {
2374 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Network_Out) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_Out])
2375 | {
2376 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3")
2377 | .arg(m_strNetworkOutInfoLabelTitle)
2378 | .arg(m_strNetworkInfoLabelTransmitted).arg("--");
2379 |
2380 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Network_Out]->setText(strInfo);
2381 | }
2382 | }
2383 |
2384 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::resetDiskIOWrittenInfoLabel()
2385 | {
2386 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_In) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_In])
2387 | {
2388 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3")
2389 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle)
2390 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelWritten).arg("--");
2391 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_In]->setText(strInfo);
2392 | }
2393 | }
2394 |
2395 | void UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::resetDiskIOReadInfoLabel()
2396 | {
2397 | if (m_infoLabels.contains(Metric_Type_Disk_Out) && m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_Out])
2398 | {
2399 | QString strInfo = QString("<b>%1</b></b><br/>%2: %3")
2400 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelTitle)
2401 | .arg(m_strDiskIOInfoLabelRead).arg("--");
2402 | m_infoLabels[Metric_Type_Disk_Out]->setText(strInfo);
2403 | }
2404 | }
2405 |
2406 | /* static */
2407 | QString UIVMActivityMonitorCloud::formatCloudTimeStamp(const QString &strInput)
2408 | {
2409 | if (strInput.isEmpty())
2410 | return QString();
2411 | QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(strInput, Qt::RFC2822Date);
2412 |
2413 | if (!dateTime.isValid())
2414 | return QString();
2415 |
2416 | return dateTime.time().toString("HH:mm");
2417 | }
2418 |
2419 | #include "UIVMActivityMonitor.moc"