; Macro - Upgrade DLL File ; Written by Joost Verburg ; ------------------------ ; ; Parameters: ; LOCALFILE - Location of the new DLL file (on the compiler system) ; DESTFILE - Location of the DLL file that should be upgraded ; (on the user's system) ; TEMPBASEDIR - Directory on the user's system to store a temporary file ; when the system has to be rebooted. ; For Win9x support, this should be on the same volume as the ; DESTFILE! ; The Windows temp directory could be located on any volume, ; so you cannot use this directory. ; ; Define REPLACEDLL_NOREGISTER if you want to upgrade a DLL that does not ; have to be registered. ; ; Note: If you want to support Win9x, you can only use ; short filenames (8.3). ; ; Example of usage: ; !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "dllname.dll" "$SYSDIR\dllname.dll" "$SYSDIR" ; !macro ReplaceDLL LOCALFILE DESTFILE TEMPBASEDIR Push $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 Push $R5 ;------------------------ ;Unique number for labels !define REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE ${__LINE__} ;------------------------ ;Copy the parameters used on run-time to a variable ;This allows the usage of variables as paramter StrCpy $R4 "${DESTFILE}" StrCpy $R5 "${TEMPBASEDIR}" ;------------------------ ;Check file and version ; IfFileExists $R4 0 replacedll.copy_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;ClearErrors ; GetDLLVersionLocal "${LOCALFILE}" $R0 $R1 ; GetDLLVersion $R4 $R2 $R3 ;IfErrors replacedll.upgrade_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ; ;IntCmpU $R0 $R2 0 replacedll.done_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ; replacedll.upgrade_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;IntCmpU $R1 $R3 replacedll.done_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ; replacedll.done_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ; replacedll.upgrade_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;------------------------ ;Let's replace the DLL! SetOverwrite try ;replacedll.upgrade_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE}: !ifndef REPLACEDLL_NOREGISTER ;Unregister the DLL UnRegDLL $R4 !endif ;------------------------ ;Try to copy the DLL directly ClearErrors StrCpy $R0 $R4 Call :replacedll.file_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} IfErrors 0 replacedll.noreboot_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;------------------------ ;DLL is in use. Copy it to a temp file and Rename it on reboot. GetTempFileName $R0 $R5 Call :replacedll.file_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} Rename /REBOOTOK $R0 $R4 ;------------------------ ;Register the DLL on reboot !ifndef REPLACEDLL_NOREGISTER WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" \ "Register $R4" 'rundll32.exe "$R4",DllRegisterServer' !endif Goto replacedll.done_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;------------------------ ;DLL does not exist - just extract replacedll.copy_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE}: StrCpy $R0 $R4 Call :replacedll.file_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;------------------------ ;Register the DLL replacedll.noreboot_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE}: !ifndef REPLACEDLL_NOREGISTER RegDLL $R4 !endif ;------------------------ ;Done replacedll.done_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE}: Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 ;------------------------ ;End Goto replacedll.end_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE} ;------------------------ ;Called to extract the DLL replacedll.file_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE}: File /oname=$R0 "${LOCALFILE}" Return replacedll.end_${REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE}: ;------------------------ ;Restore settings SetOverwrite lastused !undef REPLACEDLL_UNIQUE !macroend