/* $Id: VBoxMPDriver.cpp 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox XPDM Miniport driver interface functions */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "VBoxMPInternal.h" #include #include #include #include "common/VBoxMPHGSMI.h" #include "common/VBoxMPCommon.h" #include "VBoxDisplay.h" #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Legacy VGA resource list. */ static VIDEO_ACCESS_RANGE g_aVBoxLegacyVGAResources[] = { /* RangeStart Length I V S P n i h a I s a s o i r s S b a i p l b v a e l e c e e */ { {0x000003B0, 0x00000000}, 0x0000000C, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, /* VGA regs (0x3B0-0x3BB) */ { {0x000003C0, 0x00000000}, 0x00000020, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, /* VGA regs (0x3C0-0x3DF) */ { {0x000A0000, 0x00000000}, 0x00020000, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, /* Frame buffer (0xA0000-0xBFFFF) */ }; /* Card info for property dialog */ static WCHAR g_wszVBoxChipType[] = L"VBOX"; static WCHAR g_wszVBoxDACType[] = L"Integrated RAMDAC"; static WCHAR g_wszVBoxAdapterString[] = L"VirtualBox Video Adapter"; static WCHAR g_wszVBoxBiosString[] = L"Version 0xB0C2 or later"; /* Checks if we have a device supported by our driver and initialize * our driver/card specific information. * In particular we obtain VM monitors configuration and configure related structures. */ static VP_STATUS VBoxDrvFindAdapter(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVOID HwContext, IN PWSTR ArgumentString, IN OUT PVIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO ConfigInfo, OUT PUCHAR Again) { RT_NOREF(HwContext, ArgumentString, Again); PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; VP_STATUS rc; USHORT DispiId; ULONG cbVRAM = VBE_DISPI_TOTAL_VIDEO_MEMORY_BYTES; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS phVRAM = {0}; ULONG ulApertureSize = 0; PAGED_CODE(); LOGF_ENTER(); /* Init video port api */ VBoxSetupVideoPortAPI(pExt, ConfigInfo); VideoPortWritePortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, VBE_DISPI_INDEX_ID); VideoPortWritePortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, VBE_DISPI_ID2); DispiId = VideoPortReadPortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA); if (DispiId != VBE_DISPI_ID2) { WARN(("VBE card not found, returning ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST")); return ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST; } LOG(("found the VBE card")); /* * Query the adapter's memory size. It's a bit of a hack, we just read * an ULONG from the data port without setting an index before. */ cbVRAM = VideoPortReadPortUlong((PULONG)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA); /* Write hw information to registry, so that it's visible in windows property dialog */ rc = VideoPortSetRegistryParameters(pExt, L"HardwareInformation.ChipType", g_wszVBoxChipType, sizeof(g_wszVBoxChipType)); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); rc = VideoPortSetRegistryParameters(pExt, L"HardwareInformation.DacType", g_wszVBoxDACType, sizeof(g_wszVBoxDACType)); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); rc = VideoPortSetRegistryParameters(pExt, L"HardwareInformation.MemorySize", &cbVRAM, sizeof(ULONG)); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); rc = VideoPortSetRegistryParameters(pExt, L"HardwareInformation.AdapterString", g_wszVBoxAdapterString, sizeof(g_wszVBoxAdapterString)); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); rc = VideoPortSetRegistryParameters(pExt, L"HardwareInformation.BiosString", g_wszVBoxBiosString, sizeof(g_wszVBoxBiosString)); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); /* Call VideoPortGetAccessRanges to ensure interrupt info in ConfigInfo gets set up * and to get LFB aperture data. */ { VIDEO_ACCESS_RANGE tmpRanges[4]; ULONG slot = 0; VideoPortZeroMemory(tmpRanges, sizeof(tmpRanges)); if (VBoxQueryWinVersion(NULL) == WINVERSION_NT4) { /* NT crashes if either of 'vendorId, 'deviceId' or 'slot' parameters is NULL, * and needs PCI ids for a successful VideoPortGetAccessRanges call. */ ULONG vendorId = 0x80EE; ULONG deviceId = 0xBEEF; rc = VideoPortGetAccessRanges(pExt, 0, NULL, RT_ELEMENTS(tmpRanges), tmpRanges, &vendorId, &deviceId, &slot); } else { rc = VideoPortGetAccessRanges(pExt, 0, NULL, RT_ELEMENTS(tmpRanges), tmpRanges, NULL, NULL, &slot); } VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { return rc; } /* The first non-IO range is the framebuffer. We require that information. */ for (int iRange = 0; iRange < RT_ELEMENTS(tmpRanges); ++iRange) { if (!tmpRanges[iRange].RangeInIoSpace) { phVRAM = tmpRanges[iRange].RangeStart; ulApertureSize = tmpRanges[iRange].RangeLength; break; } } } /* Initialize VBoxGuest library, which is used for requests which go through VMMDev. */ rc = VbglR0InitClient(); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); /* Preinitialize the primary extension. */ pExt->pNext = NULL; pExt->pPrimary = pExt; pExt->iDevice = 0; pExt->ulFrameBufferOffset = 0; pExt->ulFrameBufferSize = 0; pExt->u.primary.ulVbvaEnabled = 0; VideoPortZeroMemory(&pExt->areaDisplay, sizeof(HGSMIAREA)); /* Guest supports only HGSMI, the old VBVA via VMMDev is not supported. Old * code will be ifdef'ed and later removed. * The host will however support both old and new interface to keep compatibility * with old guest additions. */ VBoxSetupDisplaysHGSMI(&pExt->u.primary.commonInfo, phVRAM, ulApertureSize, cbVRAM, 0); /* Check if the chip restricts horizontal resolution or not. * Must be done after VBoxSetupDisplaysHGSMI, because it initializes the common structure. */ VideoPortWritePortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, VBE_DISPI_INDEX_ID); VideoPortWritePortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, VBE_DISPI_ID_ANYX); DispiId = VideoPortReadPortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA); if (DispiId == VBE_DISPI_ID_ANYX) VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->fAnyX = TRUE; else VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->fAnyX = FALSE; if (pExt->u.primary.commonInfo.bHGSMI) { LOGREL(("using HGSMI")); VBoxCreateDisplays(pExt, ConfigInfo); } /** @todo pretend success to make the driver work. */ rc = NO_ERROR; LOGF_LEAVE(); VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(rc); return rc; } /* Initial device configuration. */ static BOOLEAN VBoxDrvInitialize(PVOID HwDeviceExtension) { PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; PAGED_CODE(); LOGF_ENTER(); /* Initialize the request pointer. */ pExt->u.primary.pvReqFlush = NULL; VBoxMPCmnInitCustomVideoModes(pExt); LOGF_LEAVE(); return TRUE; } /* VBoxDrvStartIO parameter check helper macros */ #define STARTIO_IN(_type, _name) \ _type *_name = (_type*) RequestPacket->InputBuffer; \ if (RequestPacket->InputBufferLength < sizeof(_type)) \ { \ WARN(("Input buffer too small %d/%d bytes", \ RequestPacket->InputBufferLength, sizeof(_type))); \ pStatus->Status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; \ break; \ } #define STARTIO_OUT(_type, _name) \ _type *_name = (_type*) RequestPacket->OutputBuffer; \ if (RequestPacket->OutputBufferLength < sizeof(_type)) \ { \ WARN(("Output buffer too small %d/%d bytes", \ RequestPacket->OutputBufferLength, sizeof(_type))); \ pStatus->Status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; \ break; \ } /* Process Video Request Packet. */ static BOOLEAN VBoxDrvStartIO(PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET RequestPacket) { PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; PSTATUS_BLOCK pStatus = RequestPacket->StatusBlock; BOOLEAN bResult = FALSE; PAGED_CODE(); LOGF(("IOCTL %#x, fn(%#x)", RequestPacket->IoControlCode, (RequestPacket->IoControlCode >> 2) & 0xFFF)); pStatus->Status = NO_ERROR; switch (RequestPacket->IoControlCode) { /* ==================== System VRPs ==================== */ /*Maps FrameBuffer and video RAM to a caller's virtual adress space.*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_MAP_VIDEO_MEMORY: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_MEMORY, pMemory); STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_MEMORY_INFORMATION, pMemInfo); bResult = VBoxMPMapVideoMemory(pExt, pMemory, pMemInfo, pStatus); break; } /*Unmaps previously mapped FrameBuffer and video RAM from caller's virtual adress space.*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_UNMAP_VIDEO_MEMORY: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_MEMORY, pMemory); bResult = VBoxMPUnmapVideoMemory(pExt, pMemory, pStatus); break; } /*Maps FrameBuffer as a linear frame buffer to a caller's virtual adress space. (obsolete)*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_SHARE_VIDEO_MEMORY: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY, pShareMemory); STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY_INFORMATION, pShareMemInfo); bResult = VBoxMPShareVideoMemory(pExt, pShareMemory, pShareMemInfo, pStatus); break; } /*Unmaps framebuffer previously mapped with IOCTL_VIDEO_SHARE_VIDEO_MEMORY*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_UNSHARE_VIDEO_MEMORY: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_SHARE_MEMORY, pShareMemory); bResult = VBoxMPUnshareVideoMemory(pExt, pShareMemory, pStatus); break; } /*Reset device to a state it comes at system boot time.*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_RESET_DEVICE: { bResult = VBoxMPResetDevice(pExt, pStatus); break; } /*Set adapter video mode.*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_CURRENT_MODE: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_MODE, pMode); bResult = VBoxMPSetCurrentMode(pExt, pMode, pStatus); break; } /*Returns information about current video mode.*/ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_CURRENT_MODE: { STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION, pModeInfo); bResult = VBoxMPQueryCurrentMode(pExt, pModeInfo, pStatus); break; } /* Returns count of supported video modes and structure size in bytes, * used to allocate buffer for the following IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_AVAIL_MODES call. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_NUM_AVAIL_MODES: { STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_NUM_MODES, pNumModes); bResult = VBoxMPQueryNumAvailModes(pExt, pNumModes, pStatus); break; } /* Returns information about supported video modes. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_AVAIL_MODES: { PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pModes = (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) RequestPacket->OutputBuffer; if (RequestPacket->OutputBufferLength < VBoxMPXpdmGetVideoModesCount(pExt)*sizeof(VIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION)) { pStatus->Status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; break; } bResult = VBoxMPQueryAvailModes(pExt, pModes, pStatus); break; } /* Sets adapter's color registers, have to be implemented if we support palette based modes. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_COLOR_REGISTERS: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_CLUT, pClut); if (RequestPacket->InputBufferLength < (sizeof(VIDEO_CLUT) + pClut->NumEntries * sizeof(ULONG))) { pStatus->Status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; break; } bResult = VBoxMPSetColorRegisters(pExt, pClut, pStatus); break; } /* Sets pointer attributes. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_ATTR: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES, pPointerAttrs); bResult = VBoxMPSetPointerAttr(pExt, pPointerAttrs, RequestPacket->InputBufferLength, pStatus); break; } /* Makes pointer visible. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_ENABLE_POINTER: { bResult = VBoxMPEnablePointer(pExt, TRUE, pStatus); break; } /* Hides pointer. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_DISABLE_POINTER: { bResult = VBoxMPEnablePointer(pExt, FALSE, pStatus); break; } /* Sets pointer position, is called after IOCTL_VIDEO_ENABLE_POINTER. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_POINTER_POSITION: { STARTIO_IN(VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION, pPos); NOREF(pPos); /** @todo set pointer position*/ bResult = VBoxMPEnablePointer(pExt, TRUE, pStatus); break; } /* Query pointer position. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_POINTER_POSITION: { STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_POINTER_POSITION, pPos); bResult = VBoxMPQueryPointerPosition(pExt, pPos, pStatus); break; } /* Query supported hardware pointer feaures. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_POINTER_CAPABILITIES: { STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_POINTER_CAPABILITIES, pCaps); bResult = VBoxMPQueryPointerCapabilities(pExt, pCaps, pStatus); break; } /* Query pointer attributes. (optional) */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_POINTER_ATTR: { STARTIO_OUT(VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES, pPointerAttrs); NOREF(pPointerAttrs); /* Not Implemented */ pStatus->Status = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; bResult = FALSE; break; } /* Called when a secondary adapter is about to be enabled/disabled. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_SWITCH_DUALVIEW: { STARTIO_IN(ULONG, pAttach); LOGF(("IOCTL_VIDEO_SWITCH_DUALVIEW: [%d] attach = %d", pExt->iDevice, *pAttach)); if (pExt->iDevice>0) { pExt->u.secondary.bEnabled = (BOOLEAN)(*pAttach); /* Inform the host. * Currently only about secondary devices, because the driver does not support * disconnecting the primary display (it does not allow to change the primary display). */ if (!pExt->u.secondary.bEnabled) { PVBOXMP_COMMON pCommon = VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt); if (pCommon->bHGSMI) { VBoxHGSMIProcessDisplayInfo(&pCommon->guestCtx, pExt->iDevice, /* cOriginX = */ 0, /* cOriginY = */ 0, /* offStart = */ 0, /* cbPitch = */ 0, /* cWidth = */ 0, /* cHeight = */ 0, /* cBPP = */ 0, VBVA_SCREEN_F_ACTIVE | VBVA_SCREEN_F_DISABLED); } } } bResult = TRUE; break; } /* Called to get child device status */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_GET_CHILD_STATE: { STARTIO_IN(ULONG, pChildIndex); STARTIO_OUT(ULONG, pChildState); LOGF(("IOCTL_VIDEO_GET_CHILD_STATE: [%d] idx = %d", pExt->iDevice, *pChildIndex)); if (*pChildIndex>0 && *pChildIndex<=(ULONG)VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->cDisplays) { *pChildState = VIDEO_CHILD_ACTIVE; pStatus->Information = sizeof(ULONG); bResult = TRUE; } else { pStatus->Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; bResult = FALSE; } break; } /* ==================== VirtualBox specific VRPs ==================== */ /* Called by the display driver when it is ready to switch to VBVA operation mode. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_VBVA_ENABLE: { STARTIO_IN(ULONG, pEnable); STARTIO_OUT(VBVAENABLERESULT, pResult); bResult = VBoxMPVBVAEnable(pExt, (BOOLEAN)*pEnable, pResult, pStatus); break; } /* Called by the display driver when it recieves visible regions information. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_VBOX_SETVISIBLEREGION: { STARTIO_IN(RTRECT, pRects); uint32_t cRects = RequestPacket->InputBufferLength/sizeof(RTRECT); /*Sanity check*/ if ( cRects > _1M || RequestPacket->InputBufferLength != cRects * sizeof(RTRECT)) { pStatus->Status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; break; } bResult = VBoxMPSetVisibleRegion(cRects, pRects, pStatus); break; } /* Returns video port api function pointers. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_HGSMI_QUERY_PORTPROCS: { STARTIO_OUT(HGSMIQUERYCPORTPROCS, pProcs); bResult = VBoxMPHGSMIQueryPortProcs(pExt, pProcs, pStatus); break; } /* Returns HGSMI related callbacks. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_HGSMI_QUERY_CALLBACKS: { STARTIO_OUT(HGSMIQUERYCALLBACKS, pCallbacks); bResult = VBoxMPHGSMIQueryCallbacks(pExt, pCallbacks, pStatus); break; } /* Returns hgsmi info for this adapter. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_HGSMI_INFO: { STARTIO_OUT(QUERYHGSMIRESULT, pResult); bResult = VBoxMPQueryHgsmiInfo(pExt, pResult, pStatus); break; } /* Enables HGSMI miniport channel. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_HGSMI_HANDLER_ENABLE: { STARTIO_IN(HGSMIHANDLERENABLE, pChannel); bResult = VBoxMPHgsmiHandlerEnable(pExt, pChannel, pStatus); break; } case IOCTL_VIDEO_HGSMI_HANDLER_DISABLE: { /** @todo not implemented */ break; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VIDEOHWACCEL /* Returns framebuffer offset. */ case IOCTL_VIDEO_VHWA_QUERY_INFO: { STARTIO_OUT(VHWAQUERYINFO, pInfo); bResult = VBoxMPVhwaQueryInfo(pExt, pInfo, pStatus); break; } #endif case IOCTL_VIDEO_VBOX_ISANYX: { STARTIO_OUT(uint32_t, pu32AnyX); *pu32AnyX = VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->fAnyX; pStatus->Information = sizeof (uint32_t); bResult = TRUE; break; } case IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_VBOXVIDEO_INFO: { STARTIO_IN(ULONG, pulInfoLevel); if (*pulInfoLevel == VBOXVIDEO_INFO_LEVEL_REGISTRY_FLAGS) { STARTIO_OUT(ULONG, pulFlags); bResult = VBoxMPQueryRegistryFlags(pExt, pulFlags, pStatus); } else { pStatus->Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; bResult = FALSE; } break; } default: { WARN(("unsupported IOCTL %#x, fn(%#x)", RequestPacket->IoControlCode, (RequestPacket->IoControlCode >> 2) & 0xFFF)); RequestPacket->StatusBlock->Status = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } } if (!bResult) { pStatus->Information = NULL; } VBOXMP_WARN_VPS(pStatus->Status); LOGF_LEAVE(); return TRUE; } /* Called to set out hardware into desired power state, not supported at the moment. * Required to return NO_ERROR always. */ static VP_STATUS VBoxDrvSetPowerState(PVOID HwDeviceExtension, ULONG HwId, PVIDEO_POWER_MANAGEMENT VideoPowerControl) { PAGED_CODE(); LOGF_ENTER(); /*Not implemented*/ RT_NOREF(HwDeviceExtension, HwId, VideoPowerControl); LOGF_LEAVE(); return NO_ERROR; } /* Called to check if our hardware supports given power state. */ static VP_STATUS VBoxDrvGetPowerState(PVOID HwDeviceExtension, ULONG HwId, PVIDEO_POWER_MANAGEMENT VideoPowerControl) { PAGED_CODE(); LOGF_ENTER(); /*Not implemented*/ RT_NOREF(HwDeviceExtension, HwId, VideoPowerControl); LOGF_LEAVE(); return NO_ERROR; } /* Called to enumerate child devices of our adapter, attached monitor(s) in our case */ static VP_STATUS VBoxDrvGetVideoChildDescriptor(PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVIDEO_CHILD_ENUM_INFO ChildEnumInfo, PVIDEO_CHILD_TYPE VideoChildType, PUCHAR pChildDescriptor, PULONG pUId, PULONG pUnused) { RT_NOREF(pChildDescriptor, pUnused); PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; PAGED_CODE(); LOGF_ENTER(); if (ChildEnumInfo->ChildIndex>0) { if ((int)ChildEnumInfo->ChildIndex <= VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->cDisplays) { *VideoChildType = Monitor; *pUId = ChildEnumInfo->ChildIndex; LOGF_LEAVE(); return VIDEO_ENUM_MORE_DEVICES; } } LOGF_LEAVE(); return ERROR_NO_MORE_DEVICES; } /* Called to reset adapter to a given character mode. */ static BOOLEAN VBoxDrvResetHW(PVOID HwDeviceExtension, ULONG Columns, ULONG Rows) { RT_NOREF(Columns, Rows); PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; LOGF_ENTER(); if (pExt->iDevice==0) /* Primary device */ { VideoPortWritePortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, VBE_DISPI_INDEX_ENABLE); VideoPortWritePortUshort((PUSHORT)VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, VBE_DISPI_DISABLED); #if 0 /* ResetHW is not the place to do such cleanup. See MSDN. */ if (pExt->u.primary.pvReqFlush != NULL) { VbglR0GRFree((VMMDevRequestHeader *)pExt->u.primary.pvReqFlush); pExt->u.primary.pvReqFlush = NULL; } VbglR0TerminateClient(); VBoxFreeDisplaysHGSMI(VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)); #endif } else { LOG(("ignoring non primary device %d", pExt->iDevice)); } LOGF_LEAVE(); /* Tell the system to use VGA BIOS to set the text video mode. */ return FALSE; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VIDEOHWACCEL static VOID VBoxMPHGSMIDpc(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVOID Context) { NOREF(Context); PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; VBoxHGSMIProcessHostQueue(&VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->hostCtx); } static BOOLEAN VBoxDrvInterrupt(PVOID HwDeviceExtension) { PVBOXMP_DEVEXT pExt = (PVBOXMP_DEVEXT) HwDeviceExtension; //LOGF_ENTER(); /* Check if it could be our IRQ*/ if (VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->hostCtx.pfHostFlags) { uint32_t flags = VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->hostCtx.pfHostFlags->u32HostFlags; if ((flags & HGSMIHOSTFLAGS_IRQ) != 0) { /* queue a DPC*/ BOOLEAN bResult = pExt->pPrimary->u.primary.VideoPortProcs.pfnQueueDpc(pExt->pPrimary, VBoxMPHGSMIDpc, NULL); if (!bResult) { LOG(("VideoPortQueueDpc failed!")); } /* clear the IRQ */ VBoxHGSMIClearIrq(&VBoxCommonFromDeviceExt(pExt)->hostCtx); //LOGF_LEAVE(); return TRUE; } } //LOGF_LEAVE(); return FALSE; } #endif /* Video Miniport Driver entry point */ ULONG DriverEntry(IN PVOID Context1, IN PVOID Context2) { PAGED_CODE(); int irc = RTR0Init(0); if (RT_FAILURE(irc)) { LogRel(("VBoxMP::failed to init IPRT (rc=%#x)", irc)); return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } LOGF_ENTER(); LOGREL(("VBox XPDM Driver for Windows version %d.%d.%dr%d, %d bit; Built %s %s", VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR, VBOX_VERSION_MINOR, VBOX_VERSION_BUILD, VBOX_SVN_REV, (sizeof (void*) << 3), __DATE__, __TIME__)); VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA vhwData; /*Zero the structure*/ VideoPortZeroMemory(&vhwData, sizeof(vhwData)); /*Required driver callbacks*/ vhwData.HwFindAdapter = VBoxDrvFindAdapter; vhwData.HwInitialize = VBoxDrvInitialize; vhwData.HwStartIO = VBoxDrvStartIO; vhwData.HwSetPowerState = VBoxDrvSetPowerState; vhwData.HwGetPowerState = VBoxDrvGetPowerState; vhwData.HwGetVideoChildDescriptor = VBoxDrvGetVideoChildDescriptor; /*Optional callbacks*/ vhwData.HwResetHw = VBoxDrvResetHW; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VIDEOHWACCEL vhwData.HwInterrupt = VBoxDrvInterrupt; #endif /*Our private storage space*/ vhwData.HwDeviceExtensionSize = sizeof(VBOXMP_DEVEXT); /*Claim legacy VGA resource ranges*/ vhwData.HwLegacyResourceList = g_aVBoxLegacyVGAResources; vhwData.HwLegacyResourceCount = RT_ELEMENTS(g_aVBoxLegacyVGAResources); /*Size of this structure changes between windows/ddk versions, *so we query current version and report the expected size *to allow our driver to be loaded. */ switch (VBoxQueryWinVersion(NULL)) { case WINVERSION_NT4: LOG(("WINVERSION_NT4")); vhwData.HwInitDataSize = SIZE_OF_NT4_VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA; break; case WINVERSION_2K: LOG(("WINVERSION_2K")); vhwData.HwInitDataSize = SIZE_OF_W2K_VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA; break; default: vhwData.HwInitDataSize = sizeof(VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA); break; } /*Even though msdn claims that this field is ignored and should remain zero-initialized, windows NT4 SP0 dies without the following line. */ vhwData.AdapterInterfaceType = PCIBus; /*Allocate system resources*/ ULONG rc = VideoPortInitialize(Context1, Context2, &vhwData, NULL); if (rc != NO_ERROR) LOG(("VideoPortInitialize failed with %#x", rc)); LOGF_LEAVE(); return rc; }