/** @file * PDM - Pluggable Device Manager, Core API. * * The 'Core API' has been put in a different header because everyone * is currently including pdm.h. So, pdm.h is for including all of the * PDM stuff, while pdmapi.h is for the core stuff. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef ___VBox_pdmapi_h #define ___VBox_pdmapi_h #include __BEGIN_DECLS /** @defgroup grp_pdm The Pluggable Device Manager API * @{ */ /** * Gets the pending interrupt. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pu8Interrupt Where to store the interrupt on success. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMGetInterrupt(PVM pVM, uint8_t *pu8Interrupt); /** * Sets the pending ISA interrupt. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param u8Irq The IRQ line. * @param u8Level The new level. See the PDM_IRQ_LEVEL_* \#defines. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMIsaSetIrq(PVM pVM, uint8_t u8Irq, uint8_t u8Level); /** * Sets the pending I/O APIC interrupt. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param u8Irq The IRQ line. * @param u8Level The new level. See the PDM_IRQ_LEVEL_* \#defines. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMIoApicSetIrq(PVM pVM, uint8_t u8Irq, uint8_t u8Level); /** * Set the APIC base. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param u64Base The new base. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMApicSetBase(PVM pVM, uint64_t u64Base); /** * Get the APIC base. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pu64Base Where to store the APIC base. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMApicGetBase(PVM pVM, uint64_t *pu64Base); /** * Set the TPR (task priority register?). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param u8TPR The new TPR. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMApicSetTPR(PVM pVM, uint8_t u8TPR); /** * Get the TPR (task priority register?). * * @returns The current TPR. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pu8TPR Where to store the TRP. */ PDMDECL(int) PDMApicGetTPR(PVM pVM, uint8_t *pu8TPR); #ifdef IN_RING3 /** @defgroup grp_pdm_r3 The PDM Host Context Ring-3 API * @ingroup grp_pdm * @{ */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3InitUVM(PUVM pUVM); PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3LdrLoadVMMR0U(PUVM pUVM); /** * Initializes the PDM. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to operate on. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3Init(PVM pVM); /** * This function will notify all the devices and their * attached drivers about the VM now being powered on. * * @param pVM VM Handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3PowerOn(PVM pVM); /** * This function will notify all the devices and their * attached drivers about the VM now being reset. * * @param pVM VM Handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3Reset(PVM pVM); /** * This function will notify all the devices and their * attached drivers about the VM now being suspended. * * @param pVM VM Handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3Suspend(PVM pVM); /** * This function will notify all the devices and their * attached drivers about the VM now being resumed. * * @param pVM VM Handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3Resume(PVM pVM); /** * This function will notify all the devices and their * attached drivers about the VM being powered off. * * @param pVM VM Handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3PowerOff(PVM pVM); /** * Applies relocations to GC modules. * * This must be done very early in the relocation * process so that components can resolve GC symbols during relocation. * * @param pUVM Pointer to the user mode VM structure. * @param offDelta Relocation delta relative to old location. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3LdrRelocateU(PUVM pUVM, RTGCINTPTR offDelta); /** * Applies relocations to data and code managed by this * component. This function will be called at init and * whenever the VMM need to relocate it self inside the GC. * * @param pVM VM handle. * @param offDelta Relocation delta relative to old location. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3Relocate(PVM pVM, RTGCINTPTR offDelta); /** * Terminates the PDM. * * Termination means cleaning up and freeing all resources, * the VM it self is at this point powered off or suspended. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to operate on. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3Term(PVM pVM); PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3TermUVM(PUVM pUVM); /** * Get the address of a symbol in a given HC ring-3 module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param ppvValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolR3(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, void **ppvValue); /** * Get the address of a symbol in a given HC ring-0 module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main R0 module (VMMR0.r0) is assumed. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param ppvValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolR0(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTR0PTR ppvValue); /** * Same as PDMR3GetSymbolR0 except that the module will be attempted loaded if not found. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main R0 module (VMMR0.r0) is assumed. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param ppvValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolR0Lazy(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTR0PTR ppvValue); /** * Loads a module into the guest context (i.e. into the Hypervisor memory region). * * The external (to PDM) use of this interface is to load VMMGC.gc. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM to load it into. * @param pszFilename Filename of the module binary. * @param pszName Module name. Case sensitive and the length is limited! */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3LoadGC(PVM pVM, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName); /** * Get the address of a symbol in a given GC module. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main GC module (VMMGC.gc) is assumed. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param pGCPtrValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolGC(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTGCPTR pGCPtrValue); /** * Same as PDMR3GetSymbolGC except that the module will be attempted loaded if not found. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszModule Module name. If NULL the main GC module (VMMGC.gc) is assumed. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name. If it's value is less than 64k it's treated like a * ordinal value rather than a string pointer. * @param pGCPtrValue Where to store the symbol value. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3GetSymbolGCLazy(PVM pVM, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, PRTGCPTR pGCPtrValue); /** * Queries module information from an EIP. * * This is typically used to locate a crash address. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle * @param uEIP EIP to locate. * @param pszModName Where to store the module name. * @param cchModName Size of the module name buffer. * @param pMod Base address of the module. * @param pszNearSym1 Name of the closes symbol from below. * @param cchNearSym1 Size of the buffer pointed to by pszNearSym1. * @param pNearSym1 The address of pszNearSym1. * @param pszNearSym2 Name of the closes symbol from below. * @param cchNearSym2 Size of the buffer pointed to by pszNearSym2. * @param pNearSym2 The address of pszNearSym2. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3QueryModFromEIP(PVM pVM, uint32_t uEIP, char *pszModName, unsigned cchModName, RTGCPTR *pMod, char *pszNearSym1, unsigned cchNearSym1, RTGCPTR *pNearSym1, char *pszNearSym2, unsigned cchNearSym2, RTGCPTR *pNearSym2); /** * Module enumeration callback function. * * @returns VBox status. * Failure will stop the search and return the return code. * Warnings will be ignored and not returned. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pszFilename Module filename. * @param pszName Module name. (short and unique) * @param ImageBase Address where to executable image is loaded. * @param cbImage Size of the executable image. * @param fGC Set if guest context, clear if host context. * @param pvArg User argument. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNPDMR3ENUM(PVM pVM, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName, RTUINTPTR ImageBase, size_t cbImage, bool fGC); /** Pointer to a FNPDMR3ENUM() function. */ typedef FNPDMR3ENUM *PFNPDMR3ENUM; /** * Enumerate all PDM modules. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pfnCallback Function to call back for each of the modules. * @param pvArg User argument. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3EnumModules(PVM pVM, PFNPDMR3ENUM pfnCallback, void *pvArg); /** * Queries the base interace of a device instance. * * The caller can use this to query other interfaces the device implements * and use them to talk to the device. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM handle. * @param pszDevice Device name. * @param iInstance Device instance. * @param ppBase Where to store the pointer to the base device interface on success. * @remark We're not doing any locking ATM, so don't try call this at times when the * device chain is known to be updated. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3QueryDevice(PVM pVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned iInstance, PPPDMIBASE ppBase); /** * Queries the base interface of a device LUN. * * This differs from PDMR3QueryLun by that it returns the interface on the * device and not the top level driver. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pszDevice Device name. * @param iInstance Device instance. * @param iLun The Logical Unit to obtain the interface of. * @param ppBase Where to store the base interface pointer. * @remark We're not doing any locking ATM, so don't try call this at times when the * device chain is known to be updated. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3QueryDeviceLun(PVM pVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned iInstance, unsigned iLun, PPPDMIBASE ppBase); /** * Query the interface of the top level driver on a LUN. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pszDevice Device name. * @param iInstance Device instance. * @param iLun The Logical Unit to obtain the interface of. * @param ppBase Where to store the base interface pointer. * @remark We're not doing any locking ATM, so don't try call this at times when the * device chain is known to be updated. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3QueryLun(PVM pVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned iInstance, unsigned iLun, PPPDMIBASE ppBase); /** * Attaches a preconfigured driver to an existing device instance. * * This is used to change drivers and suchlike at runtime. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pszDevice Device name. * @param iInstance Device instance. * @param iLun The Logical Unit to obtain the interface of. * @param ppBase Where to store the base interface pointer. Optional. * @thread EMT */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3DeviceAttach(PVM pVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned iInstance, unsigned iLun, PPPDMIBASE ppBase); /** * Detaches a driver chain from an existing device instance. * * This is used to change drivers and suchlike at runtime. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM VM Handle. * @param pszDevice Device name. * @param iInstance Device instance. * @param iLun The Logical Unit to obtain the interface of. * @thread EMT */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3DeviceDetach(PVM pVM, const char *pszDevice, unsigned iInstance, unsigned iLun); /** * Executes pending DMA transfers. * Forced Action handler. * * @param pVM VM handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3DmaRun(PVM pVM); /** * Call polling function. * * @param pVM VM handle. */ PDMR3DECL(void) PDMR3Poll(PVM pVM); /** * Service a VMMCALLHOST_PDM_LOCK call. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The VM handle. */ PDMR3DECL(int) PDMR3LockCall(PVM pVM); /** @} */ #endif #ifdef IN_GC /** @defgroup grp_pdm_gc The PDM Guest Context API * @ingroup grp_pdm * @{ */ /** @} */ #endif __END_DECLS /** @} */ #endif