/** @file * VBoxGuestLib - VirtualBox Guest Additions Library. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef ___VBox_VBoxGuestLib_h #define ___VBox_VBoxGuestLib_h #ifdef IN_RING0 # include /** @todo Try stop including in ring-0. */ # include /** @todo Why is this here?? */ #endif #include /** @defgroup grp_guest_lib VirtualBox Guest Additions Library * @{ */ /** @page pg_guest_lib VirtualBox Guest Library * * This is a library for abstracting the additions driver interface. There are * multiple versions of the library depending on the context. The main * distinction is between kernel and user mode where the interfaces are very * different. * * * @section sec_guest_lib_ring0 Ring-0 * * In ring-0 there are two version: * - VBOX_LIB_VBGL_R0_BASE / VBoxGuestR0LibBase for the VBoxGuest main driver, * who is responsible for managing the VMMDev virtual hardware. * - VBOX_LIB_VBGL_R0 / VBoxGuestR0Lib for other (client) guest drivers. * * * The library source code and the header have a define VBGL_VBOXGUEST, which is * defined for VBoxGuest and undefined for other drivers. Drivers must choose * right library in their makefiles and set VBGL_VBOXGUEST accordingly. * * The libraries consists of: * - common code to be used by both VBoxGuest and other drivers; * - VBoxGuest specific code; * - code for other drivers which communicate with VBoxGuest via an IOCTL. * * * @section sec_guest_lib_ring3 Ring-3 * * There are more variants of the library here: * - VBOX_LIB_VBGL_R3 / VBoxGuestR3Lib for programs. * - VBOX_LIB_VBGL_R3_XFREE86 / VBoxGuestR3LibXFree86 for old style XFree * drivers which uses special loader and or symbol resolving strategy. * - VBOX_LIB_VBGL_R3_SHARED / VBoxGuestR3LibShared for shared objects / DLLs / * Dylibs. * */ RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** @defgroup grp_guest_lib_r0 Ring-0 interface. * @{ */ #if defined(IN_RING0) && !defined(IN_RING0_AGNOSTIC) # define DECLVBGL(type) type VBOXCALL typedef uint32_t VBGLIOPORT; /**< @todo r=bird: We have RTIOPORT (uint16_t) for this. */ # ifdef VBGL_VBOXGUEST /** * The library initialization function to be used by the main * VBoxGuest system driver. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglInit (VBGLIOPORT portVMMDev, VMMDevMemory *pVMMDevMemory); # else /** * The library initialization function to be used by all drivers * other than the main VBoxGuest system driver. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglInit (void); # endif /** * The library termination function. */ DECLVBGL(void) VbglTerminate (void); /** @name Generic request functions. * @{ */ /** * Allocate memory for generic request and initialize the request header. * * @param ppReq pointer to resulting memory address. * @param cbSize size of memory block required for the request. * @param reqType the generic request type. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglGRAlloc (VMMDevRequestHeader **ppReq, uint32_t cbSize, VMMDevRequestType reqType); /** * Perform the generic request. * * @param pReq pointer the request structure. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglGRPerform (VMMDevRequestHeader *pReq); /** * Free the generic request memory. * * @param pReq pointer the request structure. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(void) VbglGRFree (VMMDevRequestHeader *pReq); /** @} */ # ifdef VBOX_WITH_HGCM # ifdef VBGL_VBOXGUEST /** * Callback function called from HGCM helpers when a wait for request * completion IRQ is required. * * @param pvData VBoxGuest pointer to be passed to callback. * @param u32Data VBoxGuest 32 bit value to be passed to callback. */ typedef DECLVBGL(void) VBGLHGCMCALLBACK(VMMDevHGCMRequestHeader *pHeader, void *pvData, uint32_t u32Data); /** * Perform a connect request. That is locate required service and * obtain a client identifier for future access. * * @note This function can NOT handle cancelled requests! * * @param pConnectInfo The request data. * @param pAsyncCallback Required pointer to function that is called when * host returns VINF_HGCM_ASYNC_EXECUTE. VBoxGuest * implements waiting for an IRQ in this function. * @param pvAsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest pointer to be passed to callback. * @param u32AsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest 32 bit value to be passed to callback. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMConnect (VBoxGuestHGCMConnectInfo *pConnectInfo, VBGLHGCMCALLBACK *pAsyncCallback, void *pvAsyncData, uint32_t u32AsyncData); /** * Perform a disconnect request. That is tell the host that * the client will not call the service anymore. * * @note This function can NOT handle cancelled requests! * * @param pDisconnectInfo The request data. * @param pAsyncCallback Required pointer to function that is called when * host returns VINF_HGCM_ASYNC_EXECUTE. VBoxGuest * implements waiting for an IRQ in this function. * @param pvAsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest pointer to be passed to callback. * @param u32AsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest 32 bit value to be passed to callback. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMDisconnect (VBoxGuestHGCMDisconnectInfo *pDisconnectInfo, VBGLHGCMCALLBACK *pAsyncCallback, void *pvAsyncData, uint32_t u32AsyncData); /** Call a HGCM service. * * @note This function can deal with cancelled requests. * * @param pCallInfo The request data. * @param pAsyncCallback Required pointer to function that is called when * host returns VINF_HGCM_ASYNC_EXECUTE. VBoxGuest * implements waiting for an IRQ in this function. * @param pvAsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest pointer to be passed to callback. * @param u32AsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest 32 bit value to be passed to callback. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMCall (VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo *pCallInfo, VBGLHGCMCALLBACK *pAsyncCallback, void *pvAsyncData, uint32_t u32AsyncData); /** Call a HGCM service. (32 bits packet structure in a 64 bits guest) * * @note This function can deal with cancelled requests. * * @param pCallInfo The request data. * @param pAsyncCallback Required pointer to function that is called when * host returns VINF_HGCM_ASYNC_EXECUTE. VBoxGuest * implements waiting for an IRQ in this function. * @param pvAsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest pointer to be passed to callback. * @param u32AsyncData An arbitrary VBoxGuest 32 bit value to be passed to callback. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMCall32 (VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo *pCallInfo, VBGLHGCMCALLBACK *pAsyncCallback, void *pvAsyncData, uint32_t u32AsyncData); # else /* !VBGL_VBOXGUEST */ struct VBGLHGCMHANDLEDATA; typedef struct VBGLHGCMHANDLEDATA *VBGLHGCMHANDLE; /** @name HGCM functions * @{ */ /** * Connect to a service. * * @param pHandle Pointer to variable that will hold a handle to be used * further in VbglHGCMCall and VbglHGCMClose. * @param pData Connection information structure. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMConnect (VBGLHGCMHANDLE *pHandle, VBoxGuestHGCMConnectInfo *pData); /** * Connect to a service. * * @param handle Handle of the connection. * @param pData Disconnect request information structure. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMDisconnect (VBGLHGCMHANDLE handle, VBoxGuestHGCMDisconnectInfo *pData); /** * Call to a service. * * @param handle Handle of the connection. * @param pData Call request information structure, including function parameters. * @param cbData Length in bytes of data. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMCall (VBGLHGCMHANDLE handle, VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfo *pData, uint32_t cbData); /** * Call to a service with timeout. * * @param handle Handle of the connection. * @param pData Call request information structure, including function parameters. * @param cbData Length in bytes of data. * @param cMillies Timeout in milliseconds. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever. * * @return VBox status code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglHGCMCallTimed (VBGLHGCMHANDLE handle, VBoxGuestHGCMCallInfoTimed *pData, uint32_t cbData); /** @} */ # endif /* !VBGL_VBOXGUEST */ # endif /* VBOX_WITH_HGCM */ /** * Initialize the heap. * * @return VBox error code. */ DECLVBGL(int) VbglPhysHeapInit (void); /** * Shutdown the heap. */ DECLVBGL(void) VbglPhysHeapTerminate (void); /** * Allocate a memory block. * * @param cbSize Size of block to be allocated. * @return Virtual address of allocated memory block. */ DECLVBGL(void *) VbglPhysHeapAlloc (uint32_t cbSize); /** * Get physical address of memory block pointed by * the virtual address. * * @note WARNING! * The function does not acquire the Heap mutex! * When calling the function make sure that * the pointer is a valid one and is not being * deallocated. * This function can NOT be used for verifying * if the given pointer is a valid one allocated * from the heap. * * * @param p Virtual address of memory block. * @return Physical memory block. */ DECLVBGL(RTCCPHYS) VbglPhysHeapGetPhysAddr (void *p); /** * Free a memory block. * * @param p Virtual address of memory block. */ DECLVBGL(void) VbglPhysHeapFree (void *p); DECLVBGL(int) VbglQueryVMMDevMemory (VMMDevMemory **ppVMMDevMemory); #endif /* IN_RING0 && !IN_RING0_AGNOSTIC */ /** @} */ /** @defgroup grp_guest_lib_r3 Ring-3 interface. * @{ */ #ifdef IN_RING3 /** @def VBGLR3DECL * Ring 3 VBGL declaration. * @param type The return type of the function declaration. */ # define VBGLR3DECL(type) type VBOXCALL /** @name General-purpose functions * @{ */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3Init(void); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3InitUser(void); VBGLR3DECL(void) VbglR3Term(void); # ifdef ___iprt_time_h VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GetHostTime(PRTTIMESPEC pTime); # endif VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3InterruptEventWaits(void); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3WriteLog(const char *pch, size_t cb); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3CtlFilterMask(uint32_t fOr, uint32_t fNot); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3Daemonize(bool fNoChDir, bool fNoClose); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3PidFile(const char *pszPath, PRTFILE phFile); VBGLR3DECL(void) VbglR3ClosePidFile(const char *pszPath, RTFILE hFile); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SetGuestCaps(uint32_t fOr, uint32_t fNot); /** @} */ /** @name Shared clipboard * @{ */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3ClipboardConnect(uint32_t *pu32ClientId); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3ClipboardDisconnect(uint32_t u32ClientId); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3ClipboardGetHostMsg(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t *pMsg, uint32_t *pfFormats); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3ClipboardReadData(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t fFormat, void *pv, uint32_t cb, uint32_t *pcb); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3ClipboardReportFormats(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t fFormats); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3ClipboardWriteData(uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t fFormat, void *pv, uint32_t cb); /** @} */ /** @name Seamless mode * @{ */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SeamlessSetCap(bool fState); # ifdef VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_SHAPE /** @todo Move common structures/enums out of VBoxGuest.h or/and the externalize the IOCtl interface... Whatever works, just try keep the amout of lowevel mess exposed here to a minimum. */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SeamlessWaitEvent(VMMDevSeamlessMode *pMode); # endif VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SeamlessSendRects(uint32_t cRects, PRTRECT pRects); /** @} */ /** @name Mouse * @{ */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GetMouseStatus(uint32_t *pfFeatures, uint32_t *px, uint32_t *py); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SetMouseStatus(uint32_t fFeatures); /** @} */ /** @name Video * @{ */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3VideoAccelEnable(bool fEnable); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3VideoAccelFlush(void); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SetPointerShape(uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t xHot, uint32_t yHot, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy, const void *pvImg, size_t cbImg); # ifdef VBOX_MOUSE_POINTER_SHAPE /** @todo Move common structures/enums out of VBoxGuest.h or/and the externalize the IOCtl interface... Whatever works, just try keep the amout of lowevel mess exposed here to a minimum. */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SetPointerShapeReq(VMMDevReqMousePointer *pReq); # endif /** @} */ /** @name Display * @{ */ VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GetLastDisplayChangeRequest(uint32_t *pcx, uint32_t *pcy, uint32_t *pcBits, uint32_t *piDisplay); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3DisplayChangeWaitEvent(uint32_t *pcx, uint32_t *pcy, uint32_t *pcBits, uint32_t *piDisplay); VBGLR3DECL(bool) VbglR3HostLikesVideoMode(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy, uint32_t cBits); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SaveVideoMode(const char *pszName, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy, uint32_t cBits); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3RetrieveVideoMode(const char *pszName, uint32_t *pcx, uint32_t *pcy, uint32_t *pcBits); /** @} */ # ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS /** @name Guest properties * @{ */ /** @todo Docs. */ typedef struct VBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM VBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM; /** @todo Docs. */ typedef VBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM *PVBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM; VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropConnect(uint32_t *pu32ClientId); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropDisconnect(uint32_t u32ClientId); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropWrite(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName, const char *pszValue, const char *pszFlags); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropWriteValue(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName, const char *pszValue); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropWriteValueV(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName, const char *pszValueFormat, va_list va); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropWriteValueF(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName, const char *pszValueFormat, ...); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropRead(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, char **ppszValue, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, char **ppszFlags, uint32_t *pcbBufActual); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropReadValue(uint32_t ClientId, const char *pszName, char *pszValue, uint32_t cchValue, uint32_t *pcchValueActual); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropReadValueAlloc(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszName, char **ppszValue); VBGLR3DECL(void) VbglR3GuestPropReadValueFree(char *pszValue); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropEnumRaw(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *paszPatterns, char *pcBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbBufActual); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropEnum(uint32_t u32ClientId, char const * const *ppaszPatterns, uint32_t cPatterns, PVBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM *ppHandle, char const **ppszName, char const **ppszValue, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, char const **ppszFlags); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropEnumNext(PVBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM pHandle, char const **ppszName, char const **ppszValue, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, char const **ppszFlags); VBGLR3DECL(void) VbglR3GuestPropEnumFree(PVBGLR3GUESTPROPENUM pHandle); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropDelSet(uint32_t u32ClientId, char const * const *papszPatterns, uint32_t cPatterns); VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GuestPropWait(uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszPatterns, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint64_t u64Timestamp, uint32_t u32Timeout, char ** ppszName, char **ppszValue, uint64_t *pu64Timestamp, char **ppszFlags, uint32_t *pcbBufActual); /** @} */ # endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS defined */ #endif /* IN_RING3 */ /** @} */ RT_C_DECLS_END /** @} */ #endif