= !VirtualBox Knowledge Base = The !VirtualBox knowledge base is a database of common questions along with their answers and should be consulted every time you run into a problem that is not described in the product manual. The knowledge base is updated on a daily basis and it is best to use the search feature of the site to find suitable information. * If you get '''permission problems''' directly after an installation on a a Linux host, make sure that your user account is listed in the vboxusers group. The installation takes care creating that group, but you will need to manually add all users to it that should be allowed to run VirtualBox. As root, for each such user, run "usermod -G vboxusers -a ". If any of the affected users are currently logged in, they need to log out for the changes to take effect. In case any user already attempted to start VirtualBox before logging out (which launches the VBoxSVC service process with incorrect permissions), that user additionally needs to run "VirtualBox shutdown" from the command line to terminate the service. This solves the permission problems. (Alternatively, a reboot will help as well.)