= How to create a core dump = A core dump is very helpful for helping us tracking down crashes of !VirtualBox. To create a core dump, start !VirtualBox from a command line (e.g. xterm): {{{ ulimit -c unlimited VirtualBox }}} Ensure that '''no''' startup script (`~/.bashrc`, `~/.bash_profile`, `~/.profile`) contains an instruction like `ulimit -c 0` as the limit cannot be increased once it was set to zero. Starting with version 2.0.0, the !VirtualBox processes are started `suid root`. Therefore do {{{ echo -n 1 > /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable }}} before starting the VM/GUI. When !VirtualBox crashes, a file core. is created in the current directory. Be aware that core dumps can be very huge. Please compress the file before submitting it to a bug report. Or better don't attach the file to a report. Note that this core dump can contain a memory dump of your guest which can include sensitive information. Send it to frank _dot_ mehnert at sun _dot_ com if the compressed file is smaller than 5MB. Contact me directly otherwise.