
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#6463 closed defect (obsolete)

USB devices not automatically picked up by guest on Mac OSX host — at Version 3

Reported by: Wayne Sundmacher Owned by:
Component: USB Version: VirtualBox 3.1.6
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: Mac OS X

Description (last modified by Frank Mehnert)

This is a minor annoyance bug, similar to an issue with VBox 3.1.2 on a MAC OSX host.

Upon startup of the guest machine, some USB devices are not automatically picked up by the guest. Unplugging the USB device and plugging it back in has mixed results. Sometimes it's picked up, sometimes not. Repeated unplugging and re-connecting of the USB device will eventually work.

My configuration:

Host -

OS: MAC OSX 10.5.8
Model: MacBook 4.1
Processor: 2.1 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM

Guest -

OS: Windows Xp Pro Service Pack 3

USB Devices -

Mouse: Leapmaker 1600 DPI
Controller: Logitech Dual Action Gamepad G-UF13A
Card Reader: Lexar Media USB 2.0 Multi-Card Reader

The mouse has never given me a problem, but the Gamepad and Card Reader have this issue. The Gamepad has it's own USB Filter, which is very specific to it's info (though this doesn't seem to matter, I've tried it with a non-specific filter with the same results). The Card Reader uses the ALL USB Devices filter.

Change History (4)

by Wayne Sundmacher, 14 years ago


comment:1 by Wayne Sundmacher, 14 years ago

As stated above, there is mention of a similar issue in these old bug tracker tickets:
Ticket #6199 - VBox 3.1.4
Ticket #5879 - VBox 3.1.2

In ticket #6199, this issue is mentioned in the comments when it is suggested to revert to 3.1.2
This issue is not the main issue for that ticket #

comment:2 by George Buseman, 13 years ago

I am having the same problem with Win 7, OSX 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo

The CAC Card reader works on XP if I unplug and then plug in, but not at all on Win 7.

comment:3 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed
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