
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#5526 closed defect (obsolete)

Sun Ethernet driver breaking Cannon Network printing — at Version 3

Reported by: Steve Lee Owned by:
Component: host support Version: VirtualBox 3.0.12
Keywords: Ethernet Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Windows

Description (last modified by aeichner)

This problem is not with running a guest or VM but with the Sun network drivers that get installed with VirtualBox.

During installation I said yes to the 3/4 options to install devices and then created a Guest (for a ChromeOS vmdk). I played with this then exited. When I tried to print to my Cannon MX850 networked printer (from the host as usual) the files just got queued up. So I went into Device driver and un-installed the VirtualBox Sun Ethernet driver and printing was restored.

It may be useful to know that the Cisco VPN client causes similar problems when connected. Perhaps some issue specific to Canon IJ networking?

This appears to be related to #4670 & #5455

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Steve Lee, 15 years ago

It was the the host-only and last in the list of drivers in Device manager, after Cisco VPN and hardware driver. I uninstalled with a right-click and uninstall.

Having now uninstalled and re installed using the same setup exe it now works so I cannot explain the issue. Perhaps I should have rebooted after installing?

Note in order to resinstall the driver I used the repair option. Though this offered to install the Network driver and all appeared OK the network driver was not installed. It also required a reset that was not need in the original install. I had to uninstall and re install to get the driver back

comment:2 by Steve Lee, 15 years ago

Today after a reboot printing is again broken. The queue manager thinks it is of line. So I disabled the host-only driver and all is well again.

I noticed that in device manager the icon has a little arrow on it which seems to indicate it is disabled. The Cisco VPN driver is also disabled and seems to get enabled when the client application is used to connect. That makes me think you could do something similar, only enabling the driver when a VM runs. However that will not help printing from the host when running a VM so is an incomplete solution

comment:3 by aeichner, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed

Please reopen if still relevant with a recent VirtualBox release.

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