
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#4735 closed defect (fixed)

Harddisk Error — at Version 6

Reported by: Moquet Owned by:
Component: virtual disk Version: VirtualBox 3.0.4
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other

Description (last modified by aeichner)

I had to kill my virtual machine because it hangs with an USB Problem. After that, VirtualBox was unable to access the harddisk with following error: VERR_VD_VHD_INVALID_ERR (the virtual disk was originally created for virtual pc. After unmounting the disk and trying to mount it again, I got another error VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED (see attached snapshot).

In a second step, I tried to boot with virtual pc. It works! The virtual disk seems not to be really corrupt.

Change History (8)

by Moquet, 15 years ago

Attachment: snapshot_open_failure.png added

Error by opening the virtual harddisk

by Moquet, 15 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added

The logfile

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 15 years ago

The VBox.log file you attached shows that you were able to boot the VM with the .vhd file attached. Does it work now again after you booted the image with VirtualPC or is that a log file from the time before the problem occurred?

comment:2 by Frank Mehnert, 15 years ago

Furthermore, I guess the error was VERR_VD_VHD_INVALID_HEADER not VERR_VD_VHD_INVALID_ERR, right?

comment:3 by Moquet, 15 years ago

  • No, it didn't work again with virtual box after having successfully booted under virtual pc
  • The attached Vbox.log is the lastest logfile available. This is from the day, where I have succesfully booted my virtual machine for the last time before the crash.

comment:4 by aeichner, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This should be fixed since some time now (the latest 3.0 release has it already). The header to identify a VHD image is at the end of the file. This gets overwritten if a new block is allocated and wasn't written immediately. If the VBox process crashes the header will be missing and VBox can't detect the format anymore.

comment:5 by simo, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened


I'm in the same situation. I had to restart my computer when virtualbox was running because it was frozen ...

I use VB 4.1.14 on Ubuntu Precise Pangolin.

Échec de l'ouverture de session pour la machine virtuelle Windows7.

Could not open the medium '/home/xxx/img.VHD'.

VD: error VERR_VD_VHD_INVALID_HEADER opening image file '/home/xxx/img.VHD' (VERR_VD_VHD_INVALID_HEADER).

Code d'erreur : NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Composant : Medium
Interface : IMedium {53f9cc0c-e0fd-40a5-a404-a7a5272082cd}

here is the log content :

VirtualBox 4.1.14 r77440 linux.amd64 (Apr 25 2012 22:39:06) release log
00:00:00.416 Log opened 2012-05-10T10:26:26.754487000Z
00:00:00.416 OS Product: Linux
00:00:00.416 OS Release: 3.2.0-24-generic
00:00:00.416 OS Version: #37-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 25 08:43:22 UTC 2012
00:00:00.416 DMI Product Name: VPCEB4C5E
00:00:00.416 DMI Product Version: C6082KGP
00:00:00.417 Host RAM: 5824MB RAM, available: 2801MB
00:00:00.417 Executable: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox
00:00:00.417 Process ID: 30807
00:00:00.417 Package type: LINUX_64BITS_UBUNTU_12_04
00:00:00.639 Installed Extension Packs:
00:00:00.640   None installed!
00:00:00.645 Your keyboard layout does not appear to be fully supported by
00:00:00.645 VirtualBox. If you would like to help us improve the product,
00:00:00.645 please submit a bug report and attach this logfile.
00:00:00.645 (Note: please ignore this if you are using a custom layout.)
00:00:00.645 The correct table for your layout is:
00:00:00.645 "\xb2\xb3","&1","\xe9""2","\"3","'4","(5","-6","\xe8""7","_8","\xe7""9","\xe0""0",")\xb0","=+",
00:00:00.645 "aA","zZ","eE","rR","tT","yY","uU","iI","oO","pP","RW","$\xa3",
00:00:00.646 "qQ","sS","dD","fF","gG","hH","jJ","kK","lL","mM","\xf9%","*\xb5",
00:00:00.646 "wW","xX","cC","vV","bB","nN",",?",";.",":/","!\xa7","<>","\x0\x0","\x0\x0"
00:00:00.646 Using XKB for keycode to scan code conversion
00:00:00.852 Power up failed (vrc=VINF_SUCCESS, rc=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0X80004005))

Is there any chance to correct that? Thanks in advance

I haven't try opening it with VMWare yet.

comment:6 by aeichner, 11 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

You can repair the VHD image with "VBoxmanage internalcommands repairhd --filename <vhd image> --format VHD". VHD images have a footer at the end which gets overwritten when the image is expanded.

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