
Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#3348 new enhancement

Small icons/treeview for guest list

Reported by: sej7278 Owned by:
Component: GUI Version: VirtualBox 2.1.2
Keywords: small, icon, toolbar, tree Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Linux


See also

I propose a text-only, or small icons version of the guest VM list, as you can only get about 16 guests into a 1280x1024 desktop with the VirtualBox window maximised (smaller icons for the rest of the GUI and unsnapping status/toolbars would help here too).

How about an expand/collapse system (Qt4 Tree widget?) so you could have a folder for Windows, a folder for Linux, a folder for Solaris etc.

Also how about a way to change the sort order - at the moment its alphabetical, how about being able to sort by OS or last access date?

I think a good idea would be to make the guest list more like Nautilus or Windows Explorer, treating the guests like files/folders.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Technologov, 15 years ago

Yes, very interesting idea to make the view customizable.



comment:2 by ghr, 15 years ago

+1 / ghr

comment:3 by Technologov, 15 years ago

This one is still relevant as of VBox 3.1.0

comment:4 by sej7278, 13 years ago

Here we are at 4.0.2 and this still hasn't been implemented

comment:5 by iron77, 8 years ago

A bit of necrobump, but I would love to see this feature as well. As soon as the number of guests gets bigger than just a few, the VM list interface feels cluttered and unusable. It would be great to be able to switch to simple list view.

Edit: Using already implemented in the VirtualBox, "Grouping" functionality already helps a lot with the usability of the VM list. With this possibility, I guess we can live without small icons view.

Version 2, edited 8 years ago by iron77 (previous) (next) (diff)
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