
Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2897 closed defect

v 2.1 screws up Windows keyboard mapping when shutting down a guest OS — at Initial Version

Reported by: Al Bar Owned by:
Component: GUI/seamless Version: VirtualBox 2.1.0
Keywords: keyboad problem Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Windows


I just upgraded to 2.1, and I find that when I save the state of a guest OS (to close it) something mysterious happens to my laptop.

The keyboard mapping becomes "confused" and assigns random functions to certain keys. For example, the escape key becomes the same as the "Windows" key. It's not always the same key that is affected.

The only work around I have found is to call up the windows language bar to assign a random keyboard mapping, then I can revert back to US and every seems fine after that.

This problem started when I upgraded to 2.1, it never occured with 2.0.4

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