13 | | 00:06:51.827451 GIM: KVM: Resetting MSRs |
14 | | 00:06:51.828386 vmmR3LogFlusher: Terminating (VERR_OBJECT_DESTROYED) |
15 | | 00:06:51.828422 Changing the VM state from 'DESTROYING' to 'TERMINATED' |
16 | | 00:06:51.830517 Console: Machine state changed to 'Saved' |
17 | | 00:06:51.835574 GUI: Request to close Runtime UI because VM is powered off already. |
18 | | 00:06:51.835590 GUI: Passing request to close Runtime UI from UI session to UI machine. |
19 | | 00:06:51.836672 GUI: UICommon: Handling aboutToQuit request.. |
20 | | 00:06:52.848666 GUI: UICommon: aboutToQuit request handled! |
| 13 | 00:01:53.321212 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state really changed, notifying listeners |
| 14 | 00:01:53.321446 GUI: UIMachineViewNormal::adjustGuestScreenSize: Adjust guest-screen size if necessary |
| 15 | 00:01:53.321528 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners |
| 16 | 00:01:53.321534 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=1, Machine-state=6 |
| 17 | 00:01:53.321554 GUI: UISession::sltAdditionsChange: GA state change event came, notifying listeners |
| 18 | 00:01:53.321559 GUI: UIMachineLogicNormal::sltCheckForRequestedVisualStateType: Requested-state=1, Machine-state=6 |
| 19 | 00:02:12.170204 VMMDev: Guest Log: Shared Clipboard: WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE failed with VERR_ACCESS_DENIED |
| 20 | 00:02:39.408595 Console: Machine state changed to 'OnlineSnapshotting' |
| 21 | 00:02:39.429124 Saving state of VM, reason 'Snapshot' |
| 22 | 00:02:39.429176 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'SUSPENDING' |
| 23 | 00:02:39.433766 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished! |
| 24 | 00:02:40.400456 PDMR3Suspend: 971 230 656 ns run time |
| 25 | 00:02:40.400471 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDING' to 'SUSPENDED' |
| 26 | 00:02:40.400781 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'SAVING' |
| 27 | 00:04:13.173796 SSM: Cancelled pending operation |
| 28 | 00:06:25.454237 GUI: UIMachineView::sltPerformGuestResize: Omitting to send size-hint 1279x959 to guest-screen 0 because frame-buffer is already of the same size. |
| 29 | 00:06:25.482005 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished! |
| 30 | 00:06:26.916666 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished! |
| 31 | 00:06:50.302280 GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Medium-enumeration finished! |
| 32 | 00:06:51.257090 VMMDevNotifyGuest: fAddEvents=0x80 ignored because enmVMState=18 |
| 33 | |