
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#11066 closed defect (fixed)

OSX-Guest on VirtualBox

Reported by: typoworx Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 4.2.0
Keywords: OSX Guest Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


I installed OSX on a previous Version of Virtualbox 4.2 and was able to get it running using Original Install-CD using EFI-Mode in Virtualbox.

Since upgrading to VirtualBox 4.2.0 which seems to have an upgraded/altered EFI-Interface (new Menu?) I cannot boot into OSX any more.

Instead of booting EFI (either OSX-CD or existing OSX-System from VDI) I see the UEFI Helper-System coming up...

Is there any info on this bug yet? I see some errors showing up shortly while the VirtualBox BIOS Screen is shown.

Btw. I'm using the Windows-Binary (Windows PC).

Attachments (2)

I7ay.jpeg (73.8 KB ) - added by typoworx 12 years ago.
Virtualbox Bootup throwing some errors (see left upper corner)
I7aK.jpeg (74.7 KB ) - added by typoworx 12 years ago.
Screenshot of UEFI Boot -- here usually my OSX-Guest would boot-up…

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

comment:1 by vasily Levchenko, 12 years ago

Could you please attach your log and what do you mean by "cannot boot" (UEFI command line, OSX kernel panic)?

by typoworx, 12 years ago

Attachment: I7ay.jpeg added

Virtualbox Bootup throwing some errors (see left upper corner)

by typoworx, 12 years ago

Attachment: I7aK.jpeg added

Screenshot of UEFI Boot -- here usually my OSX-Guest would boot-up...

comment:2 by typoworx, 12 years ago

See the screenshots attached above. It was not easy to catch the first one (VirtualBox BIOS)... on the 2nd. Screenshot I previously had a working OSX-Boot progress. It was working on a previous version of VirtualBox (Sorry, cannot say which one I had before the upgrade).

comment:3 by vasily Levchenko, 12 years ago

comment:4 by vasily Levchenko, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:5 by typoworx, 12 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed Please backtrack...

I can agree that Version 4.2.1 seems to have fixed the errors thrown in the screenshots that have been attached.

BUT the OSX Guest-Machine (using EFI-Mode) still doesn't boot properly. It runs into something like a kernel error.

To be shure there is no configuration mistake (since the upgrade to 4.2.x) I've downgraded VirtualBox back to latest 4.1.22 (r80657) and voila - the OSX Guest worked again without any change to the VBox configuration!

So there still must be any other error that blocks booting of OSX/EFI Guests on 4.2.x.

Is there anybody who can confirm/disconfirm that? If there is anybody able to run OSX Guests using EFI please let us know how.

So please re-open these bugtrack...

BTW: I also tried the EFI-Hacks for X86 Machines using a tiny Bootloader-ISO that should help PC's running (Intel-based) OSX-Guests without EFI (also known as "Hackintosh" Loaders). But none of these tools worked yet for me (tested on real PC and VirtualBox).

Last edited 12 years ago by typoworx (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Graham Perrin, 12 years ago

This is a significant, and most welcome change.

Please, is the changeset reference known?

fixed in 4.2.1

Is it too late to improve the changelog for 4.2.2?

Thanks :-)

General public awareness

In #9388 I was unaware of the improvements –

Support Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Guest

(Side note: in an earlier edition of this comment I was a bit stroppy. It was misplaced anger, a reaction to bad manners that were shown to me in a different area of the domain. This ticket with its fix was a rotten place for me to throw a strop – sorry!)

Last edited 12 years ago by Graham Perrin (previous) (diff)
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